Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 17, 1819, Image 1

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Th-im At lamratta. It i» with cmotiai ({•tin nf Quiff cmi do Emgtdngct E EVENT. to which no exprea- tatice, weataU th; melancholydeathof gonefit Armislead -'laoon- Hi» nam« iri tyaommrias with -talent, with honor,with public spirit- H# stock in the t»w * mart Uke the Chevalier Bayard, delnocyaaa 5? utiimt (ear, aod wjtharatfVpnwj*.’’ In ttmhauae. firat qualities of a patriot and a mint he won not inferior t»M» celebrated 'ft-; Jher, Stevenv Thompaon, Maaoir, or lik ft* r grandfather, Thomjxon M . with natoral aMHtien of'the • ffder, anaivtrdWAe best eia* .tie country could five him. Aronatcad T» Mason commenced hit career, foil of -•ope amf foil of promise. In the defence mf Norfolk, during the tart war, he devel • f jed military ulente of the firat rank-— r t appeal to all hi* companion* in aim*, it merit snoots «o conspicuously in the «ye» of the -Virginia legislature, that they transferred him to a aert in the senate of the United States- For hi* talent* and public spirit, we appeal to nil hit compat riot* in the national council*. He wan a republican in name, in principles, and in heart. Fortune waa beckoning him, on toother treat*; Virginia yaa tendering him the high ast boners in bar giftj to add to hid happiness,ha was Meat with an amia ble wife as infant child, frtmdi thatvalu- " him, a country that loved him. When pae moment,* all these protpaet* art hlaaled; and Mason rs anatchtd'away, and ^numbered with the dead.” He ia in one moment snatched away from a venerable mother, a wife, a child, a Urge family of relation*, a wide circle of friends Over his bier, Virginia weeps the loss of one of tlie noblest of her son*. We cannot trust ourselves with speaking of the causes of hia death. The event is thus related .in hasty letter* written soon after the fatal catas trophe: From a member of congress, Feb. 6. “A duel was fought this morning, at HladeWiburgh,between general Mason and M*C*rty, with muskets loaded with ball *ft<i buck shot, at the distance of ten paces ■part. Mason is dead, and bis budy is Bow at Strother’s hotel. 1 am told that MbCartv is allot; but whether dangerously, or not, I do nut know. I am not mfoi med of particulars. The fire is said to have been simultaneous, and the extreme' of bravery and desperation evinced by both A perfect gloom of mclanrholly reigns here in consequence of it.” Another from Alexandria, Feb. 6. “We have this moment heard that a duel was fought between A. T. Mason and John M’Carty. They fought with muskets at ten paces. Mason is killed; and M‘Car- ty wounded in the arm; his life was saved by the ball Striking the but end .of hi smus bet.” Another letterfrom Alexandria, says. “M‘Carfy’shall struck the general near ly through the heart; and the ball of gener al Mason struck the musket of Mr. M‘Car- tjr, and glanced; he. has iu£t_ arrived in town, aiul report says his arm ia broken. From the Georgetown f D. C.J Mtttcngcr, 8th inn. The public feeling has scarcely ever been more strongly excited than by the sanguinary duel between general Armis- tcad T. Mason and John M’Carty. These two gentleman, attended by their friends met near Biadensburgh early on Saturday morning. Their weapons were muskets, and the distance was twelve feet. They both fired at the same moment. Mr. C war wounded in the arm, and gen. M. wa» killed on the spot. These gentlemen were intimately con nected by the tics of blood and family.— They themselves, were cousins: and the sister of one was married to the brother ol the other. TvExtOtay.