Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, January 16, 1819, Image 1

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'JV* k! lews «ii. hnvi> p ti- tWurJ’iri the ^overunr n» open ilic pun* of that Island to the vessels of all jtatiuu*. for the importationr.f provisions.'vuil expor tation of produces tor a limited Muir, in rniiscq'irnce of the ■liraiMul lilsrritau- of the 9tli ami Iv.fh of November last.—J’Vf*. mantJuurnti 1 ., 71,’i tint. NiwY..»x, Jamory 5 Tr»» the M ,hirer,m nn — \ 'reend Ita« trims- mutt'. .1 „« -lie follow in* ii.fiimvion, under «»U ol I t-.-l.orn, October Id The K'ie slo-p «» mar ha : just srrrrd f->>m » e.nnar of mne or ten wetfl« -fTCar-e dr Galt and Hie llarbsry roart.- S'ir toncW in compa'D wi'li the Frsnklin. con rut: .ivnsTUt: Thi* tragedy. from *!mr c!aj**c pen j*f fbe ac complished Shiil, i* t > l»e perlV.**»*.'*•! in our Theatre on Monday cveMiitf, I »r ih t*nie — Wc arc happy to a-e it aviiMniiced—i;s unpr»c: drifted succt-a* 'vitli in Kr.gUfifl anil \'in*rica Uui f*cited great csp< he realised. c >< twiiteUTti in • ; . , e . . , mo-hrre Stewart, nrai fnga'e u, iilrd Slates lit AV-irrs. Tonis :,n». Tripoli. > c, l '•'« f->;n' i ; r sc.Mii bound to Syrvr'i r. and the taller a* Inch op ns Athens At AhfiH ’hr P!»«<>« f « n ' h !' decrease a, «as Irsro-.l of Mr. Hurl, veit-eom I; on tl.r enntrnrr, at Toms symptoms ol a p t, were i*wf ir.aking their appe^nre. npo.« it was !i*a!1l.v n.e llarbarj-p .wvrs it sometimes ixhibitcd sjmplotns o. il.sco ■* • W.e occasional apunrsnee of onr squadron btr.MT their polls, rendered them reispee-lful. It was a fife; iha the American consul, were more respect- rd and in-leperdant 'li.iv those of oilier i«t.ons The Krir was to p-ercr j from Leghoin on tit following d»y; the Peacock was at >«»>«■' r*. with Mr Slialer. The squadron wa« nucct.ilti rendezvous in a ahoit time at Syiaause or Mea mnj^ Fist (UbmUrrandS- .IPcVr/.-Itv thrarriv- al i his f.m-nmin of lh> -loop Cons 1 earn. T'lnmpann. from Gibraltar. v.St ,'f - hCa s w- Iran, lint a fr- dues previous t» «,hn ro n that eort. (33d November) tl.e ^;j'»>toftlut i-latnl was arrested hv Older ol tli B . general at Tercrira a.vl d-reete.1 t'- te b ond t before him to be tried by a c • rt-TO.rtval; I r wri’tinjr,-wSif * a *c-n*’rti«*d l \2 I.™., ful letter to his eve'll-icy , ,b ? of the ^ov-mor Ter eral. «!-«* «"* n ” r £ PT. der fur arrest was, in the mean rmir, to offi m* as govern >- of the island. The crops ‘ b jS?J :LZ, acZ^tu. ^r supplying the wants of ts ’wn inhabitants. rile en-.hiers of the State Banks of Philadelphia contradict the statement in the National l it'. Ih ricncetl wherein the editor miss, that the Sta e Mao*, of Philadelphia on the 3*h •* S «P , *"’^ last were Indebted to 'he Rank of the V Stall* cn 715 ;7i- 7.1 So far from this hemp tlic tact, the Rank of the United * talc sowed then, all t .at time, collective!;, tht wirawf f.i'J 8 9 = t4 r<trsct of a letter Trom tided Octo ber 13,1818—"A new rcpil.'d ">o h> hern isoied. in consequence of which vessels from the l nded Slide, with a clear bill oflmajlh and with no aits- cei.tiblc gootls nn hoard, "ill he i.lhued to per form ciiiaranttne in t!>e harbor; and Urn Roodawill br diw-Jiarped without, pasonp tliroiiph the Lara- retlo, which will be a pr, : ,t rivnnf. Ulion reRuto- »i .n also reduce- the Oynrantu.efor vessslsund.r tlic abuse citcur.i-latmo: to tin da. s A letter from Valparaiso, -f Scplctnh. r 3, to> « pcntlrratn in this ci'y. s'Htc*, "tht t Mr !■ 'tj ahtp Reaver has been re.-tnnd to t.te owner, ttiro tie- Interccseion of judpe Hn v<«j: tl»e cuptam nr riv-ol here two tlaes snire, in Andr'tnantlo frieate. trom Uma. '" procure sv.