Newspaper Page Text
•!** day* Wun, from ooe of whom he took
•ut a cimsidsfihli quantity of ipecir, burnt and
MMk another, and the third released. On Satur
day test, saw a tfroonev sabocs off St. Catherine's
"I round. The laabeUr Was bound to Savaanak, but
a having etperienced continual • gabs from me use
r/ wsw and being abort of provision r i'water was
L. compelled Input into this port.
flPfe Sloop .Frolic,, St.Augualipe, Sdayv,
wfihijHnxr and oranges. '
\ j 'Cleared, ship Rebecca CoMo. Watt, Greenock;
flf hffc Angelin*. Chrtal. Vcw-Orlcaaw acbr fnm-
■KifrWfrC ^wr. f^tiifcfat
"ft 1 ' ’Lj BortjSfmfblk,
f j winds, ar.d was, compelled to Beat nearly the
{ whole of the paraage.
Dumber 3.
I Arr. packet s'.hr Wary A Ann,’Boltina, Balti-
*ore, 3 dara. Saw foe patriot, brig Constitution
Iring irithe Tatuvem. Capt Ku'.Gna informs tint
$32,600 prue tnorty had been sent up from the
Cocetitotion to Baltimore, and divided, among
b* trew, who were in Baltimore for the purpoae
of receiving it Saw abo another brig under New
Tbint.aappoaed .tbe patriot brig—, formerly
the Fouth-oi July. ,
i ’ Cleared, gchrTwo Friends, lake, N York.
I ’A'Utge' ship, supposed to be fa prise to
' a -patriot privateer, was seen off the Cape on
|:> Tuesday. ■> -
i Utley, baring been detained in Charles
ton until this morning, to'complete some ne-
ceuaaiy repairs.'will not, in consequence, leave
this until TO M0UBQW,12tb mat. -
dye 10-— r au ,
► Notice.
Captain Conan, of she ship Seienee, will nor be
accountable for any dtbu incurred by bis crew,
dec It 245
Bills qf Exchange on New-York.
For tale by SCARBROUGH b M-KiNNE.
dec 11 c» 245 .
Prime new Corn afloat.
3000 bushels just received and fur sale by
. .y G.if. St Oliver Palmes.—-A- 345
Juat received, by tbe Liver pool- Packet.front Ph'd.-
- ,delphia,
150 bandies very aopenor Timothy Hay; which
Will be sold low, if taken from tbe wharf.
. Apply to NICHOLAS & NEFF.
deoil-' , ■ »■ 'ft 2<S
• • , ; Corn.
Tbejrabacriben will contract for the delivery
of Corn through tbe season.
K. & J. Habersham.'
dec 11 -345
Corn, Gunpowder,;
3000 bushels, in bags of two bushels each, prime
, Com • ■ -
30O kegs FFR Gunpowder
190 places prime Cotton Hugging for sale
dre I'
Third Might of Mrt. OILPERT, Engagement.
Fourth of Air. HURON'S.
ThisE veiling, December It, £818,
• Will be performed, Tobin*. COMEDY of the
Duke Annas, ,L.. Mr. Sum.
Ow Mokktfmn, - Mr. Fennell.
Rvkodo, ft'- Mr.-Young. ■
I ‘ MrtOnete.
Mr, Faulkner.
, Mr. Brown.
Mr- Hyatt.
Mr. Scbonotti.
Mrs. Gillen.
Mr*. Young.
Mrs Waring.
Mrs. Horton.
To whicb will be added, the MuaicalFARCE of
Love. .Laughs at Lock-Smiths.
Mr. ;>iisun.
Captain Beldair,
Sir Horton.
Mr. Nichola. .
Mr. Faulkner.
Mr. Brown.
Mrs. Waring.
1 (p> Admission to tbe Boses and Fit, oai jot-
LA*—to the Gallery, nVrx carts.
Tlie Doors to be opened at half past 5, and
the performance to commence at half put 6
o’clock precisely.
Tickets and places for tbe Boses, to be had at
tbe Bos Office at tbe Theatre on days of perform
ance from TO till 2 o’clock, and from 3 till 5; and
on non-play days from 10 till 2 o’clock.