—The WIT (star the branch banks of the United States C-b/MOddllars, has ps»*ed the house of representatives, 64 tv 2jl votes, and will without tlquht pas/ (her senate. A bill to authorise the certificates of ‘ of Kentucky, to pass by medium, is before tionof thine-who may feel di»p rt },»«•. sboattibe • Received, That Joasnc Sj Ppiit be roquested to set ss treasurer, and miner*<ri to tad upon him for their tickets, which WOPejitide them to bdnaiirta. ' > J|4.o. - ■A Ogeehce, .that i fmfi NEW-YoKK.Feb. 5. A latter from Washington City, of the 1st inst. states that on the preceding night the stage in which the writer arrived from this city, was robbed of all its baggage and it was only owingto the precaution of one of the passengers,a French gent'eman that it was not lost. Apprehending dan Ser, he had fixed a string to one of the Crunks, and tied the other end tu his hands, rwhicU soon received such a jirk as caused him tv cry out. This timely alarm ena bled the passengers to pursue the robbers SO closely that they were compelled tu drop their booty aud flee to the neighbour ing bushes. Philadelphia, Feb. 6. We understand that the baggage was Out from behind the Baltimore stage, which arrived yesterday morning; but the viilany was discovered in time to prevent loss, ■od the perpetrator was arrested and com mitted to jail in Baltimore. Guards are ordered to go with the mail Stage between this and New-Ynrk, says the Franklin Gazette, and arms will be furnished to the passengers requiring them. Lousiava.—Ia the bouse of representa tives, on the 5th a resolution was adpot'.-d to the following effect: “That the memorable 8th of January shall ia future be observed as a day of pub- lie thanksgiving; that a Te Deum shall be sung ia the Catholic church in this city, and the civil and military officers <>f the State and of the U States be invited, to gether with the ministers of every religious denomination, to join in a procession from the government house to the place of cere- mouy.” Delaware.—tVe hear but little from the legislature of Delaware. A bill has been reported, and is under consideiation. in the senate, similar to that now before the legislature of Maryland,providing tha- Do person shall pas: a bank-note under its nominal value on penalty of forfeiting double the amount ef the face of e-ud bill. Indiana.—The legislature of Iudiana 'ha* pro limited the location in that state ol ■ brauchbaukot the United States. takeahi* departure from leaving his official paper* behind him with out being put into the charge of aoy one; in consequence'of which, the supreme di rector, from motive* of friendship to the interest* of the U S. bad ordered them, to be procured and lodged for sate keeping under the superintendence of an officer of the re public. In the absence Of Mr Worthington* who it also said have gone to Chili, this **a»'- thought to be the only atop whereby docu ments valuable to the U, 8. could have been preserved. An unauthorised person in the ‘■ft, is said, to ha ve tahen the advan tage of ifr Halsey’s absence, end attempt ed to exercise some of the consular func tions.-—fFsjit. City Gas. from tha ff. T. Commercial tUvemUtr.Feb. A jttfOTout rtn AT'MT&wrjr. ••* By the arrivalthi* morning ol the .Pack? at brig Chebucto, lieut. StUart, in T days from Halifax, we have received, froriiour correspondent, Halifax papers to the. 27th ult. In the latest paper it is stated, that on the 15th of Jan. the buildings forming the alms House, in St. John’s New Bruns wick, caught fire, and notwithstanding the prompt exertions of the citizens and the military, were burnt to the ground. Such was the rapid progress of the fire, that there wa» scarcely time to remove the sick anil disabled tenants. Most of the furniture, including bedding, was consum* ed. The fire is supposed to have origin ated in the negligence or wanton ness of a deranged person who slept in a room in. the garret. The house of correction and such parts of the gaol as were unoccupied, have been appropriated as temporary lodg ings for the poor. , . - THE REPUBLICAN'. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Fibhuahi 17, 1819. A letter from Washington City lays—“It is a silly rumor that Mr. Crawford it to be president of the United State*’ bank: the truth is, be i* on the high raid to the presidency.”