Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, November 09, 1818, Image 1

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THE REP UBLICAN. .SATAK.VAII. XOaBav CVXVlire, KOFEMSSX 9, 1818 '• LJ1 TEST FHOM RA'GUIFD. j r.y tbs Arrival ycsterdiy, at 4k is port, of 'the #J|i C r3, capt Mahlrw. 5 1 • from lyimlon. and ship Then, Hagcfqui 59 da* from Liverpool, dates of tlie' 13'h, from the former, and 15.h from the Liter place have been received. Their con tents arc not very interesting, either in regard to politicaTor commercial intelligence, We have been'Lvbred with a Liverpool price current of the 13th Sept, fr'm which the following i* an,extract • .—“I'JV'.on, -n irianrl, priire I t Sitno.-V. 4r a4*3d- ,’l|(lo. fine, ?» Cd a 3 lOdj good; 3s 3Jd a 3*5a;- ' 'middling 3t Id a 3# 3d; erdinpry and stained, la lid a 3a 6d;, la 8|d; upland bowed. ' la.7jda laffjdj Floor, per barrelif 196, ; Philadelphia, 46; a 47a 6d; New-York, As. 43s. ja iiss tour aid oily Sour, 37 a 40a; Wheat, Am. per job. 10s 94. a' 11* 94; Tobacco. Kentucky and s Georgia leaf, 6d a 8|dt Maryland and pplomae, r ' scrub* 9J a 1 Id; James River leaf, faded 7 a 74d; .f Hop*. Am- 1st quaL per cwt, 71. a lOf. In Island cotton, nothing acareely ha* been done, and k J ’ the great Wtpectat ions entertained oMris article ' Jn the early partoftbe aeaxftr, have hitberiwbeen < completely disappointed.—The last ’of the ship. ^ j ments from Georgia and Carolina are tvoar arriv. \ I. -ng, and the import from the United States wil rafter be very small, until next crop comes , . /ward; from Brasil (he quantity will also abate, o that a reduction of stock will now take place, id ittlierefore seems probable that present price ‘/ill continue to be supported. The prices of A. oterican F16ur are'rather likely to improve the" •' otherwise, owing to the great reduction in th' / stock; and,* large proportion of what is now left being unsound, and fit only to be used in wanu- ' facluring purposes, for which it finds a pretty ' ready tale, at our quotations." FHOAt VALPARAISO. . |n the brig America, arrived at Philadelphia on the 29th ult. from Valparaiso, came passenger the hop. Mr. Bland, one of the commissioners 1 .Who went out in the Congress frigate to Buenos Ayres, and thence by land to Chili* The United , bttites sloop of war Ontario, eapt. Diddle, sailed, middle of June for Columbia; the ship Two Catli- i;rnies, llayat, of rrovidcuoe, sailed the 7th July, for Kio Jane..'ll There were two American brigs at Corpumbo, one lately arrived from Boston, names unknown. • I aca-coxarsrovotr^. * Xfte. Tiri, OrtoSer SI. Arr. packet brig Amelia; Munro. Charleston,'!* I Pfanffrt* ^anA?. TJiaraday next 12th im: /ting, been ’*t> that day mbit be taken tit on.the ftsjrprevi «u J. MARSHALL: eoruer. nnj 9 318 . . rig Amaia, .Ytunro. t,u»rlestoV14] n „ v d f.,r. a day of tha,iiMgi.... K -.*u<i prat,;, days. The At Hat experienced continued gates • lnk iu ^ aU fidin-g du. British brig lwo;io!.l, Wilson, Leith S7 d*y3. villi coals. cratCJ. dr-,; gi.xls, vifr.ol. Sic. Left brig Mentor, just arr. from Virginia. Oct 16. lit 42, long 65. spoke British ship Peur SoUv Wds Ifwn Cork fortttwlr.n, with passengers. Sept 27, iat 49, long FJ. 1 tperinerd a am re gale from s ~ in which she mC Urrliulwatca, &e. , _ „ Below. French ship L* Constance, Martmico, I giving and praise to Almighty God, o2 Uays. * i. - , | win. grata; .<>»'ibat <i:y< ihertfore. »l< ; Mlwoul ' Port mf Itsstcn, October ?8. | note* (aHing-Cue on tin: E>h must be taken upon Arr. brig Mary-Vun, Moore; Rio Jittciihi, 531 the 11th. ... days- . Spoke Sdtb in it achr Supafb, from J1 yr- [ A'.aa, intended for discount on Friday; mast unique. 