Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 29, 1818, Image 1

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THE REPUBLICAN. jg MONDAY EVENING, G" t*»*« 23, I«18. — , - Cost evening, between the liouri of6 »nJ T o'clock, e TiOtEXT ivr.u arose from U.t N. E. ■Considerable damage ar» done to tlie shipping in (he harbor; not (fir extent Bluet; 'was apprehended |ron» U* violence of the wind- The moil materiel damage »•*» sustained by ll<e ' ship Hiring Suite, bIhcIi fat driven f cm b>r •h.rUi by the ahip itoiUgnmtay’* agritnl end driving tier up as far as the Steamboat wharf, with the low of her at Kerr abet, rryuil nun, irairi- topaail-yahl and ipritni!-)»tt. The ach’r Hemp- ten lost Iier nuin mas:; and the hennapjirw?' * TtrigDavidf’orttrl.aalitrliBloailueUivciii. Index! -from one end of tbe wharves lo die other, lift re we* more or leu damage-not l.o never cf a «lis- treating complex on. / Pi/IE!—Last evening, about lialf past 7 o’clock, •die city Was alarmed by the cry of fire.—Great ,, . sskpprrl carious were enirrtimed for ti e uf.ty of -a great number of the buddings on the bay, as it proved to lie in the eaatcnreliianiCy of the dwell, ’ingdiuuse of George Jones, esq. which emitted fhe ay arks in such abundance a* to become TCry -alarming, fur tbe wind was then very fresh from the N E.; but the pretence of mind of a-und of - Itjur citizens presented any injury, by prcmpily 'reaching the top of tbe roof and tearing off the scuttle and placing it over the top ol the chin, oey, which effectually put a stop to the dangt r Yesterday morning the Augusta boat Gxoaoi. Ui, belonging to lltr. James II, Fraser, got fasten ed Un.lera.rmaU projection of Hunter's wharf, while the tide wss rising, a:id- filled betore t he r.r. Cidi-nt was discovered. Siie contained 95 barrel, ind IS hogshead) of Spirits, and 17 binds Sugar. Its* believed that nothing but the litter Will be lost. Th" following r.‘solution wag submitted in lh< senate oflbe United States on the loth instant, l ^ty .Mr- Lacoox:— Kesolved, Tliat the president of the United Stales be requested ro lay before the senate, co pies of the correspondence between the govern mem ofthc United Stairs and the government oi Spain relative to the Seminole war, a id ihe*l-xtcu turn id' Arbullinot and Ambrister. and also copies of the cotrcspondence !>. tween the government of the Uiiiteil Stalls and gen Andrew Jackson, or. tlie subject oflhe destruction of the Cheliaw vil, lage, ami the conduct of captain Wright on ihsi occasion: together wi'h copies cf the correvpnp deoce of this government with governor Rabun, bf Georgia, on that subj-ct, or such part thereof fts, in the opinion of the preddenV,-may be com tnunicitid with safely 1“ the government. **TUEATttiCAL. n TO TO* IPITOB or TUI SATAniAlI ftWOftUCSJI. fie mmm rUia arms, or pit gJovrs impeded the. c.tided tin; Use of hit hands. Sir. Fen net I is certainly not a great performer— be is young, anil will improve—We are warrant* ert its saying this from tbe prsgreas which be has nude since he haft Moer-ded the stage. We should iiave sa d nothing on this head, luu our critic no ticed hts |iet-'ittsntrcc for the purpose of ire.iriing it: - but his obaerra'icn is evidently tlie offspring of malicious, thouglt aharite wit. Wr would; rr.'i.d Inioi ly, for information’s sake, ask ourcrjic, where he has found the won# “ tsenisrs,” used inhis remark on Mr. Brown’s per- formsnetf Indeed this part of Isis wise corrunir. nicatior, *Ij iocrmprehentibie—I? must be there- sutBme, as obscurity is aaid to be a