Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, November 07, 1818, Image 1

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Ck ■V TOV. .• iEiu'tii \ AW.V -\'6tky. From n statement 'w forfeit Jfl< TIOtrS, In might to IllC Ml ' MeIff?- ® her* & liesn, eminent IS: JAi^tun, appears they ilrtecti-d I'ruin. \jtcmbir >Dili (n October 15th, upward* <:! V' 7 counterfeit kanlc note*. ,We uNjcrstyrty (Imt much to Che creiliMif the«<- gdSjlemf anil the benefit of xoriotty they keep, and - publish rcgularlt-an ircooi«lqfa!lcn’Jn>er icil notes presentej tiiriuf»M.*jichvige. I may easily be iinagi’n:tl from tint nuiuW being iletrctctl in woe »!i::t JU im mence quantity there must be ir. circbla «v ?”■ 4 ''iti We beg lease to xu ggM to (lie brokers of this city, that they nimbi ,e$*rnti.i|iy ■ servo the public, by Ucriiio-^ Viurmnrunilo of all counterfeit notes nTtVrril at their W-j Ucea, anil we siiniiti) bc c,fa I to pubtin.Jur the infarmatiqtrbf (hr. cemn #>nity. list* ol alUuth noldal—Jla'ryland Censor, 28th ult, lZXGMXV. ' . The Interest of the p-rolic Jeht ufGrt-at 'Britain at p(e»oiit exceeds :itt annual sum of one hundred and thirty thret millions if '■ * dollars—a autn sufficient to (ti^chirt-^e tln: whole public debt uf ibc United States, ^principal and interest. The legislature of Now-Jersey. —. mences fts annual session, in Trcntori this day—-the | republican's will havu .il majority of three in council—eleven in ’the house of Uasumbly—and fourteen; .ili joinl-mceiing. r • .Veto, l>* Cb otitic U.7lh -Ml It is said thatjtite, expnrtx frt m New Orleans, for the present year, will amount to twenty millivns-of dollars.— rij, THE BE PUBLIC JEN". aaTASsaa. siTtmoai avxxixn, no'"r.««*x7, 1818. The sale of Alabama, lauds closed a«. Milledge ville on (he 3!st olt—the Journal say*, the tots) ' » amount of aklerwas gi,141,400. "* ? , Price, Current nt Richmond, Oct 31. Cotton, lb- 33 a,3b eU: bacon 13 a t& corn hi ftfe coffee'53a 35; (bur.*u;i bl g9a 9J. tobac- co jgIS a i/i wheat, Imsh 1 73: Cifu meJ, built V a 11# rice, dwt ^ *; ■ J, . ' WHOLESALE P RICES CURItEATJI?. i [conazcTXD wisest.] Savannah, Xoveinber 7, 1818. S Cu. g Cn u 16 a 0 18 14 00 ti 15 00 4 75 - 5 50 a 0 3J o as 3 50 -o 43 0 in 0 13 0 VS, 0 10' 6 00 0 35 0 50 0 -0 0 06 0 14 Bacon, per lb. f , llcef, No. 1, per, bl. Bread, Nary, per bl. do. Pilot, do. ' • Butter, per lb.. llec’a Wax, do. , Brandy, pog 4th pcf.pil Candle*, sperm. per lb do. mould, do. do. . dipped, dp. ^S’ , p£ e n,."'- Chocolate, Boston, Xu. 1 per lb. 0 25 do do. No. 2 do. 0 S3 do do. .No. 3 do. 0 13 Codec, per lb. ff £3, Cotton, sca.ubuid, per Ib.(none) 0 63 Do upland, ' do Cam,' per bushel. Duck, Russian, pet bolt, ’* . do. ravens, do. Hour, Philadelphia, per bl. Do., Augusta, do.. Gin.-Hollxi.d, per gal.. IroivTbar, per cwt. Lead, per lb. . ' ' Liifds pcplb. Mackerel, Boston, No. I, pcrbl. 