Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 29, 1818, Image 3

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fir ri.v. , it v a* i|r. I th* n-gaficc. hy a lari;-' insj'iiity. intio'i ol Mr. Walker, of N. C. tin- Cnnim/tt'- of military affair* were instruct. rn to inquire into the cxpeili'ncv of jirovi- tfirift It l.r.v fur allowing an equal turn'I* J |fo la .Fa, .1' l,» Iltlirr anlilir.-. It, a'» mill'll ■, ivliu in tin;military aervicc ilmliu tfir 11|.- war, win, continued a trice ii ! prae jnaa cimcluileii, ami weie rcg'it uly iliac I'.irgeil, TEUttrros:!At.covr.ttSMrA'T «, Mi3*ot:tM Mr. Holiert-wi, ol K,y. iifier-il Inr lull- tiileriii’in toe follow tug reiwlu'i •• Itehlvrd. That » romoiitiee lie .ipjioin- fol, to enquire into tlie expediency of es- tablilling aseperate terr.luri.ilg .vcrnnieii: in tlialp&it ultlie now t -rrit irj of Mivmu-i, ora third I ' c Ilift rrgttjjf In; pension* fflArt pa«- wl t'lm' the riinimittce of the while, Mr. fl ah, ,n tin* chair. Mi. I'.M. Nrtfrin aUtril the object of the bi'l to he, to protect She government from linpowithni. lie knew of ut.ltiV men rffinnj (irltiinn* *i>r tn»uo<N r- eeivetl m the l-ite ear. wit . lift wholly recovered iifthuie tvounJu. and irrrrai file lira tty men a* any in tlie riMrm'inity, etc. .tfln Wen* iletwle between Mrori-Sel- eon ami Mi'U re»|i*ct;iii; an amindment f»r»p»*riJ by the lomier, ami an unsurcMa- ful million by Mr. W. I*. Maclay to re commit the bill— ‘Tie.- bill wj» onlrreil to be endorsed lor a Ibinl re itlin-. A oil the lt<»ii«- ■■’j'nirt.cil. other fliti-i part thereof at the rwlafi :;lii i *t»' nrilrrcifti: be turmi )«ar»,*ml.flie rrawlur there*! at. ti>« | reading of twelve year* from the ilay of «irf ) inlcreat on laid wm™I imw I’tuviilttl ‘ tint, that the Mtd nemtarjof the freatta $, may, and it abalt be III* duty In rvj'ri til} application* of atKli emigrant* fm thr Inr.d aforesaid, anlea* the applicant* ihall haee been eatiifaefoeiljr rerommendetl a* moral and in<tg»ltipim men. ISeconifly. That no laatnft ahall b» made «• itb any emigrant a» sfurmniil, unltM he mpafe to improve at li'«»i twenty of rar'i hundred arret la be trtn-fertiil a* r.letruid, ami alro to erect a suitable dweiling him*- ami barn thereon. Thirdly, TTm no rontraet shall be biodiog *pon the C. >A»r.*, w» 1 i'. f; rest in any emigrant settle*, until lie alij.l bare made the sMlh ment amt improve tneotaaforeMiil, and fully pai.l l««i the food contracted for asafuroaid. Fourthly, i'lmt ttoauel,contrail ahalt lie made, tiur a |>t tent i«»oe to any one arftlrr or hi* heir for mure then — Jrrt.*>l land. FiliM). That in every in*tatire whrre tf,e rnriti 1 ion* of acttlrment, in-ti^oeetnent or pay nirnf, »hal! not have hern fully complied vrithat the expiration of the te m of i\*r!v.- years from the oat; of met, contract, the aiid premise •, »o hit feitnl, ahull revert t*i the I'ftiteil Mate.*, and the secretary of tin tfraiory shall cause the same to he aol-i for the benefit of il.e said United Stalea: provided, nevertheless* that, in all case* viSere payment tit part shall have been in ■.!•',tiir <01* nr Mini' s» paid shall b' rc- luuded to such cipigrur.t or hi* heir-. Resolved. That a committee he spp*>in- ltd and inslruc'cil t> pn pn bill cmliraciug the subject, piirauasrc til the Inrrgoi!!* On tie question, t» pmc f iderainn of the said resold 1 Itu.TlMoiiK, Dec 17' W.