kin Co jablimity. We have nn intemion ol being pertoual, ax w do not knew who “Calu” is; but »s be tiiougl fit to make free with the tlientieeal performance i •event gentlemen of die corps dramatique, for which office we unhesitatingly ,tv, lie r» uiiquah* tied, so havW%-e thought proper t-j birot impressed wi'J) the belief, dial every man's pro. dilctiou become. pubic properly when given to tiie wuriJ in print. We now take leave of die critic—trusting tliat be will nut again attempt to soar on rcarean wings. hOHATIU. THEATliK; SHIP NEWS. POUT OF'AJf.YAB m aanxvcD, B ig Speejy-Peoce, Fosdick, New-Tork, 12 d. —an assorted cargo—to W If JoytiCT, ar.d others. Sch’r Hscoon, If. dford, Osscbaw—sea island cotton—to J S Bulloch. Schooner Samuel, Stepliena, Darien, 1 day—in ballast—to tlie mader. Hissed a sdir. from Fort land in die rivirgoirg up. Shiop tlesuer, Allen, hunbury, 2 days—with sca-ialand c ,tt.-n—W Wdtiamson bt De Vliters, K. !t S llabtr-hani, G Tufts and J S Pilot. Sloop Good-Intent, Allen, Ogecbee—with rice and cotton—to It ft J Habersham, Williamson ts l>e Villers, Shaffer !t Devant, J S l’clot. Sloop Excellent, from Iticib irough—cotton and rice—la J S Bulloch ami John l.ewis. . CLEIBEU, Schooner Traveller, barber, New-York Stoop Washington, Mason, Darien. The sloop Adeline, If radio}’, beumf to Charles ton. proceeded as far down yesterd y as the Hunt ing Islands, but’owing to tbe heavy blow Iasi night, was compelled to put back—she fortunate ly received no injury. Saw an hermaphrodite orig, and a deep loaded schooner, bound iu. The sch’r, Wheaton, from thv port, arrived at New-York on tlie 18th inst. in b days from "I'ybee. Tlie brig George, Smith, from this port, arrived at I’liiiailelpli.a on the 19th inst. The brig Othello, Mott, arrived at New-York on the lSib inst iu 12days from this port. The brig Hero, Dailey; and sclir Nonpareil, Vir. tale, cleared at Philadelphia for this port—the former on tlie 19th, and the latter on the ISth. Sra—When a man sets up lor a critic, he should divest himself of every tinge nerous feilinr—cand or and impartiality should govc.-p lira mind.—De rides, to constitute a critic, g md taste and a nice dcscriminatiou are necessary, together With a perfect knowledge of the subject he imder.akes to criticise. Dm unfortunately every man, in the plemitude bf bis hu/bk opinion, believes himself a critic. Some confine the aeintillations of their Crude observations to the circle of tbeir friends— while others, swelled with the conscious tmpor lance of tlttir erudition and the weigh! of tlieii judgment, boldly intrude upon the public, in ti c culutnns of the journals, without merit enough to repsy the labor of a perusal of their fustian garb- age. We have been ltd into these remarks from sec- Ing in the columns cf the Republican of last Thurs day, a ci sueit in on srvcral of our theatrical per formers; and “Cato,” in our opinion, deserves to be ranked among the last mentioned herd cf bark ing whelps, who are just able to make a little noise, but arc perfectly inoffensive, from tbeir . Want of power to do barm. We tv.ll so far join with him in saying that Mr lllilson deserves the praise bestowed or him.— Though we have not had the advantage of opportunity cf seiing the g'cal perfonneis of the ^continent”—of Europe, we presume, "Cato” ■yet. We believe, ih:.t it requires but com- on sense, some judgment, and a moderate ‘bar f taste, without having seen the scenic perform- rs of Europe, to pronounce Mr Udson, general- ', very good—and almojt universally sc. We so regret that the time- of his engagement is expired) b it we cail'itot join “Os'o” in his [cep tuned wiiiings. winch s-ircur more of the Snoter of rn obituary notice, that) Hi--- farewell parting with a.favorite friend, whom we especi gain tiynect) u.iiess, indeed i!