Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 23, 1819, Image 1

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-.!*»>«IK .fftrr-0 rrpori "i tit* tit' * I W'fiim 1 it uu th* nnul tuiluig Ifoin Sic!, tt’it It.ulK)-. (Iinm^h the Cha- en-i'(try, •» l» Ittieire. Mf li't'er uftv i9»ii Njvemtier wilt in- wfl-m juo whit Ima li*ni done. but I fear aull Ittit culiiliit the firn»tMi vf tlii« Wort: •ft III* tori lute expvcttd. Il M»y, *li*rcfi’rr, be |>n,p*r to tint*', in t*ti* pine*. tl.Mt win'll I hr (>i'e*itlenr. in the autumn nl iJUTvdineeted »F«.j m«!| ,n ij'jettihn to be «t|iCiU'il ninl improve'!, 1 ilnl nut under- Sntnl* that the vectiinl rrcinifiit were tii t%: ordered lro:n the ilu'v they were then ujuij. Thin regimen',at tlnr time rrf-ired **'« were empi»v>-ii a enrloiim: with picket* tj e p'lbfie -rrfuud .it S*i kc<l iisrbar, s»nd Mint July <iccu|tiei| them the irmaindrr ni •In.' *c;i-r;ri. B*|iertifii; the trotips .it the ♦jerbu' would have been employed in run- *»lrtinje at fiat place t!ii«ye»r. tiiey. were not pot-upon the road, ijitved to he erjvi.'ed m improving; the pub lic gio'inili t-.r gaiileiis; anil, at there I^iOuiiiU were new, it required much labor tap it them in good ui iditioii^ fheie rauien, and the resaona .i*«izned if. my letter* from ihiu place and P trurit. print a ced the delay that ha* ncia rati! in pulling rt.J net Body’* toinm *id Hjioh Hie mid, and, if your letter nl tlir Ijltli uf .August bad not beeen received Hpnii my return to t'ni, pinre, l fear tint <1><* Wink vvhuIJ noi yet-.have been coin tfteiicrd, i. pray you to believe, that f irgr,t it. • drliy, and l U' ti you to are good nuir tie it in the rea-ojn 1 hi»e enilc.jv.rci! tn ' , It ii.due t» the comm no of ml. lt-.v'y ftnil c.vl. Atkiiijiuri to hay, that .• ■ vf*orliven'd nut only a bet i.'OiifiS chee fj| qrwi in iibeying the iinlin ri'c-ii d lot (■trletting fur P. i'fn'lurj* and So !, n’s (Jpibir ronl, but much /.cil in the > ••• Iftriimice of ihU-dul and, it riie-c •— tpeiitH are roUtiiued upon this iinpurl .tit b'/irk the next ,«ou.'riore tliaii dnuhie the JjMiglli of wav will be cvin|ileli:il, t'nat l.u- Ifv.c/i futttc.! lbt last and the |»re». ni year. Willi rriju ct. I'havr the Imanr to be. yumr obedient .cunt. Jac. 11 stows Hon J. C (Jadi -uti, aecretary of war. *' ( iJ -) Hcad-Qua-lfm, division euiitti. Ojg.f. .1 .Srptetnbe- tit, 18 Ii 8m— On the eve of gel ting not for the (j’fiick.naw tirafy. I tlrnn it neufsiaiy to iid'orin you, ih'i fin r.'pnrta have been ic- i;eived a* yet, I .i pii tirulai tint rail' r. in relation to the military road now opcriji.g ffniii Columbia. T.'uuciiiee, to >Lidiion villv; hut I a u euiiVed to inform you otli liiaily, tout fifty iniicxiiave been cniuplrted In llie ti oopi on the I .wcr pu t of the r » ipakino many cnurr-W.ivw ,«ml brnlgi'i nl the most durable innU i i.ils; and tl.e ilr- tpcbipcnlnf this end have piugresned about ff> 1y mile* south of iaiinierv c river, inn- king ifi like ni. Auer, many b'lilgts unit: c^iusco .ifj. - ’ It i* cn:ijidere:l, that the .-most laborioun JMrt of the road iias been . ornnleted; and, ffnm every information, it his fin n dune i/i the best manner. An Hu ie.i,e nl 110 0 t)as hern recently aXorded to the d.