*j. fL IfttMt, e-ij. ha* bee., nomirn- ted bv tin* piesnleutol the U. State*, nit- rill ojuri't of tV port of Haltnnore, in the idauCm hia falle r,. the -ate cuiniumiore ioahua Kakxi.t, ,lecca»etf. tlrt'ott if a Ir'fr- rrroenf fll.Vnefetv ilaUit Jt '•tU'ihX, (let, 10. Our crop ofAVine has turned c. tit very well Uli* year, pri tica.ariy the white, so lh it v.hi may calculate npoa brandy com- ity( ilmv a to 00 rents ip the course of th ' winter. It i* nun' at 100 cts. per "ilinn. dih |iiii,I. The i.irves? f,*r h'e.cii stolf- ha* been vcv *inid; tteiins. jiSIt rye flour and fiee trill noihtubt he in tulei ,hle d maud all thi.y -ar. Toe b-*t -rowlli* cl .ivt luve »»M higher than at any tine cv.iliin the last t"ii yea's. P:eights»r still dull lot the u. hot I hope OUI cumm.'i cj will revive !iv niea'i* of the prir ol brandy and r jrg, ri.i. vl. wliich has fal lei very iimh. 1 ' The weather continues dry. and iheriv er is now to • low to be oavt-atnl—bn i."'|oently sonicwliat dull, trail now commands 8a per bnsliel, in eonar i)'i"Hte of lo'v wuter.—ltnmrnco qnanti tie* have letn -'ii;'|"'d for this pi iCP, but it s urarcely to V • «peeled that it will sell for less lb i o 81; hi. sea *>o, in consequence of ill* -re-t if'MTi I lor i h «t article. —.Ynsliri'lr If fti^. :'.Sth till- Succeeding I', a Sli’ht fall of suotr. on Tusd.iy Inst, 'he ilisponding Farinrr* id' this eouuly we,e' rheercil by a plenteuu shower id • ilrcjilytlie ^heat, Oats, el. —St, talrnu, as to puf tial soil judicial tofor- mwion—hi* Mrvicei mshttii to the state, in tlie capacity of Judtftaf the M'rfdledMlict;—cS lend ccrtamljr, to have so mall cUoo to tba tnppott of the independent electors of Chatf.*m conntjr, .iad the state geo,rally: and I will ban,0jr Say — -Jiat in matin; choice of tr'». a* »o«r repissenta live, tlu< his ox fulness Will nmre than n -;..y you for yuur Mi'Tragts. A Vumui. r/mvrur produce. sasaasaa-casa rates* w, ear. £ et*. $> ct* .tier, per 100 lbi. 1 oirn, per budiCt, t;«»ttuxv, fc». ialaixb pr lb iritto, op.laml, do. floor, pet b-ml t'uharec, Irat, |>er 100 lh*. 6 Alb 1 l "f >a lo* > 12 m HHIP NEWS. /‘OUT OF Mk lying south of thirty •"* d-gre s str! I m 'y ; ;il revivifying eniliifiice—llan/i -.all. I .•••■ » CS..II...I si... ... .a •'aa ^ . minutes north lutitude, which is called lh A,kanstf country, and which is not inclu ded in the propo-ed buui.d iry nf the pro. jetted st ile of Missoui t, ny III.' bill n •» he foie the houae: for the purpose of f»[ r Idisit ing a stuti 1 government in part of the terri tory of Missouri; und that the i ud com mittee l.sve leave to report by bill. Mr. It egpiained, hitefly, t:.e object of hi* inolion. There lirin; escy reason to Cgpi'Ct that til- people of the Inr.Iiuv uf Misautiii would lie autliwisesl, it th* p-e. sent acssiun, til form a constitutin'! nf atate government, and with c.'i tiin limit ed boundaries, the tvhul" t —rit'iry tieio too extensive to be included'tin on stair; tliat parr of the territory not incln ded within the limits of the state, would ot course, have occasion for a seperat terntor<al government, w li'di, as in the case of the admission of Mississippi inf., the uiti m, '.'fl been done in re-u J t., the i territory of Alubaim Hot if his exper \tatiun w asdisuppoiutctl.a'id an act should flot |ta*.