Georgia courier. (Augusta, Ga.) 1826-1837, December 30, 1835, Image 1

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VOL. IX. PUBLISHED EVERY OTHER DAY, MONDAY , WEDNESDAY, <Ss FRIDAY, AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M. Howard's Brick Buildings opposite the Post Office, M'lntosh Street. _ _______ ----- Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Execu tors, or Guirdians, arc required, by law, to be lio*d on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court- House of the county in which the property is situated. Notice of those sales must be given tn a public Gazette SIXTY days pr< vious to the day of sale. Notices of the ale of personal property must be given iulike manner, I 'OR TY days previous to the day of sale. Notices to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be published so FORTY days. , Notice that application will be made to the Court ot Ordidarv for leave to sell land, must be published for •FOUR MONTHS. t ... . J , Notice for leave to sell Negroes, mn»< be published for FOUR MONTHS before auy order absolute shall be made hereon by the court. AN ORDINANCE. TO prohibit Slavesand free persons of Color from buying or selling certain articles in the Market or streets of the City of Augusta. Sect. Ist. Be it ordained by the City Council ot Augusta, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the first day of January next, it shall not be lawful for any slave or free person of color, to buy any Corn, Meal, Rice, Ixggs, Butter, or Poul try in the market or streets of this city for their own use, in greater quantities than are necessa ry for their own consumption. Sect. 2nd. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the first day of January next, it shall not be lawful for any slave or free person of color to sell in either of the markets or streets of this city, any Corn, Meal, Eggs, Butter, or Poultry, that has or have been purchased by such slaves or free persons of color. Sect. 3d. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That where any slave or free person of color shall be charged by any person with violating this ordinance, or when the City Marshall or any of the City Constables shall know, or have rea: on to believe, that any slave or free person of color has viol? ted the same, it shall be the duty of the Marshall or any of the Constables to arrest such slaves or fre? persons of color and bring him or her before auy two members of the City Council, by whom he or she shall be tried in a summary man ner (allowing time for the attendance of wit nesses) and if found guilty shall be punished with not exceeding thirty nine iashes, or such punishment may be commuted by the payment of not exceeding twenty dollars, at the discre tion of said Members of Council. Done in’Council the 19th day of December, 1835. JAMES B. BISHOP, Chairman. By tlie Chairman, GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. AN ORDINANCE. TO alter and amend the first Clause ot the Thirty Eighth Section of the General Ot dinance. Be it ordained by the City Council of Au gusta, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That hereafter the Street Officer shall be appointed at such time, under such reg ulations, and for such term of office as the City Council may determine by Resolution. Done in Council the 19th day of December, 1835. JAMES B. BISHOP, Chairman. By the Chairman, GEO. M. WALKER, Glerk. Dec 21 151 AN ORDINANCE. TO repeal a part of the thirtieth section of this ordinance. B» it ordained by the City Council of Augus ta and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the first day ot January next, so much of the said section as im posed a tax on dogs, be and the same L aereby repealed Done in Council on the I9ih day of Dec. 1835. JAMES B. BISHOP, Chairman. Bv ♦’•t Chairman GEO. M. WALKFF f j erA . Jockey Club Races. Over the Bonaventure Course, 4 miles distant from the City. THE following Jockey Club Purses will be run for, over the above course, under the exclusive control and direction of the Stew ards and officers of the Club commencing on Wednesday the 27th January, 1836, being the annual meeting of the Club and will continue four days Ist day, January 27. 2 mile heats fora Purse of S3OO 2d day, January 28. 3 mile heats for a Purse of SSOO 34 day, January 29. 4 mile heats fora Purse of ’ S7OO 4//i day, January 30. mile heats best 3 in 5, handicap for a purse of S2OO Weights, &c. according to the rules of the S. J. Club. