Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 10, 1819, Image 1

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except so much thereof at extra tan of AfSMpHtcr. Mr. Hugh Nrlren, Virpai*,4>I!owed, .<■ apparition to tbs report and resolutions tad tad spake tat A Abort time; when, taringpew> way Itriwio tft ttat ef- The committee roae, reported prom**, •rid ufctsined leave to ait aguin. A ntnsge was received from Ike presi dent of the (Inited States, by the band* of Mr.l. I. Monroe, hi* private secretary. bMMittiag,in compliance with the reso lution of the house of the 14 th inst, e re- jpert from the eeeretarjr of state, coo- ceruiog the applieatiAns which have been made by any of the independent govern- tbenta «5f Sooth America u have a roini*- Or consul general accredited by the gov- eminent of the United State*) with the an- 'iwereoftfc* government to the applies, '♦inns' addrecred to It. The papers com- •hnuriieiteil by the secretary of state, cm. • ’brace, besides hie own report, which is long, etindry letter* from Doe Luis tie ‘Clemen ti and Mr. De Forest, to the Mere- '(ary of state, with nia anawrrs) letter* of credence froth the director ol Bueno* Ajr<-(, a commission from Mr. -Clemeoti <o ail* Gregor M‘Gregor, etc. making it. ««ll a pretty large volume of manuscript. . m The message and documeots wet* reid tad referred to the committee oo foreign relation*. A mesMge was received from the pre- •ident by the hands of Mr. J. J. Monroe, Communicating, in compliance with the resolution of the house of representatives, of the 18th iust. requesting of him “any information, not already communicated, Whether Amelia Island, St. Marks, and Pensacola, yet remain inttie possession ot Vie United States; and, it so, by wliat .laws the inhabitants thereof are governed: whether articles imported therein from fbreign countries, are subject to any ami What duties, and what law»:.*tnil whether (he arid duties are collected, and how; Whether vessels arriving in the United States from Pensacola and Am-iia Island, and in Penaacola and Amelia island froiq the United States, respectively, are con aider, d and treated as vessels from foreign countries,'* reports from the secretary ol the treasnry and aecretary of war, afford- mg all the 'information requested by the house. The message and documents were read, and ord *;d to lie on the table. ’ Mr. Harrison offered the following re solution: Resolved, That the judiciary commit tee enquire into the exped.em.y ot provid ing by law for the punishment of crimes committed by persons employed in the ar- mica of the United States, without the li mita thereof, and which are not provided fdr by existing laws. Mr. H. observed, in explanation of motion, that, during the discussion which had lor some days occupied the house, the question had occuired to biro, whether there was any provision in our laws for the punishment of crimes committed by men in the army beyond the limits of the United States, and which were not provi ded for by the military code; in other words, whether the jurisdiction of our ci vil courts extended to crimes committed in that situation. He had himself no doult of the right of jurisdiction being in the nation over its own citizens, employ ed ip the army, in any country where, by the laws of nations, our army had a right to' go: but, he had understood that the Courts of Hie United States had declined taking cognizance uf offences committed any where, unless jurisdiction had been expressly given by a statute. If this was correct, crimes of the highest class might be committed, by individuals of our army in-Florida, for which there was no legal punishment. The articles of war, Mr. il. observed, provided for the punishmet of no crimes, but those of a military charac ter. They did not provide for