Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 03, 1819, Image 1

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T8)i REPUBLICAN. 'ft'fcD.i.eSUAT EVENING FiWCiM 3. :«I9 I I PHTMCTnod CtRCVlTStTI)GES. . Tire imooftlnt appointment nf a dittriet judge ■far tliis ttttc has at length bees nude. The per qideot.df the Veiled Steles fits appointed ff«, ’piVtRf.tiq Pir the want nf « judge we have %ad no diatrict court ainee November, IPlf. sonieqsenpe of this delay (he government i’.sell tm Just tups runs <f money. We were for- « '« eeasadN 4bi» day’* yspes ' Dfail ntliifl arvrrely on DM neglect end iadlfcr <*ueewWeh traelreen'Aoern.da totbesppHntraent ft-a Judge* but wt here Cuppreaaed there, dean dug them now oat of time. A worthy eofreapno. dent sf our** aaya—"It a reported, that eireuit . <omt judges artHoleeappeinttd; ifeo, Mr. Mon • ex may in wme iMature-tepatr tbe injure done ■ft oar pride mad feeling*. from bit part neglect, aolectii p a reapectaWe circuit judge from tliia , state; aa 1 think we are entitled to die nomina tions and if refused to in. it will be t-njuit to the Oenrgia bar, and it ia to be hoped will rot be for •gotten by tbe state. The eireuit will inctudeihis state and Sott’Ji Carrdinjt; and in the judiciary de ■payment, North and Soud,-Carolina have furnish ed four judges to the supreme court Jaatieea Rulle.lge, Iredtl. Moore, and Johnson, and in 1801 S judges Potter and Hall were appointed circuit *ourtjudges, from the aame state*, though includ ing this district. Georgia, ainee tbe adoption of the federal constitution, baa not been honored trilb s judicial appointmewnttcndirg beyond th limita of the state—for, aa to-the district jtidge, it ia no compliment, it ia necessity -which calls him from amongst ourselves. Our representatives know that our bar is not an ignorant and foolish ofte. doomed to be neglected aa unworthy of ele ration, and to be perpetually ruled by judges ae- keted from the adjoining tub Dhastik —On Monday sight Lit, the barn on tbe plantation ot Mrs. Fitxgerald, situate about ten miles from Savannah, was burnt down, con taining all the cotton of the last year’s crop, to gather with stahlea and carriage bouse. There— not a doubt but that it was the work ot some vile incendiary. Two individual* have bein arretted and confined in gaol—suspicion rests heavily up on them. The corvette John Adams tailed from New. York on the 24th inst. with staled orders. It ia Mid she will go to Cuba, or cruise in tbe Gulf ot Mexico. The Phitadclfhia papers state that the directors Of the Hank of the United States x bave accepter the resignation of William Jones, and that Jamf.s C. Fiaata has been appointed president in his plaee. BOJ^'AP.illTfi—Ill-natured cud Surly. The ship Persia, arrired at Boston on the 22d ■ult from Canton. The captain states, that on the 1st of December he paased within a mile of St Helena, at which time Ilona parte was in good health, but daily getting more ill-natured and ur ty. Much disease had prevailed among the squad ron: the flag ship loot in a short period, upwards cf 90 men. Jgxtract of a Utter from Washington City, dated January 22, 1819 «Mr Speaker Clay, the day before yesterda) fni'li* an elegant discourse on the Seminole war lie commenced with declaring, that he meant, nor had anv hostility to the exeeut ve. or to d.trae> from the merits of Jackson—but the constitution was hi* guide He endeavored to shew that the president made war. when congress alone posse: •ed the power; and that the general prostrated all law and humanity in the execution of Arbuthno: and Ambrirfer. I listened to him with grea' at tenliin, yet with ail his eloquence, he did not persuade me that cither was to blame. IVliaicv r may be hi* views in the course he lias taken in ?e»per.t to Spanish affairs in connection with our own, he will have to shape a different course, or remain where he is, or I am much mistaken For myself I rannot divine the course of thi* apparent disialrsfacl'inn. If was followed by our valuable and patriotic colonel Johnson, of Kentucky. He cams out with unusual ardor, ind'made one of the speeches I ever listed to from him. He con tended for the necessity, the