>at ‘ Catn/’amorg ic catalogue of the science i of which lie is no'.. r, possesaca the gift of foresight, and sees that > sir. 11.Ison is about to make bis exit from tlie Jfcpnxy stage of life Of the character of "Worthington,” he observes •“If tbfc author of the piece bad directed the (shell to take off both the arms ofthc hero, and let a bullet carry away his tongue—o ir eye* and tears would have been less offended ” Kv< i V un - trejiidiced miinl must lie ready to stamp this ibscrvntion with tlie most nnblu-liing ill-ua.ort. f the performance of Mr. Utai ke could not pKxct ftir critic —it Is not a reason he should wish li in he loss of his arms and torgur Put forcliarity’s tike, we will suppose 'hat the venom of ins token was not directed at die performer but at tie cA-me/rr. It is a pity that • Cato” could mu ■hive had an opportunity of bestowing some of the Ibbt of hia wisdom on the author of this "I’oor (kntlcman'*—for no doubt he wou'd have had ♦ /t-ieuten.xnl Worthington” (one of the principal (xharactsrs of that Sne production) prrsentrd without arms and 'tongue—hoping that the all indulgent public would have mode every allow ance for the introduciion of tlie maimed hero— and the audience in the prolific workings of their fancy, would suppose both arms must Imre been extended at the tune tlie “shell” carried them of! —else the body must have g»ne also—and that Jlis tongue was most iniWngly out—else the •bullet” would have •knocked him : n the head ” and the audience been deprived of the ••cuinb show.” !‘i Or, let us take tbe niitidem of our critic as he meant it—directfd at Mr Clarke. We are not disposed to say that this gentleman run he rank ed among the first order of aftr- 1 graceless and monotonous; buttfte due praise for being ever perfect never hesitating, or at a loss. The credit is much more merhed, because it shows that so far as his powers extend, they are excited to please—this is more forcibly impressed on our mind,» hen wc consider that on tbe stage every evening in both the plqr and farce—and st'dl he is perfect in the part allotted him. We conceive, with all due deference to the su perior judgment of “Cato,” that ihe object of crideism is to mendj*theTefnrr, most pronounce his remarks, as respects Mr. Clarke, of a very malicious nature—inasmuch as'he i- nuw so far advanced in life, that room for improvement hard ly exists- How wanton, then, is it to wound un- . necessarily the feelings of a man, when we have no Other object in view, but the gra-ification cf V ft hssr passion? V “If Sir Chades Cropland,” says our critic, "would leave lus gloves behind, he would per- . •'bftpl use biS hands to more advantage.” j This shows in very brilliant colors tbe critical .VJSO.VJC COXCERT JA"I) HALL. U is proposed that the Masonic Brethren giv a Ball and Concert, t or the amusement of tbeir fair Sisters of Savannalu and tliht on this occasion, a collection be made, for lha iicni-fit of the I’oon House aid Hostitsi., and asotiisb charitable in- rtitution of this city. Subscription papers will be left with the breth ren T. N. Morel,l’. H. Tbomasson, J. Hague, T Buurb,. S- M. Bond, J., F, S. Fill, It It Cuyier, 'V. W. Gordon, and Jim. I. tlub.