-.nmn. Mr «*' tier! son remains at Ivma as consul ol the Uniteu Slates till the return of the On'sr.o from ' 0 - um bia river. The Two Catherines has cl a.-ftl about 7(t,tX0 dollars on s cimeo of wlie-d, alter payiny boiiUs at Valparaiso.”—W*r. Idre-iher. llriti re nf M't of thr hivk of .hr* nr.i—Yestenlaj Wc pave a word ol caiUtnn on this subject, but hs.l not lime to pv? particulars. Tim fidiowinir me am in^ th • uinre pr>minent m-rhs of din.nclion h, theRennmcan;- 'be fonrcil. Fi'tt. The pre.iu ee 100 dollar bill al ways hat llte words H-i’ «/.f nc tc;s. m written Utters, Hut, in the forped bills. Ihr same^ words sir done in German t x; in the f.-rmir, (the pe- nnine.) these words me situ ‘led on the lelt o. t.ic (flobe on which tbe eaple stands; m the Is.ter. fthe f.irped,) tltrv are situa'eJ directly under the rlon ; Sc owi. In the genuine bill the lower part of the plnbc is placed natsdM wtlh the aeeond written line; in the forprd bill parsllcl witli the first. TAird In th- ripi.,t hand border, the penn Mo hill has the, s roman, the f.-rpe.! irt Italic. /Wert. Tim pif.UtM bill has t!,e afore- said A cures inclosed in a circular flower sur- rounded bv stars, the fmpetl l»‘ the same hr- urea .surrounded by a circular flower without, stars Other marks of distinction may be d sen- vered. •u' these arc the most 1 reminent Tain.' fw.i of these tOO dollar spurious bills have been sent fr-im the Itridpeport han't in (’onnecticiit t" the Mechanics* Rankin tins city for collection - It is therefore feared that the Bridgeport bank hat been imposed on, but to what extent is not yet ascertained. One othe!' was passed off upon the bleeh«nic.s* Dank. . A violent storm, or htirncanr. was expenet e d at Kingston, (Jam) on the llth Nov. last, which did preat damape to the miphb ini)£ plantati ItCatany nlaeis the crops and provisions were tirely destroyed. The .hipping ami atnail emit fullered severely. ■•old inox smr.s” We understand, (»av* the B.cion Gazette) tha* an examination has tately been, made of toe decks of the frigate Constitution, now lying at the navy yard, anil that they were found, after the tn.i-t faithful search, to be as firm and round a* when first laid. This f,c‘ nresents a high cub>g un» on the skill and integrity of those who have been en- gaged in the U States’ ship building to this r.taec Bills of Exchange On London, Paris, sad New.York. for side by Augustus l.»v*\v;. . j an 15 ca 13 F. rrUo-f (• iptain G imhk Lite of t!>*.* l?» of was Erie, d»e»I at »r. In October last TUe «ilH fr* > •ta'.ion iiitenil to er-*ct orcr liita. TUi: JlEPUBTJr.TY. SATLUUAY RVK.MVG, Jni-m i6. 1819. aiions- We irust|iiK*y will e-l Staff's* sT»o[» • t on ili»* IQ'.h o e Meti«*i*rrancan nitrble monument At a m'-tting of liie cl*rcc‘or^ ofllie U. Sla’.e*’ lank at lelpiu-, on th? 6*.l» nwt William Jomj, e.nfj was uti miiDuusly rc elected [’l»e (s’furlcfcton l irnt^, speaking of the Ute campaig*» ol general Jackson, says —" 1 be Iceliugs >f ll;c Ant.rican people are aj deeply as *h-y art nriously agi’atctl op »n this momentous subject— and w_* th:::k tlut th2 p^rual of Mr. Adanis' let ter, abstracted bs ii un leratood. fiom all previ ous prejudice eminently calcu'ateJ to allay the fermentation .rhidi baa been cacited, and to leave he chancer »*f that distinguished officer where tlic memorable 8.'/» of January, 18 ? 5, Jnujl it~- nrxt t* the very heart* of all / is cut it r ym:n. CO/Ik ESI* OXBEok'CE. >C. P II M it. informed that hi* ptecc shall ap ptar as soon as soon as we can make room tor it WHOLESALE Pit ICES UUltltEJVT. (miniTEti wuikit) SAVANNAH, jonuary 16, 1819 S C.t. R Ctt SUy Vleiine. ttrjiri y, Ctiarh-stoii. > Jny-fu g.r. r-l'T.