constitutionality anil legality of every measure and act, both of the ad ministration and of the general, in arguments co- gent and unanswerable to mv tried Strip the speaker’s speech of the flower* of fancy, and it sinks below Johnson's You will when you read both I think, brheve «ith me; indeed in some parts .htwrnd not fall short of hi* opponent in eloquence 'There is a principle in the latter which carries a conviction with it. that rhetoric and elocution fdl Short of—! mean an ardent and honest zeal — Thr-eis no dissimulation or sophist rvm Johnson; no ambition tlia: ran be disapprove!, of—his end is to d > justly anj faithfully serve his country; to promote its*. and to sustain its high and merited Honorable chat irter. ‘How long the debate will continue oi th-s ques tion, is not known to mv one—there is a eouien- tion for the Boor. I know R or 10. p-o and eon. «*o will speak—although nothing that can be said •nil change ths-opinion of any one in tbe haute* an the main question.*' FROM EUROPE. By the amval »»f the ship* 1 All intic an.,1 ffittrr*d *t Ne«r-Yark, the former from Liverpool in 37 4ayr, and'he latter from Havre in :'>c day*, Lon don papers of the 10th, Liverpool of the 12th and Paris of the 1.5th of December have been wcei'-ed. We present our readers with the tol- lowing items, which appear to us the most in* teresting:— Deli's London Weekly Messenger of Decem ber 7th, says;—"A rumour ha* been circulated that an American vvsatl ini been in Oavis’ Straits and Baffin's hay since our dtaeovr-y ships; that she sn'ere.l Sir James Lancaster's Sound, found npward* of VO fathoms depth; the water warm er, and was proceeding with a strong hope of finding a passage through the Sound to Behring’s Straits.” The duke of Wellington has accept- d th<- ap- £ ointment of master general of the ordnance — lis grace has nominated lord F Utni -"m r> - aa bit secretary, and aim named sir ti Vj-i-ay, ■ir J D'-ikson and sir F '»owey to siiustion- a- the oea- hoard of or .nance Lord Hill it is -tst-d will have the eom-raod of the forces in Ireland Other reports mention general Pag-t Florence .11 earthy.—A gr-at desire has been manifested t" obtain the new tr rk f la !v Mur gan's under the abo..- title In this work she • » aid to take icvrugc upon her enemies in th' funeral U eloef OUUTscr. B.cry aiath trim of ilie grer.aifiti guards carried a hgited flam biau Tim court of Trance was ordered to wear mourning for 3t data, iu consequence of the deatli of tlie queen ot England. It wal reported in Lundun, that (lie drauir., rooms and court-levees are In fiitttre to be held at Buckir.gliatii house, ai d that tbe duelies of York ia to do tbe roy al honor* of the female de partment The papers contradict the report* form Har wich. of an attempt to assassinate the emperor Alexx-ider The Pans papers sumnunce the resigtiation of M. Cetnuv, minister of finance; afto Speak of a*. R n as tiic per sun likely to succeed biro in ilmt office Agreeably to a f-'rmsl request of the Spanish ftnamtafr, a great number ofyounp men, who bad enrolled thrfnseve* at Hamburg, in the service of the subjects of Soutli-America, have beeii ar rested at the moment they were preparing to embark. The Francis Frecling packed arrived at Fal mouth, in 17 days from New York I About half a million of franc* has been paid X it house hire alone during the sitting of con gress at Aix la-llbapelle. Numeroua recent forgeries have been detected note* on the bank of England. T here L- a talk of altering the notes, to render it next to impossi ble to counterfeit them The London papers apeak of the commercial embarrassments of this country, and the sudden tall of the United Stales’ bank stock. They give the quotation at 111. with utter astonishment. Stuck* in London, December 10 —3 per cent, for sect 7jj to j—4 per cent* 85 to 96j. The rate of the Dutch rentes at Amsterdsro has risen two percent. American stocks m Liverpool, December 12— 3 per cents 65—New 5 per cent* 101 to 102— Bank share* 291 — Dollars 6*5d get •&. Reir-admira! Griffith has buarrc-'ippomtfl q>f thocomouMid *t flalifax, in the room of sir Df ' Mikline, whose trim of service will soon ex pire. T he