Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 20, 1819, Image 1

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- THE UEPVki fV.iW. 7 ' t ! j -V i4«i cur>AT i-akniat?. i-»k*r«*a • or« o«.v poxceuxs. The K-lifnr of the Rf.rmic's onuiil in- forin all who Are ih-lfbtrri to lt«c eilabltah- rnent, thit Ih'.ir accoaat* «rr reaHy <late. V.'laif we arc thankful ifnr the tnineloality j.f a ferret portion of <*tr pat- .■orw, wt fi ll! jt 'nece.(»»rjr to rtrtiaj’k, that there ate a fit*), trim# *» the coHerUir in . /orms that ha»c/to * aml *1° lrtn ? ■ fumed hitn nlT with “eu/i tu-morrov, and e^icfe are a 1 Jtip itthcrt, in the cite anil c-tfulrr. who havefor year* hv*£a*adrad 'wrighl q/-ou ws, which we are determined to, u (f, r no l<*> gr to exist- the cannot ttffhril it; and further, we are not amhifioua 'to retain such jalrous. Then”, therefore, ‘nd<» are ertentiallj behind-liatid with u», • “are informed, that in all neat month, we ' thill C»; happj.tua-ttle with them on Jenna, “amicable *Ad l-nfiornble to lujtK' partiea,’* to aw a modern fa^hinnabte phrase. . Those wiio diiri qardjhis proposition, niuat not ..eomplpin,if *c i: a**uute air armour tjod an attitude becoming the crisis.” ; "two cortticrn mails were due,from h--yoml It* Jr gh, (« c ) When tlii* |-af»Fwwit to j lit*, it ‘ Mr Alexapder Sin) tl» of Virginia in the course nf,hi* rrniit-V* on the conduct otgeoerd Jackson, observed tii»«. "Mr t'OIM from Georgia »»> of opinion itiat thcr* shoul-l hare iren a declaration of war ipiast th- Seminole* Mr w i»b ray* llir ••war power ha* firm’inalfhed’from eongrr**.” Let me fo re remark, .aid Mr. Sjrjtl', that t think thi* -Atjeetino would have c«>n.r belter frommnymthef qtVartrr lh*n froth the »t*e of Georgia, fir-the lifity of trhoae prnplethi^ w»r _• b»* beet, romirirnerdaml pn-*tcuied Mr.firylt i , oho r< marked that tlti • objection would have ■ ^ rotne better from any other gtqjlefcanBiwt'him . >Ho made ft W* . '. . ' , Tlie people-of Georgia and particularly the Iron.’.. , tier people.‘•-Ft’duty; iipp’rrciatephc *■«> e,>i><- .7. if .Sir ami fira>irm<.Tihy C0;*(luclf»f OvLU towards : ' *thc 9rnTin«'»1e Itiritas. 4 large majority of than .Mtt with gt nerd They know the str. ' *%iee* ln>* tus rendered the ilxle, and they ferl grateful id l»lm for if.. Their Ilf c*.n* gress, have n«*t been r^pic^enTcd. Let tlj« b? rrmtrob^r sx the ntxt cougrptaioiial dec. tin... txiti* *••(£ ft ! ar»d gribne/tf *r rrt*»«r#e*o*’ V r thr '•«»- i; portable ljr*iilY" wi Spatiuii'tl^ lN>i«if; " «l lliat, •bercJorc, rmnlinff to Vmitrl, ti*(5 4i-<v* an ••in'liiptif Me r»gl*t” to flimw oil il.c Spa.ahli yoke, and \u ••eitli lrt* th<tr**elve from obruienee t" it-** Farther thr wan.e »«i*.lior miinijin*. tb^t —“If a prinr.-, aiuckin? tliefuinh rrsfn’a! hvy, ^lrr$ lit m\jret* legal Tight tu re ft«t 'if ln« tyranny becoming inatippnrt&bU igj|*get the niton ».o ri»e in their defence; trrry foreign po^er V*«« a njdit lo suaetmr an ^pptcai- ed p«o,-!e vlio »mpk»»e ihtir anhtance.** Vdtei bar fo «arnc dTt ct, the wh* lrof wh*ch ir.u^t be con«idcrrd deciaite of the tight of thr S’MtiU American* to ibakr o*. tbe de»j*oti«m by alnrb they lu«e longfccet\ cru etly opprrtscd, and a» tquJJy decisive pf nut njji to • auwur** them in.their eQotts tp obtain.indr ;>endetiec. ; . *• lie oit!y q«4Cftion ivwhether it is ejpttkeni lor us to take »n active part theni? Wr ralhtr think thsl it jt not ot4y our interest, but the ii»« Icreat of the patriot*. 