Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 15, 1819, Image 1

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Isorii not that the universal pr.t f .tic*f t Lor. history answer tl-.y rj m- ' t»u% Should *ve, uodcr these circam-tia r.e«, have srtnl rightly, to Ukr no pre-cau- tio'i, but f i!«I our *rw in listless apathy, until rout'd by the Indian yell? . On-. -pre decessors ton well knew their duty to do that. A* early as 1787, and farther hack if it were necessary to 'rase, profiling* of the same nature 'as those now Mistin' were enacted by tin venerable centres* ! •! the confederation. By various stilu s's !h<* tame provision had been cantina- •4 to the presen day Tho statute gave to the president a <Jiscfrtio’i»rY power to . employ the forces sit tile L r uitt*d 8utes ami to call forth the militia to repress In dian boatilityt and gave it to him proper ly, on the principles of the constitution— By the constitution, W present it made comm wider in chief of the arinjj and it is <0*de his duty to take care that the lavs art- executed, to suppress in.orrecttion and repel invasions: aud, by the same io-itruioi-.nt It h nude our doty to provide for calling forth the militia to be. employed in these objects. That power his been exercised in the manner which will be shewn by tie law of the Unit ed 'States.- [M«. J. here requested tbs rtlerk torpid the statute to which h* slhid- «df; and it was Hat! accordingly ! Now, Sir. J. said, he thought this was s declara tion of war of at trait equal dignity to the manner in which the navagas make ,wer , WgainS os, 'and to 'the light- in- which we f f iew them.» We treat tlirm, it is tretf, "and we ought to treat them, with humani ty} we have given them privileges beyond -jall dther nations—but we reserve thr right to repel their invasions, and to potato death murderers and violators of our peace, whether Indians or white men. ♦The fallowing was the put of the act passed Pen. 2P, 1795, which was read Sec IN. Tbit, whenever the United States shall be invaded,- or Be in item nent danger Of inra-ion. from any foreign nation or Indian tribe, U shall ' he lawful for lb- president if the United Stales to c*J forth such number of tlie miliiii of thr State of Mate- most convenient to the place of danger or «cne of action, as he may judge ne cessary to repel widt invasion,'’•'lie. (Speech It conelmled tomorrow.) Congress of tits United States. 'it 1H SENATE. - '• Friday, February 5. The ymskfcat cotmnomcated to the senate the mutual report *t the ststc of the amking fond; and. likewise a report of the secretary of war, embracing a statement of monies transferred dur for the late recess of congress, by nothority Uw president of the United Staten, from ode Specific appropriation to toothers Much reports ^bfr. Wilson of Sfew-Jetiey, rest to make a mo- tJon.and said, that, io introducing the resolution be was about to otTer. he thought it proper to observe, that, by a late return to this house, from the war department, of the militia ot the United States, it appeared, that from eight states and tyro territories, no re-urns of the militia had been re ttived for the U»t sear. Should a requisition be made for a detachment of militia, from the several State* and territories, government were thus de prived of. correct data for properly apportioning their respective quotas. A great difficulty. Mi Thecogronred bill providing additional pedal- lit* tor false entries for tbo benefit of drawback, fee was read the third time, pa»*d and aent to the senate for concurrence. The speaker laid before the heuae a report from the secretary of War. exhibiting a atatement of the monies tnnifcrrcd fr -m one specific ap propriation to another, during the bat recess ot coogicaa, Ac. A murage was received from the