* fit thr prc*,nt ar*»ioo to aotlio tiue the people uf Missouri to form a 'tat lovrrnnjcnt, it was y-t ncrr*,ary that a iparate territorial gnverinpppt should be 'Ubli*lied. This ti-ri rt »rjr. which icly to been ne.Hi tune, one ,dT'ie most ipulous territories in. the onion, was. mi it* remoteness from the present seat government, almost without either law government. Thu motion was agresd tn withont o; ikilion, 1 r\ssExt;r.R stirs. Tlie bill to regulate pti'sengrr sltins nod E pstn')*, came nest in order, Mr. J.iri.r- ■ ore in the chair. ■ Mi. Newton eiplainedljc rsrr.s.;ty u| i* bill, and the Ua’ut'J^lfrds pmt i.i ni'. J ae great object ol itij^C >sai l. to gt tT those who go and M Jr. pa»»en- as.rb. a »eiurity »t y^aafo ot Inod and runver.ienc*. In cnnvq irtice of t! ansirtv to emigrate froai Knrojm to fii» count'r. the captains, sure uf a Ireight. were carclesa of ta! in; the uecessin t quautitT of provision*. <>r of restricting (tie number ot passengers to the cnnreiii ence which their a'dp* aff iri'. d. Tn shew fcaw necessary snrli a bill as this had be- Hfcie,'OHS* er two facts woo III sulfiec. In jVe year U-U7, fire thuntand persona had wiled for this country Irom Antwerp, etc of whom oiu tliuuMKil died on the pis.age In one instance a captain had sailed fimn a port on th«t cna*», with 1267 pis>...|g.- r , t»n hi* voyage, he put into the Tesel, previous to doing which/sir hum!red had died; after being u:i the pass,ie tn nui shores,before the vessel arriv, d at Phila delphia, three hundred more had died.— The remainder, when the vessel reached Kewcartle, were in a very emaciated state from the want of water and fond from which many of them a r terw*rds died.— Many other cases might be slated, but these would suffice to shew the absolute necessity uf provision, such as those of tltia bill. The bill restricted the eumbei ofpsssengera to two for every five tor* bo then of the vessel. In Great Britain formerly bat one h«d been allowed to CfCry five tons; but now one to every three ton*. Tlie committer bad hern of opinion that the srale of ime to every two tons end a hall woo’d atfurd ev -ry neers- SafT accommodation, M Itb rcg.nd to the other eeclion* or the bill, they were generally similar to thebe ot the art res, pet - nz soomen, by winch a captain i, obliged to take on buanl a ccrtsin quantity ,.f water and bread for each seaman cm- f okjectmn being made to the bill, It i igtun {Georgia) «Vcic*. 23f/i inst. THE KEEUlSUCdJr. Tl'RSIlAV EVENING, Utcaaan 39, ISIS. IVI 'KA'DiJiIIIt.a. YfMcnitj | t1«ft utlir litiurv ol 2 a» i! 3 o'clock a* ’.liv nftcrnfon, win,* t!annj; incei*«li:irj< *e* » Uit«-t».n »>n firr, in the rear of the li<»u*t »fE. S istr-, exq. n* Hn»atl ^rrct i Ik fire ktnJfetl bet*err>t f nee, *’ <1 Mtv kitrlien anti had reached (he rouf Ucforc .1 was extingui hed ST. DAY. The very nmole arid distant aniifjuity of ma s*«nnr, and the aincert and ardent devotion with v.l. ; rh the w»>e and t!