monthly bulletin of tbe king's health was issued by his physicians on tbe 5th, in tbe fol lowing words:—Ilis wjesty’s tranquility has been undisturbed throughout the last month, and bis health has been good; but his disorder continues in the same slate. The Raccoon bad returned to England from St. Helen*, bonaparte was well as late as the 14th Oct. but seldom teen. Las Caaaa still lives at Manheisa, as much relir ed a* Napoleon at St. Helena. Lavalette was said to be in London. The duke d’Angouleme arrived at Lisbon on the .Id of December, and was received with accla. mations o; joy The Divan has disarmed all the Servians, with out distinction. From 20 to 30 persons, lately exehequered in London for selling sloe leaves for tea, and coun terfeit coffee, had taken Uieir departure for the United States. Ltvxar oox, December 12. Gentlemen—We have had very limited demand for co: ton in our market through the preterit week; mid the middling and fair quality of upland and New Orleans have receded a i to j. Brazil fully i from our previous currency—all other descrip tions generally lower and the market dull. Of 630 Surats offered at auction, only 5 was told aa per particulars annexed, the low quality at a de cline 1-2 , er lb. while the better brought fairer prices—as also New-Orleans. Some middling New Orleans, which cost 35 cts in Philadelphia and for u Mch tl e consignees refused 21 l-2d some months ago, were forced off at auction yes terday at 17d. Prices Current—Liverfoo!, Dec. 12. 1819. Ashes pearl.. .oston 59 a 60s; New York 38 a 59s. Pots, Boston 53 a 54; New-York 49 a 52; cotton upland ord and middling-17 a 17jd; la r to good Id a I9d; sea island 24 a 3s6; staiu.-d 1 6a 2s 1; .*cw-Dileans, ord. and middling 17 a 17 3-4d; fair to good 18j tu 2dd; bark, New-¥orfc 15 6 a 17s, Philadelphia 18 6 a 20a 6; rice, duty paid, 33s a38s; tur>ctiline,4>'d. 14 6 a 15 6d. good 15 6 a 16; tar. 16 6 a 19.; flour, sweet -14 a 47; sour 34 a 36s. There is a very considerable decline in theto- bacco market, and our quotations are nearly nom- iual. s'lour ia very dull aud little or no sales the past e c k Thi garb of cri'ies Colonel Di-brow vio- rhambrrli" to the late queen died at ! onilo:i "n the 5 li D c. Tie late queen of England wa- interr.d on the 2d of U~crmfer, in die mid cle.prl "f r *in %RW‘. *' Win I* r, according ’ • ine pr- rn u kkraiagtiaenis. The prince regent attended tbe Prices Current at London, 9 h December. Aiics, pot, 5u a 51; pearl 6 / a 61; baric i9 a21; cotton, upland 17 a 39; New Orleans, Id a 21d, ur New-Yoik. 48 a 19. The sale* ot o.iton have been at reduced prices consequence of the abundant supply. Flour in fair demand at the prices quoted. Our market is ex.remcly heavy for both pot and pearl ashes Loxnotr, December 10. Lord Ell-nhniugti, we are v-ry concerned to hear, ia given over by his pnysiciam: he labours under a complicated attack of apoplexy ar.d |iaUy. Her highness the princes* of Missa, relict el he late grand judge in France, daughter of mar shal Macdonald, baa presented to a Catholic gen tleman in Edinburg the music of the Imperial chapel of Napoleon Bonaparte, composed by the -lebrated Cherubini. Letters from Constantinople announce that the Tartar hordes of the Caucasus, under orders of a Bey, have taken arms against the Russians, and in vaded a part of Georgia. Peters,h’/rirh. AVv. 12 —The America compa- _ ’» ship Suwarmw, catnc into Cronatadt on the 9tli inst. with a cargo of fur*, which she brings from the North West Coast of America. We are indebted to a friend for a copy of the followin'; important circular: Liverpool, Dec. 11. The rdvices received from London this morn ing, sta’e a farther decl ne in the price otF.ast In dia rottons, a public sale having taken place of 7tX' n des Mcngals at 61 a 7 5-81, but chiefly at 6j .1 per lb. In this market, the small advance which took pi ice about a fortnight ago, is no longer maintained— ihe sale of cotton is very dull, and ces have fallen to w ithin jJ per lb. of die ls»- rates, at which sales had been previously made is day 192 baits N. Orleans cotton have bren sold at auction at 17 a 18J, and 91 bales inferior Surats at 7j a 8d per lb. Upland cottons, of good fair qualiti, we quote at ldd, and X Orleans 19d r la—Sur:.t e tton 7} a 121—Uengals 6} a ICd. may probably bnppeiitliat upland and N Orleans cotton mas m.