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Secretary. . Dec. 14 118 N. B. Good Stabling and straw may be pro cured on the premises. A week or ten days before the Races,the priv ilege of the Booths will be rented on the Course to the highest bidder. . n. W. force & co. Have on hand, at No. 276 Broad street, in Kerrs & Graham’s new range, three doorsabove the Globe Hotel, PACKAGES of fresh BOOTS OvfLfA SHOES, a very extensive as sortment of every article in the line, calculated io suit the City and Country trade—consisting in part of 2,000 pair Men’s Calf Brogans and Shoes 3, (XX) do do Kip. do do 5,000 do do coarse do do 2,500 do Boys’ and Children’s coarse and fine Shoes 3,000 do Ladies’ Prunello, Morocco, Seal skin and leather Boots, Shoes and Sers .es’ and Gentlemen’s waterproof Boots and Shoes’" 500 do do do Carpet-and do Mockasins Vj" Also a lage stock of LEATHER, such as Harness and Skirting, Sole and Upper Leath er, New Yotk, Philadelphia, and Baltimore Calf Skins, Sealskins, Buckskins, Morocco and Lining Skins, stout coarse Leather for Negro Shoes; also, Lasts, Boot and Shoe Trees, Shoe Thread and all the materials and Tools for manufactuiing, all of which will be offered to the consumer and dealer at reduced prices. FORCE & Co.’s Boot and Shoe Factory in the rear entrance through their Stole; where Boots and Shoes of every description are made and repaired. Dec 5 145 GEORGIA C'OIT KiJE R. WESTERN MOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEO. MT HE Subscriber has rented the house lately occupied by H.B.Miins,known as the WESTERN HOTEL, and intends keeping it a number of years for the accommo dation “>f travellers &c. The house is in a healthy part of the city, on the corner of Green and Centre streets, and is put in good repair, with entirely new furniture, good servants, and an excellent cook ; the Bar furnished with the best liquors of every kind. Attached to the premises there are large Sta bles and mts, suited to the accommodation of horse dealers, for whom there will be constantly on hand a full supply of provender. At the Stables will be kept all sorts of hacks, or long or short excursions; and horses for ale, matched or single. Call and make an experiment, and yotircom fort and interest will be the care and pride of OTHO WEAVER. * Nov. 4 ts 131 RENOVATING LIQUID, RECENT DISCOVERY. RS. BERNARDS RENOVATING • LIQUID for extracting all kinds of Oils, Paints, Tar, and Grease from the most delicate coloured Silks, Satins, Cloths, Bombazines, or Velvets, without injuring in the least their Col our or Texture. This recent and valuable chemical discovery is offered for sale by the subscriber. —It almost supersedes the necessity of dying, and the scourer’s “Vocation is gone.” Fifty cents worth will secure a Bacon Merchant’s breech es from criticism for 12 months. It acts like a charm upon silks of the finest texture, by in stantly removing the taints of grease, without in the least affecting the fabric itself —the most inveterate lodgments of wax upon Coat Collars, fly before it like dust before 4 brush. It is no Quackery but the tine secundum artem mode of appearing decent in old clothes at the least im aginable expense. It is offered to Gentlemen at 50 cents a Phial, and all other sorts of people can have it at the same price. No danger need be apprehended in using it upon the finest and most delicate Silks—nor is it like the soaps so commonly advertised in our days, which removing one evil, almost invaria bly produce another of double size—nor does it require the preparatory meansofall other renova tors —such as hot irons and the like. Only a lit tle clean water, according to the directions, is wanting. Oil or Grease ofuny kind can be ex tracted from the most delicate coloured carpets, without the usual trouble of taking them up. If used according to the directions, it will at once extract every particle of grease from the finest Cloth, or most delicate Silks, without injuring in the least the colour or texture. For sale by TURPIN & D’ANTIGNAC. [August 13 96] Augusta Geo. THE SILK?CULTUKIST. FQYHE Executive Committee of the Hartford I .H. County Silk Society, have commenced a publication, called the Silk Cultuiist and Far~ mers Manual. The object of the publication is to disseminate a through knowledge of the cultivation of the Mulberry Tree, in all its varieties —the rearing of Silk Worms—the production of Cocoons, and the reeling of Silk, in the most approved method. The importance of this knowledge will appear from the fact that the nett profits ot of landdevoted to the culture of Silk, is double, if not triple, tothat derived from ;yiy other crop which can he put upon it. It is also a fact,that very moderate farmer tan raise several hun dred dollars worth ofsilk, without interfering with his ordinary agricultural operations. But in order to avail himself of this facility to obtain competency and wealth, which our soil and climate