Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, October 27, 1818, Image 3

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. .WMtf ■**. THE REPUBLICAN. 'inutia, maui nuin.tcnMff, !*W .YO.y llKSISC.EYi'E. It was a maxim of that able min'ster cf Great Britain, the elder Pit', in all differences wi$ o:h» r Tuiions, u here an injury had fcce;i ieflictid, nevti to negotiate until the outran had Jiren disavow ed, When the French sorted on Tu-k> hland. iot 1764, alledging that they had acme claim on it, the Driliali refused to nrgociate until tlae place had been evacuated, anil the »ot dii»vo« ed. Tin Spaniard* claim' il a right to search RcitrJi Jupt— they attempted to negotiate, but the Uritivh mi- tuner refit' ed; became.; ie raid, '*Ui« Spaniardi had no right to search British skip*, 'and when ■tlwy utempttd to regula'e that right by treaty, ■they were' attempting to regulate a tiling which did not exist-'* Tliu role - r.f a great statesman 'may well be applied toouro*« country. ■ The United Stater of America in their rrvfancy .xntim.-tted not only to a irarcii if their ship*, but to iir.preismrnt of tlieif seamen, by. the nritluh.— This evil increased to an alarming magnitude- trrry ad i.inistration. fmm Washington to Madi son, protested against impreastnenls; but llri tain, instead of offering any stout mint per: is? ed in the infamous practice; and, to the shame ol our country there wer* not wanting among our people advocates who were ready and willing to justify that anflkrery other outrage. Fuhmiv Slnn in this instance induced Britain to extend her WnvrmKiesi to the search rf oor i li p* and iriiprcss- snent ol our citizens,-,1m: added a system of rob bery and plunder no h »* tlivgt- cefitl to h> r, than degrading to tu. Negotiation succeeded neguci •lion, till the hhlercup was drained to irs very -dregs: perhaps tine grea' fault of uur government was. that it negotiated at all;—i.i negwji.lmg on the British right of impressment, they “were re lating a thing which did not exist.” War was dc. dared; and after an arduous strucgle, tr. ua : ■ the word* of Iter own writer*. “Britain retired froth «be contest with tlio stripes bleeding on her b icKf’ not only did she agree to re*pecl our righis in fu- jure, but aheeeaseil from her acputstd sysUin op impressment, and slit released the American Irom bondage. Should impressment ever again he re- wived, we trust the American government will not suffer the subject to be negotiated, but with the mouth of the cannon—tiisi the first outrage ci the kind will be resisted with the sword, until the act Is disavowed and the enslaved fitatn is restored. The American name now stands iogh in every 3'jartcr of the globe;—.let us, then, preserve this Standing, by resisting pri mptly every outrage, rind rendering tqual < cxnv juflice n oil no- 4iont. SEMI OH 1.1 L ELECTION. It will be seen by the following circular (which I,us been Forwarded to us} with a request that we would publish it)—that Jons Fuasixa, now u representative in congress has openly declareu himself a candidate for a scat in the senate of the United Slate.