--. ,h.d etc—to tUrr.n U it-urn. H Tup •icr. t Cullen. Curitnchim k Mitch-1. M Ilerhett, U Vutee, A G Ueukr, inilHIiti' .th.utv. /'„» »e.-q-.-r»-r-\|r M K iine. lady anil t .intis. Mr* I>e lat'sln'tn. Miss Canter, eol Ih'iuus itiaj >r Raker, Meiiu-i ltiisael, Laii.isn. Hepburn, and dihsra. eiFsfJtn. Brig r.iiai, Tupper K-w-Yotk 11ri g .1 ,m- s. ':„llins Wilmmgtjii (x c ) b.*J»r Li itI, S even*, Hoa’.on Sciir L'tcla An.vl'ea-c, I'iym-wrh (jr r) It", ulcer OiW K lent-in (v c.) Seh- I • -tv. P. ,se. Ne-" York Sl'iop itriglii-l-ine'vjt, K ichum, Ihrirn S',.nip Ea l., a port in at H>mingn S! nr, i, nil! dope. ‘.Viily, Hilliriiu.c S.oop llcy-tlum, Birr. Ihy.nou h. (* o) Vt.rl of .\VwdVt, /nn 7. Arrived, si »on tern. Patte-s .n, Thompsnn, frmn G,brailir, and 4J uass frnm St Micliaeis, with fruit. The ship S t- Ip.iv. from Gib-ahur tiir ,tost-in. va. lying u f and nn ti,c. lurbor of St sl cna'.ls win u C l*. sailed—nn other Ame rican there. In let 36. 30, Ion 19, fell in with p-rt of the wreck of* vessel »f between 5 ami 6.HJ tons; appear,il to base been b- ri.t a few da;.' before — the I- Hers P Ss ti were cut upon »omeid h"r spars-, could discover nn traces i.flier name Ac. S.iuk'-. ial Sfi, 35 Ion j7 3#, Dr. brig Grati tude, Kur.ncar, 56 .Isys fr .m Mart' hum for Liter- pool. La: 3'fj, Inn 55, 24, ship Vrr .r, 6 day's from New-York for ft d z Lai. 56J l.n, 70. brig Saini.ratan, 4 jay* fri-m Pos'oi —oh w ng h ,rd could not learn where hound. Lat 37, 34, inn 70J, .hi|> llebros, Harris, 6< It. urs from Hath, for Au- ,iu'."i../i. The Cn-n. Patterson has been nn dir cua l eO days, and has experienced elm,1st coti* stanVgHl-** iron, the N. and W. ill one cf whic,, she had her uim aail and jib split; lay ti- eight ds. before tiie weather moderated enough to repait. On the southern edge of the Gulf-Stream, fell m vvi'.n great quantities of shingles amt a water cask ilacnu, per Ih. Reef, N't l |ht bl. Bread, Navy, pet bh do. Pilot, do. Rutter, per lb. Pec’s Wax, do. Brandy, Cog -till Brandy, peach, (none) ''nr.,lies, sperm, i-er Ih do. mould, do. do. ilipped, do. Casting*, per lh- Cheese, p.r )h. U lb 14 00 4 75 5 50 0 3 J U 25 2 OU t) 4.1 0 11 0 18 0 05 0 10 0 lli a 15 00 6 00 0 35 0 50 0 20 0 06 0.14 lorlott. No. 1 per lli. o 22 do. Nn. 2 ill). 0 ZfJ do. No. 3 do. 0*13 ih. (J Z1 n •'.kind, tier lb. 0 V) a ’., do 21* a 15 00 10 50 « 4 00 ii 0 ii 20 ii 17 00 u 15 0O n P 65 ii 0 14 a 9 a 8 00 « 1 37 u 1 37 a 0 75 For any port in France, f (as i HxioitT .war orren) The stauncu. line, fast sailing Krcncl j£2£l-l»P LA 11KLLK, Peter Bonamy, ma ter burthen about 560 tons. Pur freight or passags apply to the captain on beard, or to Pa.u 1 P. Thomassnn. ■ jsn 16 ■ —13 For St. Jago #e Cuba Barracoa ag*- Tiic brig OAVljJ I'ORThU, A. “*■ tvilhatcu, master, has tluce^iuartera of her cargo engaged. For the fourth iiinl pas-cugera apply to tbe mister on DUVE1LS.CU jan 16- I.* - 13 on cot Johntlon’o wharf In the course of the F.vcning, the following COMIC SONGS will he Sung by -Mr. Ualtox: The Advent tires of Dr. POKER, description of his T’.’lIov.Pa^'iCHgdrs; AXB, John Lump's ITit at the London Fashions. To which will be added, an Interlude., called the iua:^ utviiaS. Meagrim, ^ r ' Demison, Faulkner Jamca. na » on bailiffs—Messrs. Quin ar.A Seward. Annette, Mrs. Waring To conclude with a Mclo-Draroa, in two-Acts, called TiIAiA YoOSYaNTiARG. Sir. Clark Young Faulkner Drummond Dalton Fennell Hyatt Quinn do do Citflle, t>er lh. CoPon, sca.iiti 1»-. upland, . Corn, per bushel, 1 60 Duck, Russian, per holt. -4 i!o. ravens, do. 14 oO Floor, Pl. iadelphia, per Id. 10 00 Un. Augusta, tlo. (none) ti 00 Gin, Hbtl»..U, per gal. } Iron, hav, per ca t. o 50 Lead, per lb. ® J laird, per lb. 0.6 Mackerel. Heston, N«. 