Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 22, 1818, Image 3

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; cif IcHt it. Th«(((i(rtl '•irrct- ♦.l «*e la h»v*]n larje c«rn linunc built. for tin- reception nl'llicpeople'* corn- 1 have .rlonc no, but tbcj hare no diapoaition lo do an. t am constantly advising the propl*-. to aecure their prnvi»i<t«m, hat thrv will not take atlvice till it will be too late. £■> eiMin aa ther are donr with '.he aclinonrr, I ehall expects in tlti* n-ithborlinml.— Six will be euflicient to d«i™r all th. corn in thia pait ol the conntrv. a* it all r< - maiha at the people’shnuM-*, without am protection. An Indian rr|x»rt • li«rr, any*. th»> Mr. Arbatlinot’s son is now with the In- •lians. (riling tlirin Jnsiruli< one; and t'l-- it wax his doin»s that Doyle and Hmnl-li were taken. They state lie is wit- Kcnhija. and that his orders was to tak< them to him. The chiefs below heir. *< in wnnl to those above, that, b> low they have heard that they were in the ivlote prop! V service, and that they will pay them a visit after a little, ami reward them for their conduct. Finding that those above ate not coming down soon they are considera bly alarmed for fear they wiil fall on them. RtJHKRT iUVJN. Col. Annccni.r., t’uindg. Fort Scott. No. .1. Camp Camming, IOth January Itit H* {dajor (o-n. K. P (jaines; ‘ Sin—Yours of tbo Bin is jost received: and I a-r. extremely gratified to hear ot your arrival at Hartford, us i already fer! considerably relieved. The many difictil ties vvhicli have occur red since you left us. from contractors, anil together from th' Want of experience, I can assure you, ha» caused me to feel the responsibility attach ed to rny command: hot. with your instruc- tions. I (f itter trysell I :.hail now he able to get ou. Wc are now encamped about 4 miles from Fort irva very be.ioldu and commanding spot, will a co'isiderahh creek on aico side. at>n«t 4 miles di'tanl. IXieilher of which •■an he . r.esed with wag gons. A hriilge w is ireeled on t ie one in Our rear, hut it is entirely gi ne So sntiii i hs the. one. in our ft out tails vufiscieutly. U Will he bride'd. tin u :M itndvisi- lile to liave the r< oi> :--i.'i'ed, winch wdi bed one'lv. Upoueha. n eniifiot iitiril Indian, has jnsi arrived with a li-m ( onard. the pur pint «l whirl) is as Inllows: lie states that, since the pi iin ipsl illiefs left home for the agency, the whole "f the property of one of them was taken ,.J|' hv some <d the Fowl Town Indians, and that I'onaro is Ccn-iderahly alai tiled for his nv.n pro perty. Fie lies advisee) os to be on oui guard, paiticul.iily- ... far as itrelates to the soldiersstioiling troiu the rrinji, wiiitli. for fear ol danger, will lie attended to Wc have not now on haod ten bushels ol corn. Ilrockman is nf nnininn that it s Will he dangerous to again go to the t in • haws; in eiinsrijnenre nf which. I have, with -his particular request, senthitu with this express. , refer you to Inin lor further information as to the corn and pro visions to he procured ill ttie nation. ( am almost fearful, when I recollect for a moment that time ol service lor which this detachment has been oaiinl on will expire before your object can be accom plished, as the officers, with a few excep tions, are governed by the men, and no: the men liy the officers. I am in hopes, however, that, should your object not be accomplished by the 1st of next month, I shall be able to render you an essential ser vice by volunteers from my command, should it be deemed necessary. I