Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, October 20, 1818, Image 1

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TR tfJlB ULL'8I.YUEPEfi UEXCE We have seen this raaenificient painting Vhich is by permission of (he government of the Unite'! State*, publiclyjexhibited in New-York, for thegratification ofsuch per •on s as maybe desirous of viewing it before i t shall be taken to the seat of government. it Call scarcely be necessary to say, this pic- tare, executed by direction of the national y* authority, by the hand* of our most rfistin- njT guisheil artist, most he the worthy of gen- eral inspection. 4Ve doubt whether there is a Work of the kih<l in the world, which, when every circumstance connected with Its history is taken into consideration, is so well calculated to excite or to gratify t>ublic curiosity as this splendid painting. The cuirass measures eighteen by twelve feet, and contains forty-seven por- f traits. Of these, thirty-seven were painted t from the life by col. Trumbull, and ten | 4 were copied from other pictures, the per- " 'sons having deceased before he was able to ?see them.' With regard t» several of tlw* illastrious men « e call speak from personal .acquaintance, the likenesses are admirable. . The time chosen for the subject of the paint- ‘itMis that, when the committee appointed 4 to'draw the declaration ofindcpendence, . are handing-it in at the president’s table. That committee consisted of Thomas Jef- 'son, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Bo- d gcr, Sherman and Robert R. Livingston. \ The variety and force of expression in'the " countenances of the congress, ait this inter- • eating and awful moment, are most strik ingly depicted by the painter, and cannot fail, we think, to awaken the liveliest emo tions in the mind of every beholder. To suppose that any native. American can gojiack in his recollection, or i><* im agination to the period when this great event took place, and not feel a deep in terest in the actual view of the personages Mr wijora it was achieved, would be a spe cies of reproach which we are not willing to cast on any fellow citizen. The declar ation of the independence of these thirteen colonies, Was an act fraught with the must Important consequences to the individuals by whom it was made, to the~countrics which it concerned, add to the groat cause of civil and religious freedom throughout the world. Had the stiu^gle between us and Great-Britain terminated unsuccess fully on our part, these great patriots and statesmen, whose portraits-are now pre sented to us, associated with so many as- . tonishing recollections, would have been- ^•tigi. atiseilas rebels, and punished as trai tors. By the blessing of God it was sue-, 1 successful, and we now revere them as the intrepid defenders of their country’s rights, ns illustrious statesmen, and venerable patriots! To the countries, and particu larly to this, the result of the contest was of the highest importance. Instead of co lonies, we were constituted a nation—in the place of subordination and dependence, we were elevated to perfect and uncon trolled independence. The'difference is too, great to require illustration or enforc ing. What effects it has been the instru ment of producing in the world, we shali out venture to assert. The stupendous events which have occurred since the 4tlf of July 1776, are too great and numerous to be recounted. One thing is certain— the lessons of freedom and just govern ment, wliirh were taught the nations of the earth by the declaration and war of inde pendence in the United States, will never bc Inst or forgotten. When this great national panting shall be removed to the seat of government, which will be as soon as the room design ed for its reception shall be finished, it will . of course be out of the reach of all our ci tizens, except those who may visit that place; so that those who mry be desirous of seeing it, will the present the most convenient opportunity. We have made these remark a with a >i strong disposition to forward the views of -v tJie distinguished artist to whom, the na tion is so deeply indebted for the perpe tuation by his