-:— fTushiiigluii• October 7, I3I8. CKXTtEMKN—The term fur u’iiich Mr. Tail, was elected to tlie senate uf the L". Statoli egpirin” on the 4t!i «»l Mutch next. According tu i-stab! tailed custom. an elec tion'fur senator w ill take place during tin- ensuing session of tlie legislature of ticor- cia. I present myself to jour cotisitlera- tion as a candidate for tiiat office, trusting that a desire to serve them in a new situa tion will not be misconstrued into a desei* tion of the service of tlifi people, to whom | am hound bj the strongest ties of grati tude, affection, and respect. I am well aware that it is usual to add the force of personal solicitation to tlie claims of those ‘who seek offices in tiie gift of the legisla ture: ill my own case,This cannot be done without a temporary abandonment of tile duties'ol my present station. I am satis fied that l judge correctly, in believing that I recommend myself more effectually by faithfully performing these duties, than by the must respectful'application in.per. sun‘for your coufidenj.-e ami support.— With 4 firm reliance that you will give to piy pretensions a fair examination, m com parison with those iiftbe n\h*-r candidates who may offer themselvi s tu notice, 1 am, gentlemen, tVilli evtiy sentiment oi respect, your lellow-citiien. Jons Fuasyth* I1EALTU of S.1 * t-I.V.V Ail flr.roc.T c/theSicn nar oj Gcntief* Msn.’esx Sociltv, fir tbt/•’•uugbi$ tA*:s4:A Oct During the term of tlie preavni report, our cli- Bale li vs been less subject tu fl-ictuati.-os. TU' variableness of the autumn has hi some lae i-ure Subsided, a»-'.»e bpjWiach more nearly tu tii- usu al rtcelinty of winter. The •.hcnmuMfeC has mured between 2? aod b*'. itt <’>« v iiole period «f tile feu-teen days' CJntemphU'dt amt on some occasivcv, .1 liss traversed a ct.auge of -4* in twelve bd-irs 1 he winds have seldmi. prev ailed from southern quarter: They b»ve al most incessantly borne from N. cr die vari ous points of conjunction of N. with E. spd v\. —notwidtsundii g. however, their frequentpuv - tions st E and N E- wc have I ltd ram only on tlie 21st. The atmosphere lua- continued to re tain tlie ectraordinar, dryn#s. which character*- ed it in earlier par.* v f the season. For the fort night ending on the 24th mst. the .-.-cord ot the ciw, n-i'.r.bers fourtein case* i f motval'oy; nine oi these 'were the production of bilious fever, and the rest of accidental affection:, unconnected with climatr. One. cf ihe fourteen eases, took place™ Uif southern boundary of ihc city, three in the western, one in the eastern, one in the northern, one at the gaol, four at the poor-house, and three in the interior part*. T he endemic fever, through- out the term of this report, has undergone a gra- dual reduction both in compass and seventy — There have been 37 cases intermittent, and 22 remittent: Of these 37. 14 cccurred in the wes- tern borders uf the aiy. m TamScraw, in the southern, near South-common; 5 m tlie eastern, in or near Carpenter’s row; 10 about the Bluff; and 6 in central places. Wi'hintlie last few days the genuine bilioii* lever seems to hive disappear- “llie black frn.u which oceund on tlie 2od uu« together with the continued cold weather which Baa suoeeeded to it, appear* to have «bn^e«l it* operations effectually, and to have broudit the season of sicknes. to a cuhcluMon.— In e year I8l7, tlie number of deaths which took place in the interval between the 1st oT June and 34th of October, amounted to 276.— m the same ■ interval of the present year ■the number has amounted to 11*6 only, v It is tm- nossibic It rteur to this great diversity ot events. Without experiencing st the same tune the most sincere gratitude for the nnprecidetued health -which w«'h- ve recently esyoyed. We have no rrcord’tn equal it iu any prtcecdingjcar^snd the t it.'