will, however, have a personal interview- with you on the subject, on your arrival at our camp. Not having calculated on moving from this place fur six or seven days. Iron) want of provisions, etc. I gave a furlough to captain Melvin. Should yon deem it necessary for us to move before that time, 1 would lie glad that lie would return. I ain, vvitii great respect am! esteem, THOMAS GLASCOCK, Brig. Gen. Cam. 1). G. V- S S. \\. The Emtuiu c* and M* ament* to he continued] THE HEPVBUC.9N. TUKill.lV BVEN'tXG, Ur. nxam 2?, 1813 GKUHGIX IdtGISt. VTUKE. Extract of a fate* ft* MM-dgrti^e, tinted />■ ce-ficr 18 Ihi o “A lull ln« pawd the lionise to repeal so mncl. i ;fi<. first section id «*u»C*, passtd Ihe *9 li da}' of lHcii<iii)tr f Idir.ttm kd :» i arc to appropriate money for t*ic improvement of the internal n ;.at»o»»» f llift >Ule if Gtwgni, a* nvikts l!ie aj>. ,»mpria»ion of m;»n y for the ur v ro% cn:er t of the natgatioT <>t Savannah and Tugola r,v/-rs fn»n» Gigu'Ua to the m . u .b ol Panther critic, coud • 1 ioiul—ai clm_i;c sale* appropriation ind* pendent. “Sixty th'.Uvaiitl (]w|l«r» luve been appropriated f #r the navigation <4 the Oconee fiver; aid tJi'.i»* .inl dollars for clearing cut liri.rcrcck “Tt»e f ulutfciog genlleilUi* U*Ve bectl appoint- -d dirtct »r-» ot n.r U..ntu bank on the part oft Ik •latu;- I miKAS Spalmno, John *1 la tush, Scott ‘/CAT, J I llDtr, JilH Ill.vrdltliT ••'I lie tl'Cior** UU, which I rmn’inueij in my lavt t* having pa-vu in tin rrj.rcN-. r.Utivf br^nc'i, wi, »ie^*4tivcii in . e.iatc v«»tc.dav by a lar^e majority So quackery Mill continue 0:1 us usual it ourcit*! “A resolution has pa^il b tb bouses autiumz- mp the governor to tubsf n‘>c for five thousand voa res in the bank of Da rim, far tlit s ale •• I bt following bdis have paused and want on ly the £o»enior’s M^imture to become law-:—A o il tottl'e amend -lie 2d and »ti •ections of mi» act passed m 1811 and I*.’, entitled an aet to amend tbe 4th and 5'h scc’ious of tne .id article of the constitution of llni kU't, wbicn Fad (section a d .».l v.f ti marc adopted in liea of the said 4th and 5ti» nec’i'.n* cf the ,> 1 article of flic coriH’itu- iio.t; a bill to by oil' *i\jiuiiri-xl CMdiits; a bid t«» ie*i-t fbe mititia system; a bid to ex. iui » and en force the j'liHii t .ict of 1. JJ. a lull to amend •he 7tli section of Ihe 1st af tick- « f the puii&ti- tution; a bdt tottuend the powers of siienifa and con-tabh s hi certain caset; a bid lose cure toJohi. Coates, for the term of ten years, the sole and e.x clu ive r»j;lit of tunmiijf a line of sia^e catnap•*- between Hit town ot Darien and MdledgeviiU; « bill to me rp rate- tne Savannah Kiver Navigation Company; a n d to i icorporate the Savannah steam hip Company; a b»li to prevent the fn-tuluieii. cnnv-janc*. f »f property; a bill t** exempt Uireign- ers from militia duty; and a bill making appro - ria ions lor the political ye«r 1 hlb, which raises •be member*'pay ftoiu tlirte to UVK dollars per day. ••The bill to organ-z a Court for the trial ot minor criminal ofienccs, fitc coininitteu in Savan nah, will not pass this session. It is hid over for the deliberation of the next legislature. “Ihe bill to stop the issuing of change bids, passed the house i f representatives, ha bt en concurred in by »enate, with a few amend rr.euts. • t'sie bill to revise the penal coded this state, isvtdlhefrc senate, and will go down without jo endnients. The bill to incorporate the Oge- < bee c.tnal company is i;<*w before t!.e house.arc will passm morrow ; but not in the feiiape that it Was recc'p c l from senate. “A bill has pasvd the lower hi u?e f o nardon John Shlans^r, u;.o is scntei-Ct-«l to be #*xecu , e«' t next month, for the sui posed murder of l;:s wife The senate 1 think wdi i.