Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 09, 1819, Image 1

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£tnllemin from Mum'-vi**):- v*„t, tm . uofortu tale; fart or principle ty.m him. I post* n.rn- not the tf>.rty ofour country. I»« you expect to e-cc'i e tt) t lii^h into bv trim, t i t» op »"tfcrin, «••!» tr»T.;.',id. down. Is’», justice, >!.e const it ti. , end !ir rirh'.t ot people’ tty> t- in poijr^tion .*1 (lie e*»r.:.v, ("Id I' * * * • • *«f i4-»ni./ie» and cru ; I'y,ar»d era* 4iau unlj waa (••anti in t ie Barts to*.. >•«* m PeonmnU. nime in St. Mub !lMrl til Ini rrcn tkr tolar of a threat of Indian occupation as it regard. Pen.e- tola and tiie ItirrancAt. Pmucula «a* to lie featured unconditionally, aid aifHt, tlierefi.te, imniediatelr nave entnr intuits pua*.«Mon or the Indiana, if they had the pon.-r and the mil t» take it. The jcmlcMii aai in a dilemma, fr»m *kidi thrte im tin racajie. He cave u|. ;getirral Jackann when lie auppo.ted the preiiilenl; and -av- op the picaident when he supported grn. J*ck«ui.. Mr. C. said he rrjniced to have aecn the president ■unilrating, he tlf, restoration ot Pensa- tacula, hia devotciluess to the conatiiution. Whan the whole country was ringing with •flandita for iti rapture, he said, and he 'said alone,in thr limited circle in which lie moved, that the president niu»t surrender it; that he could nut hold it. It was not his intention, he said, to enquire whether 'the army was nr was not constitutionally ] marched into Flonda. It was not a clear question, and he was inclined to think that the express authority of enngr. s$ ought to iiave been asked. The gentleman -from Massachusetts ignuld allow him in ■refer to a part of the correspondence oi . Ghent different Irmn that winch he had quoted, lie would find the condition of the Indiana there accurately defined. And it wras widely variant from the gen tleman'. ideas on this subject. ‘I he Imli uns, a,ccardiuz to the statement of the American cmnmisaitmrr* at t-lienl, inhah- itiog the United States, nave a qualified uovrrignity only, the supreme sovreiguty residing in the government of the United States. They live under their wn law* Slid customs, may inhabit anil hunt tlirir lands; (uitackuow ledge the protection of the U. & and have no t ight to *ei I their lands but to the government oi the United .States, for eign powers or foreign subjects have I Ho right to maintain any intei course with therti, without our permission. TV y arc not, therefore. iu depended nation*, as the gentleman suppo-eii. Md»! .icing the relation described them, we in allow aaiuiiiai relation to eti-t bitwe.-n Spain and the Indians residing wt iin her dominion*. S*iie must be. therefore, ragaidvtlas tnc aovreign of Florida, and «ru are accordingly treatin'' with her for the purenase oi it. Iii rlrict'uhi, tliru. vre ought first to hare demanded <>l l.e to restrain the -iiilian*. and. that fad itig.wc should .ivcleaiaiided a right ofpa*- •age for ..ur army iiut.iftuc president had the power to march an army into Flor ida without Spam, and without the authority of emigres*,lie had no power siiv act of hostility against her. II tiie umtlcmsn had even succeeded in •hewing that an authority was conveyed by the executive to gen. Jackson to take the Spanish posts, he woubhunly have es tablished that unconstitutional orders lead been been given, and thereby transferred v ‘ thV disnpptnbatiun from the military officer t» the executive. Hut no such or der* .»eic, in truth, given. The president hid acted in conformity to the constitu tion, when lie forbade the attack of the Spanish foil, and when. ill the same spirit, he surieiuleid me posts themselves. lie would not trespass ranch longer upon the time of thr committee; bir he trusted hr should be indulged with ..tine lew reflections upon the dinger of permitting ibc conduct, on winch il bad been Ins point'd duty *o animadvert, to pass, without a solemn repression of the disapproba tion of tiiis bouse. 