*e poet! nf every afje, a: d »>t' every rountn 1 , l«ave n orshipped at i # a shrine, are calculated t*» irapire m momenta cf the highest veneration for llie and plainly prove the salutary tendene*' of the preeepta which it in ruinate*, as well a- the imiirrsaliiy of ihe princi ;«l.a upofi abrli it it foim-.Kd Before Ghana va< minced *«» nnler, ani while darkness arid cor» m <*n covmd.t!ie f»cr of Ihe great deep: l » fur • the mi i* viiidi aud governs tlie day; ihe mw» r r W..if.h mlt-a and governs t!»e night; rr tlie master wh*» first ru'.rd and g«»vft:ic.I a I'tlfjc rn ll;c umftrial b II were iormid, tlie buiilim-nrinc»| lc» of rovsonry mua^ have existed initHlfahfe perfections in the pure and alimgVty rr.ird «»f die- great Arcl.i'ec* of (he U'lirjtf, A dcviaiion from the prinriplet nf DUMinry. i« i*( ad lime* a departure from the lawa #f i*:vture. av m :" rc«* »wt* ? :iiii*nallv a *oci«l being •ienrra lii" |**.;b*'vt hattpirtf'a, and In* exquirite tnj*•>•■»«•»*«*, |V*i*n s.^iety. onion and intt rrotira** %i h !»*• Vioa’ crca’Mtc*. The grand object c 4 *n«M.ury has always been »»»prnmo*e he cnliiva- vat ion of *he phdant 4 ir*»p : c vtutiea—to warm and to expand’h- geoerou* and btiaHtm feel'ngv •fib : s**u! ' awaken ir. the hear* th° *ender sen ini,*nt« t»f pity ami cjmnvaera'i'm l».r mim* -to tvach (lie hand to rtlicae il'kirr 1 * • ti tin ao.l a<via*e the b^iff-r <Hv and Mrfcti* tent pa*d «na of the u/nd--and t«> fret mmert! p.acc «ni «arih and g Kivl will aimntg n»ci: Tin* the snSjrc* on woich «he masonic ir.usc has ch.ninted her fwe»w>t >*nt»r^ rfrrcUdy. U»ir cnttiiivi j«in in toe caunc of VaSt»nry hvs r.l- -ead> tvended our remark<» furlier than we in tended, when we commenced to write. They been rliritivl hv the Masonic display which was n.ade through our town yesterday. Ti»e £rand l.odge of Georg.a, with t!*e Lodges of tills city, under its j«:rt*d.ciion, and many transient brctisixn, assembled at the City Hall about fc l2 o'clock: from whence tliey repaired »n Masonic TO THR ELECTORS OF CHATfVAM. On Mir day next, com* a on tl»e election, as or Jcred by the ex.c.»t‘»»e, for s rtprts«niative »n the natoinal c?»'iril uf uur country, to fill the va cancy’ occasion* d by tl#e promotion of the bonora- Me John Forsyth, to the senate. ROBERT R RE1U, esq of Rirhavnnd county, has offered hjn •elf to fill the vacancy; and from the well-known inflexible republican principles of that gentleman $ . • aaaivan, Hermnplimdi.enrivC E.neml !. t*h**d#a. Provi- denev (r i)9day4—1«» Mantnn fa R*>gcr* con lipire*—wiUi a ndlcar/o—to Mantwufc Rogers, fireenr L Lippi’t, A. Hunmltreys llama k Water Tin. \f. A aud the master. P*nJt*fer, T. H. Cois'iy The E picked u;^ a large buav ab»*ut .ilea to the eaatwrati « f tl>e bar. with ab'ttr .ii .ts in* of chain to it Mjipottd ij beloi^r to th/ C iurlc«tA,i bar. Srh-oui^r Dorcas Haws, Chase, LltarUsion, U da —vi a-»orfed c* fgo —to tiNCf St. -m b .at company's freighHng b «ala .JCos 7 and II—witfi cotton—to Wm. Guaton, JvJin P H-nry, Andrew l*ow fit Co. Wm Iaylnr,'"‘Scar- l>rtitijj , i *v vt K nne, Jos pit Cummins, S C Dun ning, J Carrutucrs, an 1 v| ParccU w fLIAltEl), r.h*p Adonij, Price, I iav re—Scarborough A M Kitii t*. ling O yntbm Sitarp. Phihdtl.Jiia. Bng Uutia. Panic. Pcovinfnct. ling d|>eedv*l*race, Pnsdick New .York —[MV yette^deiy, *A aarpA wtltiv, ot/tjo td hx r a* Aov- iny ,itiir arrtre*/.] Schooner Ariadne, “Pendleton. New York. Srhr Milo, hti»wro|d. New York. Nehr. Salome, Gibba, Wa l»»n 4 ;t n, (sr c.) Schr Olive Branch, Nickerson, Charleston. Sloop Vt nut, Hareirt, Charleston. Notice. At * merlin; nf llie 11 ir.i uf Cummi-sioneri r<f Pil"'*re on the Vt'li naUn': It wia rei.tved, lh*l Joan Uw he. ,n>! i>. lu reby reinstated as branch pilot for t' e Use and lliirr of Sa .