president of the United States, by Mr. I J. Monroe, the same a* that received yesterday by the senate, on the rabject of British applications fur rtaiiution of propertyi which was read and referred to the com mittee of claims. SEMINOLE WAR. The again resolved itself into a com mittee of- the vbnir, Mr. Smith, of Md. in the chair, cm tha subject of the Seminole war 3$ r. Huriaon concluded the speech which he commenced on Thursday. Mr. Baldwin, or Pa. followed fates decided rrercli of an hoar, in defence of (he conduct ot general Jackson, and against the renia tions. -Mr. Heed, of Mary land, commenced a speech in support Of tha report of the coauciuet, and spoke a abort time; when The committee rose, reported progress; and The bouseadjourned . body of militia. He though* thcae evils required } remedy, and that congress had ample means ot applying one. He therefore submitted the follow- 2qjt ptiolii'jon:-* JbuM That the committee on the militia be Instructed to inquire into the eipedieney o! nuk ing tome further provision by law for imuring annual and accurate returns of the militia of the Several states and territories. The resolution was agreed to. _ Mr. Tait, from the committee on naval aliairs, to wbosn was referred a message of the president of the United States of the 18tb April last, trsns- niittinr a copy of the orders and regulations of the nsvy, reported the following resolution, which WM . RtxalvtJ, Tfiat the secretary of the n*ry,or*kr the direction of the president of the United States, report to tin senate, in'the Urst week of the neat tension, whether the rules, regulations, and m- Struelions prepared by the board of nsrjrcommis sioners, in obedience to the act of the 15th of February, 1815, are conformable to existing taws, •ad, if there is any interference, wherein: and, if. nny, Wliat legislative promiorw may, in the opin ion of the said secretary, be necessary to give force add Affect to U*e said rules, regulations and Instructions; and, also, to report, as aforesaid, any other provision which the said secretary may 4*em proper for the more perfect administration of any branch ofthe naval tervice. A mtwsee w»» received from the preridtnt of A* United Statea, transmitting, m eomphanee with Uip rptplution of the aenate of thr 25th uJt. nWporffrom the tecreiary of war.MrapccunJc the l$)ij —l regulations adopted for the military academy at West Point, the number of cadets ad mitted into the academy, the number who have received appointm-'nta in the army, Ac. which message and documents were read. The bill mote effectually to provide for the punishment of certain crime* agidnsl the United States, was taken up. and, after undergoing some .consideration, wan. on mo Von of Mr: Forajrth rc- Wummittcd to tbc judiciary eamoultee further Consideration. The engroexd bill* autherinng a subscription -to the llth and 12th volumes of Writ’s edition of dale paperst and the engrossed bill to provide for. sick and disabled seameo. Were aevreally tend the third tiate, paaaed and sent to the other heuae for concurrence therein; and The setiaee adjourned lb Monday. HOUSE OP REPHE5EN rATIVBS. Mr. Smith, of Md. from the committee of ways and mean,, to whom an etwriry into the robjret V«1 been referred, reported that it is Inexpedient to authorize the appointment of an agent ip each •f thecuuntiiea of the several states to receive tbe tsajae to the general government on tends which wm. of M|« be toMfor no’i'piywfof tlif tuci; tlbch^portwxi read and concurred in* by tie Mn ift. also laid before the houw a letter ad- Afessed to him, aa chairman of the committee of Wafs and means, transmitting sutementa of the wr/ss ami unt of duties upon merchandise and ton cage which, accrued during the two first quarter* Cf the current fiecal