1 treat to your recoUeciion, saui lie, the free tuiinus which bavr gone brf nr us Where ate thr) lur, and how have they lost thi ir liberties If * .could transport ourselves bach to the ages when Greece and Rome nou rished in *1 u- greatest prosperity, and, mingling in the la. • :. ask t Grecian if lie dn! not fear Some ilsri.'g military chieftain, covered with glo ry, some I'.uilp or Alex,inter, would u..e day overthrew 1,is imerlies t No! No : tiie i-.'nfi.iri'i and imlignaut Grecian would exr-Js ve ban nothinj io fesr fr.m our hero-j, our l.u. inks w n | beetcr.isl If a Unman Cit.e n (nil ’»,-eo a. 1 ^..1 j if lie did not fear the conqueror it f* ,;! .'nctit j establish * throne upon flic nun* if tin pn • ,c | i^liberty. he a uid have instantly repel.-d ” jolt intinuaiioii Vet Greece had Iso bad pa*aeo tiie Rubicon, and tiie p. even of Uru'm coid 1 not preserve toe i.b.-.tie* i f | h;* country ! The celebrated Madame d- St.el, ! in tier last and perhaps best Wink, ha, said, t. at I to the very year. .Ins ist tiie very mor’ii. wl ent the ; T-.sni. ,t of the Jirictcry drelar. .1 l!:,moo. j arch' would oever more show its faxnilul lien; j tVlieii ihe miioon. of *!r.poti*tp heard, in K'ltsipe, ot the se.ture •>( I’. •i.acoU, Imw did •hev cnutkic. and etude the • dtierer. of our in»titu lions, taunt,rgly pointing to the demonstrations of s spirit of injustice and agg andistmeut mad- by nus e-tunlf), in the m.dst ■•* amieshte negi-ciation Bebnid. S».d they, the conihtol o p ihose who are constantly refWoac! k.: gs Vou saw how th me admirers were asiU'lud-d isil liucg their tieads. Vou saw, 'no, wiwn tnst illustrious man, wins prevdes er O', sd o'e i tn* pacific, mode rate and ju-’course, bow they once mo-e -lifted up i heir heads, wvh ixulta.ioo and delight .learn ing in itteir count, nances And y»u »aw how those minisnatliems-tvcs were fin.Iiy compelled I i un.te ,n Inegen.ral i r.inl bestoaed u,o«n our government, ltrware how you forfeit tins cxail* . J r. Beware how y ou give , fatal saner tion, in this infant pvuniiol our republic, acatcely yet two score years old. ton.ilitarr insusomstioii. It. member that Greece her Alexander. Rome her Cwsar, Kn^laud ntr t'romwell, Kra-.ce her llonapare. and. that if we would escape il- rock on wln-li they split, wr min. avoid heir errors. How different hat been ’lie trev.raent of gene ral Jackson, and tliai m,>dest but heroic young man, a oU-.e nl oar of the smallest stales in the muon, wiio acheved for his country, on Lake Brie, one of the ino»t glorious victories of the la'e war. tn a moment 'A pa talon he forgot him-e.f arid oflrrtdan act ol viounce, which was repent ed aa soon as perpetrated. He tv, a tried, mid suf fered tire judgment prustminr.-d by Ids peers — ihlnlsc jusHee was tliought not even then to bt eit'-ficd. I i»e and Congress lock up tie su -ject. My I<i,iarabletrieiutimm Virgmia.fMe JoTinsoii) tlw f.itiiful an-1 consistent erntintl of tiie law an 1 tif the convtituti, ill( d;tapprm,d in mat install' •• lie ill es in tliianil inured an in- quiry. 'i he pubic mind remained agita’ed and unappeaaed until the recent atonement, so ir<n„r ably made by die gaibnt commodore. Aid was their to he a distinction between tiie officers of tiie two branches of the public service! Are for- mer service*, however eminent, to protect I'mm even inquiring into rec»nt ni«ct*nduc'? I* tlure to be no hmit, no prudential bound, to the na. ti n il gratitude! I v- teas not disposed to censure tiie President f <r not ordering a entirr of inquiry or a general court-martial. Hcrliapa. impelled b» a sense ol that graTiide. lie determined, by anti cipation, to extend to the General .list pardon which he had the undoubted eight tn grant after sentence, tot u*. said .Mr. C. not shrink from our duty, tot us assert our no stilutinnal pow er*. and vindicate the instrumem from military vi olation. tie hoped gentlemen would deliberately survey t'« i a fid p sition on which we stand. They may heat d.iv it all opnosition; they may even vote the Gcner.l tt.e public thanks; they may carry him t-omphan'l tnronrelnTiis house* Rut, if they do, in nv uumn'e juiigment, it will be a triumph ol t'i - '.i .nc.ple .