—[HEM!!] At a metting of the board of commissioners of the Savannah Poor-House and Hospital Lottery, held at the Exchange last evening for tbe purpose of filling vacancies in said board, the following gentlemen were elected:—Joseph Cohkirg, Johr P. Hirst, Moses Hzimebt, James M-Hirrt. Durham T. Haul, Joseph Habibsham, Elias Reed, Jacob FauM, T. V. Glut, E. S. Rees. Letters from TfiiUaelptfiii,' received «t Charles, ton on the 13th inst states that the Directors of the Bank of tbe United States, had made choice of Larodor Cheeves, esq. of South-Caxolina, as Pre sident of thit institution, in tbe room of Mr. Jones, resigned. Mail Robber.—The Philadelphia Franklin Ga zette, of the 8th inst. says, “we have every tea son to believe that the third mail robber wrought. A person answering his description in every res- pect, has been lodged in jail in Lancaster, and from the account he has given if himself, he con firms the opinion that he if the man. Mr Bailey and a gentleman who can identify him, have gone to Lancaster to ascertain whether he is the person' and bring him to this city.” THE JOR.V ARAMS CORVETTE, Which lately sailed from New-Yurk. with sealed orders, is destined, we understand, (says the Dela ware Watchman)to Someport in the Gulf ofMex ico, for the purpose of bringing home a large quantity of specie. She is espectrd back in March It is said she will return with £3,!,C0,G00. From the Charleston Timet, of Saturday latt. To the editor of the Times—Please to inform the editor of the iSoramiaA Republican to suspend his opinion concerning tne letter published by Jo seph Lancaster a few days since, is I pledge try seif to refute the w hole, to the full satisfaction of :n) friends and die public. James Edward. Mr. Edward is informed that the columns of the Savannah Republican are open to him for any de. fence he may think proper to make,—and we -ball be much gratified should he be able to dissi pa'e the prejudices which are at present afloat against him. Tbe above notice is published in order that the community may suspend their opin ions relative to Mr. Edward.—[Ed. Rep. Stoop Adelina. Bnfkfi Charleston, 2 day*— slate, bricks, mefohaJiA**; etc—to Campbell A _ ' Fraser. W. r; afcdtk* matter. Put. tab, two others- The Ijhvt arrived before the w i Burin* the passage, s thajoarabat *** Staved, Stetip YtneSTcbkriMton. 2 days-tile, brick*, werchtunwVs’Vfor to G Anderson k sou, J Malr, T BaS, Btowp, Greene k Go. 0 Votte, arid Hie niftr. WaOipn • dfca. Votee and child, M*»:sM‘KuUum and Gillis. StfohMOst eompanyV freighting boat No U_ with 538 bales cotton—to 9 J Uorgtaux, W Gaa- tocl, J Cagruthers, and Campbell k dimming. For freight or charter to JVorfolk, or u port in A'orth-Carolina, a he fine new sloop MILO, capt Delano, burthen 7? tons, and wdl carry about 3900 bushels. Apply to captain Delano, on tu>»rd at Hunter’s wharf, or to Jotiu Lathrop Sf Co. feb 1S-:—m 39 Hebe.rn.ian Society. A punctual meeting of the metnbei* if requested at Mrs Whitfield’s THIS EVENING, thel 7th inst. at 7 o’clock, to make arrangements for Patrick’s Day. By order oj the prrtident Alex. Hunter, sec'ry. feb 17 38 COMKORICtTED. ir.iSHIA'GTUAS BIRTH DAY. At a respectable metting of the citizens of Sa vannah, held at tbe Exchange, on Saturday even- ‘ng, 'he 13th instant, (in compliance with public notice,) for the purpose of appointing managers to conduct a ball, to be given on the 22d instant, in celebration of the birth of the glorious Wa6h- irotor, John H. Ash, esq. was called to the chair, a id Joseph S. I’elot appointed secretary— Whereupon, it was resolved, that the following gentlemen be that committee: Wieuas B. Bcuoca Jobr M Bsaaxxx Thomas Uoubu Jour H. Asa Edward F. Tattsaex A. B. Faseis V iluam Nut William F. Hearns And be it further resolved, that these proceed- ings be published. Satatmab, 15th February, 1819. At a meeting of a majority of the managers of the Wa-hington Ball for the 22d isstant— Retched. Tliat each subscriber pay the sum of UORT dollabs for his subscription, and that sub acriptma ItsU be kep: by each of tbe managers, and also be left at the book store of Mr. William T. Wdl isms, Messrs. 