4lwt we shout 1 abstain from open l.o-liUies in tlitir favor; t!»ut ae**»l»oind however, yield them all the ? upplies, of arms it particular, which f»ur me reliant* can safely send out; that wr ah« ull cctunUnancc, rather tkan dn courage such'of* our cit : < im a« think proper to embark a ith revoMtionisls in the cause of j[.herty •nd tJia % , kb.«Ve air* oitK government should do nothing wliioli r^n by poisibil ty. f«yor the<y rant byf ufioifi those people have been held.ii gr ,fS dirknrss anil boiubgc. ft'^pain continue her in. d ^nitir* tf> iis, or do not mska reparation or th* h juries already committed, w< .e.mnt.t, qonsist >i*h honor or interest, l*uig avoid a A open rupturi with’ her In tha*. case, we-should pro bably ni-kean irrc-istable diversion in favor of the Soudi*Amerjcatis w ];om she haa nppresstd.: sorr/i\1MEB1VA. ■ However ansi ms uv may fn l for-the success ful estahMimuit ,yl a frei government in Smiib- •America, we pi* sumc tb*» tV* American cx eiifhe m ill not now receive a p.mister or consul fidm the patriots in tlmr oflicial capacity. Iltrtfu to be the policy of our g ivernineot to r* m-jtn n utral, tu t: kc m» part io the great c«lnte^t of the South* Americana ag^u.a* Ihctyratit of Sputft. |»o- 4^cy mmi be wiw; irccMatnly would not b< very * y*ernic«oii« <o tbecuwe of the pa\ri«>l<« d mir |*to- jle are permitted to furnish thim withMfeh siq*- plies of proris oflsaml arms ii» tr *y he^ivui with- «H.t cpmniittir the nali >n. in a war W c initjf P"S«h'y, by this coure, accomplish a* .much IV: our smitliern brethren, aiihout,involrin^ om- ftIves in the c.^umi'.ics.of a war, by tak'r.g an -open p»rt wi'h !'^m. At M a>m., vl„ UIir r , S p 01wc „ ea _ lUnienire ^ I „- | „ ie .ttl.e»m« tn4. gnrerntnrrit contmr.. to b. I: a pffsit ..tu- ^ ^ ^ >n< , hcrerf , tl .. ,KIioi l Rh «ch take »ral position, nr unuiabkp'-oph of the s'-iitli i.!>• tain a more il-c. -’il.Riu* JiutmJ; k-c4otl»C< / n\t T t!,cir lipitttt *r.«l Ot*poti?;tnonaic!i, it mtty ;>nt pcrluip* So prop.:r lo *rkno*ledge.*r dor; but lie tiimili! or trutfj will, tt-c rao. l iT..irk- Cil rsrpict, *0-1 ,tMiran.*t»r.houItlbc |pVen v( tl.r ir,-i%t tru-ndly fntnrc-, in hy thi* tn-idc to ontrey n> ibr Sontli Ats<rm.m proplr the friinil-; Jy intere.1 wfiic'j thr people of tlie tlaited Stale.- Ucl .n til- r Cl.-.*• *; for TrcMoth'iUHt indeptn •line-. ' Wr were If-! t • ih- above' o>«rr-atI ’fK. ppuhe p ru; Aoi Mr. Clay** »i.ereli. (-nc la*l Tlinroliy'j ii.fafUi'i**) in the llnit«e of UrpteetjUtive-. on the Uth •h.fani.’u-p'nic the.propriety of t‘ie ei- • ritfivc rrc-’.-nir'n- nn Iinibi-S: :u!or Irom tlie. pa- rriot*. .In r:-rd l-> tiuir -ifi.t (will* all dot iH Vtrcnerto Vt rill-’, np.ninii) to-rereive a» »-n. b.w\)r ty-im U’e pui:iot* of j5o,iWipA-nrrie*» tlie ♦uTe i«, am-nfirg to Volte 1, foreign power* may, if‘11 be ftoir intire*t. :-ccrr«1it tlie srabasMtlr-r of the party who |n«. the actual sion of tlir IP-vemm-nt.' Kif-irvordt *noll»er^hai.Jjr «!.oiiM like pl*ee. the then dominant pertjr cannot eoin- ; IUn c.r foreign ration* lor lia«ir.p rvceivnl ;hr mirtirlfr of it* riv-f. wiolr tfiis rival /ail the a.- eeriiliney. The french cohinct received the ant- ■ha*-i*ilor bf Cromwell, when he hail juecceileil in •tkpellii--; the Stuart, from F.ritloinh aril they a Ruin nciiveVb'tbe m'nUter ot f.harlv* II. after ‘the Stuart* refpoipctt |h* government-of llntain.— •If tbe toothvrti patriot* mainuin. for any c-rnstd- •eraV.e pen-,J.