Tickets can be admitted on those nights only
for which they- are expressly sold— CHECKS
not transferable. -
Oy Smoking in tbe Theatre cannot be allowed.
Savannah, Decanter Z1—245
£5* A meeting of'the boaSTof
managers of tbe "SAVANNAH M1SMONAY SO
CIETY,” wilt be held at cast end of academy,
THIS EVENING, 11th inst
d 11 244 ^ ** 1IS0D » secretar y-
Female Asylum.
The members of tbe Female Asylum are re
quested to meet at the Presbyterian Church To
1 fORRG W, the 12th instant, at 11 o’clock in the
forenoon, to elect a first and second directresses,
treasurer, secretary and ten trustees for the ensu
ing year. By order of the hoard,
Eliza Irvine, sec’ry.
dec 11 244
Stockholders in the Planters' Ba nk,
Are remolded' 1 that tbe Instalment of twenty
dollar* per share, must be pgid ia, on or befoie
Tatiday next, 15th bat.
J. Marshall, cashier.
dec 11 245
Regimental Orders.
An election it ordered to t» h. Id at the Larbora-
tory, near Fort Wayne, on TUESDAY, 22d inst.
for a captain of tbe Savannah Heavy Artillery,
vice, captain Herbert, resigned.
An election is also ordered to be held at the
Engine House, Reynold’s square, on Tuesday,
22a instant, lor • Captain and lieutenant of the
Fourth Company, 60tb battalion, vice capt. Mo
reland lieutenant Morel, resigned Polls are to be
opened at 10 o’elock a. sc under the direction of
tbe proper persons designated by law.
Bgordcr licnt. col Mar,hall,
E. S. Reel, adj. 1st reg. G. M.
dee 11 .245
. Adjutant’s Office, December. 11, 1818.
QuauesJ. M Kikox has been appointed ser
geant major of the first regiment Georgia milit*.
Li, the room of John B. Mills, resigned.
E. S. Kees, adg't. 1st reg. G. Jff.
dee H-o—245
On Wednesday even i.g, or Thursday morning,
a small blue morocco Wallet, lined with yellow
containing a note of iOO dollars on the United
States’ Bank, pas able in Philadelphia; a SO dol
lar note on the Maasaehosett’s State Ba k in Dos-
ten, one 4 dollars on the Raleigh Bank. North-Ca
rolina; and 874 in wlver. The finder of tbe above
will be amply remunerated for ids trouble, by
leaving it at thi* office, together with the best
(banka of the peculiarly situated loser,
dec 11 245
One Hundred Hollars’ reward.
Whereas, Viu.iaw Pvusxi, was indicte. f ra
fclony committed In Prince William’s Parish, and
gave • bond and security for his appearance at
jCoosawbateliic court, which bond hehasfurfeited
The above reward will be given to any person
or persons, who trill apprehend the said Pulaski,
And lodge him in Coosawhatcbie gaol, or any gaol
in this slate, or i* tbe state of t.eorgta. to which
State it is supposed the said Pulaski has fled. Hr
is of * daA complexion, black hair and eyes, about
fffealy eight or thirty years of age, and about fire
fret, tight or ten. inches high.
William Joyner.
The editor of the Savannah Republican is re
quested to insert the above twice a week for four
Weeks, and forward his accounts to the office of
(be Charleston Southern Patriot,
dee 11—4* 2*5
Brought to Gael,
In Savannah, December 11th, 1818, a negro
Buui who says bis name is JERRY, and that he
belongs to Thomas Collier, near Dublin, Laurence
county: he is about fifty year* of age, and five
feet six inches high. He appear* to hare been
amongst, (he Indians, and understands a few words
of the Creek tongue.
H.M’tall, o. c.o.
dec 11 2*5
Brought to. Goal,
In Savannah, Sept -10,1818, a negro tun who
A*y* Ida name i* Ban, and that be belongs to Ab
ner Jourden, in tbe northwestern part of Georgia.