year. Mr. Rhea, from -be committee of pension* and revolutionary claim*, reported a bill concerni-ig 'invalid pensioners; ateo a bill for the relict of James price; and alio'a bill to authorize the t*. mrctazy of war to appoint a.i a-t-btionak agent for «,kr pensions in thie state of I cuncsoee. “yjr. Newton, from the cooimittee of commerce and maMfecturre, reported a b it to t*. eablishzbe compensation of the vfficen employed In the cnlltction of the duties on impoits and tonnage, arrfl for other purnowra.! b-Us were twice rend and com- »k«v before tbe. han-e the annua) r-tj.n uf If e commissioner* of tlic -inkatg fund. *fe***t a,4 ° W before the lioo-e a letter t ' i , . ,. i ,- H . t-,vaj> csrive of be grutitodv Wtib witc- Otia peueoauri lor th* honor confer, liim |to ia the lull of the house . .... .. ter was read and laid m the table. O i motion of Mr. Osrir-tt, into the -zpediency of extending the pteiilege of franking, to agrt cultural ooeietieo wiiisk are or may be hereafter incorporated in aoy of tbe United Sutes, through their presidents or seertterie*, aa may be moat ct- podrtnt, md of limiting the pifvikge to the cor- re-pondenee of such societies with each other. The hill* which yesterdsy pants-J the senate; were received, twice read kbd comsantod; and the amendments made by aeutc ts the bill rega- bring patrengrr dim* and vessels was referred, and tnore to the ftll authorising » detente from Michigan leflfcnry were' Tbu riiriBli*0 fttlj tbrnabMe e fibre* ra. „ app’rtbtniWxrtbv — , the w«k between that place endXsr.esville, in OeneraUf \Sl JOOO dotiart, ia hatf^tB^grqairjwtmeniiiLrtgrotiey---^ Died, m this city, on Sfctrday Vytning last, in the 7Btb year of hi* age. fir. Sasrtkz. Moaasras. an old revohtionary office-, and rctpeciabie in habitant of this city. THE REPUBLIC.IX. MONDAY EVENING, Fanacaar 15, 1819. cowsnnrieaTVn. waauixoTo/rs uirth day. At a respectable meeting of tbe citizen* of Sa- van nub, held at the Exchange, on Saturday even- ng, the 13th instant, (in compliance with public notice.) fur the purpose of appointing managers to conduct a ball, lo be given on tbe 23d instant, in celebration if tbe birth of tbe glorious Waan- taoTo*. John H Asb, esq was called to thechair ( a-,d Joseph S.T'clot appointed secretary— Whereupon, it was resolved, that tbe following gentlemen be (bat committee: Wmuds 1). Druses Jottn M. Bzaaiaa Tuuus Booau Joan H. Asa EuwaanF. Tarraau A. B. Fannin . Wiiuass Nava WiLLtau P. Huarsa And be it further resolved, that these proceed ings be published. Col. Joan H. Moxraomar, of Augusta, we under stand fsaya the Milledgevdic Itefiector, 3th inst) lu* been appointed, by the executive, to fill the seat on the Bench in the Middle circuit, vacated by Judge KciJ. A COUXTF.RFtlTER CAUGHT. A respectable merchant of this city, has recent ly received a letter from his correspondent in Sa vannah. informing that a person had been appre hended in tbe latter place, on suspicion of bong use of the passers or countrifciteri of the notes on tlic bank of America, lately put in circulation here. A great many sheets of counterfeit and spurious bank bdls were found upon hi* person, and be acknowledged that lie expected a trunk from Charleston, by the sloop Exprett, containing more bill* of the same description Upon this infor mation being communicated by tbe gentleman who received it, to the caslikr nf the bank of South Carolina, he went immediately on board the above xickct, then on the pbint of sailing, accompanied >y Air. Justice Mitclicl.', where they f;und tbe trunk referred to. It had been given (without, address) to the Steward of tlic vessel, by a negro, who told hint that on it* being called for in Sevan nah, he would be handsomely rewarded for bis trouble. Hie trunk was forced open, and found to contain, amongst clothing, books, Ac. a large roll of counterfeit bank hills in sheets, amounting to between eue hundred andffiy and run hundred ihoutaudd lUr-t!.