«hr iviv:iii‘>n ot*o»er»iRn ; owe-, Spain could not jtutly complain; e ven on the or- t!in»ry principle* of public law, of the recep'ion by nueriectirtte of a republican am'«.i*ailor, at only inay «e accredit the minister cf the .t'«rio*», if ae chnp»e to do so, but wh: ra-a- ,t- unequivocal r^j’.e to pive thempo-itive -i 1 in :V :r atruggle for liberty We my nothing •>! the ra-j tural, inalienable, imyrew.rintible ripr*;t o* man :o •elf government. Ti i. r^'it, jtewt a-t-l sav-r-1 a» it is. may 1-t ttn|Higue d by the lUv.'Jr'lr- of •le-j-i-'i W.ate” moiiarc'ij; hut, according to national "-V , aeVnowledge.1 by them*people . »e aballdemotmrale the ener; ctnese of the ; unit.on ’ •we have taken. . yalter* Cel- bmttd hor.J -f ;utii- |ie ha contain* the lutliorbie* upntr whirl, we *h*It fair the prevent rrat. ! •<0/i Witaik* that able writer,'••* eovetrign be come* tlie rsouepe of ti>« »tate. Ite degrade*' t,ia»-.l M |f. he'iaVo Jtioec titan a puMie en-iry, artist wbcM) tlie nation may and ought, to defen-l itself. a a d if he ha* evened .lint tyranny to the u’nfort. height, why sIitHilil even the life of Vo crui l fatd perfidiou* pn enemy he *p»reel ,> Again, lu»te»ertfr «fce H^t oT a pe. pie to iu curh an insupportable t> tart, and to willi-lmw'them-, *rlvr«rr.>tn liiaobedtHKc-' to t>e ^litpraMr." Eaevy honest man Wdl .vJm.t that .Kefriinand VII ^d lo* viceroy• w; the.«SASwpea"-»»tl*' irjSHtXG WXU UHiTH D.i V. Mr. Ebitoit -! b*ve been gralifiid- in finding that the Cit at II* of Siiarfnali are not disposed tu suffer tlni btrtli day of Wadiington to pafs lay un. noticed A puhlnbbaU i» tobe given, and the vn. 1'ir.teercor a nf thi*t|ilaee are I perci Ae to parade nn that day lei* allay of interest and impur* tane* It i- nur political Christmas*, »nd t.v Qnhl he criminal wtrit ore nut to p»y it every My i.bp ct in uddrewing you, »ir, f» to ogR'st that the uffirto*V'd'memJ>e»»nf thevari- iis vrilnr.trer corps and ,-ftIie regiment should- hpfn »r in' fife evening in their respee.iii-ie uniform*, l! it viol it iliiiiuiuiaitt other place* on. the same r-eesyhsn.. and. in .adtlidon, -it will, give a •plendor lo th-- room, anil exemplify to thr at^ut C r •l.i 1 our Political Father (wlioie birth-yla" »e :• h-hrate', lias so earnestly recommended, *nd -.1 lat IV ,'• >1 •tier country to be found—»Af«if*o ../ ,A* ti-ito; and the te’dit-. .Bihibitimia of this ‘.;i.i * Invr their (nUrieal •feet- In a private letter of. Mr. JdTenioii to a friend, publidieil tome time sinpr, hr strongly expresses his idea* on llii* bead Sl.ottld yrn* epnair wit|i me, *ir, you can either p-iti»>li*ili, Cove, or make such remarks a* m»y atm. toyou proper. . SENEXi . ixrm.t.KiiAXVE. Mil. I, a*.—The act of the legislature of M»*y -land, *»iaiih.*l4ig relig.ou, divtinction* in t t« po- liticaS'riplit.' / f their constituents, mu»t and ought to Ik- r.iuiv 'lrrcil a serious and d^tlgetcus evi'. to nur common ciiintry. 7 The mn-acrt* and persecution in England arc I' ifi freVo iii r.ur memory, »nd thr m»ny horrid exam: Ice bid down to us by Europe, l hope will prevint tithef.our Mate ttr general ■povrrr.ment* friihi shew ing partiality to men-on account oi their a rent rum-1 to obtain their bbjrct . Where, ui .u>-, instance, have 'see;fotmdThe li-x n..t »« gn-.iyi and fa tliful a a* the Christian.’ I say! none: wh.-y. are found’ a* good well-wishers and • -) - «;'rba»g«'nikrfts itv xhv oth*r rebgitius.secil I '.*«i..l have it ii'idcrutood that I am no lew.hit'i still, a vsidgo* <yji|*oneirt‘to lihgH iiv di»tinr.lion*j ill the political aSkihrtdfouV reptesbc, as dangerr, otts to our>i*|o ami c^d-freil'* safety.- • • Iljiy should that ehlightvd state, who ha* so ronvpiciiiUviy durv it; tl^c cause of the and • qua -ty ot lit r c t » ns login the example, of -!