the case of murder. An inferior killing his superior, might indeed be punished, and punished with death, under the article which pro* i hibit* the striking superiors; but th-re was no adequate punishment for an officer who should murder a soldier, or an officer his inferior. Within the limits of the' United State* all offences of this descrip tion wcie punished by the civil coorts ol the states. If the view he had taken of the subject was correct, Mr. H. said, the propriety of passing a law as speenily as possible'must be apparent. He therefore moved the resolution which he had sub uitted. The resolution was agreed to; and The house adjaurnrd. COU.YTEilFElTJJVG—drier! ed. aO>v, m OX, Yesterday swung, i ns vtoolk tuns* stare K-Hcsrexa, was taken into custody, and tit? meadow for era Barred before Ore mayor, for attempting to pus counterfeit notes of vamps banks. On ex- g him be told dllfatal stories; that were to eaatredletory u induced die mayor to order* search, which vu forthwith done, when 4 large amount of bdls, without signatures on the bank of Newport, (Kentucky) was found in bin saddle bags. He ia safely lodged in the gaol of this city, to await bis trial at the court in Msy next. The bill* are of 100 and SI dollars, a fart of which are pose no'es. with the rim left blank — TUrt ie no doubt he toe accomplices, now in tb:> city. The supreme court of the United States, met in Washington City on the 1st inatant:—Among ti)0 important questions which are lb be argued and dtculed,? will be the following:—'The right of she gHsHfl tax ilw UaiteJ States—UiteoftaC-* tuliooitdy of state insolvent iiw»~aiid the power of courts-martial, under Mate authority,to impose fines, iu case of draft, from tbe mditia of tbe states into tbe service of tbe United Slates. Tbe National Intelligencer, informs us that judge Joaaexww, is about to resign his high office, for one of leas dignity, perhaps, but tbe emolu ments of which are more adequate to the services rendered, than those or a judge of die supreme court. TUR RACES Ended on Saturday last. Mr. Randolphs Chesout colt JCusciuco, (by Sir Archy,)and enl. Richardson’s sorrel colt Mark Antho ny. started for the superb Gold Cup, when the former won it with considerable ease. This is said to be the firstCup ever run for in the United States, and we understand that the Jockey Club have passed a resolve tf at the annual Races shall in future, be closed by a competition fur a similar prize Sporting Extra.—The week’s amuse ments ended with a novelty. The gentle men on the turf, raised a subscription nurse for the R ephant. who was released from his confinement, and trotted very- brisk round the course, to the great amuse mentofthousands ot spectators.—-CAnr/es ton City Gazette, 6th inst. Mr. Cleary ma.le oi> first appearance before the Charleston audience on Satur day evening,in thecharacter ot Othello.— A lull *nd f ishionable house evinced much satisfaction at hit performance■. He ap pears again this evening, in Richard the Third.—ib. For Rent A Dwelling Hou -e on tbe corner of Drayton- Itte.-t. near the Academy. Hosression will be gir. rn on or before the 21st instant Inquire of James Marshall. fib a THE REPUBLICAN*. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Pssxcauv 10. 1819 The Com-nereim! Treaty between tbe United Sta'es and Great Britain will be found in this day’s sheet. It will be recollected by roost of our readers that, a few weeks since, there appeared amongst uh.s James Edward,denominating himself, “James Edward, P. It. L S. (from Scotland) member of tbe cabinet of sciences of Philadelphia, late princi pal of the Lancastrian high school of that city and president of the Pennsylvania association of teachers," &c. He remained iu this city but a short time, and delived, we understand, tuo lee- tores on the Vancatirian System of Education.