.'4.t:sr% .'law ao i~ such previous e* :taorliri'-y freedom from i'i«e»re in general, sn l pirticiil rly ffoot the roan'ies. vv’Hat^ver v.vr have I, -en else m-,s’.eroti- causes of drought over the whole, whatrrrr may have been, the general oneratrre agent which lias obstrue'ed tlig fonoati- n of clo«d», and to Singularly reduced the quantity of rair. in the pre. •rnt year, w-e e.vnnot eutspe the ernVirrinn tiist we have bein indrb'ed to this cirri nuance atrl to Ihe dn nem nf the r/rth j’ has nrfiduegd. for the unenmov >n y .mty of our climate, ,1'ror.i c-im;.arin;; the pee-.r nt y*«r with the pt<4, from contra*ring the rx’nem.% ofari'li y sn-l moist.,rt which cliaracteriae ihmu it is not only Mi- retsble hut useful to infer, *h*» * dry s.ilis the mb l/r-gk f-liralth and* *41 die *u,-r soureg of disesse For nolwithsti.nd.rg the difitieiter of rain .nay 'are been the r taote ca->ir . the immediate and eort'^U' iis:gci.t has lertn Old rcmi'k-tblr rrjrne» of tl.e ground, wheijicr-tfmt drynet* re-nlt from ■e.tural or *riiher*l tr.e»n*~ff-m the ingenuity of mao or the e : e»r*es* of tire dues. _ _ 'rite Boston Patriot t!iu* remarfcs on tin* gros* abtisc whiclt basbet-n reteirlJv l-.-vel- led st-the nii-mbi!:? oWiie present admin istration of the-genc'ral ghVernn;!: Tim mass of tjte peon r e ‘a!t" goo.’ sense for their rule. ,'R;»y ilu'y approcials the high vvortli of (lie • easurt-s of tint phwit adminislmtion. ' A few siyiiiilious leatlvfs have indeed undertaken to pull down the administration. But, mark its safety and the safety of the people. Tfiase leaders donut point out any objectionable meas ure of tlie government they do not mark out any course which they can show or even pretend to show to be pieferable pi lit!: co-iise pu.- -uc.l by Javip.s Moxxtoe anil iiis cabinet. Instead of lids, tlirv descend to low personal abuse. What then can tint adiniiristratitin fear?—All they hare 1 to slots to stand still and let these abu sive writers write down their own itillu- ence. enlightened people wiil un- crringljr repose its conlideocc in tlie men who pursue with a steady course'measures having solely in view ike happiness of the people. Nsv.--Ovai.iss, October 9 On Tuesday last, a negro, w hile digging on the (evec opposite the lower part ot th-. town, turned up a bundle, which on exam ination was found to contain a very Jarge amount «d' counterfeit notes on the Missis sippi st ile batik at Natche/.. -signed Ste phen .Minor, president, and Si. Tich-nor,. cashier. While the negro was fiol.liug them in hand a persen snatched a large proportion of them wtid immediately dis appeared, doubtless with on intention to pass thorn. The public will do well to beware how i!i>-v receive notes of the a- bove'description—nio.-t of those that were retained are of a small denomination,-and probably the stolen lines arc of a similar kind. Xahhvim.k, S.-pt-.-uiliei dd. cmckASA'.v ruEAir. (ten. Jvcksnn u.itl gnv. jiu> lijiy, with their sails, |,-lt here on Sunday last fur the Chickasaw Old Town, for tlie purpose ol holding a treaty w ith those Indians. Or.tuber, i>. By t Idler fi uiii Mui freeseboro’y of the Istinst. we understand tiiat gov. M-Minii arrived at flic Cherokee' agency, on tile WOi ultimo, and that a number of the cheifs of that part of the nation, ivho have hitherto been hostile to the.execu’inn and treaty of 1817, are begining to withdraw liieir opposition. A council of the tvhol nation will be held at the Agency on tin. 20ih inst. under special instructions from the honorable the Secretary of war. Col. Slockb-y I). Mays, of this county has been appointed by tin: president of tor United Siiites, judge advocate of !l southern division of the United S.