16 .oil- a 17 V0 do. do. No. 2, lio. 15 W . '■a. do. bo. No. 3, do. Id 00 Molasses, per gallon, 0 61 . Nails, wrought, per lb. 0 18 Do? cut, do. 0 03 Oil, Florence, 1st qual,per dozen,£ 50 do. linseed, per gallon,, . do. Sperm., do. d't ftnUt ' .do*' Powder, (Dupont) pet keg, Pepper, per lb. Pimento, do. ' , Pork, per bl* i ‘ , llice, per hundred lb. . \Rum, Jamaica,-per gallon, ..Bum, Windward Wand, do. Bum, New-Englanil, do, * ’* island, p 0 ss 0 65 31* o'31* 1 00 24 14 00. a IS 00 9 50. a 10 00 8 00 1 35 . 3 50 a 4 00 0 10 o ir o o is 0 1* 8 00 1 37 sl Salt, Turk' . do. Uverpooi grouial, do.-' do. do. blown, 'do. per bushel,'( r * — 0 75 0.55 18 0b 1 25 1 £5 0 0j 8 00 O 23 O 32 23 00 o 24 TO |6 5J o' 6 75 1 50 a 1 62* 1 l.'j o l 25 0 73 0 CO a 0 8 a .0 12 a 13 00 Salmon, No. 1, per bl. . SS &Wli 0 r Shot, do. • V 0 *0 Soap, 1 do f'0 11 Steel, blistered, per hundred lb. 12 00 Steel, German, do. 17 00 •. Sugar, brown, per hundred lb. H 00 n 15 00 £. .«oo Tobacco, manuLctureil, per lb. 0 15 < \Do. leaf, * do. (nnnej. tDtiiiur, per gsllon, - 0 42. < tlVine, ifadeira, per gallon, 3 50 < - ; P». ’Tc neri<r ’—±- i 0 20 joi5 0 65 4 S3 1 50 35 00 ^ 7 O J s 10 00 6 00 Lumber, sawn, 1000 ft. ''brui) QrM flooring Boards, do. Timber, ranging, do. 1 ■ StaveSjW.O. perlOOO (notn) 'J?M do. B.O, do. (uo ie) 12 00 oH5 00 do. Pipe do. (none) 40 00 'Shingles, per thousand, 5 00 , b RATES OF EXCHANGE . ■ Qd England, 60 days at par ‘ On France, no sale*- On.Holland,no sales. j . -,- On Boston, 30 days »t par (scarce) • . On Nnr-York. SO da. at par, * percent **. «!“»• On Philadelphia,oneandaldlfpercent, diacount On Baltimore, (none) • On Cliarleston, at the until rate on local - ' - ADVANCE "yf. 1 On British Cotton Goods, fifty par cent. Do. do. Woollens, fifty per cent. On French Manufactures 25 a 28 ct». per /ran •* JFitEIGHTACK _ . To Liverpool, rice per ton. St 5». To Urerpool, cotton.perflb. - To France, da '.do 3c. To New-York, do per bate, SI ’ Died, on the 14th ult Mr Sisru Parrr. late mate of the sbtri Pallas, a native of Massachusetts. His effects wifi be delivered to his heiA^r.irela is -tions, on spplicalion at the counting room or A ^ jjnttrUe Ct Ct . Died, in October last, at Erie, cap’- nasrac S. Dntti, of the United States’navy, and cm msndingofficeroo lake Erie.- —, atPowelton, (Gu'.Jl oit the 29d> ult. Doc tor Cat sera Lewis, of Milh-dgeville. , SHIP NEWS. port of s.iraw.ta. ■Mk. ,V« .lrhtt/r thi ■ . etv.ivsii.... Sch’r Ahn. 5fo'Jen«£ .Wilmington, (jr. c ) Srli'rLa'irs, B'urr.t StiPierre,. Martinique —i V •tfinria. ' ‘' Scli'r Cirtyhourd, Setrsrd, fCcY-York. f. Perl nf Chartaim. JTerraier 5. rrivrd. stilp Ri»i"g Stales, ni.utcti. Providence, (a 1^12 da;.r; ach'r* tqey. Ilowen..Vinn-na^ lfc timi.T Neptune, Lltckr.ier, Bath, (Maine) «6d»s stoops.'Candidate, St'’ddard, .S..-a.aecA. 14 hour,; Til^fra\h,6nr<-s, St'Marjr’v 5-lavs; Gen Wa»fi ingtnn, ObateJ, Aorovnrj,. 