- aen- ipenl smith ol rconessee river, which will enable it to progress with much gicater facility. Should I receive minute reports shortly, lj;shall communicate il.c'r contents with out, delay. And have the honor to be, very rcspect- foily, your nio*t obedient rervint. Rorf.rt Bl'TLkh. ntij. gen. Hon ]■ C. Calhcua, sccr j( iry of *»r. (C.) Her:! Qti trim, JJ'lni:. t. 2, )8.9. Slftt—l have tl.e honor tn report, (hat tjie military way, tlirriJ d tn be opened trom tiii* place ’.0 the rapids of the Miami, has progressed as far a- the Kiti’it-inih'- Creek, that is, within eight miles of the rapids, making i:i ail a distance id seventy miles. Tii-road is (i a ! y a magnifii'eiil one. leing eigtv feet w 'e. eleared of all tfie l.igs, an i under bush, every low place causewayed, and all the creeks and riv r* r«nuiline it briihjed in a 10m- i>rr. Tiw number iif causeways exieeils aix'v, and the bridges are of eousid. i.ilde length. The one on which the tmnpsare now' il, is f'lur humlteil and fifty (icet ill ien(f'li. const ucled o| strong oak framed w ins' i' w* 1 i I iuiiiI impos.iol'.'to complete the road to the rapids this se.i- uon, on ai count 1 f the lime ami lili o ie- quired in throw ing In iilges ov. 1 the larg ’r streams: it was al'odeem. d more essentia! f(i complete the hiidges, tii hi cut the road khis season, to the rapids as the rnjd Would be useless with ut tiie means of grossing the large stream,. The officer* and soldiers who have b 'en Employed 10 this sei vice des'‘rve much ere- •fit lor the zeal and pera verance t!i"y have displayed nn this occasion. The work Kiey have performed his proved highly tjeu ficiau both to the p -ople of the «*ein. Arv and ot the j5.1vet.-me't Besides greatly, adding to the defeat e and streugtl of t'ns frontier, the road lias been roe means of ilevelonittg the i;.nu 'ss of the ptihiie lied in tin* territory, mu! gre..:iy ^itgmonling f.brir value As toon as major Anh-'i n. *.)j-o.:r.'.phi- gul engineer, can complete li.e survey ol file roAl. a more ini' ut • ti; a ticular ilv- j jeription id the work will be tore.arded 1 l have Hie hulior III be, with great r e - - pret,sir. your obedient i.nd veiv humoiv Jervanf. " Ax.rutMvcumb. The ben. J. C. Catlvouo, iccn li:-; of he. He?en Coppers ttnrurd V II h naid n> ary oiej D$VI!) (• DAVIBs. an the office ofihe ssvaundi ab.iWt * f>'« It ||)|iuv r n. THE UKCIJHL WAX. ilroim* FiVKMM»* 1 ciut’dkt 11* •Mr. Ri vird*« tltfencc vlmllK c»*ntmtie\l ;u hit re*t - - T0K.V4TM BJT nr 11\1Srtr.\m OS’ M*a« crlrbrtfH in tl.i» r*ty in tiand'ornr >l>!e 4f IwoVIfk 'V fnii itfer eOfnji»mf» para.led ar*«\ Cird ^taditr; ttev vent through ranny f»ari*r( t* tmfrtti «nt The ring of our coun try Has l*y riic *!n;>pmp in ihc i:ubor wl from thi* balcony i>f ihr Exch .n^c »tc< pie— i the cfenirijj u sptended bail wan gi»en. The bca".»r, tsAtt an.I 1. klnon of mir town were con- pici- ua on thh* cc^iiii. l« is incited •» those wIjo the pr.r.ciplt* of liberty t pcictivp, that respect for tbt Avttmry grate- •iwlr fortlrr »er*»r:e® of the heroes ttf our g'y” 0 *'?* remtutioii srere never more m;eq t.»i»caliy lestifi nlthaii MX tl»< prrs* nt day. l*ovc for tliost heroes, parttcidai fy for the virtue a of. their drpartei cuxtr fills the hramn of every patnuf; their fame :ticrtx*»wii\ the age or*tr»e guverrifnenc,-ti*l ’he influence ol tlie principle of freedom and rcpul- licanism which ?!#ry as fated to rsiahhsh, is now felt and respected thic.ugl.out tlie old as ucilia the new wot Id. JIBS. FU&XCIL This sccorrpli tied and Celebrated vocalist pro. pdse* u;; rnten-inment to mortow evening, a the Exchange, which cannot fail to attract a ’iu runs and fashionable audience. Iji all the prin- C'j-al c.tica to the north of ns, Mrs. French has reeled ut !» live most Mattering receptipn Her vi*»ce, it is ‘.*.<1, i* capalile ot gr at force anti coinj a-ts, a-.d ihi* is il.t nc plut ultra of musical .letltctioo, f.»r it only icquirea skili jnd lastt- to m- iluute the tones, to give a fanciful ^.ricty, a piesring corgiu-uct lo the ‘'concur*1 of sv.ttt ^ iiim.i” Mrs Kr* i.di is an evidtnee ot v J:at oui country can produce, and it remain f.o* the pa- I»••»»•* a’.»i lovci> of ir.u.sic to ex*-« d the pr .Uot mg hand of encouruge.ner.t to he:*. all our lie.