<r into: mrd< nation—a triumph of the in 1 'ary over ’:,e civil autbontv— a triumph over d.e power* of',b<* iiou-e^-a triumph over the eon- sti'.u'ion of th“ land And he prayed most dr v.i itly "a heaven, that it might not prove, in it' . d'ect- :md c'onwqi.e'ice*, a ir.-T.pti over d.e bb.:. ;ie» of the people * [lISRaTS TO ns roOTISt CD 1 The oliloit itihnljifaiiis of South-rarnli- im mill Georgia, do nut remember a year of leak rail! than the la«t past. The con sequence in, t.ur navigati.ii] i* entirely M.i.pped, mid lin.le at a stand. How loig i is ajafe of tiling* may continue, it r* not r uriislit ?av: long it cannot, ami tie look fort, aril with hope to brisk businenHin the spring.—Ciitnmhia Telescope. Feb. d. THE RKPUBtWdJr. TUKSHAY KVKNINf;. pr.fc«rA*T 9. 1819. ! I* The Washington G^ftte of the 5Cth ult. <ty»: It va« n:nv»r*d ye ’erday. that the r*re«* dent of tiie UniieJ Slates hail, or would nomio-ite to the tenatc Mr Craw ford, in place ot Mr. Jonr», as a gorenitneiit director. Mr. flohb this ttate opened a debate, on the subject of the Seminole u»r, as connected «riih the report tVo*«t thr military committee.— A’tlim^l; wf ure the dec iced st!vocu**« of general J.tckM«n, wr h *d nidud. (merely fur the regard ur rn’erfain for »h- political literature of our -•ve.) :,* Mr. *\»hh w«>uld have acquited him- *«df in uch s manner as to h ive preserved at tint reputation for ennui* rente, which wt* believe lias hitherto b«*en awarded, to tltc repre- sen tat ion from Getirfria. We «hall at oner d»v- pc tn Mr G*s speech (whirh n.u»t have occu- pied nearly two hours in the delivery) by merely oh-ervintr, that It not on?v di'plavs a palpable •< r *°r»*ie.- of the history. li»w<. politics and c*eono. • »?>•*. : o*ui{ but that, t« a literary nerfortnance, **-i'• -re., rve-v :»r:r.ri;i.e r«f logical arrange t*.* u»! c'*«:.*n*»n rv.iv-mation. M: whi^r. we have not ye? seen, spoken ' f a m ^-fo^mance; full of po. CaI s-*pir>;ns and S''*:rg sa’ire It is said that ■ ri'Ts: e^.-n ivg-tmt+.t l>e Wt levelled acam>t u :r*i J.tckv n, '•« *t. uant if it^eeerie it to sup* rf h:> ei,r.du«t! Tt;i» is euualjt aboird at: Mr of imnfriatiet. Na” ' -. irdecd, r *r that w pur-:. wh-»i t u^'si^h Pel hr f.ith up thm hi* i ('\rer.n Tr, od i :<.nt .*ra! 1 ii»tske. t .d.l.irv* 1. in i k«w; i in Pi %:e, llutuparte, wit.*; his grenadier*, ent* r- ed Uie palace of St. «»hmd, and. d»<..' , r« in< t‘iC hayonn, the depu ies or* t »c pco oe, .i i ting on the -Taira of the laid the i\> Hioat of that fabra; of d;.-;>«*ti*-.r. which t etudnwcd all EarO(H. He h*>;«sl not t • *ca- J , '■inderstood: he was tar from that g*. •»- I *ta1 Jacks )n cherisn^l any de'ignv to I the Hberue* «»f the country, lie behev^d hi- n* ! ^femions purr anul patriotic lie thankc I God J th-t lie WvMt'd not, b it he thanku l mm still m t«r j thn .e cauld not. *t' he would, ovi rturn thr lib. r- kie» of its? republic. Hut pr eedent*. it bai. were fraught wi;u the mthd dangerous c«»n<-.|uences >Iau has be-n describ' d, by avttie of tho»e w'.io Tr**a»e.l ol'liis il»ture, as a l» »'» l.u **t habit*. ' JTit definitivn was modi tioer when applied to government * Precedent- were their habits— 'There was«»ne impotlant ditIVrvnce bctwvtu (<ie tormation wf habits b: an individual and by <o vfnitirnti He contacts it o:d\ ^ftcr frrq i»*nt repetition. A single instance ti\c» th-' habit an*! dattrm.oes the direction • fjg-»*rrnmenta. Again t ilia manning d Clri'ie ol d ilivcrenori m our military command:rs. when applied even t-* prisoners of war, he ina-t cater i«is pm’ot. T tegaiilinenthenu it w.u;Men-l onus. Hr lto r ,cc tri«t ourhapnv form f government was defined t«> or perpetual- Hut a* it were to be pre-erved. it r.ust be 0> *hc practice af vi-tue, by j*i-tice. by trioalf ra!iou, bv nugiia'sRiity. by greatness of soul, bv h rpiqt a walcf.t’ul arid steady eve on me ev.