26 dzy*. for Salt m. ’ I be offered on Wednesday. Bank State of Georgia, ■ Buyout .A, ILSA -V.*. e A*,-. 1 text bewig jet apart b* the city i | e3wf Savannah as a day of “solemn prajt r, ’ - “ this :ity c*fa- S?3| Uuty on export* 2 p>r cent. Oft imports in American vessels, most articles pay Ft per - cent On tlie coat 'All ship stores pay a doty the tame' as if tl»ey were l*nced. Tonnage (after lit Nov) 1 dollar per ton on American. Flour had fallen to 13 dollars pdr bl. and likely By order Anthony Porter, cashier. Iron and Jfrqndy. 30 tons Swedes Irofi- New-Fork Firemen Insurance *P- COMPANY. r CAPITAL 500,000 DOLLARS—omjtfy securer/, nnuttnoas.— » Jolm G Coster ' ' John Jacob Astor Wdham \y. Todd Josiah Stuiges U«mry Waring Benjartin iJesobcy Afcrshjn? Richard* ’ John Colrin Gi.rrei Heyer peter I. Kevins William Cahoone Archibald M-Vickar Samuel S. Howland Joseph Strong TnoxsaJC. Bc-rua, firetident. . JoijA W cettsv, auittant. ■ « - W nxiAM .WNwal, •ccretarv. . Tlie subscriber having been appointed agent of I the Kew-Yurk Fir/men Insurance Company, with I toil power to the behalf of said company to effect insurance against fire, on goods, wares and mer chandise, houses, buiidii gs, mills, vessels in port, anq generally on all kinds ot' property in this city f ano-vidi ity, is now ready to receive applicatiom and enect' insurance against lire, in coolormitv With tiie -powers of his agency, at Savannah— to he lower - I 33 barrels Apple Briqdy - . . wheretepma, which will be as liberal as other of- • Cleared, ship Bub. Fulton, Holdridge, Charles. I Landing front schooner Vigilant from Kew-Vork, Sees, may be known on nersonal applicauon or and forsale by I bv lctler post pajd, describing accurately the pre. . - C. C. Griswold & Co. fuses and property required to be insured. All oet 3f— dll ' • T.ipler’o tierce ' J* 1 *! susleined by tins will be promptly and li berally adjusted and settled. JAMES REA. oct.lti——fT—-i9i ton; brig Oobbowee C<'*ter, Hal!; Ntw^lrleans; chr Leo. Slodder. Oporto. CO.YSU/.S. The president of the United States has recog nixed, by proclamation, dared the 28th ult. Dot. am MaesixTotn, esq. as consul to his Britannic majesty for the state of tJew-Uampahire and Dis- ■ •let of Maine;—and Joan Uxnvsan Glum, esq *Lso consul to his UrUambO majesty for the suit of Rhode-Island By a late census tlie population of Cincinnati, (Ohio) is found to be 9,139.. . m For eYew-York The packet ally Ei.LBV, Howland, I *S5?! aa»ia»rtm| ■ AUCTIONS. ' To-morrow, iOlh ig'st. IVili be t>ld at oh*- S O'jr, Groceries and Dry Good^, ■ - sxqsg wmeu anx 5 pipes French Brandy 5 hhda Jamaica Bum 3 pipes andior Gin ' 5 do Holland do 15 bla N. E. Rum ' ; 2U c*«k« Cheese' , 59 b xes Raisins , 50 pieces cotton Ragging London Duffle MUnketv. Ornhs and Caaiimerea, Checks, Calicoes 1W ream- writing and letter Paper, hnd . A variety of other articles Terms, cash ■ Sate it at It o’doci, Williford CSt Baker, auct'rs. nor 7~ 213 • . Linens and Sheetings. nusitr. will meet dispatch. For freight or pas-13 casts assorted Linens,come very hne, and having elepant aecommndations, apply on I X case Sheetings, veiy low charged ** T “ “ - *" For sale by '* ** m board, at Taj tor's wharf, or to C. C. Griswold & Co. ttnin roe* asm sxtr m is srosa, 8 pipe* Cogriac Brandy 6 pipe* Naples Brandy 4S firkin* Goshen Butter 89 casks Goshen Cheese -30 tons Swedes Iron 17 kegi manufactuied Tobacco 39 barrels country Gin , 30 barrels rye Whiskey Prime Beef and mess Pork 3 Gig» complete, at Denaler’a I'Coachte, pla ed harness, at Densler's For sale a* above nov 9^ 1 