• jfraitihivinga pin of our mo-t worthy r.itient*. on acortiot of thair r o<imn-'opitiiunv’ This i* '» verio't* vuhiect lo the cotintey.. xnd*l.’ hope-an jbler pen w ill ujurc ■* STERME. & SHIP aVEWS. no nr or sjr.ixx.ur AlinTVCII, S3*:r* Juno, IVak. NVw.York, H *l»y«—in b»T- hvt—*o <5rarbn u t ch k M K*n:ir,cunsigtwes 7hree pCtltleS! 19 ll“»g Pltntcr. W!vc, from V rr-’k—wiili corn •al *tuf nnn—1« & l.»rpitl, lohniton .8c IlilU. J Clair 7M*f *nrrtr-- l hnm .« Wix*.* Sclt'ww.r UegtiUtor, Uiggin. Noifolk,3 clay*— itli c*»n»—**> master Schooner Earle, ttl.v--. Norfolk, 8 day*-with an as-tried cargo—.*0 W T tvill'amt. tv fi Hoogv. tf'O’g 1 **, & Sorrel, tirrene 8. loiudlt. E fViili -m-. .1 11 fr-er. Fcarbroiigh fi M-Kinne, J llun’cr, fjiir itirll Is Gumming, llutler & Murray.atid Ha- con fe Hroet, Schooner Hero, Chaddoek, Sewbern. (x c) da** - with raisn and boron—to J (V';- -r. Schooner Vigilant. Ihitithwn. New.Yurk, 8 «.* —to Cln-!r* r-O'on.cottvigne*—with n- ,-s„r:e-l cy.*n r--,| .. \t:.v. Soarbrourh ft M'Kiii"*. I- i Hill*, *111! W .••aru.’v' Putnfm— Messr* t'-ra* - I ford. T \Vom«l- an.’ ”.e -.-thill. Sr!io<.;.er Tf .i,.. KcU .i, Cba-leston, 1 d*y— (wi ll btiiks—toS-.'i lim-la'. Jt M K'twie. i Seboon-r Ha--.' -t. Emery, Vi a-!. »:tm. .1 day— j, j lob at-n A IT'-Iv c-n igt to-’, i 11 ! an assorted r. i-t o to C'lorlrv Mattel!. S zl-v. and Bacon Si i Mr’nr.- /'tj/trri** — "'asWiij^oB nf the ar- | my. Messrs Craig, i!-rri-JU.Cauwort, and John S vt.'.o-v jt. fo-, D-rli g. O-ncock. '9 days—-with corn —U U it J Ihherslum Spokr sloop Her-, aid- from Ns-rtb Carolina, 5 day* out, bound C Si r '..-> 0 rtar:.iin?, Alletir- New.York, 9 dayaOMn .i-med oarg-o-to R Talley. ' SI op Rachel b Rhod..1P3se!. Chykfpu, b dtp—with b ickv.d'Ttl* Eight house- Ttio**’s-ft-bort < >r.4;nt. cent trario* cam. .’n»— | the yester,f»r f.,r the psep-mv »f Via i-ff th boat*, lion* loBd-d.oa tlie rwee. ftopt IS reptstto ttttt he pvacd the "term fan* n*oi-jia the day br tore, at En .r Rohm’*, w tit tW loaded boa s No- Ran'l .J.intoubH^m Aursjti fa* for LicstjeCOl. S200 balea-e-tt m y.tved on frlight lor brig O30O0B. .-ejjf-'BsTnfa. to sail on nd|)*i the arfih iutt -Apply to Sfoygy iJ'-U-Jirough* leb - Jte d, Cacweerfc r-w- iUfnxh oft hvditl. «£'*»- C".'*:gneei »rr Cti af.d rc crive their govcitf oa>li>iuJiT. . fc ?* , .* •' *. : .. ... - ■di’lel^l br.g OTIIKM^ mkirrr, mill :I»*eiihmrdtipt fof <ir «p;^r cuta~<ioiiiv>v. Pise-Apples, Oranges, • -AS'i) tocd-lst^sl, ‘ Fur'aale'amf»o*rJtifthe FnmWbrigj’itt from iliwnri Apply At Ihilloth’s wJtarf,./ .f«h2s •" ' *" Ciirn-r-^ajfont.' - 4 4RA..bushel* 1 0»«I oh boa.-J’fhc brig Tlautyr; l»t tng si hunter'* wharf,- far wde by • Morris K.dtcliuih, fab Sy-—V 43 . ‘ 99 f Jitvt' >*»?!•/ -Lai ■Meter&d; V P'-r 4;*f 53 hogvkcpd* Afwiytw * •• • • , v boxesbruarpJhM*4'-- -' r ' • " yujfaitat to do w hite du i , 3t bags fI- -rfee t;-. •* •* * J Jlto ;e.- 6,if oft*yetn* PM7ide/pjH3, a. . Jlye.Wlu-key si-hngdHiu* _ «y I . FretlijrclJ.w Jlrtier ‘ ’ k ' * . AiHAIltER MAllrtEL. (eh 2)—»« Ul iT^GLATES. One hundredtiod twenty - quire j of Welch im perial rywfjog, Sdatca.kl »Tlperior quality, for mile l>y il,e viioscnh'r, on board *chr. Vigilant, feh ‘iO « • \ Chamber of Comryree Rules, Witli the new r*uy»< aji .revised at a o.r tiitgon the 14.h «>f January! Inst puldj.^il and f..r »*le b y v . ! \V T, WlLLUMS.' felf - 0 —- sai-iCwt'Sbti 45 ! ‘ Puif, By nftowbj from thk eitv-fi* Nek^firS," to .ptlroit.jii 1 chigin Territsiry. rtnlde • Betw-t?