Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, January 09, 1819, Image 1

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X '’uiitttf the ^nHtt^i'. J» «Mt perh»p« reason «b J c 'n c*l*vj!a’?, WiU «v!rflTUfe trac?* «"n thrown open to privMi; tfditictuftU HfBjp vot»H increase it. to a ra'»d"rit« evttn*.; but it was no* thought possible in «'• nbort a lime to inerrisr the import of colt jn fro.T. an average of 35,U0t> biles to rising 20 i/«0). an-! w\.: ; gt n*.l- - men ire of opinion, that the irr;nrt nes* yvar wili be near 300.000, unless the present reduced prices discourage it. There stunt to be no cltffic.l y in procuring rii* cotton, and it i* q-i te the cuKure ir.»;-t he iiu*.rea&ed. We are that the usmiI q- *m>»j now goes to Canton *. i that the mai.uf^cturc nf piece go<*d* is r dwr.’ m«»rc than o ns-lull; :h account t ;r an i:mas raw m » er:al t u h cli u< exported in pko: g . high price of the raw demand for the trjar: swell the inci eased m Uengo cotton was wouid l»e m ry little m* lands at the wmc pen I i.r.r 60,'a.O hales *.f i h** <1 to be manijt .ctured an>! -cs, bu* Hh>ch, fotn '.Ir r aleriJ, a» <l ?i • v an* t.i cnirc 1 ar:.c.e, u l ft to .;>ly of cotton in Mil s '.»w a*. 5 I in bend, winch re than bd duty paul: up- il were only l.’d a I .hi — The consumption of Bengal* was not estimated tlicn at more than l8,OFf a year, and the whole consumption of dr; kingdom was sea**c!y .iO-l/j-JV; and American cotton formed more than two-thirds of the whole w icht < f that consumption. The Whole consumption i» now increased more than one-tlurd. and American cotton seems to form bill a rrnall part of lint increj c, whilst it s a»ki>ow* ledge.I ihat the crni.umpttin of Bengali is about ■40,0'jO, and of Sur«U near .10,000, or perhaps more; and if the stock of India cotton was pro- rforoon »bly a* light as American, it is quite evi- <Jj^.t die Tenc- of price would not be great- «i now tfiart in former years. We mention these facts to shew that there is some relative bearing between the two s»«jta of cotton, and more pei- than ha- h<*en imagim d, and that the »t«»ck of tlie one sort will have an influence on the oilier. ••The import from the Brazils wiil be near dou ble thij year to w t at it was last, and we see no reason to expect .»less quantity toe next year, a no the late high prices have most undoubtedly in created the culture in that quarter, we cannot therefore, either from preient facta or future pros pects, calculate on an advanerd price, but we may safely calculate on a belter relative price f»r Ame rican cotton than any other, the stocks of this iort being comparatively small; we do not think the stock of Arn rican cotton will be more than 30 to 35,000 bags in the vdide kingd *m at the close of this year, and we slioiod he inclined to name the smaller amount as (lie *no.»t probable; and as Ame rican cotton (at or near its relative price with any othciB sort) m a more favorite article with the con Mimers, and better adapted for general purposes, it will no doubt continue to support good prices, all things considered; but it cannot contend a- gaimt such a weight as we shall have tl>e coining t car, oral the close of this, without sum; refer ence to the price of other cotton, and wc should flunk 25 cents for uplands should be die extreme limit at which purchases for this market ought to be made. We are not to attribute the decline in price of American cotton so murli to the increas ed consumption C/f India as wears to the fact of so large a capital being invested in the latter.