218 oet 3- -192 W. P. BEERS & CO. Flour aid Tobacco. s? 1300 barrels Richmond superfine Flour A few iiogeheadtGeorgia Tobacco For sale by H. B. Gwathincy, nov 2—21? IIv,nter'a vhorf Cognac Brandy• I 3 pipes first quality Cognac Brandy, entitled to debenture, landing at Tajrlor's wharf, and for sale by /C. C. Griswold Sc Go. oct29—2t)9 “ Taylor’e ilnree For New-York Soap and Candles. The fubscriber as Agent for « manufactory iril] The packet schooner MILO, Peaae,. ^ , _ . . master, will be ready to load on Tues-1 k“P * instant supply of these articles of the day next. For freight or passage apply best quality. Families can be supplied hy tin to the master on board, at Hunter’s wharf, or to ” " * William II. Joyner, nov 9—-re—-218 New-Orleans Sugar and Bum. 28 hogshead* prime New Orleans Sugar 70 barrels N fci lium Jonn Latlirop § Co. nor 9 218 SHIP NEWS. SOU pout or SArji.xx.ui m sum vun, Ship Iborn, Rodgers, Liverpool, 50 days—to James Carnilhers, consignee—dry goods, crates, hardware, Ac— to Sturges ft Burroughs, John ston & Hills, Wm Taylor, Scarbrough h M-Kin. pc, Campbell h Gumming, Carnochan & Mircliel, John Moorhead, W T Williams, M Herbert, J. M'Niah, JamesCarrutbers, George Alsop, Robert Watts, Low, .Wallace A Co.James Dickson A Co. A G Semmes, A G Miller, John Gribbin, A Drum- monil, and to order. Paettngere—Miss Jennctt Carruthers, Miss Ann Quinn, James Carruthers, Robert Campbell, Donald M'Leod, Wm M'Cleary, C W Rockwell, A Drummond, W Harper, master Joint Campbell, servants, and 10 steerage passen gep. Ship Com, Afablcn, London, 50 days —tp R. R.cturdson A Co. consignees—with merchandize, casxs, furniture, theatre scenery, brick, Ac—to J. Carrutliera, Carnochan A Vfitchcl, E ,Fallen, John M t.’arty. P Morin, Mr. Vincents, and to order.— A '* ueeagere—cabin, Thomas Jones; steerage, Tho- .« Roe, and family, Wm Wani and lady, Mr*. [p Gamble, Thus Thrift, James M'Pheraon, and Geo. ) ll.y. ■ Utk ship. Ann-Alexander, Howland, to sail | for lloitdn iii 12 .lays, and brig Castor. Winslow, for Sew York in 16 days.. Ship Ellen. Rowland, New-York, lj days- to Charles C Griswold A Co consignees—with a fill* cargo—to John Lathrop A Co. Halite Hoyt, Wm Ga.toh, J Kopman, Parsons A Lay, A W Prior A Co A Warner, Z Hat, Lethbridge A Deuel, J Wil cox., J Penfiekl, C C Griswold & Co F II Wei. “ man, WJl Joyner, Mn C Bradley, Mrs C Ga'e T Howell,JBogue A Co. Woodle Walker, Camp bell A Cumming, A R Kannin, KCoppee. George Collins A Co Sturges A Burroughs, Lnvet A Sage SI & J Schenk. S S Shad, WT Williams, John Giicnin A Co. Bra t A Fox, T Clark, T Polhill R May, R Walls. P Densler, Gnerard A I’olhi I L Siicfiall, M j Rappel, and others. Pursmg.rt —Mr nnd Mrs Polhill, childand servant Mr and Mrs Gibbons and servant, Mr and Mrs Kopman, Mr and Jqp Brucn, Mrs. Per.field, Mrs. I*, tti 1 bone. Mrs. IlrailjforJ, Mrs Cope and child, Mrs t' L mbert, Miss Gale, Miss Schenk, Mis* Russell Ij .lissSlieftall, Messrs Penfiald, Itnssell, Schenk, H Masters,Thorn, Lay, Griswold, Warner, Richards, fi' torall, Kplly, Huntington, Hutchins, Brooks, , amp, hDwquand, and 17 in thi steerage. ■ ' French brig James, Canter. Malaga via Gihral. f I ,*r, .27 .day*—with a cargo of wine, raisins, figs. box, and dealers with any quantity at the lowest price*. He. has now in store— . 110 boxes 1st quality mould Candles 25 do do dipt do 100 half boxes first quality bar Soap also - 100 barrels N E Hum 69 casks cut Nails, assorted 40 barrels Muscovado Sugar 4 pipes L P Madeira Wine ! 20 reams printing Paper 40 do wrapping Paper ►. 29 bags Ginger S. B. PARRMAN. ott 19 f 1 200. 