*; and, shov.- all, by hoU ng to a .-trict acc*» u. ability the oiiiiury branch of the puuiic force V’c are figh'ing, said Mr C a great moral *»*•- f', r *>;e brnef.t, no*, ud- o* *wir country, but of mankind Therve-of tu*- wiicbr world arc In nttcaunn up us and the U-geat p C rtim\ «»t.t 19 ’gaimg u th c ;i •%:*!,.1. wrr.h ;eT- Su,y. and with enw, the o:,ur portion, wMl» fjjoe, arilii conuiercr. mui, *• :t affection K»<* ry where the black ci ud of te<iu racy i. *«•-. pended over the world, save o-Iy oar bngot spot. ,*it» -.!:•• LV«.-d *- .• s. wi trtoich break* out from the political hentisplwro ^ mallet'. Slc i.*»k ng a | o\' »he We»% to brighten, and animate, a-i gla *• tavo 't appear* by the dr<i the human heact. tib*** ure that, by the don a. ** • ‘ * fjl of liberty here, oil t*^* arc ersUrrad. ed tnoitninivcrsal .larkocaa To you, Mr. man, h« longv the huh I>ri*Ur*r of TP^t^oired. tj pcslw-Vi ^ ebawster anj •n'isr h the mit d. and corrupt : * ml : he^’ute to determine upon tie i v*:rc .*f »un«ri conduct, ber.»u«e it e.oi* :.::t i«r: # v to which it com hi re- i.j" > ,r hea”t i« «*»t -tifnci» n»U vad •« tn*! clear to di*- n r!*;:.* aa l wnmjf. without oinrung l t?.' «; i li ns of others, should for- in. rational beiittrs. To sav the i n-m. h>s positive crimes srnoH ht tivw 1 virtues, —.lujustu {6'e>* J oie * f thr pipers, that msfor. i- g !• to Hal'imore. This is 5 t'»H j». *!»U eitvj but. it i* u»»der- tir-iiog »o reodenec in Ten- r.a-e*. ;iroj,a«cs visiting Ihhluorr. Philadelphia, nJ New Mth ult. The by - d< *. 1 miTCllH Tr.r c • rr liar*- -Yoa»t, iVauusry 28. ci^fv nf Nrw-York have nsas- •«! certai:i rsmSuuons approving of general Jack son’s rondurt iu thr Seminole war. hi »!,c Mary and l*ciaia**ire, on die 29d invt « .*d! :•) cGci.d to Jew* tn* Mme pri. ilegr* enj*»y- » i by Ciiriitiaus. w i» derided in the negative, af- *:• a debv.e of t!»rre data—avea -o, nays 50. \ S if'. Aiitriic. •• privateer, which bad been grouting m 'iie Straits of Macsssa, was attacked f Malay pirates, (sup:>osim* her to be andt'.ie whole of them captured. vrere compelled t<i + i.k the p-ank. 'ji% Hoff nan.—This di»tingui*hed fi>r- eiguer. wno 1m res-ded in this city for some time ah*it himself this morning, at his Icxlgtngs, tbrougb the body with a pistol. He w*a not dead wticn this paptr went to pr^ss, but it was not supposed he c Mi'd survive long. We undcr>t«n«i that a M*. Lee, ami irntgeneml •lilti, as ha* been geiwrslly believed, is the t« :!ior »if die number* which Ve have copied from ri.e Hiaim~' il Enquirer, aigucd “d4»r«s S*d- M.- Anthnuy Wiley. *»f ttie post ofliee in Sew 4 -hed a taole of the post-offices to ith the names of the post pamphlet of 9a pages ne > tables annexed ttiat in the yea- 17> ' i here were only 75 post-offices in tbe U. Sia*c—in 18W the number was Su3. and at pre- *t nt tiKre -re i/p.waitU of 3600 The mail is at pn -<nt tr;»r.s,.ortul daily 203^?^ and be tv. eta eightand nine million* of miles in a year.. covjrrnr produce. siv ax trail— cash raicss T.ira mr. S cl *- S cts. Ifjct, |»er I CO lbs. 5 50 a a (torn, per bushel, 1 00 a 1 05 Hilton, sea-ulsml, pr lb 5> a 52 IMto, up land, Jo. k > a 24 fr’iour. per 61 9 S\> a 13 l obacco, Ua r , per 103 ibs. 9 Prices at Augusta the fch iu-t—CoUoa 20 a *21 }; tobacco 7 a 9; flour 7»llg. •tf irr»ed~ hut evtiung. by ihe Ktv. Mr. Cr*»v-- tw. m-jvr lMiaSt 1h..*!m>s, (<4* the tiouae cl Thompson U Augu*U.) to Mim Mut Amt- ; • LaRKA, Ot this City filed—al OIJ Pruvulcncc. (*•* Souih-AmerKa^ i i*.e 2itli 5>cp» la** "colonel Jaiud tRWis an officer under Hit Indi j** ndetilgoveruiueiil oi Neve Grenada, m bt#uih America, and tbrrr.vrlj arepte- sentaiivc in ihe c* ngrca* of die United btaua, from Sunbory, in Peiinsvlvanu. In the xiivnur of ltfl7. lie joi.ird Hie small patnolic b-n.i under gen. M*Grrgor. that l*s*.i lor its ultimate object die cot.q ic»i ol Third., and took possession of Ame lia: On its evacuation he {lersevercd m hu lauda ble motive*, and {.ahacdovcr to the W e»t ludiea, where, -flrr visiting *dn.c of the Patriot posts. toidi a tarjf.