Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, December 28, 1835, Page 4, Image 4

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4 CORPORATION OP THE CITY OF AUGUSTA. • Mayor, SAMUEL HALE. Members of Council. Lower Ward. •’ P. <5 rump, R. Dillon, R. F. Bush. Middle Ward. Dr. J. B. Walker, B. 11. Warren, H. Maling. Upper Ward. A. J. Miller, James Harper, J. B. Bishop. Justices of the Peace —C. Heckell, J. AV. Meridth, R. F. Bush, Overnton Cosby, A. 1. Huntington, J. C. Snead. ■Clenc of Cj iacil—G. M. AValker. Clerk of Court of Common Pleas —Daniel McMurphy. City Shwiif— E<l mind B. Glascock. City Cjlfeet »r an I Preasurer—J. H. Mann. Cit'v .Urs'ntl —Viitehell Nelson. Deputy vh •,Ifni! Thomas Campbell. Const.iMcs—Tßos. "f*nt, Wm. H. Howard, Caleb Hnrield, VVm. Moody, James C. Philpot, Thomas Ca uphill. Clerk of Lower \l irket—J. AV. Meredith. Clerk of Upper da ket—John Clarke. Lainbliihter, -Benjamin Chew. Jailor,—Gabriel S. Clarke.. Street O lic<ir,—E. Martin, J |<r e Co art Common Pleas, —J. W. Wiloe, Sessions of the C > trt of Common Pleas, 2d in February, 2.1 Monday in April, 4th Monday in Vlav, U'i do July, 2d do October, a U d 21 do. December.—rteUra Day, 5 days before Court. OrnmlHet# >f C»t»nc.Tl tor the ensuing year. On Accounts, Messrs. H irpcr.Warren&Dillon. Strests, “ Walker, Crump & Miller. Market, " Bishop, Bush & Mealing. Putniis, " Mealing, Harper & Dillon. Magazine, " Dillon, Walker & Miller. River Bank" Bishop,Walker&Crnmp. Police, “ Miller, Mealing & Busti. Drains, ** Warren, Harper & Bush. Health, “ Bush, Mealing & Harper. Engines, “ Warren, Bishop & Crump, jail, " Harper, Warren & Dillon. Hospital, “ Walker, Bishop & Dillon. Cityrlall, “ Crump, Miller & Warren. Publiited by »rd»r of Council. County Officers. Freeman AV. Lacy Sheriff—Jacob C. Bugg, Receiver T. R.— Win. Kennedy, Tax Collect or.—Robert Raiford, Surveyor.—lsaac Hend ricks, Coroner. —Daniel MacVlurphy, Master in Equity. Inferior Court. Justice—Valentina Walker, G. B. Marshall, William Shannon, Edward Thomas, Absalom Rhodes. Clerk Superior and Inferior Courts—J. Mc- Laws. Clerk Cetirtof Ordinary—G. M. Walker. Scssisas —Ith Mondays in April and Octo ber.—Return Oay, 2;) days before Court. gup?ri»r Court for Ric’unoud County. fejria.M—lst Mondays in June and January. Courts >f Ordinary throughout the State. Sessions—<Jn the Ist Mondays of January, March, May, July, September and November. Notaries Public. Wm. H. Jone*;, Daniel McMurphy, Charles Carter, A. Piquet, Western B. Thomas, An drew J. Miller, William C. Micou, Wm. T. Gould, Samual H. Peck, John A. Barnes, W. C. Nimiao, Nath’l W. Cocke, Wm. W. Mann, Daniel S. Roman, Wm. Poe, F. A. .Morgan. Vendue Masters—R. Ketchum, Beard A Pitt§, E. W. Spofford. Keeper of the Hospital—John M*Tyre. Sexton —Louis Kunze. Superintendent of the Magazine—Oliver Danforth. City Surveyar —Robert Raiford. Exchange Brokers. Been, Booth & St. John, G. A Paddoek. Insurance Agencies. Wil ys Catlin, of the Hartford Fire Insur ance Company, Hartford, Connecticut. Henry H. Field, of the Farmers Fire Insur ance and Loan Company, New-York. Alexan ler M’Kenzie, of the Howard Insur ance Company, New-York. James Harrison, of theMechnaics Insurance Company, Newark, N. Jersey. G. 11. Paddock, oi the Charleston Fire Ma rine and Life Insurance Company, Charleston, S. C. Bank of Augusta. Offering Day, Monday—Discount Day, Tues day—President, John Moore, Esq.—Cashier, Robert F. Poe—Teller, H. B. Holcombe. Directors —John Moore, Richard Tubman, Jno. Carmichael, James Gardner, John Bones, «!amuel Clark, James Harper, James Frazer, Robert A. Reid, Wm. Cumming, John Edgar, Pleasant Stovall. Attorney—H. H. Cumming. Notary—W. B. Thomas. Branch State Bank at Augusta. Offering Day, Monday—Discount Day, Fri day— President, John Phinizy—Cashier, Isaac Henry —Teller, William H. Jones. Directors. —John Phinizy, A.P. Pillot, Wm. H. Turpin, Isaac S. Tuttle, Wm. H. Morgan, Geo. M. Newton, Robert M’Donald, O. E. Car michael, R. H. Musgrove, J. Moise. Attorneys— fliomas & Cocke. Notary—N. W. Cocke. Insurance and Banking Company. Offering Day, Wednesday—Discount Day, Thursday—Peter Bennoch, President—Robert Walton, Secretary arid Cashier—Wm. Poe, Teller—F. A. Morgan, Book-Keeper. Dirwctors—P. Bennoch, Wm. Bryson, Nich olas Delaigle, John Fox, A. Graham, William Harper, J. K. Kilburn, John Coskery, D. VV. fit. John, A. J. iiller, T. J. Parmelee, E. Cox. Att»rnf.t —A. J. Miller. 