- t give their assent to the bill." Mir, s. k a hi,1 b owing he.-»v> rr-r-thick, when ab-h:t f»nlf pa-t one o'clock .♦ruck o', a ledg? of rocks '‘IfUallWt!, biJg <i auo »wn tkfjer filicd. Shortly after die top separated from the bottom of the vessel, carrying *i:b u "the tnixen '.ait, to these die pc-plc 'b" kj making a complete breach over tfwm. and the deck t«l under water. I he •op wrr.l lurit't. About 9 o'clock the whooner Paramount, from Hal.ftx, passed wuhin pistol /hot; t,i vh-m they btggrd, but he fin-cei ded on his course The crew of the Sarah U Susan were tiitn all alive. Cap'ain M. tluiiks fluy m.ght alt have been saved 1'} captain R* any attempt had been made UetMeen 11 aacl 1 o'clock four persons txh:«n**.ed by Fat:g*-e am: chilled with c • !, sunk lo r.»e no n ore. About tialf pat! 1 o’clock the pilot bu:d IfciUft, Cu^’x.t Wilson, came to their and auccteutd n savuv*thc remainder of the crew The nxme* of those drowned were John Whec' wrjht. jtm. of this town, a passenger; Charles C Walker, f ut on board by die American coiku A f>..nst ad*; and Millcrt Ht liens, ami Hale Kvaiis, seamen. The Sarah k Su«an spi>ke dcspatcli vhr Cleaner, rocr, Mid.-g*. 33 days from (tihraltar for Plnla J< Ipliia. and pa-ied i’5’h # lai ~4. long 67— 27'ih. lat . 6, long 71, ship Helen, 5 uay* front New York. (oApijnn 'Ailson, and the other pilots ui li him who rescued the above mrnti* lied people from their penJou* situation, are deserving tne esteem of evej'y plnla.Uhropist, for the promptness and a’acrity with which they havtentd lo ;he i cene of distress s » as thv‘ report reached town. Captain Ross arrived here yesterday from Ha lifax, states that when he passed (he Sarah & Susan, the wind blew so heavy and the sea ran s.) high, that it was impossible fur hiui to render any assistance to the cr« w THEATRE. For New-Fork '1 he rcgUuir j»..rk t schooner MILO. kOrifc.' old, musttr. will iT.-.e’. di>j»avc!i.— •For freight or pav-age ap.1v on board ST\NION, d c J2—x —2H 'J'i$ior * ic/iurj Far Charleston The ADhldNK, Rradley, will i.sitvely sail on *1 htu»day next, wind nd wcaoier p_-*niF.*»»g r having a part ot her cargo on board. Apply to the master, or to (». F- A* Oliver l > uluii M ‘« 1 er ?? 0.5 J JJates and Ilaisins. 2-5 IV .i I -i.-i i ... 5b b »xes Mu.Catci I'ai-ins lUvAUYvd on and t'>? sale hy j .nil L. wis. •It Outs unit Cora 300 b.i -.7) •: f>*rn sloop Adeline, and fersa-e by Juitli Lalfuup ty Co. Sugars. i pr me mine v u do Sugar a Chrr.nicle c rning about S.YfiJr STORM.—The Angus the 19 h inst. says: yesterday n» o'clock, it commenced Snowing ii still continued when our paper went t press •»? winch time it wa-« between d and 4 inr .^s d"t*p on the ground. I hisisdic heav.ou fail oi Snow vvt eve recollect to h*vc txptnenceti ao tariy in the season. For saly hv •i M '.'54 ISAAC COUEN. Ploughs far sale. 200 light FLOtLiilS of Ai« xa d r*s make.