He is about thirty yean nf age and five feet
Inches high. He has a smiling countenance and
tells an equivocal tale; the truth of which is doubt
ed. H.M’CALL.oec
oct 28 308
Goods Missing.
A young man received from Hunter's wharf,
fanded from the ship Cotton-Plant, on the 24it,
(Dctivber, five firkins Buirrr. marked C.; and, on
the 4th ipstant. two casks Cheese were taksn from
Anderson’s wharf, guokrd M A C. it is presum
ed. through mistake. A siiuablc reward will he
given for the recover) nf the paste, bv
Benjamin Howard.
At* 10—A—24> Banter', w*o,/.
Cavalry—Mention !
Tbe members ol the Cavalry Corps are ordered
to appear mounted and in undress, with sword'
only, in front of tbe fian*ck*,' TO-MORROW
precisely, at half past three o’clock. Punctual
attendance is psrticlarly requested
By order of the captain,
decll———-243 leioorffeant
Masonic Notice.
The brethren of Union Lodge No. 10 are here
by particularly and special!) summoned to meet at
lll-urLodge Room TO MORROW EVENING, the
12th instant, at fi-otdoek, for the purpose of
electing officers for the ensuing Masonic j«r,
and for other business preparatory to the festival
of St. John. By order of Thomas U. P. Charl
ton, worshipful master. y
Joseph S. Pelot,
dec 11 242 jec’ry, pro, tern.
Notice: ’
The honorable the Sixth Circuit Court of the
United States for tbe Georgia district, win com
mence its regular session on MONDAY, the 14th
inst. at the ’Exchange. All person* interested,
will take due amice.
John I. Bulloch, clerk G. D.
dec 11 245
The Library Boom, will be onen for delivering
books every day from 3 to 4 o’clock r. is.
Oetnler, sec’ry
dec 5-240
Merchants’ Hotel.
Tbe subscriber lias marie a and commo
dious addition to the well known Boarding House
in Bank square, formerly kept by Mr. Junes, and
more lately by captain Miller. Its being-situated
ip the most healthy part of the city, convenient
to tbe Banka, and in a genteel neighborhood, re-
r mmends it particularly to travelling gentlemen
and men of business. The subscriber will super
intend his l.ouse with the greatest cate; maintain
strict order ai d propriety; and exert himself to
render hia boarders comfortable. His table is al
a-ays furnished with the best tha' the market at'
fords; his chambers with the best beds; bis bar
room u ith beat liquors, and bi: servants are atten
tive, obedient and active.
Silas Hollis.
<Ej" Commodious Stables have been prepared,
contiguous to the Hotel, which shall always be
well furnishea and well attended. S. H.
dec 1 236
Mr SANSAY tenders Ira grateful acknowledg
ments to tbe citizens of Savannah for the fibers'
and extensive patronage heretofore afforded him
in tbe lire of Jus profession, and avails himself of
this opportunity to inform such as have not vet at
tended his School, that his engagements absolutely
require that be should return to the Northward
earty in April next, and that by commencing to
take lemons immediately they will yet have an op
portunity of attending an entire qurrter, -previ
ous to his return-
dec 9-243
£5* Not Discovered!
Seventy six votes received at one election, and
( now solicit a renewal of the suffrages for the of
fice of Receiver of Tax Returns.
Lewis Johnston, jun.
dec 10 244 -
John JB. King, merchant'taylor,
Informs his friend, and the public, that be ha
removed from his old stand on the Bay, to the
curner of Broughton and JefiVraon-sU. formerly
occupied by Messrs Blanchards’ as a dry-good
store, where he is ready to execute all orders with
promptness and dispatch. dee 1 '236
Wanted to purchase,
or to tease for a number of years,
A small HOUSE, on a whole or half lot, near
tbe centre of the :o«ro t and near tbe banks—
suitable for a baichelor. Apply to the printer,
dec iOv——£44
Land for sale. ,
A Tract of Land, containing cue hundred acres,
more or less, bounded east by lands of the estate
of Joliah Fox, west by the estate of Benjamin
Fox, north by land of D. F. Borqnin, and south
by vacant land, duven.miles from Savinnah.