have given him, )»•* tmn- spR of information on the subject—for without it his attemps will be fruitless. Il is, therefore I the object of the Committee to diffuse this in-1 formation as extensively as possible, and at the | cheapest rate. The publication will contain a complete manual or directory from sowing the seed to reeling the Silk, together with such facts and experiments, as will enable farmers to raise Silk, and prepare it for market, without further knowledge or assistance. It will also contain interesting matter on agricultural sub jects in general. Terms. —TheCulturist will be published in monthly numbers of Eight Quarto Pages, at Fifty Cents a year. No subscription will be re reived unless paid in advance, and for not less than a year. Subscriptions received by F. G. Comstock Sec’y, Hartford, Conn., to whom also, Commu nicationsmay be addresesd, which if post paid will be attended to. O’ Editors who will copy the above, shall receive the publication for one year. Hartford, April, 1835. 60 SEARS’ NEVVFAMIIA~RECEIPT BOOK, or The Housekeeper’s Guide, Price.2s cents. Sold only at No. 2 Frankfort street, opposite Tammany Hall. The above work contains all the most Valuable Receipts for the various branches of Cooking, compiled from the best authorities, together with numer ous approved receipts, for Brewing, Preserving Fruits, and making -Pickles and Cordials, Jel lies, &c. with an appendix containing a variety of receipts and directions useful in families, nr The N. Y. Sun says: “It is COMPRE HENSIVE and VALUABLE and EVERY FAMILY should buv a copy.” AIso—SEARS’ VIEW OF THE WORLD, embellished with ' Engravings. Price 12} cents. This valuable sheet of Historical and Geographical informa tion, has been carefully compiled from the lat est American and Eurojftan Geographies, Voy ages and Travels, in which the various Em- Eires, Kingdoms, Republics, States, Principal slands, Colonies and Discoveries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America, alphabetically ar ranged, are shown at one glance, and included in a single line, with the situation, extent, chief cities, their population, distances in British miles from London, Produce, Government, Revenue, Military and Naval strength, Arts, Religion, &c. A liberal discount by the quan tity. Active men wanted, to retail the above. ROBT. SEARS. Nov. 23 ts 139 T’r Conntry Merchantsand Pedlars supplied with the above Workson very reasonable terms. Orders from the country (postpaid) punctually attendedto. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. FOUR months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Rich mond county, for leave to sell four Negroes, namely, John, George, Lucy, and Nancy, Be longing to the estate of Robert W. M’Keen, de ceased: H. BOW DRE, Adm’r. Nov. 2, 1835 130 mlm JAILOR’S NOTICE. BROUGHT to Augusta Jail on the 26th November-, a mulatto man; calls himself TOM; five feet 4 inches high ; about 21 years old; says he belongs to Col. Elmore of South Carolina. On the 28th November, a dark negro man; calls himself NED; about 5 feet 6 inches high; has lost all the fingers off his right hand; says he belongs to Patrick Car, near Columbus, Ga Owners are requested to come forward, prove property, pav expences, and take them from jail- G. S. CLARKE, Jailor. ' Dec 7 w3t 115 AUGUST/l, GEO., WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 30, 1835. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. SNOWDEN & SHEAR. Respectfully announce to their friends in thejcity and country, that by recent arrivals they have received a very large and splendid assortment of staple and fancy dry Goods, suitable for the Fall and winter season ; comprising a great variety of new and fashion able articles of the latest importations; making their assortment the largest and most complete that they have ever offered to the public. Among them are Extra 6-4 French Mennoes, of Lupin’s manu facture, and of richest and most fashionable coio rs (decidedly the best article imported) Superior 3-4 colored and Black Merino Circas sians, of the soft finish, for Ladies Dresses, and of very superior styles. Extra double width black French Bombazines, Superior black and colored Bombazines, Plain colored Chally’s (very rich ami most fashionable colors,) New style fancy colored Figured Silks, for La dies Dresses, Extra single and double width black Gro de Rines (of splendid lustre,) Heavy and very superior blackGro de de Swiss (extra width, Extra rich black Itallian Lustrings, Superior white and black Satins, and black Modes, Superior black and green Sarsinetts and Sin chews, Extra rich colored Gro de Naps and Poult de Sois, Superior Pongees, and black French Crapes. Extra rich embroidered