*lc»’ nr. my vice major Wm.O. Wintson, resigned. r /).) CVO Tiiis article has l.ecdme.a staple of our state. An abu.odaiiC crop is g:owin', and bids fair to reward the planter lor ins toil I'he quantity cultivated this season, i- much greater than that of the. Inst. We have taken much pains t« ascertain tii state oi li.e Muropran ni.iikvt. and in'® re sult ol uur iv.'iim.-s induce a belief that riiis a:tide will maio|ani the price it «■■>.- (.lined last year. \V,- presume toe sales ■if tob’Cro vvilf open at New -Orleans tin ensuing winter at S r nt-, which price il will maintain until the last of April. We understand the into chants of this place have determined tu offer 85 in cash pei 100 lb. fur tobacco of good quality. Slaer- Cuuij -V r.r, 'vr*g,Vtt* u ‘twt t , . ,h»s -w'th s' fdf cahro—to Oivid (hirles. in Si bo*jr. and Wm H '-berx in Ric. le,rough, for »1 , ; ,c«: ,v will, sw-t Ao-morr-w. Po'umtg Me*U>* powr-71, llodand., ami otiim. Speke, e(7 Hi* capes of Virginia. 3 or 4 days ♦or*, a <*'W*r 18 dws from St t- hr’* rvr with live oak, biKiaJ to U^ston, and vffpplied her «ri»h pnjvi«lnni Smack fiioraa* Parker, No# 5, from Charles fry- i meetins of the board of in,nsec** • f die "AJfjaVjt'. IU .l//.V V/(i,Vd# 1 S'rC/fc’/T,” behi I’lMS EVK'-'N’O, the 27tii, at the'iif pi- sixo ciork. H» •> ikr i/ihr! nt. ^ L. •VA'-OX. net V. 1 — 6 -rc ‘ , y Prime Green L'ojfee and Rum lo i bags very suprnur tlollee 35 bvTjcl&S E Hum 4‘> b'uidles Hay Landing this day, for adr by John Lithrop Co. net 27 x **7 • ' Dancing Academy. Mr. Saxsat w .uid le.pecti' liy inform, the die* and gentlemen of Savannah. I il., t lie- will open h»3 3chonl next .Monday, the Vd of November, the Long-ll.-eui of tilt Exrha IJnys of Tuhii'i. Mtimi y a: d Friday, from to 6 tor young Udies, and I'roai 5 to S ior you gen!i*mt:i. (jy l*riee of, Ttran Jollari by. tl qavrter and five in advance. Sub,crip:ion for hi* Practising Balt only TWIX Tr dolbo-s cnclI f >r thesva-on—die fi-st i f wh.c|j will be on Tuesday, the !7th of November, uiui cootiaue to tf«- fiyst oCtAjir I. " N It. Hi* Frictisidg Ualls nil! open ex-ct'y half part sevtn o’cladt, and do>C alone j.rxcisch oct 27—: 2W • Lott, On Sunday e7eri» g,'tio ; >^‘ 9 o*cl>ck. a large r"d n'or*4V*n Po( k**t Ko"lc. cr»M:uni..£ upwards of tu o UmvJred dollars in liaitk not<*-•?, viz: one of IOC doU..-H c»f the United Sla*.ua* tUnlf, ttn *-f li) «lol- U'tot* the Dimka of Norh Ca*(4.*ta and Gi*or:fia, m i h vosne 1 dullar riotes. Alan a due hill for 5 ; cents, signed Tfiomus Dtehy, Kiiaton; u ith - viral receipts and odicr papers of no use lo a person but tlie ovner. Whoever hss 'oond di- aid !»oc*lc, and will bring it to this office, with lo*itents, bliitil be haruisv-mtly rewarded. oct 2T- 207 ’L hiity hollars* retpard. ' TVser^ed from Dart.t,' -<nit tm^r in the m«r of June last, while on c ?mna: d from A melia Is' 1 and, Gzojiofi Lvoy, ciiis riroMOE *! BOTT, listed snihlier in the serv ce of 'tie. Ui ited f Said .learner is suppo cd to be now :n the em ploy of Mr..Craig; a pd*»t. ai I*; bee. He is about five feet s x niches high*, light complexion cross eyed; about ni.if teen dr twenty vears of age; and is in the habit.of pii«»thf£'Vesuris In and out of this ntsrt. l*he above reward, w» 1» all rea*orabte ex peases, « paid by. the t inted States* quarter master's depart meat, oh ifn d -.l very at auy gaol or miiitary post wV.uin' *be Ua te*l f ta*es. . Kob it Lytii:n, oct 27--or Utleit U Sunny The subscribers ‘ < WT»li to en'fr into a enp'ract tor repairing amt pijcirg Additional Log.