— What his qualifications are, or, whether they were put to the test of experiment we are unable to say. He appeared, however, with very Battering testimonials from highly respectable characters in tbe interior of South-Carolins; and procured in this place the earnest recommendation nf several of our most worthy and enlightened citizens.— But, it teems by the followingletter from Joseph Lancaster, the friend of learning and the friend of man, to the Editor of this paper that, he is an ignorsnt pretender and impostor. We notice this adventurer, merely for.the good opinion which we entertain of the sywem of education which he professes to teach, and our fear of teeing it bro’t into disrepute and contempt. We feel alio a jea lousy for the character of our city—as we with several of our citizens contributed to further the views of Mr- Edward by recommending him to the poMte at large. It was an honest zeal which prompted this act: ami we ire sure the gentlemen who the recommendation, deeply regret tbe use which they have enabled him to make of their names. Baltimore, 1st of 2d mo. 1819. Joseph Lancaster, founder of the Lancosterisn System of Education, presents his respects to Frederick S. Fell, and informs Ivm that liezakiah Niles, of this city, has placed in bis hands two co pies of the Savannah Republican, in which is an account of a James Edward, once of Philadelphia, who professes to be acting under the patronage and with the concurrence of Joseph Lancaster. Now, 1, Joseph Lancaster, feel it my duty to thee and to the public, to whom tlty paper is dis tributed, to say this profession is utterly without a foundation in truth, honesty, or common justice. This James Edward applied to me soon after my landing at A’ew-Tork, in the 8th ino. (August) last, for a certificate ol hit ability to teach on my syMem, to which, in the presence of witnesses, I replied—"James Edward, did 1 ever see thee 'before? Have I ever trained or taught thee my 'system! thst the" should ask 3uch a certificate? 'Wliat thou wish I would not do for my own bro- ‘ther or dearest friend!” and then positively re Ju.eJ him in the most marked manner any aid, countenance or certificate whatever. On my travelling southward, almost every town in my road, ai d especially Philadelphia, furnish- ed me with cause to rejoice that I had given him this peremptory refnssl—yet he has the daring impudence to travel in the southern states, and impose on the generosity of a benevolent people, os Having been and being under my ranetion. In Philadelphia 1 have evidence that he exhibit ed a silver medal as my gift; which medal, so far from being my gift, was fabricated in Philadel* phia under lus own direction I have ample ressons to give no credit to his Philadelphia testimonials from persons who tell me they wender at the nse which they have heard has been made of their names, having positively refused their signature to the certificates he has with him. There are no persons certificat'd by me in the United States at this date except two of my pupils at Washington, and one who lives with me at Phi. ladelphis Bey nd them 1 have no responsibility for any teacher in any of the states. I beg thy excuse for the hasty manner of this communication—thou art at full liberty to msk public or private use of it. in any way that will prevent imposition on the American public. 1 remain thy sincere friend. J. LANCASTER. os fire—wft «e tmwnrnsw ptWaityV ralMnxof id ortho I cat m mind < One« upon X time, a 1 to hia hrad. to be a Crrarl iably conceived I have pasted, put did theFROGf - What did the Ox? - He I .contempt, fed whether he I thought of tbe'Kasai 1 (foolish thing!) began to i On hours together, r 7.5S? by paying, aa BIG a* tbe • he BURST to pieces! her this lime, but a mere BA i it foolishly in- 31 And more fen]. F driving Out of a to game there: P.