pencil "f this illustrious event, as w, II as from a desire to conduce to' the gratification of all those who admire the art,or feel interested in the most im portant and the most sublime political event iu the history of our country—per haps in the history ot the world. Melancholy Accident—A letter from ‘Boston states,'that oiKthe Istinst. a inan -by the name of Charles Williams, while paintinglhe upper part ot a three story oruk house, slipped from his hold, fell, 'ami struck on his head, which dashed it -|to pieces. He , expired immediately. Mr. Williams was a worthy citizen, and is ‘much lamented by all who knew him It is stated that he has a brother in New York, •Mid this is to give him information of his brother’s untimely death.—Com. Mv. -*• . « AGRICULTURAL. We had the pleasure to notice in the last volume of the Register, page S29, some little patches of very superior wheat and rye then growing on the farm of £. S. Thomas, esq. of Baltimore county. We have just received the following particu lars of the product of those patches which we consider very interesting to our agri- cultralists. The wheat was raised from a small quan tity which grew last year in European Turkey—the quantity sown was rather less than a pint; time of sowing March 25, in 8 drills of 1 fO feet each and one loot apait; it was reaped on the 16th of July, and . threshed the 18ih inst.—the produce fifty two for one. This wheat weighs 62 lbs per bushel, and is of a very bright yellow color—the straw, head and bear'd, when fully ripe, had a bright purple tinge. Two of its-grains are as Urge and heavy as three grains of good wheat of the common kinds. The crop was put in and secured in the space of 115 days. The rye sown was s part of the product of four grains originally received irom • plaice near the head of the Mediterranean ses v The quantity sown was two quarts; t^sqvwgMatch SS, broad castua.a- boutFsfJoare perches of ground, which too rich, for the weed, were higher than tu. rye, when it w.i* reaped on the 17th of July—it was threshed .on the 22<1 inst.-and \truducct\twmtf seven for one. Thegrain is of a very b-igot yellow, and of twice the size of the common rye—and. weighs 60 lbs pi-r bushel, The putting in and securing toe crop occupied 114 day*. This rye does not grow higher than the common kind on good laud. We learn that Me Thomas intends carefully to husband the product, of his wheat and rye, for the next year’s sowing; after which, hoping to have a sufficiency to insure en extension of the quantity for seed, lie,will freely dispose of it to lii.s friends and neighbors, who will be invited to come and gel it ofjiim.—Xiles’ Reg. COLQXEL R. M. JOilXSOX. We are much gratified to find from the last Gazette, that there *ie a prospect of filling the vacancy about to take place in the United States’ senate with socha-mau as cohmel R. M. Johnson. But. we have understood, thatalthough warmlv solicited to serve, colonel Jf.linson has- /given his final assent, and submits .selt in this respect more to the wishes of h» country than to his own. If the sentiment in favor of his election he as unanimous aii over the state as it is in this, section, we have no doubt colonel Johnson will yield to, those wis ws. He has not however thrown himself before the public as a candidate, but i», as be always has been, willing to serve his country in any station, they may call him to, and we inter that it is from this general expression that his assent to serve in the senate lias been taken. We are well assured, that his disposition to retire, for awhile at least, is his predo- niuaut wish.—Lexington tiepor. 25th ult. The health of the register of -the laud- nffice, being so far restored as to enable him to return to Miiledgeville, little or no doubt need now be entertained as .to the sale of the public lands commencing on Monday next, agreeably to the president’s proclamation.—vt/iffedgeviffe Jourt 13ill inst. It is believed (says the Bangor paper) that the district of Maine will yield a third more provisions this year than the inhabi tants will consume. In no season before has so much been done* the way of farm ing, nor the husband-man been better re warded for his toil. THE REPUBLICAN. SVAANNAH, HcSDAI EVEXIXO, OCTOUER 19. 