0“ Talee Notice. ■%p.. ; ' — | The subset ibers have the pleasure of anruunc- •/* OllCe. I jng to their friends, and the public in genera), that Dsvtn JIiu. and Ataxasnu Bhrax (of Augus. I they have just received an exte»tive ateorinent of ta) have entered into copartnership, under the I the best superfine CLOTHSanil KERSEYMERES, firm i f David HiU £tf Ct. f <r the transacting of j with every other article made use of ip their line; geiitrnl Ci’tmieritn Hurinete in this city; for which I and, as the selection was made by one of tlie part, purpose they offer dicir services to their friends I nere, from the most extensive assortment in New- and the public in general. Their c uming-houst I York, they flatter themselves that it is now in their is in Taylor’s building, directly under that of I power to please such as may honor them wi h Savannah Poor-House Hospital* VISITING COMMITTEE ro» • October aud Gmizm S. Ku? and Jovatuht Battiui. , Joseph Cumniing, secretary. ; oe.t'6 193 ASSIZE of BREAD. To-Morrow, 10 th ins t. Will fete Id en Telfair”t w harf. on account of a ; l ~~ ( vrA.ia it concerns. ’ * 'The HULL and MASTS of thescli'r l^lary. aa »he now lays sunk. Also, all .r, , * Ri eg‘ n R' & e. Sold by order : Wardens. Terms, cash- Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. M. Herbert, auct'r. iov 9— ,17 • On Friday next, the 18th inst. ^ at tij****** 0/ James Carruthers, r rr* Smith s buiUi"gt t to c.ose consignments. f be sold 01 ort Ws The price of flour being 11 dollars per barrel, 150 dozen ALE, in imttle^ C C * , a>nu S™ m t' t lt, the weigiit of breadfor the present month must 139 crates a-snrted CROCKERYWARE be .as lollo-s, viz: ~ ij. 124 cents loaf must weigh 2 1 . 64 do do do do 1 J Of which ail bakers and sellers of bread will take due notice. JOHN I. ROBERTS, noy 7——217 city treasurer For sale Five hundred bushels of CORN, in bags of two | bushels each, v Scarbrough & -M-Kiune. nov 9—-218 SCT* The subscriber has removed hig s/fice to the. north room of the second story o j Col Shad’s brick building, fronting op Johnston's square. RJCH’D W. HABERSHAM, oct 6—j.;—193 , attorney at law j 6 libds draft PORTER Terms cash. Sale to cemmence at 11 o’clock Al. Herbert, auct'r.. r,pv9 2i8 On Saturday next, 14thTnst" r Will be ‘old leftte my store, * „ . 70 clo »® coauonuxirT, 50 boxes superior CRAB CiDEk, m e dozen each IQ 5 * The subscribers have removed their I nfiice to the south room of the second story of [ col.. Shad’s brick bujlding, fronting on Joi n.iton’s I square- DAVIES & DRYSDALE, nov 9 Sale te commence qt 11 o'clock. M. Herbert, ORCt’r. oct a—«.y—193 ^~~iiesat law. Brought to Gaol, In Savannah, November 4, 1818, a negro man who says his name is Tow, and that he belongs to | Will be cold at the chop, copied heretofore by Joseph . Alljhe remsiiiing stock ot Saddlery and Shop Nathaniel Hayward, of ^lmbee, South-Garolina. I Furniture in the said shop, together with the Lease He is about twenty-two years of age and five | and Buildings. Particulars at the day of sale. Messrs, "uller A Murray. nov9 2:8 [ call. oct 13-1—195. CANNON A FOWLER, .Merchant Tailors Mackerel, Soap, 8£c. 100 barrels M*ckertl 200 half bqxe' Soap 7 raxes domestic Ging-bams 13-1 boxes China tea'Sets. 4 5 to 4 $ ps 1 bale tow priced Madras IXa.tdkercbiefa 1 case London nii ti-d I'ins . 1 do Canton ^»ng S.ik Just received and for sale by David Hill ^*Co. nov 9 2'8 n Taylor's stores Fartnership. Having, this day, taken into partnership M Lllorrace Kirby, the business-will hereafter be con | ducted under the firm of J. BattcUc Sf Co. who will devote tb£ir best services to the interests of their friends ip the Factorage and Commission line. All persons having open accounts with the sub scriber are desired to settle the same as speedily as possible JONATHAN BATTELLE nov 2 it 213 Notice. Notice. The subscribers, after ack.nowledgpng with gra- The subscriber* haring formed ft copartnership j titude former encouragement, beg leave to inform in business under the firm of 1 * ........ AVICE §• BAULIN, Johnson's square. prFzn FOB SALE. XT WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL, AN A SSORI’MENT OF JEWELERY, Gold and silver Patent Lerer Watches do do plain do Crisokale do Plated Wares—Candlesticks, Castors, Ac. Military Goods—Epaulets, Swords, Gold and Silver Lace 1 case velvet Ridicules 1 do English fowling Pieces 1 do Hats, And a vanity of Fancy Goods their customers and friends, that they have recom menced business at their manufactory'in this city: ind offer for tale Best Georgia mould Caddies, 4s 53 and fis Northern do 5s and 6s No 1, 2 and 3 Soap All of which will be sold low, and delivered at any place the purchaser may wish m Savannah ALSO FOB SALE Three excellent northern built Waggons, with irpn axletrecs. L. BALDWIN A CD nov 2 |l* 212 . Notice. ^ The copartnership heretofore existing under the They'will renal r at their store Watches and I Brm ofjonssov & Do-rr, baa this day dissolved, Clocks of every description; will make and mend j mu'uat consent. All persons indebted to said every article of Jewelery on the shortest notice, * ...» », „ , nov 9—218 firm, will make immediate payment, to Ma-cusJ Johnson, as he isfullv authorized to settle 'be bu- I siness of the firm. M A KCU8 J JOHNSON, nov 7—M—2.7 MORRIS DOTY. The subscribers * Having connected themselves in the town of Darien, with a view to transact factorage and Commission Business, tender their services to their „ . , j friends and the public jn that line. The establish- Stolen or Strayed I ment will commence on or about the first of No- From the subscriber a large Newfoundland Dog, I vember next, to be managed by Mr. Bsjuurstoh ' King, under the firm of B. Krsn A Co. John M’Nish. Notice. Pursuant to a resolution of council, passed this lay, council will proceed, oti Monday, the 16th nvtant. toiilvct a sweeper of the market, with 'res. R. R. CUYLER, t. c. nm 9 218 I almonds, ask fish, brick, Ac.—to Charles Msurel. [ Sloop Delight, Cooper, Charleston, 1 day — 1 Passengers—Mist Mulryne, Min Cribben, Messrs. Hunter, Mitchell,. Welch, Roach, and capt. Con- , nelly. ! • Sloop Nancy, Watson, Charleston, fjnland) 6 days.—Messrs. Silver, Idkr, Car, • 'ami Smith. W • : - riEsREn, .. Brig Boll*, Paine, Providpiee. •; \ jPert ef Cliarletton, Xevemter 7- Arrived, sloop Frolic, Batsaon, St. Augustine. 40 hoars, with hides, skins and oranges The i achrSally, Dodd, from this port, bad arrived at St Augustine, and sailed again on Sunday ereuing for Moaqu’to river. I Cleared, French brig Quguay.Trouin, Auvray, ' France; brig Shepherdess, Lines.- N York; schr > Alert Hiilard; New-York; sloop Good Intent 1 Allen, SowaaitoA. J fsn of Philadelphia, October 31. ( Arrived, brig Mary and Achvali Ann, Smith, 35 ,'vdayj from Torto Rico, with sugars. - !,JVcle»red (hip Caroline, Serrill, New.Orlesns. ^ Jelow, a brig, name unknown. «; y Port ,f Aew-Tsrk, October 30. *rr. Dutch ship John A Henry, Ha-ms, Ham- I' mTIT, n day*, with brandy; gin aid dry goods I 'cleared, ships- Gen fcott. Jenk ns.-Cape dr * ,/erd.; Woodbine. Hitch, B-ird aux; Montgomt- B y, Erl Is, yieot Indies; brig Hlppoiite, Gsu'i. r 3 iavr : ; sloops Alls* Glwk . S wm-oAf Mvdi-on.. ncs, S t John, (* »); Eaterpnse. Soper. Chailes /V'i; ..' ■■ body, with a white line do his fac cco.iped ears, w bite feet, and answers to the name f Boatswain. Any information respecting the aid dug will be thankfully received, and if de tained by any oerson, on proof to conviction, a reward of ten dollars will be paid to the inform er JOHN SPEARMAN. ■ nnv 9 —2!