-.inta'i-i 'heir price until our supplies of the new c-op become abundant—bu: a rontiru- dullness in the demand would unquestionably the prices still more. The immense netease in the import of F.ast In- acotton is the most re.-r. rkable fact connected with the cotton market. The average import of the fourteen mast yea-* was 25,365 Dales—of the la«t year only it w: . 117,955 ba!e^-and during first eleven vnr. -’:s - funr present year it has amounted to no 1 • -'is ’ 3 bales The low pace .it which this - . naa been pressed upon market has ve,y .uch incre . ;rd the erriump- tion of :t -several m.ii* art building for the spin ning of Earn In-iia entt-ra oni —nfx .d with Hrijils, it is soil to m. ke a : e.rc V n f -'-btetute American cotions. It is i. iway that we t .ccoum fir the fac-. •!. littiiitgi ihe con- rup ion of cotton groera'f- und luhtcjiy I er-ased this t -at ;-t*t 'he e h '■ n the u e of Atner.can Co " has only cx eedid 'r aiiout 9 ltd bags whereas 'he s ■ tbecloae if ihe yar will p: 15 Ot) bales of Amer.can cotton held at -he close <>f ti*l year 1 he stock -.f cotton estimated t • .» er! 1 ' k 'gd m at 'he clos- of the • .*r 1 .6. w.- 78,-0 i b s—in 1817 ilv -06 hat — s i< is' a' the end of the pre“ ,.e r, .ck will b- fr :m 78 0is 1 * to 3 ' . A Staten e-1 of these farts witl tn h a • ,-ei d aw their own coichuiwis a to •!. ‘ f . «'able prieemf eotti-n; Ae re v : i tarn t nfmoor (which is -oa t.: - lilt) is likely, in our opm.on, to nave a it-.e. effect on th* eottm: rntricrt, tmdin tfepiag flown tlie priori cf ill descriptions cTjatodtet. . Wheat, Ameriasn, per 701b. Ac i lffi 6j,dull; Imlinu coin, per Winch. buaheL ip. od a 6;. very dull; flour, sup 44 a 45s, dull; do sour 34 a.S5s; rice 30 a >2«, nnsuinal; potaslieO St tJl; pearl. Athet 57 a Sit: nr, per 16- ill* I6s6d; turpentine per ewt 14; 61 a 15s 6d; sttvex declining W’e are, ice. * T-tt^D. Teonxtir. Lrt enroot, December 12. We are concerned to state, that the eontagi ous fever which bps so lore prevailtd ia thi town, but has hitherto been cbitHy , confined to the abodeamf wretebedneaa antj. privation; is now MtendiBiK itselfi*z»ong»t, tlie-bigher rank* society. We have juat heird a report, that Lady H Dalrymple was murdered, last night, in her bed ather bouse io Wimpole ttrert. Tlie captain of a hand of rotwre, named Pe ter Maus, was lately executed f.% Lubeck. This fellow has lor more than tsrttity years, been the terror of all Germany. During the French re volution lie'lias frequently pushed forward his tmop as far aa the frontiers of France anti Italy. He waa a man -of extraordinary dating, aud was literally covered u ith wound*- ’ t - The king of France l#s presented tflio duke of Wellington with ri e magnificent insignia of the orti&'iH the Holy Ghost, estimated|kt Hie value of JuCl.COO francs. ' r ; Prices Current at Augnstc. Jan. 30. Cotton, 22 a 22j; tobacco, 7«fc9;ffour. 7a H Married—At MilledgeviUe, dn . Joms It Hitcxa. eaq. cdi'toy ef the Mias Euaa L/ STenors, etdexrda iel Sturgea, esq. surveyor-generat , at Mour.t Ntbo, near 11“ the 27th ult. by the Her. Mr Shat Wiixiax Yatloh. of Cahaba, (Alabama.territory) to Mias .Ylaar A. Ml .gfa— D.: . daughter Affaire. J.ZOXOEA ■yok.zttf. g ibe demise of le it excitcj those awaken the most that thistributary ed . DIED—On Prii the nineteenth year D’Lro.v, consort of Levi He painful duty of this much lamented lady, sympathetic reflections, poignant sensibility, con offering- to her departed Spirit, will im properly bestowed nor undeservedly pronounc ed. It frequently occub, that posthumous ex- premona axe indiscriminately lavished on' those, who have gBded down the Stream of life, un known for otfe rare qualification, unnoticed for one common virtue;—but to such a combination of excellence as adorned tlie character, and marked the conduct of one, who was the theme of observation, who will not readily assent to the justness of this small tribute, commemora tive of intrinsic worth' Endowed with those pre-emi nent qualities that