Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, October 09, 1835, Image 1

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VOL. IX. PUBLISHED EVERY OTHER DAY, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M. Howard's Brick Buildings opposite the Post Office, MTntosh Street. D I It E CT ION S . Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Execti tors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten tn the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court- House of the county in which the property is situated. Notice of those sales must be given m a public Gazette SIXTY days previous to the day of sale. Notices of the sale of personal property must he given in like manner, FOR I'Y days previous to the tlay of sale. Notices to the debtors and creditors of an e-tate, must oe published for FORTY days. Notic/s that application will be made to the Court of Drdidary for leave to sell land, must be published for FOUR MONTHS. Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be published for FOUR MON THS before any order absolute shall be made tieredn by the conn. TJr ORDERED, that the eight section of the general ordinance be published and strictly en forced, and that the street officer and other offi cers of the Council, report all offenders: It shall be the duty of Lot holders, and those i having charge of Lots, to keep them clean and dry. They shall permit no cellar or sink to contain water. They shall fill up all low pla ces within their enclosure, in such manner as to piss into the streets. It shall also be their duty, and they are hereby required on every day, ex cept the sabbath, loremove from their lots all decayed and decaying vegetable and animal substances, and in general, everything tend -1 ing to corrupt the air, and to place the same in i the streets opposite their lots, and twenty feet from the boundary, between day light and nine o’clock in the morning; and no person shall ‘Throw trash or filth into the streets from their ■lots any other time than between day light and ferine o’clock, A. M. nor on the Sabath day. GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. GOLD MACHINERY. THE undersigned, having purchased the one half of Rosworth’s Patent for extract ing Gold from the ores, as well as deposites— now offer the right of using said machine, to those interested in the Gold Regions of the di luted States. The operation of the Machine is ■Stamping, Amalgamating, and Precipitating.— The process of Amalgamating is entirely new, being effected upon an Inclined surface of Sil ver Plate ; upon which, as large an Amalga mating Surface.can be kept up by the use of oue pound of Quicksilver, as by the use of se ven hundred pounds in the Tyrolese Bowls.— A Machine, upon the above principle, is now in operation at the Rappahannock Mine, ten miles from Fredericksburg, under the superintend ence of Mr. John Wellington, who has kindly * consented to give information of its merits to those who wish topurchase. Apply to the undersigned at Fredericksburg, Va., or to Judah Dobson, of Philadelphia, who are now the sole proprietors and vendors of the right. BENJ. N- BARNETT, CHAS. A. PEARSON, WM. D. GREEN. July 1 w2m 82 RANAW AY from the Subscriber, living in Montgomery County, Ala. on the 10th of July last two Negro men, one by the name of WINTER about six feet high, black, with a straight visage, and a rough skin, has a part of the left ear cut off, andseveral very large corns on his toes, swaggers very much in his walk,and has lost some jaw teeth; wore when he left, a course Palmetto hat ot his own make. The a bove Negro was purchased of Colonel Benjamin Fanuel Hunt, of Charleston S. C, as being twen ty-five years of age, and was raised near George town, S. C. to which they will both endeavor to make their way. The other by the name of JEFFERSON, raised by a gentleman by the .name of Mahony, living on the line of Wilkes and Lincoln counties, in Georgia, and sold to the State of Georgia, from whom I purchased him. Jeff is a tall, black,smooth skin negro, a bout twenty-two years of age, wore away a •cloth frock coat and a cloth cap. If they are ta ken up, I understand they intend claiming some other person as their master —and there are ■some suspicions that they were broken out of] Jail and inveigled off by some white men. The above reward will be paid to any person ■ who will confine both of said Negroes in jail, i and give me notice so that I get them; or, I will give SSO for either of them. JAMES MARKS. I Montgomery, Ala. Sept. 4, 1835. rV The Augusta Courier, Charleston S. C. 1 Courier, Georgetown, S. C. Union, and Colum bia, S. C. Telescope, will insert the above to the amount of $5 each, and furnish a paper during the insertion ofthis notice, and forward their ac counts to the Ala. journal Office for payment. Sept. 9 109 