& -I- -"03 U. King. Notice. Water Proof 'Hats. William 11. Hater, of the city of Washington nukes water proof Hats, in a very supperior manner. These hats are made of the same ma- Threemoiitlisafteru te hereof apt licalinn will be I terials as others, the only difference consists in for the renewal ot the following Bank Notes. I the stiffening, which renders them water proof—_ The halves to which the c-v-hier’s name is sub-1 They are perfectly elastic, will .-esist water, thogh scribed -laving been stolen from the subscriber on I immersed in it forty-eight hours, and maintain the night of Hie 7th of August last. I their true shape. They will wear two or three Two notes of 109 dollar, each, No 32. on the I years without requiring ihe aid of the hatter— Planters’ Bank, John B illon, president I The termsofsale, for wholesale ord-rs, are cash Tine note of 100 dollars. No 153, the same I or good acceptances at reasonable dates. One note of 109 dollars, No 339, of tlie same I The Editors of the Baltimore Federal Gazette, Bank, James Johnston, president .1 Philadelphia Aurora, New-York Mercantile Ad- One note of 100 dollara, on the Bank of the I veriiser, Boston Patriot, Charleston Courier, Sa- State of Georgia, payable at the principal bank, I vannah Bepubi-can, Kentucky Gazette, New-Or- No 89a, daft d January 28, 1817, William B. Bui-1 leans Gazette, Pittsburg Gazette, and Raleigh Re- loch, president I gister, will please insert the above six times, and Barnett H. Brown, forward their accounts to W. H.for payment. ' Barnwell Court-House, Stuth-Carolina I K P‘ 1 1«- 178 lor sale Medical Retail Store. Dr. Kxszger, having opened a store in Barnard- ’ Blank Indentures, For ule nUhis oRjce. nes, which he considers worthy I milies, physicians and planters. notice of fa- The Garden, Houses and Store, at the Spring. I street, east side, second door south if the Mar- Hill*, adjoining the city, just opposte that spring I ket-square, in conjunction with Mr Saitdxl Bxtr- noted for the sweetness and the abundance of the I nxa, under the firm of Krxeger A Bztroza, soli- water—there is about fmr acres of land in the | cits the patronage of his friends and the public — highest state of cultivation, with a collection of | His partner will solely attend to ibe business, in the most rare trees, herbs, roots, Ac. The bouse* j whose knowledge, carefulness and attention eve- consist, in a ball, three bed-rooms, a store and I ry confidence may be placed. Ilis stock embraces kitchen under the same roof; pidgeon, negro, I the greatest variety of warranted genuine Medici, chair and two fowl houses, and stable; and one net, which he considers worthy the notie arbour of Fmglisb grapes of more than a quarter of an acre of grand; and also with or without sev en negroes, women, boys and girls; among than is a good cook, washer and ironer, and a good chair driver, and-lfie whole good gatdinen. The terms or payment for (be garden is one third cash, the balance in six and twelve months credit by giving bond with mortgage on.the property, and cadi fbr the slaves. For snore particulars apply to Pmn Devos, or to J, F. Lefebvre. N..B. It would suit well for a brick yxrd, hay. nr re than two serve id brick day. rt-—9*6 . fe Q f-.^?X eInberneX ^ etofore by Joseph Jff/cXen,' " ng stuck ol Sachllei :id shop, together « ’articuiara at the tb John Lahra, v ") Abraham CarUle, Kdrnutid Kinsey, J ' r ignees of jL'itchtu. feet five inches high—he lias a scar under his left eye, and has an impediment in his speech. 