(*h the 2d of May andih< 0,’dof S«|tfeomee; I«M,-sri li Maim flisturcai Meinyiry .vfiibsti Uoy, and-Uir Clan Macgregub i"eludipg, V»’'Cev *t‘ Lady MScgregur. i-.rluilipg, >-»'icev ot Grunge, with n-,rtf*lt;-by K. Mac't v, a. 11 ‘ JtU,, jiret rrtrifed from'Jin -hn, A selection of liOtbKakfld complete assort trp nt of STATIONARY, -= ‘ i axoteo yrnren axr, John von’* Dictionary* with Totld’* addition.of •i-vi-ral thonsiuid wonK 4 vol* 4tn calf tii-nn’i iliiik-, edited hj- Border tt Hughes, 6 vrtls 4t6 ’ “ . _ V . - J^i-rlc'* fielicWAtlaS J.ieuteliaid-rnltMihl Jdhriton'i jntirnry from In- ilia t.1} lh-fai*. Hrorg\, "itrisvio, PoJaml, and Trosyipi tsitU Superior engraving*, J vol-4lo Morirr’c vt-ciind' JOtlrnr, through I , rpusi..Armr bia, aiitf Asik'.Jiliitrirp'tO’thiristKntJnbpIv, lui- twecn-JSllWi Wtt. wa&iriapf andclAg-at{t rngriying*. Gill’s fhuhttx, i.voMtp, 1 Eh-gant T.strictv 3vu1> ffv-o ’ , . . , (ioldiitnith’sAiiimated-.Naturr, by Tiirton, 6 toij; #** _ / -V- s " " ’ *" ’ ; » Fetfcimofi'a tlqmr, 5 vol*..., Waikert*-S*rmoris, a yoliByq . • ’.stay's on titvwry Compositions, 1 vttl ?vo j iVeod’a continuation of Goldstmth’* .England; X vol : ■ ' . y flrpok'a 4.ire*,of Ihelbltitan*, 3,:vpl»*v«r’ Clark <tn AporaJybae, J vol , Grant's History cf th* r.figlisji. Chprsdi, d.vbls fiw • - " ’ . .. v - Select Passages faun Senr.oft* preached or. tin- ; deiuh id princes* tChprlottc.’ " ■’ Bonvcastie 1 *'IIi*t9tieaJ ar.d Jiaogtttpfcieal »c- ., . GolfC.’ub: - Tre tr-mher* ire ' cq-u vtr^i to mrei F.Vr.X 1NG. thy' 2it> ip ay* *' 7 titihh.i ’*, »ti bo-inc** -,f o-q^vrtancc. tif Vlllt •alttfi. The r.e\t rrgufcif mt and dinner take place oh Pri*-iv. ',6th iiisAnt—t»je weekly meeting dialing hi«*i -uat-red To be dixCbtHtfiuetl yfv«r.«r uf th^frendr .l feh 19 1 . 41. Attentiuit— Georgia Hussars f* of ihe‘c»*rn* arc ortlcrrJ to ar- >e*c<*rpj on tHgir p;ita<lc (jrmiml, on the 2il unlint prfcl«ely at half past nine o’clock, in full uniform, «i ji »ii rimiidit hl *nk curt ridges, m commemor*' lion of tiu* birth of the il.tiiiriou* U^slnngton Jty o'sicr oj cup-uin Jirrrien Prlot.yirst Serjeant. frh*9 42 franklin fire Engine and ' husk co.urjxr. Thb member* of thu CnTps. a'e requested to at tend a meeting «t II 1C Kfci.angc, on Tuesday, tilt 23d init at /u'cl-irk. »■ J« Punctual atutidauct is expected, aa the Coust notion will be then ad- opted anil tbc, »*arv nflicers elected. . r K'iEEGEIt, cAuirlnu-i. feb 20 a 4i '' Savannah Theatre. In conf* rtnky w»th the tecoiul^fertion «of th* charter of incorporution (tranted the la'e .4c»**ion ol the ;e»;i4l*ture ot ihis state, I * incorporate 4i«e atnoknlodcrs of the Saiannati Theatre, an election'W.II be Uhl at the Exchange, in thi long: room, MoruUy the l«t «tay ot March next^at 12 n’ch’Ckin Uu* forenoon, for ficeTruittw, to.aervt d-irinj; hi.*, f*»r m^na^eing the sflrira ofthf cor por.«ttint: no person tU^lc to be elected b»it a stockholder. P^ll lobe opened at 12 andsdiSf M 2 r n; • . Jit oiVcr if .he I i*f trustees. . J iVle<rtii«U r l clluir, chairman, f. h 20 43 Mayor's Court, rebrua^y Term, 1819. The following pcttMuis having been drawn and •summoned to *erve a» jur*jra, thi* term, made de fault, viz —KtcliarJ liichard'Cin. Stephen U Green, iaims l» Greeuhow, Samuel It»t.*^ell. Jn»iah Law icnce. Whereupi»n »• is urdcred tliat they he s verady fined in. the kufn *»f \eir dollar* each, mil' thy Hl,e in the clerk’a • dice, ^ood and sufficient ,-faUse of rx^uae before ’lie dur*l jTueuday in .March next r BKN dIIL$*TALL c c. % it. C. feb 2 —:V) > The elegant Art of Writing, taught w.tliimi pen, i'-k vlaic, or pencil, it te qip ed; which has ntitr hern al»*n pted by an; but tbc Chr. de Epraityb in I bvievton last wia ter. It ij.taugtit it) ibis city at present at Mrs. P.'ati’s by Mr. ttirr ftbM 1 *i Voitnl of Spanish AtsuKca, i v Orton’* PraetisiU'Sermons . . , , Orton’s S-ermob* 1q flir' kgcA Anecdoteanf Xuj>pje<wr itsv’n'wjflpwilv .’CSWf’X* SrV*rf«J ' stVrjtir*> M.KrellMXSyjByoriMfv of. Painiest’ 1 Klcnit-JcVrs v . • - • Watki.i’* f.triable 1 r \4fb^itili» Mr*, ruyilic** JfuSA* tU rjrt-fit* arid Chddrm r.n.