> lo tt.e decks in Sa' anna' Se. it a propn*al* will be received by tlie chrk c."i;xil 'o be opened at (lie P' X' regular mreiine oi^'council. STEK1.E WHITE.> S 5 All \ MCOPE. b 5 oct 27 207 TII05. ItOUUiCE, J 5ia Mr. Colli us from Pensacola, arrived in town last evening from that place, and ♦tales that c-d.-trel King hall received or der* from Washington to deliver it up to the Spanish authority.—Mobile Gaiett. Since the arrival uf Hr. Collins, a let ter tins hecii received from a gentleman at Pensacola, to a gentleman in this tnwu, stating that lac o ffer ofcrl. King was to deitver ujvtiiat place and its dependen cies to auv •SpaM!!'It olKc< r authorised to receive the same, by the Spanish minister D.—the captain general of the Ha vana, or by the late governor Masott.—ib. m. SHIP NEWS. POUT OF Setr.Vf.YAB. t. 7 to x-to Isaac I cl#lo Scarb- k tSSming, J P AUtuvan, Ship Ceres, Mix, Nexr-York, Mini., consignee—vrilh a t'uil rough 8e -M'Kinnr, Campbell Davidson, T Young, JiAmston k HrUs, Slurges k Burroughs, Scott k fahm, A. b Fannin, I Minis, and C Cassidy. Pantogiioljhimel Howard, lady and tsmily. Charles Bci«-*rd, lady and family, Mrs Mix, Mrs Maxwell and two Miss Maxwell^ Thos. Young, Murray, Bitlup, Lovice, Byard, and ten in tlie steerage. ■» Schoonev'Decxtnr, Wbeekr, Bath, 15 days— with lumber—to the master.- Wanted to rent A d-'.-el'ing HOriSB hi a central part of the city Ap '.y at Mr M'IV-h Cleland’s, warAet square. IT.! 27 A SC7 ■ Wants, a situation. A yrnr.g mu r*. wild can write a tolerable good hand, «r*d h:i» a kuuv> ledge cf book.-keeping, wishes to lie etnj’.luj td in a compting-rjoni, dr>- g»od dr grocery s^»re. line addressed tn J V S and left at this office u ill be prom]»tly attended to. ecl-r c 2U7 ‘Notice- Savannah River Navigation Company. The fns'.sdru<'i:t of Five P*;r Cent-’ on the Stock, w’riicli isia to he pa-don orbtf«*re the *d Novem her next, will be v. cei*i<l ; nd receipted tor in Sa*. liy r of the pies tlenf % - J .trit* Wyliy, agent. oct C7—n—^07 Just landing, Fr^irt trc'uuner Fu e-SiSivn, from IJotton, 2 p'f cu gtr.uir.e .Cogiuc flramly 1 hlid and 6 barrci.^A hrery Rom 15*) boxes fir>t quality Soap 10j (! ) mould Canult s, diifcrent sizes, A Tallox lo do 8perdue*.'KX«»tills 2i firkiiw |lut(er r Atiahty, for family use o Csssevg'.lt fe.tme lasses For sale by M. IiGKUERT. rc» 1:6 a 216 L. Tetty f 111t juU rrcetv&J, per Hoop Codec or, 25 legs Uosheu Mutter 1 barrel Shrub ‘IX STOUS 1J cas ks Cheese )S ooxt s Forttr * 1 pipe tJ*'gi»*-c flur.dy 5 do llcliaml Gin 18 hogsheads .Muscovado Sugar oct t-6 m 2<6 Georgia Bride and Shell Lime For sale by the subscriber at ihe western ex tremity of the town. GEOUlsG MILLEN, jmi oct 26 —l 206 ‘ JYew Retail Store. Tlie subscribe!* are.noyr i opening, at the xrw stobb, J«thnsion*s sqiiare, adjoining .vIishm. An drew Low 8t (kk. L " A GE.NEBnVL ASSORTMENT t' .r o*, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Rectircu jjy ihe jaW -arrivals fiani England— which they oifcr for. talc on reasonable terms. * Jottn J. Grieve & Co. oct 26—| ——206 The subscribers 1 Having corn.cied thcmstlve* in (he town o Darien, wi’.h a ,o transact Factorage and Cwniotiflo Putin* re. tender their services to their friends anti the public in that line. The establish, it will caniijienre on or about tlie first of No- iber next, to be managed by Sir. Jlauiisaaon >, under the firm of U. Rise. & Co. John M-Xislt. B. King. oct 23^*#—2C3 Three-llr.ithers, Thompson, Ricb- 8. days—wi’h SOO barrels flour—to H B t; vj-.imey. Bight passengers. Si-op Bright Phoebus, Ketcbum, Vew-York, 6 ■lave—to M L White and master. Pantngen, D.'St. John