'F. A. Morgan. Mechanics Bank. Offering Dry, Tuesday—Discount Day, Wp.l> "’day —A. Sibley, President—Geo. W. Lasiar, Cashier —Daniel S. _ Roman, Book- Keeper— George Robertson, Teller. Directors —Thomas G. Casey, Mosos Ross, K. B. Webster, J. M. Adams, Geo. Collins, T. 8. Metcalf, Marshall Keith. Atyornets—Longstreet, Jeakins and Ma- nn Notart —Daniel S. Roman. Augusta Library Society. James Harper, Chairman Board of Direc tors. William Poe, Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian. Directors —Robert F. Poe, Rev. S. K. Tal mage,James Harper,Robe ft Campbell,Dr. Ken nan, Henry H. Cumming W. T. Gould, Wm. C. Micou. Days of delivery.— Every day from Sto.4 o’- clock P. M. Medical Society. Alexander Cunningham, President- . aordingSecretary. .Correspond- ing Seeratary. Lewis Kennon* Treasurer. MecKeal Cjjfeje of Georgia. OFFICERS. The Board of Trustees consists of 2-1 members Hon. J. Wilde, President. M. Anthony, Vice President. A. Cunningham, i Paul F. Eve, > Executive Committee. L. A. Dugas, J Dr. L. A. Dugas, on Anatomy. Dr. PaulF. Eve, on Surgery. Dr. A. Cunningham, on Im stitutes and Practice. Dr. Milton Antony, Midwifery and diseases of Women and Chil dren. Dr. Jos. A. Eve, Materia Medica. Dr. L.D. Ford, on Chemistry. Trustees of Richmond Academy. Cumming, G. W. Crawford, A. B. Longstreet, Dr. A. Cunningham, Wm. T. Gould, Thomas M’Gran, W. W. Montgomery, James W. Da vies. Clerk and Treasurer to the Roard — James M’- Laws. Rector— Rev. H. Reid, Mr. M’Millan, English Depaitment. Free School. Thomas Cumming President. Peter Ben noch, Vice President. Robert F. Poe Secreta ry. Robert A. Reid, Treasurer. C. Sturges, Teacher. Managers.—John Moore, Samuel Hale, Jno Bones, I Henry, R. A. Reid*, Richard Tubman and James Harper. Union Wharf Company. Peter Bennoch, President. John Sharp, Wharfinger, Treasurer and Secretary. Directors. —Alexander McKenzie, R. H. Musgrove, Thomas G. Casey, Wm. Bostwick John. L. Anderson, A. Bidwell. Steam Boat Company. Edw. Campfield, Agent. John A. Barnes, Treasurer and Secretary. Trustees Masonic Hall. Samuel Ha’le, Chairman. Thomas I. Wray, Alexander M’Kenzie, A. Slaughter, John AV. Wilde, Lemuel Dwelle, God- by, Win. T. Gould, Peter Bennoch, AV. Schley Eagle and Phmnix Hotel Company. Trustees.—J. G. M’Whorter, Chairman, — John Bones, E. D. Cooke, Thos. M’Gran, and S. Clarke. Masonic Calendar. Social Lodge, No. 3,2 d Fiiday in every month. Webb’s Lodge, No. 10, meets 3d Friday in every month. Augusta Chapter, R. A. M. Ist Tnocday in every month. Georgia Encampment. Knights Templars, Ist Monday in every month. Adoniram Council of R& S. M. first Satur day in December, March, June and September. Lodge of Perfection, Council of P. of Jeru salem and Rose Croix Chapter, 2d Wednesday in February, May, August and November. Consistory of S. P. R. S. 22d June and 22d December. HEALTH COMMITTEES. The following Health Committees were ap pointed for the ensuing year: w.r.i xr„ , JR. F. Bush, AV. T. Gould, Wm. ’ ' } Thompson, and P. H. Mantz. ™-„_j o f H. Mealing. Jno. Winter, J. H. ward xxo. Mann) and p Bradford ( J. Harper, J. Meigs, N. K. But- Ward No. 3. J ler, J. P. Force, R. Allen, U. B. ( Clarke, Jno. Kerr, and A. Boggs. COURT CALENDAR. U. S. CIRCUIT COURTS. 6TII CIRCUIT FOR THE DIST. OF GEORGIA. James M. Wayne, of Georgia, Circuit Judge Jeremiah Cuyler, of Savannah, Ga. District Judge. Savannah, Thursday after first Monday in May. Milledgeville, Thursday after the first Monday in November. The District Court sits in Savannah on the 2d Tuesday in February, May, August and No vember. Circuit Court Rules Day the Ist Mondays in each month, upon which days all writs are returnable to the Clerk’s office in Savannah. SUPERIOR COURTS, Os the State of Georgia, corrected from the en rolled Acts: Eastern Circuit—-nine Counties. JOHN C. NICOLL, JUDGE, Wm. H. Stiles, Solicitor General. Bulloch, On Thursday before Ist Monday in November, and Thursday before 4th Monday in March. Camden, Ist Monday in April, 2d in No vember. Wayne, 2d Monday in April, Thursday after 2d Monday in November. Glynn, Thursday after 2d monday in April and 3d monday in November. M’lntosh, 3d monday in April, and Wednes day after 3d monday in November. Bryan, Istmondayiii December, and Thurs- day after court in Liberty county. Liberty, Wednesday after Ist monday in De cember, and monday following court in M’lntosh. Effingham, 2d monday in December and May. Chatham, Ist monday in January and 3d in June. Middle Circuit--nine Counties. JOHN SCHLEY, JUDGE, Ebenczer Starnes, Attorney General. Columbia, SdTMonday in March and Sept. Washington, 4lh do do do Montgomery ,2d do in April and Thursday after Ist monday in October. Tattnall, Thursday after 2d monday in April and on second Monday in October. Emanuel, 3d monday in April, and Thursday after 2d monday in October. Scriven, 4th mondayin April and 3d in Oct. Burke, Ist do in May, and 3d in Nov. Jefferson, 3d do in May, and 4th in Oct. Richmond,lst do in June and Ist in Jan- Northern Circuit—eight Counties. GARNETT W. ANDREWS, JUDGE, A. G. Scmmes, Solicitor General. Taliaferro,3d Monday in January and July, Wilkes, 3d do February, 4th in July. Madison, 2d do March and Sept. Elbert, 3d do do do Warren, Ist do in April, and Tuesday af ter Ist monday in October. Hancock, 2d do April and October. Oglethorpe, 3d do do do Lincolnton, 4th do do do Western Circuit—eight Counties. THOMAS W. HARRIS, JUDGE, Junius Hilly er, Solicitor General, “'ark, 2d Monday in February and August. W®Ao n> 3d do ' do do Jackson. 