The Georgia Constitutionalist. THIS paper is printed daily and three times i week during six months of tne year; twice a week during the other six months, and another paper is printed weekly during the whole year. The daily at $8 per annum, $5 .for six months; the tri-weekly at $5, and the weekly at $3. The Constitutionalist is now so well known, that it is unnecessary to give a description of the character it has assumed. The editors, however, can assure their patrons that for politi cal and commercial information, it will not be surpassed by any paper in the South, having made additional arrangements for obtaining the earliest news from abroad, political as well as commercial. All political and commercial in telligence, will appear in the thrrie papers pub iished al this office. The editors flatter themselves, by industry, and strict attention to business, to render their paper acceptable to their kind and numerous patrons, and to deserve an increase of patron age, which they respectfully solicit from their fellow citizens of Georgia. GUIEU & THOMPSON. Augusta, Oct. 1, 1835. COPARTNERSHIP. HB.GWATHMEY, of Norfolk, and Ro • bert B. Tompkins; of this city, have entered isito copartnership under the firm of * GWA THME Y TOMPKINS, ■sA for the transaction of a general commission business at MOBILE, ALABAMA, to. be com menced in the month of October next. They tender their services to their friends and the public generally, and will endeavor to give sat isfaction to all who may entrust their mterests to them. Richmond, Va. 31st July, 1835. References. —Richmond, Messrs. Ro gers, Harrison & Gray, R. & T. Gwathmey • Norfolk, Mr. Samuel D. Rollins- Petersburg Messrs. Mordecai & Osborne; Halifax,(N. C.) Mr. F. S. Marshall; Edenton, (N. C.) Messrs, Haughtin & Booth, Joseph B. Skinner Esq., Joseph H. Skinner, Dr. James Norcern; Plymouth, (N. C.) Messrs. J. C. & W. R. Nor cern; Tarborough, (N. C.) Messrs. R. &S. D Cotton; Mnrfreesborough, (N. C.) Messrs. Southall & Johnson ; Weldon, (N. C.) Messrs. Wialt & Smith; Charleston, (S.C.) Mr. Benj. R. Smith; Savannah, (Geo.) William Gaston, Esq., Joseph Cumming, Esq.; Auvusta, (Geo.) R. H. Musgrove, Esq,; Macon, (Geo.) Hamil ton, Hayes & Co. August 31 ]m 103 1.r.01U.H COURIER. GEORGIA, / j Term, 1835. Richmond County. ) ’ To the Honorable John Schley, Judge of the Su per iour Court: FMIHE Petition ofEbenezer Starnesskeweth JL that at the last term ofthis court, your pe titioner obtained an order for the establishment of a certain lost promissory note of tenor and effect as follows: “ Ist September, 1831. On the first day of January, 1832, I promise to pay Hugh Knox or order one hundred and seventy-five dollars for value received. (Signed) Oliver Sage, and endorsed Hugh Knox and James H. Gardner. Your petitioner therefore prays, that said or der be extended, and that the rule Nisi, which was then granted, may again be granted to your petitioner, EBENEZER STARNES. In consideration of the above petition, it is ordered, that Oliver Sage'and Hugh Eno's be required to show cause, if any they have, at the next term of this court, why the above copy should not be established in lieu of the original note; and that copies ofthis rule be served on the said OliVei Sage and Hugh Knox twenty days before the sitting of the next court, if they or either of them be resident within the Stale; if not, then this rule to be published in some pub lic gazette in this State, for the space of three months. [A true extract from the minutes JAMES M’LAWS, Clerk. Sept. 25 14 LIVERY STABLE. THE Subscriber grateful for past patronage, respectfully informs the public that he has removed to Green-street, Western Hotel, for merly occupied by B. Mims, on the street lead ing from the Bridge to Milledgeville and Sa vannah, and intends opening a very fine Public House, with the most splendid Stables, roomy and comfortable for Travellers; Boarding or standing Horses; large and fine Lots, with plen ty water, for Droves. Also, with good Carria ges of every kind, viz: Gigs, Sulkies &c. Saddle Horses, to let, for long or short excursions, with good and careful Drivers, to administer to the wishes of his friends; and shall have on hand Horses at all times for saie, match or single.— He obligates himself to pay every attention and endeavor to give general satisfaction. Those wishing Horses broke to the harness, will do well to call on the subscriber. He flatters him self, from his long experience with horses, that he has become acquainted with all their disea ses, and he hopes those who have sick horses will give him their custom. Every atttention wi:l be paid to please his friendsand customers. OTHO WEAVER. Aug 10 ' 98 AN ORDINANCE, To regulate proceedings in certain cases against persons violating the city ordinances, and to punish witnesses for non attendance. Sect. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Augusta, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the fiassing ofthis ordinance, when any individual las been summoned to attend before Council to answer to a charge of violating the city ordi nances, or either of them, or any section there of, in puisuanceof the twenty-fifth section of the General Ordinance now of force; and shall fail to appear or show sufficient cause for his non attendance, the Council mav pass an order requiring the Marshall and the City Constables, or any of them, to arrest such person and bring him or her before the Mayor or some Member of Council, and upon his or her being arrested and brought before the Mayor oi any' Member of Council, it shall be the duty of the Mayor ot Member of Council to require of such person a' bond with security for his or her appearance at the next regular session of the City Council after the arrest, and for his or her abiding the order and judgment of the same—and upon such bond and security being given in a sum at the discretion of the Mayor or Member ot Council, the individual shall be discharged from arrest. Sect. 2. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That in all cases where the bond and security required in the first sec tion of this ordinance shall be given, and the person giving the same shall fail to appear be tore the Council, (at its next regular session, or at any subsequent session, if the case shall be continued, or the Council be adjourned,) the Council shall proceed to try such person, and if he or she be convicted and fined, execution shall be issued against the property of the of fender and his or her security for the amount of fine and costs. Sect. 3. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That in all cases where the person arrested shall be unable to give the security required by the first section of this or dinance, the Mayor or Member of Council, be fore whom he or she may be brought, shall commit himor her to jail till the next session ot Council, or until security be given, or he may discharge such person upon his or her own re cognizance without security. Sect. 4. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That when any person charged with violating the city ordinances, or either of them, or any section thereof, shall ap pear before Council and stand his or her trial, and shall be convicted and fined, such individu al may, at the discretion of Council, be commit ted to jail till the fine and all costs are paid. Sect. 5. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the du', of the Clerk of Council, upon the application of any- person concerned, to issue subpoenas for witnesses in anj r case against an individual for a violation of the city ordinances, which shall be served by the Marshall, a City Constable, or any other person, at least one day before the session of Council, and it shall be the duty of such witness to attend ; and if any witness, af ter being duly subpoenaed, shall fail to attend, he shall be fined by the City Council in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and may be bv order of Council attached for contempt and committed to jail for any time not exceed ing thirty days, unless such witness make a suf ficient excuse ior his or her non attendance, to be judged of by the Council. Sect. 6. And be it further ordained bv the authority aforesaid, That the City Council of Augusta shall meet atithe City Hail on .he first Saturday in each and every month for the trial of offenders against the city ordinances; and shall have power to adjourn to some other day, or from day to day, if expedient or necessary, and all persons charged with offences and all witnesses shall be bound to attend such regular or adjourned meeting. Sect. 7. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all ordinances and and parts of ordinances militating against this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed Done in Council the 18th day of July, 1835. By r the Mayor. SAMUEL HALE, Mayor G EO. M.WALKER. Clerk. LINCOLN SHERIFF SALES. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in Oc tober next, before the Court House door in Lincoln county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz: HENRY, a negro man, levied on as the pro perty of Malcom J. Walker, to satisfy sundry executions in the name of James Jennings vs Malcom J. Walker and David Woolly- Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. HARDY LEVERITT, Shift ' Aug. 28, 1835. td 102 AUGUSTA, GEO., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1835. WHEREAS Philip H. Mantz Administra tor on the Estate of John G. Bowers de ceased applies for letters of Dismissary—• All persons concerned, are hereby notified to be an appear at my office within the time pre sc.tibed by law to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under iriy hand at office, October 2 1835. GEORGE M. WALKER, C. C. O. Oct. 2 112 JjXJSWHEREAS Thomas Glascock applies for vw letters of Administration on the Estate of John Russel deceassd. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at my- office this 9th day of September, 1835. GEO. M. WALKER, C. C. O. _ Sep'. 9 107 YTSUHEREAS, Green B. Marshall, and Ma lt ry Primrose, apply for Letters of Ad ministration, on the Estate of James Primrose, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at my office this9th day of September, 1835. GEO. M. WALKER, C. C. O. September 9 107 'ttJfe/'HEREAS Andrew J. Miller applies » « for letters of Administration on the estate of Danial A. Weed deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ill persons concerned to be and appear at my cilice within the time prescribed by law, anti show cause (in any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at my office this 3d day of June, 1835. “ GEO. M. WALKER, C. C. O. J une 3 66 Georgia, Richmond County. A a, HEREAS, William J. Rhodes, Adrni y y nistrator de bonis non of the Estate of John D. Walker, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from said Estate, All persons concerned are hereby notified to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 15th dav of April, 1835. GEORGE M. WALKER, C. C. O. april 15 mGm 48 Georgia, Richmond County. WHEREAS, George W. Crawford ap plies for Letters of Administration on the Estate of David Bowers deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted. - Given under my band at office this 29th day of Dec. 1824. GEO. M. WALKER, C.C.O. Dec. 29 . 151 WHEREAS, James Churchwell, applies for Letters of Administration, ou the of William Churchwell, deceased. ' These are therefore to cite and admonish all ■ persons concerned to be and appear at my office ■ .within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at my office, this 20th day of Feb. 1835. GKO. M. WALKER, C. C. O. Feb 20 22 | Georgia, Richmond County. T HERE AS, Mary Ann Mims, and Wm v Mims, Executors of Britton Mims, late : of Richmond County, deceased, applies for let ers of dismission. All persons concerned, are hereby notified to I be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed bp law to show cause (if any they have) j why said letters should i otbe granted. Given under my hand, at my office, January 1.1835. GEORGE M. WALKER, C. C. O' Jan I m6m 1 Georgia, Lincoln County. WHEREAS John Bolerapplies for letters of administration on the estate of New bal Covington, late of said eoun y, deceased, These are therefore to cite the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and oppear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any, why said letters should r.ot be granted. Given under my hand at office this 29th Mav. 1835. MICAJAH IIENLY, C. C. O." June 1 65 Georgia, Richmond County, WHEREAS Dougahl Patterson applies for letters of administration on the estate of Eliza Hendly, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 23d day of September, 1835. GEO. M. WALKER, C C. O. Georgia, Richmond County, WHEREAS Hays Bowdry applies for let ters of administration on the estate of Robert W. M’Keen, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted. Given under ,my hand at office this 23d day of September, 1835. GEO. M. WALKER, C. C. O. WHEREAS Philip H. Mantz, Adminis trator on the the Estate, of Susannah Hammond decesased, applies for letters Dis misso.y— All persons concerned, aie hereby notified to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law show cause (if any they have) whv said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at my office, October 2 1835. GEORGE M. WALKER, C. C. O. Oct. 2 117 FOUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court Os Rich mond County, while sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell a Lot of Land, situate, i lying and being in the county of Troup, con taining two hundred two and a half acres I belonging to the estate of John Heckle, dec’d, and drawn by said John Heckle. HENRY HECKLE. Adm’r. Sept. 23 m4m 113 AUGUSTA THEATRE. THIS Theatre will be rented for one year, or a term of years to anv respectable Lessee. Address ISAAC MOISE, Sec’ry. I The Charleston Courier and New York ■ Courier & Enquirer will give the above 3 week i ly insertions. BYE-LAWS OF THE Railroad company. I. An election of President and Directors of the Georgia Rail Road Company shall take place annually on Tuesday after the seefond Monday in May-, dt the office of the company in the town oi Athens, of which, at least, ten days notice shall be given to the stockholders by advertisement, in some newspaper of this State; and a plurality of votes given in shall torm an election; provided, however, that it it should so happen, that the day aforesaid, so fixed for the annual election of President and Directors, should pass without an election be ing effected, it shall be the duty of the Board oi Directors, for the time being, to appoint some other day, within a reasonable period, for hold ing said election, giving ten days notice thereof, in manner aforesaid: and in all cases the Pres ident and Directors tor the time being, shall continue in office, and serve till new ones are elected. 