11. M‘Cali) g. c-c. nov 6- 216 Brought to Gaol, In Savannah, October 15, a negro man who says his name is Maaaris, and that he be- lon^s to Benjamin Pierson, of liulloch county.— He is about 22 year* of age, and 5, feet 4 inches _ bigMie has* scar on his chvek and bom in I wi; , be sol J before tU “court-hiuse in Illicit,. Ainca. H I between the usual hours, i laa * 2C-2 acres tide swamp, first quality, on Hutdiin-- son’s Island, opposite the city • Brought to Gaol, I 650 acres on Great batilla, fresh marsh and pine In Savannah, Oct'-ber 23, 1818, a negro man I tend who says bis name is GeoSoe, and that he belongs I acres on Cumberland island, m the county to Samuei Leisen, of Wilke* county, on Cedar “• Camden, about,3 0 acres of which is planting creek—he is about 18 years of age, and 5 feet 5 | land—on the premises is a good dwelling house, N. p. The {creditors of Joseph Kitchiw are again requested to render then demands ■> ill,out dejay to . - J CtJYLER, oct 21 202 attorney fer the assigneef Administrator’s sales. •' On the Jirst Tuesday in December next, inches high; he stutters in his speech. •H. Sl‘CalI, g. c. c ©ct 25 ——296 Brought to Goal, Jn Savannah, ,Ociobe- 20, 18i8, a negro man I Ac 630 acres of tide swamp, on Lewis’ creek, M-lntosh county, originally purchased as.confis cated property 500 acres in Liberty county, north side of South Newport, Bull Town swamp, originally granted to the late Samuel Lachlan M'Intoah J 250. acres on Houston’* swamp, in Af-Intosh who says his name is Billt, and tliat he belongs ^ ' ncar (lle end of ^Keythan’s island to A. Isaac, of Beaufort, fcouth-Carolma. He is [ > cres the t , s ,” d of tne city-of .206 about fifty rears of age and five- feetfiveinches 8a "^” p a7 Udeand.^high U^d high. Says he formerly belonged to the estate ol I 1 jf p *■>-— H. M‘CALL,occ A3PRA ' . „ l t . Lot No 12, Franklin ward, together with tlie Building and Improvements •F, I nwweaaadtereoii, at present occupied by Mrs. , Brought to Gaol, . Morris Miller In Savannah, October 20, 1818, a negro man I Conditions of sale made known at the time of who says his name is Toktst, and that he belongs I sale to Samuel AVooten, of Wilkes county—he is about I flj* The highland above advertized for sale 20 years of age, and 5 feet 3 inches high; says lie I on the eastern end of the city,. and ri»er land ad- wjs purchased of Henry Brunson, of Fayetteville, I joining, are laid mt in low, anil will be sold as North Carolina. I such— also a part of the land on Hutchinson's isl- oct 25 206 H- M‘Ca!l, g. o. c. Brought to Goal, In Savannah, Sept 10, 1818, a negro man who says his name is Hair, andthtt he belongs to Ab ner Jourden, in the northwee'em part of Georgia. He is about thirty years-of age and five feet inches high. He has a smiling countenance and tells an equivocal tale; the triitli of which is doubt, ed. H. MCALL, occ oct 28—208 Brought to gaol* In Savannah, SeptemberTo, . 818, a negro man who says his name is FORTUNE, and tliai he be longs to Wm. Anderson, dfjjberty county. He is about thirty years of age, aild five feet nine inches high; says he formerly belonged to Wm Normon. H. M'CALL, G c. c. net 28 208 I and, and fronting on Savannah river, is laid out in wharf lots, an’u wilt be sold as torch Accurate plans of the above may .be seen by applying U> 1 the subscriber Sold as the property of the estate of the late | Dr. John P. Ward, deceased, by order of the ad- tnimsirators nov 7 217 M. Herbert, auct’r. Noticed Administrator’s sales. On