-ris Savannah Chamber of Commerce A meeting of the members ot this chamber i earnestly requ- sted at the l.uug Ilimm of tlie Ex change pn Wednesday licit, the iij.h instant, at 12 o'clock, to take into consideration the propri cty of rc-oiganizing the said ebamber, and of al tering and amending 'he rules formerly laid down for the government of its members. Oliver Sturges, v. p. .03* A l i it of the names of the present members oflhc cliunibircan be seen ut my office. J-iscjiii Cuimning,sec'ry. (lcc 23 a 251 ^ Marine andf'irc Insurance Office. A meeii:i£ of tlie .Stockholders of this insti’u- lion i.' called on Saturday next, tlie 2d January, at It o’clock, at the long* romn of the company, to take into consult ratio sundry matters of very great importance to die stockholders, whose puuctiialu:ti*nda;}ce«» particularly required. 11. Wayne, sec'ry, d-c 28—^58 For Martinico The fast sidnv? schooner MAUY- TlO.sE, captain Dimock, 135 tons bur ‘then, will meet wi*!i di^pritch. ha'inp half of her carjp ready to po on boar.! For the residue or postage, having superior accomtro- d itions. apply to captain Dimock, on board, at Wallace’s wharf, or to HALL & HOYT. . fit c 23 r 23** For Charleston Tlie sloop A!>i-L!NE, Z- find ley. mas ‘wter. Miil positively sail the first fair wind; •and can-accommodate a few more pa=f-en- •**, if immediate .‘t|«;>'icv<ion is made on board to captain, at the Kxclnn^e d ’ck.or to («. F. § (). Primes, dec 28 a 253 *Bse Public i»re»pectfuilj infurilsed^tilat mr. Philipps . Is engaged for Si* Nights. And will make hia fecund appearance in the character of I.ORD A1MWORTH, in the Comic Opens of tbe MAip OJF THE AIU-L. This Evening, (Moudav) Dec. 28, Will be perfbrmed, the Ceeme Opera of the MAID OF THE MILL. Lord Aimworth, Mr. Philipps, In which character he will siog die following SO.\'GS, rir ;— The Madman Thus,’ a Cavatina, composed by Atwood, with a Violin Obligato aecon nani- ment, by Mr. Abel. ‘ Love’s Young Dream,* and the Ballad of * Eveleen’f Bower,’ from Moore’s and Sir J. Steverscn's ‘Pit.’i Mch. tUer.’ ' My Passion in Vain,’ an adaption to an Italian Bravura of Picinie. And the slr>- ple Irish Melody of ‘ Kobin Adair.’ Sir Him- Sycamore, Mr. Faulkner Parmer Fairfield, Horton Ralph, Broun Farmer Giles, Drummond Mervin, Fennell Millers, .Messrs. Hyatt, Quin, Seward, Ac. Lady Sycamore, Mrs. Barrett Fanny, Clark Theodosia, Drummond Fatty, Waring Gipsies, Sirs. Horton, Mrs. P'anlkner, Sic. AY ACT 34 Mr. PHILIPPS will sing with Mrs. WARING, the favorite Duett ‘ I LOVE THEE,’ compos ed by Mr. Bishop. To vrhich tall be added, the Farce of the PRISONER AT LARGE. Lord Esmond, Mr. Drummond Count Frippon, Fennell Old Dowdlc, Faulkner Minis, Hilson Jack Connor, Dalton Frill, Hyatt Father Frank, Horton Trap, Quin Tough, Clark I’h ci i n, Srhonotti Landlord, Sewanl Rachel, Mrs. Drummond Mary, Clark Adelaide, Faulkner Landlady, Horton The Public is respectfully informed that Mr. HILSON is re-engaged. TO-MORROW EVENING the Comedy of the S&tOOI. OF KEFOJfM, the part of Robert . Fer nek Co rant'd*, 1 JO dollar^* piece, with eight Seg- Ricn'.s lo a mill, are to be l-.»d at N. & L Sturges, in Augusta; or Scarbrough 4* M*Kinne, dee S8 -158 <»• SyeamaA. - Just received One case domestic PLAIDS, of superior quali ty, »nd for ule low. if applied for immedmety to John Cogue dj* Ct>. dec 24—»—956 Hunter*9 vha~f. Scotch Goods, sow LA*unto r»o*t ship scusct, Fine»e%ed muslin Hobes D j bor-h, mull and cambric Muslins IL». Lii.ghsjns, linen and couon Threads Do. linen bed ticlr Ocnaburgs Do. Dcrrif*' and unk’A Stripes Do. Pjllcat U Mtoulepslxm Windkercli'cfs, Pur sale by ELLAS WALLEN, dec 4 