Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 18, 1819, Image 1

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.mf"M ,.f sl . tr. Vi it i'tbUif'l, I'litf thit ««»-iiinince «-»* on t’ ^I'luidi v b” muiMcl t» isiquirr into f'u mf prornlrnji t)T ||V lurte-tltu in th«‘ |ire«iilrnt ot tl>«f bnitml State* » JnWWtoilfinjmKium the riccutitci 11! ®>* 8**er»l ht»te* fugitive*, who having committed olK'Hcea (gniitut *m.i«r:y within <h« district »f Columbia,or other territory . aoliject »» the jurisdiction of the Unitnl Stales.majnavr south' an a-jiu'ii in ant of the atalro oi thi* Ration: aa also, power and authority to comply with the deinani made he any of the executive* id the Uni ted States fortbr ilelrvr-y ol lugihvc* who, Itaeingcewnmitti-d otF- nceaajfainst thr laws •f such states, may bi*r •'night an a*vium ■in ti e district of Coluinbi i,ur in any oilier ’Territory oeef which rhejoiudiction of the United States niay extend. tin motion of .hir. Williams of X. C.tlie ♦oaaiethen took op an proceeded to conai- vfer the resolution vtthinitied hy him on the 50th December, 181H. instructing the Com- Tnittee cm military affairs tn inquire into The etpedirnry of reduciag the urine.— The Maid reaofutioli being read, *»i agreed to- ■tint or Tire ttsmo STvrrs. ^llr. Johnson ol Va. .sulriiiiteil the fol lowing resolutions: Resolved, That the committee on the judiciary be instructed to report a bill repeal the act entitled "an act to incorpo- k rate the ttobvcriberx to the bank of the United State*,” passed April Iflth, 1316. Mr. Johnson said he hud not a propositi in of :o much importance,without considering »W the consequence* which were likely to result from it. lie had look eel at the state of the country; lie knew the deep and great interests involved in the qustlon; was aware that some embarrass menu in the financial operations of govern ment would result; and that root* tiling would be said ol the pledge of t'i- public faith, liut, after taking into view all these considerations, he tho’t it imposed on him, as a solemn duty, to make tins proposition What was public laith, Mr. J. a*kril, and what its best security. Whenever any corporation in thin country, either moral nr political, violate its obligations, foal thin bouse should apply the correc tive. This was its best security. This great banking corporation, which wag to pioniote the-great interests of thr country, lias, by its misconduct, completely defea ted the object* of the community; and would not tne public fattli be beat preserv ed by pulling down this corporation, which had thus abused its powers, and commit ted such frauds ng had b*eo developed? Have vve the power to put it down? This, •aid Mr. J. is the only quisfion winch could create a single doubt. Have we, who created this charter, a right to repeal it? Mr. J. said lie had paid So me atfn- tioo to this subject, and the miiiiirrof pro ceeding id such cases in Kngtand. Tin re their corporation* were soinewlnit tlillVr- •fitly constructed: there the king himself granted chatters,and, when they wi re v<.. luted, he annulled them. Here the leg;' I.clure creates the charter, and it ji.i>J. as much right as any other tribunal to ileciib' on a revocation of it. We, said Mr. J.. have no more interest in this cm poration thau the supreme court, which it^is saiil ought to deride the question between the bank and the nation. The house, he said, could meet it a« Tier fnmi prejudice, or any improper b.ii*, as the supreme court. It appeared to him there was no choice lor those memheis who believed the constitu tion had oeen violated by this corporation, but to avail themselves of the earliest op portunity to free tliemselves from it and relieve the constitution. Mr. J. concluded by saying l,is present object was to have his resolution referred to the committee id the whole to which the bank report had been referred. Mr. Spri.cer suggested the propriety of •referii.ig to the same Committee the resolu tion whith he had laid on the table on Monday week, and the proposition made by Mr. Trimble on the 19tb ult. to issue a scire lari it. - Mr. S. noticed briefly the tc marks of Johnson. They were strong, he said, and impressive; bat there were jollier considerations to be remembered — The immediate destruction of this bank, lr.