— For sale by BATON tihl KN, dec 10 ex—?44 Ret , >4i9ii*i' wharf. For sole 100 bis very superior New Orhana Sugar a900 bushels Corn, in bags of two btuduL each , 100 coils bale Rope 5 tons shear Moulds Abbott's Philadulphia Peer Cm Nails, imp* rial a;ul gunpowder Tea Cognac Brandy, very sm|kTi«»r A few bundles of Hay Gunpowder KFK, a few I'loiii’hs ^ A few pieces of China Matting ai <»• Bills on Philadelphia, by IVrrv Wright. dec 9— -—-43 Cotton is quoted at \ugu%taon th** 19ih inst. at 24 cents; Flour a 15; t obacco d a Ijj ana Corn, per bushel, 1 oO COC.X'TIl I r 7 Wl)UCE. SVVaX.NAH— CASH I’UICLB THIS lUf. $ cts C.ts Rice, per 100 lbs 6 50 a 6 75 Cum, per bushel, 1 06 Cotton,sea-island, prlb 52 a 55 Ihtto, upland, do. 25 a 26 Flour, per barrel 10 Tobacco, leaf, per lb. (none) »tvh install', it r a* severe 1 e q. Mr ngcr bi a.xh D.rd—I" tii.SCUy On 1' Jay tm at toe lifii-e of f* h:i *, t?q il.ness ofsrveral weeks, Jontru uei R. had the misfortune to beot the y of a family distinguished fur the f cestry. and once lor its wealtli, but ever for its hospitality. About thirty ytvra ago be migrated fro.n Ireland to tins country, to wno*e prospenty he was a warm friend. Possess* <1 of an intrepid -pint and i: anly integrity, he cared not l«-r cli mate or season; ;nd in tbe anxietv to fulfil all lu> engagements wi*!i honor, suojtcted himself to great ;tiid frequent e\postire, which at inst cost his life. Obituary ?< !.t:e^ are oiien as fals-. as they a:*; transitory—bn' w hile »!::s ir.alandioiy record *'t lus virtues hfars ;.ie stamp of truth to •»ii who knew and who must long regret him, the tribute is justly due from Ins surviving friends, to Ins w«#r: . L. SHIP NEWS. runr or ilk F For sale An elegant PIANO-FORTE, of fm-w oud. with urkish music- dec 17- H. M-K1XNE !: CU. •'JO '■ Sugar, Paints, Wines, t\‘c. .*>8 hhd> prime Mu*« bugv.r 5t*0 ktgs London white 1-rad, ground in oil ^ Old Madeira, Claret and Ciiampaigne Wines, in boxes, one «!f»zen each 50 whole boxes superior Spanish Cigars A Urge supply * f English Mustard For sale by Lclhbridge *y Dotiel, dec 17 250 -A» lb.' H*::*"'* ~un-e. Jcicellery. The subscriber. Its-m New -York, informs the citizens if Savannah, he lias just opened, at Rtr> a Ci his store in NVhu;.ker-s*rtet, next to Mr Wallen’s, Builer k W i.ite. a choice and elegant assortment of EMBOSSED PLATE, say — Tea Pots, Sugar Di-h^s ami Milk Pots Table and Tea Sponi*.* to rcaich, v. arrardctl to L j!tfHT»:P, Sh p Uis nr S*ates, Ch:rrh. fri'm New York Itr g Oiyn’.hus Sharp, Philadelphia- to Perry 8t Wright, consigns*i. Scli’r M:iry* A -n,'I-irris. Vew-lfaven via New- York, 9 days- hay, carriages, and noth* rn nro dues—to I Coli-n, A h, Z f)u, f, Tutis M W Hills, llal! U H-»yt, Sttirgcs &. Burroughs. W. 1! Jay i»er, ami to order. F«**j-Me>»rs Hanover, Barker, K *dg' r S and Holbrook Ot. Thursday last epoke a schr fr tlie .1 rscy- botird to this port. Ihe M A has been off the coast > davs. Schr Milo. HrinwoM, New York, 5 day«—to V lanton, etuis, gne*—wuh sundries--to G F fit O v ainus. Grcv ?k NLippitt.J Muir, D Haven. John ston L Hili-s, S C ? f a)er k Co J H Wa’ter, A G Scimnes, Scarbrough fc NiK.nue, CF Klv J la* throp k Co. Buth r t* • ray. Hull 2, Hoyt, J Gueuin .•< Co. Hom *s Ttippcr. P.i&tri per 9t Me^rs Ely, Broun, bigg.ns, Patterson ai.u Oa*en Sloop Adilin:', Bradley. New Y -rk 5 days— w th a full cargo—to G F ^ O Palmes, Meigs Sc Reed, Laroche 8t Watson A G, II G Fooler, A U Kami n. Nicholas Sc Neff, P II Prnnv, J Muir Butler ic White, hue Norton R. St J !!abcrsh..m, an l t- e master. Passe»?trs— Mrs Bradley, Mr*. Powers. Miss Havdtn, Me^rs L Butler, MuhaR\ ami '»*» bloop Packer, \ otee. Chnrles'on, 12 hi tirs— with rice and domesdc go«’d,—toil I) Gwath- mev, S E 11 uy w:. r d, and others* Paste" g* s. Messrs Harnson. Draper. Spooner, Bunting, Mil Itr. and two in the s?ee»*.ge. Steam B«*at company'* freighting boat No. 10. with c-utf.n 2c viiidKes^-to Scarbrough fic M Km- £c l*o John>!ori cc Hills, Wm H.Juy. tes, J Griswold, Perry & Wright, V'J barrel- •/J barrels tier 27 r. Sugars, i$c. M ‘ ( p* **-.