>r M nos wanted monopoly tl Well, what I the Ox outl inin' once with , and never more m the FROG, [to bellow tor annoyance <>f- i end at last, sad t-i > have made himself, he bated, lo! g. as it were at m.vDff We have just seen a copy of a Report, recent- ly made by a commit tee of A* house of represen tatives, of which Hr.* was chairman, on the subject of t bmposedhmendeient of the laws which regulate the coins of ve United States and foreign coins This report. 'which was accorapa. mad by two bills to carry (U recommendations into effect, is of the Erst importance to the com- mareiil * tenaucc report forth' _ . licity, because it is titnaff to explain tbe mo. lives uf the bill reported ea the subject, the pro visions of which have hren already * feet, is or me nrst importance to tne com- I interest of the country, and to the main, s of a specie tr.edMat- ‘ We shall publish the forthwith, and Shall give-it the earlier pub- . Tbe U by our reporter, sir speech on Friday, ajrpeiiing-jn have been ramp, prehended, it is thought as well to describe more particularly the course of Mr. IKS argument: which was, to givc'to gen. Jackson a justification fur crossing the Spanish Ime, and for the occupa tion of St Murks: but to declare the leisure of Pensacola and Barrancas to be without justifica tion; especially when connected with his conduct, after they were in his possession, in expelling the Spanish authorities by formal articles of capitula tion, and establishing s regular government, or. ganiaed by himself: and treating it as a conquered territory, finally severed from Spain, and annexed to the United States. As to the execution of Ar- buthnot and Ambrister, Mr II. thought tbe gene rat bad a strict military power to treat them as if they had been Indians, and vf course to exercise the rigor of savage warfare upon them. At the same time he strongly reprobated the exercise of the power in this instance — ib. SHIP NEWS. POST OF SArAATMAU. saarvaw, Hermaphrodite brig Lodus-Cee le/ Sheas, Ma deira, 31 days—with 100 pipes of wine—to Wil liamson ie De Villers, John Bogue it Co. 11 Rich ardson U Co. Campbell ie Cumming, Kobt Watts, Wm Gaston, Scarbrough « M'Kinne, Sturgcs it Burroughs, L Petty, J Speakmtn ie Co. Cumming ie Moorhead, A G Semmes, Isaac Course, Johnston & Hills, and Camochan Se Milchcl. Passenger— Sir L Tib bait. Scudding under close reefed top- sails in a gale of wind, on the 2Sth Nov: on her outward bound passage, shipped a heavy tea. which hove the brig on her beam cuds and swept the mats, (DJ Winehall, ofKennebeck) camboose, and all the water casks overboard; and stove the long boat, and carried away the jolly boat. Ame rican vessels left at Madeira, when the l- C. sail- ed:—Ship America, Rosetta, of N York, lor Bom bay, in 20 days; schr Aurora, White, of New York, for the Cape-de-Verd Islands in 4 days; and brig Forest, Bloke;ton, of Philadelphia, for the Isle of May in 1 day. Brig Morris, Green, New-York, 7 days—corn, wine and molasses—to Douglass it Sorrel, owners. Spokov« a ‘*J»a» StoSsain shoala- brig-Amalia, fw New-York bound to Charleston. Schooner Milo, Griawsld, New.York. 8 days— northern product, etc—to A It Savage, Jos Muir, Scarbrough & M'Kinne, W fnglisc 8c Co. Laroche it Watson, A G Semmes, Greene ft Lippitt, H Kir- by, J Scudder, J Lathrop Is Co. Johnston & Hills, H Tupper, Duhamtl U. Ante, Meigs it Reed, J. H Fraser, I B Gifford, and Barrie £ Coon. Pat- sengert—Mr and Mrs Ci.tneion. Spoke, off Cape Uatteris, a Salem schooner, from Baltimore for Charleston—requested to be reported. The brig Ebza, Tupper; and Fanny, Pease, had both arriv ed at New-York in a days. Spoke, off Charleston bsr, a French brig from Havre, bound in. Schooner Friendship, Batten, Ocracock, 