Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, January 28, 1819, Image 1

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THE REPUBLIC.IV. THURSDAY EVENING, J.acaut IS, 1819 l-ady Monos* lias recent!* bought nut on tire Dublin stage, a comedy Call' <1 “ Hie Inihwonuii,'’ replete with originality of conception and humor oua dialogue. Wee national Wore), called “Woe. enrc Mticnrtliy,” published»ti Loudon in Uccctn her lut, hi* been received by Moses Tbumat, at i’bdadUpliia, ami pat to press. Last night’s northern mad brmight o' nn Kj tlonal Intelligencer. >Ve mu»t make this as at apology Tor not furn.sbing our readers witn Con* gretsional proceedings In this paper. We regret very much the Bulcre; because the proceedings of the national assembly hsve become highly inter- esting—the Seminole w..r, and the Report of the bank committee, fit the attention of every eye and call for the immediate publication of alt the ■ proceeding, or. these two important subjects. A letter from Washington Cite, dated 21st inet. says, "Enclosed you will receive the report of the hank committee. A scene of'abuse and fraud in the directors of that institution will be devel oped, which will astonish you. "On this, d*y 1 am informed that two resolti- tions will be introduced in the house of reprt sent- ativei, tbf one directing the issuing of a seire fa cias, it. order to bring the subject before the ju diciary; the Other to dccUre that the charter is violated. Others are of opinion that the t nited States’‘deposits should bo withdrawn immed iate ly. Much indignation exists in the house, and I am of opinion, from present appearances, the institution must cease lu exist.” that UJM'EI) STATES’ ttJiJYk' RETORT. This report ('-ttys the Enquirer) is before the nation, and novella a Scene of mismanagement and of u Inch offends the moral sense of ever) gr .i citizen and of every honorable man. The details are disgusting beyond every tiling which had been conceived Here at least it may be said that if imagination falls short of the reality.-- Some’abuses are detailed which had escaped tin clamour ofa’lic pubi.c; and every gi blind of com plaint is supported, save only the declaring of the first exorbitant dividends, for the purpose of gimig an artificial rise to the price of slocks, and •winit.' rg the honest purchaser*. The report it sii, in on tins point, fiut it must be confessed that the sketch in other respects is sufficient!) charged with gloom and disgrace. What is to be dune? bursts from < •try honest lip. The report is so astounding, tlu.f we cot.fvs. wc want time to think of it. Tut evil is before usi the remedy touches so many interests, so much tpilal, so many perinea of such a variety ol situa lion.-, that it isililficuU to any what is best to be done The string is olio, of peculiar sensibility. Touch it as you Will, itJ vibration* may be more or less it, the rt mutest corners of this Ian,’, One thing stems to be email, that the institution ran not gel along with the p.-est nt president. All com fidence in (lie head is gone. Though lie may only have hern guilty ol a great error of judgment, such is the fact. The stoning directors must also yield to ".hr popular sentiment. The stockholders ought to manifest the utmost anxiety to remove them from the institution They ought to step forth at ones, in general meeting If they do not manifest the proper public spirit on this occasion, the government mV Utnftrt- The nation will demand it. W.- confess we Wish the storkhold ers if Virginia would art the first example Let the stockholder! sleep—and it may end ir, the aleep ofueath. Uy the charier, either congress nr the president is authorised to have recourse tu as.-irefaesas to determine the forfeiture of the charier. This step may be nectssary— hut tic would take time to consider it. COV.YTRV PRODUCE. *Was.