Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 24, 1819, Image 1

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The** traouctinnt ««t have tuca ' known to Kcncral Urrepg, islit* command-. }««ng nun frojti the cuanfrjr, and had a ed tli* Muthm army: to (ni'ril WMfcwhf- tna tbo ondimwIh' in chicly and aUo to <tir continrnUl. congress. U in Ui'ac act* of general Wayne, the law of cation* bad been grossly wiulnted; Iftiir ofcivtlzed warfare liad been Rustptily outraged; if the ‘air fame pf the •atmn'seiuracter bad been iitdcltWy ston ed: WhM not aoma court <f enquiry, or . cooat martial bare been ordered by the Coro masking general: or sonse expression • oft ensure of disapprnlutioti eotoif by the - congress? .Why then let me n,k, ia general . Jack too to be *0 mack blamed and aboard, for the commission of act*, which Cad ft- «ct precedent* in the conduct of general Wiyorj nut cenaurad by general JV'ash- inglotijor disapproved by the rejireaefita- tive* of the atatea then in conxrrs* aa : OCmbledit A. Friend to Justice. > ftp.Mi.YOLE ir.ta. Oeneral Jackson baa paned through the ^ _ ♦*ry ordeal of inndti|>('0|i. and NtNia; nation era* apt publicly known. *1 no injury. On tbi* gteat question, a* null a* the Sooth American question »t the last session, in both of which 'bfr. Clay eater ted all hie power*, hehaa the ^mort'fi- cation to find himself in* dead minority end in apparition t«> th- moat «dM, sensi- Ule substantial r*|Hfopcan* in congress. It it npt astonishing fhit thia gentleman can- hot take warning from the fate of men who 1»a*e an recently sunk below the political tinriz.fli? Bat there i» no bounds to ztnbi- fWa the Cniybin M.itenyer, t*<5 hit. General Jaekton, and hia »uitd left Washington yesterday morning. It is aaid tbit lie will pas* through Baltimore, 'Philadelphia and New-KT?k, .-to VVest- puint. Prom the indication* that have been given, it i* probable that he will b<- receded with, public honors in. each of th ose cities. . Some anxiety haa been expressed re- * opecfi'ig the interview which will, proba bly, tAu place between him and general Rcotti who commands at Ncw-Yurk. it is ^ell known that a disagreement of the most seriuu* nature haa ton? existed hr- twrer. these two officers. The rumor* which are abroad on this Subject, are, per. haps, not altogether to be relied on. gen eral Jack on however as wo understood mide no secret of the affair, and during bis stay in Washington ties been liberal in showing the correspondence which took place between himself and general Scott, and from thi* it appears, if the runrour i* oorrect, that gen.S. has positively declin ed the invitation of general J. to meet http, declaring that no consideration whatever, ijiull ever induce him to fight a duel. Since the termination of the discussion atlltc Seminole War, general J. be* more than once attendi'd the proceeding* in tlie IfeiUse of tepreseutatjvf*. tinned above,** aq asaeif, iadutlrtotj* ,um of money entrusted tot.i* care, which the r»|>ber* took from him. .fny donation* /or hit assistance, left with the editorswill tie thankfully rectinl by him. from jux cdrear A gentleman who arrived from Aux Care*, nn Saturday last, iti the aeho-mer At adtetin* oftho {a Frank- f» Fire Krgimt foJ H’.tf3/npa-y." held a* ihe Exchange,^ the olty'of Savannah, on Tursda, »Z^SaW.5^S|S^s»43K±3.»~‘ the 6r t,T«t«Ur ia DecttabS mat-wren, ac- I "M*°* ‘be foUomng bUNGS. corjing tolfiS eonititutioa, the .annual akcth.n l 5. M _ Rw ;f f *T^ r > *irv' tir - ** rtiim- V u-rf s Goff I A * ! ** * nevcr u * abt *7 tore, J2Z^T• I Stws-lhdee Concerto, as am* b CONGER? Mrs. FilEVCH announces to her frirnJ* and dtp public, that ahe will give a Concert TUI EVE - — - - auction's. eetrtWji Jotah I’enCrU. mSavrer. Elgin.