‘—the most, if not sli of them, on the Newport (Kentucky) bank. Due of them was passed in this city. They were principally cf tbe denomination of 50 and 100 dollars. The real name of this culprit we hare not yet clearly aset rtaim d—lie has passed by tlie name of Hosts*. Hswitt, and Trizm* He is said to bean ccompltshtd and clamed scoundrel, having gra duated at one of tbi- riastern colleges; and is of a reputable family.—Char. City Gux 12th itut. ’[The real name of tb:s i dividual, is Jobs Moase. Hr is a man of considerable information, and graduated at Khodr-Mand college. On Sa turday night last, Morse was brought up under a writ ol hahent corput, before judge Berrien, on a plea of hi* being innocent of the chatge alleged against him. Tbe case was fully argued for and against him. The judge, afterwards, summed up the evidence, and expounded the law in a clear and concise manner. Morse was remanded to prison; where be will remain until Slay next, at which time the Superior court will sit.]—Editor Savannah Republican. MELAXCUOLL Y B VEA'T. To a eer.lleman is Ihit City horn Georre-TonV 6th Feb •'Virgin'**’*favorite is no more. General Arm- istead Mason .is gone, lie met McCarty this morn- ng near Bladcnsburg. They fought fra paces with mu-.keta. Mason fell the first fire, ami im mediately expired, it is said MeC. is slightly wounded, in the arm. You can form no idea of the svmpa’hy excited in this town."—Richmond Ctnpiier, 8th iatt. Ft *n the Xatitnal lntclUgettccr, 6th itut. TUE SUPREME COURT Met, as we have before mentioned, on Monday last, and on Tuesday the 2d inst the business of the torn commenced The optnioy cf the court was pronounced in the case ot Zhirrautifk Co'.’tge apunst Ifoodma d. which was argued at the last term. The Judgment of the Statr court is this cause, (involving tbe eon-truetinn of that article of the coostituti n which prohibits the state legis lature* from making any law impairing the obli gation of coa-.r*ett.) was rererred. wzmrsssAV, m 3 The opinion of the c urt was delivered in the ease of tbe Ruptut Jum-tiie aga nit Han't ere- cntut, for the difetuLnts. Thu cause was also argued at the ‘alt term. >evera! cnuie* were argued Mr. Winder com- mtoerd hi- a>>utreat for the Captor- in the case Ut the Di-mou ."rt».#ro, a rii.p and cargo captured by a cru xer ari’.i-ig umicr tbe Bueno* Ayrear, Sag, but alleged to hate been fitted out in the ports of the United States TitTtaoav raa 4. Mr Webster and Mr Ogden addressed the tours on the pvt of tbe Spanish owner, in the a-< ot 1 Wu.der tiu and Mr Jobeo. ar. agarnst Etvfvul ratSAT, i S The court ord-rrnd Ut# t Ura, aqptcdyesterday, eulteaui*: ‘ went of oTthe Dhina Pat- '*4 totheCir- arrend. -tlefifc- oil m SHIP NBWS. PORT OF SATAXXAB..jBftK Ship Sampson, Boyle, Chirieston, l day—in ballast—to Perry U Wright. T Brig Commerce, Wade, Ttxfcs-lstand. lOklaya —witEsalt—to order. Leftthtre, chip Belle Sav age, tiusscU, from Cbarkrion; sctl’r Harriot, of Boston, from Bermnda. Spoke, Turks-bland bjariag S B E. IS leagues; brig Ulatehy. Webb, 17 Aya from Beasuda bound toTurkslsland. with trick*, -to Scarkru etuix fotethjgport, aailsd io company. Sloop Eudoxa, Sander*, (noticed on Saturdqr) Baltimore, 12 days—witk corn—to R & J Hater- . - On Wednesday lari, off Charleston bar, experienced a heavy-gale, fitd lost three of her - tarboard shrouds; had to git her beat bower ca ble up for the support oi beiaaast, and tbe pre servation ol t : ie vessel. Sloop Favorite, Browctvliew.River, (• e) 2 ds with wood—to A Lishness.. Steam-boat Altaaaba, Ccwell, Augusta—with 110 bales cotton. Pole boat company’s boat Stephen