-lan—coni raters r.iis mr. P rt*. £ cts 5 75 a 6 1 00 SO a J? 22 a -•5* 9 50 a 9 75 9 Rice, per 100 lbv. fair-., per bushel. n, sri-it-iand, pr lb up land, do. Tour, per barrel, leaf, per lOu lb. 'SS SHIP NOWS. PORT OP $4V.LY.Y.W xituirto, Schoorcr KoXce, Gibhs, VVilni:np?on, (*i «') 4 Liny—-JutnLcr, ;^ot K, iurd, i;c—to J ILuuLc *xCo [fall U Hoyi, aiul Wn H Joyror 9loo»> l^rk, vihI»inc, Xcur-York. 9 days-'jat% |.iv, ct-t«» 9 U«y. U Gmlmn, Juki master, j Sloop Collector, Cs&weil, I):»t3en. 3 tUys—Wajh pi ton—to F II Welmap, firecii? & Lipput, Cam V ell ii Gumming. ami Burier 5- Murray. • r«—.Mrs»rs Seymour, Carsons, Cor.yer, ije.tor., J Levao. Ste;im«boat Charleston, Utley, Charles on, Ct.s. Ucaufort, (;nUr M l ) Putsch go Mis- ^ AmaAu - , fTvi afthen c»»i» i?f LO nun wa> •iuimknI wi !i 4 ) in. »i. Sin* d*>*o *.q u»e Falusu-n!; v»m »>o frum a pi! *- o.-at, six £tiua ami 46?;:t*r. her force J6 £ti»is and J>6 rnen. TiVis cij'iipj of, ►he procecil- ed to tl.e firjvt tr*svi lI.c caplureO u.i* « br*jj, loaded vvitii c*k:oj, cuti'ce, indigo, and a !a. s c ij iiutaty of -piei*; on in’uul of this rea»ti a CapC. AIii.caIu wci.r wi'.l* h prixe-ui-iitC’, Uaviu^ (tie Lou m.i =n e'einnitod » f Mr. ‘‘TjuIj, flic l.tii en«fit; .oulc time after, the crew ro Me oflijeis, took the rlop fruit’ tn : tv. and ennfin- rd them in liie fort cattle, uJien a French brig heaving m iwgi.i, they ^cre put on l>u«rd of her I he ytiuncr (Craig, froif)etim« » Callup hhuself ClarkJ then took command • f the Louisa, when they fell in with : lie British schr. Sir Joint Hardy capt. Fatru'e* (her, vhi Qlt I ivy plundered; took the captain and >upercar£o (Mr. Smith) on board • he Louisa, and, Idkii'jj them apart, threatened to take their lives uukss they tola where they had concealed their money; the capt informed where a small sum uas secreted/winch they took, toge ther with some other articles, and then sufb-red tnem to proceed. They next .t\\ in with a Brit ish ship, plundered her and let her go. t hey then proceeded to the island of UonavLta, where (hey found an American skip* just arrived from France, which they plundered; then went on board of some otuer vessels and obtained informa tion of the situation of the town, which they de termined to go m shore and plunder—in which aflair, several lives were lost, and goods, plate, money, Etc. to a con.idcrable amount, takca.— Thence, they proceeded to the Isle of May, where they plundered an American ship, brig and seb’r, being the only vessels in port—went on shore at night, and plundered the town. They then shap ed their course for the United States, on-the pas sage,fell in with and plundered the folio wing ves •els. vi2—a liussian ship, a French brig, an Arne- rican ship bound to It jo Janeiro, and an A met lean bng from Hohton bound to Havana, on board of which latter vessel they pui three of their crew i hey then met with a schooner from North Caro lina bound to Savanuah, and willi the cuiisent of the captain, put all their crew on board, excepn about 25 men. Next day, off Charleston bar, scuttled the ship under her larboard main chains, and fired two guns through her larboard wings, and then took to tire boats—shortly after which the ►hip was in flames, and about 5 o'clock, a m, blew up. The men in the boats landed at Mr Leslie's, and proceeded to Charleston. P1IMCV. fizlruct from Ific log-book of the schooner Regie, arrivedh.rcfrom Jux Cayes, amilo$’ from Port u.i j" inec, where the put in Jor supplies. Tu *Jay, December 15, 1818, at 2 o’clock a m ti.e pilot came on board, unmoored, and made s.ii from Aux Cayes, with a pleasant land breeze —the schr Fairplay, of New-York, and bound for tluit plnce, nude sail at the same time and stood out ahtad i»i us—at 3, a. si- discharged the pilot, the Fairplay being about two miles ahead at aoout lisilf pas.1 three, the west end of the island of Ash bear.utr s a u. was suddenly boarded by a boat full of men, armed with muskets, cutlasses and knives, who drove us immediately below in the for e-castle, with IhrenU of immeihulc death, if we did not comply, which was done fcy us, noi having any weapons to defend ourselves with.