— Thedenlers have bought very freely as (lie price receded, and they with the speculators hold 'al most the whole import. We have no doubt but prime uplands would now have been at 23d had the price of India mairdained its current rate, as in the early part of th s year; but the decline of full 5d per lb. on the average lias forced them fur ther into use, and brought forward active specu-, hit ion, while American cotton has been left to the . actual demand for con mption, and it seen.s now to be no object if speculation, thongh the decline has been full 2d per lb The trade however are buying m»;re tret 1> than for main* months past. Sea Hand? a^e r.ow bought only from ntecssity. The price throughout tins year las led the manitfactuiers to the finer ports of i)fnu rara and Pernauibticeo cotton, atul ahho* the import of tea-island.-* into the kingdom has been near 10,000 bag* ?!iort of last year, the stork that will remain over will probably be lull aa much at tl»e end of last year We have been in duced to be thus early in our calculations as to the result of this year’s cotton business, that voii may judge from a statement of facts, how lar it would be prudent to go in your investments in that arti cle the ctuning year,* we tee no reason to doubt a continuance of the jjiesent rate of consumption, and if whktwc have laid before you *h<mld assist your judgment, we tihall feel satisfaction. “We have b».t few remarks to make on other American produce ’I he stock of tobacco is ac cumulating, and the -rice is rather lower, but holders f-cem t<> liuw confidence in it. Wheat »n«l flour is very dull: the la*t average wax ab«»ve 80s, ‘o that it is very doubtful the ports will close next month. , “Ashes arc a little lower, the stocks are moder ate, and there is some d. mstr.d for export. “Referring to quotations, we remain, very re- apcc'.fully, your obedient se rvants.- UVOTATIONS MV.FF.BRin TO ABOVF.. •‘Cotton, upland. Is 61 a Is 8d; do Orleans, 1« 5A a Is 9d to Is lid; do Tenne»>ee, Is4} a Is6^1- do sea-islands 2s 9.1 a Sa 3<l to 3s 3d for a few Vtrv fine; do llengal. a K‘Jd; ilo Surat, lid a la 5d; rice, 40a per cwt. in bond, very little do ing; t'-bacco, 6tl a tOd: flour, 35s a 45s; wheat, per 70 lb 10* a 12; aahra p«>t, 5Jsa 52% do pe,rl 53^#^ 59s turpentine. 15s a 17s; tar, 15a a 17s; bark. 16a a 21s; flaxsetd, 70s." For ,Xf*eic--Tork The p icket j*clv»'.n*rr MILO, Henry J&nf t e.'mtver, will sad on Sunday next, in-tant - has the principal part of r cargo er g^g.-d. For the remainder or paa* • i?e applv to the cap’iin. on board at M<>or*> wharf. ».Mo G. F k OLIVKR PALMBS jan 8 a 6 Fir Sale., Freight or Charter *7b Toe brig .%] AR V. (ieurge Sn le- **rTs m<*». master. 19* <on.i burthen, in com -te oroer to nee ve a cargo. For letm* rdy to the m-#trr on ooarcl, at Bul- }, or t i (Charles Rockwell, ,\r f or' *aid b r ig, and for tule t O llrn-ks ton-* budding Stone — St f> Bills on England VltlLADHLPUU. P->r by St ;ilf LA5& \BFF. THEATRE. AKMVGRSARY Or TiK DEFENCE nf JfEtV-ORT.EAXS. This Evehing, January 8, Will be presented, a Drama, in 3 acts, callsd the Battle of New-OAeans, OR THE Glorious Eighth of January. WHITTIH Ht WILLIAM DOW LAP, .iMEUICAAS. Corn, Bacon and Shingles Just received anil for sale by R be J. j*n 8 m 6 Corn afloat. 