4th d 0 do do Gwinnett, o d do March and September, g all \ .. 3a do . do do Fianklin, A.d do April und October. Habersham, 3d d , ■ Rabun, 4th do do do Ocmulgee Circuit-, aeven counties. JOHN C. POLHILL, JUDGE. H. Freeman, Solicitor General. Baldwin, 4th monday in Jan 0.1 dn Tnlv Morgan, Ist do in March and Sen Greene, 2d do in de <fe d P Putnam, 3d do in do Xie do Wilkinson, Ist do in April, aid Tuesday after Ist Monda/in October. Jones, 3d mondav in April and October. Jasper, 4th do in do do do Southern Circuit—eleven Counties. James pobmuh, judge. R. L. Evans, Solicitor General. Laurens, 2d monday in March and Sept. Twiggs, 2d do in April and October. Pulaski, 3d do in do do Telfair, 4th do in do do Irwin, the Thursday thereafter, Appling, Ist Monday in May, 3d in Nov. Ware, on Thursday thereafter. Lowndes, on Monday thereafter. Thomas, on do do Decatur, on do do Dooly, on do do Flint Circuit—ten Counties. A. M. D. KING, JUDGE. J. H. Stark, Solicitor General: Crawford, 3d Monday in February & August Upson, 4th do do do Pike, Ist do in March and Sept. Monroe, 2d do in do do Fayette, 3d do in do do Newton, 4th do in do do Butts, Ist do in April and Thursday after the Ist Monday in October. Henry, 2d Monday in April and October. Houston, 4th do do do Bibb, 3d do in May and November. Coweta Circuit—ten Counties. HIRAM WARNER, JUDGE. Young J. Long, Solicitor General. Meriwether, 2d Monday in February & Aug. Troup, 3d do do do Heard, 4th do do do Coweta, Ist do in March and September Fayette, Rd do do do Dekalb, 3d do do do Campbell, 4th do do do C«bb, 2d do in April and October. Paulding, 3d do do do Carroll, 4th do do do Chattahoochle Circuit—ten Connties. GRIGSBY E. THOMAS, JUDGE. James P. H. Campbell, Solicitor General Stewart, Ist Monday in February & August Randolph, 2d do do do Early 3d do do do Baker, 4th do d» do Lee, .Thursday thereafter' Sumter, Ist Monday in March aad Sept. Marion, 2d do do do Talbot, 3d do do do Harris, td do in April and October Muscogee, 3d do do do Cherokee Circuit—nine Comities. j. w. Hooper, judge. Wm. Ezzard, Solicitor General. Union, Ist Monday in February & August Gilmer, 2d do do do Lumpkin, 3d&4thdo do do Forsyth, Ist do in March and Sfeptem. Cherokee, 8d do do do Cass, 3d do do do Murray, 4th do do do - Walker, Ist do in April and on Wed nesday after Ist Monday in Oct. Floyd. 2d Monday in April and October. INFERIOR COURTS. Eastern Circuit. Wayne, last Monday in December & May. Camden, Ist do in January and June. Glynn, 2d do do do M’lntosh, 3d do do do Bryan, 4th do do da Liberty, 2d do do de Bulloeh, Ist do in February and July Effingham, ®d do do do Chatham, 3d do do da Middle Circuit. Columbia, 3d Monday in June & December. Washington,4th do in January and July. Montgomery, Ist do in February and August Tatnall, 2d do do do Emanuel, Ist da in January and July. Scriven, 2d do do do Burke, Ist do do do Jefferson, 3d do do do Richmond, 4th do in October aad April. Northern Circuit. Madison, 2d Monday in January and July. Elbert, 3d do do do Oglethorpe, 4th do do June Lincoln, Ist do in February and July. Hancock, Ist do do and 3d Monday in August. Warren, 2d Monday in Feb’iy and August. Wilkes, Ist do in May and 4th in Sept. Taliaferro, 3d do do and November Western Circuit. Franklin, 4th Monday in January and July. Rabun, Ist do in July and January. Gwinnett, 2d do in June and December. Jackson, 2d do in Jan’ry and Ist in July. Clark, 4th do in October and 2d in May Habersham, 21 do in July and January. Hall, 4th do in Janaary and July Walton, 3d do in May and November Ocmulgee Circuit. Wilkinson, 2d Monday in July and January. Jones, 4th de do do Jasper, 3d d® do do Baldwin, 4th do in April and October Greene, Ist Tuesday in January and 2d Monday in June. Morgan, Ist do in June and December Putnam, 3d do do do Southern Circuit. Twiggs, 4th Monday in January and July. Lowndes, 3d do do and Ist in June Thomas, Ist do doin January and July. Dooly, 3d Monday in March and Sept. Decator, 4th do in January and 2d in June Telfair, Ist do