— .•oinc of ih j m« n they struct with their muskets, l iiey tlien look charge of the vessel, and as we ►upposed, hauled to the eastward, placing a guard ove r the hutch after pulling it over; by tins time we discovered them to be FlUVI'ES. They were a mixed >et, of blacks and whites, and have no doubt but they were natives of that place. At about lt> a m. one of them came into the fore nasties, with a mask or. his lace, making strict inquiry if \vc had any money on board—we, of course, could only tell h»m there was none, as was the c:t*c lit declared we had, wid was b<»u»d to Foi t-uii-l rii'Ce to buy coffee, ami if he caught us «niu Unit place, he would put all hands to death, and burn the vessel. cuiiver- j •ation, and some other, nut neglected, he said he should let us go, that evening, at Tor 8 o'clock, and went on deck. Short ! y alter, it speared to uh as though they tacked ship, and as near us we cw.ld judge, anchored the vtssei at 3 i* m. when uicy immediately commenced taking out the car go, which cuncisted of co.fee, and removing it from the vessel; this work they continued until about 8 o'clock at nr-jht, when they called the Captain on deck, and told him that they gave him up his vessel; they tlien went oif, giving us a star to stear by, which bore u s£ saving that would take us ciesr of the rocks—*tlie vessel be ing under way. We then then b**g.*m to ex.wune what they had been about, and 1 4 .id our vessel in a shocking condition. They look about 60 bags of coffee, as near as we could judge, the balance Uir.g strewed in every direction over the hold, i.nd somi: started, and the empty bags tekeu a>* uy. Our boat and cars gone, hatch, tarpaulins, cook's axe, the greater part of our ships ( rovi- ftions, all our cabbiii alurts. compasses, lends and hue.-, the whole of mir c’othes, beds and bed uy. und leaving us with o <lv uuai we stood in, which was nothing more than an old shirt and Irmvstrs, and some of the men were cvcu bare-lot-tcch the captain's watch, and finally, every thing they ti’iild lay tlnir «»»>, of the le.iot valut*.— Finding ourselves mi tliis distressed ?ituauo*’, wc stood off until mid night and waited t.ll ‘be morning, with the hope of d?scovu-’»g whe.r* we were—rat i!:iy-lij>l|t, the 16th, made sail in shore, but tlieie b ring iittlc «t no wind, m >M‘ but little progress—'dunking ou*>eJvts rear off the place where, we were taken, wishing to get hack to AuxLvjes to refit, and night comiug on. we urued windward untd next mo mng, the i7d». when wc stood in for the land—ami at 11 a rx di>c *vercd ourselves a little to wnfdward of cape Tiberon, the wmd_blowing very fresh from the eastward, and the vessel btmg very crank in con sequence uf what had pten taken - out c»f!ier, thought it m(]|' prudent to bear u;> for Fori-au- I'rmce, where we arrived on f'ucsday, Dc<en.ber 22, UHS.--n.itf P.iTrr t. \$*}i in>: THIS EVENING, AT &£f*f.5 O’CLOCK, A LLOrUUE as THE Lancastrian System uf Edu$qttux* Will be delivered in the German Lutheran churcl (couu-hcHtHC square) if encouragement be gi^ tu, | liv JAMES EUWAUJX 1 When it is proposed to elucidate and explain j all tiie nunutii of the Lanca-tran system uftdu | Cation. T1m? object of whicii is to endeavor it make live hea;er lau.d a-i> ac^inUd wi:h turj part oftlie system, as defined and practised b> its di*tiuguu»lied author. Ct is presumed that the explanation which is pro posed to be be given in this Lrcture, »t the prin ciples by which any number of children, trom fif ty to twelve hundred, are governed and tt ucMeri by one teadier, will excite genera! interest and attention. The company of ladies and gentlemen, is most respectfully solicited. That travelling, printing, and other expenses may be paid, tickets may be bid at the door uf the church— price, one t*cJUr. jau 28 $0 boif cub. Tht ncx’. in- eunjr. an<l d irtier will take Jilac* tin Kri lay next il.e 29>K inn. »t,2 u’el-.c^.at- Mr.' lirib'bins’—and tlie metnlim are liere-ny notified, i tint a dinner will place every en.