render her sex inter esting and attractive, she unconciously won the esteem and acquin^thc admiration of rela tives and friends. To these amiable traits that made her Conspicuous in a social circle, and when surrounded by those, allied by the strong est ties of consanguinity, she united the dispo sition of a dutiful child, alive to the indulgence of a fond parent; the affectionate wife, appreci ating the situation she was placed in, and ex ulting in the smiles of a doting husband: th e ardent friend, actuated by the purest motives, and prompted by incentives that respected alike the feelings of all. Interesting in her appear- ance; engaging in hermanner, she excited the esteem and regard of friends and strangers.— Those best acquainted with her, were ever rea dy to speak her praise; for she was prompt to commiserate the afflictions of others; and was never deaf to the calls of humanity, as her heart was truly susceptible to the impressions of other’s woes. Scarce ten months have passed, since the bands of wedlock were consummated. Scarce had the cup of happiness been raised to her lips, when it was dashes) from her percipient taste, and her joys limited to a moderate portion. Scarce had the dawii-of comfort, and connubial love, shed their benign rajjs on her pleasing irospects, when the gloom of tlie grave flitted jefore her, and her tern-sfriil residence ceased forever. Scarce had Heavep blest her with an infant to crown her happiness, and render life still more dear; and scarpe had eight days elapsed since she gave a new world to her offspring, when she was summoned from this to another, and may we say a more blissful abode. Her delicate frame sustained many shocks by indisposition, and the want of sufficient stamina, aided in drawing her life to an earthly close. Oppressed by the hand of fell disease, she calmiy resigned herself to its influence. No munrier escaped her—convinced dissolution was approaching, she met it with that firmness, that expressed she had no fear of death. No contortion, r.o convulsive throes marked the agor.iec of her List moments—she sunk into the arms of eternity without a struggle. Called at so earlv a period, in the bloom of life, and in the Full fruition of earthly happiness, she wished to number a few more days, but when it was inevitable, she willingly submitted to change her mortal state, for that of immortality; and finally, resignation and composure rested on her countenance, as her soul was about to wing its flight to the regions of bliss—to that beauti- ful dwelling, where uninterrupted joys aw ait the deserving, anti the virtuous meet w'ith their just rew ards. Whilst the tears of affection moisten the sod which has so recently “enshrined in dreary re ceptacle,” the remains of much excellence: the lamentations of relatives and friends; bereaved of an amiable companion, is the best attestation of her claims to consideration. No eulogy can imprint her on the mind, no poet’s pen, nor painter’s pencil, are requisite to perpetuate her memory—the best and most lasting mo nument to her exemplary virtues, will be raised in the affections of those who knew- her. Although her days have been few, and her joys limited: although she is sundered from the dearest relatives and friends, amidst their bemoanings; and although her premature end is calculated to harrow the nicest feelings—still ’tis our duty to submit to the behest of an all wise Creator, whose will must be done, an<l who by daily examples impress ns with tills t ruth, “in the midst of life, we are in death.” On the 11th ultimo, Aaraiaatn Roaxe, one of the judges of the Supreme Court in Ten nessee, and formerly governor of that state, at his residence, fourteen miles from Knoxville. Ilomfj Tapper, A'Ung ti R-iffDaliamcl tcAcz 1-aae Cohen; 5.urges Jc Burroughs, drs Kreeger 4 Bernier. A G S- , mmes, Ttios Young, tl S 51< cum; Campbell 4 Gumming. Johnson 4 Hills, Robbins. A Taveaux—A Marcott, Tho* Long Worth, Huag 4 Jarvis, and others. Passengers mvssiV- Wilson, Seward, Southmayd. Barrow and M'Carty. baited in company with the brig tuperb. Hodman, tor this port ■Schr Leno. from Yewhaw—with rice to Guad net Tufts Sciir. Duck, Tharrcllo from Nrwburyport via Charleston—with fresh coil pack’d in ice Sloop Delight, C -op'.r, Charleston; 1 day—with molases, linens, cotton-bagging, mackerel, etc — to Blanchard, Brothers 4 Go Williford 4 Baker. M Herbert, Jas II Fraser, Parsons & Lay Camp bell 4 Cum.