{tffe,'a./jqsptince- --I " • ' •* J • Obsolete.lilwv* •' Minintorc EdRions in spkndal binding*. Spv c. tutor, ft- vofi; sllakspi arr, R yulsi Pune's Hutiirr; PiB<'Ar,"flftffi|»fir, v Clinker, Goul- smith. Hbfj ev.-Maft.M.Mfcv.fier, Bem-ti. s of . Hti-rne, TaUspt'VCSHii; I’ nil-aiBl Virgun*. Horns. ElikpupcV JJeJtajS’. " txYl-.-v^s J.flu of <*fin#t,*ltise' iiti^'r’rogj-esv.jl.obei-tson’a Gfiirtrs tiie 5th, Vopi-’sl'u'rtiyJ'XVocks llible-it sioalhnf-idilibb-Vi-w printAl ' . Bible in..; V<*ls with HVMa.l* de.-tigns; In »plen- did btritiiue-• ji J a* ’ * Ri-cvv’s WaffcjCoViv^ jiqnir lio»rs » . - *’ ■ '• rlli-ganrwritint lK-akT . , .; . vines -ifMatb-rSiarieifntitrtlhlints . ... Divs. raed- Maps Of' varhNScvJuiilriea . ' .■ vt Caril Case* *'■' * t'.mlmssed Mn*ie Paper t , ... - Pocket .Honksf - ’ ' , : . -.. (M ist Coloring, and Ntl**i1« ndiw Inkstands .. Fun- Vu« au-l f-'uolscapftipi r' *- *■' ’ • Buiev nf marly W£ Tv^w,aVtt»v rent */J9 t'Bpafil* v .r mi’sk'-kor thb prANft;t<ipacE t With a tarii’tv ot other arfielt s.-liy * •’ * • STCAjc J. BchPtik,. fab 10 C— 43 a’-' '-*• *••' * : TT. The Jnatectie .Magazine, Fox J A N UA UY ’AN D PEttf? V1 , r if, t* Bnewvrn Tlir publirter announces th-L the. wi rk wij" hereafter be-■'conducted bj' ErVaaa lgayusoLL, esq. ot J’hiladelpbiv. m«l tB9t stteh irrmgeroebt*. have been made Jog thy. sapply l>tf b4tlt miner yul agleetioas, a* so gwe, ev>rJ .->x,' ic'.a teZ An * Jftc tuute, Pj*5zi£h]l j£4 b *f‘* rrits t ir edlhr ah Ttu96th oujk cpij^nitor^- •, tbc primC itt sirs. . *r -I . Sloop JanejJ’T/w J’^tml.V^JMficR.W^aWr* ffjirg quenecofSpiffing?hr-»- — *— - <.1 t tufiAdwgrteesj^MWj^S ..... .-- Itlultdetvrt- -Wq-irre s:- £J» ’■ 1 Brig Morris; ilre'ru, BalTitnori^/Je^pBaee^Sf-ffer.'] * t leb"l&—w*Yw*-il|9 iih’ri«re«i»n- Itlowwtrar.-Rtltfi I«M ton* ' the faUix*' —.Yturrer vf *JU tSufn. * 'At* Hi.Ih*. Bank square Vu-bwdi-jltxv dBfitre; Hurt Ihe Soutli^qje- ScHr'S^ll"" '• ' * f • ’ •* '' ’ r.v ». — u |>c«p:e uk**:J.'W' r ** • Sehr Daek, TlAtMrN-rfolV. Twenty-Kjve■■ Dollars' reward. , Runaway irujn the suhsei ilier, on Mon.-ay, Pe. hruary I, a mulatto gifl .l imed Mitiia, thirloeu or ftifliteeiiyejr* of age Said girl furmerly be longed to the estate dT Walbttrgli *.18: more te ei Vtly To Mjv*'ll-inter; *ince -vhhdi she has been the property of Jinn* tirivv*. -ofKtfi-gltsm cduu- ii, anil »old t<y him. tl-e Grows, at til* court l-i use iii Savannah, on Tuesday, the Jlrst of .late u i: 1*L.,r. -Several of tlie family coiinecticn* are lii l'ig on Mr Itaiclry’* -plantation, 9 miles from S*vvnnaii. between wnieli place and this si-r ’ supposed t" now be lurking. As site has of been-seen’of late near, a—I about Savannah, III- abuts reward will be paid nu delivering her to the’subscriber at the Geofgia Hotel • Datlicl llntcliJ-ISS fab 20- —43 ' _ ' Twenty dollars reward. Runaway from tliejilautatieui of MitsGampbell, in .letlen-y-i conntr, near Lajul ville. a negris. mar- n .ic-d Sckiio; well known in'Savannah and Au j gusts, bating iresptcntly gonedft file river it) it 11 iat, t-e i> V- -lit .tonJU jc*rs *f age. live feft tei. or eleven - iciles in lie gtlg well made mud active - verj artful .1..I plaus.lil.-'.