-irt* uc u ifh her tne lull measure of tU cess. T) r«i5 LfiTtin or Tire $irajrva;i acrfcofcajr. 1 .rr» induced to address he fwilowiiig crude re- trnrks to you, in & frequence i f the perusal of Hie eWrations i»t A in ythterday'a Ilepublican, in rel.»fifii lo die power* and incapacities of court, ninr’iul, an<l officers ordering them. Inas- tt.'.u l» ilicy differ matrnaliy from the received opinions of those wi'li uhnni I have been conver- >iiit, | wish to obtain, if poscible* some ku'hmity Iron A. lor his positions- And until unquestion -hi: Vniiiurity is produced, 1 imiat acknowledge of opinion exists bclu ecn ua. > conceive it to be a coi reel position, that the firmi tjtcitiun of a court martial, is ita sentence. Am! tliat it is a palpable absurdity to say thr.t t sere c m possiMy exiv. two sentence:, of tlie same; i court on the same case, and at one silting. AC* «crd-i;g to A. there was a JitMt and a U»t scntcHo : and that general Jackson only exercised a proper discretion, m cliousing which of them should h. eu cutid. Vv'hcthtr the sixty-fifth article of war, tu .uttocruing the general who orders a cvurl t< approve or disapprove of any pait or the whole uf any sentener or amicncc* ot such ccuris, meant lo suppose Out there could be more than one sentence pronounced on any one case, I leave to '.lie decision of all nnhtan and rational men. For my own part, 1 presume hat tiie word sentences, aliutits t j decision on several cu'f*, not several i!cc-iiuns ou one cate. Other*is<! such an outrage on justice and common sense would he stippos ed to be justified by our martini code, as does not l think exist. That a court has not the power to reconsider my part of its proceedings, ai d consequently t<> alter any part * f il* rtenids, • o reriil an opicinn even if c 'mir.ilted to r cord, is surely :tr: opinion not supported by the practice: of any const. When a member of a court martial hr*'? given an op‘n»V*n on a preliminary question, nr on the fml d*c?sioi». sir ni l any circumstance t tke place to convhxe him that his opinion wa> ill founded, he Miteiy has a right to cr 1 upon the court fur a re-cotoideratinn of the question on which lus o/tuion is changed. If the court are in duced, on .swell a rt-co.>id«*ration, to give the name weight i»* as the moving member, they surely car. change their rente nee Else the pi isoncr is deprived of tlie prolt-csmr. which evidence can gi\€ h ut.andthe court is deprived of the power of deciding on his ca**e according t«> **Uto and evi- de ice.” If then they are permitted to alter their opinions ou the production of evhltnce, it foil - w* that the Utter sentence \irru.tllv and directly annuls the first. So that there can only exi>t one sen tence. and that cue is the final a 'fence. That ge- ner.’H Jai k.ion had a riglit to alter 'hut o*'e it any j art ot it is another question I>ut if betake.- another sentence iuiiead t f the final suit nee ol the court, he acts as pdg: anu jury both, and ex ccetU his powers A asserts th*r'* is not a pie* c.lert on record of a court having reconsider'd a sentence Although there n-c nisny, yet I should be eUd to hear from him if any precedent exists » justify general Jackson*.* substituting a recuil- I sentence of a court for its Jinal n. m SKIP NEWS. J£»- ronr or savjw.wm. jtefcftg ASStViS' Schooner Lacrt. lioum, 17 days from Martin- kjwe, and IJ (torn Si Thom**—*w«fh 134 ht ii n»oi- v-ev- t*> 1 Mitt-4 —Moars.