Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, October 17, 1818, Image 2

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8.4VA5TNAH HEPCTBLIOAN. FREDERICK S, FELL, . '■> * OITT PRINTER. wot ft m»m, g> | Hr...cnnnr l •IX, FSB ill. — i*^r.Ji*L£ Jtt JDFANCZ. AD VE H TlSEMK.YT8. \ 6t the British cabinet. An additional do* ty has been laid in Sweden on the use of wine*, coffee, tea, tobacco, silk cloths, I rooms with hangings, furniture of silk, gildings, sofas, chairs and mahogany bed* | steads.—Daily Adv. no* i***oar unu warn* at warns. . THE NEW CONGRESS. London, Aug. 18. ' V;' If we might presame to hazard a conjee- tare relative to some of the ■ miiun.ur,>, Mare relative to some or the principal ob- ’ Ta ensure* publication on the day advartiae- jects that will occupy the nseful and hon- menta are teat, it i» imUapemible that they thoold I nrabte labors of the congress, one of them • The grand duke Michael. brotherio the I fore be found peremptory and authorita-. other villages in the neieMiorhood of Tar.-' ® 2m f>alanil * I tivn t n thVcn imilaw I ■ ■ r*« •*> J t ik* I Ta • 1 a i • " i» /•. i « • emperor ofRossia was in Ireland. tive to those under him, and at the satael giers—It is said that a fifth part of their General count Witgehstein has taken j time subservient and obsequious to Kisl population has been swept off*, the command of the Russian army of .the I employers. The capt. flatter* himself he j i, OT th, that is to say, on the.Turkish fron-1 will he very useful man in a family, carve* j Wo have seen a letter by I • _ • 12mm ontitf Dnnincon. ibltn Iiai I ni'Atlv. (IrpRCPS Cnllni!. miikpfi niinrli. tnill V.* n ., n . 1»t. ooA ***•:. the Albon, tier, in lien of count Benigsen, who hss neatly, dresses saltad, make* punch, ami J »fcted Vienna. July 22d, sta ting that hi* ‘ J -for drawing would not give the bash to I majesty the emperor of Austria has granted quitted the service of the emperor. Drary Lane theatre, is so far fortunate, (habit got 'into chancery ana ont of it in the same week. any man io Ireland. a general pardon to all officers, under ar- ri* Fvussian lady, to the habit of givings j rest, tn all deserters, and to all those whq -pflFtiou of twenty dollars to poor females] have left the country on account of duel. At the same time, he has recalled toe(31st of Jnly, the commissib the redaction Of the national debt had re will i elate to the Situation of the German- fSS^M&Sh^hlae’n tic powers, now in a state of con«dend4 ‘ h j^ •he reifeetioii Of the national debt had r*J°. 0 ™ b . v * l .°° k ‘ n S V r{ * «cco«npa- aair of 1 be delivered at this oflke at or before min oVdock. This arrangement i*found necessary to.] tic powers, now in a state of coniiilend>kl"‘ a 'Vj"77^V‘ r cubic a* to get our paper to press in time to have I doubt and confusion, in consequence oMP a man\ named Crisp iatelv undertook I “ Ma ’ a m,” said toegirl, “» h »t can a b°dy i baron Von Weiso, formerly commis? i . t • - - j j , .»-i - , , - r of the treasury, (who had left hit aie.l by her intended husband, an ugly i»t- ] Country, for EngUrfdiend made him the I tie dwarf. The lady expressed astonish- 1 * ■ - - — — i:.ent at her not having a better spouse. I.M.C. 99 2.1 At * T t * bearer of dispatches to the Brazils New* Tork Gazette. ' * oorpseM. md, up auddi^byrb. «* m..UMdtomv.our.ow«wbmriber. m«mr- in « miles in 24 hours. 'The first It * hour - • cy, but all difficulties will yield to the thor- titidJ time Id* fluS^d b/any tdfah*or^Sal* Wews* a " d * ha l f *° K f " rm S ?*! ,iIea . In ». h *i W V j , T j?