-S. said, would bring in’its consequen ces ruin to thousands upon thousands who ad become its debtors, it would inlfiita wound upon the pubijc credit, ami go Hr o tarnish the national faith abroad. The auk had loaned ouuhe-iim of thirty-eight nillimts of dollars. Could this sum tie lied ill iniiiieiliatcly, wiieil there was. as t was stated, but seventeen millions id oilers in the whole union? It called in. lie state banks must “pay all they owe, ust neceswrily curtail their discounts. Inch were deemed, sit a low estmim , to mount to I6i) millions. This, Mr. S. would operate uu thr borrowers I min te United State.- bank and thro' mem on use from the slate banks. The great parlance of tins subject, Mr. S. said,mid ; great interest at stake, ought to make e house proceed with much circumspec- i. If the corporation conflicted with constitution, he was willing to go with utlemen against it; .bit lie hoped it itild be seen that the constitution might preserved, without creating the scene distress and rum he had adverted to. r. Rich was unwilling to sustain the position in any shape: o'-cause it iV creating useless ai.i m through the •inanity, by holding oat the idea that hank was to be destroyed. For his t. Mr. R.said, hr would never consent roceed agam»t the United State* bank iiy manner utlt.l he could see the slate |„* conduct their affairs correctly, which ad vet to learn. He hoped the liuuse Id not consider the resolution, r. l.ownde* made a lew remarks in fa- f rcfori my; the resolution to tilt coin- ee ol t!ie wiude; for, wbrlher ;he house Imposed to oesti s an institution , if property muli tged, would be , heneflcinl to tuc interests of the rr, atni nail been productive of much be better •Icliin-iated oti in * Committee ti! ...e whole I T a-ve-oluOoii was tln-n agreed to, and referred to toe committee ot ttte whole, on he bank report, as wrre al»« those uf Mr. sipenc, r and of .Mr. Tumble, on their rrs pec live motions The engrossed hill to amend the net sup plemcnta y to tne act to author.lie Tie state of renoessee to Issue grants and per feet titles coceitaiil lands, was read the third time, passtand srut to the senate for concurrence. The house then resolved itself into committee of tne whole. Mr. Uissctt in the chair, on the bill mrking appropriaiions for the suppiot olgoveinuieut lor the year 1319. J lie committee occupied some time ir. going through toe pr .visions ot tins bi Amongst tin- motions made in til -course of toe proceeding, tne appropriations of fnfl’J thousand dollar* lor defraying the exp--nses of intercourse with foreign turns, *as objected to by Mr. Johnson, ol Va. w in moved t» substitute tuesnty ttiuu a nid for that object The motion was negatived; and the Cum in it tee proceeded wilo the remaining pro vision* of tile b> I, the »h de ul winch weie agreed to, with tln^escepthoi ol the appro- pi latiori lor urn Cuntiienaud roau, which was pasted by for ttie present, 41 al- ford • a opportunity for luititer consul era tion. Some of die proceediucson this bill wil be mine fully stated m our next paper. The committee having risen and repor ted progress. The house adjourned. supreme couitr. Ilediesjay. J .-biunry 9. Mr. Hunter, Mr. Ogden, and Mr. Hop kinson, continued the argument on the constitutionality of the state banki upt or insolvent laws. STO< k'S. Unit-ol S tstes’ bink ‘took i-j quoted, in llaltnmire, at 9K, or -2 per cent below par: ( the *ainc time, United States’ sty per cent stock is quoted at 104 or one per rent above par, and exchange, on a' 93,or2per cent, ili-rount. The quota tion* from the NeW-Yurk. shipping and commercial list, of ti>e 3th in*t do not very mure than one half per rent, from these prices.—wVuf. Intel. 