For further particulars inquire of tbe printer,
dec 7 1 241
Blank Indentures
Ironmongery Store Bernooad,
Has removed bit^ Ironmongery More foe 4he
present opposite Mr.AOoer Woodruff’s quern’a
ware store, in BryaMtrcet; when may #e bad
< A GENERAL AfitoRTittflpT' I
Ironm»i%?ir» Cnttaj *«4 ftpw
- m
which will be dispose^ of.
at«fcnrxdTMe/^' 7 *' „ ■
CjT A gvud asaortieent of smith* Beflowses,
Annlfo»e.fcc, dcc4- —| ,,340 V-
Just Received . '
By the tUp Science, and brigs Burn and Chat
ISO piece* best Cotton Baging
1 bale black and bloc Castimeies
72 crate* Croekery-ware.«*«orttd
10 boxes Mtlitard
22 do sheet Copper
1 cask Copper Nails
For sale by
William Taylor,
’ L. Petty '
(■Mr 9, BtUon’o range)
5 pipe* pure Holland Gin
3 bbds pure Jamaica Rum
25 boxes Spermaceti Candles
JO. do Tallow
50 ,*i brown Soap
. 15 barrel* toft shelled Almonds
40 reams pot No 1 writing Paper,
100 do wrapping dp
30 dosen hair Sines
20 boxes first quality Cheese
30 casks do , ' do
20 barrels Philadelphia Beer
12 barrels white Beans
1200 i»ir fined and bound Shoes
30 pieces domestic Sbirtiogs
dee 5 1 240
James Camithers
Ha* imported by the ship Science, espt Currie,
' from Greenock,
a oxnaax assoanxirT or
Consisting uf Muslins, Shawls, tewed Robes, Der
fits’ Union Stnpes, Pullieat Handkerchiefs, Cot
ton Shirting, Cheeks, &p.; Russia Sheeting, Pla-
tills*,- Oznaburga and cotton Hogging.
Potter, Ale and Beer; Herrings and Ling Fish;
Barley and split Peas; While Lead ground in oil;
crown window Glass. Which will be sold low
and on a liberal credit for good notes; payable
either here or in Augusta,
nov £6 232
.ft. WATTS
Has just received, on consignment from Liver
pool, per brig Chatham, and other arrival*
tor aale, very low, by tbe piece or package.
I trunks and boxes furniture and printed Calicoes
3 bales Bombazetts, assorted colors
1 trunk slate, drab, brown, blue and white fancy
Elastic Bib
1 trunk worsted Pantaloons and Vests
Drab, slate and blue Elastic Pantaloons .
1 chest Ginghams
1 trunk superfine nainrook, satin cord, rich tape
and stripe cord, cht-caed, mull, flowered, j-i
paned, vand)ke, coloured, flounced, and
Hamburg Dresses.
Prussian, check, satin check, Turkey, Damask,
Pursian black and white, white, Java and
Ceylon Shawls.
1 trunk-blue rentals, spotted, fancy pullicats,
superfine blue red and chocolate Shawls,
Buitaiuas, Ac.
blue, black mix’d Trowsera, black superfine.
Cloth, Cass mere and toilenet V ests . ",
trunk Coats, top Coats, Vests and Pantaloons
1 chest blue and drab Nankeens
bale 11-16 to 13-16 Tick
trunk ladies black and colored Shoe* and
dec 10 —244
The subscriber
Offert for oak on reasonable temu, by the package,
12 boxes printed Calicoes, Ginghams and Shirt
ings, well laid in I
trunks containing English ready made clothing
Coats, Waistcoats and Pantaloons
< R. Watts.