1818. ERRATA *• In the piece extracted from Schiller’s William Tell in the Republican o(Thursday— 3d paragraph last line, for “avalanches roll destruction”; read, avalanches thundering roll destruction: 4th para graph first line, for * did a rampart form”; read, did not a rampart form: 5th paragraph first line, f ir “to share a land”; read, is there a land: 12th paragraph, for ‘nay—all the game the greater lords b< long; read, nay—all the game to greater lords belong: last paragraph second line, for “I feel close within their land”; read, I feel close within this land. Cotton was selling at Augusta on the 14th inst- at 30}a 3Ci cents; tobacco, 8.a 10 dolls; flour 10 a 12 dollars. The packet ship Courier, Browne, understood to be 25 days from Liverpool, and a French fri gate, weregoinginto New-York on the Ilthinst. ron» TUE savannah RKFUDLIC AX. Stung with disappointment, and maddened with despair, the venerable editor of the Mourning Ohronic'e attacks, at one time, the political cha. racter of our country; at another, assails the re ligious belief of our citizens: He is mistaken in his insinuations; and has attributed to many indi viduals, the productions of one. The defects ob vious in his character require not the combination of any literary association to discover them.— Where ever I behold a venomed tongue, a palsied hand, and a disordered countenance, I say that individual is a sot, or coward.—Whenever I see rev age rioting in low abuse; and, with steri- tor’s voice, bruiting forth its own achievements, I say, there is vanity mingled with madness and folly, with excess.—Age is the season when the passions are, or ought to be, calm; nay, obe dient to the will; the fire ot youth is extinguish ed, and strong suspicions exist, that whether in srtinn or in word, we behold unnatural excite ment, there are unnatural causes—I therefore do most sincerely request the venerable editor, to re flect—to quiet the turbulence ot his passions—to excite them neidter by tormentiqg suspicions, or artificial stimulants.- Tis unbecoming age, to dis play the chivalry of youth. I admire your courage, but do not carry it to excess; courage often ver ges on madness, and in iu frats does deeds that the world admires; but sage prudence condemns. Beware of the cane! FRANKLIN. ROBLERYl . The Jewelry shop ot D. B. Nichols, was rob bed of sundry irticks of jewelry, watches and money, on Saturday night Lt beta een the hours of seven and nine. It is to be hoped that sneb a bare faced viliian will be detected. 1 be num ber* of the watches and many other articles can be recognized, by Mr. NichoL’s foreman.—A/a- iron. cokmcsication. ffT The friends of Tie Georgian who hold sub scription lists are requested to send them ill to the agent, or through the office ot the Savannah Republican; as all possible extertions are making to bring it forward at tbe earliest period before its numerous patrons. John Miller, amTAndrew** 3Sfl}** : Potmbgtfm-. Hosts James Taylor, D*Vid Toutig, Uurn, James Bose snd John Low. Tk< Vulam Wal in company with the RcteecaS»S»j*IbrjPh'l»dd|.liia, and brig Xew-Orltai.-, tor IL.-ien. Let; the fol lowing vessels tt> siil for.ihi* port on or about the- IlMti b*.|it: ships Georgia,T^t*; Jane. Drummond;, t'bom, Rogers; and brg Hbron, Newcomb.. Ar rived ct Liverpool on tun 2S'ti Aug. brig IttleUi- •geoce, V. iison, 43 tJaysfrom Darien. The ships John & Edward, and Snamrqpk. both lrom Ibis port, bad not arrived wlien tbtfValcan sailed. Ship Hetty, Faisons Liverpool, <5 dig*—to J Bogue k Co. COTUig.-ees^will*. dry gboj,. hard ware, bricks, flags, k&y to R Richardson - A Co. Itacon A itruen G iciferd A Folhiii, J liogue A Co. and others In tat 5U.