9th inst. Tor ratification of the Chickasaw trea ty is said to have made a splendid addi tion to the value of the property of llie uiiiveisity of North Carolina, by rorifcr- ring the estimated value of 100,RHO dol lar, mi a donation ol 20,000 at res ol land made by gvn If S nitn, some time ago, to that institution We wish tins llatlering anticipation may be -realized; as the uni versity lias heretofore been .scantily en- | down! , if not greatly neglected by ti.e go- | vernmerit of the state of North Carolina. —ill. The anniversity of the. 8th of January was celebrated in the city of New Orleans, by a splendid military religious solemnities, and by the discharge of artile- ry. Among the incidents of the'day was the public presentation, to inaj. g-ueral Ripley, of a sword vofe.l to him by the state'of New yor',.; and the laving of the corner stone of the first Presbyterian church, by the several masonic Judges etc. —ib. UMTK.n st.i t’F.s' yj.i.v.r. It alfords us satisfaction to state, that tit. linn. Langdon'Cheves, of this state, Iurs beet! invited to Philadelphia to assume the duties ol t he office of the president of tne Hunk ot the United States, in consequence ofan unanimous resolution of the board of directors to that effect. We are given to understand thal fins appointment will give very g r „er*l satisfaction, as it la the de-lie b-ifJi ot the government and a lar^e majo rity of the .stockholder*, that this gentle man should be placed at the head of the in stitution. We, therefore, congratulate Un friends oftfie bank and those interested in its stock, on the prospect of this appoint ment, as the firmness, talents and integri ty of Mi. Cl.eves afford the highest pledge, lor tne pure and efficient administration of ■ Is affair*. We have it also from an un- quf,tioiiablc source, that the following gentlemen vu’l be nominated to thes-nale, by-t'.e pre,i li-i.f nl the United States, as public din-i tor,.- — Mr. llou.-ie, of New- Ymk: Mr. ( o.nie|lv,of l>i.ih„ie!p!iia. Mi. >t- el, collector of Philadelphia: Mr. liid- dle v of Philadelphia: \lr jobo of Hiltnnore.—Charleston Suuihern i’atriot, l Jth inst. .'l l VTOSIf. This celebrated linli.iu warrior, attend ed l>v five of Ins gallant associate#, arrived in tins town on Tuesd ,y evening. On Wednesday, a dinner was given these distinguished son, of the wilderness by a few oi citizen,. The party adjourned about nine o'cio.k. the guest, appearing much pleased a! file hospitably inamiesl- ed bv their, n. The general -ave several ,entimei.Is. w'/n h were in- iroduced by apprnp. late remarks, in his native to'.gut.and wt.ieh were interpreted be col. Haukina, a well informed and high ly polished man. The general and his at tendants lelt town yesterday lor Wasti- ington Petersburg (la.) Republican, X'Zth inst. Frota the Philadelphia Franbun Cat 9th M.11L ROHR Ell. There can be no duubl of the third maii robber being taken. I he man arrested at Lancaster must he the identical person. We have received a lett-r from West bunk of SI W. l-ttei H. No 5267> j.i _ bie io II. C. He Rilon, datol 1st Nov 1817. endorsed in blank, Thomas Wif-o cashier, wnirii was exchanged for him at the bank of West Theater. He a Iso offer cd two post notes o' 8 ldO each, ol the United State* branch bank at Savannah. which were refused to b<- exchanged. This man was at West Chester about six weeks since, lie then wa* very poor, and showed ins certificate C,f his being a Doctor. He presented on-- to that effect at Laocastsi; both descriptions of. his horse, received Irons Lancaster and West Cuester, agree in every particular. We invite persons, who sent money by tne mail ot that day. to send u* a vlesciip- 11,111 of the same as soon as possible. K. Hache, p. >1. Philadelphia. • This is one of the notes put into the post ,f- fice by Mr. WiUi.u, cashier, on huuiUy, and sent jy the mail ol but buy to N.w-York, which was stolen therefrom; there w»s an error in me i s [»ers pubpshing the 1.umber of tile note to be 3 97. •lend of - 07 the latter the t,um ber. » h'cn wt nave couiparto with the mai once le.t by Mr Wilton al U.e poi'.