and printed Thibet Wool Shawls and Hdkfs. of the latest and most fashionable styles, Superior plain black Thibet Wool Hdkfs, for mourning (three sizes,) Extra plain, white black, and fancy colored Chally Hdkfs. Rich embroidered scarlet Thibet. Wool Hdkfs. Hemani Shawls and Hdkfs.' and fancy Crape shawls. Plain black love hdkfs. and black love veils for mourning, A vety large supply of Prussian Valencia, and Braganza Shawls, Gentlemen’s superior Pongee, India and Eng lish Silk Hdkfs. (extra size,) Youth’s and Children’ssuperior Pongee Hdkfs. Ladies superior hem stitch, and plain broider ed Linen Cambric Hdkfs. A large supply of Madrass, Turkey Red and Cotton Bandanna Hdkfs. Linen Cambric, of a very superior style and quality, Imitation Linen Cambric, and Bishop Lawns, White and Green colored Oil Silks and Oil Silk Aprons, Extra jet audblue black Silk Velvets for Vest ing, Superior green, crimson, maroon, and royal purple colored Silk Velvets, Superior white and black Tabby Velvets, Extra rich and new style Belt Ribbons, Superior p’ain Taffila Satin Bonnet Ribbons. Splendid Grodeville Prints, oflhe latest French style (warranted last colors,) Superior Turkey-Red Piints(small figures for children,) A very large supply of English and American - Prints (latest styles,) Superior plain and figured Swiss Book, and Mull Muslins, Extra Oriental and very superior Check’d Muslins, Superior plain Jackonet and Cambric Muslins Rich fig’d and plain Bobbinetts, Superior Thread Edgings and Insertings, Bobbinett and Grecian Quillings, and Bobbin ett Laces, Black and fancy colored Worsted Trices, Needle-workod Musfin Edgings and Insertings A very large supply of Needle-worked Muslin Capes and Collars, of the latest Paris styles, and at reduced prices, (some splendidly worked,) Infant’s Needle-worked Caps, on. Linen cam bric, and worked bodies for Infants Dresses, Ladies superior black and Chincilia Fur .Tip pets, (some with long ends) Ladies white Down Fur Stocks, Extra blue, black, and fancy colored Cloths and Cassimeres. Superior BuffCassimcrs and French Erminetts. Extra blue, brown, mixt, and lavender Sattin netts Superior fancy striped and corded Sattinnetts. Superior Silk, Valentia, Swansdown; and Mar seiles Vesting. Superior German Goat’s and English Camblet. Superior white Welch, Silecian, and Thibet Gauze Flannels (warranted not to shrink.) A large supply of superior Red Flannels, an-d White Canton Flannels, Superior Salisbury Flannels, and spotted Cir casins, for children’s Dresses. Superior 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens, (soft finish warranted the best style) Heavy 5-4 and 6-4 L-nen sheetings. Superior 3-4 and 7-8 long Lawns. Huckaback, (a heavy and very superior article for towels) Superior Table, Scotch, Russia, and Bird’s-eye Diapers. Superior 8-4, 10-4 and 12-4 Damask Table Cloths. Superior white Doyles’and Damask Napkins. Superior Silicia Diapers for fine Towels. Blue, green, and drab printed Piano and Table Covers. Superior crimsoned and green Worsted Da mask Table Covers. A large supply of 3-4, 7-8, and 4-4 Furniture Dimities (extra style and quality.) A large supply of German and Domestic Cot ton Fringe. Superior Corded Skirts and Sleeve Stiffeners. Ladies’ Corsets, No 1,2, 3,4, 5, and 6, of supe rior style, (Mrs. Weatherby’s manufacture.) Ladies’superior white black ami fancy colored open worked Silk Gloves. Ladies’ superior white and black English and French Silk Gloves. Ladies’ extra white black and colored H. S. Gloves. Gentlemen’s extra Buck, Doe, and black and colored H. S. Gloves. Gentlemen’s and Youth’s very; superior Wollen Gloves. Ladies’ superior Wollen Gloves. Ladies’superior white and black English Silk Hose. Ladies’ superior white black and slate colored Merino and worsted Hose. Ladies’ superior white black and printed Cotton Hose. Misses superior white Cotton Hose. Gentleman’s superior white and black English Silk J Hose. Gentlemen’s superior white and mixt Lamb’s Wool J Hose. Gentlemen’s superior white and mixt Angola } Hose. Gentlemen's superior white t nd random } Hose Youths’ superior mixt Angola } Hose, (three sizes.) A large supply of Children’s scarlet and fancy worsted Hose and Grecian Boots. A large supply of heavy Woollen Hose for ser vants. Ladies’ superior Merino, Crape Camblet, and Circassian Cloaks. Gentlemen’s Camblet and Plaid Cloaks, Very rich Gilt and Cut Glass Bend Bag’, (new patterns.) Hemming’s best quality Drilled Eye Needles, and Kirby’s Patent Pins. Rodgers’ best quality of Scissors. A large supply of superior Shell Side, Puff, and Tuck Cornbs. A large supply of superior Brazilian Side,Neck, and Tuck Combs. Superior .Ivory fine and Dressing Combs. Clarks’ spool Cotton, (200 and 300 yds.) Taylor’s Persian Thread, on spools, (a new and very superior article.) Superior black, blue, and colored Cotton Thread on spools. Blue, black, and coloured Italian Sewings. Black and colored Silk Braids, Linen Tapes and Braids. Ladies’ Oriental Bonnets, Gipsey and Cottage shapes, (latest style.) Ladies'Lace and Florence Bonnets, (Gipsey and Cottage shape.) Ladies’ very superior English fine straw and Vandyke Bonnets, (Gipsey shape.) Ladies’and Misses’ Blond Silk Bonnets. A large supply of superior Ingrain Carpeting, (splendid patterns.) A supply of Damask Venetian Carpeting, all wool, (very rich colors.) 