2 I'ay'. lamea, Yii.ctM St Mary’*» days—»Ue brig Blwtcliv, 10 its from NofIhlk, With O S troopv All laiiel, arr.vfd at it i on Ss’uediy la.-lj rJTSt Mm’i bar,.pass schV M»jcr Cnigharf, It ds freroNorfqlk. with troops, bnuml m. . leared, seli’rs Expr; si, Aldrich.N York; Three !ev*, ( Pl :ttI Wilmingtom Silly & PCSji Bene Xorfolkand Alexandria. ■ . - ’ ’ JPdrlff Baltimore, Oct Ser S‘ Entered, sch’r Blirihg Star, Snetr, .Cape nem' , H*yJ^ uitli sujrab o . *< '• Cleared, sebr MuntpcUtr, Colterell. Cape Hqn- > !Mi. ., .... reoA. ■ 'Y., /’«.-/•/ PjulaiktpUa, ■ OcifberZi ; Arr'' d. sliip Hannibal,Ko.Ur, 12U«}» fromSt lyterslamn, cm-Burton, oWidfutam goods; brig .MOromg Star, Smith, St Johns, (r ») 14 4»y* . ’' I Below, rh'p, Dunlevy, Cvtr,'< ol: brigs Aatrea Lewis, Cape Henry ; Mary-Ann, Sniidi ,o Brno. r - ' ” '. , j [eared, Tloops.Packet, Wood., Newbern; Vic lefty,'8omcm,Ne*-Yo'rk. ' v - ■ Pfrt •/ X'fffalk, October, 19. The ahipv Tiidia till, t; llim.plirt>«- and Sc ; pi'w; >rummond,'(,inmt t-, L nuon, went to sea from Hampton Ib.ails jeaterday. '' " Cleared bng lfnfrfer, llavn, Itio Janeiro, and t port to the north of said p'Ut;xch’r Sarah J-'ran-- . cis/Seien, Freiiericksburg. . ■ • * Pert Df.\en-YoTk, October23. Arrived sliip Henry, Edgar.'Greenpck,-48. d». Oct 9,.IaL4!, 3P, lnnr'49; saw a small vessel, knf ■ ^u«ai«" TO — ■ 41, 2ft- Boston fb^iifc Jlnztb. . . Cleared; shipi Cifnii. Perry.. Forbrs, London,• Mercury, Brown, Suvin.-uji; brigs.Leopard, Deor- ing, 1’urtlairl; Hilcrirs,' Graham, liiiladeipbia; Stoughton, Turner,' SLCroiy. PoPef Bef on, Octebrr 2<£ , Cleared, ships Columbus, Robbins, India; tbi miuvCIifford, Bhili; brigs H»Zatvl, Kot'er». ,HaVj uses Ca harinr, Winilsor, ttochetlr; Britannia Ea ton, Salem; lluston. Freeman,Cayenne and ajriar- kci;. sch’rCayrier, Myriek, Mobile. . f > • ' PJEcr. a/ lAe.lfai inc & Ffrc lnturorct Cymp.iny. Savannnh. lliltVuv 1818. • ■ ’One of tbehoaril of eommiisionfcra uf pil 'tagi .(•Vibe bar and river Savannah, cbmmun'cateu ’ id this board t|ie I'roceedings of tli irs. on the sub- fetit of procuring an ertcrcaaed ninhber.of P.kte for thisport ar id that they.liad succeeded' in pro curing lt> pew pilots— ' ' Jfe«W, That'HiiJ board hig)dy approved of their'preceedingir'iii'tliis. respect, winch wjis im- periutialy called fur, by the tmproper conduct of a part of tlic fi rmer pilots,-a* well as ii) couse- ipicnce of their decreased number. . Extract Jio-n ihe mnutet. I*. Sciissk, o*»’i ert’ry. Xi • Cavalry—Attention.’ The; suhsc. ibiirs lo ilie hew corps of IlY. as well as those who mjtj wish to become m^mhirr of are requested to X’lend at the Exchange, at 7 o’elotk TH yov 7 -2 Li ASSIZE uf BREAD, The price o, li -ur being 11 dollar* per barrtl. the weight of bread for the present month -must . be an follows,iiz:, . -Ibc;. axP’ .12* cents loaf must weigh 3 ■’V "1-. ■ Vv.' 6* dd ^do 1 ' do -~- 'Oflwluph . alt bakers and sellers uf bread will takeduenotico, ... - JOHN I. ROBERT’S,, nov 7——217 * cits treasurer- Steam Boat Companyt Hie annnvt rtieetipg of thelsiockholders in the Stem Boat Complain- of t^rorgia will take place; at the Company’*v-inpr Augu«la,'al tsx o’eh-ck in Ills: fornoon of Monday; III- 9t]| of N'OCmbei n.xt. - Absent members hrny by power of attor- ncy, under seal, authorise any olher Stockholder tt} vote for them. - -T a 4- Hutchinson, freasarer. ; Jict. 30-—216 . '■ , For Darien ■, The sloop RAMBLER, H Fox. mister, inirmt.d ass rogtilar trader., will sail in a few da vs. . Eoir- freight or passage, ap ply To iue master on board a:. Jones’ wharf ol MORRIS KETfiSUM. nnvT—r-^t7 Bills on ■ Providence, (R. I./ - For sale by , (.Bu GOIUiON _ 217* Porter, 8fc. indon F .nearly new* with elegant plated Har 1 Carriage, ' #2 mss ', efe 1 second hand two-horse Waggon; with liar ..noises For saleby - V * ' 1 i j. BATTELLE & CO.' nnr 7—r-wj 917 . v -Notice • . . ..The copartnership heretofore existing under the firm ofijoaasoa & Dots, has this dayylksohred, by mu'uat consent. All peraons indebted, to.said firm, win make iir-mediate payment, to Marcus J. Johnson, as be isfullit. auihorizrd to setlle the bu- mess of the firm. MARCUS J. JOHNS nov 7— ■—3i7 •• MORBIs pOTYr Twenty Dollars’ reward. Ranasray from the plantation of Mrs Catherine Elliot, on Fort Royal Island In Somh-Caroliria, a negro fellow named Writ, about twenty' years of age. From information lately received he is beEeved to be cow in or near Savannah, where he well known, having been formerly one or my house :wrrants, lie is about five feet ten inches high, and when Got teen bad on a blue coatee id light blue homespun pantaloons. The abbve wsrd and all ejepeaces will be pud on his being ladged in any gaol either in Georgia or Carolii ' r. V Kichartl W. Usbershatn. nov 7 —917 - r' Georgia—Chatham county. .. By 5 M donil, clerk, of. the court of. the county snd state ribreaaid. I , „ — — ttSsfW Bills on .Vac-York For vale bv - „ • 4^ ,-S. ; ■ BU-irhard,'Brother* Sc'Cn: fPPfcls: -‘]i Whereas, John'D M'Lemnspplies ... .. admini it ration on the estate sad effects of Andre' M*Leao. deceased, aa next <d kin. These, arc, theretore; to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file tlielrobjectiana^f any they have) ':i my office, on or before the 7th December .next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted him » . . , , . - ',t - ■ Given umter my band and seal this 6th-day of XavembST, 1318, ri .' 