■"ah Bi, .nit» JO'IN G HOl.COM * dec 29—2W |«'.1 r-ir,. / /*!o - j dtt For New-Fork I he p rk t * • Itt lNfl S l'ATF.S, Church, itiavtr, wilt j o ttivrly «ad o;» 9und«y •ext F»ir *r;e* h: or |ka-*»ug«, luviug »Lgam. ac* conunodati ms, appls «»•* h itt-d at MK nt.t'a wharf, or to C C GUIS WOLD *c t.O 7Viy Ar'a vA erf itXoi.tH mow *■+:• atiie, 10 Id.ds imimti.ui Jum.xa Ut'.M For Stic as »bovc . dec C9 ■ ‘^9 > Fur New-Fork Th'- fall laii.i!^ SH'0;( WAVE, I’rown. ill meet v-ilii imms hate do|>a'rt>. For irigUt or passiluvin; I'O *<i roll, ni> ilaliun*. uj f.lj to (Ik .ii.sivr im bunul, a> tin - > wharf, ortu G. F df Oliver Palm - *, tire 29 — v - - v. y ’ THEATRE. • This Evening, December S9, M ill be performed the COMKDY of the SCHOOL OF REFORM; Or, How to' Buie a Husband. Lord Avondale, Robin Tvke, Peter, Tredcrick, t^n. Tarragon, Old Take. Mr. Pvrfnent. TimutUy, Raaliff, Mr.. Fvrmcn'., Joi.:u Mrs. St. Clair, Mrs. Nic-Sr, ShoUh, Mr. Clark Hjhon Ujatt Fennell Faulkner Hart on Young Scu'anl Quin Mrs. Young Waring . Iiam tt Hutton Dnimmond To u’hich trill be nKkil. the Mela-Dmnaof the FALLS OF CLYDE. General M ilford, Farmer F.nfictd, Eduard Enticld, Kenmure, Donald ilalcom, Hindiav, Gabriel, Peter, Sicenir, Mrs. EnfieLU Ellen Enfiield, Jessy, Jon ilit, Mr. Clark Young Mode Fennel Finn Horton Hi art Scliinolti bettard Quin Mrs. Huron Young Drummond Faulkner Singing Gipii' s Messrs. Nichols, Dr.unmond, Faulkner, brown. Dalton, Mr*. Waring, Mr,. Clark, &c.-—Cuanls, Peasants, ke. In Act 1st, A Scotch Dance, or Mi.s Cuss. In Act 2,1, A view of the Falls of Clyde. The public i» respectfully informed that Mr. PHII.IPPS’S third appearance will be on «erf. net.Uu' evening, in the character of Count Orton- do, in the Opera of the CABINET. *.* The Doors to be opened at half past 5, amt the I'Cif'irnitnce to commence at half past 6 o clock precisely. SorunniJi /I. ce-nle- 29—S?9 flitt 6e I'I'i .1 .1/ jtlaae*. .A*-/, 15 dozen fancy Wirdsor CIAIKS A quantity of (itlKKiR CORN, in lots in .nit j mclmset* £ Je i. cewmeotr ul t i I’l'ei. J r.ucs Hunler, n./ctV. lire 29 2 .2 ■ '* Ytr-Morniw, 30lh inst. lYill /*r *uld h jftirf ujjf sfvrty 8 r-pot ttr«nd) v»ui (At 4 iihd* J«rr«H*A Rum 5 d<» W I Run IS UficU »5* Gm , S ctx'Ati frt h Il-i ton Tea 25 ksgu Rutter 4) b«ritU>hio Hriwd K/ boxes 11 tl t% 30 Fow liny.IVCf HO boxtt »t» loU runik Pa;.per .Hi cfklrk Cinckcn ware flsJ bxrrrl*. M.viicrt I *00 pair Boot-*- 4UU do Show 5 W'v .l lUta -bc^ww I HlinketK l*ia*n A Hr usdrlodia, Cauimmi.l.*bli Linens bdk«, aim a variety of other articles a Lao Ot c ret uni •/ a Jtrtue r turefuter, A q »a ti y of f'.r. udy, Hum, Lwadlca, Cloths, Lint ms, \\ »tcheft. Lc. Stilt (» comment c ut !! aV/arih A. Howe, puefr. d*c C9 —-?<9 To-Mottom-, 30lhinstant,- /riC3r<o/i ff’i/Vira r*y'a. lexer w'lrf, 3d hiida f» r *irf Trinnlad Railing Molnat 15 lihdt. Ust Liverpool Coal \ ;n«o 20 casks English file At.R Ter mi nt time cf ?ale Suiti to u0¥l o'clock M. Herbert. atieCr. die 20 25*> a ease- w .l II 4 double J*. 2 bdrufutBI F 5 dl. Vmr I'ii LINE. The greatest Natural Curiosity', Now rxaiatTca i> amtaicx Just Received, Per telio.-ncr Yigi n*. t'b:n New-York, *id for tale hi the .ubtcCibers, 2 larreb smus' d llecf' 4 do pickled Tongues 7 5 do *> oked do 25 do Fly.matket llecf . * 1H do Goshen ItiiUtr 4 bozo»in,dcanniiterlljsonTe» 1 hogshea,'. basket Salt Sweet Oil in baskets os R*xn 12 bore* white Havana Sugar 50,00.1 be.t Spanish Cigars too boxes Guava Jelly 25 qr ctsk* L P TeucriiT Wine 20 do do .MaL~i 4 . genium Coctiae Piat.d - • 10 puncheun* J imiica Ruin 3 pipes and 10 barrels duu' li anchor Cin 20 barrel* lair vi-w Gin 4 .