5-8,3-4 and 4-4 rich Venetian Striped Carpeting for stairs and halls. 7-8, 4-4, 9-8, 5-4, 6-47-4, and 8-4 heavy Oil-cloth Carpeting. A very large supply of Brussels Hearth Rugs, to match the carpets. - Carpet Binding, and Green Cords for blinds. A large supply of very superior Whitney and Rose Blankets, (extra sizes and quality.) A very large, supply of Duffel and Point Blan- kets, (extra size and quality.) Superior 4-4 English Long Cloths. Slater’s 4-4 Premium Bleached Shirtings. x Superior 3-4 7-8, and 4-4 Bleached Shirtings, Superior 5-4 Bleached Phoenix and Waldham Sheetings. A large supply of Brown Shining and S het ings. Brown Drills, Tickings, Apron, and Furniture Checks. Russia Sheetings, Ticklcnburghs, and Osna burgs. Red Paddings, Buckram, and heavy Topsail Duck. Heavy Negro Kerseys,and Plaid Linseys for fe male servants. The above, with many other articles for fam ily use, have been selected with great care for the city and country trade, and will be sold at the lowest prices. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. Country merchants will be supplied on the most reasonable terms. Oct 20 128 (JE(»KGIA, F 77 77- Richmond County. ! June Term ’ 1835 ; the Honorable John Schley, Judge of the Su periour Court: FHYHE Petition ofEbcnezer Starnes sheweth that at the last term of this court, your pe titioner obtained an order for the establishment of a certain lost promissory note of tenor and effect as follows: “ Ist September, 1831. On the first day of January, 1832, I promise to pay Hugh Knox or order one hundred and seventy-five dollars for value received. (Signed) Oliver Sage, and endorsed Hugh Knox and James H. Gardner. Your petitioner therefore prays, that said or der be extended, and that the rule Nisi, which was then granted, may again be granted to your petitioner, EBENEZER STARNES. In consideration of the above petition, it is ordered, that Oliver Sage and Hugh Knox be required to show cause, if any they have, at the next term of this court, why the above copy should not be established in lieu of the original note,.and that copies ofthis rule be served on the said Oliver Sage and Hugh Knox twenty days before the sitting of the next court, if they or either of them be resident within the State; if not, then tjiis rule to be published in some pub lic gazette in this State, for the space of tlnee months. [A true extract from the minutes. JAMES M’LAWS, Clerk. 25 _ 11 WHEREAS Philip H. Mantz Administra tor on the Estate of John G. Bowers de ceased Applies for letters of Dismissary— All persons concerned, are hereby noti ed to be an appear at my office within the lime pre sc.iibed by lawtoshow cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, October 2 1835. GEORGE M. WALKER, C. C. O. Oct. 2 112 PREMI U M S . SSOO IN PRIZES. PEpHE publishers of the Philadelphia Satnr- JaL day Courier of which now twenty thou- ■ sand copies are circulated, being anxious to ren der their paper as superior in the quality of its contents as it is already admitted to be surpass- ■ ing in size and cheapness, offer the following premiums:— ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the best i Essay on Newspapers, their management and influence; with such suggest ions as maybe most likely to promote their usefulness and indepen- | deuce, secure the payment of bills, ami advance generally the interests of publishers. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the best Original Talc, which shall be throughout Arne- ■ rican in its subject, incidents, and sentiments; and which, in its moral and patriotic tendency, | may be calculated to exercise the most salutary influence.. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the best series of familiar and popular Medical Essays, not exceeding thirteen in number, on the pre vention and cure of diseases, and the promotion and preservation of Health ; and, as connected with so important a subject, the evils arising from ignorance, error and quackery. FIFTY DOLLARS for the best National Song; something worthy the American muse, and that shall excite in the breast of the reader a glow of patriotic enthusiasm. FIFTY DOLLARS for the best Satirical Review of the foreign travellers and scribblers of the Fiddler and Trollope school. FIFTY DOLLARS for the best Poem. The balance of Fifty Dollars will be reserv ed to defray the expense of furnishing a free subcription to the Philadelphia Saturday Cour ier to each unsuccessful candidate whose pro duction inaj' be deemed worthy of being pub lished. All communications intended lor competi tion will be handed to the several Committees of Examination on the first of January next, and the awards will be announced immediate!}' thereafter. The Committees of Examination will consist of the first literary gentlemen in Philadelphia, whose names will be published with their decision. As usual, all articles re ceived will become the property of the publish ers. No communication taken Irom the Post Office unless the postage is paid. WOODWARD & CLARKE, Philadelphia. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IHJ«VARD "H OST, on Sunday last, between Warren -B-Jton and Augusta, a small Wallet, contain ing between 6 and 700 dollars, in Bank Notes, principally of the Darien Bank, and sundry pa pers. The Wallet has the owner’s name mark ed on it in four places. The above reward will be given to any person who shall return it to the Augusta Courier Office, or at Mr. Har l ris’s Hotel in Warrenton,|or“ at the Circus th j Augusta. J. W. BANCKER. Nov. 25 ts 140 Irani ORDINANCE. I' B”' J Levy a tax on nine pin alleys, ten pinal -&L. leys, and other alleys. Be it ordained by the City Councilor Augus ta, and it iS— hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That irom and after the thirty-first day ol December, 1835, there shall be a tax on all nine pin alleys, ten pin alleys, and all other al leys, on which pins are used for the same pur pose,which shall be levied and collected as other Taxes now are under the General ordinance of force. Done in Council on the 19th day of Dec. 1835 JAMES B. BISHOP, Chairman. Bv the Chairman GEO. M. WALKER, CZerZ'. ON the first Tuesday in Feb.uary next agree able to ap order of the Justices of the Inte rior Court of Richmond county, sitting for Or dinal}' purposes—will be sold at the Court House in Henry county, one forth of an undi vided Tract of Land situated lying and being in said county, and known Lot No. 247 in the 12th District.' The same b«ing the interest of Robert Bugg (a minor,) in said Land. A. RHODES, Guardian. Nov 23 i3f) The Georgia Coustitutionalist. THIS paper is punted daily and three times a week during six months of tire year; twice a week during the oilier six months, and another paper is printed weekly during the whole year. The daily at $8 per annum, $5 sor k six months; the tri-weekly at $5, and the weekly at $3. The Constitutionalist is now so well known, that it is unnecessary jo give a description of the character it has assumed. The editors, however, can assure their patrons that fbr politi cal and commercial information, it will not be surpassed by any paper in the South, having made additional arrangements for obtaining the earliest news from abroad, political as well as commercial. All political and commercial in telligence, will appear in the three papers pub lished at this office. The editors flatter themselves, by industry, and strict attention to business, to render their paper acceptable to their kind and numerous patrons, and to deserve an increase of patron age, which they respectfully solicit from their fellow citizens of Georgia. GUIEU & THOMPSON. Augusta, Oct. 1, 1835. SU 1» I» UE MEN TTO IDE GIAHi E? Prospectus of the Congressional Globe. r'R 'HE success of the experiment we have .1. made to furnish a succinct history of the proceedingsol Congress, from day to day, with sketches of the Debates, induces the undersign ed to persevere in their plan to extend and per fect it. They have, resolved that the Congress ional Globe shall not only embody the parlia mentary annals of the country, but shall also furnish an Appendix, which shall contain the finished speeches of the prominent speakei on the most important subjects, written out by the members themselves, from the notes and printed sketches of the Reporters. The Congiessional Globe, with an Index, will be published weekly, upon double royal paper, in octavo form, as heretofore, at one dol for the session. It may be subscribed for sep arately. The appendix of finished speeches will, also, be published for one dollar. It is probablethatthe next session of Congress will continue nearly seven months ; if so, the work will contain between four and five hun dred pages, and will be the cheapest publication i perhaps in the world. The next sesssion