C»9* New Fall Goods. The subscriber has itceived by tbe aliip Og!i - tliorpe, a large proportion of Ids FALL GOOD-!, connist'uig of a veiy general supply of Woollen*. Cottons, Linens, silk and cotton Hosing, Hardware, Cull try, * Crockeryware, GU«*w*-c, kc. Which he olfcn fo? *ale on iu;commodating terms. ELIAS WALLEN. sept *'6—189 For sale By the xubt crib err, cm accommodating term1, 525 ke^i* Gunpowder, "Nilre Hall" 6'JOO bushels Corn l3l crates Crockery, assorted particularly for this market 20 hogsheads Whiskey 30 b.irrtis do 160 barrels N E ttum 5 pipes genuine Copnac Brandy 59 boxes mould Candles 16 tons squa.'e bar Iron 60 wc\i finished English Muskets 20 tons Share Moulds An invoice of cotton Thread and floss Cot ton An invoice of best English Mustard An invoice of Shovels and Spades An invoice of hoop Irons An invoice of fine and wool Hats Nicholas Sf Neft*. tjov 16——223 Tyke, by Mr. IIushv. To which will be added, the Mclo-Drauia of the FALLS OF CLYDE. *,* Tlie Doors to be opened at half past 5, :tii«] the performance to commence at haif past 5 o’clock precisely. Tickets and pi ices f»»r thf* Boxes, nuy be had (from 9 until 2 o’clock) at Mr IIaihkn’s, oppo site the Exchange, where the Box Office wif. * kept for the remainder of the season; and in the evening at the Theatre, as usual. Tickets can be admi.ted on those nif;!i** only for which they are expressly sold— L/JBCA KI f J do sperm not transferM'. 5 Savannah | hhcumber l S— 258 The greatest Natural Curiosity, EXHIBITED IN AMEniCA A LIVING ELEPHANT, To bo acen near tile Mai !;et 0:1 Monday, 23th December, 1613, and will continue here fur two or three weeks. The Elephant is not only the largest and most sagacious animal in the’ world, but from the peculiar manner in which it takes its food and drink of all kinds, with Its trunk, is ac knowledged to be the greatest natural curiosity ever offered to the public. The one now offered to tlie view of the publiods a female. She will lie down ard get up at command, and will draw the cork fitifri a bottle, and manage it in such a man- ner as tk Wiring its contents. She is eleven years old, and'measures upwards of- 16 feet from the end of her trunk to that of her tail; 10 feet 6 inch es round the body; upwards of ? feet high, and eighs more than 4,020 pounds. Those wishing » gratify their curiosity, by seeing tbe wonder ful works of nature, had better avail themselves of this opportunity. Admittance, fi*ty cenis—children half price — flours of exhibition from 8o*c!ockin the morning until ; unset. dec 24 256 . -foi give i in» \ in his part- see, with that nice that the jgeuifanan’s For Freight or Charter to a pert in the If". Judies or .V. lone, The fast sailing achr M A BY-ANN, Daniil Morris, im-tcr, btir-h^ri about ’ * 7 tun*, i i complete order, and ready to rccrivc acargo Apply to ISAAC COHEN d* c 28 'M 258 Received BT Tfl:: SC«W TKAVEtlEtt, CAPT. BROWN, 30,(0 i Brick* '’* lJO kegs Tongues and Sounds \V0 do Salmon 4 bU No 3 thckerel 41 boxes Cod Kish 2000 Feet Boards l(Q bushels Potatoes Fur sale, apply on board Wallace’s wharf, o HAZUN KIMBALL. Rank of the State of Georgia. Notice—-An Election will beheld on Friday ne;.t. the first of January, at 11 o’clock a m. by the board of directors for a seemd bocik-keeper, in tins Hank, in the room of John M. Eii.-tsell. pro- rnutt d; and also to fill s ell other ancies as may then occur. Salary S13(k.'