-ning, Geo NewhaU, A Tobias, W 'l King, J Moorhead; J Morand, others. Passen gers—Messrs Abraham Tobiaa, 1. Morand, iV T King, Wm Hryoi, S D Ward B N Cohen, Michael Guilbert James Little. Harper C Bryson, J Ilcadmole, Charles Nmdo, and John Villatte- Sloop Packet, Votee, Charleston, 1 day—with brick, tile, onions. Jersey-waggons, etc—to J Muir, Geo. Anderson, Taft 4 Sibleys, F. Ball, and the master Passenger—Hr. Gates. Sloop gen. Washington, Coates, Charleston, day—with wine, coffee, tobacco, bricks, etc —( Isaac Cohen. Uactui 4 Bruen, Homes Tupper, Churnochan 4 Mitchell, Low, Wallace 4 co. John F Floyd, t9aac Cou-se, and Edwards 4 Haiglt; Pas sed the ships Georgia Packet, bunce. from Hilda delphia. and Eliza-Aun, from , Charleston bar, going up. Sloop Washington, Moson, Darien, 3 days with rice, to R Richardson 4 Co. Passengers—cap Blythe. Sloop Harriot, Collins, from the Capes of Ftori da. 3 days—with cedar and mahogany logs—to order. On Friday last, saw a schr. rigged steam boat supposed to be bound to New-Oaeans. Sloop Anna, Foreman, Plymouth, "N. C.—with com—to PettengiU 4 Goff. Passenger^.Mr. An drews. Sloop Friacc-Maurisb Bradford, Philadelphia 6 flat*—with whiskey—to Douglass 4 Sorrell and Lethbridge 4 Deuel. Revenue Cutter, Dallas, Jackson, from* cruize. Yesterday morning spoke to the southard of Ty- bee, tne French bng Julie Josephine, Dumonrette, 52 days from Nantz, bound to this port. On Monday last ooarded offSt. Mary’s the schooner Favorite, Jenerga, nine days from RnmKeys, with sii’ hound-to New-York; but intended going into St. Mary’s for provision. CLZARtD, Brig Peggy & Pamela, Pray, W. Indies—/Minis Brig Levant, Wood, New-York Sloop James, Vincent, Charleston Extract from the log book of the schooner Post-boy. Birtbingkam, arrived at this port on Monday last, ft om Havana. Havana, January 9—While we lay at the Be. falus, the captain, mate and cook of the brig Gay- and, of Portland, was rose upon by a part of the crew—say three—the captain wa? knodeed down with a handspike, and was not expected to .sur vive the stroke, although on the recovery—the other two were not so badly beat. Tlie three men were conveyed on shore and put in the stocks The brig Mayhue, Sully, of Philadelphia, for New Orleans, sailed from Havana on the 16th January. It was currently reported that a Spanish fleet with troops on board would sail shortly for some port in Florida—the expedition not known. For Liverpool The fine Philadelphia ship SAMPSON cant Boye, will meet with dispatch. For freight or passage apply to PERKY ec WRIGHT, feb 3 ca 28 For Bremen The ship MANDARIN, shortly expect ed; and having her cargo principally provided, will experience no dday For freight or passage apply to K. RICHARDSON & CO feb 3 m 28 For New-ForJc (tSTEXDXD A.& JL B«T.rilB PACKET) The new w.hooner VICTORY, H Williams, master-, ISO tons burthen; will meet with dispatsh. For freight or pas -age, having go?d accommodations, ap- [y to the master on board, at M‘KSnne*s wharf, or to HALL & HOYT, feb 3 r 2R SHIP NEWS. PORT OF Sjr.l.YA'.lff. AMrvEU, French ship Activity, EJon, Havre tie Grace, 47 days—wine, brandy, and lime stone ballast—to S. J. Bourgesux, consignee. Brig Olynthus, Sharp, Philadelphia, 8 days—to Perry & Wright, consignees—with an assorted cargo—to Campbell & Cumtning, R Worrell, Du- hamel & Auze, Lawrence 4 Thompson, Johnston & Hills, P Santon, Slurges 4 Burroughs, A B Fan- 1, F Selleck. A G Semmes, Nicholas 4 Neff, j. gen. Gaines, and others Passengers—Mrs. For Philadelphia The packet *>rig HEuO, captain John -Bailey, wiilbe dispatched tor Philadelpha •on Sunday next, 7th inst. Also for Philadelphia. The packet brig OLYNTHUS, captain •Sharp, will be dispatched on Wednesday 'following the 10th inst. For freight or passage, in either of the above vessels, apply to Perry & Wright. rrno nave received hy the above vessels, SOD bis superfine Philadelphia Flour 80 lihds rye