- body of Patriors to d-nu Uatabiu, prcparaioty to a descentJbti the c.»ast of New Git tiada lie was beiuved by lus compsn- .is m arm* I •• persevennee.cun^ta c> aitd Cou- i K c, Cxrdi ai vtitues and inuuj.trmibJc to die in- ep tl *old er oi rt volution;—lie wa* lugiily res- i ccud f »rln* mtelo^vnc- ami mUgnty, «nd i'nni* hadi U.e friends ot aoutti-Amet*can cm*ncipa- i a lave Jo>l an *udciit,^ealouA atiu tail**fui *d- k'ocolc. -• —. on the 30th nit at Eocnezer, (Effingham louniy) aft*ran ul*«*-s cf ttfelu* liouia, kn CaTiuniKK Nat hu so i;«. iu tiie o3d year of her jj., cou.sort ol Mr J hu Neidiinget, ami daughter of tiie rev. Jtdui Hergroun paotor of the Gcr man LuUieii m church at that place. SHIP NEWS. PORT OF SAV.Uf.Wilt £|jC m ABUVIVi Schooner Favorite, Jtunigan, Rum Key, (Turks l-land) 13 ds—with salt—to U Kici» .rdson & Co The F wan boin.d to New-Yoik. but being short f provision* |*ut in here. Saw below, at anchor, the U S sch’r Lynx, Madison, commander, 1 day from M Mary*#. Schooner Leander, Harlow, Da tic n, 7 days— with wood—to the master Schooner Isibella. Lawrence, from Sapeto—in ballast - to the matter. Sloop Two-Sbitcrt, VViog, Darien, s days -wi h cotton and w<H»d - to Carnodian & Mitckel, ai>d captain Swarlireck. Sav mnah river navigation c>mnin) ’• boats F.ur- play, and Fidgeon. from August»—with 55J hal ^ cotton—to R U-charhoon if Go. Nich la^ & Neff. Ah 5:-m*nea, Wm Gallon, »nd L Pe ty R'»aC Jack-uf-Dimonda, K.)“), tii>m Angus's— widi 50 hvle* of cotton, to l< Riclurdson 2c (hi; jOC^io ringlea, to llrowo, Greene is Co, am 76.00 ■ Miingkm to the owner. it'».»i Merchant, from Augusta—'with 3*9 hah. * cotton—to J S Itourgfaux, J.ifuuion & lliils, Wm Gi<ton and Thomas (tar ntr. H *at Pilot, from Augusta— wkh 4bv> hale* of cotton—to sundry persons <’i.r .nyD Brig Gen Jackson IVarec, l**ovidcH;e, R. I. £/* If the person who took from »lf ihe de*k, in in. cftnp g ;o -ni «»i* me Sms sail UirrsuoAH. a Small ted morocco 1 RUNK, con:aining notes, due b lls, and other valuable papers, which are * f no use U> any one hot tin Mjt>«*i'iber, will return *he paners tl r ugh thv mulium of the P*e t t ffice, he shall receive h iv ward of FIFTY DOLLARS, and no retentions A*k> ed The money shall be sent to hini* in any wa\ he may direct, sliould he wish to avoid , oeing known. Frederick S. Fell. feb 9 1—33 For JVorfolk The schooner kOiJF.tilCK, sixty.t ight .ton* burthen. Hart, mailer, w.ll pro ceed for Norfolk in four or live days.— F*>r freight or passage on board at Hun ter's wharf, or to JOSIAti MUIR, feb 9—f — 33 HuPoch t range. For Norfolk The schooner GENERAL A. JACK SON. For freight or passage apply to ic master ou board, at Rice** wharf, or Lawrence iY Tliotanaoii. feb 9—m 33 For sale, 150 pif«* best tt.ixcu Gznnburgl 50 do best tow do * 100 d< «n patent Hues 50 do Carotbci do. J.iincn Dickson Sc Co. f-b 9—-»r—t—-S) Salt ur,d Coal. 60C»0 On.-hcls of luvct-pool ground Salt, and 50 Chaldron do • Goal For sale by RE A & IlDTLEU. feb 9 l S' Landing, f'-om »rA'- ner «'..nerM ,j. Jcdnn, 10<* barrels prtn c i*.,ik 46 do no s do lit; do prim* Heel* 25 t»hd> Ja*i a*ra l«.n. From *6‘ip Strr.’hers, 200 h« r >*t l* *up< rhue F'.'^ur lot* half hi ilv do 10» bur. I* pilot Bread 141 do navy* do*' and 200 keg* C'ackers For sale by L f,b 9 a aw recce .J* Thompson. -33 IVilliam Hochstrasser Has received by ti latent -r.i*-*.-* and offer* for -sir, hy >he package thu c ur setail, al the store lately occupied by*Yetf\ k l* rk ns, Jo ca e« fancy and fuM>«;urr Calicoes 3 do 7-b and 4»i c* Uon Shillings 1 Jo lighl Ging'ianu 1 do Gounterpanes 3 hales c«itor-d Homhazcis 1 do bmc. bltcfc. olive »nj brown Cloth* 1 do do d > drab and mix-'l Cussuiicrea. 