—bond and securitv re quired $6,000 Candidates for the abovf appointment, and for any other which may then occur, will address their applications to the undersigned, naming tbeir securities. By ordsr cf ihe board. Anthony Porter, cashier. dec 23 258 Notice to Butchers. Persons that have nurchasetl Stalls in the mar. ket, are hereby notified, that if they do not call and settle the amount dot the city, before ten o’clock on Tuesday, t!ie29:li inst. 'Ju ir stalls will be re-sold. V. M STONE marshal. dec 26—257 The above Schooner Will take irieght to the West-Indies ^or coastwise. dec 28- -258 L. Petty Has just received. , er brig Oiynthu*. from Kbil- a<:«l;diu, and orter» for saic, 36 kegs *»itt< r 2 hogshead* Whi lcey dec 28 258 t Lost, From on board my v..-set, during the g^e last evening, a bale of Cotton.’marked \V\ Savage.— A l'hcral reward wiM be paid for its delivery on board the sloop Good-Intent, or to R &J iluber- *ham JOSEPH ALLEN, dec 28 m* 258 j# Lost Yfsrvrrlay erenicp on tlie wav from the earn! Hrou^-h«on sir.el, a small rtd morocco V-achet It .ok.^t was marked on tt-e i'-aide iu thv e *s name, and it contained a Twennr D list Bil! of .tie State Hank of Georgia; on)* Five D..I tar Rill. Augusta money, and a numb. f smaller Not*’i; there wav al-oa note of hand for Fifty-two Uollais and some other papers. <\ny person producing the above at this office will receive a -uitable reward dec 2B-*c-?58 Notice is hereby given That the Justice* of th? Isifcrior C^urt of Chat ham county w Jl. on Monday, the 4th day of Ja nuary next, at the court-house in Savannah, pro ceed to tbe election of a Cleik of the Court of Ordinary and E.-cheator for this county—to serve for two years. John P. Williamson, j. i. c. c. c. # Oliver Sturges, j. 1. c- c. c. E : S. Rees, j. 1. c. c. c. dec 26 —— 257 - Just Received, Jtnd Jor bale by the subscribers, 20 puncheons Jamaica Rum, warranted thrr*< years old, pure as imported 20 puncheons W I Rum 12 hogsheads N E Rum 20 barrels country Cm 2 pipes Holland do 10 barrels W hiskey 1 pipe L P Madeira Wine, Lecuck 6 haif pipes do 10 quarter casks do 30 do do TcneriJT 2 ) boxes Newark Cider 50 barrels Mackerel, No 3* 50 d * manhaden Fisli l^» bid! barrels Salmon, prime quality Flour 5b halt ditto 5 10 barrels pilot and navy Bread 0 10 f k gs Crackers lt'0 boxes Raisins 50 ,i0 ulll,w |Candles 30 do I e ’ SO half do j S p ?l) baskets sweet Oil 10 hlids VV 1 Sugar 17 do Molasses hO bags Pepper French Pickles ip boxes 20 br-rrtsmess Pork SO do prime do 15 do prime Beefe 11 do No-2 do 10 half barrels Vickies 600 kegs White Lead, 14, 28 ai.d .'5 ibs 41» jugs bottled linseed Oi! 10O m.Hs Russian Canvas 100 do ravens do oO ke^s split Peas 20 do 111 ’ y .ivcrioNs To-Morrow, .29tlfinstant, Will b« stld on Jobation tS ^ndc so'.'s nh cupied by Jl Minis. 20 puoeJieon* hrgli fiavored W I Ut’R 5 hopheaiUSUUAH Condition*—approved endorsed note* for all sum* over §’46 four months. “ Jllsv, immediately after+ The hrrjf FATUlOT, nearly a new vet- sek *tow* a large ca»g«>, but then 1C6 tons , Tcrm>—approved*, four and six months. 65 barrels superior ALE 30 dcr.rn PORTER Sale eo rwiwitr v' II o'clock. M. Herbert, avet'r dec 28 253 To-lMorrow, 29th iust. II ill hr suht bt forr our store, Groceries anil Dry Goods: AXOVU WHICH ARK 15^ bcxcn firej-h Raisins 150 do Herrings 50 do northern mould Candle* 1C hdf qr casks super.or Cherry Bounce 8 baps and 4 bis. Coffee llbds New England Rum Pipe* Jsroaica do Gin and Brandy 10 casks superior Potter 30 do L. p. Madeira Wine 20 kegs good Butter IRarkcts. Cloths, kc. On nccenc.t vf < H c^nccrntd^ S good draft Horses. Terms, cuh. Sab; In rammence ut 11 oVacJl- Willitord Jfr linker, auct’rs. dec 28 258 On Wednesday