* “ Mi ‘“ ^’ e,ter ?. di * ri ? t . L of ] wW® 1 * pvwonVwe’mtote chosen i a ... I seized with a sodden siddines in his.h | expect for twenty dollars/ LORD ' SELKIRK. Buffalo, Sept. 29. Baltimore, Oct. 6. We this evening announce a statement of the votes given in this city yesterday, for th* candidates for the various offices tfl FOS T** UVIKil BXmaUCAV. J LETTERS FROM ENGLAND. .... &tir<u*frama te*eitof!ettert, ■mrnten by am Amt. 1 HfmMtcsr^Tl'irrf t ,nsl lnF U9e "* "" " mus Bnu WB " f«i ui I; “■;■•••«»•«»*■»», w'<™ ■ w»n>( «nwi eitzeo, Ueorge Stile*, esq; — ... Htmgmikmu -mhkim EagUmd to JiajWmrf I n i(jmp q ^^jJ,^^ rhorilt | bed. He is determined to attempt the justice of the. kings bench of the provide,] elected mayor by a majority tor aurpast J limits which remain^to be more accurately I sa . me * as * t he 18 well, and he is recov-1 a, ? d we 5* *‘!j, ottrne d onjMomlay lollowing, j sing the expectations of his warmest seized with a sodden giddines in his.Head, I Upper Canada were held on Mondsy the] It appears that our worthy fellow I lost the use of his limbs and was put to I Tth inst. at Sandwich, before Powell, chiell citizen, George Stiles, I a n. 2_ Jail : a A. *A ,l I InalSeo «f bliA lr!>M LamaU .. i il. A te.AMMAA* la • ■ .7 no tv. * tv ww mui v avvin iitrif I » , r . settled, particulay, if we are not roisin-l crI * T ‘‘ ry ' Bit ' XnrmaH; (isfwsnn W:_s I PAt7/in*c Ps. •Tofttwn to Scotch hospitality. I»theordi- / orral ^^V«Mn H....:. vviT -- narjr acceptation of (he wort it has been offered j Bavar,a » vv irtembeCg. -laoit liberally* although, I am sure, with of cm it I “~f a * nd “«*«• •vu a mere compliment, unconnected with fed. | the differences between Spain and Por- Xtw« with the many the ofiapring of a bet-1 togal will in this congress, be discussed and I “'-^'t^krut of the Scotch are rwher more M „ ■ubimntial than the Engluh; but, with the former , ’ to °*. lnK . t,|e v as the Amerieut aeldma meet* with such I take mtw ita(.oiistderauoo,tii( different • coJce as pkaaea hi* taste. It is neither strong I btary establishments to be kept up by eaci nor clear, and is without flavor. Their dinners | power. without makingjiny disposition whatever, j friends. may. .SS^^^SSS?25^wtS£SrS!Jn2S?K^35^5K2!aiiAil2i , i=! : It considerable leugtb, we find these pre- ] ' h , ,p and i he P r,n "P al ' actor8 ,n - th « r < »“ ar ; I fatory observations? -Memoir* of Cur”an, [? ’° f h r *‘ her . c, !' ( ' war ’ S0B,e “ , ." hon ‘ bad tl.e eloquent, witty, and patriotic Iri.h fe 6 ? c . har 8 e ''^'^ ’nurder, had excited a K .„-_ p. “ ", I lively interest in the province, which cal- province, 1 Me-srs. Kell and Brackenridge arecufir sen delegates to the assembly from thif city; and Mr. Stephenson sheriff of the city and county. To the nomination of Messrs. Smith and Little, for congress, there was no opposition. John B. Snowden, Adam Showers, Eba* i - • l,u painouc in»n IHwelvinttTrcat ..f his eloque^e ftl "011^ affiird^d"^ I 'p' 1 t ? e the o°’uL* h** 7 ol | nezerS. Tliomas, tjil ward Or rick, esquires, |.promiMt^!fd rvjiast toiho_l»terary'epic U te}Taj^lSj?l ( ,?I^i!??*^ l0 ei?I!ya | ! l a b a ’"' e .?!? c ** d ortfare < !c<> "^ { These aie some of the principle ^ol,jr«. j sijjl tbi* aotiC«|»*tii.n will in no degree be I r'',' cou . n ! v * we with v ' er J Httle op. England; and there ia'genersflv ten ex],caoc in I we have enumerated enough t« shew that j ties, and, in selecting our specimens, we j butreiectedbv them Another hfl^fora*- tha furni'.ure of the table. In this I think there j peace, not war—consolidation, not agi,i in-] ““••**) oucselves in danger of transcribmg | ?I?.i„?.?vl?!f_ , ,L.jI?r J*_a commendable economy. After the erunrs |,ion arc the