1, per hi. 14 00 do. d't No.2, do 14 0: do. no. No 3, do. 9 .00 Mnhinscs, per gillun, ® N*:iiU, wrtmght, per lb. ” ^ ])o. cut, do. * * Oil, Florence, 1st qual. per dozen, 7 50 do. In-ceil, per gallon, tlo. sperin. do. do. fish, do. Powder, (Dupont) pet ktg, Pepper, per lb. Pimento, do. Pork, per bl. nice, per hundred lh. Hunt, Jamaica, per gallon, llum, Windward Island, **. Rum. New-Knglanil, do Salt, Turk's island, per bushel, (none) do. Liverpool ground, do. “ ‘ r ' do. tlo. blown, do. ilmon. No. 1. per Id. Sliatl, per hi. (none) share Moulds, per lb. Shot, do. Soap, do - — Steel, blistered, perhundred lb. 12 00 Steel, German, do. 17 00 Sugar, brown, per hundred Ih. 14 CO Ilu. white Havana, do. (lome) Do. loaf, do. 24 60 a 26 00 l ea, hyson, per ih. 12) Fallow, do. 0 IfIn 0 20 I'ohsera. manufactured, tier lb. 0 15 a 0 25 Notice Allperson' are cautioned not to credit any of the crew of tbe Trench ship LA UKLLK, as n«. debts cted by them will be discharged by »i»c subscriber. S'E I'Ett bOSAMY, caftuin. ji!» lb M—1J Corn—afloat. i J. r /0 !»'ldtt-it» pr.ine while Carolina COS.N* C boar-J tcbooiitr Alert Apply to (.1. F- tV Oliver l*almes; wilt* HAVE Foil SALK 50 wJiole ami 5b bail barrels superfine Flour T„0 kegs Jtniison*# firacker* jan i6 - • ■* H Received, Ur i/;r iJetxjtderc, front Bos on, 50 barrels N K Rum, and 50 kegs Butter J.'nr sale low, if taken Iron; the vessel. HnZeii iviiubitll. jan 16 1 .5 0 6 I 7 00 0 23 0 32 19 00 a 20 CO 6 00 1 40 1 12 0 70, 0 75 0 55 18 OO 0 7 0 '0 0 11 6 00 1 45 1 20 2 0 60 ij 0 12 a 13 00 15 00 A. Bargain. Fur tale my-Garuen, liuiisvs, 8tc. at Spring Hill, and will bt Sind mi accommodating terms and cheap, if immediate application is made to J. F. Lefebvre. jan 16 1.* 13 _ Fortrait and Miniature Fainting. \V. D. Tauisen, of New York, has the hone, to inform the ladies and jj^ntlemen, that he has just arrived and solicits their patronage In '.»■ ime of his profession. Those that ’.'isii to hav their likenesses paintedaie requested to make im mediate application, as unless a sufficient nuori her offer >o as to make it an inducement for bun to remain here this sea3on. hi- stay uill wot *x< ceed one week toadies and gui.Lcmen are re spectiully invited to call «ud see specimens < ins likenesses and paintings at Mrs Carson’s, cot ner of llmughton and itarnard-streets N. B. The ar.i?t will warrant .sll his likenesses to please, jan 16-E*— Do. leaf, per i j'J bi.v .!•> a 12 65 Whiskey, pf gall'n, u 63 a 0 Wine, Madeira, per tcuiion, 3 50 «* 4 25 Do. Tcneriflc, d”. I 40 a 1 50 Lumber, snwn, 1»j00 11. brisk) ?« 0-1 Qr*»l (looriiiij Hoards, ilo. 85 (M 09 00 Tunbi r, ranging, us. 7 M a Stives W.O. per 1000 (nom ) V5 0,i OO. K. O.' tlo. (no -c) 12 l,J ol 15 90 do. Pipe ilo. (none) 40 00 Shing; cs,.p»rth«ussni!. 5 U(r a 6 00 ... RATES OF i:\CII \SGK. Oats, Suit, 8/c. 2 0 hmhcli Data in bags 01 ditto Liverpool ground Salt 20 btrrefs Cnrdixls 12 half barrel* Fly rr.trk-t Ref -Y0 do do L Britno*. d-ih'e Air For sale by CHARLKS COT I ON. jan 15 1—12 LimeTiumber and Hay. I’’or sole, the cargo of the sclurtitor .Uoxa 550 casks Thomastowit Stone Lime 20 000 feit Lumber, and JJ bundles Hay. A PP l ^ Xc COHBN . jan IS * T - 3 !>rv Kn|f!:uii|, tit.ys ut pur hi Fratice, no*«. )n Ht’dlitm!, no sa’^s. On ItnaMuu ‘(nnr.c) On Xvw-York. (pur) On Til’d tiivipliiu, ^t > >n B^ltinmrc, ('ior,c) Oil Ciuneston, at t!.e u*«»:*d « a On British Cotton (Tmds. ?!!'