in April and October. Irwin, 4th do in January and Ist in July Laurens, Ist do in June and December. Pulaski, 3d do in Jan .ary and July. Appling, 3d do in June and December. Ware, 4th do do do Flint Circuit. Bibb, 2d Mondayin February & August Houston, 4th do do do Butts, 2d do in January and July. Crawford, 3d do in May and November. Upson, 4th do do do Pike, Ist do in June and December. Monroe, 2d do do do Newton, 4th do do do Henry, 4th do in January and July. Cliattahoochie Circuit. , Stewart, 2d Monday in April and October. Randolph, 2d do in May and November. , Early 2d do in January and July. Baker, 4tfi do do ' do Lee, 4th do in May and November. Sumter, Ist do in June and December. Marion, 3d do in May and November. Talbot, Ist do in February and August. Muscogee, Ist do in June and December. Harris, 2d do do do Coweta Circuit. Meriwether, Ist Mondayin May and November Troup, 3d do in June and 2d in January ■ Heard, Ist do in May and November. Fayette, 3d do in June and 2d in Jan’ry. De Kalb, 2d do in July and December. • Campbell, 2d do June do • Paulding, 2d do do do Cobb, 3d do do lo Carroll, Ist do in February and August. Coweta, 4th do in June and December. Cherokee Circuit. Cherokee, 2d Monday in April and October. Forsyth, 3d do ' do do . Lumpkin, 4th do do do Union, Ist do in May and November. Gilmer, 2d do do do . Murray, 3d do do do Floyd, 4th do do do Cass, Ist do in June and December. Walker, Ist do in March and September. WHEREAS Philip H. Mantz, Adminis trator on the the Estate of Susannah Hammond decesased, applies for letters Dis missory— All persons concerned, are hereby notified to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at my office, October 2 1835. GEORGE M. WALKER, C. C. O. Oct. a 117 THU K on THE NEW HSN H 1 S Periodic*, i JL hands of the undel P^ ed issued with punctuality t ' month, and in a style of t/?® J™ ° cver V tion, which it is designed execu 7 by any similar Periodical in t?,°‘ * proprietors will use their endev., examples of their predecessors ii.. beral ises and scanty fulfilments. Ihe \ jg ber . e _ after todepend, rather upon thechan. w ip C v. it shall be able to acquire, than upon traord j_ nary announcements of the prospectiv * excel _ lenee to which it is to arrive. The receive in its subversion the constan ance of his brother Willis Gaylord ol - Philadelphia; and no exertions will be un _ employed to render the work honortq e to American Periodical Literature, and acc, ta _ ble to the public, whose patronage is onl^ o far solicited as it shall seem to be deserved. The original papers—which it is designe shall be so varied, as to form a combination of th solid and useful with the entertaining and agree-' able —will be from literary pens of established reputation, (both athome and abroad,) in dif ferent cities and portions of the United States In addition to the original papers, liberal space will be devoted, under the head of Liter ary Notices, to brief and candid reviews of new works, of proper distinction, with such extracts as may be necessary to add interest, or to evince the justice of the accompanying criticism A Monthly Compendium will also be given, comprising, in a succinct form, all events of importance which may have occurred during the month, with such remarks, or illustrative comments,'as they may demand. The general intelligence of the several States —political, sta tistical, and domestic—arranged under their separate heads, will be embraced in this depart ment. Brief Obituary Notices of eminent per sons who may have deceased during the month, will likewise be given. The Editor’s Table will be devoted to the familiar discussion of such local or geneal mat ters, as could not, with propriety, be classed under the above named heads. If an earnest desire to raise up a National Periodical which shall do honor to American Literature—if unwearied industry and exertion on the part of the conductors—the employment in its pages of much of the best literary talent of the country —if the beauty of execution, and early and punctual transmission, can-insure its succe itisconfidentlybelievedthatthe Knick erbocker Magazine will attain to general favor LEWIS GAYLORD CLARK, CLEMENT M. EDSON. ' Prospectus OF THE THIRD VOLUME OF THE PARLOUR MAGAZINE. A weekly paper, devoted to Literature, and the Fine Arts; the Drama; the Fashions-, Tales; Essays; Biographical Sketches; the History of Women-, Harmless Satire; Reviews of New Works, ts-c.; and embellished with superior En gravings; Fine Wood Cuts; Plates of the Fashions; and Alusic. Price $3, payable in advance. THE PARLOUR MAGAZINE is now in the meridian of its popularity, and as in spiring hopes without a shadow, and cloudless prospects without a horizon, continue to cheer it on its way, we may reasonably anticipate for it a long day of triumph. For general appearance, mechanical arrange ment, and typographical execution, it may just ly assert?