4 da— with corn—to J Sheldon, on board. Spoke, on the 7th inst. uflT Fryingpan, sloop Norfolk, Board- man, from N York tor Darien, 8 days out. Schooner Cornelius, Robinson. Tiiomastown, (Me) 14 days—lime and lunoer—to H 'l upper. Schooner Antelope, Corder, from St Mary’s—- with cotton—to older. Schooner Mary A Eiiia, Snow. Baltimore, 7 ds from the capes—with a full cargo—to Bacon A Bruen, Hall A Hoyt, G F ti O Palmes, Cumming A Moorhead, rod the castor. Sloop Brothers, Shat'uck, Alexandria, 10 days —fli ur and bread—to Lawrence A Thompson, and Meigs A Heed. Chebacco boat Libr-ty. Bedford, Onabow, 1 day—with cotton—to lohii,to-i: A Hills. CZItUD, Brig Huron, Grayson, Falmouth, (Eng) and a market—J .Minis SchrEliza-An’, Weston, Havant—J Baitelle U co Schr Caroline, Nye, Wdm ogon, (y c) anticipated— raoji ora ccntr.srovi.EVTa Office »/ the Aew-Ycre Octette, Jan 30. Are Hr; packet S needy, (.-borne, 40 days Irom Falmouth, Erg. via Bermuda with the December mails.—Soiled from the former port 15th Dec.— Nine days from the latter, "he brig Lydia, Ni- rhoils, of Plymouth. Mass from Bordeaux for V. York, with a cargo of brandy, fruit, etc. stranded on the 15:b Jan. near brrmita—vessel lost; the crew and most of the esrgo stved. The Lydia was 117 day s out from Borcemx, and htid been blown off the coast of New Yo* three different times. The Br brig Mary-Ann, Wright, bad are. at Bermuda from N York. The schr Afin-Eliza from the V States, are. at Beimuda 18th Jauusry. Admiral sir David Milne, hid dispatched a man /Vow the ITashingten fOaJ A’cvt, 6th inst. Mr. Cobb, our representative in congress, his really made a long speech on the Seminole war! Bless u-1 what a tovs lexica!!—Wonder if Old Hickory was then in the galleries at the time ofitt delivery I—doubted.' There is* vast difference in speechifying behind a min', back, and to his facts—Query, could Mr. Cobb do as he has done, were the eyes of the hzxo of oilsaxs fixed upon hit? Mr. Cobb may be a HERO, but gen. JACKSON is undoubtedly one—Mr Cobb may hereafter en list public respect, Ac; as yet he is too sxuv! Mr Cobb may be a true patriot, but as > t, we have only hit ipse d.xit for the fact — - Wonder .f the o her d« legates from Georg-a bluth becau.e MrC lays so much, ur, becaus. they say so attic? General Jackson has a reputation, f r all tbe nobler atnbutes of man!—And Mr Cobb, mav pcrliaps add a little to his oan, by handling ha: o' the generals; but it w ill be as trii-vieht in i r u-a tion as the odor which is left upon the h<nd aft. r h Iding the it at! W onder if Mr Cobb, ever read *hr story o' that grr i mjin who *et fire to the TEMPLE of MANN Ml? ••••••• *—Doi.’t flatter votirself, reader, that any interes'ing simile i- about now to be drawn bctWe-n Mr COilB or Georgia, and Mr. ERAST RATES of f.trice: - Mr. C. believe roe, will never set the CAPITAL of war brig from Bermuda, it quest of pirates Brig Sewell, St me, from hutterdatn. and 40 ds from tbe Lie cf May, witi alt sod gin Jan 15, ht 32, 6. Ion 77, 28, spoke B ship Joseph, Eagan, 75'days from London (or Dhrles’.on, short of pro. visi.-ns—supplied hint with about 15 barrels of bread. 19th, lot 32, 31, lea,78,15, spoke hrig Lorenzo, of PorLmouth.vr. 99 day* from Lon don and 75 from Cowes, ioind to Charleston, all well. Schr Arabella,' Godfrev Porto Rico, 25 days, full cargo cofue. Leu siht Eliza Ann, for New. York ‘.'Oh J,n; bdg Leoyard, Davis, for Balti more, 1st Feb. S? If the person who took from off the desk, in the cjmptpg-room of tbe Savav- var HirrocrcAV, a rnJl ed morocco TRUNK, containing notes, dm bib, and other valuable paper*, which are of no ue to ary one bnt the ■ubsrriber. will return thi paper* through the medium of the Posi-Oficehe shill receive a re ward of FIFTY DOLLAR! and no questior.aask- cd. The money shall be *nt