3. C. k J. Schenk, and at pool—Douglass ft erine, Crawford, Bermuda—J. Bat “Brig Hunter, Harrington, Providanee, <*. sA Scot Roderick, Hart, Norfolk Vir. Sloop Albert, Totepkimon, St Mary's & Jef ferson. • ; Sloop Endeavour, Dennis, St Aurujtine. Sloop Essex, Johnson, Yorktown vtr. Steam-bont, Charleston Utley, left ths wharf this day at 3 o’clock for Charleston, via: Beau- fort with Pattengtrt. THOM THE HOSTOR DAI LI ADTiatTIlIB, rilBMAMT 3. Extract of a letter from a gentleman of Bolton, ri ptreargo of the Emma..Sophia, dated Havana, dial of December, 1818. “On Saturday, 19th inst. between the Bahama Bank and Key Sal, we were boarded and token possession of by a await schooner of about 30 tons, having ooa g«ln mounted on a pivot, and manned men. She mtn«tf us with 12 men, Spani ard*^ Trench, Gerfpant,.and Americans. and car ried us toward the Florida coast. Being arrived on the coast netrly opposite to Havana, tbe priva teer went in shore to reconnoitre, and our sbii lay off and oq. Neat morning she retnrned wit! two small vessels, a schooner and sloop. We then all four steered over the teef towards the small islands, and on Tuesday afternoon were brought to anchor in a little harbor formed by by the Florida Ialei, and the Martyr’s Reef, as snug a hole as buccaneers could wish. They bad aeen no papers but those of the ship and mani fest, hut the latter »u enough, ana they asked not for invoices and bills lading. As soon as we anchored, they threw off our boats, took off the batches, and began to plunder the cargo. They loaded their two small vessels, and another that cam* in next morning, besides taking our valua bles on board the pnvateer. Having filled their vessels with linens and nankins, we had still mi- ny left, for our 9hip was full when we sailed from Hamburg, Till Wednetdsy noon our csbiu had been respected, but then they came below and took packages of laces, goltf watches from the. trunks, and other valuable goods. Every man had. a knife about a foot long, which they brandished, swearing they would have money, or something more valuable that was concealed, or they wouhl kill every Soul of us, and they particularly threat- cried me. ! appealed to their captain-, told him 1 was in fear oi my fife, and went with him on board his privateer. He raid be bad no command; the crew would do as they pleased, that 1 need entertain no tear of my fife, but I better tell at once if any tiling was concealed. I told him there was not. After my return to the ship towards night, the pirates left us for the first time, and we hoped they had done with us. But next morning ano ther schooner inti sloop appeared in the offing, and the privateer and one of the loaded sloop: went out to meet them. They all returnudjtoge- ther, the privateer anchored, and a boat’s crew came towards us. I attempted to go on board .lie privateer to scr lie: captain, but was ordered back. When they came on board, they said they had conte to find where the gold, lie was, and that if we would not t-ll. they woul l hang - every mar. of us and burn t.‘ic ship. Davis, the spokes man, drew h!s knife,ajid.swore, that every man should dieyutffess he found the money; and first, he would hang the supercargo. He c*l:ed for a rope, which he bad brought rn board, fitted with a hangman’s noose, seqh a matt up to the main- yard, and brought the nook down —and one man held it, and another stood ready to haist. Now, said Davis, tell me where is the money, where are your diamonds, or I will hang you this minute.