1 do 7 16 tp \3 16 Ticks l trunk colored ela»‘fc Rib* c 1 do ladies' colored hury Shots s»»d Bnijjb 1 do blue Romals, spotted and fanry' PUntcits. blue sod red Shawls, Hrirujiu Handk^rcbiufa 1 do blue, drab and green cotton Ca-vimere 1 do nch white and col .red muslin Dresses 1 do laced and seeded fai«cy Musl’ms 1 do striped, spotted a n d p’ain cambric do 1 do Torkey Uaasxk, Peruvian black and white S*4m, Java and Ceylon Shaw!* Scarlet pehsio Cloih. Superfine u bite Flannels JO cose* containing super Frock and Dress Coat*, assort ed color* Cloth, ra*s’:mert and to' Vests Do do and euuiic rib Fanhiloocs fcb 9 - -fa, 33 Fancy and Staple .Irticles By U;c«bip* Howard »nd Victory, amt bni- Ma ria. recently arrived trera LirerpouL tbe .otMeri- ber> base rrcenrcJ 'a considerable auprtlj oi %t.■ sonable Far.ry ami Staple At be lesi wbitti, togi ther with their former very ptrer.ii stock, rentier* their present aaaottmera *«ry compkte, and well wortny tbeattentipn U purrhfrrs fur cittor town or country trade, Jamc* D.clu.un 4’ Co.' ' feb 9—ci—rf—35 Ogschee Canal Company. ' A me-ti<<£ of the roetobers will be held at the Kxcliao^e Loi.pUcom To-M>rrcw Eitnii.j, 10th •nnam. at 7 o'cioetc. A. there will men be at.hniiticd the report of the coamn::rc lorcrniiiff the plea into effect, • punctual and general attendance i. ea ected. felt 9 —3? Fe male dsylu m. A Charity Sermon will be preached at the la de pendant Fi csbytrr*an Chuicli, and a coIkcUiXi Uaide fo/ tiie btneht of the Female Aaymm on n«xi, in the fe.enoun Kii4h Irvine, Jev’ry. , The Board of Trustees of ihe Female Asylum, beg leave to lay hefoe tiie public a statement uf dirir actual tuiu!**. in order to satisfy the genc:ou> ti lends of tl:r insutulu n, that they sre not now called upon, but from the urgency ol ihe case Kiptuduu-en for 1819. Board of 25 ciuidrcn at ‘cjio-ieacii §26 JO Repairs of A.'VlUui Itane 59 Shoes for ,he children id Hooks and>* 15 Teacher ot writing and arW.metic 2vJ tfnr/ii. SubiCripliiJtiR Rent ot Asylum lljuse L» xt&tions D.videiids o.i Bank Stock Rent of lol T. -8.9:4 720 •KW Hi) 384 43 81652 81272 Le..iir,g a dcficicrcy of g1I7J for the support ut U.c cluijicn tt,e present year, depctuleul on cfaantjr >ermons and derations L!iza Irvine, sec-rtf- feb 9 33 dppvllinian Society. A uih be given 00 lliur*d«y, the ilth m»t at i.aif Dast 7 in tbe evening. M^nbi-rs c*n have their tickets by calling on thr subscriber feb 6 - -dl I*. ULlJlS, sec'ry. The Georgia Jocky Club Faces W >11 c .mnv .ict ok ihe hrst Wi.dmsday in March next, user the Savannah course. 1st duy, four mile houa, 2U tiu thrte mile heats, OFJ 3d do IWj mile heats, 4 0 Weights agreeable to the rules of the club. By erdtr tf the President. iTj*The cdifbr> of the Charleston Courier, thr MiliedrrViile Journal, and the Augusta <!h-oniclr, will publish the ;tb ive four times and forward their bills to this ctKce for payment. j : ,n 9 4 Mr Haddock Hai it g b. en r^queioedto nuiruct n small class o! ladie* hi some of the higher branches of female ducat ion, will receive application tor a few in addition to those already engaged, at Mr. Ma- spn’s, east tnd of tbe Academy. The branches tauglit vmII include the Elements • *f Astronomy, and ot Moral and Intelirctual Phi- l*.» opny; the Princi lev *»f Taste and Griiisism: d»« Kvmeiiff-t ot the Christian Religion, and Cou.po sition. Quarter to commence on Monday nest. Time of instruction from one to three hours in the feb 9 1* 33 To Rent, mind pctscMuvn given fnrr.ediaUly, A S:ore and Duelling, in Montgomery-street, near the Hay ami Sieain-ltoat wharves Two Stores with rooms above, adjoining the same, on the Bay. ALSO The Dwelling Hou»e. on Montgomery street, lately occupied by the rev. Mr Curies. A n*-w two story Dwelling House, on the -arrr lot, fronting on Montgomery rtr, eland ’Vanklm -quart-, witli a casement vlory, well ruitcd for an office of a si re. For termsapt>ly to I. MINIS, fcb 9 — ca—-33 • To Lease, run A T«a* ' F TZARS. . Ten acres Land, adjoining F\ir Lawn »rac», «n' lands lately the estate nt (Mings* lig, about half?