^lT gh* and Vanderhottl- i^t th* *ch*r Success, f^r this port, in 3 days; sod brig llietit, for in |0 davs Sloop Nancy fc Mary, SAain. Char^sttm, 1 diy to or. rr* {•loop SjftiSy. He*.I, J$af fitter, (• r) 1 day with wo* • -lo D *ief»mng - Sidop (fen WasMnjfton^ Coates, Clnficston, 1 (Uy -mi kiiri—to order* Tour passengtrs blnofrUelight. Cooper* Charleston, l day—with an aborted cargo— to John M Queer,' Carnoclun St M'chel. \V.f» Tavlor, Lamdie & Watson. J »hn- »tou H fidh, U !t Hi#athmty,J M’Carry McIh h Ifohson u llrli?. h 4‘upper, (^mpbtrll & Cum, IHihamel is Atixe, J Cueuiu U Co. C Man rtl, and Parson-* & Lay. Passengers-*Ifr Ijy. tt, Mr* Retd, Mrs 1 « ntr and family, Mr> I'uui Mi»> llulloch Mi»% Voting, Messrs HollanJ. I) ryle, Raker, Reid M'Carty, Hardy, Joseph Cbuke, and J Uelessif um J four -ervant*. . ctSARsr. .* ' . Sloop F,u joss* Sanders, Plymouth, N C. * PUBLIC SALES. CO.YCERT. Mrs. FRENCH respectfully udornr.i the public geiirrahy, tf r' v ! t Will give a Uoucert TO VlUlt ROW EVENING—particulars ol which a*11 ap pear in t«.miin"* , >pawn * Su* an wA, Vei 2 1 b 19 —45 Evejiivgs'' dmnsemerits. .MU. AKUKNOM),; rRiiX'K’llt>/R, Regs leave l«> ulorut die cu-.Zer* of Savannah that he has engaged ti»e large rnom at the Court- House, and he wnl in‘reduce ‘herein a new and buu:.l'».l M€ :HAXJC-U. EXtllBlIIOX which h.*a be«n nudi admired in Europe, and since h s arrival in America. U lias been exhibit* -vl witu unbounded applause at the cities ut New* York a< d Uhsi lesion. ‘ i Tins exhibition consists of Picturesque Views d' ihilerent Cities, Fortresses, &c. in Eur*>pe, iksia, Africa and 4 merica. Four Views will be introduced every evening md each View ad! be enlivened with a g tat uunsber ut mo\ ing Figures, imitating nature m a uf prizing m inner. The f ur Views for THIS EVENING, 23d in stant. util be as follows: — View !\rst— Tl.e Grand Palace of Pekin in Chi na, with the Proce^’.on of the Emperor and hi* Court. Vtexr Sect’ :d—The '-C pe of Good Hope. Viea ’l'.itrU—A Grand View of »he Pont Royale in the ciiy of Paris. View Fourth—To congtude with a Grand lie- presentation o: a btorm at Sea. Uj’ iJoora will he opened at six, and the per fortnaacC commence at seven, and hnutn at hint 'clock. Admittance firrx ce!tf*. ■J4f Tickets to he had at the Couft-Hou«e. •tcvinnuh, Feb J3 44 roiwmtr produce. svvaaxAU—cash trices t^is pax. 54 c»s Cts. lice, per IOC* lbs. 5^ a 5 j ;«*rn, per bus'ie*. 1 fO t'niton, «ra*i»«:o<d, pr lb 5° a 52 Ditto, up-la: d«». ‘23 a ‘24 Fin i*cb: 'CO, leaf, per lf’0 1 9 <">»* a 9 . 9 00 aid has plea d deliver to tr»e 1 a 4 ** 4 ,rt:i’ to ican. n«% ic^ is :dc' trade, very he WaittH, jillt! p-reward w.llo - I IS licit .* w -I. i :*EtJP.UICK S. Fr.U*. F.Ii 2d iro.vj.v. Wr^an, clear Woman, in whose name 1' !tV, sister, mother, meet; is the heart, by ear Vest claim, • 'And thine its latest beat. In thee the ang*l virtues sVnr, An argfl form to thee is given; Then he an angel's office thine. And lead the soul to He.*v*n. From thee we draw our infant strength, Them :-r c*-s M e?-i!dhood*s frrend; And when i.-.* u an unfold* at length. On thee lu» h J* depend. For ‘o*»nd h'cxri thy pow’r has span-, A thousand dear mysterious tie#; Then take he heart thy charms have won. And nurse it for the tk«es. Notice. A meeMng "f the com.uvsiontrs of public roads of Chatham county is ordered to tolte place tlit cour’-hou e in Savannah on Tuesday the 9 h day of March next; of which all persons inter*sitd (1 take tlue note liy order < f N. Turnbull chairman* S,r anT, fi fi. 2 V AsV. |45] Return of Defaulters For II nd huty, viz. tu ih m <<.iU f Ji.gutt, 18’8. John W. >firk. f r hunt, t, st% days ahs n., Georg* lleisler, sen for himself, four day* ab-ent; Pett-r Verdtl, for himstlf, tour days; ao-ert; An- tliouy Odir.gsells (a fee of color j for h:m- aell and one slave, six days absent. ; All defaulters are hereby noitfied to attend at the said meeting, and then and there to make ex cuses (if any they have) or they will be fined liy order, UoND, sec f ry. feb 23-* -en 45 THE