Northern Shirtings and Ginghams
Fifteen bales and one box northern Sheetings
and Ginghams, superior quality, landing from ship
Robert, and for sale by
Lethbridge & Deuel.
nov 17——224
* ohop Cera, toptmn Mchlen, from Zendeo,
Be t London PORTER, vi*:
20.casks draft from Barclay’s brewery
do bottled, 7 dozen each, from ! ^bbert’s
9q do ' . do 1 7 do dq do .Vustmn
SR dm pale AM in bottles,? dosen c acti
PAINTS, esoiiod in oih viz;
i Wtaip Lead, 100 krgs, 28 lbs each f
IBd. -^390, do Udsfr s
^S & X '- ■
23 do do
Dq.brigbt do-15 do It do do i
’ Brunswick do ^ ** ^
- DoTtrieht blue 30 do 14 do dq
Linseed OIL, viz:
10 otsk* of 50 gallons
50 jugs of SJ do do
350 mats wine Bottles, 1 grace each
3 tons of 14 os. sheathing' Copper
10 sheets milled Lead
330 casks Roman Cement
For sale by K. RICHARDSON k CO.
nov 38 234
New Fall Goods. '
Tho subscriber has received by tbe ship Ogle
thorpe, a large proportion of bis FALL GOODS;
consisting of a very general supply of
Woollens, Cottons,
linens, yfik and cotton Hoang,
Hardware, Cutlery,' \ .
Crockery ware, Glassware, 8cq.
Which: he offers for sale on • ecounnodating
sept26—189 , - ..
'or salt.
200 light PLOUGtlS at Alexai.der’s make.—
For ude by BACON & BRUEN,
dec 10—ca—244 Exchange -wharf.
res*- accsirxD ax Bates xuxa axs aptnia,
is anniTtos to a
All for sale by SAMUEL EVANS.
Bed+tort, etui •/ the exchange*
dec 5 240 down thel^ff
Holland Gin, Whiskey, Kq,
10 pipes genuine Holland G>n
50 barrels rye Whiskey
20 hhds do do
200 half boxes Soap
50 casks Cheese
1 case black ostrich Feathers
1 do Canton sewing Silk
1 do London mixed Pins
For sale by DAVID HILL <* CO.
dec 7——i 241 JM’FSane’a yyhuxf.
JUahogbny, ‘
Carpenter, and Bulkier,can be supplyed with-
Mahogany suitable for band rails, banisters, and'
doors, on moderate terms, on application to
Fanes & Miller.
Also TURNING of every discriptioa done in
tbe best manner. uov 26 - —232
Aaaosr Moaoaii,next duor to P. H. It T. Crm-
pon, Market-square, has on hand, and will be re
ceiving a general assortment of SADDLERY, ma-
nufaciored by M. W. Morgan, New-York, whicb
are offered wholesale or retail at reduced prices,
nov 4- 214 *'
Just Deceived,
And Jot tale by the tubteribert,
!0 puncheons Jamaica Itum, warranted three
years old, pure *9 imported
20 puncheons W l Rum
12 hogsheads N E Rum
20 barrels country Gin
2 pipes Holland do
10 barrels Whiskey
1 pipe L P .Madeira Wine, Leeoek
6 halfpipes do
10 quarter casks do
30 do do Teneriff
p0 barrel!
No 3
sU do manhaden Fish
10 half barrels Salmon, prime quality
50 barrels fresh F . '
SO half ditto $
100 barrels pilot and navy Bread
luO kegs Crackers
160 boxes Raisins
50 do tallow y Candles
20 do sperm J ,
50 do > s ■
50 half do S S P .
20 baskets sweet Oil
10 hhds W I Sugar
17 do Molasses
The subscriber
Having removed to the cornet store in the new
brick buildings, on Bay and Jefferson streets; ba*
just received by recent arrivals, and is now open
ing an extensive assortment of . "
which ire offered for sale on accommodating
He wishes to rent the three story Brick Store,
adjoining tbe store occupied bv himsel*’.