•>• nvr cent. Do. i*o. Woollens, fifty pvr cent. Oil Kruicli Muiiuf.t'luivs IS a 22 cts. i»er franc. F-tEIGHl'AGK To Liverpool, r*r.e per ton. Zf. 5i. To Liverpool, Cotton per lb. Id To Franco, do do -f 1 To New-Yorky do per lb $c. For sale The CARGO of the brig Jexn Charles from 4th“Jlri»f n re*? Cognac Brandy, of the firs> * . quality, Olard. Dupuv & Co s brand of Cognac, with certificate* Olive Oil in Urge bottles Wiedow Glut*, 8 by 4° and 10 b > - *-• of * super or quality Very cheap wrapping Taper Very atrong French <>m:iourga. * AISO a/w. (Travel Store. fit-fh> the front ofa tonne, °°° ^laiSifig at Buu-ch*. wharf, and will be ioltl on liberal term* ir apptv.-g to Charles Maurel, ,i. j* n U—byr 13 .. .. * _ ~ • }Voided ,o wlKim Cora-*" 1 *■”! •> Ufnt-O. i Ur. ni- M—-P on local SU1P NliWS. pout or s.jr.f.v.v.f// A*QtVKD, Ship Young Hero. Wilren, n r anl from Aiex andria, 14 days, and 7 i""tn Cape Henry flour, hread. Sic—to W II Muter, owner, on board Tiitteoec-s—tVm. Irwin, am! five in the steerage Tiie Hero exp#ritnrc.l h-avy weather on tbe pas- »age, liut received no injury. Ship Julia. Swanlon, iiath, (Me) 16 days—lum ber—to Nichols* & Neff , Ilrig Osg iod. Barites; Portland, (Me) 10 days —'umber, hay and bricks—to Sturges & Bur roughs , , . . School,er Alert, Will.., Newbcrn, (w c) 9 days —rorti—to G P St Oliver Palme* Schooner Belvklere, Bracket llorion. 16 nay hr.cks. prurisior.a, etc—to the ma-ter. Passcn■ gm—Messrs Si indLh, BiiglU, Uolmes, Briscoe and three Mr King-lvs. Schooner Moan, Jlndgers, 1 Camden, (Me ) 18 days—lime lumber untl'liay—1*» 1 Colitn. I’m- sen errs—Mes*rs J Hus* and F Oonway. On San day la- •. spoke sell r Gen. Winder t from Baltimore bound to llav.ita, 4 days out, all weil- S.m p Amel u. smnlevant, Pr'ividenee. (» a) 7 d*\s—brick* sin! -ui.iIrTcs—ti* Greece Is L'PP'tt Saw a sF,op n!f i ^pe Hatter-a on the 12th in*! i * distress; seemed to be nuking for tfc* land— blouing heavy, could not speak her. Sloop Hardware. 11m -l,-> LliZabeth-Clty, {» e) 7 da; t—corn—to Taft lit Sibley*. Wa nts a situation as an Overseer An eUicrl/ man, witu a* sfiull lamiiy, who ha: been many year* at the business, ami who under .funds tht culture of cuttou and corn perfectly ivell Hf: can produce sufficient vouchers rtrpec* .ng lu’s character ami abilities. iJe would prefer a !»if«iati*«p on the suits A line addressed to the subscriber, and Itft at Thomas Young’s, will he intend*d to. I>AVII> COX. j All 16 A* 13 Ranatrny, On :lie nnmin*.? of U«e i4iu inst. a n’gro wrncl .•.met Delia, will known.,m savannah. As it i iciiwed s,!»e is* luibwivd in town, I will gi^e ten .‘.oilurfi* r« ward «»«. proof of her being harbored: hi id five dollars' lor delivering' her to me or to th racier or Chatham cou i*y, ai*d all res«-a»r»:ihle ex oe.4 paitL . JOHN GKlUUtN. jan 16 — 13 . . . , '• Desertion. 1 *V ILLI AM S\ii * a privet soldier of the 7tl» . :'i;t of .iiltfitry, deserted from-the bur^r.k?, at thi: pUct', online 2d inst. A rvvrard of g >0, and ul ixa** nable expeiices will bs paid Icr the sauI \V ill am Smith s apprehension, nnu delivery to an t fficer of the Ui^’Cd*States* arniy. He is tfrrty hie years of age, five feet ;evea mches high, light c:'ir»;,icxim** grev eyes, dark'hair, anti by pro fes^ion wiieu eid^ted, a garclner. y\ ILL1.VM BfcE, C pt. 7 th regt con. man ding. jan 15——a——12 Brought to Oaol, In Savannah*Jannuiv 13 1819, a mulatto man '.rfeo says nam°. is CHAItLLS and that he be longs to Mr. Goodwin, of Edgefield, Soutb-Caroii- na. He is about thirty years of ?gf. and five feel eight inches high; stout and well