17t>0 husli-da prime Noith Carolina CORN— Ju»t received and for s.Jc by (i. F- ifO. Paltnes. jan 8—a— 6 General Jack inn General Carroll General C:»fFce George Birsbim Thomas lUikhaiu It firman Sophia Amelia Mr. Voting Clark Qua Dulton Finn Hyatt Mrs. Young Drummond EXGL1SH. S.r Edward Fackeniiam Mr. Mude *. General Gibbs Lenerd Kcef.e Major Timothy Tims Bobby Bumps Serjeant Cor.jcral Horton Fennell Diummond. Fau.kner Seward Sihinotli Straw Bonnets, 8£c. Jt'ST HLCLIVAO AM) lOA SALK, 16 sa£es Sintw bonnets 21 bu .dles Hay 100<> baslit-U Oats 100 hampers Irish blue Potatoes bj boxes b by KM*!a»s Hhds and bis N Oand rmincovado Sugars 500 buJicH Ltvupccd halt Cases arid tranks boots, Hats, Saddles and bridles, Btdcords, Uc. Uc. liot;.e*b Tupper, j an 8 — f - 6 JtVKiniuft roharf. Bum, Brandy and Sugar. 50 bisN E Hum 5 pip«s Brandy 1(A- lialt Poxes (.igars '2 boxes, 9 dozen Patent Coflee Mills, for sale by CEOltGE GORDON. A Barrel nf Shoes marked N & R Augusta, No 11’, lias betn some time in niy store; and a Carriage marked J C Augusta, recently landed fr.ira Prig Othello, lor which no bill of lading lias appeared jan 8 l 6 Whiskey, Flour and Butter. Just recnvtfl fier thip J lexica, fur tale. Whiskey, inhhdsand barrels F resit Ho ward-street F.our Fresh UuUtr. Douglass df Sucrcl. jan 8—p -6 Jllurrini, at Augusta, on Thursday evening, the 31st ult by the rev. Dr. Kollock, Mr i ho mas Mu.'owail, merchant, to Mi'S Amna S Kkid, e-q. daughter of the late David of f hat city SHIP NEWS. PONT OF S.1 rj.V.Y.i/r alllira an, Sstir Lucy Ann, Pea^e, 1*1\ mouth, N. C. 10 dnts—ivilh corn, baconand rlii-ifles— to R & J. flarberrhain. Patucngcrr—MesjMS.J''ckson, Kntix., Viccsrs Carter,Brown. Williams, Keat ing, and two others. Sclir. Reindeer, Oiis, Plymt.u'h 14<liys—.with com —to the rr,a-’'-r Sloop N agara, Flower rfiiriestou. - days— £argo assorted—to Bacon &. H. ien, Scarbormigh b >1 Kt nr. S. C Ihitn iug, H. Herhelot. P. Mo rin and order. Pa**e r *£err—Messrs. Clark Billien, Liudo, an t four in th steerage Sloop Albert. T'n kins. Jefferson town—will, M-Nisii N Graham. J\ur<n~er.— UTacs —Graham and Gon’.on. CLI IKES. Ship .fane, Drummmi J L,vcrpool Brig William, Wood, ru'k’slsland—H Kimha'.l Brig Rl.r i Advnt,—t. Jj.u. idle If Co Schr Mary.snn. Morris Wilmington Schr Traveller. Brown, Wilmington. A'OTICE TO JI.1 RI VERS. Navigators trading to the Mississippi are here by informed, that until the erection of the p ro> Uent Light-house, now building on Franks' 1 - 'and at the N. E. Pass; the old Block-houre at th: Ha lize. which has been lately renamed, and painte I White at the top, will be ken 1 regularly lighted, from and after the 1st day of December n-\t—It will have a fixed light, and be visihle from half an (lour after sunset until -uinse. the light will be about 50 feet above the level of the sea flic bearing and distance oft e Block-home wi'.l be as fol'ows: Prom the outer point of Pass a la Ian e S. s W. 4 W distant dj leagues; in running ,’rum Passa hi Lmitre for the main bar at tlie south-east Pass, in the night, it is not safe to keep in less than IS fathoms water; in the day time vessels may .'p- Tireach to within 8 or M fathoms, obscrv.og to keep .he lead going, t’cir.g oft Pass a-b Lout re in 15 fathoms, in order to go around the N. K Pass jm 10 fathoms, the coone is 9. S. B. distance lcairuei from tlienee to the anchorage off the bar 8 S W. 1J leagues The block house bears from tl.e bcst .anchorage, to wait for a fair wind to come „v. r the har. W by N 4 N. distant 2 leagues, Where w di be found 8 to 11 fathoms At the en- E- chwnel on the bar. Uie block- bouis bttx* H. W. by W. 4 W. distant.5 mdcs. PW jfcw-Tork Gazittt, Jim. 28. For sale, by the subscribers, 15 hogsheads N E Rum 12 barrel’} Loi,f Su *> rar 50 kt gs prime Butter 200 Demijohn* 