nov 10——219
Charles^ Cotton
John Tanner. i
iVqiw» ■>&
ofviks roa tu>
Champaigne and Claret Wine, of superior
quality '
Hhds 4th proof Jamaica Rum
Do 3d proof Windward Island
Do Cognac Brandy
Do Holland Gm
2 quarter casks Teneriff Wine
2 do do Malaga do v
4 bli Cherry Rum
3 do do Brandy ■’
10 do Cordial, assorted “
Leaf and I ig ji ti f
2 chest Bohea Tea
4 doz extra gilt fancy Chairs
2 do satfin wood do do
2 do do bamboo do ‘
12 casks Stone Ware
nor 27—235
The subscribers
15 cases northern Homespuns; containing
10,000 yards unbleached Homespuns
10,000 do plaid Stripes, Checks, Chambray and
2,000 -do blue Eersey, adapted to the southern
A general assortment of GROCERIES, at whole-
ale—Tor sale on accommodating terms by
Harris $ Waterman,
nov 28—234 Jftct’v wharf
The goods and effects, stock in trade, bocks of
account. Re. of loam Kjtchxx, of Savannah, sad-
ler, having been assigned to the subscribers, for
tbe purpose of mAking a ratable distribution of
the money which may arise from a sale of die
same among his creditors, no tic? is hereby given
of the said assignment, to tbe creditors of the said
Joseph Kitchen, that they may present their de
mands, and to those indebted that they make pay
ment, to JnnpAH Cures*, attorney for tbe as-
John Lobra, T
Aonham Carlile, Loss inters.
Edmund Kiasey, j
20 bags Pepper
French Pickles in boxes
20 barrels mess Pork
20 do prime do
15 do prime Beef
IS do No 2 do
10 half barrels Pickles
600 kegs White Lead, 14, 23 and 56 lbs:
40 jugs bottled linseed Oil
100 bolts Russian Canvas
100 do ravens do
30 kegs split Peas
20 du Barley
i A large and general assortment of SHIP
CHANDLERY, consisting of Anchors, Ca
bles, Cordage, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, tic Uc
Nichola, Dobson & Hills,
dec 9 —o| -—243
Dr, Berthelot
Informs the public jnd country merchants, that
he nas received, by the last arrivals, the following
articles in fajs line, which be warrants of tbe best
quality, and wiU sell at treasonable pricere-viz:
FoUicul Sena
Rhubarb Hippo
Flax Manna
Common do
Red and yellow Bark
Genetian Root
Cammomile Flowers
Sugar of Lead
Tooth Brushes, assorted
Charcoal fordo
licorice do refined '
Jespit Drops
Macassar Oil
Columbia do
Cologne Water
Lee’s p. Lend. Pill*
Windham’s do
English Windsor Soap
Lip Salve in boxes
Essence Vials
Cassia, Quassia do
Spirits Hartshorn
Spirits Turpentine in bottles
- Balsam Copfri
HaUock’s American Castor Oil
' West-In dix fio
Balsam Tola
Gum Benjoin
Glass Funnels, assorted
Spirits Turpentine by the galloe
Linseed Oil do
Winter Sperm Oil
With an assortment of Paintq Brashes and pa-
’ tent Medicines of diftomt kinds
A suieieign remedy, invented by the doctor,
for the cure of that most destructive disease, the
vnerial-’Which has been experimentally proved
to have had- the most happy and safe effects in
- 'ieal and lssting cure.
340 N
To-MorroW, lsth instant,
■ Will be ttld «n B$U,n’t cripHtl wharj,
*0 hhds prime JFjupidai Sijgar<L
Terms liberal and madeknown at tune of sale.
Spit to cmiunc, os 11 o'clock.
M. Herbert, aueff- •’
draltr 345’ •
To-Morrow, jap* W4’
■ v - tPiU be sold before my store,
7 hhds Jamaica apff W. L Bum
12 barrels Brandy
10 do Gin
12 do Cordial and Shrub
5 chests hyson Tea
6 do Bohea do
3Q bis Mackerel
20 do Menhaden Pah
700 wool-Rats
10 kegs manufactured Tobacco
75 boxes 8oap, and 50 do Candle*
250. bags yellow Turnip* ’ «
15 casks London Porter
Boxes Claret and Madeira Wjnp
100 do smoked Herrings
3 bale* Banket* *
4 dq white Plain*
1 case Irish Linens
■ 1 trunk Calicoes'
Broad Cloths, Csaiaeres -
Paper, ftiUs, Ac
1 prime Negro Wench,
complete house servant.
Sale to commence at llo'ckck.