-uth^C- We understand; tout Bertrand, one ol the per-ons arrested lor the Lie robbery ol the mail, has confeaaed his gaitt, and has lati-d Hist a part of file tnui.ey stolen was tarn'll near me spot where (he mail, was biirb. On Sunday he was conveyed to the (dat e, Out wueUier nuy utuney ur pa pers Were f iunii, we have nat asceitalli ed.— .\ew lurk Com. .htv. bth inst. An insane per sun. living near-Hatha! ine Market, tlirew inm-cif yesterday luurning. Inna the gutter of a three story h Use upon Uie pavement ill the street, lie was ta- u up and conveyed to tne hospital with both leg, broken, and otherwise severely oruiseu.—ib. THE REPUBLICAN. THUKSDAY BVB.SI.VG, KtaaCssr ,8, 1819 ChrsVr. ±\ person Wcu- ihe tlesct ‘j Cheater, t t«» tli** p'llilic* «*r nuetli ant io ! ‘He ar**i 14 tfi«t «u»tituuun, the <^ue>t;oa cuuld layout ana.* i 'Idsuriptioa of •.#» that place . 11 answers precise.’j to : ;t.t* person taken at Lao- s, that whilst at \Vest 9 p'*rs*»M bcuiu,ht a horse, sa<l- ttle; and l»e hail much money -«)nc note uf the Machames Tis done—the agony is over/” J \CKSOX h.i9 pubucdl the ordt%I; and we state with ijiijcJ) satiifjctjun that a large maj ri ty of the national legi-laturc have frowned upon the At tempt to dibg ace this veteran. Upon this result, let *.hfe American people rejf»ice! H: d'.lie hero oi Mew Orleans been censured, what would Europe have said? What would the civilizvd world have said, when fora point so paltry, so perfectly tri vial. tliey see us drive from our army the vary best cifhcer we have now alive, and one who has main- ty contributed to the safety of the country?— Monroe, Adams, and the majority in congress w ill ^ain strength in the confidence of the people, for preserving the character of this republic from the charge of the injustice, which has been heup cd upon all republics, ancient or modern. We proud that we were boin in the land winch •ave Jackson birth. Hi< enemies have condemn him for the adoption of the bold, the ener^ct ic, the decisive measures by which he obtained ihfc victory of New.: Means; and protected the frontier people of the country from Indian butcheries— victories which saved u» from ruin, fihd<>ughtro have secured to him the gratitude of every Amer ican. In spite, however, of his detractions, hi fame will be more durable than brib. Like our own immortal Wa* hington, he will lire in the recollecdon of his countrymen, when hrs opposers, and the individual who now writes th‘:s sm«dl tri bute, shall have been dead and forgotten for cen turies* History, with ihe pen of truth, will ‘trans mit his deeds to the latest posferit and children, of many succeeding generations, shall be taught to lisp the names of Washington and J;ickson.~ We are sure that no patriot can call to mind the- privations and sufferings of this modem Oincm natus, without being filled with the most grateful ensation*. Jackson has a host of friends—warm, s'ucere, and powerful. Put, we will comment no further—the question ia settled—and we are sat isfied. We refer our readers for a statement <>f (Tie votes. Sec. to the congressional head, id preceding columns. The National InfeUurencer remarks, that the hnu*e of representatives has never been known to nave been more fully attended than when the votes were taken relative to the proceedings of Jack- son, in the Sbminole w*ar. Mr, Jones, the late president of the United States* bank, l»2S add<*es»ed a memorial to con gress, wh : ch we have published this day, and to which we invite the attention of cur readers. Srl»r If >pe, Aarker, Havana t^ J. Co hen with in* laMes etc- l^ft brig 0*rzimb<» to sad tw-» days afr^ Sloop Martha, Tatum, l)jrien, 2 days jn ballast to master. ^ Sloop Victory, fmm Nrrh-Catolina with corn io G. F. & u. Fatlmes. CLSVftlD,. Dr»g Telegraph, Hilt, New-York Sloop Wave, Brown, Norfolk (v ▲ ) Sloop Packet, V*otee, Charleston Sioop Fancy, Packet, Waite, Edenton For Greenock The well known fine cnppcrtd stiiji JOHN it F.DWAHO, raptain Wrbb, having i:p ward, of two ttiird, of tier cargo ready to go hoard, trill he dtapatche-l without delay. For treiglii