-46, fun 6, apt ke barque Mary, Steward, from Norfolk, bound to Liver pool, 24 days out. On tbe 3U Sept-'in let 25.3b, Inn 6;,.spoke vcitr Fegasgus, Summers, Inna Phi ladelphia a few days out, bound to St Jago. On tbe 9th Oct. in Ul 37, ton 18; spoke a brig front Philadelphia, bound to Lisbon, name unknown. Brig Speedy.Peace FosdtckjNewwVork, 5 days —to IVm H Joyner, consignee^-with a full car go—toj Battelie,- Mrs. H Shearer. Varies St Mil lor, W S Giilet, Sub J Schetfr, G.Coppce, Jo seph Kopman, Brant St Fox, St Roff^juu. Siurges A Burroughs, Gray A Pinder, L.Gcorae, Carrwg. ton A Hyoe, P Stanton. Johnston ft llills, t> Kel sey A Co. Mmgs A Reed, flei-'RidaSI: Cv. So, here Watts, VVm Gaston, Henry WHfllt*, Scott'el Fahm, Campbell A Camming.; and (.tpers. Pet- rtngert— P Stanton arid family, JJr. G-ay and ta- mily, Mr Oldershsw and iady. Mn. ltutg and fa mily, Mr Carrington i ul fijjHB Mi fj|»ln tin I family, Mrs Shear.T, Mrii Coffin-Mrs Bryan, Mrs Boldman, Mrs Gray, BirEh/ltilspMBSl M>s» tfAi-^<«o. m iiipastv,Ludlow, Bryan, Ketchum, Thompson, Wood, Uuuham, and others. fltj’The passengers return their thanks- lo captain Fosdick, for hts'dithgent attention to them during the passage. " Brig Aurilla, Howland; New-York, 93 hours— to Rea A Butler, consignees- with an asserted cargo—to W P Beers A Co. Siurges & Burroughs, Rea A Butler, H T Avice. Hall it Hoyt, J Harri son & Co, Scarbrough St M'Kiune, Gray A Pin der, Greene ALippitt, Campbell A Cumming, Pa ries A Milter, SS Shad, J Kopman, Duhiinet^A Auze, Meigs A Reed, N. Siurges, and others*— PotrengcrS—Messrs Diamond, Price, Mitchell, Robinson, Jackson, Demon, Sherman, Glazier, Mars, Lovett, Whitlock, and eleven others. Urig Governor Hopkins, Adams, Providence, (It 1) 6 days—to Hazen Kimball, consignee—with unassorted cargo—to M Herbert, H Kimball, Geo Gordon, Manton A Rogers, Paris Hitt, F Richards and John Hunter. Puttengert~Messrs. 1 homes Logon, Julius Ward, P Parker, Washington Ly on, and Alfred Lyon. On the 1st inst. the G. H. spoke the patriot brigFortunatus, and took front on board of Iter capt John Adam, an officer in the patriot service. Capt A. states, that tt,e Fortuna- lus was taken possession of on tha night of the 29th Sept by a gang of desperadoes, headed bv an cf- ficer lately in the patriot service, while at anchor under the fort iu Greneda. The number that boarded the Fortunatus consisted of about 25- men, and there were only three or four on board the brig at the time: the commander was ashore for the purpose of procuring men. Capt. A i> under the impression that they will make for Bal timore with the brig. No news on the Spanish Maine. ^ Sloop Janus, Ilaraden, Providence, (HI) 8 day 8 •with a full cargo of beef, mm, candle::, shoes, ■fish and potatoes—to Manton A Rogers. Sloop Collector, Caswell. New York, 6 days—■ with an assorted cargo—to the master, l Minis, F' H Welman, J Laihrop A Co Meigs ot Reed.Stur- a A Burroughs, Hall A Hoyt, W T Williams. A Semmes, S C A J Schenk, and to order. P<u- tengert—Mr. Lair and family, Mr. Plum, and ele- yen others. Saw a French frigate mounting 44 guns, going in at the Narrows on Sunday the 11th inst \ Stanton A Cari.' ■ - 1 — The public are rt quested to suspend, for a few days, any unfavorable opinion of the* conduct of captain Fish, commander of the sh p Cotton- Plant. on her recent passage from New-York —. which a communication in the Gazette of the 17th inst was Calculated to create—as ample testimo ny of his gentlemanly deportment is preparing It is really unfortunate that a number of his pas sengers whose residence is in the upper parts of -the state, should have left the city before tne com* munication referred to made its appearance, as their friendly dispositions towards him warrant, the belief that they would willingly have borne their testimony to his good conduct. oct 19—t c -2C0 * „ Dud, at St. Mary’s, (Ga.) suddenly, on the evening cf the 12th inst. JAMBS MQRK, esq. formerly of this city, in the 35th year of his age. SHIP NEWS. PORT OF S.iFAJyATAB. AXB1TI1>, Ship Vulcan, Reed, Liverpool, 5? days—to S. C. Dunning, .consignee—with a lull cargo of ppr? tor and dry goods—to Scarbrough, a C. Dunning, Witliamsun A Ik Villt rs, J H Fraser. C. Drey, James Wallace, Wm Taylor, Jthn M’Nith srnTaf For New-York The fist sailing packet btig AURILLA, Howland, master, will ,ail on Kritiay next. 'For freiglit or passage apply on board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to HEA A BUTLER. Who hat rtcelveil by x.itl ic.