-uiiij *ri day, at the same hour, umil further notice. T?v order of ff in. T’. v'or preside d, Donald Macleml, sec’ry JPotice The honorable court of ordinary of Chatham county, wdl commence its regular sitings for February, at the court-house in Savanna!), on Monday next the first day of February. SAMUEL M. BOND, clerk. Savannah ?8fk Jan’y, 1819 J*—'23 William Barnes, CABINET-MAKER. XHC JS XDW-JOHK. At liis store in U irnaid street, uear the Bay, has on had, per receut arrivals, • geutaral assort ment ol' Cabinet T'umiluie, Looking-Classes Fancy and Windsor Chairs, Ac Elegant Sideboards of various patterns secretaries and Bookcases and Secretary Sets of dining Tables and dining do Pillar and claw card and breakfast do Handsome mahogany high post Bedsteads Field Bedsteads and crib Cradles Elegant ladies’ toilet Glasses, with and without drawers Gilt chimney and pier Glasses Rose wood cane bottom, rose wood rush bottom, fancy and Windsor Chain) Spy Glasses and a lew Pictures All of which he will sell very low fur cash.— Those who wait any of the above articles a ill find them worthy thtir attent.on. ja:i 2H—-1 a3 For Sale Thirty Negroes, in families—to be delivered immediately. Inquire at tliis office. jan 23 t- 2d He alien School Society OP SAV.4.V.V.1U The subscribers »c» this society, *ce requeued; piy their subscription to . M O. Planters' Batik- The pa; rm ru of die ls;« on the Atoek ol the Bank, heretofore called for on tt. X2t!i February next, is for the present suspended J. Mar'shall, cashier jan 13—a—t—10 Far Sale A Negro Wench, 31 years old, a good cook, a pretty good seamstress, su table for a home— also a Negro Bov, her son, 14 years old; and ano ther Boy uf 10 year. The mother will be sold se parately oi lier children if she consents to it, or with the youngest only. Apply to John F. Pouyat. j !in 28 w* 23 To Let TU" dwelling part of a House, No 230, Mar ket street EXE0N WILLIAMS, jan 23 m- 23 Proposals . * Will be received 1 r driving piles and com pleting a dock for trz: Steam-Boat Company, 50 feet wide sntl 140 feet in L:ngth. Apply for par- tiruhrsto F $.C DUNNING* & Ti p honorable the inferior. court of Chaiham count>, w’Ul commence its re-, gular sittings on .Monday the 22<t February, en suing, ai (he c«>urt-huuse ii» Savannah, a 10 o’clk a yt. Heturn day to the the 2d day of the same month, will probably ait four lay**. Job T. i^uIUs, clerk. jan 27 22 M eceicer of Tax Returns. NOTICE. Tlie subscriher i* npw ready 10 receive the returns, at die sher.ff’s office, opposite k)essra. Andrew Low SvCo.’s, State Bank square. ADAM COPE * T.» c. jan 37 c* 22~ . Tax Collector's JS'otiee. The subscriber u.furms t»»^ citizens of Chatham county 4 that he is now prepared io the. state and county taxes for 1818, at his otlice, in Market-square. The taxes must be paid in bills receivable at the Banks in this city on or before the first <l*y of February next; after which peri od executions will be issued aguinst ail defaulters. Office hours from Id to $ o’clock- Eppinger, c. o* dec "1 !| ‘ 61 PKOPOSAL pen sf Chor'ettbn. J.wnartr 25. I\rr. sdi’r CalUerinc. (of New f>nk) fioggaha'I, fieneriiTe, 35 days; sioop Atla-, Clafk, Savannah. part of w- Y'O'k. January ,8. [ Arr. ships Rlixabrth, Tinkham, Lnmlon 5 j day-; ‘ Dickinson, New Haven, l (lav, brigs Ve is, Saunders, Alexandria, 12: A me la, Muum, liaijeston, 6; sch’rs Columbia, Small. Norfolk, h yiy Daughter. Ellis, Kichmoii 1, Vj days; Marla, Kiggs, rhikvdelphia, 3; Ariadne, Pendleton, A’., s'mVlfi days. Cleared, .