* its claims to rank among the most beautiful periodicals in the United States. The Literary department is contributed toby many of the ablest writers in the country—men whose names, if they gave us permission to use them, would save us the trouble of circulating our claims on the public through the medium of a prospectus. For selections, the literary gardeusof all A merica and half Europe are open to us; so that if we fail in this particular, the defect must be only attributed to our own want of taste. The “Fashions” shall meet with all due at tention. AVe have made arrangements to ob tain the earliest intelligence from London and Paris, in respect of the various changes, which shall be inserted as soon as received. The PARLOUR MAGAZINE shall be oc casionally embellished with beautiful Engrav ings upon interesting subjects; and plates of the newest fashions, plain or colored, ascjrcumstan ces will permit; besides wood cuts in great va riety, and a piece of original or well selected Musie, at least twice a month. Highly finished portraits of all the great British and American poets,from Chaucer down wards, are in preparation, and will appear in the Magazine from time to time, with a general critique on the author’s works, annexed to each; the head and review of Shakespeare will be forthcoming in February—Bryant’s will fol low. To this paragraph we would especially call the readers attention, as the undertaking is one of great interest, expense and labor. The likenesses shall all be taken from portraits by the best masters. The PARLOUR MAGAZINE is printed on super-royal paper, in quarto form, and stitched in a handsome cover. JNO. M. MOORE, Office, 67 Liberty-street, New-York. VROBOSALS FOR publishing a Miscellaneous Paper, to be entitled “THE ALCHYMIST.” To be devoted to Literature, Science and the Mar vellous. To contain original and select Tales, Poetry, Anecdotes, Biographical and Historical Sketches, Notices of all new inventions in the arts, and a relation of all that is wonderful,rare, and curious, in the history of the day, a list of deaths, marriages, murders, robberies, arsons, shocking accidents by flood and field, hair breadth escapes, all important criminal trials in full, which will be carefully culled from the newspapers of the old and new world. It will invariably exclude all political, religious, or pro fessional discussions, and stick to useful and en tertaining matter only. The Alchymist will be published weekly in a quarto form, on a super royal sheet, at Colum bus, Geo., by Charles F. Sherburne, at Three Dollars per year, one half in advance, the oth er at the end of six months. The Editor will be assisted by gentlemen of establishcdjliterary reputation, and the publi cation will commence by the first of February, 1835. Columbus, Geo. Dec. 22, 1834. March 9 FOUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the one fourth of at!* undivided Tract of Land, lying and beign in the county of Henry, and known as lot No. 247 in the 12th district, sold as the property ofßo bert W. Bugg, a minor. A. RHODES, Guardian april 21 mlm 49 Received this day at the sign of the Mam moth Boot, CASES Ladies French Morocco Water <4* Proof SLIPPERS 2 Case? do do Gaiter Boots 2 do do White & Black Satin Slippers 1 do do Patent Mockasins, for travelling 4 do Infant & Children’s Kid & Morocco Slip pers and Boots 4 do Ladies &Gentlemen’s Gum Elastic Boots and Shoes ■ 2 do Gentlemen’s Dancing Pumps and Boots 40 nests Seal Skin TRUNKS For Sale by B. W. FORCE & CO. January 2, 1835. 1 ts. NOTICE. FOUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell a Tract of Land be longing to the orphans of William Churchill, deceased. JANI CHURCHILL, Guardian: Nov 9 '133 TO THfi FtJBIAG, KETHIE subscrilbr, havin< purchased die _H. Southern Ai'iculturist trom its late Edi tor and Proprietor, Mr. Join D. Legare, soli- Os the support of the of Agriculture, ant mf the interests connected with it, through out t,,. Southern St?es. He has published this wo d< for Mr. Le>are from its commence ment, in theyear 18S, and heisthus practical ly acquahited with ne mode in which it should be conducted. Its publication will be continue 1 on the same Irws aid in the same manner as heretofore, with stch improvements as his ex perience mqf suggest. the aibscriier is solicitous to make this Journal vehicle for disseminating useful in formation n o t only with regard to