-rf, and far tale, 20 hogsheads new Hum 4 do Jamaica Rum rrT Consign: et of goods by said vessel are re quested to take them away as soon as landed;-as the vessel will not be accountable for any defi ciency. oct 12 » .00 For New-York The superior packet brig SPEBDY- PEACE, iieuben Fosdick, master, will l on Friday, next. For freight or pas sage, apnly to he master, on board at Taylor’s wharf or to WM. H- JOYNEK, oct 19 x 2U0 Smith's buildings .4’ ’-«S^ PE a&a&< a ,| Bank Stock For sale by S. B PARKMAN. oc> 19 fx 200 25 nests of Trunks, Received, per brig Speedy-Peace, for sale by J. George, on the Bay Also IS ST0B2 Plain and fancy Chairs cet 19—x 200 Brandy, Gin, Cheese, 8fc. 5 pipes Naples I!randy! imitation of Cognac 42 barrels Bather’s Gin 26 do rye Whiskey 50 casks Cheese 21 firkins Butter For sale by C. C. Griswold S: Co. oct 19 2 0 Soap and Candles. The subscriber as agent for a manufactory will keep a constant supply of these articles of the best quality. Families can be supplied by the box, and dealers with any quantity at the lowest prices. He has now in store— 110 boxes 1-t quality mould Candles 25 do do dipt do 100 half boxes first quality bar Soap AISO 100 barrels N E Rum 60 casks cut Nails.assorted 40 barrels Muscovado Sugar 4 pipes L P Madeira Wine 20 reams printing Paper 40 do wrapping Paper 23 bags Ginger S. B. PARKMAN. oct 19—^-|z , 200 ■ For sale A pritne ictrof North Carolina Bacon 163 bis fresh Ship Bread S'/do Cordials . _ 1 elegant dose Carriage , „ By WM H. JOYNER. oct 19—* 3X> ’ Smiti’t bsildingt. (Tilton a tnutr) Oat jvit receiv 'd, by late, cud tffert fir , aecamestdating termt, ICO tons Swede’s Iron. 2 in by 3-4 A 5-8, selected 10 do 'Plough Moulds 200 kegs Nails, 4, 6, 3, lOknd 20,'cut 100 do do assorted and Brads SuO'barreJs N F. Rum 60 hhds Jamaica do 4 h proof 20 do Wl do 3d do SO quatjer casks Shet ry Wine, 1st quality 50 *> do Malawi do 20 us do Tenentfdo 200 barrels loaf and lump Sugar ISO bags heavy Pepper 100 taSftorrn.'dol Itlectfd rorfunU f 508 pieces Bagging, 1st quality 100 boxes Raisins • 100 barrels brown Sugar 50 casks Cheese oct 19 1 -2 •) AUCTIONS. Just received 100 barrels Philadelphia Flour 30 do fair view Gjn . •» 30 do N E Rum 15 -do mint Cordial, at T5 cents per gallon 25 casks Govlien Cheese 25 kegs bice and white-Starch 20 boxes speimaceti Candles 5 hhds Jamaica Rum, 4th proof 17*kegs Richmond Tobacco, 8 twists to the pound 30 boxes Raisins J5 barrels Schiedam Gin 3 .hhds. do do Scotch and Macabau Snuft 100 dozed beat Curdiats, asrorted; and •A. coiiils»tvw.'W»wl of Una srtfcte WSt be snept.nn tomd at the Cor/cotioiwrjf shan. Bay- lane, on the same- lot, where a compleat assort- ment of Sugar Plumbs, Almonds, Mint Drops, Lemon Candy, Mint ditto. Rock ditto, and every article pastry of can be asked for in this branch; also wbichevery description, by Gaatlry <$• Du fan re. oct 19 m 200 Rum, 8fc. 20 hogsheads new Rum 4 do Jamaica Rum 15 fii! New-York Schiedam Gin Landing, per brig Aurilla, will be sold low, if takep from the wharf, by ' Rea & Butler, oct 19—h—200 ' , . For sale , An elegant Piano, with additional Keys—if ap plied for in seven days, at a reduced price—Mu- sic for the piano, of the latest publication; with Songs—also Flutes, Violins and Strings, at thr store of die subscriber, corner of Jefferson and Congress street, upper end of Market-square. ' J. R. Warner. oct 19—-200 Medical Retail Store. Dr. KnzxoER, having opened a store in Barnard street, seccnd door south of the Market square, east side, irt conjunction with Mr. Sahuei. Ben der, under the firm of Khesoer A Bender, soli- «its the patronage of his friends and the public.-; Mis partner will attend solely to' tbe business, in whose knowledge, carefulness and attention eve ry confidence tray be placed. His sjpek embraces the;» atest variety of -uarranteddfenuine Medici- ne-, which lie considers worthy the notice cf fa milies, physicians and planters, oct 19 1-—200 Prime New-Orleans Sugar. Ttj-Morrow, the 20th inst. Will be sold, at Wtillsn** wh i'f 138 tuenb* dS £ pft,n< '*‘'e’»-Or»«“«8lI<SAK Tentis made known at time of tale. Sale t* iiawirrs'.]] c'cl-ck , . £199] M. Herbert, auct*r. TO CLOSE (UntONMCSTS. To-Morrow, October SO, IFill be tdJ at Wi Uam iyjr/.r, jttg't xrbarf, 11 hhds suprrinr Nctr Orldiu bugkr 2 cases fine Irish IJnens 2 bales Russia Sheeting 3 bases woo I Hat* 25 casks Brown Stout Pt-rter m . 