Decatur, from Augusta—with 300 bales cotton—to Wm Gaston, H B Gwathmcy, Meigs A Reed, and Johnston A Hill*. Steam boat company’s freighting boat No 17— with 364 bales cotton—H B Gwathmcy. Wm Gas ton, Johnston A Hills, A Low A Co. and Canto chan & Mitchel. Savannah River Navigation Company's boat Gen Adair, from Augusta—with 329 Mies cotton, to R. B. Edwards, Douglass (f Sorrel, J- Gueuin A Co. W Gaston, Johnston & Hills, snd Joseph Cumming. Savaunsi. River Navigation Company’* boat Wasp, from Augusta—with 3-6 bale* cotton— to J Gueniu A Co. W Gaston, ? B Parkman, J 8 Bourgaux, and B Howard. cruaar, Sch*r Hafriet-Newell. Hamden, New-York. Sloop Elizabeth, Brewster, a port in N. Carolina. The sloop Venus, arrived at New-York on the 6th inst in 6 days from this port. Pari nf Cbarluton, Feb 12. Are. sch’r Allen Jones, Sticknty, Maracaibo, (Spanish Maine) 32 days, with fruit. Un the 31st ult. at 4 » Ik. was boarded from a small felucca rigged velsel, off the 9 E eud of Long-Island, the jfiieers and crew principally men ofcolor, and robbed us of 25 specie dollar*, 400 lb* sugar, one barrel of bread, spy-glass, pair of pistols, the wbo!» ol the esbin furniture, the whole of our vrgeta bit*, broke open the captain’s trunk and desk,' took the best put of bis clothes, destroyed and' scattered ft* papers about tbe cabin; they likewise robbed the mate, and Mr Alfc n, of nearly the; whole of their doth**; took all the spare rigghtg, twine, and every thing that wu of any value.— During this time they demised rapt S. un board the felucca; they bruised and beat the mate and- crew, threatening to take their lives if they did not assist in getting their phtnfer into the boat* The felucca ts about 50 or 60 fens, and stated that they were last from the Island of St Andros. Sch’rs Fame. Weaton, M a tare is, 4 days; Lean- tier, Barlow, Savannah 1 day; .loops Rachael A Khoda, Russell, do. 1 day; General Washington, Coates, Savannah, 1 day. February 13. Ajt. ship Ocom, Fotvle. Bremen, 55 days; and 45 from the Lands end, with b-icks The We»er was frozen as far as Groteniesl’s Hill: Dec 22, Dungenness Light bearing ’-. E. distant 3 leagues, spoke a brig from Baitim ,re for Rotterdam. 43 days out, in company with a northern ship, from Baltimore for Amsterdam, 4a fays out, blowing fresh could not learn their names. Jan 10, Ut 31, 12, Ion 49,26, at 4 a si p»»sd » wreck, keel up, by the length of the keel supposed to be from 250 lo 3C0 ton*. Two detachment* OT Danish cavalry and infantry passed through Bremen, on their re turn from Erancc, on the 14Utand I5th January. The Hanoverian contingent* had pasted through that city a few days pres icut. Ships Corsair, Backus, Havana, 5 d-«ys ; Orient, Broun, New-York 11 days—The O in standing for die land, mistook the Wind-mill on Cape Ro- main for Clisrleston Light, and got ashore—she was obliged to cut away her cable—received no ether damage. For Charleston The regular packsr, fist sailing sloop VOLANT, Allen .tiiLean, master, will ■positively sail for Chariest un on Thurs day next, wind and weather favoring For freight or passage,apply to the captain on board, or to Isaac Cohen, feo IS——i* '8 For freight or charter Xew-York, or a port in Xo: th-Carolina, ’t he fine new sloop MILO, capt Delano, burthen 77 tons and will carry about 13200 bushels. Apply to captain Delano. on board at Hunter** wharf, or to John Laihron 4* Co. . ftb 15 a 38 Notes of the Batik of England. 