formed for streng-h and activity. He says he was formerly the property of Benja Glover. • H. M‘Ca!l, j o. c jan 14* —11 Brought to Goal, In Savannah, Se;-I'JQ- 1313, a ncyrn man whn •ays hia name is fire, aiiif inn he belongs to Ab ner Jourden, in the nr,;rt,»e*teni partof Geflrgb. He is about thirty year* >-f xge amt 5»e .f&»t inches lugfi. He ha* a smiling rcuntehkuce *"6 tells an equivocal tale; the truth cf which nfdoi'M- If. M'CALL, b cf ' oct 28 208 "Brought 10 Gaol, In Savannah, January 8,18,9, a nr gro man whn aavs hi* name » Roatx, and thkt he belongs to John. G*.*«luer. cf Somh^JsWlma near Angara He is ah-uit Uiirt♦-five ' ear* of age and five fip.t five mches high. He formerly belonged To Mr. Wiliiamson, of this city *U- M‘Call, g. c. c. jan 9——7 Blank Indentures For sale at this office. THEATRE- FOR THE BENEFIT or .VD DJ L TO.Y. Tltia Eveuinir, January 16, Will be performed, the OPERA, of the Mountaineers. Mr Finn Drutnmond Faulkner Clark Fennell JtUVTAVNS. *=32*SS5®4 Octaviar, Virolct, Kiilmuliocie. Ekilcozcn M’lhrv, laUUCD), Siimin* GoathcrcK Messrs. Nichols and Seward* Mrs. Clark, liorton. Faulkner, &c. Mr. Brown Roque, Sadi, I.opc Toch'), Old Goatherd, Young Goatherd* Floranthc, A^nes, Zorayda, Hikon Dalton Quinn Hyatt Mrs. Young Waring Drummond The Elector, Rosenhurg, FluUeniian, Colonel Muuntfort, Storm, Commandey of the Guard, ConKuly Stephen, —-r~ Pursuers—Messrs. Seward and Schinotti Ella Roaenburg, Mm- Young Christens, Drummond Mrs. Flutterman, Clark On MONDAY, the Tragedy of the APOSTATE, anil TURA' OUT. tLj- No poslp-ncmtnl on account of the wta ther. *.* The Doors tn be opened at half past 5, an t the pnfirinance tn commence at half past 6 o'clock precisely. yj* Admission to the Boxes and Pit, uxf hoi. tea— tn the Gallery, vivrr texts. f t j~ um * cun hen after be taken for tlic fol lowing day’s repreaentaiii’n. Smuking in the Theatre cannot be allnwed .Siit .ttitm/i. J.inttMi !6 15 Oa Monday, 18th insiaul> mi he oohlat Bu i,eh’t a Air/ ht.diao f, cm httg Jean cAu.-fet, 1(1 pipes Cognac llrandy, tfisrd, DUptty CtCo Brand, and warranted of the first quality ICO hnxes Wb-riOa, Glass, 8 by lOanfllObylfl 100 l'-.,ktt* Sweet O.l 1024 Bulling Stone . , l\rms fine rat, m*de fltrpwn at tirrt? of vtH> Hale to eomnence nt 11 c’fcbek. Williford & Baker, attcl'rs. jan 16-13 Oa Monday next, 18th iuStantj lh,I! be to d before »y Hare. One box Maps of Georgia^ damagttion board il»c chrbscco fchooner Nunpa- rkl, im a v.. v age ir«;m PhiUdel^hia to thitf porL Sold on account of the underwriters and ftll coh- cerned. S^l: to comnuT.ce at 11 «Vf«cF, Jam vs Hu ivler, ducl'r* ALSO ^ 1 case well assorted Irish Linens, just imported 1 do del ^lecint Fowftug-pitCcs Soap in boxes Candles ud * Cider do Currant \Vint Jo I elegant Sideboard Duffil and point Blankets 1 pair Looking-Glasses 9J bawels ship llr^ad - i7 ream* post Pajicr, No t \ case meu’s Hats, fine* 2 hhiU do do wool With a variety of otlxr artick^ Suit to commence at It o'clock: James Hunter, autt’r.' AT VKIViTE SALE \ Two case?, containing 60 dozen short white silk Gloves 20 Jo do brick do da > 30 do d) while do tlo J , da ilo black .do' do 5 do white silk Stm khigr, opti.clcckr do black da do . . do . do Georgia Joclcy Club. The members arc requested tn meet at White- field’*, on Satuidav ev> nieg i-evt. at 7 o’clock, on business important tn the l «a) Gentlemen ilesuoits ir bee ,in ng members, at that lime rind the books open for their names. Jtjj order if the President. jan.1-5——10 Savannah Free School. A Charity Sermon will he preached, and a col. lection made, hi the Independent Presbyterian