2 baks assorted colored Flannels ... ALSO 1000 piecL* prime Cotton Bagging Terms at time ,of safe Sale to cim eend at II o'clock IMXEDIATXLT AST**, AT OCR .STORE. 20 pieces superfine London uuffle Blankets -Q crates asorted Crockery 30. pieces prime Cotton' Bagging Terms at time of sate Williford dj - Raker, auct’rs. oct 19 200 On Wednesday, the Slst inst. Will be sold on afr t derson& Mtftw’i lover wharf, 12 j l °S*y* d *^ prime Muscovado SUGAR puncfieons wistrw. puncheons W t ROM V b*gs (4 bushels each) Liverpool SALT. . 66 HO Terms—siims under 100 dollars, cash; over 200, approved-.endorsed notes »t four months. SJe to commence at 11 o'clock . M. Herbert, auct'r. oct 19 200 On Friday next, the 33d instant, WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE, Before the ttore of Mettrt Bacon Sf Brum, TO close coNstomiEvrs, 200 pieces heavy Inverness CO'I’TON BAGGING 50 tierces best London bottled PORTER 30 boxes negro PIPES Terms - sums under 200 dollars, cash, over, and not exceeding 50 ), sixty days; over 500 to I0t0 dollars, four months; over 10UP, six months for approved endorsed notes Sale to commence at H o’deck M. Herbert, auct’r. Cabinet and Chair Warehouse. .BRU UGUTOJV- STREET. * The subscribers respectfully inform their cus tomera and the public that, in addition to their own manufactory, they have made arrangements for being supolyed with every article in tbe atH>ve hoe, from the best roamjfsrtories in New-York. and feel confident, that; they can furnish those who want, with better and consequently cheaper w< rk than any one else in this city; and humbly hope that by their diligent attention to business, to secure the confidence and patronage of their fellow citizens. They have now on hand a good assortment of FUIUVITURB, tytd expect to receive by the Speedy Peace, Anri), la, Gen. Jackson and Georgia, from New-York, upwards of sixty catet more, of the newest pat terns and superior workmanship. ALSO, A general assortment of elegant F.V&CY CHARS, Uc. lie. FARIES A MILLER oct 19 203 For sale Tbe House at the lower end of Broughton, street, formerly occupied by William Scarbrough; to be delivered from 1st to lOtii November — Apply to SCARBROUGH & M'KINNE. net 19 200 . Sheriff’s sale. - On the jint Tuesday in J* member next, Will be sola at the court-house, in Riceborough, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’cloik, •A tract or lot of Land, situate in the Sixth Dis trict. in the county of Baldwin, containing two j hundred two and *n half acres, know** and dis tinguished by the nufhber fifty seven—levied on as the property of John Soulegree, deceased, to satisfy an execution in favor of Chalks Floyd, tor the use of Robert Barnwell—sakl property point ed out by Joseph Austin, adm’r. • • Willi9.n1 Wilson, s l. c. oct 3 • 192 Sheriff’s sale continued. On tl.e first Tuesday in November next. Will be told at the court-h-ute in'Jifferton, Camden county, between Hie hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, A negro man named Syrder; levied,on as the property of Randolph M Ciillis to satisfy an cution the governor For the u*>e of Hugh M'Cali vs. Asa Holton, Daniel Copp, Edward Shearman, James Smith, Randolph M Gillia and William Gibson. ' ». • Isaac Bailey, s. c. c. o»*t 1 ’91 . , ... ■ , ' Fire Proof Store. To Rent the second story in that spacious new building, over the subscriber, on Taylor’s wharf. P. Stanton. oct 19 -p 200 To Rent, A convenient Dwelling House, situated on South-Bruad-street—possession g ve-i on the first of Nnvember next. Fcr particulars inquire of the printer. .ALSO FOR SALE A most excellent gig Horse. Inquire as above, oct 19—tv 2(0 The Mayor’s Court Is postponed, until the tli rd Tuesday in No vember. Jurors summoned for October term will take notice 'hat punctual attendance will be re- quired on tbe 17th day of November next. Ben Sheftall, c.m. o. oct 19 2C0 To Merchants- A Young Man who has a general knowledge of business, and can keep a set of books by single or double entry, wishes to engage with a respect- able house; he trusts that