of Congress will probably be the most eventful one which has occurred for many years, ard will certainly be replete with interest, as its course will have great influence infixing the destiny of the Republic lorycars to come. Immediately preceeditig, as it does, the next Pesidential election, and containing the leading minds of all the contending parties in the country, deep and abiding interest will attend the debates. The whole drama will be faithfully exhibited in the Congressional Globe and the Appendix. , We have already provided for our reporting corps, eminent ability and skill in onejirancli of Congress, and we expect to obtain an adequate reinforcement of capable persons in the other, by the time it meets, to fulfil out own wishes and the expectations of the Members. No pains or cost on our part will be spared on our part to accomplish it. As the work will be continued regularly, and be made permanent, authentic, and therefore highly useful, all who take an in terest in the poiiueal affairs of the country will do well to begin their subscription with the next session. TERMS. Coxgiiessional Gi.obe.—l copy during the Sesssion, .$1 00 Do. Do. 11 copies during the Session, 10 00 Appendix.—Same price. The Congressional Globe, will bo sent to those papers that copy this Prospectus, if our at tention shall be directed to it by a mark with a pen. Our Exchange List is so large that we would not observe it, probably' unless this be done. Payment may be made by mail, postage paid, at our risk. The notes of any specie-paying Bank will be receicvd. No attention will be paid to any order, unless the money accompany it, or unless some responsible person, known to us to be so, shall agree to pay it before the Session expires. BLAIR & RIVES. Washington City, October 14,1835. FIVE DOETjARS REWARD. IOST on the L7th instant, in this citv. a flat J GOLD SEAL and WATCH KEY. The chain had worn in two. Any person finclir?' the same and leaving them at the Eagle & Phr nix Hotel, shall receive the above reward. J. J. HARRISON. Nov. 20 ts 138 PUBLIC SALE. WILL be sold, at the Plantation of the Subscriber, three miles and half above Augusta, (Westover,) on the first Thursday in January next, all the farming stock, provisions and utensils on said Farm, consisting of: Corn, Fodder, Oats, Live Stock of all kinds, and various implements of husbandry.—Terms made known on the dav of sale. AUGUSTUS B. LONGSTREET. Dec. 23 2wtd 152/* ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTI f A LL persons indebted to Robert- »V. M’- Keen, deceased, are requeued to make payment to the undersigned; ajxfthose holding claims against said deceased are required to hand in an account of thejrdeniands within the I time prescribed by law. H. BOWDRE, Adm’r Nov 2 130 w6t JAC FOR SAIjE. THE Subscix 6 ? rs sell the lull blooded Jack, ACK PRINCE, aged six years He is bv 7-1 imported Malta Jack, out of e fine Spanish Jinney, and has proved himself, in a neio-Jiboring county, last season, a sure foal get tP.-, he is 14 hands and one inch high. For ‘ enns, apple to J. AD. MORRISN. Dec 9 3t 146 | CITY' SHERIFF’S SALE. ! ’ ILL he sold on the first Tuc day in Jan- V V nary next, at the lower Markm House tn Augusta between (he usual houtsuf sale. A Lot and improvements'bounded N< t th by Pickering’s and Children of Goodman'.-L< ts, South by Green Street, East by Lol belonging to Cornelia Walker and Wc<t by Lot formerly belonging to William Walker. Levied on under a fi. fa. Kerrs &. Graham vs and,confaihinga five feet seven inches cu Green Woe.'- at.<i r; a ning half way th lough to Ellis $ a:. SUd subject to a Mcitgage in favor utC- urge Jack son. Tetnis Cash. WILL JAM MOODY, D. S..C. A. __EN ECU'i’dl’S 'SA L4i. K i ’HE undersigned, under an authoritv ves'- ed in them, offer sale, by piivaie"c6ntract the following property, being part oi the Estate of Thomas Cumming, Esq. deceased viz: A PLANTATION in Columbia county on the waters of Euchee Creek, about sixteen miles irom Augusta, on the Appling road, containing about twenty three hundred acres of land, of which about one thousand acres are cleared, and the remaining thirteen hundred, of good quality, and well timbered: adjoining lands of Beal], Martin, Cliett, and others. The premi ses now occupied by Col. Paul Fitzsimptis. ALSO, A Tract of Pine Landin Richmor I conjiiy containing about fifty acres, on which l! t- ... valuable Cludtrvy of white freestone, known as the '-''l'ne Wacfe” -about ft. from Augusta on the old Milledgevih ' Road and nearthe line of the Georgia Rail Road * Between two and three hundred acres ofpvne Land, lying west of the village ofSummcro-bo. on the Sand Hills, and adjoining lands of J. mg street, Fox, Blodgett, and