“hips N sgats. Bri- , Lisbon; Carolina Ann, Ogden, t. verpool; trig f/abetli, Hussry. Now-Bedjtbrd; acliV Charles- : Packet, Vail, Chorleucr.. SEA ROARERS, \ from if* Charlene* City 0-eette, 35'n i'ji 1.-. [Tlie annexed particulars of the depredations Qrtutted by a gang of plundering wretches on ini tht* Ayresn ship Ltuua, fifed out (Hajdirmre, have been furni bed us by one of V petty officers, now in prison, who has turned je'a evidence. Conjn,e..t u<«;i.l be supe.^iu ms ► uatrative cannot nut exa'e lue widignsdon vevy inn:— I'he g>n*l ». cumtr.anded hy e«p! Joseph Aline. J shlped **«rrwm Laiiimon, in AugJist las:, .is a ler-of-ina"‘V , *» wndcr I!u -•>> >S Ayrean r?|oi>,, to rx?ojJg< io '.ha ^ortb West ooaist uf .'vrficrica. jan - n, col Wilson, \li s*rs Parish, Kdwxuls. S . Sanrtland, NTftman. May-nan.. L ; :ckw<m.l, lrel *!‘_ - nson, Conrvr, fl.vor, Eppes, dc.'-rJ, Air ci., Doctar Turn. r. Just i;»rolina. from Augcrta — Wnii iit > ton—to Carr.ccliu:: it Aiitclit', ILrutl.e & V.'el and others. rictitie, Irig Clallam, Harding, Liverpool—Xiigi ff 4. New-Backet, Hopkins, Providence (n i) dir Agwsiri. Bolt. Baltimore Ischr Elxobcih, Clark, Edenlcn (ir. c ) For Liverpool T:ji» fine shin >ALLV, captafii CutJiill, ill meet with clispatclj. For It. KICHABD^ON fit CO. For Providence, (R-jy Hie b ig GENERAL JACKSONJk'if- linrti T. Pearce, master, will sail on Wed. esdajr next l or freight or passage ap ply to tlie master on bvard, at Hiec a wharf, or to Tafi’t & Sibleys. For Charleston The fi* c sciiocn- r SOPHIA. Turner, master, will be imiwcdulHv dispateficd. For freight or pa xage • pplv to the mas ter on board, or to J-mn Ruisue Sf Co. jin ?8—m - 2» Hunter** tvha f JCotes Lost. On the 7th of December last, the subesriber closed and putin the pcst-office, in thri city, the following described notes of the United States’ Bank, in a letter directed l« Mr Elijah Crane, jun of Boston, vixs— One Post note, letter A. No G9(9, dat* ed January 19. 1818. g 100 00 One Post n' te, letter 11. No 69c6, dat* ed January 19. 1818, for 100 00 One Bard: note, letter A. No 96, dated May 6, 1817. for 100 00 One Bank note, letter F, No 1397* dat ed May C ; 1317. for lQj 00 £400 00 a\Il payable at the branch in Savannah to R. Uich:«rd»on. 'l i.e same not having come to hand on the 12«h inst. and a letter of the an pie dftte, without funds, being also missing, it is supposed tficy are both lost ur mjs|ai4- Any iulorm^tion relating to them, given to the subscriber, or to Mexsrs. John La- throp ^ C«. of ilirs city, will be thankfully receiv- d aud rewarded. ’ GEOHGB HAMMOND. . ja*. 2d ■}».» 2* jiills on. J\ etc-York, For sail! by Scarhiouj;a & JVJ’Kinne. jvn 27 cs 22 Brought to Goat, In Savannah, Sept lU. 1818, a negro man who says liis name is Bsx, and that he belong* to Ab ner Jourdepf in the northwestern part e? Georgia. He is about thirty yeara of age and five fett inches high. He has a smiling counfenaace and tells an equivocal tale; the trnth of which is doubt- If. M'UALL, Ore oct 28-r—'208 Brought to Gaol, Io S a van nail, January Io, 1819, a mulatto man who «:;ys his name is CHAKLES, and piat he be long** tr» Mr Gr.ojwii). of Edgefi-fd, S*»uth-Carcli- na He ; c about thirty years of age. and fiveieei eight inches high; stout and weil formed for s rengdj and activity. He saya he was formerly the property of fienja Glover. H, M’Call, 3. c. c. j,n U 11 PuiHtkmg, in j hit ciiy, under the direction of BARTON & E1)£S, A WEEKLY PAPER, TO BE EXTITUD THE LADIES' MAGAZINE 'Various—That ihe tnnd of D^ultory Man, stu dious of change and pleas’d with novelty, ma) he indulged.”