11. A general meeting of the stockholders, at the Rail Road Office in Athens shall, annually, takeplace on the second Monday in May, for the purpose of taking into consideration any and all matters touching the interests of the company, to which meetings the Direction shall make their annual report of rhe ass airs of the corporation, and at which meetings the Presi dent shall preside, ami shell cause a journal, or minutes jo be kept of all such matters or ques tions as shall be discussed and decided by the stockholders in general meeting assembled. 111. It shall be the duly of the President to see to the general interests and the well order ing of the affairs of the corporation. He shall, except when prevented by sickness, or necessa ry absence, president all meetings of the Board of Directors, preserve order, &c. vote on all questions before the Board, and when, by this vote, a tie is produced, the question shall be decided in the negative. Fie shall have power to convene the Board of Directors, whenever he shall deem it expedient; and shall, after the first year, receive such salary for his services, the Direction shall fix and deem adequate thereto IV. The Secretary, Treasurer, and such o ther officers and servants as may be required for the Company’s service, shall be chosen by the Direction, shall be accountable to the Board at all times sot a faithful discharge of their re spective duties; shall give such bond and secu rity as may be required by the Board; and shall after the first year receive such salary, to be fixed by the Direction, as shall be adequate to their services. V. The Direction shall have power to issue to'stockholders certificates of stock, which shall be transferable on the books of the Company, only by personal entry of the stockholder, or by his or her legal representative or attorney, duly authorized hyspecial power for that purpose. VI. On all matters and things c oming before the Board of Directors, where the interests of the Company may require secrecy, the injunc tion of secrecy shall be laid; —and every Di rector shall be bound in honor, not to divulge in any manner, to any person, the secrets of the Board, till the injunction ofsecrecy is removed. VII. The election of President and Directors, as provided fur in the first article of these bye laws, Shall be by the stockholders, who may at tend either in person, or by proxy; and vote ac cording to the number of shares each may hold in the stock of the company; Provided, That no stockholder shall be allowed to vote on stock which shall not have been held bona fide, in his own right, or as guardian, executor, or admin istrator, (as the case may be,) for at least three calendar months prior to the day of election.— And at all general meetings of the stockholders for considering and determining on measures involving the general interests of the Company, the voting power shall be on such stock only, as shall have been held in his, or her own right, or as guardian, executor, or administrator, for at least three calendar months prior to such meetings.- and such stock may be represented at all such meetings, either in person or bj; proxy of.he stockholder. VIIL Upon all measures which may come before the stockholders for their vote or decision, (except that of the election of President and Directors,) at any stated, or special meeting, it shall be necessarythat a majoi ity of the whole number of shares in the company shall be re presented and legally voted on, before any mea sure shall be carried, or made of binding effica cy on the company. IX. So long as the number of Directors shall be twelve, besides the President, a quorum to do business shall consist ofthe President andsix Directors, or, in the absence of'ihe President, of seven Directors. X. No Director shall be entitled to any emo lument, or pay for his services as such, except it a Director shall, at all times duringhis con tinuance in office, as a Director, have the tight of passing on the Rail Road free of charge, whether on his own private business, or the bu siness of the company: Provided, That no Di rector shall have power to set up, or c aim this right in behalf of any other person, going on the road in his place or stead. XI. In case oi absence of the President, dur ing any meeting of the Board, the Directors present shall nominate one of their own body to act as President, pro tempore, and