next, Dec. 30, ff’Ml 5c tul lot JiVJtet If jb'ncs evfs. i* «r «\<irf t 3) nhd* prime Trinidad Retailing MoUss.a hlids. besi Liverpool Cod Term* at time of rale Side lo commence ct ll t*clock. M- Herbert, ar.ct'r. dec 23 253 A Urge and general orlirier.t of SHIP CHANDLKKV, c f >iii:**ting «<f Anchors, Ca bles, Cordage, Pitch, far, Rosin, Uc Lc Ntc!it»»*i, lfcbsun bt Kills, dec 9 oJ| 243 Winter and Spring Goods. In addition to the extensive importation by the Georgia, Oglethorpe and Pallas, the subscript** have received a further supply by the brig Chat ham from. L;.frj*ooI; which makes their assort ment of DRV GOODS more general and extensive than at any former period, which will be sold at a reduced advance. Andrew Low § Co dec 10 J 244 Irish Linens. A few cas's of t leigmtly aborted IRISH LINENS, will be laud vcClhe envuing week from ship Howard, and dis; ■ ?<;:l cf on very reasona ble and accommodating terms, by Julio Moorhead. 257 -Vo. 6. Commerce row" For sale A pair of elegant and well broke Horses, with or without a light Razee, neatly finished ami well put together. Apply to JOHN BOLTON, dec 25 l 257 Public Notice. As the Pastor i f the “Baptist Church.” in this place, has betn now some time among th^-m— Wednesday, the 30th instant, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, ij appointed, in their In use «:f worship,- fair renting the Pews. dec 23 255 Notice. An election wiP he held at the Presbyterian Church on the first Mon-day in January next, for Trustee? to said Church, for the enruir.g year. The poll will open at 11 o’clock, and cioje at 1 o’clock. ^ OLIVER STURGES, dec 21 253 chairman U, ird trustees “Hill's Fridge.” Th*t valuable establishment • n Ogechee river, nov n as *‘//i7/’a Bridge/* together w*th the House® and about 103 acres of Land adjoining, art offered for sale. Persons disposed to pur chase, will please hand in proposals previous to the 15th January* next, to JOHN HUNTER, dec 21 - .253 Brought to Gaol, In Savannah. Ike. 20 I3i8, a negro man **ho says his name is Jeff, and that he belongs to Rtu- bin Winfrey, of Columbia coumy He is about twenty two years of age, and five feet nhie inches high. He s:ns he was born near Baltimore. ’ li. M a Call, j*. c. c. dec £2—254 0 On Thursday, S.lstinst. mu be cold on Bui hi Ids wlwf. 65 boxes c larct ) 50 do white s. WINE. 30 do muscatel j 40 casks claret Wine, all of tlie first quai^ , entitled to debenture 250 bbls. Sand, calculated for ballast. Terms cash. Sul* to commerce at 11 o'clock. M Herbert, auct'r. d*c 28 253 Elegant Mirrors, LOOKING GLASSES &c. On Friday next, January 1, Will be soldut J. H. Oiderahaw & co’a. New-York furniture wiere-bouse, next door to colonel Shelman’s crockery store, to clote a consign ment, A ftt*ANTITT QJ Elegant Glatsts Dressing Boxes Toilet hi.-sis Window ('ornit»c9 &c. Of tlie most fashionable patterns dirce.i m New-York. Terms cash. Sale to commence at II o'clock. M. Herbert.Juct’r. dre 28 258 on Tuesday, tun January next, Will be told at he Court-House in 'hit city, (If not previously disposed of at private sale) Garden I.ot No. —, at Spring 1 Itill, lately im proved by Mr Leftbvre. The Lot is in fee sim ple, and contains about four acres; has a front nn tlie Augusta road of one hundred ami sixty-e.'ght feet. On 'he premises is a comfortable Dwelling House and necessary Out Buildings, with a well improved Garden, sit tied with a great variety of excellent Fruit Trees. Six likely Nrgroes one of them a first rat- coi k, washer and iroin r. erms—tor the negroes, cash; for the real es