653 pouoil* in notes of the Bank of England, for ale by C. H. HAYDEN, f.b 15 -38 Goshen Butter. A few firkin* of superior quality, for sale by John Lewis.' feb 15 1« 38 John fir. Cowling Offer* bis tervices, in Augusta, to his friends an-l tbe public in general, in tbe capacity of -fue- tianttr and- Cmniimn Merthlrt, red will be thankful foe their lavors. Any consignment* of merchandize for ale, or any aider for tbe pure cha-e of produce, Will be thankfully received and faithfully attended to. Augutta. Gn. Frh S, 1819—trf—39' Carriage and Horses. For tale, a handsome, luglly finished COACH, made in Philadelphia by C. Kan*, with full plated Harnett, and a cair ofelegasr tarriagr HORSES. Inquire of Messrs R. A J. Usbmham, or Jeorge Jones. feb IS ct 38 Notice. Came to tbe stable of R G Taylcr. on the 5»h instant, s asm- colored Mart, with a bridle on, about fourteen and* b.i f liattis high, blaze face, a d t wo w*0-.e feet TH-- nwiei cto hare her by ■iroving ptvPertr ard paV-rt-eipin^s. f.btS —33 ' - Regimental Orders. An Otction re ordered la he ttid at the Court- Roust 01 Tuesday. 16th instant.'for a Cant*in. First Lieutenant and Second Licuteuant of the Third Company. 63th Battalion. I* Regiment. Georgia MUMw Poll to be opened at 1(1 o’clock a. k. n er the supenntendanco of the proper B. S. Rees, adjutant. feb pitai, so eiectii-n wW he held' in the Exchange Icr.r.eoont eo-Tuesday evepir.g. 1M tCth Februa ry neat, for regf.t TrusttM to hit vacipcic* oci aionco iu the board-by rerignetioa or removaL By erder ./ tha hmtrd. John Lewis, sec ry. jin 13——10 Htbemian Society. A punctual meeting of the member, i* requested at Mrs. Whnfitdd’s on Wednesday Evening, die 17th inst at 7 o’clock, to make arrangements for Patrick's Day. By order ej the pmiJemt Alex. Hunter, see’ry. (»bl5—— . Cottony Bear Skins, COMPRESSED OR REPACKED. Tbe subscriber informs hi* former customers and the public generally, thatbe is now ready to receive cotton, dear skin*, Ac ferccmpreJ or packing at hi*, new cstablcbmen on “Ji Wallace esq’s, whsrf. Where all order* in hit hek will he aitended to with puntuzlity, sad despatch. James Hamilton. JtStssS For tale. . ' To the »*cchatrt*,enfi *t the lowest price. Straw Haa Merino Shawls * Gloves Gauzes Ladies’ Caps Prunel and rilk 8'noe* Two Pendulum Clocks Perfumery Corsets Forks and 3poout, a composition 1 Jewelry N. B. There is but* very httle quantity of every ope of those good*. _ feb 15 »• St* Crackcrywarc. ' 200 crates select Cruckery ware, sassotted par. ticularly.for the southreo market, and put up under the inspection of the owner; juat landing from Liverpool, and for sale by the single crate or larger quantity, on accommodating terms. M. Herbert. feb 13- Jnformation Wanted. Any person who will gi*e information res pecting Mr. PantCK D Booses. Who left Savan nah in October 18-8, will confer an obligation on his brother Richard Bourke, by directing* few lines to the editor of the Savnnah Republican. jsn 22—aa*—18 Georgia—Effingham,-county. By John Cliarlton, clerk of the hourt of ordi nary for tbe eounty and state aforesaid. Whereas, Timothy Gtann, applies for letters of administration on the estate and effects cf the rev John Beck, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to file their objections (if any they hate) in my office on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise letters of adtmnhtralion will be'granted to him. Given- under my hand -fad seal this twenty- ninth day of January, ane^thouaznd right hun dred and nineteen. (L S] JOHN CHARLTON, c c o jsn 30——•——25 Georgia—Effingham county. By John Charlton, clerk of the court ot ordina ry for the eounty and state aforesaid * Whereat, Richard Richardson, of the city of Savannah, merchant, applies for letter* of admin istration on the estate and effects of Joseph Be. van, late of Effingham county, deceased, during the absence iff Joseph N Uevan These, arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file theirobjectiwns,(if*ny they have) in my office, on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted him. Given under my hand and seal this twenty- nith day ot