Church, TO-MORROW FORENOON, for thebe, nefit of the Savannah Free bchool. Eii7. t Roberts, sec'rtj. jan 16 13 e Notice. . The gentlemen composing the ••Frarkfin Fire rMgtr.e euid Uctc Comp.inv** are respec fidly re quested tn attend a meeting, at the Exchange, or. MONDAY, 18th in.mnt, hi 7 o’clock f «. Bn order of the chairman . R ri. Goff, sec'ry jan If —C 15 Notices The Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham county will, on Monday ntxt, the 18.h instant, proceed to appoint two persons tn take the ro oms of names'entitled to draws in the present [.:,ud Lottery Moses Siicftnll, J.. r. c. c.c. Oliver Stui-oes, j. i c. c. o. T. N. Morel, j. t. c. c. o. jan 14 1* 11 A utice 'i he copartnershi : f tween 'lie subscribers, tin dtr til firm ,i lUr.TO-r & Steele,i* dis rdved by .nntiial conctnt IViiiirin C. b.,rtou is fully an- thniiscti to seitie ail r.ccoui.!a. and receive all ,1,,-o.ies which are dud to the concern. Oliver Steele, Willinn C. Burton, .Vimane'iA. Jen. 14 -t* 11 ,\'otice. The firm ofC. H H.vnex & Co. was tlds day dissnlsed hv n.ultial consent. Those having «nt claims and those indebted, are requested In call on c H. Maitiev. who is folly authorani tcciose said enoceriT The business ir. future wilt be con tinued by 0. H Hayden, C. H. Hajtlen. Joseph Lee. dec 18——It 251 ’ .9 do Grenob)i. kid Gloves, ci-uthe wh’tc ■ 4 do do do Armailis, assorted ’ . ■ 38 do do dn superfine, do 10 do iio do rooFs tin 2 do do thi W erfine white 4 do da do do black A) SO . Brandy in pipes, 4.h proof, warrsntej jUtrt Holland Gm Cotton Bagging / Gunpowder in icega Cnnt , ...... Crockery ware tn ectes . . . A second hand Carriage, with Harriets, iri dom,' plete order jan 16 • —3a—J i On Wednesday next, tlie SQtlv inst fFill be told at the Kxchitnge Se.rg •/. sum. ieb.err a plat of the pnmitst will be exh.bitetl,’ at twelve O’clock, ALL THAT FINE PLANTATION, Opposite the city of Savannah, belonging to the' estate of the late Jame* Mossman. en) cuntainii g six hundred i.'r,s. or tliereubouts, four of which are under complete river banks, and i t fine order for planting; the remainder Is also near, ly completed, with a substantial river bank, Willi trunks for draining the land. This estate is no*' restricted from the planting of rice under a .it cial contract with the corporation of tHe ci'y of Savannah, but from the experiments that hit#' been made in sugar cane, cotton, corn, wheat and other small grains, this laud is found well .tided for the cultivation of all those gee*' stapler commodities. lit the vicinity cl' the most flour-’ isliing city in the soUlhei ri stales, this land may lies most profitably used in rearing anil feeding of stock of all kinds, by the cultivation of grasses., turnips, carrots, and various other legume*, fop' the fattening of catile anil sheep, for which the market of Savannah affords a ready demand, and constant consumption, and which must eucreaSo yearly with the growing prosperity of the city.— This valuable properly possesses many other ad- rar.tages, f; '>m its contiguity to the city of Savin- nail, ami more particularly as onnneeted with the navigation of the river, from Fire-fathom-Hole to tov ri, where vessels of more than 12 feet draught of water are precluded from loading *» the eityV in consequence of the shallowness of the waterin' the front river channel. ■ On tire back river, and' hnntediatelytijjpdsKc 'he town, this property con* tains a IVontj Upon which wharves and warehouses , may be easily e<instructed, for the- reception of a’-l kings of produce . coming doWn tlie tile back river, (which ia‘the maiitf brarith of Savannah