of .rout tw o hundred hale*cotton rrp: •age apply to captain M ebb, Iticiiards it iiano **y, or to John Speakman di' Co. fch lg ca 41 For Netr-Tork The fast sailing tch »oner MILO, H Reetle, master, will r*a.I on Sunday, the 31 st inst. Kor passage, having haivi s«»me accommud^ti’tns, applv on board, at lUcc* wharf, or to G F. & O PALMKs Consignees are requested to cull and re ceive their goods this djy, irt»ui Hice*s wharf. " —m 41 For Charleston The regular aiul well known park' sloop ADELINE, Bradley, master, will ill on Saturday, wind and weather per muting. F'fr freight or passage, having auperior accommodations, apply to the captain on board at Hunter's wharf, or to G. F. & O Palmes. Lb 18— i 41 Our readers will observe an advertisement in *o-d:*y , s paper, signed by Murray, Fairman >V Co. of Philadelphia, offering s reward of two hundred dollars fur the apprehension of a man who cuMed him«elf HutUf who imposed upon them hv forged U tters of introduction, and obtain*tPfrom them a quantity of notes and post note? of 50 and $100» executed for the Newport Hank of Kentucky—»’ The individual here alluded to, is no d iubt Mouse, who was taken up for attempting to pass count >r. fe»t bills in our city a weeks since, and who is now in gaol. COVXTHY PRODUCE. SAVANNAH—CASH PRICES T.U Wire, per 100 lbs. Corn, per husliel, Cotton, sea-isl»r.d, pr lb Ditto, up-land, do. Flour, per bl Tcbacco, leaf, per 100 lbs. cts 5^ • 1 CO 9 Ot 9 oa i $ cts. si Died—at Darien, on the !0th in;t. V.d'-h'pman ,1a*<ks Essex, of the U. B Vavv, a native ot Lex ington, Kentucky,aged 20 years. SHIP NEWS. POUT OF A.VX.Iff. auuiveh, Prig Almira, Atwood, Boston, 28 days, to S B. Pirkman, consignee, with an assorted cargo, to K. likcnardson fie Co. Haxen Kimball, Campbell 8c Cumming, P“nce U t.*Kcnzie, H 1‘upper and others. Pa tcgr-s—Mss Parser, Messrs. Eaton, Witin, and Timl .Jpoke, off the Capes of Vir ginia, a schooner frnni Washington, N. C, hound to New York—blowing fret-h, coaid not lrarnhtr name. ‘ . - * . St-ebf. bright NljcsboSa Smith, Ricebtyrcngh, ^ith cotton to J. Lewis ' . « , „ , bchr. Mtlo, Beetle, New York 8 days—to G r. !c & Palmep ccoaigueej; with a full cargo to sun dry persons fcod 5 pas»«egerf- I/veuiugs 1 Amusements MR. ARDENOND, , FROM BUROPE, B EGS leave to inform the Citizens of Saran nah, that he has engaged the large i at the Court-Route, and lie will introduce there in, a new and beautiful .MECIi.L\7C.7 /. EX HIBITIOA', wliicli has been much admired in Europe, and since his arrival in America. It has been exhibited with unbounded applause at the cities of New.York and Charleston. THIS EXHIBITION con-sis+s of picturesque views Of different Cities, Fortresses, Sfc. In Eu rope, tfsict, Jifrica, and America. Four Views will be introduced every Evening, and each View will he enlivened with a great number of moving Figures, imitating nature in a surprizing manner. The Four Views for THIS EVENING, 18th instant, and the two following Evenings, will be us follows:— /Vrtf—A View of the City of Damascus, Second—A View of the Island of Sf. Helena, Third—-A View of the Hague in Holland. pourth—tTo conclude with a Grand Represen tation of a Storm at Sea. pp Doors will be o;u.*ncd at six, and the per formance commence at seven, and finish at nine o’clock. %• Admittance Fifty Cents. •ft-f' Tickets to be had at the Court-House. Savannah, Feb. 18 Golf Chib. • Tne member* are requested to meet on Satur dny Evening next, the ^oth wist, at 7 o’clock, at ^!r. Gnbbin*s, on* of importance to the Club. The next regular meeting and dinner will take place op FriUav 26ih instant—the weekly meeting hav ing been ordered io oe discontinued JJy order of the President. feb id m- 41 Savannah Female Asylum. The board of trustee* for ‘lie buv^niuii mal' A : ylum return ti>ei • grateful thanks for the liberal contribution tnade at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, the I4(h inst. for the benefit of the Fe- a.e Asylum, and acku'twhdge r ceipt of69o dollars 65 cents ELIZA HI VINK, eec'rt/. fen 18 41 Savannah Free School A Charity Sermon will be preached and a col lection made in tlic- Episcopal Church next Sun d*y forenoon, for the ben* fit of the Savanna! Free School. Eliza Roberts, sec'ry. fob 17 <'> English Cheese, Potatoes, £fc. 6 Simon T 6 l* ne*App!c C Cheese Ij Cliephire j . 