*.* Sicily Madeira Wine 20 l*.g. Colli e N K Itum in hhd, and barrel* 15 bags and 1<> barrels yilb. il* Crape* in j.irs Clioc.ibitr, No I in half boxes Will, i complete a:scflm n, o' tirocerirs Gs-iilrv & n-il u-r. dec 29 x .25!), ‘a I (. ,~T Just Received AN P.LEGAN, ASSORTMENT OF EX I 'll.I S VVEIilOU HATS, ' From die ju, * i.'b a.ed manufactory of Ives l* Wlti'e. IrtijutTc of ■Ire .9 2 -2 J It. WALTER boots and Shoes. HATHAWAY <Y PKOUI) Respectfully inform (heir friends and the pub- tic. that they have taken a stand next door to Gan non t. Fooler, merchant tailor.>- St Ju'.ian *tree:, near Johnson's squaic. Root and Shut- manuiac Bo latch They lure just employed journeymen mm New-.Yurk and Balumor'. the Irst rate of rkmrn for Boots: and no wi 1 be spared tu please their cu.-t'-mcrs. d,c 29 2J9 procession, seempsoied by * band cf music, to ' n ur ‘" * ,l . ! ' _ . ^ . . . . . 0*H»t» ath! Shot* in thrfir't xtid with di«* l,y F.pikopsl C.lurch, wli« n a irt*»t elegant and imprcMtivc d^courve on thr pr-gr-aa and princi ple* u| mi* mic iti!»»uni:o:i* t was delivered by the it?, biu’hir L'»a>*n»* The brethren then returned, in the *atne order, to the city hu l, and after cinirihuunjj to tl*e iumti for the relief uf dutre**<\l brethren ami he^r famil'ea. aat down to an elegant dinner, and c!o*rd the day with th«t cheerfu;ne** and good fell*.wshtp w htch Lave ever dt».ingu;* the craft- I'be aw*emblage wax nun eruuf, and the d splay novel and xplemlid. Let the xncul virtues dime; l>nng ge.od i> •urv divine.** Lumber. The sub'criber has lor sale, al hi* Lumber dock, next but one below Ihe doik of. Messrs Brown, Greene ts Co., - Q utter flooring Boarils Scantling oftliBcrent sizes 18} met: Boards George YV. Collins. Who wishes to hire three prune Negro Men ca nablc of hsndtrug lumber, dec 29 ♦ -59 H.iSO.YI CU.VVKRT.hYD BALL. H is proposed tliat the Masonic Brethren give tl.dt and Concert., for thr an.uv-mmt nf tlieir fair Sisters «f ^wiuli: and 'hat on this oceasi.-n, cuUectsoo be matle for 'he benefit of the Psoa- Hovsx asn Hoshtal, and ssonn charitable in. rfitutioo ot this city. Subscription paper* wilt be left willy the breth ren T. N. Morel. P 1‘ Thumasson, /.' Bogue, T. Hourke, 8..M. Bond, J. 3peakm,», K S Fell, & R. Cuvier, W. W. Gordon, and Jns 1. Roberts. A LIVING ELEPHANT, To be seen in Je!Ie-*on street, bctwtvn tin de .r t -ij ituteland the Market on Monday, 28tli latembT. 1818, anU will continue here fur ton r tluce week*. Tlie Elepliant ia not only the la-ecst at:d m ist sagaci >•* aniin.>l in the world, if. tr.iin tlie jHcnl-ar manner in which it take* its «l a".l <lrink of all kiil'ls, will: Its trnitk is ic- knnwleuged to he the greatest natural curi.'sity . r nlfered to the public. . 1 he one nno nff-rt .1 n the vk.». of tlie puSili: is a female. She »'iil I.. tiown and --el up i.l command, and will dr..a- tl..