established systems o Husbandry, but also experimental efforts in Agriculture and Horticulture, he in vites free n d unrestrained communications from all pedons occupied in these pursuits. — Let no one inagine that solitary facts or iso- lated expern>nts are too trivial to be commu nicated. All-.ystcmatie knowledge is but the 'ggregate ofhw.ble particulars- ° a nd Science, * every depatment, is brought to perfection, n t through th instrumentality of a single ex trordinary mud but by the contributions of P a, iculars by naiy individuals,an I generally iifte th e lapse of lany years. He is desirous, thercore, to have v many facts to record as ean be fui i s h e d; andfinithe Planter, who issys temati j n his expeinental labors, an account of his tqlurcs as we as of his successful es . forts, wq be acceptaL. If the last are worthy ofbeing^cordedthat < e y maybe imitated, the first merittQ be noted i order to be shunned. 1 he Subscriber htpethat this appeal to his iellow-citizens of theSljth, will not be in vain. “ 'vouM be areproaq oour Planters to suffer this Periodical to met t, e fate of the Southern Review. Os the last i ni y be justly said, that it was suffered to fall, hen it was not only rear ing for us a well mer ?d f ame as a literary people, but it was also Micating the Southern character and Sontheri> a bit s from the unjust aspersions which have L n so liberally bestow ed upon us out of our So on of country. The SOUTHERN A T’ in some measure supplies the pla< o f the Southern Re view, so far as regards L circumstances last allnded to. It serves as a es rj ster not only of methods of Husbandry, bu ] SO of facts relating to our system es Slavery. -h e subjects of the discipline, the treatment, of our Slaves, are fairly suited to s pages, and con stitute topics as interestingai important as any wljich can engage either our wn a ttention or the attention of those abroadyho feel a legit imate interest in our concerns The Subscriber begs leave, conclusion, to remark, that if he had not mistaken to con tinue the publication of this Pei>dical, it most probably would have been eitheremoved from our city,or been suspended. Viether it will be in his power to continue it, -qi depend not only on the pecuniary but the ,iZera?y Con tributions of Southern Planters. He confident ly now leaves this matter in the hands, feei ng a full assurance that there iwanting on he part of our Planters, neitherhe liberality nor mental energies necessary t sustain the Southern Agriculturist. A. EMILLER. Charleston, S. C., Dec. 1, 1834. PROSPECTUS OF THE FOURTH VOLUME C THE SOUT HE R N ROSEBUD, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED UNDER IE TITLE OF THE SOUTHERN RISE. F&AHE first number of the fourt volume of -S. the “ Southern Rose Bud” wi be issued the last week in August, 1835, und< the name of the SOUTHERN ROSE. Thmmount of matter will be nearly double, the pa}r of a fine quality, and the type improved. The subscribers to the “ Rose Bu<’ have in cluded persons of all denominations! religion throughout the Union. The contributors to the Southenßose will be persons of high literary standin. many of whom have contributed to the “ Rosßud.” TERMS —Two Dollars per annul payable in advance. June 12 70 N EAV YORK SPIRIT OF THE TI.VIJS. A metropolitan gazette Os the Sporting, iJterary, and i<'aiionable World. WILLIAM T. PORTER, EDITOR. The prominent feature in the chaicter of this Journal, is, its devotion to the Spo:s of the ■ Field and Turf. Gentlemen will find i its col ums regular reports of the races which ome off I on the principal Courses in the Unin, —co- pious extracts from “Bell's Life” and teEng : lish Sporting Magazine's, with every qnd of Sporting Intelligence accessible to the Editor. Shooting and Angling, with the collattal and necessary information upon each of th<n, will claim our attention, while Rural, Atjuafr, and ! other exhiliratingamusements will not bforgot ten. The owners of the crack Trotting [orses I of New York and Philadelphia, may rel upon i seeing the performances of their nags fithful ; ly chronicled in the Spirit of the Times. i In fine, every endeavor will be made tcren- ■ der this paper available, and even indispnsi ’ ble, to gejitlemcn of the Turf, throughouthe ! country. i Various and elegant selections from th<A i merican and Foteign Magazines, with bief f original remarks upon current literature, yn I determine the Literary character of this (j --zette. The affairs of the Stage, with all kinds f Theatrical Chit-ChatpxiW receive constant atta i tion. Carefully digested summaries of Foreign am Domestic News will be given, and the whok rendered as pleastint and acceptable