aim and objects of the a whnkey diam issnvambly offered, but I KreS5t J jury. con-1 ieb modem refine- ff meat, W „ |M> - J|n ,„ -mr-nnsinj uaiotcu, wit with an indeliesejr Which'shocks the feefings of ]8 res * ' the fastidious or nice Every one takes it from 1 the same e-lav*, -a custom wh -inent will Wot justify. •After the doth it puneh If Introduced, of which those w partake in the n ‘ 1 dock coi. I 'he entire volume. Paris, Aug. 14. “An article from deoitiiitinujilc st.tte- that on the 7th of June the Huron do 6tro- VVa k,.7ik f K i P' rac - v to in j“ re or dc8tro J the trade of the mne violence to our Zl aim ouAsairra a„J seiited them, on whu October 8. STATE ELECTION". From the subjoined statements it wil| they were occupied j be seen, that the coo ntv elections, thus fav^ three days in bearingevidence a consider*-1 have resulted favorably to the republiciSj the doth is remevad a hu | ^_|gon.'fl', the Russian minister, was insulted | tice to thr author’s rare ability, we shonlil m»tty passages and pleasant anecdotes. ulreeua Blnoe S?^Stomn- 0 ^"p*VScM*s«fin 0 dS r fc I b,a P art “ f ' v ht«h was documentary, and the J cause. Should the counties yet to be heard ■n - "i 8 ., ...’.. - u ‘oJ .. I whole confused and intricate. On this j from fulfil the calculations which have bill, the grand jury would not, or at least ] been made, theie is no doubt of a repub- lyhy candle light} ami parties generally begin , ... aeperste about 9. Those who choose may seek I weaving that the 1 urk in question was iu I rebels, 1 or ' three days, (all the the court having been the testimony before the , . .grand jury had closed, for them to come he who has forfeited all claim* 11<> a decision, and then, after consulting any determination. The ] lican governor and council. Irene ^flWapWEHIWjaryqp ' Quaffed from the over.£o .lit? .. i, . With story, songs, and rotwleify. There’s nsuybr hut oiirth and harmony. "Inlempeianee cannot come in as a drawback •upon their pleasures. J have not seen an instance ■of it. " . ‘•There is little difference between the nupptri i»f tile Scotch and ibe .Engliaii; but wi(b the for- man, which was complied with; and the I next day the Cadi published at Constan tinople a very severe order as to the res pect due to foreign ministers, and all those who were under their protection. 1 he polar expedition was spoken, Mar I f ft in i.A Wfl ££■ .L . a r ' a J Vi-l£!^ had laid in a stock of wine, I plain of partiality and corruption. Lord « i ,h‘ ,nH ^"f f 'r hlC - h lW . ltre4djr t0 be 8hi PP ed »board Selkirk, we learn, accused the attorney t te vessel as soon as she appeared off that j general, and the prosecutor and witness, port. UMrier. I in open court, of corrupt and oppressive •I designs, to which the attorney general re I criminated by charging the grand jury with _ Mr. M Uwaon. (only 25 year* of agi) who has ! ,artialit J» ar) d other malconduct. The I patches iraln the court ol Madrid hasarri been elected for Romutrhhrirlfnt in ... I COUtmverRV WAS en «•« rm t ha#- >lm rmin l.uwri o# V.uu I'i _i. . .a rROK A X03DOH FATED. . p.inLi.\MK,\rjntr phetbji'sio.vs In the congressional district, composed of Cent, Hartford and Cecil, Stevenson Archer, esq. art-publican, and formerly it representative from the same district, has been elected Jiv a considerable majority. Generals Clause) and Lefebre Dcsnouet- tes, and Mons. Villar, arrived in town last evening, from the Alabama country. The French Marshal Grouchy, is now <>n a visit to Boston. _ It will be seen by a paragraph from the New York Gazette, which is corroborated by an. extract .from a letter received in this city, that a gentleman bearing- des, , I youth, I am not possessed 01 so much gen-1 .