100 lumpers irfol* Fotutoes 18 Casas Goshen Che-se 11 bhds 4tn pro«*f Jamaica Bum U pi;;es pure Holland Gin 4 quarter casks sweet Malaga Wine 4 kegn Snot, assorted 55 barrels Philadelphia ruperfine Flour 1 cuik Copperas 150 pieces Cotton Bagging For sale by RE A fc BUTLER fob y. 41 For Sale Lot No 7, ritiiHte in IIrough*on street. Fourth tytiung, lleynold’a ward, with its improvements. Apply to CHARLES DUNHAM. fob 18- -41 ^00 Dollars Reward. In consequence ot* forged letters presented to he subscriofa-s aboutAhe 7tli of tanuury last, re presenting Uie. bearer to be Vfr.Hunt, andne. heu of the Pr sidci.t of the Farmers and- Mechanic*- bank of Lexington, a parce*? containing post no es and no'.es of S') and S^iOO executed for ihe New- t it^nk, Kentucky, was delivered to him. As there is'no doubt, that Hun> will attempt to sign and cirCula’e said notes, rh® above rtwa.d wil* be given for ins apprehension and conviction. Hunt i-- a man of gen* tel anpeafance and address, about 28 years rf age, sail w complexijn, and ra- thtx above 'he middle future. As the Newport Bank has never had in circtiU tion ejlher notes of 5 j and 9 or post lutes that may be offe red uf this descr ptim must br c<»u:ste»feits Bank Brokers and others are requesfod to be on the alert, should any of these n s bo pr- feoted. Hunt ia most prohsolv an assumed name. M •array, Fair in an A* Co The Editors °f the New-York Caz tU, bo-ton • n.mercial G:-Zctte Baltimore Fed. Gazette. Kicbmo «! E qu rer, New iirltansChronicle, Cin. .tti Inqu.»>ior, Charleston th.urier, Savannah Republicar»,Ken*hckv Gazette,Lutiisv He W» stern Courier. I*itt>burg Penn-ylvan^ Gazette. Raleigh, C. Register, Ohilicothe Reporter, Nashville Marion, Will please insert the above advertise ment Riree t raes, and forward tiieir account to the 'SUhsc fibers teb 18 m—41 AUCTIONS. To- MomnV, 10 tli histr.V,**, m:i be told at «ur After, A GENERAL AStfOKTMKN I* , **r (iroccricS and .Dry &owtk ALSO An Invoice cf stiver and gift Wstrhev English tH»*ibre barrel *tiun» i»n»i F .i i. Clocks, breast P;n* Bird Cag-s, Kileidoscopr s . Glass anl fornehan Pctdu, LcSic Term*, Sale t« ciissKHre at 2] 9*c!oe&, WillilurU bt Biker, ft h IS -41 Steam Roots for sale. The •trim boiliKMilR »jui NW jrTHfV, .11 be offered at public sale at Bow ley’s *hnrfv the city of Baltimore, on Monday,* tlf* 1st «:f March, at 4 o’clock in tht ittemoon, v-vii all • equipments beds furniture, Le The> l.avc both powerful engines, almoa* new, on t-V t approved plan of Bolton and V'at*. On the low pressure, the New-.lersey has copper boilers very thick, and the Eagle iron boiWrk, also very thick. The New-Jersey is admitted to be equal in speed to any steam boat in the Cl»oi»pra*:c bay; and the Eagle b not much inferior to her in speed. They are both completely coppered »nd arc rei- d> l«) commence immediate op-rrations they have three cabins, large, comfortable and elegant — They hav e been built of goed mater ab. Tlic Eigk- v ouhi -suit a shallow navigation, its she vs a light draught of water. The .Vew-Jerv*' b not a heavy draught of water, but draws . t-_v*e niche* more than die Engle Tut* terms ol s ue will he a credit bn one-tbiVA flhc purchase money for m* month*; another bird, nine months, and the residue ui tWtUt nths with ii.teiest on each from the day of sale Notts with approved endorsers will be r4- pured- These heats will positivi lv he sold with* reserve, a bargain may therefore be expected in tluan they will he sold separately. ifoisi O’* <V frr«foe v jigruts Jvrtke w The Nation:] IntHTgtbeer, Richmond E*k quirer Franklin G«*-tte. (Philid'fobia ) Chai1e#> n Citv Gizette, havaunalt U« p-ihnccn, and Au gusta Lin.mcle.y ill copy the ab »t> twice a week (ill sale, and aeHd thru* accciims to the ffict of the Federal