to him in any way hr may direct, ahould h wish to avoid oeing known. federick S. Fell. fen 9 l 33 Ogechee Caul Company. A m <t- go? ’ be owners will he held at the F.v-hange lostqr R-aun ">13 EVENING, th* 10th iita!ant, at 7 o’e!aek. A» here will then hemibrn 't-d the reprrt of the cimn htee forearrrfc Ih* plan into effect, a punctual and general attodancc is expected. fcbglQ 33 jtfpC Forty Bat** of Cotta MkE Are wanted on freight fo on for the ahip MONTGOMERY, Riley, maMcrrto sail for Havre on Saturday next Apply on board, or To Hazen Kimball. feb 1 for JVew-Fork. Lcket brig SUPERB. Rod . :er, will sail To-Morrow, wind wca:l,er permitting. A few passe*- cm be accommodated by application GRAY A FINDER. -e 34 For BaltimoA The packet brig MORj aa a regular trader,) »i’~ lily. For freb liaving superior accommodate Douglass tTh* have reCtneed per saidbrig, and eferfor tale, 6 pipes old London particular Teneriff Wine 20 bi d* Nt Kilt Molasses $300 bushels Long Island white flint Corn feb 10 r 31 Lime and Lumber. 60,000 fret clear and merchantable Boards 50 casks Stone Lime Received per schr. Cornelius, and for ask by Isaac Cohen. For Charter * Tbe schooner CORNELIUS, captain tobinsnn, burthen 104 tons. Apply as bore. feb 10—: A CONCblfr will be given To Morrow, the lltb inst at half past 7 in tbe fetching. Members can have their tickets by calling on the subscriber, feb 10—31 P. BLOIS, eee’ry. Regimental Orders. A Regimental Court of Enquiry, of which lieu tenant colonel White aliall be president, and cap tains or commanding officers of companies mem. beta, is ordered to be held .on Thursday, 11th Fe. bruary next, al the Exchange, to ermmence at 9 o'clock a. *. for the trial of officers, non-com missioned officers and privates, who have made default on the 21st of January last. The officer* of the court will attend in uniform. Ten days’ notice it to be given by the adjutant to defaulting officers, and the same by aerieants to dt "suiting non-commissioned officer* and pri- vatea, and the summoning officers are to attend to prove the summons to parade and to the court. Each captain will produce to the court a list of his defaulters. The adjutant will serve a copy of this order on lieutenant-colonel White, and on each captain or commanding officer of a company. J. Marshall, colonel, com’g. lit reg , t. Go. mihiia. E. S. Rees, adj. felt 10—e—34 Christ Church. The Warden* A Vetrvtnen of Christ Church, having assessed the fee simple pews in the sum of Forty DeHart for the present year—the own. eta are requested to call and settle the same with the treasurer. Those persons who are in arrear for rents are also required to settle the same with the subscriber without delay. R. VV. Habersham, trea’r. C. C. . feb 10 m 34 To the Ladies.' The subscribers have just opened an elegant assortment ol THREAD LACES and EDO- IJVGS, with a variety of STAPLE and FAJfCi GOODS—alt of which will be disposed of low for cash, by ' WM. INGL18 A CO. corner tf Barnardatreet and Market square. feb 10—-r 34 Prime Flaxen Osnuburgs. £00 pieces for sale on moderate terms by Scarbrough & M‘Kinne. ALSO A pair of elegant bay carriage Horses, if short ly applied for. feb 10 civ 34 James Carruthers Ha* received, per the thipt Athens and Martha, and the bong Sally Ann, from Liverpool, An assortment ot Glassware Earthenware Elegant tea Sets, and Potatoes in hampers Which are offered for sale on reasonable terms, fob 10 l! 34 Notice. During the late fire on Messrs Williamson A De-Vilier’s wharf, a Box containing a small Clock, marked “J. Swan, Augusta, Gs.” was left at Mrs Rice’s house, on the Bay. The owner can have die same by applying to E. S. Rees, and paying for this advertisement, feb 10 z 34 Fifteen dollars reward Will be paid to any person who will lodge safe in the jail of this city, my negro