—I . ■ , .. ~ J —9 7 1 he London Courier of the 17th Aug. oral knowledge as I could wish, yet. f do ?„,• P r ?. clmle .‘ he opportunity of pre speaking of the fluctuation of the funds in Ai«er myself, that I could on all occasions “S 3 *"** Mr ‘ M Gl,J, r™T * n ‘' conseqdence of rumors of approaching war 1 brief somewhat of political merriment I ?-?■ erva, l ts ot the COII, P. a, >J- lheotli I between the United States and England, I bearing, 1 in- tlioush from mvctrlm Ijoumed to prevent a formal rejection ol ,”fp”S'JT,.XS. Si'S 1 •«“!»*. >1“ hi• .feeing* as tli.iie who'roam from iheir nativr I fought the expedition could proceed hut I bly never attain counlry io better their condition, and acquire | little farther. " ' •svmetliing more savoury than oat cakes, and oat meal porridge. •If I cannot speak in commendation of the beau ty of the females, l moat of their urbanity. It ia ‘.hVm"? g on *V?!l e I W J S —“ A » f»r *s any accounts have reach-1 w> the question in debate, and that I could *" P ?' , . th P r ? ct !«"g impropei ly with the | accepted mixed crtwdtf S f ^umh, or5y««r m -? ed 6«y ern, "«nt, there never Was a time contribute my mite to the conviviality of rre ."T/’ r t have seen few women who would be called | ’ ,,lce ^‘0 peace concluded with the United I the house. Besides, you would possess a | jV* d,ffere ^ t i of their suppuseu contents when he receiv ed them at Madrid.. Such a 'treaty or proposition, we iiave heard, was forwarded some time ago from this country to Spain, «« ponLicai merriment 1 Pr s :.i„ A .for the consideratio n 0 f the Spanish mon- , even in ar, argumentative manner. I s (,j_ k±i£ we aave ^ 4 a etsE; direct bribery was used to prevent a fair "ReSmanent has made iu approach with a more jean drive into futurity, we have, from the anxiety than* the” thool-hoy 0 !^ 6 tiie^stor v I - A , S ent | en ? an ' nf °rms us, tliat before the Atntured step than in Boland. I nia may be re- friendly spirit now happily existing on who only wished for f u J W,nt, ‘ r **** ,n . there will t e nearly three wnmnn <I«rontlu «I.J _a _ _ * a . I OXflCPf HlfT A IflctintV nnaro 99 I t(iP nvanav aL. . T, women decently cUd, wiu^ut shoe/And stock I expecting; a Insting pence. 1 iogs; »ndl ha« frequently met tht/n, on a mar- : ! l ” ' ket day. witn them in their hands, kind of econoA>y.—I never saw this in England. , . . -To day I saw part of the «d or Highland re- rae " '“ ,0 F«nch ports. gimentMoing to church. Tnev were about two 1 Tetters from Km-nna hundred in i ~ ' the prayer “for the great council of the cm, on a mar-1 It «* 8 »id the French ministry have de-1 nation, how assembled in narliamentarv >» i fi.®?^n^al acquaintance wr Tidal*, dirty terrained to exclude Buenos Ayreanarm- Indeed, were I to di.aJpoTntTSt ’ K*£*T*\ T au miunce of I od vessels, but to admit their merchant-I own expectations or those of niy friends ? jinoM^bo "hr'• ra l a,ena,s . I men nf« French nn,k I ci. A ..u ‘h. .1... ...i . • X ‘nenos,i (could be obtained on m< the 1st of April list, and brlieves, from I I a general acquaintance with the citizens, I would be laidf and workmen | on mr J —*- " Philadelphia, October 6. The new flag of the United States, was hoisted yesterday morning at tort Mifflin, m the Delaware, and at the navy-yard, in this city—On these occasions,* salute of twenty-one guns was fired at each ef those statious.—Paul son. From the A'emburyptrt Herald. October 2. STEPUEJV BURROUGHS. A traveller.who'has passed up from the ■ Am, aA .f aL a- ^ - A a ance has been concluded between American and Letters from Buenos Ayres number, and in the dress to which I state that a treaty of commerce they are so strongly attached, they rertainly make 1 — ' .... a martial appearance. I cannot reconcile to com- .