— In vain I repeated I had nothing more but my Watch, which I offered, md lie refused. Once more said he, will you tell? I have nothing to tell, said I. On wit!) the rope, said the vilbiu, and hoist away. The fellow wi.h the noose came to wards me, and I -ji-u-’g overboard. They took me up at er some time, apparently insensible They took off all ay clothes, and laid me on m> back on deck, naked as T was born, except having a blarkei thro** - n eyr me. Here l laid five hv-ura, without moving hand or foot. Mean time they robbed ns of every tiling of the least value,— Against me they seemed to have a particlar spite, stealing even the tings from my fingers, and alt my clothes from my trunks, which they sent on board the privateer. At night they lift us, but returned once or twice, for a tew minutes, to see now I was. That night the privstecR with t»’o or three of her con- voy, went to sea, and next morning, (Christmas day) we got undetway. Haring taken good no tice of the cour.-e itvercd in coming in, lead con- stantly going, we found our way out to biue wa tt- without mud difficulty, and next morning, 26tb, arrived wibcut further accident at Ha vana The privateer vas, I think, fitted out from this Island. The is a Spaniard, a short mao with a remarkablf good face, that nobody would suspect to belong to soeha gang. The lieutenant is a Frenchman, s creole uf St. Domingo, but called himself ar Italian. The man they called Davis, who ordered me to be hanged, is the pilot or sailing master and their boarding officer. He is an American, Belonging to New-York, and was the worst man on board—he is a good looking fellow, something perhaps over the middle size, but the most brtitol rare-1 I ever met. There was another American otr beard only s common hand, being a drunkard. Two negroes are all the re- sidue of the geailemea with whom I bad much acquaintance. - Tbe goods token froniua were upwards of fifty thousand dollars worth, and I have no doubt are landed on the coast cf this island. The neigh borhood of Cuba troubled waters, until our government shall seriously determine to put down this system of piracy. McLean, mzst-r.’*<U positively /’harlcstoa. TO-MiiHRoW MOBNlNri. it Iti o’clock, wind favoring. Fcrfrvigbt, r passage (having comfortable accommodations) iply to tbe captain on boaud, or to Isaac Cohen. fob 17 1- 40 Library. Aa an examination of the state of the Library ia to take place on Thursday, the 18th inaunt, the members ot the Savannah library Society art requeued to return those books which they now hold, belonging to the institution prerioui to that day. Or.MLEK, sermovy. N. B. The book* will be received at the book store of Mr W. T. Williams, feb 16—a 39 Valuable City Lots for Sale, i* ras SIMTLE. To-Morrow, 18th inst. Bill be told before mg Mare, Four IOT8, Nos 25,2ti, 27 and 28, in WrAhing- ton ward, each 60 by 96-feet—one of which fronts in Washington square ALIO Two EXITS, in Jackson ward. Not 5 *ad b. fronting on South-Brosd street, sad imn^uiatety opposite tbe oeur brick building of Thomas Gard nee, esq. Terms made known at time of satr. Sale it commence et 11 oVJce*. M. Herbert, ancfr. feb 1 55 Notice Commission merchants are required to settle the tax due on tales madron commission tu the 1st ulV on or before the 18thinstant. Joint I. Roberts, city treasurer: City Treanirer’t office. Savannah, Feb. 1819^-32 Savannah Free School. I A Charity Sermon will be preached and a col lection made in the Episcopal Church next Sun day forenoon, for the benefit of the Savannah Free School. Elitx Roberta, src’ry. feb — Ice-Cream Machines. For sale at the shop of the subscriber. Tubs and Cylinders for making Ice-Cream, together with directions for cubing them. Families may be supplied with tnem of any tixe so as to make st home a larger or smaller quantity of cream. Louis Girotlun, feb 17—ss—40 Market eguare. Savannah Books Posted. The subscriber will attend two hours every day With any merchant or mechanic, who may wish to have their books kept in a correct man- tier Gentlemen who may not have constant cm- ployment for a clerk, have found it for their ad vantage to have their business conducted in this way, at a small expense. He continues to draw writings with sccuraey and dispatch; such as titles, deeds, leases, chsrter parties, wills, &e. Ac. at his lodgings, Bay lane, two daors west of Drayton street. William Moubraj. feb 17 Jl 40 WRITING IN SIX LESSONS. MR. DE SFRAA'GH Has obtained letters patent of the United States, for his invention of teaching the abt or warnss in six lessors. He will enable any person, of whatever age, and notwithstanding any bad habit they may have contracted, tu write well and with rapidity, after having received these lessons.