- cork Iron, a b idle, and manage it in Mich a man. m-r «* to d/ink it* conteni* She is elesen years old. and m.’asiircs upward* of 18 feet Irom th, end cf tier trunk to that of her tad; lOfe-t 6 :neh e, round thy buiij 1 : upnaMs of 7 feet high, and weigh- more than 4,<jjJ puumls. Thost wishing t > era dy their curiosity, by si ting the wonder ti.l Works of nature, had bet'er avail themselves of this opportunity. Admittance, ht't'y cen.s—children lialf price it-nirs,*f xhibitionfmm 8o’clork in tlie tn >rn n,- until nun et dee 24—9.16 Office Bunk United. States, SseuaitaA,Ilreemltr29, lolR. None* —This oltice will be r'.,ot on Kltil) \V NEX f, the 1st day of January, and all Mill-, Notes and Bond, due on tied da, must b- • ai.l 'he dsv previous!. ELEA/.AH EARLY Curhicr. dec 29 259 • Golf Club. Tlie mrmlvr* i*f tuc Sav^nnuti t#»»ir Club. «rc hereby thvt the r^jjiilar it -eting and Oinncr which xhomd t.vke place on Friday n'jx*, the first proximo, is postponed *»nt»l Fin'ay ?l»*. Hth - un witich day, tlu mentbevg »re (rq'icitoj to Atiend at the usual place uf meeting, at halS pat»t two o'clock r *. J/fi or .Vr •/ \\ ill in in “Fay lor, president, icleod, secretary, dec 29 m J59 V Savannah Chamber of Commerce. A meeting of the mherv ot this chamber in earnestly r*quvsted At the L«ng of the Kx- eh «ng** on Wednesday i»c\t the tustn**.l, at IJ oVli»ck, to lake into cf»n*iderAti'»n :he prupri ety of re.«»rganixing the said chamber, and of al tering an.l amending the rules f »rmer»> laid down fur ti»e government of is mrmbris Oliver .Sturges, v. p. HTj* A list nf the names of the present member* of the chamb'.r c i" **r seen at my olfice. J >»ep'i Cumuiiiig, sec'ry. dre 2H a 5« Public Notice. A* the F.nt »r of the “Uxp'tst Chtirch.’* in this hire, has been now s«*me time among ri^rn— Wednesday, tl-.e .VJth i-v.ant. at 3 o'chirk in tiie afternoon, •* appointed, in their luiU'«e of wnrdiip, for renting the I'ews. dec 23—255 Marine and Fire Insurance Office. A mee'ine of the S;ncJtfinMert of thui insti’.ii- tion ii called on Saturday neat’, the 2d January, at 11 o’clock, at the long r*» *m of the company, to take into consirierstion t'indry matters of very great importance to the »torkhn?d r*. tvh.?se punc'ual attendance is p»rticul.*irly requirtd H. Wavue, *ec*ry- dec 28-253, bank of the State of Georgia. Xortet —An Election will be betd on Eridtv next, thr fir** of January', ni JI n’ch-ck a x. by the biard of director* t'"i » »eeo:id !"".k keej>e:, in this Bank, in tbe room of J >hn At. Itu.sell. pro- mutt <1: and aim to fid «• eh other rarancif* asm** then occur. Salary bond and .ecurity n. qi.irttl ' Candidates for the above r-i'iintir.f-I and fir any o'her which may then .reue. will ad'lrrss their appitcations to the under-i jr.ed, naming their securilies. Jly o r.l r .] ft 4 au*f Anthony Purler, cashier. dee 28 2 >3 On Thursday, 01st inst. Will Ur $t!,l oh Jiu ( , h'c wharf. 65 boxes ebret 3 5o do wlrtr C WI 30 do r.umaU'1 3 4*‘» cavks c aret Wme, all of tlie fiixl quali ty, entitled to debenture ALHO 250 bl»U Sand, calcu!ated for ballast. Terms caiJi Sal to rotpuunce at 11 %'ct'rtr. M tlerbi-n. auct m r, dec 28 ?5i Flegant Mirrors, I.OOV I NO GLASSV.S &c. On Friday next, J-inuary 1, Will h 1 ' M?ld at J ts. Oi ivr?J»aw» & cn'%. \ tw-York furniture wcre-Ji vnac v nrx' door to rolonel Shelman's crockery store, to clibT- a consign ment, A urANTITY or F.legant l »«>k («bsvs Ikx ♦ • T* .Ira ••!