January, 1819. [L S] JOHN CHARLTON, to* ,i*n 30—-• 25 Georgia—Liberty county. By Elijah Baker, clerk of tbe court of ordinary for the county of Liberty. Whereas, William Hoehstrasser applies for let- ten of administration on the good, and chattels, rights and credits, which were of John Molick, late of the said county, deceased, as next of kin. The** are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred aod creditors of the said deceased to file their objections (if sny they have) in my office on or before tbe first Monday in March next, otherwise lettereof administration will be granted unto the said applicant. Given under my hand and seal, this 24th day of January, in the year of our Lord eighteen hun dred and nineteen, and in the forty-third yen of American independence. [LSI E BAKER,e co ic jtn 27— 22 Georgia—Liberty county. By Rljab Baker, clerk of the court of ordinary for the county of Liberty Mrs Neliv MTntbsh and Robert M'fntosh. her ho! band, apply for letter* of administration, with the will annexed, on the goods and chattels, rights and credits, wh ch were of William Graham.Tate of tbe county aforesaid, deceased, as nex» of kin These are, therefore, to rite snd admonish all and singular tbe kindred and creditor* of tbesaid deceased JO file their objections (if any they have) in my office at Rieeborough on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise letters of ad ministration will be granted unto said applicants Given under my hand and seal, this twenty-se cond day of January, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and nineteen, and the forty- third year of American independence [LSI EBAKER, e co xc feb 4—t—* 29 Georgia—Bulloch county. By Ely Kennedy, clerk of the court Of ordimuy for the eounty of RoHoch end state aforesaid Whereas, Allen Denmark pnd Robert Burton, the former of Wilkinson eounty, snd the latter of Effingham county; apply for letters of adminis tration on the estate and effects of Stephen Den mark, late of the eounty of Bulloch, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular ’he kjr.dred and creditors of thesaid deceased to file meir objections (if any they have) in my office on or before thirty days from tbi* -late, otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicant Given under my hand and seal (there bring no teal of office) this twenty.fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thc osand eight bundreS 1 and nineteen. [LSI ELY KENNEDY,e c a i.r 30 • -5 Wanted to Hire A Coechoan, immediately. ‘ ■-It at 'hi* of fice. .inriOoYs. To-Morrow, <6th ins Unt, mu be rw if ox ear Store, Groceries kc. tnu if a*-, .Iac.s c* hum f Hal* 4th proof Pipet-Gm and Brandy' , Barrel* country Gin Do B-vr Crate* Orocfcny Keg* fresh Butter JDoUed Sundry articles Fttroitore, Ac. Terms, cash. Sale to commence or 11 o'doeb, Williford & Baker, aactVs. feb 15 -38 ^ j To-Morrow, 16th inst. WiU to told oa ToyltF’t vknrf, for the benefit if the uvdmontrntr.d •tt cnetmed, 73 pieces Osnaburgs, damaged on board tbe ship Athens, Lee, muter, on a voyage from LiverpoaL atso 37 pieces of Cotton Bagging, damaged on board the ship Malta, Wuaotfe mas ter, on a vorage from Liverpool. Term* nude known at time of sate. Sok to ctmnroet at II o'ehtb v James Hun lor, uugt'r. - feb 1 ' Oft Wednesday next, 17th inst. •- mas. mU at tkt otoeo of Macro John B^tteU Co. Halfpipe J old London particular Madeira Quarter cask) WINE Thirty boxes Spanish CIGARS - TCnBlf CMb. Sale to commence at It t’citdb. M. Herbert, auct’r. febr Valuable City iMs for Sale, nr ru itmi. On Thursday next, the 18th inst. If ill be ttld before mg litre, Four l OTS, Nos 25,26,27 and 28, in Washing ton ward, each 60 by 98 feet—one of which fronts in Washington square. atso Two LOTS, in Jacksqn ward. No* 5 gad ft fronting