man turned CHArtLF.b. who ranaway on the 8th inst. He is a stout b'ack fellow, nasr 6 feet high, and stutters He had cn when be went away a blue cloth coat and pantaloons. Hr bus wife at Mrs. Uotufeoa’* at White Bluff, and. il is. probable be may-bc in that neighborhood. Joh* Tanner. feb 10—- 34 , Notice. ~ The subscribers have formed a coaaexio* in business under the firm of Classes b Bsowx at St. in this at»te They offer their ser vice* in transacting Coamistioa Business. S. Clarke. G. 8. "Brown. St. M tty’t, XsH. 10, 1819 [*i| -17) Georgiar+Effhgham county. By John t lharlton, dark of the hours ot airdi' nary for the equnty and state aforesaid. Whereas, Timothy Grann, applies for letter* of adoiaiAtratien on the estate and effects of the zcv John Beek, deceased These ire, therefore, to eite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to fi!e their objections (if any they have) in my office on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise letters of administratioir will be granted to him. • Given under my hand and seal this twenty, ninth day of January, G-e-Tbousand right thin- dred and nineteen. [L S] JOHN CHARLTON, e e o jan 30—* 25 ", Georgia—EMngham county. ~ By John Charlton, clerk uf the court ol ordina ry for the county and state aforesaid Whereas, Richard Richardson, of the city of Savannah, merchant, applies for letters of admin istration on the estate and effects of Joseph Re ran, late of Effi.igbam county, deceased, during the absence nf Joseph N Bevan T hese, are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors<£The said theirobj rexiuns, (if any thqf have) in my office, cn or before the first Monday in Match next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted him. Given under my hand and seal At* tventy- nith day ol January, 18i9 (L S) JOHN CHARLTON, ease 1 jan 30 * 25 Savannah Poor House % Hospital. VISITING COMMITTEE ran .Januaryand February. Ssxuoa C. Dtreitisa and Jos at* Ccansis*. _■ Joseph Cumming, stc'ry. jan 11* 1 '8 AUC'PfVNS On Mtikday, tJir I5lb *?♦<" »»arj nr Bill be set Jat the late rensFeer of Ju~.H,Cfrt~ cVreared, B.trnanl irer. f. All the persMal Property < f «•>! deceased. By order efftbe a.ltonatrators. Sate to tonmitntt at ' \ o'clock, it. Herbert, auct’r. jso 19 15 1 On Tuesday, the i6tb instant, lT,i be oM at Public Aoetion, at the TOWJf tf ST. MASTS, fwht StarJet of the mukrmrt. teri and all concerned, rbe barque JOHN fc CHARLES, bur- tlien 244 84 95 tons, as she now lies on shore, in a stranded atale, in.the SI .Ma ra’s river, opposite the town of St. Mary’s, villa Iwr tackle, furniture and apparel. Conditions will be made known at th* time of sale. William Gibson, aucf s. St. Mary’s. Feb. 4,181*1 34 Oo the first Tuestlity in March next, Between tbe hours of 10 sod 2 o’clock, will! be sold before the Court-House in the city uf Sa- vannah. The following named NEGROES, to wit: Celia and her three children, Charlotte and bsr three children, and Isaac, An»lr« w and George. Sold in pursuance of u decree in equity. Conditions, cash. ftl. Herbert, one fry % jan 30 ■■ ■ ■ OS« Executor’s sale. On Thursday, the thth March fPili betoldbef tre/ov Hfr*. ' of I' ~ All the Goods and Effect* of Mr Francis Pot- - tier, deceased:k:untisxing Gpid Hatchet, patent Trv era, repea tars andplain Silver ditto do do do do< Gold Chains | Gold Seals and Keys Gold Breast-Pics Fisted Ware, and A variety of JEWELRY Terms, cash. Sale to commence 11 o’clock. M. Herbert, auct’r. feb 4 29 To be Sold On the Jimt Tuesday in April! next. Before the court-house in the aty of Savannah, at tbe usual hour (hy, leave of the inferior cuurt of Chatham county) A Mulatto Boy named Sum, about 15 years of age; being part of the personal estate of Joseph Davis, deceased, for the benefit of the credit, re and heirs of the said