the business shall go on as usual. But in case of the death, resignation or removal ofthe President, the va cancy shall be filled by the Board of Directors, till the next period of general election. Upon all questions before the Board, the yeas and nays shall be taken and entered on the minntes, when required by any two Directors; and the minutesshall beopen for inspection of the stock holders, at all times when assembled in general meeting, according to the provisions of the se cond article of these Bye-Laws: and the Com pany, when assembles, shall have the right oi inspection of all .the books, papers, &c., belong ing to the corporation. XII. Anj’ number of stockholders, in interest amounting to not less than one third pari of the whole stock ofthe Company may, when, in their opinion, the interests of the company may re quire it, call a special meeting of the stockhold ers, at any convenient time, at the company’s office in Athens, first giving thirty days notice of such time, by public advertisement, and spe cifying distinctly the' object of suchmeeting.— And at each special meeting, a majority of the stock being represented, as hereinbefore pro vided, the stockholders may appoint a Chair man arid Secretary, and proceed to examine in to the affairs of the company, and the official conduct of the President and Directors, and,for this purpose, shall have free access to the papers and records of the Direction, and power to send for persons, and examine them under oath, touch ing the administration of the affairs ofthe com pany by the Direction; and if it should appear on such examination, that the affairs of the company have been corruptly mismanaged, in any respect whatever, the stockholders may, by a vote oDtofl thirls of the whole stock oi’ the company, s > declare the fact,and the Direction, or any number thereof, against whom such declaration shall be made, shall be displaced, arid a new election had forthwith; and the mem ’ beror members of the Direction so displaced Shall be forever thereafter incapable of serving the company in any capacity whatever. XIII. No alteration shall be made in these Bye-Laws, unless by a majoritv of all the D,. Actors, and at a regular meeting ofthe Boa and notice of such alteration shall always be gi ven in writing, at least one meeting before that at which it shall Lebroug t up ior final action. Adopted by the Direction, March 15, 183-1. JAMES CAMAK. President'. Attest, William Williams, Sec’ry. OFFICERS. Elected 10th Aiarch, 1834, to serve till Tv 'edcey after the second Monday in May 1835 JAMES CAMAK, P resident. John A. Cobb, of A t hens, ’ John Cunningham, of Greenesborn’, William R. Cunnjngham, of Athens William Dearing, of Athens, Absalom Janes, of Talliafeiro, < A. B. Lmion, of Athens, , ‘ it William Lumpkin, of Athens, ' John Nisßet, of Athens, , Eiizur L. Newton, of Athens, James Shannon, of Athens, Henry B. Thompson, of Talliaferro, William Williams, of Athens, William Williams, Treas. & Scc'rv. PROSPECTUS OF THE FOURTH VOLUME OF THE SOUTHERN RO S E BUI), ENLARGED AND IMPROVED UNDER THE TITLE OF THE SOUTHERN ROSE. FIpHE first number of the fourth volume ot .St the “ Southern Rose Bud" will be issued the last week in August, 1835, under the name ol the SOUTHERN ROSE. The amount of matter will be nearly double, the paper of a fine quality, and the type improved. The subscribers to the “ Rose Bud ” have in cluded persons of all denominations in religion throughout the Union. The contributors to the Southern Rose will be persons of high literary standing, many of whom have contributed to the “ Rose Bud.” TERMS—Two Dollars per annum payable in advance. June 12 70 RKNOV A TING RECENT DISCOVERY. RS. BERNARDS RENOVATING o LIQUID for extracting all kinds of Oils, Paints, Tar, and Giease from the most dedicate coloured Silks, Salins, Cloths, Bombazines, or Velvets, without injuring in the least their Col our or Texture. This recent and valuable chemical discovery is offered for sale by the subscriber.—lt almost supersedes the necessity of dying, and the scourer’s “Vocation is’gone.” Fifty cents worth will secure a Bacon Merchant’s breech es from criticism for 12 months. It acts like a charm upon silks of the finest texture, by in stantly removing the taints of grease, without in the least affecting the fabric itself—the most inveterate lodgments of wax upon Coat Collars, fly before it like dust before a brush. It is no fptackery but the true secundum artem mode of appearing decent in old clothes at the least im aginable expense. It is offered to Gentlemen at 50 cents a Phial, and all other of people can have it at the same price. No danger need be apprehended in using it upon the finest and most delicate Silks—nor is it like the soaps so commonly advertised in our days, which removing one evil, almost invaria bly produce another