-■ SuKar* Pout »ts Torsah* by C. Biucu, Polion** mural xo/mrf L ist fiight but one of .W . Milieu i cvgugamtrJ This Evening, December 22, 1818, Wi'l he nrrtl, the 1 UAGf.DT of .£B»JvL/ T.YO— The Greut Ba ndit Andreis Grit! Ahrcll.r.o, Cnntnrmo, F-alier., Dandoli, r. > M t liiino, Car.iiiud Grimaldi, liator, G, CkC. R*, J .nor.* 14, Id. i Mr Clark Young D ntn.rr.ond Fennell Ilsatt Horton. Dalton Ciuii vi'.rd Mrs. Young C:.u*k AFTER THF. TRAGEDY, A Double • Hornpipe, By ,Vrs. Drummond <§* Miss Clark-. To v hieh will be added the Musical Farce of the DEVIL TO PAY Or, the Wives Metamurjihosed- Mr. Uiison JvoSOll ( the Cobln,J Sir John L^vcrulo, - Cook, Butler, Foot man. Doctor, Coachman, luniy Lovcrulo, Leltice, Lttcv, Nell*. Nichols Hiatt Fennell Quin Clark Seward Mrs Clark Hon on Faulkner Young (Fy* A.lniism n to the Boxes k.ui Pit, oxk dol lah—to itic Gallery, fif.i am • t * The Dobrs to be opened at half past 5. and the performance to commutet at liaif past l o’clocK precisely. Tickets and places f«r the Poxes. m:;y be had (liom 9 until 2 o’cltci) at Mr IIatekn’s, oppo n*.c tne Ex.hange, where the Box Gtncc w ill tx kept for tl; rertiainder of the season; and in the evening ai the 1 'beatre, a» Tickets can be admitted on those nights ot !• for which they air expressly sold—CHECKS nut transferable Smoking in the Theatre cannot be allowed Mays of Performance this loe-eb—Monda), Tuts day, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. £j* No po»tp< ncm.nt on account of tiie wea ther Sr an’ t h. I) ‘.'2 254 Cotillion Society. A BALL oi h* given a the Exchange on THL’RSD \Y EVENING, /4th i:ut. d»-c 2 —-54 Jlle, Porte, Beef, S^c. l^undir.g from on board the schr Mdu and sloop Aa*'ine, just arrived Iron* New-York, 20 hj'tv ls fresh d »ul»l- Ale 10 do i rme Pork, ! barrel Sausage* 5 do mess Beef AXn, IX ST'iIlE, Pork, Fly market In « f, Tongues, Goshen But ter. G*>siVn Cheese, smoked He?ring>, Mackerel No 2 &nd 8, bestsupeifine Flour in half barrels, buckwheat Flour, barrel* Unions, 8cc For ->ale oy J. Muir, dec 22—«—254 PvllocKs range. Christmas. The subscriber, grateful lor the encourage ment he has neretof »re received, takes this me- tliod to thank his friends and the public for the ame, and to inform them thft' he has resumed • us former stand, at the cdrncr of Br ughton and Dra\ ton streets, where he Iihm on hand a choice collection of LIQUORS and GROCERIES; winch he uH* rs for sat *, and invite* his customers to avail thenis* B es of this opporiuuily to procure a sui'piy for the Christmas Duly da) s, fast approach, i. g P. DC PON d< c 22 m ‘254 Notice. On the i9.h of August last, there was shipped at Augusta on hoard the Savannah Kiver Naviga tion Company’s h *at Happy Couple, a UiiXcou- 'ainmg l)ml»rellas, and a»ldres-,cd as Follow*.; — “Win. Weym. n & Co Ncu-York, to Jos. George. Savannah,** v.’ has never be.:ii received It is supposed to iiave been Sanded at Bolton's central wharf, ah* ui the 'J-.'i of the same monih. Any information that wiil lead to a discovery of tut* same, be tliankfully ackr owleoged Ly Jojeph ficurge. dec 22 254 Wants a Situation A middle aged m n, « f .-t««ciy h. n is, who has wife, wuhout childre n, vv. il j cq. an.ird with »he culture of rice uiulco’ton, M lso a ^*o *1 yarJtner (>ond :tcotionemla!' -ns can he g.ven his character, &r. Ap,,;y to the printer. 