— Persons of good capacity will be able, by a strict attention, to write well in four lessons, each lesson qf one hour. The solid utility and. merit* of this sysem can be best seen in ita particular resulto. m those beautiful and various specimens it has produced, which can be examined at Mr. Rapp’s teaching room, at Mrs. Platt’s, opposite the the Baptist meeting-house—who has purchased the patent for this state. The rapid improvement made by many of those who have had lessons from Mr. Rapp, h ive made their friends at a distance, to whom they hsve had occasion to correspond, doubt the hand writ ing as being the same. feb 13 1 37 Goshen Butter. A few firkins of superior quality, for sale by John Lewi*. feb 15 ft 38 Madeira Wine Bottles and Corks, In quantities to suit the late importation, by the Louise Ceceiie, for saje by i R. Richardson & Co. feb 17- Stolen, From tbe subscriber, on the night of the 12th inst. it his place in Bryan county, five silver ta ble Spoons, three marked L. tnc other two plain, supposed to have been stolen by negroes -belcng- ing to Savannah. A liberal reward wdl be jjiven for the recovery of the spoons and thief or thieves B. S. Lamb. feb 17 r—-40 Georgia—Chatham county. By Samuel M Bond, clerk of the court of ordi nary of Chatham county. Whereas, John W Moore applies for letters of administration on the esute of Sylvanus Andrews, late of Savannah, carpenter, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to file their objections (if any they have) in my office on or before the Ibth day ot March nest, otherwise letters of administration will bt granted the applicant. Given under my hand and seal this 15th day of February, 1319. [L S] S M BOND, c c o c c feb 17 40 Georgia—Chatham county. By S M Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary of Chatham county. Whereas, Margaret M’FarUmd, widow, applies for letters of administration on the estate of Wil ham M’Farlond, deceased, as next of kin These are, theremre, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said de ceased to file their objections (if any they have in my office, on or before the 20th <L*y of Marcf next, otherwise letters of adnaini»tration will be granted the applicant Given under ray hand and seal, thi* 17th day of February, 1319. feb 17 * 40 Notice. Persons having deman-Ji against tbe estate of Rboba Gillllard will present the same without delay to Messrs Llotd U Mobbisor, in Savxi tuh; or the subscriber, in Augusta. John Gindrat, adm’or. dee 17 v- 249 Will be sold at thv. Exchange w.xcf, 20 hlidv prime Nlaihng Muiinci « btnl» India point Gut boxes ncm Pipes 153 hamper* Beifint Potatoes Sale to commerce at II o'el.ek Jamea Hunter, anet’r. fob 17 -40 ' Administrator's sale. On Saturday, 20th February next, IFiff be to.’d before my tiere, SUNDRY ARTICLES CT Household Furniture. The personal property of George He ster, de ceased. By order of the administrator. , A. Howr, aurt’r. ian IB f 1* ’ ' Steam Boats for sale. TV- steam boats EAGLE and NF.W-JERSEY, will be offered at public sale at Bo Kiev’a wharf, in the city of Baltimore, on Monday, the 1st ot' March, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, with oil their equipments, beds, furniture, tic. They hove both powerful engines, almost new, on the n. -st approved plan of Bolton and Watt. On ihr low pressure, the New-Jersey has copper boiler. - cry thick, and the Eagle iron boilers, also very thick. The NeW-Jersey ia admitted to be equal in ape-d to any steam boat in the Chesapeake but; and the Eagle is not much inferior to her in speed. They are both completely coppered and ate rea dy to commence immediate operations; tiny have three cabins, large, comfortable and — They have been built of good materials. The Eagta would suit a shallow navigation, as