James Pjaxke. Tripp Hoag, Norman Northrop, Jeremiah lYaEbg; PidI Ceesbnxigh and-George Hamlin, carpenters; also. Metes W I Je Lavcrgne, J L Cog! 9Tll» W Sxmois, The subscriber Having leased the wharf and aock, next bu one below that occupied by Messrs Baows, Cinw A Co. announces to Ids friends and the public, tint he -wilt on the first of November next, commence the L U.VUBtl FACTOU.IGR and COJHMtSSIO.YBVaiau ESS on said wharf. ., A (reorge W.'Collins, sept 10 f -182 Notice. The subscribershare taken (he west end of the f.rc-prqof atores on Jones’ wharf, below the Ex- change, and now tender, their frien-1* and the public in the MISSION BUSINESS in„ _l-itrocht Ik.-'VjTa (* nn oafrtT’ — j* 51 . r ' George F §' Oliver Piiline&f OATS .-csTanupai UB orrru ran sale, UI’ hu htlsOs's auO d» treih P ifatbfs -A few hundred Get flagifig Stone Iff ilea Whip* ‘ 1 do HatuJipikr* . 3 0 boxes freth" garden Serds 5 ■ do mould srtd dipl’d Candles 31 d • l-esi Snap 8 do fi le -S vriug do b 2tg.- b v tiu-beti itui'er Sci'-kei! itevf 10 c.i k **o:li»u*Chrese 50 bis New .England Su bis |/Tim* I’l'ik Jlisk.t S.k. Mu'ta.-.l i r-o;'eis, I'four Navy and Pdvl Bread. afrit 20 pipes °d pro if Holland Gin, y nnin. 6 du Aineriran do 3 d> Itiamiy ftja Wh ♦lc«y anii'Oiti- 2> bis OoniiJ <1,- cn ksTen'erilV > re :,~ :.u . J ^ 7'X. bmi.eri Com S-'U 1 ' b prime Yngir.ia llngtk 22 bis i’ickics 5 iilids Jamaica Bum icams WTappiu.- Paper * lla'f ami qe cheats hyson Tea lO-y wt. Nunn'-ifi A qiisiiti'y Saildler k saddle Leathers 2 boxes Hats, a.votmd All of uhleli are offered on accommodating terms. , oct 2* 1.5 John C. Holcombe Having taken the wurc iimi e iateiy «ct ; »:pie*l l y Plrwellm & m-inYi, offers l» s service* in the FACTORAGE U COAlJUISSIOjYJ.iAX. Ilia store houi;e> arc no jit u*».Ie* going a thorough repair f. r the recc|,t*o:i ot produce, mefCiiu.n'.ize, 8tc.—and s«fict attcisdon i 1 bo paid to all bu*i- ness committed to hi- Augiftq, C G.i J July \ 18 8 f 156 AtfCTJONg. 5 1- 1 ' ' 1 t-T [ro ttipt* m itmi» rro tiusT.iWH {' Tfi-Mortw> ££& inst. ^ Will 5c id/ H iifi uX rf, "'f smr Vnra, ^ 49 ton* iaiorttd 1:euN. CniaAdn/ or axe fcar. uragpomire at’d.'ciure 2900 bushel* Uwrp'o-1 Mr.u-t L f *» TerB»7-fum* u llri 2 A. dniljijT, ca*h; cvrf 20d to t'.i*!*, f**»ir !?»nr. i.>? rreer uofi^rj, krk mon|i»s fwr appr-vetf er-.U»ned papeir. A iso 2 bxles f>05F. BLAMvI TS AlSt), , •' F-.r arY^U”t cf thr Hft.-pr tc i r-fr end t m f( r.«rr» •etl; • 20 boxes ft.vltlNN, fhmu*^vft on butnd the „cln\ 1 liuiraj, hr* n. Bc-aicti • Trrm« t CMffi. sVie/v it i omttterre td 11 »VVrb M. ilirin rt, auct’r. on 27 2* 7 Soap and Candles. Hie fiuhscriktcr a 9 :«gtni for * mariulactorj will keep a c li^luut supply of thcae nnic'es 1 of tin ijest quality. Families cats be -Mipi lied by thr b‘*x, and dealers with any* qtltarfity at thq lowesi price?, tie has n'w*in »:4*rt-— ilO boxes 1 t quahly m*>ulci.CuK*le9 25 do ' do dipt i do 10U lialf box »firs: quality bar Soap ▲uij *-■ i<X) barrels N K i(tum 6) cables cut arisorted 4 > barrels Muscovado Sugftr 4 pipes LP .Madeira vine Vd reams priming Paper ‘ 4 > *'o wrauputg l^per 2 b.iifh Gxng* r S U PA UK MAN. net. 19—fL——200 Plains. Blankets Hoes. 5j :,..^>tvhi*. amibiue Plains, a ell assorted b.«les Lodpn duffi! Ulahkcts, well asiorted 20 casks patcnis Hoes, no. 2, 3 & 4 ^ Ju?t received by the Uitiy from Liverpool arid for aalc oil liberal tciina by DACW Sc DRI KaV. h change tchutf Also IX STORK Ton SAJE, 25) eavy heavy Inverness Bagging SO I’vrcea London Drt*w:i Sio-it (\Vhi*.f»eVi ,fl ) oil? ton> russia oid sabies-xe-bur Iron 20 tons aacdcs Iron, assorted 100 libls. st. creix St.gar* 20 li rxes negro Pipes, 6 g«*»« each 1800 hii- he*s prime ytllow vorn 40 tilth* new wheal Flour 2 hu^e'Waggons 1 elegant Newark made G : gand Ha nuts 600 *>uaheL‘ ground L.verpool bait ,.