of double size—nor does it require the preparatory meansofall other renova tors—such as hot irons and the like. Only a lit tle clean water, according to the directions, is wanting. Oil or Grease of any kind can be ex tracted from the most delicate coloured carpets, without the usual trouble of taking them up. Il used according to the directions, it will at once extract every particle of giease from the finest Cloth, or most delicate Silks, without injuring in the least the colour or texture. For sale by TURPIN & D’ANTIGNAC. [August 13 96] Augusta Geo. NEW YORK SPIRIT OF THE TIMES. A METROPOLITAN GAZETTE Ofthe Sporting, Literary, and Fashionable World. WILLIAM T. PORTER, EDITOR. The prominent feature in the character ol this Journal, is, its devotion to the Sports ofthe Field and Turf. Gentlemen will find in its col ums regular reports of the races which come off on the principal Courses in the Union, —co- pious extracts from “Bell's Life" and the Eng lish Sporting Magazine’s,, with every kind of Sporting Intelligence accessible to the Editor. Shooting and Angling, with the collateral and necessary information upon each of them, will claim our attention, while AytMZ/zc, and other exhiliralingamusements will not be forgot ten. The owners of the crack Trotting Horses of New York and Philadelphia, may rely upon seeing the perforamances of their nags faithful ly chronicled in the Spirit ofthe Times. In fine,, every cndea’vor will be marie to ren der this paper available, and even indispensi ble, to gentlemen ofthe Turf, throughout the eoun try. and elegant selections from the A merican and Foieign Magazines, with brief original remaiks upon current literature, will determine the Literary character ofthis Ga zette. The affairs of the Stage, with all kinds of constant atten lion. Carefully digested summaries of Foreign and Domestic News will be given, and the whole fendered as pleasant and acceptable as the Ed itor can make it, by crowding into hrs columns all the Sayings and Doings about Town. This, we trust, will be a favorite, as it is a lea ding and original feature incur design. Un der appropriate devices will be found the Quips and Quirks ofthe thousand and one Wags about Town, with the last “good things” of “Figaro" and “Bob Short," together with a dashing >s«./- magundi of the liveliest sallies ofthe int’ie edi torial corps; each spiced and peppered to the taste of the mirth loving votaries of the Fun Frolic, Flash, and Fashion of old Gotham'. Fa-ct. Scraps, Oddities and other Gleanings by the Way side with the latest On Dils, Scan Mag, and do ings in the Fashionable ci rcles, will always be carefully collatedforthe amusement of the gen et al reader. Such are-the more prominent features of the plan of our publication. We enter on our la bors not as novices in the art of getting up a paper combining various interests and laden with amusement: our whole life has been em ployed in qualifying ourselves for the task. With such resources as years of experience haveafforded us,by the certainty ofbeing sustain ed by ft ierids known as approved writers and dis criminating critics, we fearlessly launch our bark on the broad ocean of public opinion, and cheerily spread our sails to the breeze of public favor that already beckons ns to its embraces, and mav waft us to the goal of our wishes. 7Vie New York Spirit of the Times is publish ed in a beautiful and attractive form, on Satur day Mornings at 171 .Broadway (entrance al Courtland street) and furnished to the Country subscribers at $3,00 per annum in advance, or SI,OO per quarter, payable quarterly. Advertismenls inserted on equitable terms, with a substantial reduction to Yearly Adverti sers. JUST RECEIVED. Congress " ater, in quart and pint Bottles, for sale bv R. B. HAVILAND & Co. May 1 53 [ CITY SHERIFF SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in No vember next, at the Market House in the Citv of Augusta, within the legal hours ofsale-r* NEGRO MAN, named Vefge, levied on as the property of Mrs. Elizabeth Liverman, to satify a fi fa in favor of Pace & Bush, vs. said • Liverman. E. B. GLASCOCK, C. 8; Oct. 2 • 117 RICHMOND SHERIFF SAI »1, ILL be sold at the lower Mark't Hdnse ¥ V iu the City of Augusta, on the first Tues day in November next, between the legal hours of sale, the follt>wing ( property, to K'i'c ONE BAY A ARE, five or six years old,lev* ied on as the property nf William Clayton to satisfy a fi la in favor ol Samur I Player, vs. William Clayton. A LSO ONENEGRO MAN. by the nar^ofVerge, | levied on as the property oi Elizabeti Liverman; in virtub of sundry executions issuing tri m the Magistrate’s Jourt of the one hundred and twen- Ity second dist.; and returned to me bj Isaac ! Hendricks counstable es said dist. Also A CERTAIN LOT OF LAND in the City : >f Augusta, and county of Richmond, being