1 '- [LS] ' S M EOND, tcocc nov 7—i 217 - s »avi mi.i * eORt Hite Mnrylaud University LolteTy. Si.5W>00liioli«’stPiiy,( 10,000 Tickets only—no Price less titan i%5 Dollars, .. -, ■ 7 .,a<^r-,. Branch Baiik of the United States. Sdbe&e:. -. ; -:"i prize of 25D,000 isr S50,000 BOLkARSV v '. ■ 1 prize of 100,000-—100,000 D iLLAItB. - , ' 1, prize ' of—50,000—SO,000 DOLLARS, ja-prijzc-3 of—20,(K)0—^-4O,O0d DOLLARS. ; ; ^ S prizes o^-iO^OO——30,000 DOULA118. s- r- 40 prizes :of-*~S,000——g0,Q00;iiOi.LA US. ' 100 prizes of—1,000—100,000 DOLLARS. / ’ 30 prizes of-—500^—15,00(i dJOLLAR^ ' 3,000 prizes, ofr-r-r' 125^—-i375,000 DOJaLAitS. ? .10^000 Tickets jat .8-100 is, 4,000,QQ0, DOLLARS.- ' The. whole to- be ■completed ip Tufehtj/ Bay* Drawing- m i; Th'-s Scheme.offer* mura,chances f It* obtaining sn independent fortune than Any ever projected in the Hniied^Statiyi, .. -, ” • 'f: I ■' /V-*t . <CT Whole. Halves, Quarters, F/glitlis 'anl Sixtyentlut-in tlie greatest variety of numbers — de7s from the irui.try (post paid) i i.ctti»iftg Cash or Prize Tickets iu furrricr Lotteries received ui pzymgut, andiwiUfceet with-immediatealtentie-n. - I■;-; - r ; • •' ■':;TRE';'' v '•* : • : : Grand Pennsjlvahia State Lpttecj,, i - . ■ - - • '■/( .V ; v SIXTH CLASS, " •' , - ' ffthvlf-bine drawing an 1 all'the njoussir rurzis-i Vtrl hr .tic wji.yl. -A fe->- ; Tickets, in 'Whule, Halves. Onsritf* and h'^htw-on hxud. warrau cA ui'driian.i Turcliare ijoui) or opportunity a ill be, lost Iron and,Brandy. . ^ ' 36 tniia Swedes In.-n ■»- . ■So bprro-lsApple Brtnriy/ Landing from echoo - ri Vigilant from New-York, and forsaleby ' . . , - ... ' C. C. Grisiviilil & Cu, . net 31 211 , IP.sfar'i tfore. . Irish Linens and SheetingSi 2 cawi -rh'il Irinli L-iiens, some very line; 1 case Slieetings, very-luw charged For sale bv , W, ,P. BEERS 8t CO.. oct3——-iW *! . v t; Flour and Tobacco. \-■■■■- 300 barrel. Hclimund sii| r'fine TJ.ur A feWh > .gslicadaGeorgiaT»baeciF Toy, salt by : . (i.'B. Gwiithinfey, nov 2 1 ■■ 213 ilunicT’P-ahcrf ~ . Received '.'-i'■$**'. \ *• Per brig '’Her., 'from PfaUdtlpfjla', Rest Gin, in narn is ■ ' '■ 1 Lnaf Sugar, Gi-'snen Cheese '•■■£ :■>; ■ i Burlington Il..tti,, jreltoiv. Soap . . ■ ' Cognac Brandy, Malaga Wine, C^ampaigne - Wine and Filbeits ' ' - ^ ~ Charles Maurt-1. .. iirt.17 1S9 *. l 'v".' oJitstreceib&i .' ‘ re* suir ocrSTitoai-*, 50 tuns iron ' ' f 50 ) keg- wn’.te Lead ’ 10 tierres.l^miloirPB Stout 11 casks Carolina ilues F»r sale by' StufguA & B'irruU“hi, sept 19i—-186 3, Commerce Rtw. INSTRUMENTAL Music. 1 The subucriber hi-gs leave to inform the citizens nf Savannah, tli*t he,wUl commeoce, ir, iilUts various.branches, on Monday. November 9 on fbni accummodatiiig term,; and werrai-tgd in struments for sale by J U HOFFMAN, nov6—r*—?I6 . at T. Qribbon’t, on the Bay p -,y Jersey Waggons. 10 Areey-Waiguio v - 6 -da j du with harness ujN muffetj ieat m||Pitb chair tup 1 two horse pleasure Wa; a sure Waggon . and Iivrnrsseo complete Fn* Me by , J. liATTELLE & CO. nov 5r-2-xf -—215 r ■■ '. Cognac.Brandy. pipes first qu .tity Cognac ril.-a:uijv-'entUled to dtbeu:ure,-landing at Taylor’s wharfi'and oct29 209 , . < . .ToylovV .lore* ‘ ’y~~~Hotiand, Gin, $c. ? .40 |dpe*HvlUml Gin ' . 