estate. Sarah Davis, ttdm'rx. feb 3 28 "Sheriff's sales. On the first Saturday after the first Turtd,ty in April newt. Will be sold at the Market houaa in tbe town of St. Mare’s, in Camden county, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock of that day, Tbe following negro, viz: Moses, Dian na and Eliza; levied on as tbe property of Itsy Sands to sati-iy a mortgage William Bailey vs. Hay Sands. Also the following other negro slaves, viz: Cl- tifa, Mary, March and April; levied on a* the property of Ray Sands to satisfy * mortgage Jo* seph Bain vs. Ray Sands. Conditions, cash. Isna< Dailey, s. c. r, Jefferson, Camden cy. Feb. 0, 1819—f—34 Planters' Bank. The payment of the last Installment on tbe Stock of tlie BaiJc, heretofore called for on the 12th February r.cxt, Is for the present suspended J. Mexshall, cashier. jan 13—l—♦—10 Planter’s Bank. The directors having resolved on calling in the whole amount due on the capital stock. YtvT’ipe iu ni’DL’ov Aston NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on all shares, in which sixty dollare hat* been paid in, twenty dollars are requited to be paid, on or before Tuesday, the 15th «if December next, and the remaining twenty dollars, on or before Friday, 12th Ft bruary, 18f9 Hot. ders of shares, on which more titan sixty dollars hive been paid, are called upon to pay one I ink" pi the amount due on their stock, on or before each of tbe above mentioned days. Payments are to be made in specie, er in note* of the hanks of this state. • J. MARSHAL, cashier htcumah. May Urt. I8l8.-*t—le3w—112 Tbe Augusta Herald sad Ct ronitJe, and tile M il> ledger die Journal, wilt puMuh tbe shove one* every faro’weeks'amtil the l’Jth February,IPI& The Georgia Jecky Club Races Will commence on the first Wednesday ia Match next, over the Savannah course. 1st day, four mile heals, £800 2d do three mile heats, 600 Sd do two mile heats, 400 Weights agreeable to the tides of the club, ' By order of the President. (TyTiie editors of the Chirfcston Courier. tk* Miuedgevtlle Journal, and the Augusta Chronicle will publiah-the above four times, and forward the:* bilta to tbijLpffice for payment. Jtti 59 24 Brought to Goal, In Savannah, Sept JO, 1818, a negro man who says hia name ia Baa, and that te belongs to Ab ner Jourdea, in the northwestern part of Georgia. He ;s about thirty year* of age ;ind five feet —■ inchesh : gh. He has a smiling countenance araj tells an equivocal tale; the truth of which is doubt- - ' H. M C.VLL,* cc eet 28 208 Brought to Gaol, In Savannab,.Jamary 8, 18:9, a negro man who says his name is Rosxif, ord that he belongs to John Garnet, of Soutb-Uarolina. near Auru-'a. Jte is about thirty-five years nf age and five fret five inches jugh. He formerly belonged to My. Willi am soa, of this city, t II. M'Call, g. c. o, . jan 9———7 Brought to Gaol, In Savannah, January 13, *819, a mulatto mac who -ays Ids name is CHARLES, and (hat he be, longs to Mr. Goodwin, of Edgefield, South-Carol* na He is about thirty years of sge, and five feet eight inches high: stout and well formed fo* strength and activity. He rays tie was formerly the property of Ucnja Clover. il. M-Cati, i. c. c. jan 14—-It Brought to gaoly t» Savannah. February 6. 1819, a negro aw* who says hia name is SAM, red that he belongs** Alien P*rkins, nrarGreeovillr court-house. 6.->v*t Carolina: He is about thirty yeas* of *ge, oqJ feet 7 inches high: says his present owner pure chased him of Rice Ross, aqid that ht zanjursr before Christmas. - H. M’Cidjy 0,«,«, fcbS 3? Information Wanted. - ■ Any person who will give Informstlon re** pecting Mr. Fstsicx D Bocxkz, who left Savin- nah in October 1818, will confer an obligation on his brother Richard Buurkr, by directing a few* lines to the editor of the Sitvanah Republican. jan 22—ax»—18