25 di.ze.i high Sparkling Champaigne 10 dozen BargMidy, of superior quality l'> casks } ICO boxes J C * et 20 boxes wax Candles, Spanish Cigars 8 ca ks ground Pluisler of i'sris An assortment of F.ench Goods, and A small invoice of Jewellery, consisting of Patent lever Watches, kc. Duhamcl & Auze. jan 8 H——5 nr *ct tbird A MEW of the AMERICAN I NTRENCH MENT. The whole ;o conclude with a GENEK- AL BATTLE. ATTttt Tn nuaua. The favorite National song of the Star Spang- icJ Jia’.ntr, by Mr. Nienois. A HORNPIPE, by .Miss Clark. To w hich will be added, the Musical Farce of the POOR SOLDIER. Patrick Mr. Nichols In which character, be will introduce the favor ite Irish Air of " Cirt.V'omocAree,” and “Rail Co- lambiu, or the U.rtk of Liberty Captain Fitzroy Father Luke Dermont Darby Bagatelle Nnrab Kathleen Mr. Drummond Faulkner Fennell HiLon Quin Mrs. Waring Young N. B. In consequence of Mr. Horton s imlis position, the F*iLl.S OF CLYDE is unavoida b.y postponed, anil RAISING TiiE M IND sub stituted for to-moriow (Saturday) evening. cry No postponement on account of the wea ther. Uje Admission lo the Boxes and Pit, oax not cm—to the Gallery, nrex cams. f,| Boxes can hereafter be taken for the fol- lowing day’s rtpieseuunioii. ,- Tlie Doors to be opened at half past 5, and the performance to commence at half past 6 o'clock precisely. Smuking in the Theatre cannot be allowed. Stivunnah, January 8——5 *3 Landing, from schr. Gen. Scott -ml! bs fold liv, if taken from t'ne vharj % 2 .0 kegs white Lead, black P*int, Spanish Brow Ground Verdigrise and Prussian Blue 6 barrels spirit* Turpentine 2 tio bright Varnish 2 do lamp Clack By C. C. Griswold’4* C°. t'nytor's tt; also, ix sTonr, for sale, 20 ions Swedes Iron 17 hogshe cs new Rum 10 p pes Cognac Ura tdy 10 ht.ds imitation Jamaica Rum 10 kegs Butter, fit tor use 40 bundles Hay 8 trui.ks men and women** morocco Shoes 2 cases coat and vest Buttons 16 do roram. beaver and glazed Hats Fancy Chairs Beet*and Pork Buckwheat Flour and Oats 2 Gigs complete, ut Denver’s jau 7 m 5 The subscriber Oll'ers for rale, the I'ollowing GOODS on liber* and kccommcdating terms, viz:—> 2 Trunks cotton Hose 5 Bales colored Nar.kecns 1 Bo\Diapers 1 Bale linen Thread 2 Do bed Vick 1 Do cotton and linen Check 1 l>o Flannels 4 l>o Denies and Union Stripe* 2 Do Dowlas 1 Do Cassimtre 3 Cases Pulicats 8u Casks very beat brown Stout 250 Pieces cotton Bagging 109 Crates Crockery ware, assorted 23 Boxes best English Mustard 25 Patent iron Ploughs 2 Fishing Seine*, 90 yards long 15 Tons square Iron, 3-4 7-3 and 1 inch 5J Kegs and 5 barrels Barley William Taylor. jan 7 ca 5 Just received—at private ale. 24 boxes window Glass, 12 by 14 24 do do do 8 by 10 25 do do do 7 by 9 6 boxes containing Decanters Tumblers, wine Glasses, salt Sellers, po ket Bottles, Mugs, fee. 30 pieces cotton Fringes 1 hox containing silk, pruntll and morocco ladies’ Shoes, from Paris. Paper Hang, ings. Apply to A. HOWE jan 7 * ■ - 5 Just received, and for sale, SO hhds and 50 barrels N E RDM M. Herbert. jan 7 — m 5 Flint Corn. 4,500 bags of two bushels each, for sale by I. Minis. jan 7 t—5 Tlie greatest Natural Curiosity, SOW EXHIBITED IX AXEBIC1. Dorcas Society. The members of the Dorcas .Society are re quested to pay their subscriptions lor the present year to the subscriber. Mary S. Drystlale, sec'ry. jan 8—a 6 Chathum Academy. At a meeting <.t the trustees of tlie Chatham Academy, lit Id on 'V ednesday, 6th January, 1819, it being made known to the board of trustees, that the parents of children, pupils