F0I.LQWIX3 Valuable City Property for Sale, Ifegig the property ofs person who wishes to remove from Slvanush. and for which the most umioubted titles can be g ven, rir ■frjwl I-ot No •, Grtene ward, 60 feet front, fIJ J JI *>n Ur«*u,;Mori street, and 9» feet deep, * Ha.lainp inereon, 4'J feet front, a imall Building, on the lane. Pro perty .it ue simple Lot No 2, Greene, ward, being a city lot, sub* ject to a ground rent *»f g T7 per ^noum, 60 feet 1 by 91 let i deep, w ith a Dwelling House and Kitchen tliereou. Lot N-» 4, and half of No 5, in Carpenter’s row, 90 fett front -ml 15a feet devp, with * Urge two story !b .se ilabo:), having tenemeut^ for two families, bem * 54 .‘eet in front, with Kitcheu, Sta ble*. hr.. In fit simple. Lot No 5, Carpenter** row, being a half lot, 36 feet front by 151; d.-ep. In fee simple. The above named pro >trty is now offered at priv.iie sale by tlie undersigned, and if not dis posed of on or before the first Tuesday in next month, wil« then be «oki at public auction before the Court-house in tlie city of Savannah, at the usual tim- of public a.des on that day. For terms at private sale appl? to the subscri ber. JAMES HUNTER*uoc/V. f,b 18 41 Executor's sales. On Frid.iv, »lu- 5tli day of March next, Will be sold at the-court-house, in Savannah, be tween tl.f lo urs of ten anil two o’clock. Thirteen I.OIV, iir.nictli:*trly adjoining U^rci'y of Savannah. Ocing ;»-rt of the real estate oj de late Thomas Hogg, dccessed—sold, by directif‘Px contaTiie<l in U t v ill and testament, for ti-#* ben- fit uf the heirs or said estate. A pl|t ol tin aAid lots wilt he cxh.biud at die sale. li' iirw Aiidcrauii, > . J.iiiif'.!..iii).|i>n, J*" ’ Q^j* Tlie above sale ,tpos*poue«l to the l ues d;:y I'ollouing, at the trout cf tiie Exclian];<* at 12 o'clock. VVillif.iril- & H iker, auct'rs. jsn Mr,—19 AUCTIONS. To-Moitow, ibe 84fh instapU IfiO k nil M> AWt ccntf*il mkutf+ 4S hhd* prim* rcUMl*M0t.itSt»'S. »"d • ' Me» qr. bora firactmp Sj>ai4*fi OlOAHi ' . Joat landing from actiT.. Bop*, from Term*—sumi under R200, caahj «.v*rg2W),60 da,*t over £i00. 90 day*" approved indomedjiO^ per. Sale l* etmmeutt at II *’ef d. M. Herbert, auct'r. feb 23 <5 Administrator's sules. On the first I'uui y tn Afrit next, Will be s*old in iroiu tf »lic c« un tmuse between tlie uanal ki'*iir« ot .Oa .u *2 o’clock, 1 hi llou c iii.d tlcrd of Let No 7, in Heathens* Wan, fioutr.g «>n Harcarn >treet, being part of e tot of Mr Ft.iV Terms cash. M. Ilcroert,auct'r. f?b J) 43 Sheriff's sales. the first Suturd .y after the fiat Tuesday in .Jttril ,ext. W/d i* sold at. tlu Market house in the town of at. >Jarv*.', in Uamd« n ct.unty, between the *.i lo a»*d 3 o’clock of that day* The AJowing negro rhiei, viz: Moses, Ilian- aandfidza; lt^/ttl uu us the property; of Hay' Sir.ds toaati ty a mortgage William Hailey vs. Kay *Sands. Also the follnuiug other negro slaves, viz; Ci- tif:», Mary,' March and April; levied on as the property of R iy * Sands to satisfy a mortgage Jo- # di Rain vs Uay .Saudi. * Uoi.ditio .s, c;.sb in.iac Bailey, », e. c. J-fTerton, Camdru-cy. f« h 6, id.9— f -34 Doctor John Dyott, stJRGLON DEN 11ST— faux ckxtilf.stox, Respectfully acquaints the Indies and gentlemen that he has arrivtd in thii city, and will stay a few days at c lonel Sheltroan’e boarding house, to practice in all the various hrar.chrs of his pro fusion. His metliod of cleaning, the Teeth uill be foon T both ea-y ami tfficaciou«; without giving pain or hurtirtr tti*- enimel—maxes und fits 3Ai- 7IFICIAL TF. KTH frrm one to an entire >c ; extracts Tteih and Stumps with ease; transplants i'eeih; fill- up those tl*at ;.re hollow* which not » nly renders useful, bi.t prevents Uie.r fur ther decay; s tl e in ci.ildren, &tc. f. b . J —■ ■;3 Turk's-Island Salt, Just arrived in Utile n.