— Camper. VROSPECTU9. The objecta of this periodical paper, will em brace miller—Theological, Historical, Pevticjl, and Miscellineous; ana promises to the reader im- provemtm as well as amusement |t is not in. tended to limit the columns to one particular aub ject, more than another! hut oat. will alike receive that attention which the principles apd phraseolo gy may warrant publicity. The entertainment that such a publication will afford the H3«ak®“art uf out community, will be such, aa the best selec tions, with original matter, CM furnish—and, as the completion of tliis object ia our primary con sideration, such a selection will be made, as will comport with morality, decency and the strictest propriety. In prosecuting this undertaking, wr solicit the attention of the 2,in sex, whose court- wdl not only prompt us to deserve their approbation, but whose excellence will he tlie con tant theme of our Journal, CONDITIONS, 1. The ha&et' Mcg/ginc shall be printed eve ry Saturday evening, on fine paper, with new type, in octavo; each publication to contain 8 pages. 2. The price will be Five Dollars per annum, payable half in advance, on the delivery of tlie first number, the other half at the expiration of six months 3. The first number shall appfer a. soon aa a sufficient number of subscribers' are procured. 4. The numbers will comprise annually two vo lurries, each containing 208 pages, S-jviiiinoh, Jan. 23. 1819. [1—2l] Bank Shares. One hundred Shares in the planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia, belonging to the estate of the late colonel Bxxk*Ntx HatyKisa, will by of fered for Sale, for cu.ii, at the ExcAanjye, in Sa vannah, on MONDAY, the 13Ui day of February next. Upon each share of the above stock eighty dollars have been pail). The subscribers are alt ttu0zra in sell by an order of court, and they will make tlie transfer to the purchaser (.avini.) Hatvkins, ejc’rx. William Hawkins, ex’ur, jan 4—ir Gunpowder and Imperial “Tea, Of superior quality, in quarter boxes, for sale ty DOUGLASS & SORREL, jan 23— 19 Notice. The subscribers have formed a connex : on in business under the firm of Ci subc & Bnavr.v at St alfory’r, in this stale. They offer their ser vices in transacting Gqmrnitaton Business. S, Clarke, G. S. Brotvn. St May'}, j„n. 10, 1816 [-el—17] ■ The steam-boat Charleston wilt start for Charleston, via Beaufort, i O-MC'R* ROW MORNING,, at 9 o’clock. For posssge apply to captain Utley, on board, or to Hall 4’-Hoyt : jan 28 23 For Sale. If applied for within sever, dipt. “ The pilot schooner HORNET, v stfi ' all I.. r i-.,’e as she non- lies at Wal- I Lee’s whiafi, burthen per register finir- ,-geretef., 6-W tuns. Also a large ghip’a V,'.ri-.jj at the public slip, next to , John Speakman & Co. i rn 28—L—ii Fraser’s -wharf Blank Indentures Fur sala at litis offi c <- Brought to Gaol, In Savannah, 8, 18:9, a i.epro *nan who is his name is Hob in, ami that he belongs to John Gardner, of South-Caroling, near Augusta. He ia about thirty-five years of age and five feet ti<e inches high. He formerly belonged to Mr. William**)j). of this city. 11. M*CaH r g- c. c. jin 9 7 Notice. Persons having demands against the estate of j Flluma GiLticaSD will present the ,r.:ne without delay to Messi-s Lporo U Moan^wp, in Satan •ih; or the subscriber, in AngusSS’ F John Gintlfjijg adui’or dec If ft 249 Take Nit ice. The subscribers having purchased the whole .tuck ui'l.cmnjTigcry, Cutlery and IlizrJncrcs of Jamxs 1', will di.