others. ALSO Several building Lots in the villag? of Sum merville, near the Academy. The large Vacant Lol, in the citv of ' ■■ ■ z sa on the north side of Greene street’nea o >o site the City Hall, and extending from G: ne to Ellis street, by which it is bounded on the to El. A t.SO Ten Shares of the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel Stock, and three shares of Stock in the Vau cluse Manufacturing Company Persons wishing to purchase are requested«to examine the property and to make application to either of the undersisned- W ILL IAMC UM MING, ) ROBERT F. POE, } Executors. HENRY. H. CUMMING. S July 13 . ts 83 LIN < ULN siTeriff“sali<k7‘ WILL be sold at Lincoln Court House, on the first Tuesday m January next, with in the usual sale hours, Three Hundred Aczes of Land, lying in Lincoln county, on tr.evaters of Fishing Creek, now in the possession •fMr. E. N. Moss; levied on as the properly of Lewis R. Beaman, to satisfy a fi fa Irom Lit ci Hi .su perior Court, Robert S. Sayre against said Bea man and Alexander Moss, security. Property pointed out by said security. ALSO, A negro man named Luke, >rs old, levied on as the property of Rairrtolpb }’ iu;- say, under a fi fa, R. & B. Haviland vs John W. Scuddy and Randolph Ramsay—properly pointed out by John Bently, trustee lor - .•id Ramsay. 'HARDY LEVERITT, S<ff. Nov 30 tcL i-l"-- X, UITY~3IARS IS ALI /s' S ALE. WILL be sold, < n the 26 : h jnst, at the low- ■ er Market Housejin the City of Am.'t;s ta, within the usual hours of sale, if not pre viously called for, one mare MULE, taken up under the City ordinances. The owner is re quested to come lot ward, pay charges and take her away. MITCHELL NELSON, C. M. V Dec 11 id 147 1A NCOIN Sil EH IFF SALES. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March 1836, at Lincoln Court House, between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing Negr. es, viz: Nancy, William, Sarah, s’ary, Harriet, Ma ry, Maria, Mat tha, Micajah, Elizabeth, Win ny, Tom, America, Ilcniv, Jack, Sidnev, Bob, Ignatius, Aggy, St< phen, and Henry: Levied on ’as the property of Zimry W. Tate under a Mortgage fi fa from Wilkes Superior Court in favor of Lawrence P. P. Tate—property point ed out in said Mortgage. JOHN B. M’LEAN, Dep. S. L. C. Dec 28 153 BANK OF AUGUS TA SIO4 Jk. 5,000 SHARES. THE Board of Directors of the Bank of Au gusta, by virtue of an authority from the* Stockholders, w ill proceed to.sell at Auction, in front < f their B’liikmg l:ui:se,cn Thursday, the 14th of January next, FIVE THOUSAND SHARES of the capital stock of said Institution, the same being five sixths < j the increase to its capital, authorized by the I'oliowit g act of the Legisla ture. “See. Ist. Beil enacted, That the charter of - Bank of Augusta le, and it is hereby de clared to be prolonged to the first day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred arid fifty.” “See.2d. That it shall be laAvful for the Stock holders of the. said Bank, at any meeting u, be called for the j ui pose, and in the manner pre scribed in tiie existingchalacier, to inciease the capital of said Bank from time to time, and in such portions, as they may deem to be expedi ent, not exceeding in the whole six hundred thousand dollars, in addition to the presentcap ital of the s Bank.” “Sec. 3d, Upon every such increase, being agreed upon by a decision of tile Stockholders, one sixth parr oi such increased stock, shall He reserved lor the. Suite aupar, until the cud of the session ol the Legislature, text a.ter the capital shall be increas’d, and that the ether five sixths shali be disposed of by the Directors for the time being, in the manner pointed out by the second rule of the original charter, for the benefit of thp individual stockholders, if any benefit there’shoiild be in the disposition thereof; the interest of the sta4e in such cases being equakzed by receiving its portion »*f increased su/kT at P ar » as fierein befoie provided,” order of the Board <>f Directors. ROBERT F. POE, Cashier. Nov 6 wtd 132 ADMJMSTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEBLY to an order of the Inferior Court of Columbia county, will be sold at the Couit House on the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours of sale, the LAND and NEGROES of the late John W. Hatch well, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms of sale, made known on the clay. TURNER CLANTON, Adm'r. Oct. 26 ' t l 127 GUARDIAN’S NOTICE. months after date apphcatinn will be madetothe Honorable the Inferior Court of LincoinCounty to sell the lot of land No. 115, 6th district ot Muscogee county, drawn by William Cason minor ofE.izabeth Cason. JAMES McGILL, Guardian. September 14 m4t 109 NO 154