tate, one third cash; balance, f> and |2 months. Williford & liaker, auct’rs. dec 18 1 251 On Tuesday, tlie 5th'.Tan. next, fCiU be sold before the, between the usu al hours, A prime family of KEUIiOKS, consisting of a woman and four children. Terms, cash. M. Herbert, auct'r. dec 21——253 - On the first Tuesday in Jamtarv nest, trill be sold be jor- the Court-House, in this city, be. tween the usual hours, Wharf Lot No. 6, at New-Itebtford, the pro perfy of the estate of J D. Dckerson, deciased— and sold by order of Gilbert Hay,; esq. adm’or. Terms, cash. M. Herbert, auct'r. di C 12 245 Lease of Stores. On the first Tuesday in January, Will be sold at the court house, A Lease for three and a half years of the wes tern and middle tenement of the stores in Market square, formerly the property of S. J. brvan.— “ nos made known On the day of sale. M. Uerberl, auct'r. dec ?6 25/ Notice. Consignees of cotton and other Articles by the S’eam Boa .Company’s boats are notified,” that no article w:tl in future be delivered without the receipt being Furrendered at tbe time of delivery, and whenever die owner or consignee it changed, befure delivery, a n endorsement on the receipt will be required. JOHN DAVIDSON, dec. *-5 257 agent S. B. C. GEORGIA HUSSARS'. MvuMtftm of the corps will be famished with Sword.-, by calling upon Lieut. Habersham, dec 24—x—258 FT LOT, r s. Brought to Gaol, In Savannah, December 11th, 1818, a regro man who sn>9 his ni:*:e is JERRY, and that he belongs to Tronm Coifier, near L*ur* rcc county: he is about fifty years cfpge, ami five feet six inches high. He appears to have bten amongst tbe In Iuiia-siu! urulers’ands a few words t f the Creek tongue. II. M*Call, o. c.c. dec 1? £45 Brought to Goal, In Savin:mh. Sept IU* 1818, a negro man wh«» says his name is V is, and tint he belongs to Ab ner Jjurdtn, in the nonhv cstern part cf Georgia. He iisbon! thirty tears *.f age am! five feet —— inches high. I?e has a smiling countenance and tells an equivocal Ulc; the truth cf whirh is doubt- II. M, o cc oct 28 208 Proposals For raising and pu’.’.ii-g- a Rocf on the .tone store on the steam-bcal wharf', wilt be received by S. C DUNNING, dec 16 249 Blank Bills of Sale. For sale at this office. Administrator’s sale. Oi the fi' tt Tuesday in Ja/iuury tier:, Will be sold before tbe court bouse, in this cii* - , between the usual hours, The following Negroes, to wit- Sue, Pleasant and Statira— the p:c-pcrt? of the estate of Saru’t Gucrard—-by or dee of the ccurl of ordinary <t Cl)ulh«in county. By o tier *J the ndeitnistrutor M. Herbert, auct'r. dec 26 ■ -— 2'j7 Laud for Sale. On ihe ji 9i T^esdety in January next. Will be sold at the court-house in Savannah, Se- iween f !tC usual h «ura ox 10 and 3 o’clocljL. tract of 750 acres, opposite Heed’s haif?. on the Aiatamaht river. This iract is prime, acc* well limbered with cypress, live oak, Lc. R- Raiford- dec 28 m 253 Valuable Lands for sale. On 0.e first Tuesday in t eb- nm y next, Will te sold at the c^hrt hou.~», in the city of Sr* vannah, between the hours of 11 and 1 o’clock. AS VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND As any in tb:s state, situated within a few milet of Darien, bounded by Lewis’ Creek and the AUtar^fcha river, containing 1190 acres calculated for the culture oirice, cotton or tugar. ALSU, A Hciue and Lot at baisdeu’s Bluff; a .healthy r^saknre near tbe land. The above proj^rtv will YK)"itivly be sold on that alay, ur.le?s prev ously diRp r ' «ed of at private sale, bf wUcIa pu * chaH-rs are assured. M. HF.RBKTVT at