-poae of tlie sajiic, at wholesale aud retail, at very reduced prices, low er than baa been sold at the same store al any time. They will keep on hand a good as.sortmenl at all times, and flatter themselves, that at the low advance which they will sell goods, eitjie? in the wholesale or retail, that tliey will fceet the approbation of their customers. All persons having demands against Jakt.s Pocltkkt will be paid by us, ^nd ah indebted to him will psy the 3 sto JOHN NEVi'I T. an 21——17 JOHN WINTER To-Mofftftf, If iff le sold star star?,.. A &KVEotAL ASSOUTMENY. . .. feffkierieff, Sic aaroxo which ah* Barrel* and bigs Coflee „ t(fl .Cr-ues asiarud CrvAket) war* |Hilda JaiqoiC* Rutij Ripe, country (Bin, . ,tek superior Fortef .. ' Boxes Soap.aqd Candle* * ruu.kx woiitn’s Shoe* 25 kegs'Mp4. «nd. A variety of other Articles Terms, cash, ., , ■ ■ Sale pi commence at 11 o’clock. Williford it Baker,auct’rh. ... jao28——23------- -- Pure Gogndc Brandy. To-MorrovV, tlie S^tJi tfistiiut, ij«ff he p.sitn>cly sold ,0 Bolton’s central t)4rr/i , fa close on fnrsice, 16 pipes pure o'W Coguac Brandy, Suitable lor i etoilUg and warranted pure as im ported . , • . , ; . » i ertirs—one pipe, cash; oyer, approved indors ed paper at sixty days credit. Slute to commence, uf 11 o’clock, ■ A). Herbert, (tuct’r. jan 27 -22 On Saturday, 30th instant, IVill be sold at the store of Samuil B. Purkmat, esq. Hunter’s buildings, to close consignm-nts, 6 pipes very suprpPf bW Madeira Wiiif ICO barrels N E Rum 80 bags Gii ger 150 boxes northern Candles 2S0. do Soap, 2 elegant Sideboards , ,8 mondguny Sesretarifa 108 parent coffee Mill*. 1 bale Gerptan Good* ■. ■„ Term, liberal—made known at of saie, Sals to commence at 11 o’clock- Williford dc liaker, awefrj, jan 28 2.) *. On. the first Tyestlay in February next, (fill he sold before the Court-House, , A prime NEGRO FELLOW, afield hand, waits er, jar hops? srnapt. v . , . M- Herbert, axet’r. jan id 11 On the first Tuesday in Febfiuiry uesit, trill if sold before ihe Court-House, in < his city between tip usual hours. All that TRACT, of LAND, on the August. Road, only four miles fi-om of Savannah, composed of pine, hammock, and jow land, wel) adapted for small farmt and garden ground. Tin, tract contains a front of a mile on the August* road, which runs through the centre of it, anfi where taverns and visiting places for waggons oyc much wanted Jt is bounded by Rae’s Hail, Wijl_- son, Subiiinsand Wiliiamson’siam|a tothenoribr east; the retreat tract tp the south; Britton'* and Head's land to the southwest'; «nd hy Wijkir.'j? and Rae.’s Hall to the northwest. Tt will bp sotfi in lot* of 23 lu 60 acres, according to * pian which Will be exhibited. Terms—one-fourth cash,, ba. Ians? in One,{WO apd threeyears, without interest’, Al- Herhvii, ittfft’r jan 15—-—=-12 Valuable Lands for sate. On fkeft'st 'Ritc&fay fy. f'ebyuary next, c'„ 4 Will be sold at the c^urt hoys?, cRy ol Sj^ vannah, between the hours of 41 ar.^t 4 9*clo(£« AS VALUABLE. \ TRACT OF LAND , „ Aa any in this state, sittmted.wjthin * few. mileg of Uatien, hounded,by Lewis’ Crock and .thb Aiatamaha river, containing 1190 acres calculated for the culture o* r ; ce, cotton or sugar. .. *130, •■:. . A House and Lot at baisden’a Bluff; * healthy residence near the land- Tlie above property will positivly he cold on that day, unless prevt* ously disposed of at private sale, of wbjch put- choseps are assured. M. H EUDEitT, auft'r, dec 2fi be——257 On -YJutrtldJ) th,8 15th of February next, Ifill be sold (It thp late resicfence of. James CielQUO, deems yd, Harnu-d .trpel, . . All the personal Property of said dece* 6 e4' By order of the administrator.. Sale ip cpmmbice at t l p’clock, , jKi Herbert, auctv. jan 19 —rta > Notice. AH persons having demands against the estal# of Charles Stew»rt. late of the district of White Bluff, deceased, will present them to thesubserk her within the time prescribed by law; anti those indebted will make immediate payment to . Christian I.nnipe, tldm’or. with the will a.