in the Acade my in several instances, when they felt themselves agiieved by the conduct of tlie teachers, have gone cirecily to the schools, and there, in pre sence of liie pupils, made their complaint?; which practice has a tendency to destroy the necessary subordma'ion, and to produce on the part of the pupils, a want of due respect for tlie teachers— Utxulved, That, in future, the trustees will ex pect that such complaints be made directly to this iv'ard, the trustees being the only persons, are authorised to investigate, and decide on the con duct of the lev.hers employed by them in the \cadeov, and that t! • /^solution be published. Extract Jiom On. minutes. jan H a 6 Education. Alex Pettigrew, a. m proposes to open a ch* ol in Savannah, for teaching Writing. Arith metic, Book-Keeping, Geography, and English Grammar, a* soon as a sufficient number of Scho lars can be had. Also an Evening School, for Writing Arithme tic and fto*»k Keeping. Apply at h.s dwelling-house, above tlie store of Vr. J .tines Anccr»cn, southeast corner of Mar ket iq.i.ire. N II Ledgers brought up and Accounts made ui on moderate terms. jan 8 l 6 Education. The Academy v. <er, Wilkes county. Gc«i* gi.t. formerly MaFo*y*s store, will open on the iir.-t Monday :n January, 18T9,** the super intendance of Mr. Eu-din V.’ Cbes’er. who Comes 'ery hiehly rccommendtd i • us bv i'.\c faculty o’ MiddleStiry College, Vt imniu. 'Perms of tuition—fir-t cl sss consisting of th*'5C in toe l anguages, rhdosophv, Astnmomv, an.i ’he higher branches of Ai-themi 1 .;/*.«, price per quarter; second cli c s, cc> >»i>riru; <'f those in Ge ography*. Engli-‘i fi*;tTina r , and Arithmetic, t vice ?6 per quarter; thi d class, Spelling. Reading Writing, and t!*e fund»ireo*.;i r. i»5 of'.Lir.e- tic. p-ice fc-i, per q. are*, z'.l payable i i udvarr**. j c i N-* «chotar u .11 he udmittc.l .nto tU Academy unless lie produces indispi'*:tb!e «es(iT.o’>j t ,ls ».i :« j is v'.ihed, ur.- j A LIVING ELEPHANT, To he seen in JeJTerson-street, between the Georgia Hotel and the Market on Monday, 23th December, 1813, and will continue here for two or three weeks. The Elephtnl is not only the latest and most sagacious animal in the world, hut from the peculiar manner in which it takes its food and drink of all kinds, with its trunk, is ac knowledged to be the greatest natural curiosity ever offered to the public. Toe ore row offered to the view of the public is a female. She will lie down and get up at command, and will draw the cork from a bottle, and manage it in sucli a man ner a* to drink its contents. She is eleven years old, and measures upwards of IS feet from the end of her trunk to that of her tail; 10 feet 6 inch es round the body; upwards cf 7 feet high, and weighs more than 4,000 pounds. Those wishing to gratify their curiosity, by seeing the wonder- ful works of nature, had better avail themselves of this opportunity. Admittance, fifty corns—children half price— Hours of exhibition from 8 o’clock in the morning until sunset. dec 24 25G Shoes. JDfiT I1ECIIVXU HI BIIIGS EMZ.V «ID XLXIItX, OjYE HUNDRED fit THIRTY PACKAGES SHOES AND BOOTS, IN ADDITION TO A LARGE ASSORTMENT. All for sale by SAMUEL EVANS. Red-store, east of the exchange^ dec 5 240 duxon the bluff Charles Cotton OFFERS FOB SALE Champaigne and Claret Wine, of superior quality Hhds 4th proof Jamaica Rum Du 3d proof Windward Island Du Cognac Brandy Do Holland Gin 2 quartencaik- Tenvriff Wine 2 do do Malaga do 4 bis Cherry Rum 3 do do Brandy 10 do Cordial, assorted Loaf and lump Sugar 