riv-'. er) nr, by the simple operation of a cam I of } of a mile, might connect, the back river navigation' with the harbor of Savannah,emd from which ships’ drawing 15 feet writer can'proceed; to sea without any obstuclion. Fir the erection pf mncliinery, oil tier by Water or steam power, this poiperty i«’ pecuharty. well situated,from tile facility of making cotnmndtiius baains fur the security ah J reception'. „f timber,, and j's easy export, either Iron, the' rV ,n' or back river Founding mills for rwe may.' !,,. advantageously Connected ti-itli such machi- :erv. • - '• Terms pV|dc known at time of sale.. Side ia comvauice at-J1 o'clock. . " w * M.i Herbert, Auct'r. jan 13- t~7~P ._3t '■ 1— (hi Wednesday, January 21),- - IVill be sold beforrmy stare, (If not previously disputed of at private aale that day.) A Kiln of Bricks, Confining from one hundred to one hundred and ten '.housjnd, as they now by on Tiger ht. a',d. abi ut two mile* below Thunderbolt—where lh*' brick are to he seen—tn be isken away in the course Ilf one month. Ca.*h to he paid before delivery. This sal* is made to close a concern. • Saie'lo conmienrc at 11 o'clock. M. Herbert, auct’r. jan 4 2 Tax Collector's Notice. The subscrilier informs the citizens of Chatham county, that lie is now prepared tn receive the late and county tavea fur 1818, at hi* office, m Murk, t.«q<Hire 'Th-" taxes must be paid in bill* receivable St the Banks in this citron or before the first day of February next;' after which peri od executions will be issued against all defaulters- Office hours from 10 to 2 l clock. James Kppirtger, c. n. c. dec 31 1 261 New Establishment. (iKNTLEMEN’S CLOTHING. XIt,JAM ii BlhLS Have just opened at the corner of Whitaker Street and the Bay, a laige and elegant snortrr.en of Superfine Clothing, made in the be*t msnne and most fashiout.le style—coritainiog Grea Ci'»'s, Plaid Cloaks. Sortont aril Waterloo Coat* Dre<« Coat*, Pantaloon*. Waist Conti. Drawi :* fine Shirt*. Hats, Iloote an-i Shoe*. Hosiery am! Glovea, and every article for a FullDresa. niv .0 i ■ . 219 Un liie fust -Tuesday in February next, irm be sold before due Court-Unite, in (ii* tityy , betwet n the ucur! ieitri. All ni*t‘ Tract cf land, on the Augtts x Road only four miles from the ci'y of Savannah, comport d of pine, hammock, and lew tanu, will adapted for shall farms and garden TI ia tract contains-* front of a mile on the Augu.ta' read, which runs through the certre cf it, ard where tavernii and visiting places.fur waggon* are much wanted ft i* bounded by R*e’s Had, \Vill- son, Stebbins and Wdliamsori’vrifd* to the north- east; the retreat tract to theacutb; Brittpn’r and.. 1 tod’s land to Ri'i soiithwerty and by'Wilkins* and Kae’s Hull »o tbe ooriliwed. Jt .w ill be sold in lot* cf 20 tn W acres, according to a plan which will he exhibited. TermL-one fr ttttli cash, ba lance in one,(wo and three years, w ithout intere-t.' M. Herbert, auct'r jan 15 ■— —-12 . : . ■ John R. King, merchant taylor. Informs hi* friends and the public, that he has removed from hw old stand on the Bay. to tbe corner: of Broughton and Jeff- Mon-rtA formerly occupied bv Messrs RLmehirds’a* * dly-goed store. W here he is rtsdy to eaeeute »H orders with promptness aad disj.atch. 1 dec 1 cm 1* 23fi . , . ' On the first Tuesday in February next, U'it! be ttUl before the Coirre-iTs*'**,. A prime NEGRO FELLOW, afield baht!, writ-* er; 0r Khuxi ftrvant. ^ ^ . . jan If ■ Fdt’StS* . A half to*, fbrjy five feet front by ri deep. htrxlsOmely srtiiated in * Ptraw thiicitv. Also it srhall ffhusc, dn said i tie* clear, and uhexceptWhabl editor; . r* 'iv.