‘ Ten dollars will be paid p-r Indgu glirn in die gaol tt AugusU nr Savan nah, a .u tlie . l-ove reward rtf twenty dollars upon p- oof to c- nvietnm ol bis benig employed or bar- injured by any perojoiv . • - G JON K . Sheriff'* sate. , On th, > tl V." 5/v, I'tJprilnest, . \Vi I l-e sohkat die court-house in the city of Sa the usual hour* of tco ihfttl.rfe .o’clock, •* * • .... _ All that iiaet orjiarcfl of land, conjaining 200 ac-t.«, more er IcSi, a-tu'atfc ui the district of M hite I.iiiff —ij-uimg Nathaniel Adams*aml Williams’ •a.-.iij ie.jtd 0.11, ns'ilh praperty kif WrnVJgtebay. .n »atitfya*jlidgme I ih favor, of Bar*a -M’Kin T a Co and others ; ,\lva, ll.e followatig twen'y-fire Neyrnea, via:— ; snuary l ibiasy, Betty, Beer. T»mer, Cato Peter, Charl'-ute, Jack, l.ucy»nil her cluhl'cn'Jo-io and I ill). 1-ini. Pliillri, Gls-riotte r.nd her ebtlrf K>i W*idajehity;'Prince, Hall, Join.. Pat-cnce, IU ft b , John and Rachel; levied on as the property of »Yin...0gUbay, nod f*!d under an execution b.iti.ited"00 ti e f-irtelos-ire of a mortgage due Scott St Pahtn: and by concent of parties. ■ •* Gcorgi-'la. tiope, s. c. C feb 8C 43- t- ’ - ’ ’ • Sheriff's sale. - -.On ih, /•'■« lu tJay in May nc.Tt. Will be sold al the court house ir. Bryan cuunly, , bylwten il-c lunirs of 10 ibid 3 o’clock, • Aftiifi ttaet of pine Land, ctlntamiag I5U *cyr in IJryar. coilritv; levied -in u\ the propert. --f die estate of John'Sterling *0 nxtUfy the- *tate and rountv tax of -Si-1 ra-ate tor the years Jhl” and ISIS - -GBOKf.F. H. SHUMAN, « a c fh ra—-tr*r— 43. --- ’ • , TRE VOLttfWING Valuable City Property for Sale, being tlie pr- |;ery;of> perapie wjui wrdjeslo retr.oie lfom-Sav*tths'i^ytd whicli lUyunyt undoubted titlesXio!* £veti,-vn: , -Lot Vu f, tJK'ene-VIrd. 60 feet front, ffllm Itrou -hton strirt, ktid 9j feet deep, •IJl w-th a Building tforeon, 40ifaet lent,- _£mand a small Building .vmtlie lane- Pro- ^Lol No < 2,*Greene ward.‘being a fcity lot. *ub* jedt to •*ecu%md rent bf “837 n^t* *nhpm,‘ 6j Wt»y'9iiect detp. with % lictdlii;^ House anil ’ itcben Ihcreon. £*milfc*f bciojC 54 (cct in S^i£tf kiih Kitcbtn»^Stt* *5, Car^entlrt’* row, being a half lot, 36_ ptivoie Sale by die undersigned, add If hot dlo-. no-ed Ot' qn-cr before the first Tbesd^. in next month, will yhnfba aoUft puMie atietipn bffoje th- conrt-liuse in tlie city qf Saxannah.^t the ostial time of pitblic sales oh that d»y. • .. --Totiimti *t prirtt* sale apple to’the «.ih*eH- 3AMES HlUTfU, carl’*. feB 11 if dip'*” 'Oh MbhOray ncii, hilky ut:*i, Wilt At r»ii‘o i Jrhnr : «* . .* WiTiurf al B9 hlidsii^riote N. . -Suiialjlr ft.r rttulim?;' li Tcr«»-—fumi "truHr .. approved end >.-*td raper at 8) day*. AVc i. ooiwenreuf Tt UcOiS. M- Herbert, aiietV. f.h 11) HI G ( y .s On Mon day adxt, a2i iSit. H ill be told on Hunter't wha+J, 15 hhds Wbiikey 2Q bl* .peppermint Cordial 4 l-iids Mvlsiaea • 2ea'k*,Gi-l _ _ ■ t -do’Cheese. -’ 20 hoiexTsetent mould Cahijle* 1000 tvjsbfl* Data tn bags . 10b bigs Pol stars, 2 buaheti eacll 15 bundle* Hay. Terms made'known at «l,e iisle. Site tt t**Hrie*ee -ir I! .'elect, i . . Mt Herbert,'otirlV. . Ohio—4.1 • ... On Tuesday next, 2;id inst. VJLt UK *«M» ' .* s 0/i »Wrttri. Jy uiVon ii //* L wfarf, 175 ) {visited *>AT8 in b*g9 • •• r 33 i’irrcU . * V- - 1C citc*U M Hy»nn TBA - • . Tails o.aik- kn’wn at time.of Vile. - S i!e lo commence 11 ll ‘o*cl*iclr . M. Herbert, tuirfV. f,h.2f»-r- — 43 . • roilTIVC IUK • On Tuesday, (he 23d thsitcat, ll’ift Art t.hl Bt. dil'Mi’l central *4g^ wirxore itxtaask. 50 hhd* prime New.OrlranabXJGAR ’ ;u hhd* prime Ncx--()r|rana JtOUASJE j- Term- liberal, and made ktiowh at time of idle A*..k t. cvminrttct ut It Jctath' Al. Herbert,'aaefV. feb 20 43 ’ ittnt.