« ses Window rf'.srirsc* Lr. Of the #:*«liio»»ah!rs p,ttrrn3 direct fram Ncv-Yort. Terms c.i"h. Suit to commence at 11 o'clock-. M. Herbert, Akct'r. dec 28 258 Town Property. Fivrni thirty t«* fif y Ia> - at Darien will be sold at auc’ion, on Primp th- f-§g dap of Ja>ui» p r.ext. C'Uuu’jons, o*U'.t>»ur»li cash, anu the hal« nee to be paid »li.n the ptircliAsrrs please; ti^ey oaying eight percent itnnuftlfy on Ihe sums which may be due. and giving a mor ( gage on tlx premi ses, as a security !or tlir payment of thrsc Mims. John I?. M k lntoah GCj*rhe Savannah Republ can, and Museum, arc req ikt d to rrverf the >(>• ve onre a week until the day of vale,nod forward their accounts to J. II M'lntodi hat ten ."c 7 f 252 On Tuesday, the 3th Jan. jicxt, Will t/c sold bcftie the mtirtJi *u€t t brtveen ihe u v- «/ Aktto, A prime family of NKGKOF.3. cons»'t».*g of a •man and children. I vnn-, c .*4» M. Ilethi'it, aucl'r. d.r T.l "SI • In the Ii*ei in January next, Bill he ».Id bet.’, the C,w , in lhi a city, be. tm-tn the „ni.'/ A*',-*. Wharf t."t So 6. al .N". v-l*. hi fold, the pro- perty nl llie ena'e ot J ll. Drk- r."if, .;ee,anetl- and sold by nnler of Gilbert Hay, »: .y atini'or. Terms, cash. M H'-riicrt, aurt'r tl«,c 12—--245 Lease of stores. On the firtt Tmrodiif in Junvury t Will be sold at the e» urt house, A Leave for three »m! a halt years ol tb* wes tern and middle UTtmerit of ti e r ore* in .Market «jinre, fum-erly the properly of S. J. Ijryxn —* I t-mris made known on i|»e d+y of rale. Al. Herbert, euet’r. <ke 26 257 Administrator's sale. On the J{-tt Tueadcy in J*.unary next. Will be s.,ld bcf.i.e tnc rourl hntnr, in this eity^ beturen llie utual h' lirs. The f.ilio*ing Negro*, lo wit: Sun, Pleasant n.J Statirs—tbe property of Ihe eala'e of Saraiy. i'iL-rard outer of the court of oitljnary of Cl'.Ml am county *9 onlcr nf the a*lmivi$trutor M. Herbert, autVr. dec ZG — ■— 25T Notice.. An election will be Iwl: at the Pr*sbyte»!sn ChurrJi vn tV. first M»*n-3jy in January iuxt, for five Trustees to sa»d Church, for the eartiing year. Vliepoll will open at 11 oVb»ck, and dose at 1 o’clock. OLIVER STURGES, dec 91—253 chairman bourd trsutcr* bates and Ilaisinsi 25 frail- fr-.sIMJates St boxes Mnieriet Rii*v • Received <>n rousignment, and tor ale Wr • Ji*hu Lett is. dec 22 -Fl -Sb Lund for Sale. On the fist Tucs-Urj. tn Jut-u-jrp uat/, Will b« sold At the cnurM wnc in SaVAimali, be% m-ee»i ihe iivu'd hour* uf lOenJ 3 o'clock, O »e tract of 750 acres, oprxoiie R' ed’s blull, oi «h»- Alatamaha river. This urict is prime, and well timbered wi h zypr<»,lnc "*k, ?*c. It. U.iilords dec 25 1 ?.f8 Valuable Lunds fur sale. On tl* first TixxU.y tn teb uwy next. Will be sold at the c.iurt houxe^in *he ci’y of So* rannah, between the 1/or* rf 11 and 1 o'clock, A* V.\|.r%RLK TR ACT OF LAND A* any .n tlii* stale, situate,1 within a few miles of Uni:*, buurded by Levis’ Greek and the \U'M".h* river, contauiing 1190 seres calculated fur the culture ol rice, cotn.n or si. 4 <r. sue, A ttnuK arul Lot »' tta.*len*s t'l'ifT; a bealtl.v residence ne»r the tsml. The aho-.e property will potiiirly be wild on that day, nnleas previ. ousis di*posed cf at private sale, of which pur chasers aro as,used. M. HKRtiKKT, mere. dec 26 Vc 257 Administrator's sale. ft* tbe JCr.t Tueidiiy •/ Ftbnury next. iVill be sold ■■■ front nf the cuurtOiouse^bstwetF the u.ual liw’ii A y-xm W-reb. IW-j. b-!or.*i«»g to the e*. , - of B. Msrs, dcrsoul: hy O'er- ol -he honorable tbe court of ordin or f..r (Vih.*t counts' A. ROM E, ud-. a. droll 1 2.6 l