on South-Broad street, and iumiediaiety opposite the new brick budding of Thomas Gard-. ner, esq. Terms made known at time of sale. SaleU commence ot 11 o’efeefc. M. Herbert, auct’r. feb Steam Boats for sale. The steam boats EAGLE and NE1V-JERSEY, will be offered at public sale at Bowley'a wbaff, in the city iff Baltimore, an Monday, the Irt of .March, at 4 o’clock m the afternoon, with all their equipments, beds, furniture, Ac. They bate both powerful engine*, almost new, on the moat approved plan of Bolton and Watt. On the low pressure, the New-Jeraey has copper boilers very thick, and the Eagle iron boilers, also very thick. The New Jersey is admitted to be equal in speed to any steam boat in the Chesapeake baji and the Eagle is not much inferior to her in speed. They are both completely coppered and are rea dy to commence immediate operations; they have three ofalr ISMMj comfortable and elegante— They.lwtcibWffitilt of good material*. The Eagle would Suit S shallow navigation, a* she it a light draught of water- The New-Jeraey has not a heavy draught of water, but draws a few inches more than the Eagle. The terms of sale will DC a credit on one-third of the purchase money for six months; another third, nine months, and tbe residue in twelve months, with intejett on each from the day of talc. Note* with approved endorsers will be re quired. These boats will positively be sold with out reserve, a bargain mar therefore be expected in them; they will be told separately. Baiscoe Cf Partridgr, Agenttf.r the owner*. ffT The National Intelligencer, Richmond En quirer. Franklin Gazette, (Philadriphia,) Charles- too City Gazette, Savannah Republican, and Au gusta Chronicle,[will copy tlie above twice a week till sale, and send their account* to the offic- «f the Federal Republican, Baltimore, for collection feb 15 On the first Tuesday in March, mu be told before the Ctutt-ffcute, in tUo cily , uotwtcn the utual Uurt, A prime MULATTO GIRL, about 17 years cf age, s capable bouse servant Terras, cash. M. Herbert, auct'r. feb It 35 Executor’s sale. Oh Thursday, the 18lh March next, Will be told before my litre. All the Goods and Effects of Mr Francis Pot- titis dcCfMdi con tasting Wtucket, patent leven,repeaten and plain Silver Atm do do do do Gold Chains Gold Seals and Keys Gold Breast-Pin* Plated Ware, and A variety of JEWELRY Terms, cash. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. M. Herbert, auct'r. feb 4 29 Sheriff’s sale. On , the first Tuesday in .March next, Will be sold at the court-house in the town of Jefferson. Camden county, between tbe hours of 10 and 3 o’clock of that day, A TRACT OF LAND, Lying and being, in Camden county, on the While Dak river, containing 1U> acres, more nr less, bounded west by ILnrv Swenney’s land, northwardly by Mar. in Plener's Irnd, eastward!/ by surveyed land, southwardly by vacant iardr- levied on as the property or WiBiam Pratt, to ’ satisfy sn execution, David Lewif vs. U’iLiam Pratt. . ISAAC HAILEY, a cc Jtjferoon, Ctmdctucounty, Jan. 26, 1819. £/* If the person who took from off rite desk, -in tbe compting-room of the Sava* - aau Kzfosuuur, a small red morocco THI NK, containing, notes, due bills, and other vakiaHe papers, which are of no use to.any one but the subscriber, will return the papers through the' medium of the Pott-HSeo, lie shall receive a re ward of PIF1Y DOLLARS, and m questions ask ed. The money shall be lent to him in any w.y he may direct, should he wait to avoid oeiny knows. feb j t 33 Frederick S. Fell. To the Ladies. TVs subscribe: i have j-ist oprmd aa deg: at s,iortiaee< ot THRF1D tACES and EDO LVGS. With a ninety of STAPLE >i d F.Uftr GOODS—alt of which will be dispo—d ot low for cash, by WM. |X(.-I3 k CO to l id of Barnard tired end Market tenure. febr*