*>rt and decency their petticoat kind of trowaen., which reach to within five or six inches of the I ,nent * . knee; and their legs are uncovered about as much I States below. Habit make* them insensible to cold, even I other nation in a climate like this, where thick and warm I , clothing seams to be so .essential. No regiment I l We h * Te heard of no auch treaty. •* n hi* majesty’* service has reaped more laurrls I '*>nly a mistake. The United States would stiKscjsTSs-rjrti nv— ssssa: various other places, it baa been siimaiized for iu I t min S le * mercantile cupidity with the *i>A I ■ .' can and Buenos Ayrean govern- before you; I have used no unfair 0ly ? npl 'T'? here ' common laoorers are i on Tr e nc k 0 'f the new world Indei^T • W h' Ch ‘l! e i! a 'r °* the United have held out no expectatiens of gain.- Sa^gl^SeVSo^tiie'teawu throu^ ent ’ °PP re88i °n has never broken his P S pir'- » to have the preference of every | Nay so careful have I been to® avoid | J few S !.tttl Si ZSZiSZ fe******^*™+& (all imputation of the sort, that I haoe jbe/n enabled7o secure to themselves 1601V- “T " ,u, l ' u —-generous to his It iscer-| not *o much as a single shilling of I acres of land each, by Their labor this I G,end8 ' , “ ml *f or t u ne has only tended to •ould nei- J P Tesen } * n my pocket; for, knowing that j season. ^ J create * fortitude, which enables him to ed him with the world—generous to his man found with picklock i is committed as support his life with cheerluldess and coil- mpleinents of house-brealciog, bravery. It has been;told roe. that in twenty-one I matter of national recognition of the South Arne- { ,IDp e,,,aDt8 of "0 year, it has reersittd 2J.000 men. Such is the rican patriots. All we with b, to be placed on ' a8ual ¥ 8 «P« c f *° murderous ap.nt _of wart . Thus, has Great Bri lhe „L M ... , here ‘ I be a havin-v the I Crops—From every section of the I tent. He informed me that sir Charles , so were a | c ?“"try between the Missouri, Mississip-i Philips of London was aboot publishing a DV nerson Wv Ohio, Cumberland, great White River | new volume of his works—comnrisino- his .rhenix from the aabas. wnl tors,- her sod the Norite who hatm helped wrtvtt'me I liugin, they next day retornWf there to gel f forever? placet wish to consuler as abroad j ata "f ar ^ 8 ' *» ignominiously bind hjr. The | their effects, and then to proceed to other 1 10 rae » except Borooghbridge. I promise 1 1 =*• - • doubled cneygyri and woe be to those who hkve you my best endeavors, a steadfast inte- A letter from Perpignan, dated the 1st S ri, yi even when I breathe the atmBsphere •Misted in placing on the throne an imbecile mo- I August states;—“We feel authorised to I "f jobs and pensions, even were I to be Jr c C , n ' ^ bm> *°. oUim * ><> *' *hich either jus- contradict the reporu of several journals l 10t the toil and peril of sinecure^ ll lice or reason would sanction. I rrenpriinrihrilMili nf a. r.. A . I nromlip (his witKmit uinl.n...:— I in a aquation New-York, October 6. The schooner Intrepid, captain Burr, k for Nfcw-York, was upset I [to ax cooninrsD.] daughters are members Church. Tiie recollection vicious coarse of life is b«H- ?• He was superintending s school, and lived respected by many valu ed friends. Ilis eldest daughter has ent ered the Nu naery, probably for life.” Providence, Oct. 2. | respecting the death of general de Castau-1 promise this without equivocation or men-1 ,n ^ a ! te , r ?