22- 254 the best of Jiilrvr A Urge assortment of (.1 a'as bold and sihfr Watches Chains, Key* and Seal* All of which he can, wir'i rr, tider.ce, * 'com- ^end as the Yery b<st woikmar^h’p and newest ■ patterns, having been cart fully *ekctrd hy him- f self, tie now offers them f»*r sale on acc # »rrmu- dating trim*. Clocks a. J M’a’ch- s‘repaired on the sli»»r'e!*t notice. 5AMCF.L MARTIN. d«e 17 Srlir Cornelia, Attw ck. Charleston. Schr Entcrprize, D.lano, Norte ik. Sch 1 * FI r i Musx>n, BaimI' ii, lierrr;uda. Sloop Lbtr;y, Boies, Norfolf. Pert tf Boston, December 7- SHIPWRECK. f *'r-u* 2 a-ah St Su^an. Merrill, of Portsmouth, > i f 18 days from Cronstadt for this pert, with t c «go of iron, hemo, 5;c. struck on Cohasvctt r*.ck» m the late heavy blow r and was totally lost. Gapt Merrill, mate and 7 men were saved and ?uive ayriveil in town. Captain Merrill states that he wis ftanding in trader easy sail, the ship going about 4 knots an Corn. The subscribers will contract for the delivery of Corn through the season. It & J. Habersham. dec 11 -245 Festival of St. John. The Gra .tl Lodge t-i Anc.eni York Masons cf ;orgia. and the Lodges under its jurisdiction, ll t clebrate the 1-Vsvi.alof *-t John, the Evan, gelist, on MONDAY. *fie *28!h imtar.t, when the cial Grand Communication wid he hel '. m t! e Upper Long Hoorn of ihe Evchange in this city; where the Grand Office r» are requested to at-.end at 9 o'clock a .it and members of the subord'n- atc Lodge*., and the Brethren generally, t ge'hei with all transient Brethren, ure particdla* ly r.- quested to at end at 11 o 'chck ol the forenoon, (•t is expected, that transient brethren will join before .hat h<*ur one of the subordinate Lodges ot this city ) The Masonic i*oe»y wilt commence its procession precisely at 12 o’clock, for the pur pose of att*: tiding Divine Service in Christ Church, where a Sermon will he delivered by the tvver- e;.d l-uther Walter Cranston, Kever.nd Grand Chapliig after which, the Brethren will return in the Mine : rder of proctsvion to the Upper Room of the Exchange, to transact the u u il business of the day. The dinner will be provided by the bre thren Hollis & Achotd, and given in the Lower Lo.!gK*>o:u of the Exchange; and tickets for tin. same to be had of the Grand Stewards. IS A AC D LYf »N. > Grand JOHN IS GAUDRY, J S^r- By order if tht Grand Budge, Tliomris N. Motel, iivor.d. Sec'nj dec 22 254 AUCTIONS. To-Morrow, £3d insfanf, ll'ill be sold before my stare, 3 pipe* Gin \ 5 hogsheads WlRurh 6 pipes 1'r.xmly -0 barn4s Brandy ?rd Gin 75 o« x< * mould CaikBcs * 1* 0 half N xes Soar.. fO p*rres Cotton Hogging 5 cLe-iv Dvr-on,T«a F L-g* liinvu 'runups ‘.0 h rr. f-. Marker, i ’. 5 do im.haden do A l : and V.O pair S'-cs K0 r arr.s fine letter Fs]*er 15 boxes Madeira M ine 20 hra%* mi'imted tower Muskets 12 d“t;ble barrel ; *»wl:i g-l'.ects 1 ca^k trace Chains St’.s A'abasttr ci.imney Ornatne*: CandU slicks An Invoice of B'aiOcets, Flannrlf, Oatnbric*. Mu*lins, Inuia Sewing bdk, Irish Lmensl. French Plunu> % ami A variety of pDier Articles • v «»/e to continence aril o'dor', jUso. at naif put ten o'clock, nr t/v t^nhange dock• A BOAT and SAILS complete, calcu late d for a tlrcghrr. A. IIotvc,(fM**/*r. deq 2? 954 On Tuesday, the 0th Jan. next, M ill besuld t>efore the court•houee, between the uni al hours, A prime'fam -y cfNKGftOKS. consisting of o ■nixn anel t,m cluidn n. Te rms cash. . dec Cl- M. Heibcrt, auef'r. On the fu>t Tuesday in Jatiu.tty nexl, f’iu be >•: id 'efor* the Court- House, m this city, fr- i ht Wharf Lot No 6. at Ncw-lKS fo d. die pro- pn*»y of ’he* estate of J I). Dickerson. dcc<as« <l— and seilel by «»rdt r »d Gilbert Hay, <t(| adm’or. Tcnna, ca**l\. M. lleihort, auct'r. ,(,r l ’ -,'4S Scotch Goods, XOW U.MU.M1 FROM SUIF SClCMtV, Fine fri w ed n.u-lni K *be . U i bo* k. mull at.d c»»mSr?r \fets«!n« IV* Gi >g>iams linenan ! cotton I iireaids D> limn bed O/. .burgs Do I)« r**ies'and union Stripe h Du. I' H Ma^uicpata n Mam kt Tthiff*, Fur s;de by ELIAS \\ A 1.1.I N. elec 4 — 2J9 .Veic Fall Goods. !’be snlkscnbei lias ttceixed by tn- j!iip Ogle, irpc,a b.ige proportion of nis FAI L (tI od>. t.ousistu.g «>l ^ very general suj p!j of W«>•>!!