as the Ed- I itor can make it, by crowding into hrs columns all the Sayings and Doings about Town. This, we trust, will be a favorite, as it is a lea ding and original feature in our design. Un der appropriate devices will be found the Quips \ and Quirks of the thousand and one Wags about i Town, with the last “good things” of “Figaro” J and “Bob Short,” together with a dashing Sal magundi of the liveliest sallies of the intire edi ' torial corps; each spiced and peppered to the i taste of the mirth loving votaries of the Fun, ! Frolic, Flash, and Fashion of old Gothaml Fact, I Scraps, Oddities, and other Gleanings by the Way | side with the latest On Bits, Scan Mag, and do- I ings in the Fashionable circles, will always be ■ carefully collatedfor the amusement of the gen i eral reader. i Such are the more prominent features of the | plan of our publication. We enter on our la | bors not as novices in the art of getting up a paper combining various interestsand laden with amusement: our whole life has been en- ' ployed in qualifying ourselves for the task. With such resources as years of experience ' haveafforded os,by the certainty of being sustain ed by friends knowm as approved writers and dis criminating critics, we fearlessly launch our bark on the broad ocean of public opinion, and cheerilyspread our sails to the breeze of public favor that already beckons us to its embraces, and may waft us to the goal of our wishes. ■ The New York Spirit of the Times is publish ed in a beautiful and attractive form, on Satur day Mornings at 171 Droadway (entrance at Courtland street) and furnished to the Country subscribers at $3,00 per annum in advance, or SI,OO per quarter, payable quarterly. Advertisments inserted on equitable terms, with a substantial reduction to Yearly Adverti sers. NOTICE. A LL Persons indebted to the subscriber for JtLservices rendered by Bertrand Jr. will please call and settle with Mr. Henry Dalby, as he is authorized to transact business fur me du ring my absence from the State. W. G. HAUN. August 7 if 93 OF A MONTHLY MAGAZINE TO BE ENTITLES THE SOUTHERN LITERARY JOURNA To be published in Charleston, S. C. WHILE numerous Literary Periodica are issued from the American Pres>» which are liberally patronized, it has been » subject of general regret, that since the discon tinuance of that able work, the Southern Re view, there has been no Magazine established in South Carolina affording a suitable medium through which the opinions of our best writers might be brought to bear directly and usefully upon the public mind. It is with a view tc meet this demand that the publication ot this Journal is proposed, and that the general and substantial support of the citizens of the South is respectfully solicited. The proposed Magazine will consist of Ori zinal Communications on Literary and Scien tific Subjects; of Popular Tales suggested by historical and local associations; of Poetry # and Political Intelligence. Its columns are in tended to afford a vehicle for the tree but tem perate discussion of all questions, which from their importance, interest or attraction are de serving of the attention of an educated com munity. If it shall become, what its name im ports, a Journal of strictly Southern Literature —if it shall serve to place upon record a true account of the opinions, 'feelings, habits and general tone of thinking of an enthusiastic and high-minded people—if, under the enlivening* inspiration ol the Genius Loci, and with the ap provingsmiles of the generous and the fair, and the concurrence anti effective aid of the learned! and talented men among us, it shall contribute, in any’small degree, to secure for the South that elevated Literary position to which it is entitled, and which it Is capable of maintain ing, its design will then be fully accomplished- The work will be conducted by the Subscri ber, assisted by several Literary Gentlemen who have pledged themselves to contribute con stantly and liberally to its columns, who are in terested in its success, and who think the pres ent a favorable juncture for the commencement of such an enterprize. It will be printed in an octavo form, on fine paper, in monthly numbers of fifty-six pages each, and will be put to press as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers can be obtained to authorize its publication. The Journal will be furnished to subscribers at Five Dollars per annum, payable at the expira tion of six months from the date of the first number. DANIEL K. WHITAKER. Charleston, March 24, 1835. At a meeting of the Literary and Philosophi cal Society of South Carolina, convened the 27th of March, 1835, the