2 chest Hohea Tea 4 doz extra gilt fancy Ci'iairs 2 do sattin wood do do 2 do do bamboo do 12 casks Stone Ware nov 27—235 Attention—Blues! Appear nn your pxr-idc- ground TO-MOR ROW, the9.ii instant, ;-t 9 o’clock a ?r in coin 1 lrte uniform, p r tpared to tre for your annual medal. By order nf c<iptai>. t u:fiber *, Gforge A Abb, f. s. r. i jan 8 5 Battalion Orders. SuTWin/i t Junuary 4, 18]9. An Election i. hereby ordered to fce held at the Market place, ou Saturday. il>t Ifith instant, fur Second LituU i::n; in the Fir-t Coil.pan)’, captain D’l.yon, under the direction <Jt two or more Ju: t:ce-, and two,ora majority ci thern Pol) to be opened at 10 o’clock a. V By order iieutc-iuat cnfoidS. While. HENRY J VALLF.AU, jan 5 3 rdiuiar.t 1./ bet Irl brig. Planters’ Bank. n Election I'ora DIRECTOR will be held on Wednesday next, 13th inM. J. Marshal!, cashier. jan 7 5 good moral character, and le-> v*»sse?sed of re^ .-tab! The of beard in i! will he from ten to twilve As »t respects h;aU!i. ir.:s r any in this stat- Notice. Rifotved, That Jo in Bolton, esq. chairman of Commissioners of Health and Dry Culture be ;«;j:Ij.'**,acd to receive proposais for placing in a condition t”r dr\ culture 'he low land east of the r\:y belonging to tlie heirs of the late general Jackson- Proposals be han lfd in' to the within twenty days from this date. Extract fro-\ the minutes John I. Huberts sec*» m t/. ::r.:tv i ihe^ter 1 *•*•• Eer s riion’.ts Htimes, 1 George Wynn, [covers. J. W. Freeman. J Received Flova-dfwtm Liverpool, andrect'ut arriv- 'sjrom Xcx-y.rlc and Pfd!adc!phia, aaxusoxE ani* van, a elected AssohTwzyr *.* The Savannah Republican sr ri MiPedgevil Journal willjiuhl:<h the above three-times, »* tlicir .-ccoun'.s to the post-master at Che ter, Wilkes rounty 4-lro will pay the charge. Avfl i*: j. J-.n 2 *• 6 Wanted A Tfacher, in 2 privs - * .mil small ch’l jreu Appl*- t«* M vant, in a few day j »n Lost fer f* ur or five Sh flV** tfc Vexterclay a red to: cr P vie kef Boih; contain ing 2 our p'ouod s f t.rl ng note* and 60 dollars i lls of rnme of fbcbrx’iehes of the f* 5 hani The fi der will receive a reward of *; j by leav ing the said pi cket book at this office. K ? 8-a--6 ‘ Blank Indentures Fur sale at this oilier. I Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, , | A5KI.VO WHiCH AIIF, . Rich chased edge, gold dial ami extra jew^Hed * j Pa r at laser•*, hor.v>n’;d a*:d plain gold IVatches; j >iU?r tp*; Clicks; Man*ie Pieces; superior Ghains; J Sfi’iS and K?jr«; ladie» , do; Ear Brings; Finger Broaches; Carml; Amulett; silver and pla*.e»l Ware; <h 11 tkn bs; hall Lamps, with fix tures; Optra Glasses; br?ss Andirons; Shovels and Tongs; and a variety of gilt and fancy articles, s Vctcd tXT>ct-isly f t this market, and for sale cheap, w! oi€ra!e and retail. W'.tcbt . and blocks repaired as usual, jan 6 tj-4 D. 8 NICHOLS Carriage for sale. A very light and handsomely finished family far-;nge, built to order, for the subscriber’s own u-e, «vi!l be sold at »'os» and charges, and may be ie^n at Mr. F. Densler*s, Bull-street. Julin B.Uin. jan 4 si*—2 Landing, and in store, hogsheads N S Runt 20 barrels Newark Cidef 20 do double Ale 24 do prime l'ork 12 half barrels Ply market Beef 3C0 bags Liverpool ground Salt 4990 bushels do do do on board ship Lady-Gallatin—will be sold low if taken from on board immediately Apply to CAnltLES COTTON, dec 31—261 Clothing Warehouse. The subscriber has connected with bis present establishment, the making of clothes to measure he has engaged a competent person