Whiskey- 10 ton Shear Moulds 50 bis Abbott’s Philadelphia Beer in IV STORE, 200 bis superfine Alexandria Flour, of superior quality Cut Nails, Copper Stills, bate Bope Coffee, -Bagging, Claret Wine, Brandy FOR PALE, Bills oil Philadelphia. feb 3—1——28 Five Irish Linens, Wiliam S. Gillett has just received and offers for sale, very 'cheap, a few packages fine IRISH LINENS, wholesale or retail, feb 3—t—28 Douglass Sf Sorrel Rave rereived by different arr ivala, und offer for sale on the vharf SO pipes Holland Gin 56,000 Duteh Bricics 250 barrels Whiskey 25 thousand best Havana Cigar*, in half and quarter boxes 600 barrels Richmond Flour, most approved brands Corn in quantities to suit purchasers Imperial ar.d gunpowder Tea Butter, &c. feb 3 r—- -28 * J j . iJitrie and famdv, and Mr Gaygette. The ships r / 4 j 'V.-^ster, and Halcyon, for thit port, sailed in n LsVa.i i :j be • company. ? • crm'iph mdrte brig Alonzo, Rooke, Norfolk, 4 t! «—tiour—loJo“nston if Hills, and Car- . Is M c itl. ■ chcofier £K;:a& Polly, Fisher. Philadelphia, 6 r <—to L Pejty, consignee—wlJskey, etc—to J. Fn*er, Meigs Sc R.ed, W T Williams. Greene & l.innitt,Scarbrough 8c M’Kinne, Lethbridge & Deuel, A G Semraes, John Bolton, end Campbell Ik Humming*. Schr. Victory, Wiliams, New-York, 8 days w th an asport*d cargo—to Meigs & iieed. Wm Southmayd, jr. C. C. Griswchi- Sc Co Butler & White, M J Rappel, Grerne & I jppilt. Vet Stan ton, J Laturop ic (Jo. J Moorhead, h-^a & Butler, Petersburg, f Virginia J Flour. 250 barrels supet fine Flour, of a superior quali ty (Pride’s brand)—landing from the sch’r Juliet, at Hunter’s wharf, and will be sold low if taken from the wharf—by Perry Wright. feb 3 x. 28 For Sale Two.likely young \ydmen, vi house work. They can bod j mended—also a valuable gig He feb 3- -28 11 accustomed to e well recom- :se. Apply to L. Petty. For Meat A Dwelling House on the comtr of Draytnn- street, near the Academy. Possession will be giv en on or before the 21st instant. Inquire of James Marshall. 28 AUCTIONS. To-Morrow, 4th inst. IF:// be n-Id on M’Ki,,ne's wharf 163 barrels Philadelphia sup. Flour 62 kegs Lard 10 barrels rye Whiskey Side to commence at 10 oV’orl* feb 3 2a M. HERBERT, asv-'V. Chatham Academy IsOts. On Monday, 8th February, Ifill be sod before the Exchange, in the city nf 5a- vannah, bt.ween the host'saj 12 and 2 o’clock. Those two valuable LOTS, known as Nm 35 and 36, in Warren ward, in said city, fronting south on Broughton street, neat judge Stephens'. The title is undoubted, having (>een granted by the city immediately to the Academy, in fee sim ple. The lots are fenced in. Terms—half cash, balance payable on the first January next, with interest from day of sale, se cured by bond and mortgage on the premises.— Purchasers to pay for titles. James Hunter, aucl’r. jsn 30 25 Hardtcare at Auction. To-Morrow, the 4lh inst. Will be sold, withosst nny reset ve, at the blue store on the Bay, formerly occupied by Mr Joseph Depass, An entire Invoice of about /.’000 sterling of well assorted Staple ar.d Fancy Hardware also 30 casks patent Carolina Hoes 1 ease Pocket-Books The terms will be inviting, and made known at time of sale. Sale to carem<..tvr at 11 o'clock -VI. Herbert, auct'r. fct*3 —2S Tq Le Sold On the first Tuesday in Apriil next, Before thp court-house in the city of Savannah, at the tlsflal hour (by leave of the inferior court of Chatham county) A Mulatto Boy named.Sam, about 15 years of age: being part of tbe personal estate of Joseph Davis, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors Sad heirs of the said estate. Sarah Davis, adm'r.v. ' feb 3 28 Administrator’s sale. On the first 'Pue-day in April next. , Will be sold, by permission of the court oi ordi nary of Chatham county, before the Court house in the city of 3avannab; A Negro Alan; the personal property of Gmrge- Heisler, deceesed. George D. Heisler, a dm.'or. feb 3 4———2S Tax Collector’s sales. On the first Tuesday in April next. Will be sold at the cuurt house, in die city of Sa vannah, between tlie hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, the following property or as much thereof as will satisfy the taxes and costs: The