Ike first Tuesday in December next, Will be told before the courthouse in the cityo Savannah, betw-en tbe usual hours theifollobr ing negroes, to wit: ’ ' Alary’and her children; sold as the personal property of Alexander Habersham, deceased. By order of the Administrator. M. Herbert, auct’r. oct 6 193 t Administrator’s sales. ... , \ , ...... I ° n the first Tuesday in December next, _ All persons having demands against the estate will be sold before the court-house in the city 'of of Joarr E Habtiudge, late ot the city of Savan-1 - - - - - ■' uah, merchant, deceased, will present their ac- f count* within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted will make immediate payment to r S. C. Dunuing, adnx’r. sept 29——ct! 199 ■ - *" - To rent Four STORES of the corner tenement, on the subscriber's wharf. Each store having two chim- mes, can be converted into two appartmen's. to suit tenant?. -A- S. BULLOCH. - oct 28 1- 208 Furniture Wax. ■Vquantity of thi* valuable composition, recent- prepared, may now be had by the dozen or Ogle jar, at KREEJ5ER A BENDER’S, Bamard-slrect, eeuthef market-squere. —t 204 % * oct S3. For sale A tract of LAND, containing two hundred and fifty softs, in Ogechee District, Chatham ccunty, adjoining lands of Dr. Parker and William Da vos, esq- For terms apply To Jonjthta Meigj. . Georgia—Chatham county. By S M Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary of the county and state aforesaid. Whereas, John Is M’Lean applies for letters «:f administration on tbe estate ar.d effects of Andrew M’Lean, deceased, as next of kin. These, arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and cVgular, the kindred and creditors of tbe said deceased, to file tlieircbjectinns, (if any they have) in my office, on or before the 7th December, next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted him. Given under my band and seal this 6th day of November, 1818, *TLS] S M BOND, ccotc „ov 7—2-* 217 ,* Notice. Ali persons having demand* against tbe estates of Joseph Spencer and Susannah Spencer, late of Chatham county, deceased, will present their ac- counts within'the time prescribed’.by law; and' those indebted trill teake payment, to * David E.' Adams, adm’cr. Ntet Blank Indentures for salt 1 fit tin* Savannah, between the usual hours, the follow* ing negroes: Torn, Sary, Billy, Nancj, Fatty, Harriet,Hetty, I Tom'and Eihha; sold as the personal proper?}* of John Jackson, late of Savannah, deceased. , Sold by order of the Administratrix. m.' Herbert, aucVr. oct 6—193 V Administrator’s sales. On Ike Jirst Tuesday in December next. Will te sold at tlie court house, in the city of Sa vannah, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, ' 1 he following Negrots, viv: Move, Celia, Nan ny and Binah; die property of the estate of Ben- ’ jam in Lavinder, deceased. By order of the cour t of < rdiniry of Chatham eounty. John Flaupt, adm'r. / oct 19 200 ■ Administrator’s sales. On Ike first Tuesday in Jlecember next, Will be sold at the court house, in tbe city of Sa vannah, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock. The following Negroes, .ro wit: Sue, Picas: ft. Statin; the property of 'he estate of Sarah Gea red. By order of jtho’Court'of ordinary of diat- h'am county. • • • * / Pdter Gnerard, adm'r. oct 19—1—.200 ' / ' , - ' Notice. ', 7 , On Tuesday the. 10th day of Jfprember, WILL BX LXSSXD FOR CAE TSAB, ■ Three CELLARS under the F.iclAiye, and the two corner STORES on the vecofid Boor. Sale ’ 9 to c< mmence at 11 o’clock, under thie superih- . of the committee, ‘-r •F. M. Stone, c, il- oet» 5CB' : .i*'. .... y../Sg\-r-