A. Howe, auct’r.
dec It 245
For sale by
nov 23 st-
BiUs on London
duhamel a adze.
Received, at the Provision store,
Virginia Oats and Corn
Russian Turnips
New-Yotk corned Beef, first quality
Do smoked do
Pew barrels superior Flour snJ Buckwheat >
Boxes very choice Baisius
Tea, Sugar, and* variety of articles in that’ line.
DaviU Votee.
dee 9 1| 243
An Elegant Piano Forte,
Received on consignment, and for (ale by the
This instrument in appearance is perhaps equal
any ever brought to baVannah, and its tone is
acknowledged by judges to be very fine. It has
Bass Drum, Triangle and Symbols, and by the use
of Pedals various other instruments mav be imi
nov 26 1| 232
The firm of Alexasbsx Dnnxxoxo & Co. of
Augusta, was dissolved by mutual consent, on
tbe 9th inst. JAME3 CARKUTHERS,
The subscribers having entered into scopartner
ship. for the purpose °f tstablishing at Liverpool,'
business under the firm of Wainwright U Shift,, .
beg leave to offer their services to Ibeir friends,
general Shipping aod Commission Merchant*
that place. ELI WAIN WRIGHT.
nov 25 cbi 236
Office for the Sale of Negroes, 8fc.
The subscriber has removed from the house he
occupied on the Bay to one opposite the Geotgia
Hotel in the vicinity ol the Market-square, where .
he wiU continue his office for the pubhc and pri
vate sale of Negroes, Houses and Lots, Carriages,
Horses, Vessels, Ac; and as formerly will negoti
ate paper, buy and sell stock, on commission; to
which will be added an Intelligence office, where
those who wish to either buy oi sell, rent houses,
hire negroes, or exchange one species of prppcr.
ty for another, may be afforded an early opportu
nity of gaining information, and bo aided in suit-
ng themselves, for a stpall charge, and in ortler
to ascertain the prospect of a speedy sale of ne
groes, horses and carriages, - or other property
confided to him, anauction will bo held on- every
Monday and Friday in front of the Georgia Ho
tel, and at any time when required to raise fund* .
by forced sties of negroes, Ac.—he will sebd a
bell through tfie city advertising a aale at.* Con
venient hour on' any day that business can be
transacted; and flatten himself tbit fits long ha
bit of selling negro property aod bis correspon
dence with thos* who are generally purchasing be
will be enabled to effect speedy sales at lair pnees,
and requests that all property sent to him may
be accompanied with written orders care frill be
taken to investigate the ^oodneai of title and can
dor observed as to character, ms for as it may be
hi, power, and will be thankful for soy favors.
N. B. The aale of produce or merchandise will
also be attended to.
Short Notice.
The subscribers, having employed a large num
ber of the first rate workmen, have the pleasure
of annoueing to their friend* an 2 the gentlemen
of Savannah and its vicinity, in general, that they
now have it in their power to make a SUIT com
plete, in foe short space of eight hoars, *sd in
foe most superior manner and hteat faahion; for
which purpose they keep a constant supple of
the first quality Cloths, Casaimerea, Ac.
Two weU recommended, will meet with em
ployment on healthy situations, near Sunbnry.-r
Men with small families preferred; if they hay*.
negroes they will be taken on shares, to-work oa
prune lands. AppV*> . „
Paul H- Wilkins,
- ^5 243
The subscriber offers for sale a well settled -
PLANTATION, ia JBulloeh country, on, which ho
now lives, and known hy the name of “guaoan-
DX**,” containing 950 earn. mo*» Or lem. «m
which is * good tjaa-atory Dwelling Haase, well
finished, a kitchen, cm boose, a new mill house,
«Xta£> ox mills; wiA all ofopr outbuildings,
that are usual on plantation. Tto^eqboot
400 acres of said tend voder good fopemg. thd
greater part of said 400 oggeo are.deared: On
plantation lies front 47 mile* above Savannah, 09
Ogeehee river. For psrtmlatfr applf » fr* .;
subscriber, on said place,
Jnmlhtn. Knmnmfr,