Republican, Baltimore, for coin ctt«m. fob 15 3B On the first 'Tucathty in M arch, Wil! be sold before ihe Cow t.Hivse. in this eity , iunseen the usual hour*, A prim<- MULATTO «IUL, s’".nut If y' at tge, a rapablt- huuar aervant Trrma. M- Herbert, nitH'r. f-b 11— 15 Executors salt. On Thursday, the 18ih March rtfYl, It'll! be sold before my store All the Goods and Fdfccts of Mr Francis I'oti tier, d< erased; consisting Gold ll’atchts, patent levers, repeaters and plaiK Silver ditto do do do do Gold Chains (iohl Seals and Keys Gold Kraut-Pins Plated Ware, and A variety of JEWELRY - Terms, cash. to commence at 11 o’KeeX*. M. Herbert, «uct’f- feb 4 29 THE FOLLOWING Valuable City Property for Salt, Being the properly of a per-on who wishes to move from Savannah, and for wkich tht most undoubted titles can be g.ven, vit: Lot No 1, G».one ward. 60fuelfi*onK * i Hrot^hton >tr^et, and 92 h et deep, vth a Buil ’aig th'reon, 40 f»et lr"»it, nd a stna'i Bidding on the huik. Pro- e simple. Lot No 2, Greene ward, being a city lot, fub- jrct to » ground rent of g.%7 per annum, 6J feet ut by 9 feet deep, with a Dwelling llou>eand Kitchen thereon. laOt No 4, and half of No 5. in Carpenter's row-, 9(J foe * fount and 150 feet deep, wuh a huge two rv Hfcuse ther on, having tenements for tv*u o.ilien, b ing 54 feet in front, w ith Kituhen, Sta- bk«, Slc In fee simple Lot N<> 5 Carpenter's rr*>r, brings half lot, 3B feet front by 150 deep. In feewniple. * he above named pro. erty is now offertd at riv iTc Rale by the undTki^ned, and if not dis- sed of on or before the first Tuesday in nett month, will then be sold at public atlction before the curt-house in the city of Savannah, at the usual tune ot public sales on that day. For terms at private sate apply to ihe subscri ber. JAMES HUNTER, ukciV feb 18 41 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Saturday of ter the fist Tic: tiny in. April next. Will be Bold at the Market house in the town Of • St. MaryN, in Garndm county, betvreeo the hour* of 10 and 3 o’clock of that day. The following negro slave*, viz: Mosel. t)ian« and Eliza; levied on as the property of Bay Sand* to *ati fy a mortgage William Bui es va. lUy Sands Also liter following other negro slaves, vi2: CL if«, Mary, March and April; levied jr. as thv operty *jf Ray Sands to satisfy a run tg&ge Jo di Ram vs Hay Sards. Conditions, cosh. Is.vic Rui'ey, s. c. c- .Teffermn, Camden cv fob. 6, 18.9—-:—34 3ASEE: ,CH I LOREN’S T WAGGONS. 25, just recuved from Augustx—lor .a c by G- F. i)j' Oliver Palmes, jan 12 fa 9 For Rent A Dwelling Hnuse f.n the comer of Draylon- ftreet, near the Academy. Po«es«ion trill be giv en on or before the 21st in.taut. Inquire of Jame* Marshall. feb 3-^-ta 28 Geoegia—Effingham county. By John UtiafHor., • -cr.'v «»t the C'wt cl or*l liury tor the couritv ant] s^tr ^f•^r•^aid, John Dugg-r a;-; '•»s tor 3c*tert o: admiui-vtration on the oatatt . David C-innady. late of Kflin ham courpy de^eaotu. These are, therefore, to cue and admonish nV- and -iTi^ulsir the kin.Irci: and cr-aiitcrs of ^id ‘ji- cess'd t6 file (hr«r objeefio-'*- (f any Uey hn-r * in my office on or retore the first d*y of April ip. xt, other wise letter* of a-iHiiuiatraiicr wib b-i grantee! the applicant -v*- (iivrn uncer m hand and staU this d*y of February, ldl9 [L S] JOHN CHARLTON, c c. me fob iS * 41 Georgia—Effingham county. By John Ci.arlton, < erk or the court of ord'- n*r> for the county and -it a te»ev»id tVlJerea*, Jonathan Sechiytr and Ann Catharine Shrimo applies for letters of admmistratian or. the e-Ta e of Wilfism Shrinip, late of fcffitigiiatn county. d?ceaL*d These are, therefore, to cite *r>d sdnoniji ad ami singular die kindred *»•*.] creditor* of tbe * .id deceased to file their objections (if any they Iihvl' in mv oifice on or before ‘.be fi*si day cf A; ni next, otherwise letters of aiir&uiistisiuon will bt granted the spplicanTs. tdven under my hand «i*d feat; tl»i» 18th day cf February 1819. [I. S]‘ JOHN CiiAULTO*. t ttte feb 38 *—-41 , Blank Manifests For *nlt- aA tbi* nfflet