« age, cup* Kus«ei, and fur -•!? bv NICHOLAS ic NEFF feb 23 45 Carriage and Horses for -a/e. If aprhe -t lor m t**» dais a ba g *n u -i. bt gi ten Tl|e Carriage i.s new an*l tire llarst are very gentle, -uitatde fjr h, and wurrunted Round. Enquire at *Jr. Ilolti-iV’liauk sqtlar.* t r further particulars trh 23 — A In Council, tVil-.O** 3.', 13!9 Ordered, thit an'rhv(i>-n b' h*M at Te c» ur» house in this ciiy, on Friday, ii • 5 h -lu\ »u March next' fur an Alderman tt. Jill the V;u *:.c.) occa- sioneil by (he resignation • i Anion *}• pr eiqu.!»; that the «aid election be «u;i. i •nterdvd by three magi-tratc.s, and that'tlr- maiahai aiat city sheritf do attend to preserve *irrit r t Fu. tract font I'u ? * H. it. Luyler, c. c. feb T3 45 "Sherff’s sale. On Ih- ,A'm( in .Hull next. W ill be S'lld »t (be curt bou?e u. Uryan county, belli'ten t!i* boiin. ut* 10 iiiiti .i o’clock, . All tbut trad I.f<- Laud, ci.i.taini"!' 15 ..ere., ill Bryan county; levwl OH »s tlie propelt) of the e>Ui* of John Sterling tn aulisfy tlie *lalt> and county tax of ‘rb ( ! cs'aie for the jftirs ISi7 and 1S18. CF.Ultf.K II SHUMAN, sac. feb 20 jr* 43 To-Morrow, 2-Jth instant, IHU he e.CJ at tf'Ufium Tojft., r.f'r -mka-f. ifWj ng Jrem .«Uep Carea-.t. i SO00 buncf*c* Oni ira ' SO keg* and 5 barrel* Scotch Bkrl**- * » 100 bls.npemtic frealyj-b ur Terms mad* km.a-n at time of sale. Sail I* com-inner c* tl .'tLck. Williluitl A" Uuker, auct'rs. feb 23 45 _ To-Morrow, S4lh inst.^ - fVitt be so'd before »*y ifore, (*boatpsrr.i f-oM Sat- urjny lest, on tiCCount of the » uXi.CT.J The perrmat propcrV <»f Gcr^c licialer.dec. ALlio.. k One tract of laud ii» Wilkin*in e. unty, ITlh district. N«s 24k;, coutiiiiiKg J0+b acic.-* of very pr.m*’ quality«— ai>»l vit excellent chair Unr*c. :c com’t.enec ct tl or.®rA\ A. IIowe, aueUr- . ?.3 .45 To -Morrow, 24th instant/ It iti be snld t*Jure *M( store, ' 1 1’ipts Ih iaml fiin i»u I'rrnrh itiandy Hhdt* and iuirth country Gin Do Whi-kcy, Rum md >loL**c* Mhds 4 ii pr oi Rum I)n W 1 K m Panels rxvpDt rry Brandy - D<» Fork, ihel and Macktrel 75 buxr- n uu’d Cnudh-a 40 kegs Buiti r and laud Cznc» Tutnbleni *h p Bread* Hati*, Ut 1 trunk c 't on Hoaitry 19 pi^cc Letanniics--‘UpcTfine Calicut* Merino 31 awls- l*iiui a— I'Ltilla* 4 Silk Slia’.'ls--do llanc.kvrclnctx Hobitry- Glove* —and A vanety o! other Arurlct. .Use, without rs*e vo, on ii ned t ,f sixty tl »J t. J* apy"txvd end.rted paper, 5 lihda 4th proof Jamaica UUM* r 8 do 3d do Anttgu.i do Sale l« commence ai x 1 o’clock. A. Howe, avet'r. M. 23 45- rs ... rz 'ii 1 —' -pa*ar : Uu Thursday next, the. 25th ifjsfc, 11*7/ be *' id on Johnston cf Atderson's ,uw mb'y*/* • occupied by ltaic .Him'*, csy. The CARLO ol life «cli<Hiiier Laura c«»nsi f*ngoT-. Iv>4 hhds» Miperior Mariin'qae MOLAbbbS. Tcimx made ki»'»wn at time of xalc. * Sale to commence os \\ o'clock M. Her Ik- r'.i auct'r. feb S3 45 On Friday, the st6th instant, 4 fl'ih be sold on -Messrs J dmst-t.i id. Utils nUfitr, wharf without reserve, The Angishta Boat CONGRESS, nearly nsmr, and cunqd .u in even resjuxt, of large burnt ;*eu* and ready to receive a cargo lerm»—approved iiuloiactl paper at 9‘ da/9. Sale to eomhimc.' or 11 o'clock. M. iierberti auct'r- f*s 19 42. In Council, Jluniiay. i i ;nrj ~'2. 1819. Uesrvhred* that Cquncri vv; 1, u 9 . .heir ney. r»gu- lar in. et'ng* uvicectl t«* the cIitLom *>f a gerot Council. t«> Ml e »ac .ncy uccasianed by the death of Mr. Samuel Mo-decid. Fxti act frv-i the K. H. .CtivioT. c. c. 4 •.«*.*'.