<.1 .1—»j —2v? . 1 To Let, The' STOKE adjoining Camion k Fi Wivr, c Jolinton square. Enquire of C-uimm .A'Fowler. To Planters, Mereteauts, countrg /Store’ Peepers, aiul all who deal in ilrugs and Chemicals. JOHN F. POUYAT, OPPOSITE Tiia KXr.HA.WK SAVAXWAU, Ran jntt received 6u ttunuTon*- utriv-iU, THKEB UUS'LiUi) PALKAGhS COXTAJMXO GEAULYE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Surg cat - s, shop Furniture, Vials sorted, patent Medicines, of every description; md in short, every article’uttialiy found a. d «-is jcused in a medical slot** ; all of which have beet fully selected by Inn-ridf, and l^e Jemh recommends Miem t*» be genuine—for sale, whole sale and retail, at his *):ug and Chemical store at’lhe lowest prices, for cash, tt.wn acceptances or ihe* usual credit to punctual cuslomen. A’l orders will be tliaukttdly received, and put up with neatness and despatch Mcuicme Clic-Y’s with prh»ttd directions, for plan atinns ve.«»eis arid f.»niily use, put .up with care at U:c shortest notice. ' Olf UASfi, 59 barrels Glauber Sal*s k gs I^t quality w hite Lead, ground in oil 20 boxes few Brimstone K^gs Span ; >h iirownj in oil and dry Prussian Blue in <io do Venetian Itcd in do do Yellow Ochre in do do . Verdigrise in do do Philadelphia Green, in o.l Verde ter nine and Green Copai Varirtfli; paint Brushes Ass<*r;e*i patt-nl bellow Spoils Turpentine l Veniidtoii; Lamp Oil, whiter strained. Camel's hair Pencils. &c. Ac. sept 22 -jL: 1 r7. Medical Retail Store. Dr.,having opened a store in Barnard* street, ea»t side. r\ c* »»u door south of die Mar ket square, in cm June.ion, with Mr Samuel l*.£x- UFK, underdid firm'of Kuzzaza U. Bexpeu, so.i- cits the patronage of Iiis Licisds and tlie public — His partner »tU solely attend lo tne business, in whose knowlesige, carefulness and attention eve- ry confidence tr a_v bt place d. Hij stock embraces the greatest variety f*f -vinr.:*rd n.truhrt Medio* nei>, whiefy he eo: aiders worthy ite notice cf la- mi lie?, physicians and planters, oct 19 1 2.0 To-Morrow, 28th inst.. •I ill or sold before mg store, 4 fiogfliruU ijmi ca (tiutt 5 6 -Rml-Vy 4i.Q Gin 20 csiffc* Fiff-1 *• 7 20 kt!g* fre«h Umtrr • 10 ill? Lard • 12 casks f liecsr—'Cm-dics Soai/, Cigs.s, wranping I’.p r, he Lite. mire. An Invoice of Diy Gootl-4 COsMstlW OF ne^adclo?lis. 4'assiniMvs Fiarneb, Musf*ns, fidicoes Silks. Veiling*, Gloves Ma lifts iUudkvrci.ief* Si raw 0 ni.ct-, arid A vaiir.ij ol ollar ArticH Far the h >n t ft of the Underwrite « and, R continued 60 pieces Cotton J asking, parfftily «*«iVd . oct 27- emntuccht 11 A. llowv, ouct'r. To-Morro\v r 28th inst. Wiil Acs.* Id b fn>! wn. i lore, \ qu.AN i lit •.. v. • nr . Household and Kitchen Furniture; 0cf .1 g.n< to In \stale «»t »‘>ikei, Utcea ed AMONG WHICH ARE 1 elrgant - c iclrboard 3 fiainer beds, l»edblca<is t Ac Also OneHORiB SuTe to commence at IT aV/ cl' A. llowe 9 uiictV* net 26 -206 *.\,r Administrator's sale. Ou Tuesday next, the 27th inst* tCill be sold’ ■ T .■ BUILDINGS on the Lit in Dr«) . Il| mii ktrrei, at (be corner < f llaj-Une— 1 lb. ii.g the property of E tlomln, <!