• up. fiettons, Lin* ns. silk and cotton Hosing, Hardwire, Cu 1 ty, Crrt kery w are, (llassvat, lie Which In- offers fo- sale on accennnvwia^g terms. ELIAS \\ ALI EN, sept 26 - 189 James Hunter Having taki ii «.n. »«• .xuc iou c*»r-mission, re. specil’oli), t*-nc!ers tiis btst exe*rti*»os to l;ivfn«nds ami the public; and hopes, hy piinctiiabt), t», n*.e- rit aiiet retain the confidence -f thovt who nay place Imimss multr his chat re. Tht stne, oq the Ply, at Die corn* r of Bull street, • pposite '.h^ Exchange, is fitting up and will be prepared i»» . few days, for the reception of goods Vvi > 4 ’* ^t».#n or commission sales. 9 Covin Contracts will lir t-nt,„to to .3. liver Uon- ty tlimnund huslicb t-t Corn at NVyrbtni, (s c.)‘ or tins |-liter, oil triplication to the above! dec 9— — Union Axe and Firemen. The Afcemeu will *-s e-iubie a', the tj urt h(*uxe on Saturday atterno m, 26.h December, al j o'clock. J. MARSHALL, e dec 22 254 Notice. Fru! .y next being L’lirotmas d*v, this Bank will be closed. All notes falling due on thu 1 day must be taken up on Thursday. K. Karly. cashier. dec 22 54 Planter.-.’ Baltic. On Friday tu x ,GhT.stmn*» day ) tins Bank will be ihu’, and > r aper l‘u!lie g <!u- on that day must be taken up on tbe. dav pr-v ; uus. J M irshall, cashier d er 21 .53 ffccetnfx*. lh: 8 h**J \ «*« 1 hur^eb Bank of the State nf Georgia, Savannah, 19: Notice. — An e iection will b x. *J4th instant, f r a Tedei r«;om of l-aac Henry, re« ; g>.ed Aot-licai.ts t'< tbe appom nivut will kd.ire.s.1 the uti(!er».g;*-<i in.g their securities, who will severally f»< bound hi the sum of ^15 00 *. Anlhouv Hotter, cashier. (Jfj* Bank will f*e closed on Fr* h.v, *!ie 25*h in :*n»; therefore, u'.l Bills ot Notes f •I’.ii-g due oi tliat day mint he taken up n the .’4»h Offering clay will be on Wednesday, and Dis count day on I'hurid >y, 24th kistant. Prime new Corn, At S* 5 c."t. per bii.lnl—the CARGO of the sloop Liberty, 1. ing at t ur u harf. Baron <Sf B*-uen, dec 16-——249 Excha»ge wharf. Hoes. A ftw casks of Patent Hoes. No. 5. For sale by R. &. J. llabershatn. dec 16 248 Corn. r id Corn f'*r sale in lot; to suil by NICHOLAS & NEFF. R — -25U J I until > tobti'f. Fifr sale ’By the sr$s**r;&rr», on Kcceumtda f iug irm:, 525 k**gs Gunpcwder, “Nitre Hall” 5 - /j bushels Co-n 151 crates Cro.xery, assorted pariicularijr for this market 20 hog heads Whiskey 3tj barre s do *80 narrerls N E Rum 5 »=*»•*#'*‘u»ne Cognac Brandy 59 bo5l^ mould Candles 16 ton* squa.-e bar iron 61) well finished Knglis.’r Muskets 20 tons Snare Moulds An invoice of cotton Thread and flnsr Cot- tun An invo : ce csf best EngHah Mustard An invoice of Shore?.