the Western moiety of the lot known in the plan if said City, as No. 18(Eighteen) br nnded North Fv Reynold street, E. by the other moiety of ; said lot, S. by Broad street, and W. bj' lot No. 19 (Ninetten)containing 62| feet ofeach ofsaid streets and be ing of uniform width throughout Levied on as the property of Benjamin H- ,in - favor ot'Samuel dialke, Jriihes M. Cartr ".nd Samuel Hale vs. Benjamin Hall. FREEMAN LACY, L Oct. : ; ' E X ECU TOR’S SA LE. HE undersigned, under an author;. ■' vc.' f- JOL ed in (hem, offer sale, by piiva eci t.tract the following property, being part of 'he F-sta’? of Thomas Cumming, Esq. deceased, viz: A PLAN 1 ATION in Columbia eormycn . waters of Euchee Creek, about sixteen mi’< s from Augusta, on the Appling road, ccmrsinr g about twenty three hundred acres of land, of which about one thousand acres ar« cleared, and the l emaining thirteen hundred, of good quality, and well limbered: adjoining lands of Beall, Martin,. Cliett, and others; The preim ses now occupied by Col. Paul Fitzsimons. ALSO, A Tract of Pine Landin Richmond county containing about fifty acres; on which there is a valuable Quarry of white free stone, commonly, known as the “The Rocks” -about five miles from Augusta on the old Milledgeville Road; and near the line ofthe Georgia Rail Road-. also .. t Between two and three huhdred acres ofpind Land, lying west ofthe village ol SumrAerville, on the Sand Hiils, and adjoining lands of Long street, Fox, Blodgett, and others; A I.SO Several building Lots in the village of Sum* meriiile, near the Academy. ALSO The large Vacant Lot, in the city of Augusta on the north side of Creene street'nearly oppo site the City Hall, and extending front Greteng to Ellis street, by which it is bounded on the north. a Ten Shares ofthe Eagle and Phcrnix. Hotel Stock, and three shares of Stock in the Vau cluse Manufacturing Company Persons wishing topurchase are requested to examine the properly arid to make application to either of the undersigned- WILLIAM CUMMING, ) ROBERT F. POE. > fcxecutbt-fc HENRY. H. CUMMING. ) July 13 ts 83 PUBLIC SALIC GF REAL ESTAl’fei FSTtHE subscribers; with the view of Closing Jia. their concern, tvill oiler for sale at the low er Market House, in the City of Augusia, on Monday the 19; h day of October next. All their Real Estate in the City of Augusta. About 50 building lots in the village ol Spring field. House and lot in the village of WrighlsbuM, Columbia County. House and lot in the village of Lincolnton, Lincoln County. Houses and lots in the village of Sparta; Han edek County, Houses and lots in the village of Monticello, Jasper County. Houses and lots in the village of Marion, Twiggs Coun'.y. Plantation in Hanenck county—B7o acics. Plantation in Putnam county—26o acres; 105 Acies RiveiSwamp Land RifchnnA.d i.<J 1000 Acres L and Elbert county. 202 J Am cs Land 9lh dis No. 72 Monroe co 202 Jdo do 9 do do 138 Pike do 2021 do do 15 do do 130 do do 202$ do do 2 do do 132 do do 202$ do do 10 do do 102 Ups< n do 202 do do 9 do do 24 Doolj' do 202$ do do 13 do do 172 Fayette do 20~$ do do 16 do do 361 Newton do 2Qus do do 8 do do 133 Crawford 201?$ do do 13 do do 258 202$ do do 15 do do 118 do do 102$ do do 14 do do 231 do do 490 do do 13 do do 375 Irwin do 250 do do 3 do do 173 Early do 250 do do 13 do do do do 250 do do 2 do do do do Terms made known at day of sale. McKenzie & benncch. August 26 wtd t -i The citv papers, Milledgeville Rcr ’der, Standard of Uni m, Savannah RepuL • n and Charleston Courier, will please t-opy the above once a week nptil the day of sale. GUARDIAN’S SALE. A GREEABLE to an order of the Inferior 2^Court of Burke County, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court House in Randolph county on the first Tuesday in December next, or.eiml: ol’a tract of land, containing2o2s ac'es, Jyl: and being m the 20th District, No. 60, of tid county, schl for thfc benefit ofEligah Dillaiya imaor. WM. TARVER, Guardian. LINCOLN SHERIFF’S SALE. ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in N< - V V vember next, before the Court House door, in Lincoln county— -360 acres of La nd,more or les'-.edjoiningPow ell, Estate of Eries, the Big Str: ’ ey, and clhers, whereon James Kinnej' now lives—levied oft as the property of James Kinrmy and Seaborn Kina' y, to satisfy an execution in the name of Lam or and Daniel vs said Seabi rn and James Kinney, and sundry other execmions the name of Lamar and Lamar & Daniel sard James and Seaborn Kinney.—Levy ma «nd returned to me bv a Constable. HARDY LEVERITT, S>df. Sept. 25 td 111 ADM I: ISTRATOR’S NOTICE. SYOUR5 YOUR Months after date, application w2’ be made to the Court of Ordinary of Rich mond county for leave to sell ail the real cr ' ite of Daniel A. Weed, deceased,late of said i.r.- ty. A. J. MILLER,Adm : . July 17 ■ . m4m 86 NO. 120