30 -qr Casks Sicily Madeira Wine 40 do Tenefiff do - .*.. ,. 50 tona.Sweedish (run ; . " r 1 /'; : ' ' 2 cales sheathing Copper ' ,, FtieMeAy;. ' .. Ponce & Mackenzie, cct 24—c*—^205’ " JV*a 2Q, Nohon'» »■* • Removal, The subscribers beg leave to mfomi their friends and the public, that they have removed, from tlteir former establishment, to the western leiKpient of those commodious bride store* 'recently erected on the church'lot, oppdsi’e fo Gibbons’ range, where they are now opening a yen- pcne.-al apart ment of lURDir.t/tK. CUTLERY, and other articleafin their line, just received hy -.he rtvals from Engl-.nd, which they offer for sals on accommodating terms. ' *z ■ < ’ casks best London Fortero in good-Cdedirioix, sept' 29—ct—-190’ '. ‘ J Ndib Retail'Store. ■> . The subcViber* fiv ii A opeuiiig, aftl<e new SToiaX; Jnhnstuii’s square, adiu'ihing Messrs. An afiiw Low&Co. ,. ,-v • -., . , , __; ; A gen eil\ l assortment t 'Fancy and Staple;Dry Goofs/ Recdveu oy. ilie tide arrival* f--m E:.,: and— which tliey offe-r fi r rale on n a i-nable term* ' Joiiii J. Grieve & Co. oct C6—-1——tb 6 «•' - ; ... Ramp Sugar,’8fc ; Landing f orViehooKer Ygilaiii,,uncl in store, 2b hogs ■ eyda AV 1 Ruin * . ., do Jamaica do ' •>• " 10 ilo ' ...K E jtum . •' 11 pipes Holland Gin t ; , 4 '. : 16 do country do 20 barrels do . do . 20 hhds'Muscovailu ar.d New-Orleans Sugar : 20*bags.heavy Sumatia Pepper ‘ ‘ ' 36 cask*Closlien Cheese ; 5 "nipes Cognac Brapdy 12 -qr oaaksaiid pipesCataloniaand TerteriffWine 35 barrels Muckerd, No 3 10 do' -Sytmoja ,' - ' ') 5 boxes Codfish - - 13 carks'rye'Whiskey For tale by - Morris Ketshura, ■ , oct 31—^211 Janet* •wharf. PUBLIC SALES. fi ;Oft Tuesilay ;ue.\t, lOtli irist. H',ll fri %M 91 7>ya : r** to \crf, on account of‘at . Tr-V*^» it'concern*. The HULL and MASTS bf tjl*kUjp lirv. as she noW .Afro, a,l T b n h, Rlgghg, He. Silld by cffjtr ot the CurtAVardrua. Terms, Cash. StSeta m t‘‘ie?M'ca.Nt 11 • v . M. ‘ Hiii'Ue’cf, ‘itiicl'r. -JlO-ro* Oa the'Sfst day of Xovembcrnex tPiS be 0*1.1 ur the then, 'in [he .M-v kri'toi-arc, cr ■ eufied /tnctifi-cIj'Ju’fh Aiic/.e-i, * , A ’l'*! ie rtniaining >u*k bt Saihihry and Furniture in ihe -ski slum, log, 'her with.the L . «. and euildingp. lAirlittibfa at the day if sale. . John Laltr.t, d IjJ. • ; - Ahrah.rt, ■ ’: Edmund Ki.Vx.-y.-j / . N. B.- The .creditors of 2‘oszrk Kiuais ,i:c •gain requested to render (iieii dtnuu-ds aitln-ol delay to. • 1 3 , j CUYJ.EK. oct 31 102 ..._ aua’h.f) lor the utiigr.c- r \j Administrator’s sales. - On Friday, 2^th instaiiL wIU. *z SOJ.P, . .1* Ihe auction atoreo/ tV;(tif*rdtj R '.ket, 5.11 tfie personal properly' of Juh'n 5. Alley,- «l<c V coaptis dt Sh A large ar.d vsluabie .lock ,of ready made mg .. . '. -S3 llrnadelutlis, Cassimeres , Jriah Inner*. Sheetings. Waistcoalings .. Caiicnes, Bnmbsaals, and ’ A variety ufotheV articles • , also. •-,', Household and Kitchen FurnitureV >. , toJrsiftTJJlO -or - ’ iV* ’ SHebogird, tfa set &c Jfec SoM te f the heneftt of the ‘heirs anJ crf^ T(hni| cibh- ' y • . ,• Riihanl^elfi^iTVs . • Safe to c'iirvncr.ce ui 11 o'jjl ck -s. -- ir VStiilifigW CjC Baker, auct'rs. nov,G J^-218 • ^ ' •- •Udminiitrutor’s sales. On the fir,t Tir-ittuy to JJcremWr next, Will be, solo before ‘ie cbilrt-h' u r ih this city '- hettt-eeii die iliUitl 111 - re, 2>2 acres tide swamp, firs-quality, on Hutchiu- in’s Irialid: oppusit* the l ily . 650-acre* <iu Great Patilla. freili liiardi and pint 9-JP acres ott Cumberland blind, in the enumy if.Canulen. aboiit 3 0 acres uf which is planting land—on-the premises is a good dwelling house; 5c... r - '. . fK' 639 acres of G le swamp, op - Lewis* erenlf, r Mtliitufeh County, originally pOtkliaXM as confi,. eatpd property -T 500 acres in Libeity eniinty, norril side’/South Xewpa/t > .l!uff;Tpwn awsmp, originally grant:.I to the late baniuel Lachlan')!‘Imd.'b ‘ J59-acres on Houston’s ywamp, in M-Gitn-f- ci-titny. tit-or the upper end of M Kevihsti’s ia^u,l oi acres adjoining the east end nfttie city uf Sa*annah, part ti’db and part higli land . . — 1 Alid, J T*I “Lot No 12. Franklin Ward, togetht r m till'*'" 11 ri*e v Uuilduig and Improven-.i -i hereon,- at presenC occupied hy Mr*. Morns Millet- '' ■ Condition* of sik made, known at the time . f sale.. : ' ’ t. 03* The highland iboae advertizetlfor •<: :: oo ihe ea. tern end of the city, and river la- d juining, are l»'d- rut in lotr, and will be sold i* . such—also a part of the land on Hutchinson’4 bl and, and fronting on fiavannah liver, is laid • t'l in wliacf lots, >nu will Be sold asauch- Accura 2 plans df die above may be seen -oy applying -il ihe subscriber ,■ -- - • — - ■ — Sold as tlie proper!Jr of the estate Of th'e ls- r Dir. John P. WBid; deceased, By order of the «.;• miniatrators .. - M, IIct-b> rt, auct'r. norJt— at 7, ’. ■ ^ Wanted ;/>p A good steady Wench, who understands cook ing. house Work in general, end is accustomed to children, for a ffratf family—lihr>al wages will givtn Enquire a» the Repitbl'can office, nov5——j. 215 '/i,r ‘ Blank Indenturesj; Fcr sale at this offic?."- • Received, From Xerr.fork, PhiUu'dpKa ondBotton.per re. cent arrival*, and for tide bj the tutneribtre, $0 barrels rye Whiskey 50 do' tf Gin N E Rum i> - - -i .^s;.. > 3 pipes Cognic Brandy </ - ■ 5 do HdUand Gin . - ' . . • • ' 26 puiicjirons W f Rupr ,, - . - 6 p pcs Madeira Wine 20 quarter ca*k» Malaga . Wine - .2 pipes.wjiUe Wing a - r* -'•* 20 quarter caaks-.LP Tenenff.Wine ...~ -• 20 barrels mess Beef , SO -do -prime do "1'. - .-. 