* -i d Spades An inveffe of hoop iforj Au invoice of fine and wool Hats Nicholas *y Neff. Plunters' Bank. An election w ill be field at the Bunk on Mon- day, 4th January next, for thirteen Directors, on the part of the S'ockholeers I he puli will be opened at nine o’clock will he closed at ’wo, will be opened again at three.and w.ll be finally clost d at five o'clock. J MARSHALL cashier. dec 17 25 0 Notice. An election will be field at the Presbyterian ’hurch on the fir>t Monday in January next, f ir five Trustees to ‘•aid Church. f«*r the enrning year. The poll will open at'll o’clock, and close at 1 o'clock OLIVER ST URGES, dec 21 755 , chairman board trustees ••Hill's Bridge." That valuable estahli-hxr.ent on Ogee lice river, known as "Mill** Bridge,** together with the House* and about 100 acres of Land adjoining j»t*c offered for sale. Persons disposed t-» pur* e ase, will please l»an<l in proj osids previous to me 15rh January next, to JOHN RENTER, dec 21 ^53 Proposals F f rr raisiug and pulling a Roof on the stone store on the steam-bi-at wharf, will If received by S C DUNNING, dec 16 49 James Carruthers Has imported hy ihe ship Science, capt Currie, f r >o, Greenock, A r.t.s I UAL ASSUHTM K.N'T Of com I %• .i.vji blwyKv goods. Consi-tu g of Muslins, bliawls, sewed Robes D?r : ries’ Union Stripes, Pullicat Handk*rchi<fs,Cot- '»n Shitting, Checks, 6c ; llu«sia Sh etirg. Pla- villas. Oznaburj;* and c**tti/n Bagging. A LSD, Porter. Ah* ai.-l Beer; Herrings and Lij g F -i«; Barley ai d split -Peas; While Lead groimd in . i'- crown wind <-»ass. Which will be .vuu low and on a liberal credit for good notes; pa...?:!»• cither litre or in Augusta. .6 - The subscribers HAVE JUST HKetlv>:» 15 case* northern IG-mtspuns; c<»r.lot ; l0,0tt/ yarda unbleached II omevptirs 10,100 dg pla «l Strpes, Clw-ok.*, Chaiubr:-. T eking 2,000 do hhie Kersey, adapted to flic <•*.. market A genenil assortment < t GBOCE!;!E: ,r .; ale—for sale on accomm-viatfug tr■ * s. 1 Harris *y \\ ate* nov 28 2'4 Pic *s Joseph Charrier h-.n* : of acki: •*.vlr« gi? g 1 j<? rror* gTatctul thniiks to his fronds and the puhl-c ;n geiural, for tin very lioc*ral:p:-tr»»i-.age * e ha*- s!. < ed * f them dur ng Ins ab.-* La < i> Franc**, he • fTrr- for ‘ »1**, a* lov. pr>e-, *.n a sort inert /.ft, cod*, cho-cii by hunstli, and war rank'd of the n. -t rpuiity vit* SparklingClptmpioKM' and JToufignrc V7;!k**. Anmseed »n k. is, i iia.-.k:* »:* * tiles Perfect Love | N-yeau i C0UI4A1.S. of firs! qn i tv. Si amon v - in bottl. oi I.v *J.f 0*1«f Rose j ho- Rat a fi St of ti-eneble ) Rote and orar/^e \\ A \> - Olives, Caper**i i<nd pieserved Fruits i'< a>sorted—Prunes arid Guira:.* Ceil <3 Bolog*. e Sausages Ten pipes of best Cognac Crsndy, varantid firs'. q*iality In add.ti«)n tn the alinve, he k^cps ss u.stul : general hs>< rtmetil of GR<KJF*EvlES. d*c i9 252 Just received, , bt Tur. sin raiiiui.;, , superior quality, eutuh. d H. House Servant for sale. As prime & ypiifg Fr'tow as any in . the slate; has always bren accusromed the lions*. x».d j« a fir't rate waitpg n.aiu he is« nty-ihree >ears ci4—titles ir.dispuTshlc Apply to ? x iusepfi S. Pelot. drx It ?5Q AtD TOR SA Claret :u boxes, o? draw back Claret in ca-ks, Dupont and Bsuduy's Gunpowder Coffee in barrels, wax Cardles % SjMUtisli Lig^p, Cologne Water, wrapping Paper French l * ii:** ushe* anil Brooms, N York state p;i?ou man 1 )* French Cloths. Florences, changeable colors . oit taffeta liibbons. No to 6, fri:*ged oattin do Figmed Velvet, and ‘ . . .. ^ ' \ i>mall invoice of JEWELLERY, cor^isting o* A arranted patent gold Watches, ladies* Watcbe*/ Chains, Seals end Keys. • ^ . -■ Duhantel nov ——it *^25 Rswurif; buildings Brought to Gaol, „ ... Ir. Sv, l.t-c. .0 I8i8, ■» negro m>n av« hi3 nan)e i.l frf T , and that.-Jir belong* .to H Hr n Whi'r-y, df.Coiumbi)i ct-'UJty ■ tit »t^vV ■^iiuv - yevn of mg*. and fine fw uineinehe, iirjru. ’ He U] 1 ne »a> born near flaiuniore. . , , H. M-Call,' /. o.' c.' d«r 2^