-.r.cxcd. dec 17 fx 256 Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of the late Doctor Alexander Habersh»m, are required^ to make payment to tha subscriber, before the first day of January next, after which time f uits will be commenced against defaulters, without dis crimination. Richard W. Habersham, nov 20—t—227 administrate John C. Holcombe Having taken the ware bouse lately occupied by Fie wcllin & Dickins >n, offers liis services in the FACTORAGE awl COMMISSION TLM: — His store houses :«re now u.ider^oinp: a thorough repair to.' tlie recejAior. of produce, merchandized See.—and strict attention will fie paid to aj* busi, ness committeil to his care. ■ Axuruwia, (‘Ga.J July \ f 156 For'Sale Three prime Negroes, warranted sound, *nd used to town work. Apply to Gaud.-y & Pgfaure. J*’ 1 -21 ROBBERYf 100 DOLLARS RKWARD On Friday last a wa, goo belonging to Mr. Jonathan Rjbinsnn, was robbed by a party of negroes, and supposed, some white men, at <*r nearThe Seven-mile-house, on tbe Louisville road. Two trunks were taken from it, one containing articles of clothing and one piece gingams The other, a large white colored trunk, contained block campric. Sleek stockings, silfe shaws, shoes, hand kerchiefs. knives, books, calicoes, and a va;;ety of other articles, calpuiated for a retail afore. The above rewotd'wrti be paid.for the apprehension of the robbers and recovery of tie goods,- or. 40 dollar. Will he paid for the goods or any inform*, lion that will lead t o a recovery of them. Apply to Jonathan Uobinson, in Bull„ch county, or to t. £. WHITE li LU. jan 2fi — --S——2t For Sale. , ,; By virtue of a decree in equity at the term of J|. nuary, between the devisees of Charles Odirjj, sells, and the executors of said Odingaeljsi win be sou), i On the first Tuesday it} February next,. At the court-house, of Savannah, tfie following TRACTS of LAND; . V Three tract* in Effingham county,consisting of tw« thqusand acres; another tract-in. Chatham county, known as the Old Orphan House tract, containing four hundred and sevepiy acres;, Burn, side’s Island, containing two hundred and fifty acres, hammock land, with all the improvements^ situated its said county of Chatham; a Lot in Brouphton-s! reet, city of Savannah, with tjip Im provements thereon; and one other tract in sai l county, containing one hundred u>4 sixty five acres, contiguous to said city, suirteet ,to pp in? cumbrancc. Plat* of the sold tract* tub* seen at the t-roc of sale. A small Library.of Rooks; fir-s lieau of Cattle; twelve bead of Sheep; Gins, and other plantation Articles—part, of the personal- e.itate ef said C. Qdingseljs, deceased. Terms of sale—for the land, one half cosh, tbe balance on * credit uf one year, with bonds and mortgage qf the premises; posh for tfie o'herproperty. 9 C. CJ. Screven, 7 John Scsevep, < jan 19——c* 13 ■ exor’s. Will be Sold On the first Tuesupy in .March nest» At the mnrket-hQiis? of:8l Mary's, Canid it. fount y, between the hours of It and 2, ALL THE ESTATE, REAL AND PERSONAL, Of late prancis Leroy, of Cumberland Island, deceased.. consisting of a tract of Land on the Island of Cumberland, Camden county, Georgia, being the south part of lot No 8. so called in Lhe partition of said Island; being bounded al follows; East by the sea, south Jiv ihe l.nid of Ihe estatMf Lynch, west by pfgrnei-a) ), il'intosh, and north by land lately tokl at ,-narsiioI, sale. The north line of said tract to be run out, parpeikA with the south line as to givp the uuanti’-v cfSOjl acres Together with all and singular, the lioutes. hpildings and improvements thereon. Adminis, trato -’s titles will fie given. The Upd was sold to the said Francis Leroy by floctor L Kojloct of Savatu-aii, , ,. ^*^7 Abo, the following negroes;—Jip» andtfia srifo Elu'rh with her child. The whole,sold’ by order of tl.g hpnoreble the inferior, court of Camdep oounty. Terfps of sale..hs|f ofthe perchasemtK ney. cash: the other half pay^rfe nine manthsj£ ter the sale, with mortgage .oil .the property-'Urn purchaser paying for titlpfiip-^* - - ““ mortga e. 1’AtL fj jan 19 ^ -at IS i