eastern half of Rutter or Fig Island, lying between the city and Five Fathom; levied on to satisfy tbe direct tax of estate of Owen Owens for 1811; amount g32 22 The eastern moiety of Lot No 9, in the Third tytfiing, Reynold’s ward, with the Improvements thereon; levied on as the properly of John H Ash to satisfy his direct tax for 1815 and 1816, and state and county tax for 1816 anil 1817—amount gl O 55 - Lot No 1 in Currie’s town, with the Improve ments thereon,now occupied by John M'Kinnon; levied on to satisfy the direct tax for 1815 and 1816, and state and county tax for 1817, of said John M'Kinnon; amount {g25 37 James Eppinger, t. c. c. o. frb 3 28 Wiilbe Sold On the first Tuesday in Mdrch next, At the market-house of St Mary’s, Camden county, between the hours of 11 and 2, ALL THE ESTATE, BEAL AND PEBSONAL, OF late Francis Leroy, of Cumberland Island, deceased, consisting of a tract of Lard on the Island of Cumberland, Camden county, Georgia, being the south part of lot No 8, so called in the partition of said Island; being bounded as (ollows: East by the sea, south by the land of the estate of Lynch, west by land of general L. M'Intosh, and north by land lately sold at marshal's sale. The north line of said tract to be run out, parcelled with the south .« .. p-ive the quant-tv of 39f* acres Together with all and su.gularv inennuses. buildings and improvements thereon. Adminis trator’s titles will be given. The land was sold to the said Francis Leroy by Doctor L Koliock, of Savannah. Also, the following negroes:—Jim and his wife Eliza, with her child. The whole sold by order of tlie honorable the inferior court of Camden county. Terms of sale, half of the perchase mo ney, cash; the other half payable nine months af ter the sale, with mortgage on the property; the purchaser paying for titles and recording the mortgage. PAUL F. THOM ASSON, jan 19 if 15 Administrator. Cotillion Society. A BALL will be given at the Exchange, TO- AlORROW EVENING, 4th instant, feb 3 27 Twenty Dollars’ reward. Ranaway from the subscriber, in the early part of September last, a mulatto man named Joh.>, formerly the property of William Stephen*, e:q. John is of a very bright complexion, light hair, tolerable straight and rather grey, fie is about five feet six or seven inches high, has holes bored in each ear, blue eyes, and on close examination several shot wounds may be found about lint thighs, 4c: John is well known about the city as a fifer, having been employed by the Savannah Volunteer Guards to play for them. Whoever will deliver the abo-f fellow to the si!-striker or lodge him in any gaol in the state tliaii receive the above reward. N. B. All masters of vessels end. others are cautioned against harboring or carrying him out pf the state, as the law v-Hl be rigidly enforced against them. CADER FAIRCHILD; fi b 3 1 28 Brought to Gaolj. In Jacksonborcugh. Georgia, a negro mao who says his name is FxDEnie, and that he belongs to Robert Taylor, of Saiacnah, Georgia lie ia a country born, about twenty years of age, five feet six or seven inches high, dark complexion, and walks very much knock k.seed, aud u.a aaouung countenance. Solomon Kemp, gaoler. feb 3 m 28 f-b 3- *ja- For sale, Ou board sit op Harriott capi Leg, \Sfi00 feet bay of Honduras and St Domingo Ma. hogany. For particulars, apply on board at Jackson’s wharf, or to LpVI JAMF.S, feb 3 —m*—28 Corner of Pnce ti. Hay line. For Sale The House and Lot at present occupied by the subscribe*—alio a second hand Carriage and an elegant gig Burse. D. PONCE, jin 35 -20 Take Notice. The subscribers having purchased the whole stock of Ironmongery, Cutlery and„ of Janas Pooztset, will dispose of the sane, at wholesale and retail,' at very reduced prices, low er than has been sold at the aame store at any time. They will keep on hand a good aasortment at all times, and flatter themselves, that at tlie low advance which they will sell goods, either in the wholesale or~ retail, that they will meet the approbation of their customers. AU persons having demands against Jams I’otimi will be paid by us, and al; indebted to him will pav the same to JOHN NEV1TT. jan 21—|t—17 JOHN WINTER. T. , J