* mi’e f rom town—well iiuuliHcd for a garden sp^ t Six ae.rr-s land, immctltattlv in fisuit Fairl^un house, one-fourth of a mile from the cit}, and in tiie rear of the gaol Sixteen aerm Lard, adjoining Currie*s lo*s near the residence of Norman M'b ed and John M'Kir.non, taj. Any portion of (lie above lands will be laid out in such* lots as will correspond witii a regular plan to be approved. One Lot at the head of Jetfrr.onstreet on S. S. West Broad street, and iirimdiateiy adjoini-g John Al'Kinnon, esq. One Lot. No 19, LurrieS lots, in the rear ot Norman M.Leod, e-q Two Lot*, .^os 44 and 45, on M'Cofnb street, Jackson ward One I/)?, east rf the city and immediately in the rear of Carpen’cr’s r«.w- a cori er lot. good Hooding lai’s 011 Fahm an ’ Oryrge streets, Oglttiiorpe ward, in the tear of William Scarhrougli, fhq. ^ ’fine l»ot on Uiilnm street, 100 feet s<]uare with a small House thircon, at present occupied cy G. I*. Cor e. e^j For terms a ply to I MINIS, fir b 9 «v ,U Stopped, From an'gro. on die 7 i» * slant acav-ment i f Saahes containing nine hghfs of If l»y 10 Gia-S; uhich tr*»m iu appearance n*» dmibt w.t taken from some lio i-e not occupied The owner can have it by pa> ing or lIn* advertisement and call •ngon the iub*cr:btr. I. Duveiipoit. frh 9 33 JVotice Ornmio-ion merchsms are required to ♦ lo \?x Jut f n vnes mufo on c >mT.issam lo th« Iv. ult O.: or before * It- l th nsi...;t. Jo >n !. R. * *e- *s, elf.* fr*’i/*:tr, r. Cj:y 1 (.outer*0 .ffice AV,.- >.h F ') Hi 9 -0. Information IVanied. Any p-r.- ' wit** v ill gdr.u ; »i»r rc^ i-.ecti* g M; i ifiiltiJl) ifoi r.m: l<*. fvii ?*&»•ad •»ah in »>Cl t»* r I-' 8 vi. 1 *.* ...f» • n obii *.,t. *i. r.t hi, ti:«'ii.-r Htf. >r< B ht c-rtvi v jf a lev lines t- ?l.r e .Vrr.: -iii /• iju ‘>!i;an. ja»* *2 * At m -M .WCTiONS. To-Morrow, 10th inst fftU t; H-d before my otote. Pipes cf Biandy Hhda Jamaica /nd* W I Rum Do Gin st> \\ I. >Wry Pipes llo. *> d G*n ; , IN Iti'joj.,13 Hiti dy. Jarraica Rum and Oc LndGin, warra «ted pure Butter. Ch«r»e, l.«rd, euvp. Caudles Writing and wc..ppi,.g Fap*r tlys n bk.n Tea Boxes Madeira \V ne An Invoice of l)ry Goods; eos.i istivo 1*1 a. Ca^im* rv^bnci) Sheetings Caiirae*, Cambric*. h»*. v Mu»Iio llo-u—y. fe«k Slivwls and Haudkctchiefa Sewinc S.lks, Gl.'vrs. .icwelry Gnat Ccatv, txadv madei and A variety «»f othe* An*cle» Suit to conrxsnre at 11 •V.'srt. A. Huwe.uitrt'r. fib 9 J3 To-Morrow, the }0th instant, I t'i it be sold on Hunter's wharf, :V>U bushsk Lirr.jt ol goooi SALT, ufl n. l.<vcipoa) OML l.ndin- from ship I'crm. tnn'<r lum» n at time of rate. 5'u.ei. csittmcr m It.’rlKl, M. Ilnbcrt, ottefr fi b 9 32 43. MJU On Momlajr.the 1 jilv of Februafj next. U til 5.- nU of He lot* rsttOse. ./ Jom*. C&votiJ, OrcronO. fivnont t.i ert. All tlir prrtutnjl l*n nerty «<f raid accented, tly ordrr of the ui>i<Miut.-at<ir>L . - Sole t. c»t*met;if ei II o'r,.. ' ( M. Herbert, cuct'r. j Ml i<) is JIdininistrator's sale. On Salurtl«v,iOtn t'ebiuaij nejt, H'tfi b oo’dbefore nxi tto e, SUNDRY ARTIlLES or Htmseliold Furnilure. The pcracnal prunett> l'< jt llealet, ds- ce.seil Ity order of tbea(*tr. i.rtr itor A. Howe, auet'r. jan 18 j 14 On the find Taestlav in March nejtt, . Between tiie I tour, of 10 anil 2 o’clock, will! >r aulil before the Cuurt-Ucue in the city of ia- Die foil iwing ti.meO V E -ROBS, to wit; Celia ami ht.r three children, ('Intitule and Itir (hnt clnltlren, ami Lott, Andrew airl George. Soul in pursuance of a diene inequity. Conditions, ea>V , , M. Herbert, auet'r. ^Executor's sale. " ~ On Thumtlay, the 18th March next, IFtU be *o r d before my etore. All the G»»«Js an«l Rfftctk of Mr Francis Pot- tier, J; crawl, cun^ittmg a Id IVutchti, patent levers, repeaters and p!s*a Stiver ditto do du do do Gold (Mutiny Grid deals and Keys Gold Breavt-F.'as Pia'til Watt, and • A variety »f JEWELRY Terms. c*«h. Side to commence ai 11 o'clock. 