10 half bsrettf Fly Market Deef- 20 b»rred*-prime Pork . • an, ' ' 10 half barrels Sainton - ^ 20 kegs Lichen Blitter 4 . ..s', , ’ 150. bags prime Coffee , , , *r 20 easksCheese' V- V : ' ' '10 hogshead. S» Croix Sogas - ’ 1 .40 barrels double M fined Loaf Soger _ 10 half barrels Pickle*'. . SO boxes 7 50 halt B6'es'5 Sp * P ' . ’ ••• ' • 20 boxes Fperh.accti.3 — 50 do mould > J 50 bolts Russi^D-Jck 3il do ; Ravens do ' 1 iioti 26 keg* 4, 5, 6 snd 7 inch Spikes . Administrator’s sales. On theji'ii Tuesday in Dccetnber-ecxt-, ■ Willhe'syh. J ’•cro the cciu'ljiou-e In .'t.e ir-t- bav.-it.-hal T w.-en the yisual heut* life Mi. ing ncgni. iy to wits j < Mary and her children; ail a* the per*' i. property oJ Alexander. Habersham; dtciasid. l!y 9tder of the Admuiistealdr - v _. . -Alt HerUerJ, iutct'r -oct 6 J93 . ’ Administrator a sales. O f Ulifirti Tuctday (il Dei ctuM »ea '. ■Will be aold bvfure the court-house in the ci'l ,( Savannah; between the usual heurv thedUfu.. - ing iifgroer: . Tom, fiary,Billy,Nancy. Fatty,, Harriet, Hilt'-. Tom and Elisha; sold as the personal properly of John Jackson, bite of Savannah. deceaM-rt Sold by order of the Administratrix- „ M. lkrUit. Litct'r emi-fi—-191*. ' ■ >- _' y r -- Wil [Administrator's sales. O/t the Jirpt'iStcutuyin D^ceinbor next,. Wile sold at tiie court house, in the cily ef S,- vannah; between the hours of JO and i o’clock. - . T he.foirouing Negri As, tin Mme, Celia, Nan ny, and Itiuahj the property of the estate nfur'i - jamin Lavinder, deceased. Hy order of the court of trdimry of Chatham county. John Haunt, qt/w>. • net 19—-200 - - . 7 . Administrator’s sated. » \ Oo the firot Tuetday in December next. Will be sold at the court house, in the dhThf Sa vannah, between the liours'of 10 and 2 o'clock*- 'The following Negroes, To wit: Sue, Pteatant, Statira; the property of the estate of Sarah Cite, rad; ' By order of tiie court of ordinari- of Chat ham county; . ,' - Peter Guefarfi, Mm. ocj 19-r-ugQQi City- Sheriff’8 sale. On the first in December t.exr. Will be.sold at the ertirr bntise. 50 quarter hoses Spanish Cigar* -.10 half barrels buckwheat Flour *20 barrels fresh Fli-iir 300 smoked Tongiica - 10 whole chert* Hyson 20 half do do 30 quarter do Imperial 50 catty* Gunpowder 20 half-chests' Shbehoi-g.-. _ . * Niciiols. D-ibiidn A Hi’ls »,cCt 59 en——?89 - : * . . ’*« i >TEA3 the property of William F; Claik to satisfy au '• dry executions—sold-at. the risk of the fernv - purchfisere, tl)ey nole»m^lyii^'Wi|t^^.ttim>-J • nor 7——217 v ! -i ,* -> : - sj* Notice. ,.. i i v On Tuesday the. Wth day jryf JVqvemtcr, ■ wile, ax-siusu vox oat teas, - Three CELLARS under the Exchar'ge, ahd'lii two oh the seemid floor.' Sale to crRimtnee at il o’clock, under theTtiper.:.- tendehce of the tiehange eon mittee.. w 1-- "*!*• - . F. M. Stone, c, m. oct 28 208 M ~ I ToLeti One hsif of {he store at present occupied by Tcfft k Perkins. Inquire at Die itch l sept '-'4- f—ins . ;. g fohnaon square. //t-y^To Let, The STbitfe Adjoining Cake bn k Fowler, ;£nqu2t« Canhob PbWt F‘