following Resolution was offered by Benjamin Elliott, Esq., seconded by M. M. Cohen, Esq., and unanimously adopt ed •• 11 Resolved, That the Literary and Philo sophical Society understand, with high gratifi cation, that Mr. Whitaker is about commencing a monthly journal, to be devoted to the ad vancement of Southern Literature, and, with pleasure, declare their opinion of his full quali fication for such an undertaking, and comply with his request to be permitted to publish th* proceedings ot the Society, and such communi cations to ths Society as the Curators may ap prove.” (Signed) JOSEPH JOHNSON, From the Minutes. President pro. tem. Jacob Dr La Motta, Secretary. ’ ?T*r Subscriptions will be received at this of ce and the different Book Stores in this City. AN ORDINANCE To require and regulate the weighing of Cotton in the City of Augusta. WHEREAS, it has been made known t«> the City Council of Augusta, by the petition of many ot the merchants and dealers in cotton in this city, that a great loss is sustain ed by reason of the irregular manner of weigh ing cotton —Foi remedy whereof: Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Augusta, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the first day of May next, no cotton shall be weigh ed in the City of Augusta, except at a publie warehouse; and that alllieepets of warehouses as well as their assistants, before weighing any cotton, shall appear before some member oi Council and take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: “I,A Bdo solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be)that 1 will to of my judgment and ability correct ly weigh or cause to be weighed, all cotton brought to the warehouse (w here I officiate) for the purpose of being weighed, and will make a reasonable deduction for wet, if, in my judge ment, any should be made on that account, and make or cause to be made a fair return of the weight to the person entitled tQ receive the same.” Which oath, when taken, shall be de posited with the Clerk of Council. And all and every person or persons who may offend against the provisions of this section of the ordinance shall be subject to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each and every offence; and io all eases where any warehouse keeper or any of his assistants shall fail or neglect to take the said oath, or to file the same with the Clerk, tlie said warehouse keeper snail be held and deemed the offender, and liable for the penalty. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the right and privilege of any purchaser of cotton in any warehouse or store, lo have the same delivered to him at the actual weight thereof at the time of the sale, to be ascertained by weighing, aud each and every vender of cotton, or keeper of a warehouse, or store who shall refuse to deliver such cotton by actual weight, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ftn each and every offence. Done in Council, the 22d day of April, 1835. SAMUEL HALE, Mayor. By the Mayor. GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. ,PROSI > ECTUS OF THE PALLADIUM. THE PALLADIUM is published weekly, on a royal sheet, at Newnan, Coweta minty, byC. F. SHERBURNE, it is devoted t Politics, Agriculture, Literature, and the Atsand Sciences.—lt will support, in a mild, bit firm manner, the principles of the Union Patyofthis State and of the United States: it wil oppose the doctrine of Southern Confede ratim and Nullification in the South, and the Abditionists and Fanatics at the North.—ln the naintenance of these tenets, it will be the aim ts its editor to treat all parties ingenuously —invariably excluding all articles leading to personal invective, or vulgar buse. With these sentiments we fearlessly launch oir staunch bark upon the troubled ocean of the Political world. Terms— Three dollars per annum, payable in advance or within six months,Jor four dollars at the end of the year. Aug. 29th, 1835 Georgia Richmond County. WHEREAS Elisha Perryman, Guardian oiElizabethWatson — a minor, applies for letters dismissory from his said. Guar dainship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause (if any) why said letters should not ba granted. Given under my hand at office this 15th day of May, 1835. GEO. M. WALKER, C. C. O. may 15 58 FOUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Rich mond County, while sitting for ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell a Lot of Land, situate, lying and being in the county of Troup, con taining two hundred two and a half acres, belongingto the estate of John Heckle, dec’d, and drawn by said John Heckle. HENRY HECKLE. Adm>. Sept. *5 »4m 113