«• as- i.v unierof tlie I .termr court. Terms made known st ibe sale S./e i. c.mmmtc ut tl S'chick A. Howe, autt'r. oct 22 2- 3 J On Monday, November 2, Will be acid cm J"/i. »ton £< Anderson'* iorrtr tch i' f occupied by / Mi-is **17 « 50Q pieces prime Inverness Cotton Baggirg 200 ban^lv*'* a ^ PP <ne Moseovsilo Sngsr 11 0 kra» v b'te l^arl 50 kegs »h:U L*-m1 SO pipes pure Hr/land Gin, *s Nnported olkiO iiuslieis Liverpool Salt 70 bags prime ground Salt 3Jj(i bushels Liv.-rpuol ground Salt 72 bags prime green I.offee Tunis—sum- under 300 dollars; drill; ovtrSOd o :00v, iHueiy days; Qv< r 1001, four months. 41. Herbert, auct'r. . oct 26 '06 Notice. Augusts. August 25, 1818. Sava it hah Hirer Navigation Company. An instalment of 5 per on tlie capital stock ’ the company is required to be paid in tu Uir treasurer cn or before 2d of November i.t at. By enter of the board. i. W. L. Simmons, sec'rv. The EJitor of (he Savaorsli Kepubbcan u re quested to publish tlie >bu- e until the time ex pires, and forward bis account to tie Company's Office for pavmcnt. aeptl —178 On the Slstdfiyof Novemiiernexty W.U be sold ut the shop, in rhe aquhre, uc m tnjit ti h net rf ore by Josrf>h & telex. All tlie rvn aining snick of Saddle; r,in;l 'Sirfft* Furniture in die siaid sli>>p, lugi ihe'r wmi ti c tr a-e slid Build ng*. FartkHii .rs at the day tf amc. Jniiii I.vill'*', "I . .. Alsruham fa.lilc,' ^ KdiiiO’id Kitisriy, J J-Edcheo. N. R. the erediinra of Josxris Kiruns are' again requested lo render tbeir demamls -sitiu uf delay ('■ J CUn.Elt. octal 202 attorney-Jt.rthea,-.ig ,-c, Administrator’s bales. On t/u Ji- tt Tuctiluy in Drcembir next. Will he sold at tlie court bouse, in the city .tSu. vannrh.between li e.hours of 10 ar-d 2 o'clock. The following FegriMS.' v; • Move, Celia, !-su- ny and Rina's the property ot ihe estate of lle.i* jamin Lavinder, dcorssed. Hr order cf the c .nrf- uf < rdin,.y of Chatham euunty. - joint Haunt, adm/’r. net 19 -2C0 Administrator’s sales. On the fnt Tucoduy in December rex/. Will be sold at fhe cJurt hou-e, in rite city ofSa- vannab, bit.ten >hr hours of 19 a:.d 2 o'cio- k Tin: loll'uwiug Ntgrue*. to Wit: Sue, pi«».*»nf, Statir*; tlie properly of ihe estate of So ah Cue* rad. Ily order ot tl.c court of ordinary of Chat* ham county. Peter Gaerard, adm , r. cct W 200 Administrator’s sate. On itx jorot Tnetduy t.*y, J8'.9, Will be s».!d (.gretabiy to an or !er uf tlie bore*. • orabie tlie justices of tbe Inferior court of Jcf. ferson county) 1 , That part of Uie real estate of Henry M*Conkv*. Notice. AU persons indebted tq the estate of Wilfiam Thomas Harris, decease^, late of M-Intosb coun ty, are desired to shake immediate payment; and these having claims to pfvsent tlu.m for payment, iroperiy attested, previous to the 1st of Septem- Bcnjainin Baker. > , . Wjlliara Jlwltte, JO P litf erepiy, JunST?, 1818—fc»*—1-.8 her next. part of lot , on the westcome: w .tr>-ugi|. ton and Rr-mard-streets. The above to be *o!il f r the benefit of the heirs of raid deceased. The tale to take place at the premises, at 12 o'clock, of that day. I). M. M'Conlcv, adm'or. oct 27 i 207 Sheriff’s sale continued. On the first Tuesday in November next, IFitt be to'd,at the c'.xrt'h'nirein Jffcrton. Camden county,.between the heu't .flO and3 •’clock, A negro man named Syndeq-levied on as the property of Randolph M Gillis to sa'isfy an exe cution tlie govem-irfor tlie use of Hugh MCail vs. Asa Holton Raniel Copp, Edward Shearman, .lames Smith, ltandolph M G'.ilis and Willi: m Gibson., Isaac Bailey, s. u. c. octl—— . ‘Notice.. * A?! persona having demands sgunst the estate fjonx S Alsjt. are requested to prevent tliein, and tlime indebted are requested 'to make pay-• meet to oct 17——if RICHARD GURU AM,