recently m*- lived from England, to take charge of Ihis de partment; and solicits a continuance of public patronage. Every article of male apparel will be made in^the neatest maimer and newest style- punctuality will be rigidlj observed. ON HAND, A handsome assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings. ALSO A good assortment of fashionable Clothing, such as Sup. dress Coats Do Suriouts Do blue cloth and plaid Cloaks Do Pantaloons and V es With a great variety of articles in the above line. Qj*Wanted a first rate TAILOR. J. George, dec 31—261 On the bay. James Carruthers Has imported by the ship Science, capt Currie, from Greenock, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Or COTTON AND LI NX EX GOODS. Consisting of Muslins, Shawls, sewed Robes, Der- lies* Union Stripes, Pullicat H^dkercliirfs, Cot ton Shirting, Checks, &c ; Russia Sheeting, Pla- tillas, Oznaburgs and cotton Bagging. ALSO, Porter, Ale and Beer; Herring** and Ling Fish; Barley and split Peas; While Lead ground in oil; crown window Glass. Which will Oa sold low and on a liberal credit for good-«ctes; payable cither here or in Augusta, nov 26—232 Sugar, Gin, 8£c. 8 hhds prime muscovado Sugar J 0 do northern Gin 17 barrels Philadelphia Whiskey 30 do N. E. Rum For sale by M. Pettingill, aug 20—173 Murleei-fyuare. Exchange on London, For sale by if icharils & Harroway. jan 7 1 5 Bills of Exchange On London, at fill da] s sight, for sale by Huhamel & Auze. jas5 j—3 AUCTIONS. To-Morrow, 9th inst. Will be s Id before toy store, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT or Groceries and Dry Goods. ALSO Pipes Cognac and imitation Brandy tihdx Jamaica, Darien, »V 1 and N P Rum Pipes Holland Gin, pipes and b's enuntr) Gin Double Ale, lost Sugar, Hotter, Cheese Hyson, Souchong and Bohea Teat Mackerel, Suap, Candles, Hats Bouts, Shoes, Bread, and A variety of othtr reticles. Alto, at 12 o'clock tinreitdy, ■aitAcul reterve. An invoice of DRY GOODS, conaisting of Blue and black Broadcloths Pe'.ise Cloths, swansduwn Vesting* V elverteen and Corderoy '.lath Coatings White,black and brown Buckram Humbuma. Flatillas, black chip Bonnets Gentlemens’ fine Hats Plains, black silk Handkerchiefs, lambs' wool Hose, Ac. Sale to commence at II o'click. A.Howe, auct'r. j.n 8 6 Oa Monday next, the 11th inst. Will be sold 6.fore tny store, Fifes genuine Cognac Brandy, warranted cure and 4th proof Pipe* genuine Holland Gin Muscovado Sugar in barrels Chest young hyson Tea Butter ill krga Bundies prime Hay A quantity of wool Hat, Cotton Bagging Cordials in boxes Crates well a.sorted Crockery An Invoice of Hardware, imparted from England— the oi .ginal packages art now opening, and will be positively soh. in lots; consisting of the most useful articles Per sons wishing to purchase at the sale are invited to call and examine the same previous to the day of sale. The invoice consists of Pad-Locks, single and double bolted Plate Locks, trom 6 to 12 inches Wrought Iron, tea Kettles from 4 qts. to 3 galls. Sauspans. with and without covers, from 1 pint to 4$ gallons Japanned Curry Combs Tutania tea and table Spoons Bench Vices, cooper's Compasses Shoe Punches and tap Boarers, assorted Saw Sets, turn Screws and hand Vices Brass travelling Ink Stands Blown Japanned Spittoons Brass and copper Scale* & Beams, complete, and Many other articles loo numerous to enumerate/ also An invoice of PAINTs consisting of Prussian Blue in hags fine and superfine Royal Yellow; min- erul Green fine and superfine. Su!e to commence at 11 o'clock. James