*«*• * (Z? C*' u*ci: wdl meet on Monday the ftrlt day Fork”letra-ihcd tn Sot uf March next. __ w : __ ^ ^ftb23——45 J nothing-contained tn t Tfiflu J Jln-no ' shall bt <1. emtd to ex*end to the bank in the c.t> *\py &dll(lT3 reward i 0 t‘New-Yock,oune<l hy Jacob itar^er. called ihe Will be paid tor tlie taking and delivering the | Exchange Har.k, ui*t.l the first (lay of July, in .tlie following negroes at Rice Hope plantation:— { y c ar of our^Lord on^ thousand eight hundred and JACOB, a yellow compeettd fcil *w, about 5 feet | thirty-tw**; l*roviiled aiwtrys. That the said b*i»a ** -idicf high, stout aQd.wel. made* with filta Lpurctually redeem*, on deux-nd. a«l the notes or about him.— | bills n may is*-ue; and in case of refusing, neglert.’ EXCU.LVGE BMVJC. Tlie following report and bill relative to th Exchange Hank of New-York, ww imroduc < into the senate of that state on the 3d inst. an- received tbe sanction of that body oy a iatg- minority:— ^ IN SENATE, Fkbrcxkt 3, 18.9 DEPORT OP THE COMMITTEE ON THE BILL UEUHil E TO BJ.VAH Tlie conuiiitUe to vviiom was rtftred the bill entitled ‘An act to amend un act, mtilted act relative to banks, ar.d lor oilier pur,.o passed April JHth* 1818, respectfully report; Fitai the Exch.attgc Rank was established in th cit* of New-Yoik, in May, 1815; and for nearly f.»ur years has comm unfed the confidence, and r ce*vtd the approbation ot c*>inniun ; ty, as ap pears by the petr.ions f a numerous class ot citi« zens, now bet ore tne senate When it was so estahliditri, ih r was no legislative provision, either by »liis staie. or the United Stales, prohib iting private bu .king; on the contrary, it w pressly reci gn»zrd by act of congress, and Kft open to cuizcIia of this state by our own Itgisla- .u*e. The pro; rietor of tlie exchange Rank, co.nmencing nis hank under such circumstance: was fairly entitit'd to the favorable regard and li I b ral protection of the state, so long as his es- ublishnient was conducted with ciedit ana ab.'ity For this reason, the legislature, at their last siskin exempted tlie Exchange Batik, for the t i rn ot three years, from the provisions of the act ,-ass-d oy :!u*ni, prolubiling p-i^tite banking.- The act under consideration, proposes to extend ■;i..i t-xeniption. until the year 1832, wlien the II alters of (he incorporated banks will expire; a •{ >oiir committee can perceive no go? d reason against shc'i cvenston. No dis inction shoiild be ii.aUc be* ween those institutions, but that arising fr »in ret l and intrinsic merit. The petitions be. In seriate, ahunuantl* shew, (hut tlie Rx- e iiain* has been hitherto conducted to the >:ttidaction ot it* draters. » c*»nnntttce isave examined the bill, and w uM rrc immenti it* passage, with the add-ti/.n ■••f two pr>'visions; th- fi^f,><’serving the legida- urc the ri^bf of hereaffer repeahrg '.h;s act, «,i of r» gu-V.ii 3 tl.e bauk. 4 wncntver it may by then be tittm-u necessary l r *»ie j.u!).ie cr*;nd; and the >ec<<r,d. e-iii.b..i..i:ig some pri;«i ot- .1 yegu!ariunt to c suri: he p^mpt «‘vt!em l itiu:* ut us i** es.— Y^nt committeE f-a r e amended t?Ve hil» accord tngiy, :*nd ask leave to rep**rt .the.s&me. AN A€T To axrnd an ac?. enutAd “so act relative tc Rallies, and for oihex purposes,”, parsed April 28 (i, IS.8. 1 Jtc tt e mded by t be Peep e of the Sta re 'fJ\ Vv uvd A stn biy, 1 Ii# nothing contained in the act hereby amended. tce'h, and ins country’s roatks C A^SIUS, not quite so tall, blacc. atid well made | jn^ with “light bhmish in one eye. AFFHICA, bl*ck l somc'* taller than Jacob, and not so stout, ftn much parrot toed, has a down look, when | Spoken i">. PEi ElC, black and about Affriea’s J height, has a decayed front tooth, when spoken ♦ to puts one hand to hi* head as if to raise hi* hat FRANK about 5 ft el 8 inches has his ccur»- tryh. marks on his fac»\ and has lo>-t a fr.