* On Friday, the 26th inst_ . Ill/: he •* .liners J.hnil.n (J UitPt e/|w i-Ao*/, w:th : ut ear-tv. The Augiuta Boat CONGRESS, nearly,nlh-, and complcaf in every respect, of l|yge burqthth. and ready to receive a e*rgo. ’ Terms—approied indorsed pap- r at 9) d*)l. A’uV tu comvo-uee or 11 .’rbr'jr. Al. Herbert, auit’r. _ feb 19 42 V On i;.r first Tue- Jiy.iii M.orrh tieslp Hit/ be told ur ft* C*tt.r't-/j*t*ut, ... One half of the interest In the ChuiAo*. S'icm, JUU—»mi »,<he «*le nf t it* vithuWr databluSmynt Will be a pt-aitiye one, -- will be »cltUf Orlh Ih. attention uf capilalitts . Petat-qa dispnacd tospur- eliase can receive any uifutiration they niaj re quire on the premiacj- . -s Conditions eieute knewn at Otic time bf sale— wlucii will be 1 i!>er*l. ■ • ■* Al. Herbert, attcPr frb 19 42 . Du tlie-lirst-’Iuu-ajuy4n Match,. 111!' he .old before lAc --»n tfit tu)’, u-tioeen thr. t/*tt,}lho-trt. A prime.XILT.ATTO Cl lil, about IT veary <f gr, a capable house servant T*rti-a, caali. M. HerbeH, oarfV. (Vb t ll——,35 _ ' ' _ On Tuesday fid '.t* initie sold in front of the Exchanga, ATl3o'ciirx .,. . .... A PEW in Chnsi r.tiurth, K- h3 in freaimple. Willifortl &. Baker, oiict'rs. . f. h 28 41, , . • . ' • On Thtysdny^cfe'e Iflth Marrh nei^ Will he.-.', .it th, rfk-rMtif"/me of Mr Vtorge Jlf.-re in ttrerl, . Household and Kifctjeji FiinuHire; ikDiG wurru sue A Bureau .. • ‘ T liming am! card Table* An rl* ri-1 J’-ann Forte f ' ■ Tuikty CarpMa'' ^ -’ . V And-lroti». ‘ ’ S|;ov^U.-Tqng* andTendfr* * ■ ; . ' China, Crockery anil C-aawaae.'k^ 6’air 10 commoner J.-Al I o'rMlr, - ,y, M-’ve, Wirf’r. NrB. Th* nv-elfirtp Ifh-tse oeeujurd ** ohwvi will be leased for one or more year*;'and ponra- sion K* v , en tt,i • or before the first of May n't» — Apply to Mr Gi orge Mver-., of to . , . . ‘ A. Howe. ftb 19 43 ■ ,.•■ ■texecUtor^s Sale. •' t)d, Tbur*tf»y. th« 1 &;H M^f-eh next," , ..Util bettld»efi*'ny ttortf- .-.- AH the Gouda ati8 Eljeela of Mr fntieiifat. tf^-.-’dteeafedi qi-nVu'.u-a . ,- Goltl HorcMs, patent lever*, j*pfatefa and plan Silver iJttnrb do d-- do . , dt> (iold Chni.ii Gold-deals and Keys G-ild Hreajt-Pin* . •* . t - t Platt-d Ware, and A- variety-of if'.WEt.RY . . .Term*, cash. AWe la commence al, tl o'eJ*c*i . -1 M. Herbert, huct'r. feb 4 59 . .-, * - ’Executor's sales, i (in Friday, the 5th day of March liexf, ^ ill be sold at’tlie conrt-house, in '-Savannah. Be tween tl-e hour* of ten and two o'clock, , Thirteen LOTS, immediately adjoittmg the city 'va<Ahn»li. being part of the real estate uf the ate I l.omas ll >gg, deceased—at.I-J Hy direstibni sontained in hi* latt v.ill and teatnn ept, fpr llie lierffit. of the heirs of said c«atb. A plat of thi raid l"ta wfll be ex!.ibi*ed *t tl-e aa!-i George Al.-lersnh,)^.^ Jtm^ Johnston. . * . • above k:.l- .is post^or-r*! ,tc» the Tuff- a' foilnwricp, it tbc frertt of the KjchiHge, e’ " o’cl' ct Williford ti auct'tF- * jtn 23—• ' V/ ' Administrator's sah s. lilt fift f'rrtf !_y in.jtprtj to* l In vi<•» Uui On Will lx* sold in front ; f <» u^t Uiu* b&lfreer. •thr OKUt! tf U^-oC 1C at.*t 2 f»V:«**>, . ^ . tjn Hoj)«e«ivl ibrd uf'Cvt ^ iiiVlrnbcoit frv»t«»'* or t. die corner lot eff M.'Jefr* » ;i r^n.^c^l*, . . M * „» feb ^ *.-■•. > • EStzafdr'js shle. . . On dee f Ml TceulSj id Jprtl ncatf ' Aval be auld. by pCTTniyu n of the court nf ari*i' nafydf d^it’-ant'cy-^ .ti . before the Court low! ib the cit^BT o-asV.-’tt.' :tiu sliepenonai’jirtijjerty ef Ceorjc A&gBO ■Uriilfr. dyctra-f. , - ’ George D. Hetijer. ciin or. ftj- yy-vt. ~ t Si’-- Satattnbh Pt'ee bc/ioot i.u Vit--,s.vit- |T;t Sunii,HA A Clmrittn Sfirmp, lectl- nTU**!? ihrfte ,— d»y foreroofi** for tfrt 1 Free #dtool. feli 17 lilirriii Ut'ff