Hunter, auct'r. jan 7 5 On Tuesday, 12th instant, Will be sold on John Hunter's u liarf, 0 crates CROCKERY WARE, particularly as- sorted for this market J 100 casks best London BROWN STOUT, frbm Barclay k Perkins Terms made known at time of time* Sale to commence ut 11 o'clock. M. Herbert, Auct’r. jan 8 — — 6 On Weduesday, January 20, Witt be sold before my store, (If not prtviouslj disposed of at private sale that day.) A Kiln of Jiricks, Containing from one hundred 10 one hundred and ten thousand, as they now lay on Tiger Isl and, about two miles below Thunderbolt—where the brick are to be seen—to be taken away in the course of one month. Cash to be paid before delivery. This sale is made to close a concern. Sale to commence ut 11 o'clock. Ai. Herbert, auct’r. jan 4 2 Valuable Lands for sale. On the Jim Tuesday in Feb uary next. Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Sa» vannab, between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock, AS VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND Ax any in this state, situated within a few milu ' Darien, bounded by Lewis’ Creek and Cm: Alatamaha river, containing 1190 acres calculated for the culture ot rice, cotton or sugar. ALSO, A House and Lot at Baisden's Bluff; a healthy residence near tlie land. The above property ill positiviy be sold ou that day, unless prrvi- usly disposed of at private salt, of which pur chasers are assured. M. HERBERT, auci’r. dec 26 pc 257 Administrator’s sale. On the Jiret Tuesday of February next. Will be sold in front of tlie court-house, betwetL the usual hours, A Negro Wench, Dorisa. belonging to the es- ti of John B. Mars, deceased; by order ol the honorable the court of ordinary for Chatham county A. HOWE, adm’er. dec !4 1 246 Administrator’s sales. On the fret Tuesday in February next, Will be sold before the court-house, in Savanna!. One tract of Land, containing two hundred two and a half acres, lying in the fifteenth district ut Baldwin county—being part of Ihe real estate oi Benjamin Rayncs, deceased; and sold for the be nefit of the htirs and creditors of said deceased John G. Jjuller, adui’or. Mary S. Haynes, adm'rx. dec 14 247 City Marshal’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in February next. front of the rnurt-hnuse, between the hours cf 10 a- u. and 2 r. jc. wilt be sold the following PROPERTY, If the taxes are not p*id belore *hatday: Lot, No 17, St Gail, now culled Oglethorpe- ward, 9-< feet deep, 75 Hide, bounded east by a lane, south by Pine-street, west by lot No 18, and north by lot No 4; levied on as the property of George Woodruff, to satis r y the city tax on said pro|>erty fur the years 1814 and 1815—amount x g2 10, and cost. Also wharf lot No 10 and buildings. New Frank - ward, c(J0 leet wide and ISO fret deep, bound- east by lot No 8, south by Ray street, west by West Broad street, and north by Savannah riven levied on as the prpperty of Win C Wayne, to ‘at isfy his city tax for tlie" year 1818; amount tax 255 87J cents and costs . Also a building on lot No 4, Tower tything. Decker ward; levied on as the property of Thomas Gribbin, to satisfy his city tax for the year 1818; amount tax 214 6J cts and costs. Also lot No 16 and buildings, Bryan street, (Tamazraw) now called Oglethorpe ward, 132$ fee( deep -md 75 wide, bounded east by lot No. south by Bryan street, weal by lot No 17, and th by a lane;’ levied on as the property of John Beck, to satisfy his "city tax fpr tlie year 1818; amount tax £4 11 ct* and costs. - ' - V. J&. Stone, c. U.