she is a light draught of water. The New-Jersey tins not a heavy draught of water; but draws .few inches more than the Eagle. The terms of Sale will lx a credit on one-third of the purchase money fir six months; another third, nine months, sud the residue in twelve months, with inteiest on es6b from tbe day of sale. Notes with approved endorsers will br re quired. These boats will positively be sold with out reserve, a bargain may therefore be expected in them; they will be sold separately. Baiscoe Sf Partridge, .Igente for the owner j. Oj-Tlie Nation; 1 Intelligencer, Richmond En quirer, Franklin Gazette, (Philadelphia,) Chalks, ton City Gazette, 8avannah Republican, and Au gusta Chronicle/willcopy the above twice a week till sale, and send their accounts to the office of the Federal Republican, Biitimore, for collection^ fob 15 38 On Che first Tuesduy in March, Will be told before the Court. Route, in t hit city, f .■ Utlmten the vewl Hour*. A prime MULATTO GIRL* about 17 run o^ age, X capable house Mrv«nt T—... —*- M. Herbert, aucVr. feb 11 35 Executors sale. On Thursday, the 18th March next, Will be eoltl before my etore. All the Goods and F.ffects of Mr Francis Pot- ticr, deceased; consisting Gold Wutchtt, patent levers, rrpestera and plain Silver ditto do do dc do Gold Chains Gold Seal* and Keys Gold Breast-Pins Plated Ware, and A variety of JEWELRY Terms, cash. Sule to commence at 11 o’clock. M. Herbert, auefr. feb 4 29 Will be Sold On the first Tuesday in March next, At the market-house of St Mary’s, Camden county, between the hours uf 11 and 2, ALL THE ESTATE, REAL AND PERSONAL, (Jf late Franca Leroy, of Cumberland (stand, deceased, consisting of a tract of Land on tbe Island of Cumberland, Camden county, Georgia, being the south psrt of lot No 6, so called in the. partition of said Island: being bounded aafo*’ East by the sea. south by the land of the esl Lynch, west by Ian# of general L. M'lntosb, north by land lately sold at marshal* sale, north tine of said tract to be run out, with the south line as to give the quan acres Together with til and singular, t buildings and improvements thereon, tutor’* titles will be given. The la to the said Francis Leroy by Doctor/ of Savannah. Also, the following negroetc—Jim and 1 Eliza, with her child. The whole sold by i *<>«o> IhisVi'f- of the honorable the inferior court of Camdc county. Terms of sale, half of the perchaae . ney, cash; the other half payable nine month: ter the sale, with mortgage on the property; I purchaser paying for titles and recording t mortgage. PAUL P. THOMASSON, jan 19—rf—IS Admiiaetrator, Notice. All persons having demands against the estate of Chsrle* Stewart, late of tbe district of White Bluff, deceased, will present them to the subscri ber withm the time pre^eribed by law; and those indebted will make immediate payment to Christian Lampe, adm’or. with the will annexed. dec 17 fl 250 For sale, A valuable tract of land containing iberat 2200 acres within four miles of the town of Jeffers ia, in Camden county. This land ia situ ted on the SaulU river, and on the St Mary’s road; it is well calculated for the culture of rice, cotton or eane. and will be sold lew on appli R It J Habers-am or to Joseph ' Sheriff’s sales. On the fist Tuesday in March next, Will be sold at the court house in Uiceboi between the hours of 10 and 3 o' A small bay liorse, and a abe t gun; levied the property of John Soulegree, dec. to satisfy a execution in favor of Charles Floyd, for thrust Robert Barnwell, said property pointed out Joiepb Austin, adm’or William Wilson, s. l. feb 1 26 J StateBunk Shares, On Tuesday &A cj jipr-J, * Will be *old, at she Couet-Hjr n Savannah, between the hour* ^ c Ten SHARES in tbe Cor’ „72?/? d ? 0 State of Georgia-—The pl'—^ j A J WiUiatr, f. Williams, t 2 *. 27 Anpperaofi who will give urfbn patting Mr. PatbIcz D Soman, wtu je. cotton or eane. t*l» tq Getter 18t8, will conftri* rf *? Ma « .hia brother Richard Bourke, b,. r” C Hlbcnhagl fbes to th* editor of ihe Smnnah 3*