31. He. burt, auet’r- fcb 4 ?9 - ^ * t Tax Collector'8 sale. 1 On 'he fret Tuetdti\ i HMuchntTf, W’ll be t «4d ai ihe court house in tbe cky of Sa vannah between the Imun* of 10 and 3 o'clock, A Negro woman named Rose; levied on to aa* tisf" thr direct tvf for 1816. »• d '■tate amt county ♦axf t 1^17, of William H.Gillct.uid—anlount of tax 8^ 97 Junes Ktipinger, x- c. c. c. feb 9 i --33 Will he Soli On the fir*.; Tue*> ay in Ajarch next. . At thr markrt-h.msr of St Alary's. Cimdal county, between the hours nl' 11 Otlt S; ALL THE k^tate;;. REAL AjVJ) PEHSOjYJt, (*t wt' KiaKb Ltro),«t <.'umher.and 1. Iat;d, decreed cnnf»-tu»g of a «iact of Laml on the Is'.hml of Cumberland. » ttr.den county. Georgia, b -mg the x.uth part of lot' No 8. so calleti.iu tl.e parttlion ot *o»d Islands being Ikmjruled as follows; F.:»st »y the ht*. sou’ll In »hr land of the cita’eof Iahc.1i*. ue*;! by fai.O of grnrroi |. M'ln'obh, and. t.orlli bv tana h»tiy sold at mar»hal s sale. The north line of >s«l 'net to be tun out, parcelled •*i?h tin south line as »o g vc the auantity of3Q0 re.res Togrt rr with s!l *nd sing-iLr, the h<>uves^ aid iir.pi*/ren.rets thereon Advninis- tra* r*s titles wiil he given. Thr land was *old tfc he said riancis L my by Doctor I. Kolicck, of S.ivannah Also, the following negroes:—Jim and his wife F.Uza, with her child. The whole sold by order fit ;i»e honorable the inferior court of Camden county, 'ferir* nf sale, half of the prrehase mot oey, rash; t;:e other half payable nit e monthsaf- •er the sale, with mortgage on the property; the purchaser i.ayi. g for titlrs and rf-conbifo th« mortgage. PAUL P. THOM ASSON, ja*.» 19 rf—15 jiikyinm-ato*. Sheriff’s sales. On th' fi-tt Tuetd.w in March next, Will be • f.lia at the court house in Ricrtnmugh^ betw*.en the hours of 10 aid 3 o’clock, A ‘•mall bay horse, and a shot gun; levied on as thr property f/f John Soulegrce, dec. to Satisfy ap * \e..u::o.. *n favor of Charles F:o>d. for the use of * h*-■••* H.arnis# *1, saTd property pointed out by Szn.gtit Au-iin, adin’nr William Wi?Mn, s. l. r, tab 1 26 - - - Sheriff’8 sales. D*. the fret Saturday i.fcr the fret Tuesday in Mirch nett. (jtorgid Libel LOUutj. | \y,n H*. m ,(1 at theni tket-houae ir .tbe town mi’ t.c Ca urv»»: ordinary . St Mary's, between dir hum* vf ten and Ihrte By F< for the crt'itity *»f L*bi Wtkcn-as lil'dlia : Iforh-’.rass^r applies for «•. ter% of administration n the *n«l cha*iH . ngtitB »'oI credit-, which >*tre d Jvlin Mr*lick, j M Gthe >aid rcamty, der.e'ned. a v nrxt»»f k;u. i 3b are, tlieref»»re. to cite and a^momah »ll and *Sg»‘lat*. the kindred creditors »*f the said deceased to file their ohjfotionx (if sny they have) in my office on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise let»er* of adm nistraiion will be grinted untn'the said applicant. Given under my hand Lnd s*al, this 54:h day of January, u> the year of our L-nl eigh'een hun dred and nineteen, and is the forty-third } ear of American iadcpcndencc. [L S] ,E -BAKER, ccou jan ¥7 ■- -- * Notice. ' - - AO penon. hint.? demands apin.t tbe eatate of Charles Stewart. W of the district of White Bluff, dectutd. will iiieaent to tto lubwri- ber within the tiiac prescribed by law; and those indebted frill make immediate pfyihent to . Christian t-auipe, *d*’er. Silk-tit *4M autaaL dec 17 -tt. iiO - Blank..Manifest s lor W« ry V 'ch'ck vd t.»a« flay, *1 i.r I Rowing household Fuiniirf. to wit. 'or^* t vr* su otic book-caar, one w-isf l md eight reading hooka; levied on as *hc pr*»; ery «f IL- r a C \ ^ t wMify an executk i, Abiaham B<a- seal vs l>anici Gopp and Robert Rudolph. Geivrge Lui.g, u. 6 c. c- ,*» J - 30. 1819 f 9] . Administrator’c sale. 0~. I ft. •ir.t Ty..Jal in .Ittri: next. Will be »oul. by‘>n td tli: court ot.ordi nr; of Cluttto.i county, before t!tt Ct urt house in thr C'ty of Snrar.cata, A Negro Had, the |>craonal pro.^ rty of George Hrialer, deceetmd. . George D. HcUIe-, adm'cr. Lb 3 f- 7V 8 State Bank Skarss. On 'Aierciot, V Afrit WiU be —q u she Court-M";tje.. in the c.ty of S-svaanah. between the boor* cf tC and 2 o’clock. I on SKaKF.S in Hie stork of <’■- bxnk of the Stole otGcuryti—Tbe propetty of A tra Rrrscue. a Minor bold by order of the t>ortof Onfirx- ’•^essssatiwmbim: f,b 2 f S7