°°?’ a L I On Monday last arrived - LATEST FROM ENGLAND. New-York, October 6. The ship Aristides, Carter, has arrived — 1"?‘-rf «"•.• **•• «».«* «»j in n*;w.«is;.fc23S!s and to take rank immt-diat- ly after the I universe,” yet will I say, give me but a ii w *. 4 ? . , ew yo , rlt — apnointed by eovernment tn priuces of the r .mperiat family of Lstxm. I >e.t, and I’ll move the house.” J "k!* I ^ and ^aLr forthe purpose^offe!' The report of an attempt to assassinate being able to get her out of the cabin be-1 ■ °^ 1 40U -i 4 v? 0r . . , purpose of se-' fore it filled^— Gazette. . Acting • suitable position for a grand na- DiATHS IN NEW-JOBK. I V4 ‘^ e P°. t - r be J proeeeded to Tiverton, The city inspector report, the death of A JS&!" °^ Ct rf militia regiment, who 8 4 P« 8 °«* d ur »>g the week ending on 8a- . . -“• - • ■ - Iturday,/5dinst. viz. 19 men, 19 women,! ■ rraiMsiCAL advertisment. brings London dates of tbe 18tfi r August” I T,1 . e «r Wellington was at Oatend, ] Tne following appeared lately ip an and Liverpool of the 20th. ilie stocks in I ^? an " n, ?S fortifications there, and also at *r ,sh newspapers-. England had experienced some flurtm M ^ in . Yores and Xieuport. “A captain in a tions from the rumour of an approachin« . T ’ ,e d, ® ca, ‘^ of thc pinners in Man- at length being releived from tne hardships to rda F» W «nst. viz. . ,, war between the England and tne United | ebe8teran<J ut! ‘ cr towns and .their employ. |»f war, is now willing to offer hiaservice 1 19 bo F 8 » 4nd 27 g"* 8 - J fV«« tie LtarH.pabh.hed at MnatSterUny, r s , States. On tite 18th«f August. S nerrent l ers c0nt,,iues t0 be unsettled. Troops »» fond or house ate wart (the latter, would J .«Gibraltar. August 15 —The So.nkb I An extraordinary spectacle was- exhib- — * S C4 S*; have arrived at Macclesfield, Leek and be prefered) to any nobleman or ientie- J«w«onwh.m “l ted at the P° ,,8 » durin S *»« flection in this , fiveper ® 0 “ h,e ton B to overawe this spirit of insub- '«« fortune.; The captain hav^hadl^e 25th of last month n h“^ne P (^n 1 pr * C ?’ '".‘‘‘j pe 'T° D °, f Mr ' John Summer *, Bank shares'’^. 8 P«»ners during the years toe advantage of two year* .continued jsent by foe emperor of Morroccp toac^-.r“ h *rt red *nd twelve years of age, who duebes of Orleans gave birth to a prince I l ®Vf a " d were constantly employed, inarching and counteanarchiRg through I tain tiie nature of the prevailing disease I ? PP ** on the 14th; by an ordtr of the king he has J v j!*** e 1 i e we *vers and almost tvery. other I England, is perfectly coaveesam injiti the j declares unequivocally, that ft is “the I”®*? si been named Francis' Ferdinand 5 Philin P f w,oofac tarers were upon very J improved modes of argrjcjultnre practistd^niaeue of the^ Levant inw «m,li I P ur P°*«!' He was born Louiaia Maria, and recS 'hc titie » P f 'T "?* At , tbe the spinnem lorn- «»that delightfui com^yZlxhe K will »S M«ha«d s iuated toe no^f Virginia, and has prince of Joir.ville. ft foaUtod i„ »kf I** 1 fd™*, toe average we, kly | he found a thorough ecofiomUt. h«,^tor I aboutthirt, . having walked several miles for that He was born the 12th of July . ,.,mbu ur Irginia, and has been a resident prince <u a sut vine. It ia atated in toe I w T’ t , .—‘7l"“ ,i5 ,*'“ i * wer8 S ,f "Wl ™ »thorough economist, banufor iof^Tanriers^ani''consUtina ^ •ZJ'lSl I of Kentucky, aboutthirty years, and, we SassBK-siESs ihat these movemenls kxeited toe jealousy 'The disease has extended itself to foo. 24 children, 14 cow living, toe youngest 11 years old; and has upwards of 300 grand ' children. His hearing and sight are good,