his attention and assid uity to business would give satisfaction. Respec table reference can be given. A fine directed to A Z at this office shall be attended to. oct 17 a——199 Dancing Academy.. .MR. L. SANSAY, Enpouragedby tbe liberality and politeness of the citizens of Savannah, during the last winter, would respectfully inform the ladies and gentle men of the pkee, that his School for the Instruc tion of Dancing will again be opened on tbe first of Novembe? next, at , when he hopes to be favored with the patronage, not only of those who attended bis school during the past season, bat also of many others who have become acquainted with tbe reputation of bis school: He flatters himself that the introduction of the newest and most fashionable steps and figures, and assiduous endeavors to please, will insure him a continuance of that liberal patronage, for which tbe place has heretofore been so justly cel- ebrated. N. B. Not having as yet found a convenient room to keep .his school, he wilt isform. them by a notice in the newspapers, hs sobh as he shall be able to provide one in a convenient quarter of the city. He isready to give private lessons at tbe dwelling booses of thin e who desire to- have their ehildras instructed privately- Those who wish to employ him, will please call at Mr Fran cis Roma’s, vhtn Ih y will be immediately at tended to. * w> 19—200 Administrator’s sales. On ihc Jii *t 'FueS'iuy ».-i December, next. Will lie sold atttie court house, in the city of Sa vannah, between tbe hours of 10 and - o’clock, The following Negroes, viv: Move, Celia, Nan ny and Binah; the property of the estate of Ben jamin Lavinder, deceased. By order of the court of ordinary of Chatham county. John Haupt, adrn'r. oct 19 200 Administrators sales. On the frtt T,today in December next. Will be sold at the court house, in ihe city of Sa vannah, between the hours uf 10 and 2 o’clock, The following Negroes, to wit; Sue, Fleaeant, Statira; the property of tbe estate of Sarah Gue. rad. By order of the court of ordinary of Chat ham county. Peter Goeranl, adrn’r. oct 19 200 Wanted Fifty cords Pine Wood. Apply at this office oct 19 200 Brought to G&d, fn Savannah, August 25, 1818, a negro man, who says his name is Jack, and that he betongato William F. Pierson, of Fairfield, South-Carolina. He is about twenty-three years of age, and Bye feet six inches high: cays lie is by trade a black smith, at)d that hu present owner purchased him of Ben. Frescot. tie has a small scar over his Lft eje. H. M*CALL, o. c. c. gent I- 178 - Brought to Gaol, * In Savannah, October 1,1818, a negro man who says his name is Sam, and that he belongs to Jo seph Bevin. of Effingham county. He is about twenty-five years of age and five feet three incites high. Says he was bom in Virginia and brought to tlsis state by Nat Johnson. H. M’Call, o. c, c. oct 16 ■ 198 ' Brought to Gaol, In Savannah, October 3, I8i8, a negro man who says his name is Solomon, and that be belongs to the estate of Seaborn Jones, of Scriven county. He is about thirty six years of age and five fett six inches high—he formerly belonged to Mr Aikin in this city . H. M‘Call, c. c.r. net 16 193 Brought to Gaol, In Savannah, OctoDt r 4,18’8, h ufgro man who says, his name is Biixt, and that he belong* tt> benjamin King - , of Jasper coanty. He is aboui twenty-four yearn of age and five feet six inches high—has a scar under bis left eye, and has lo-* r one of his upper fore teeth. H.M<Call,G. o-.p. / oct 16 193 Brought to Gaol, It; Savannah. Ou-.'ibcr 15. jFJ8, a negro mar- who says bis home is .Maaitvis, snd that be be longs to Benjamin Pierson, of Bulloch county — He is about 22 years of age, and S feet 4 inches high; he has a Scar oh bia left cheek, and burn in Africa, i H. M’CALL, o. c. c. opt 16- 198 . . John C. Holcombe Having taken tbe wsre-house lately occupied by Flewelliu A Dickinson, offers his services in the FACTORAGE (i CO.WMlSSTOArlAAE. . His store houses tre now undergoing *a ttit,rougu repair for tbe reception of nfodpee. Trerchsi''1irr j Ac.—and «<ictfiliation tajllbe paiB to.all busi- =l3£ H.L fill UllUtl to Jig less committed to his care . -*«***>. f (Ga.JJnly i, I81K-