«w* tooth. BECK, about 5 fett Jfgli, w t very .black, ra l.kcly. Thr> sre all) ur.g negoes, likely,active and well made. ITe reward will be paid in pro portion for either—and wit j the addition of fifty dollars for proof to ronvict'on of their being liar* birfd by a wl»iV person or persons^ and fifteen if by a colored, person. it’o g so to do,’he proprietor of said bank feb 13 -f 42 A- Wilkins. shall be to^ay to the holder or holders ofail such notesa'.dbiils, the payment whereof has been .et'jsed, neglected or delayed upon demand a k aforesaid, damages for the non-payment thereof, at ami sf er tl.e rate of ten per c: i»t. per annum, in lieu of it *ere * from the da-e of such demand, until the rame ‘■ha’I be f*:lly paid and aaosficd:— And p-ended also. That the legislature retain and •vstrve the power of repealing L'd* act. cr of es Lihb nir.g f r . m t-^C to ime, such rules and re gulab'*»»-* for conducri. g tl e bu-im «s ot said bank, as in th*.ir opinion putne good m»y icqu ^r; and that F-e comptroller of this o we. shall at all mes he aut he risen to jnspec tiicbook^ and afiaira of th»* Saidh.rk. and to report t- the legislature w en- Vvf be tfuli d« cm (he ; ubhe inrertfl to re- quit* thraane. Ou .Saturday, :27th inst. (HT oRlilvK or T.U W4lU*».N9 ) m i he to’ii .a It-II ici'i u hn-f. f:r th. b, ./l ,p ■V ■ o -.i-W i-ff. Tlie ship I'nitcdf States, of C>.*:lc»t0i,.-wiili II r tatfclc. ,|>p.veL and uppurtcnaiicci. as lately arrived in dixiieas <Ffl a vo) age from Hall to New -Y irk S.u’e to commence at 11 o'.vivck. Williford $ linker, aucl\s. ftb 22 44 ' On the first Tuesday vv.*tu c!) i c.vt, H’iil be sulci b' for- th?* Gocrt-House in tin:* riff, between fh^ u»»*a l.imr-*. A prime famiiy of NEI.IujES, confining «»f L Woman and her five children. Terms, cash. M. Her. e/f, anrl'r. f. b 23 45 f in .M in ii l.- iV? U’lTt.i in if fViil br sold ut the C' Uri- 'frv One half of the interest iii the tyi.uhtr* .S eom- Jfill—-and as the sale i f this vthiahle CMubhri.iu • ^ will be a positive one, tl w *1 Ik.- well sonji the attention of.enpi’.alia s Persona d^pot-cd to pur chase cap receive any information they n>a> re quire on the premises. , Ui-nditiowa maoe kuewn at the time of which will be hbeial. M. Herbert* auct'r. feb 19 42 ^ On the first Tu?aday irt'Mart h, If ill be told before the Cow t. House, in tht* etty, ' utfueen the usual hours, A prime MULATTO GIRL^ shout 17 years ofi sge, a capable house servant ‘ Terms, tad*. M. Herbert, ttucPr, feb ft~ 35 ' _ ' Oit Tijesday 9th, March. ff'Uibe $atd \n front of the bxenangi. ‘ : '/;aT 12 o’ciac*. . A Christ church, No’ 63. in Irr simple. Williford & Baker, auct'rs. feh 26 -—43 4 On Thursday, the 18th March ue.vt, ‘IV.IL be s-.Ia tit the dwcLin? house sj M V**rg% Jtfyr* Rrr.uifht'-n street. Household and Kitchen Furniture^ iMO.xo Will' U AMS 1 elegant 8idtboard 1 set irining, card and t<a Tables 1 hand.ftome pair p*er Gl-sses 1 il*t P ai)<» Foriy 2 Score htry—Turkey Car; tr.s 1 e gUt di»y Cluck 2 sfc-r A nd-Irons, Shoveb. :oyl Ti'flgs. wii'h F^'-de* 1 ma'i'^any Brdstead China, f.'rockery ai.d. f*l;.s**warf, with A var et) of otl.« r Artic.vii Sale to commence in 11 <• e.■■ i n. A. fluiv.-, crucPr N B. The Dwelling Hnuse ocntpie . a v!i.*re will be leased for one or more ; est%at>d pos-’f 5 *- ion given <»n or hr tore the firyt^f May ren —• Apply to Me Gtoige Myers, or tn . r A. Ilowt. feh 19 42 Executor’s sale. On Thursday, ill* Igi'i Mirrh nntt, JVtH be sold before my s.are. AH the Goods and Kfftcis v: Mr Francis Tot- tier, deceased; consisting Geld Watches, patent kv«s ”ti ••■srers ar-d pla>. Silver .ditto do Jo dc «io!d Chains * Gtjhi Seals and Keys Gold Breast-Pins Plated Ware, snd A variety o» JEVVEuMY. Terms, cash. SJe to ctmt\ J|1 oU'Arik ‘ M. HS' littt.'flUcrr. r*b < 29 . - - * * * i