*—'Wax T. WiUums Ralph M.y, M ~ ’ Kobe ■! Saleh .U Mftne Mncrt May-Flowtr, inform* us, that general sir ££t ttregor Mae Gregor was at pl»ce on I varircWm .Mu.iuroatery, da*. Cummine, J. VY the Slot Isa. when he sailed, lie Usd ar- J William n*ed some time previous from- Nassau, ! . tle^fi and htd citablishd his rendexmarat Aox- f Care*, where he bad 1000 of the'-finest t roop* in the world, part of theta encamp-1 tubed ip the different m«,p|ioi of.tlii* city, e'd onshore. A sloop ol war and a large j- ^j- 6E0KGE, etc'iypre tem transport ship were lying at anchor. Dor- Madame Cstabns, 3#»o—The Bewildered Maid, Sola—Love among the Knee*, So*o—tamq Chapins, ,u«, tk . „r _ I HT Tickets, one dollar, to be bad at the Bar of imn^drabea V5££E%S$'£ I c ° xtn ia * eoaanenee « SiTurnnh, Prb 2*. I8t9^—46 Mira be didates lor a treW|>oa into the ume. JtrulveJ, that tbeabere .proceeriinn be pub- Eveniugs* Amusements. ing our informant’s stay, a brig arrived with troops, aaid to be fr*in> Grernock. A large ship was also daily expected from the same place, with SOO mure. This expedi tion was waiting for further reinforcements, which, when all concentrated, would •mo'ifit to 5000 men. The precise dear Freight to Liverpool. tm Frcm XX to 350 bjfe* cotton wanted i.. . - up the fine ship Jt/NO, capt. Doake, which I* 41 te hls . »'« l*»Ke room at tlie Court r *» - * .*• . • - I H/tllO anil I,.. an. .11 I.di.^nia 1 MR. ARUKNOXD, raox acaora, Bega leavr to inform the citrxens of Savannah, I eomtnea:» toadhur this dav. and Will meet itinfie- I aod he a ill it,Induce therein a new and | diatc dmpateb. apply «ut board, or to I IlSSIL 1 ^. rtOMj— Scarbrough it M‘Kinne. fib a*-7—*>~a- d.6 jFotJfluc*For!t To-Mnrrotr, S5ll» iast ■W fe nWnd'hi'-i iS ,f itrr t^funf. •rm.Hed t> trune .Vi it. r'f. The CARGO ot th^nch e er 140 cc e .tog Of 1.4 bhd, itip-rior M.'.rtimrjnr MOL-UiCi. Term* made kn an at time cf **lr. Sole li «(w:«k ot 11 t’cktt/ M Herbert. aurfV. _fb i.l --4V ' j On Friday next, the dOth inst, WtU be »* jf ax'r ttharf, atrt above Mrttre IFilJ.unr n If lit Filler*. The CARGO of the tiff Una mbo. consisting of l jl hhds prime re'iilmp MOUSSES >i tR prune Musc> «aoo SLCiAK. 35.06 first chop Spnrish SEGAKS Terms made knewn st time <ff sale. Salt f ammenitat It i'i/.(t. M. Herbert, auct’r. fib li a-4* On Friday, the £0th instant. IliL be t.ld mi Jlam AImIui it IhlTe offer wiu-/, SKiluur ottertv, The Augurt* Dual CONGRESS, nearly scar. Bythe I^HaeofPeedee River, (ay. the Wmytw lotelligggger) severally rails jh«ni»o»e accotamodatilius. applj^onboard, cy to _*Mrr of lumber hart been brought to market, during ike present week. Tlie article i worth from 18 to ^20 per thousand feet. General Jacksnn left tlfi* city yesterday f»r P.iiiii'lelpMa-atlie sliurt auy which he mrde in Baltimore, prevented our citizens from paying him a public testimonial of respect. Wr understand he will tarry longer with us on his return. The citizens of Philadelphia hare open ed subscription book for a public dinner, to be given to major general Jackson.— Baltimore American, Fib. 15. „ It is said that a court martial is now whirli has been much admired m Rurupc, and rii»ce bis arrival in America. It lia^ b«.n exhibit- ■ - rt w_i,r t ..„ r ,, - K..-,*_■ ed with untouuJcd applause at the cities ut New-1 bo ™ lha, » v.a ..j I »tm mat to receive a c,reo. ' York and Ch.rksfon. _ - i This exhibition consists of Picturesque Views l^Ccoppered packet^ bng OTHEU.O, I 0 f different Cities, Fortrevics, tie. ia Europe, 281,1 1 Ada. Africa and America. Four View* will be introduced every evening, and each View will be enlivened with a. great number of moving Figure*, mutating “nature ut a surprizing manner. The four Views for XR1S EVENING, 3«th in Stem, wilt 6c at follow*;— , .. ... Flew First—Tbs Grand Palace of Frkin in Qa-1 Yjy, TOD ship L tlltCCb bt^l vitb ti.e Procession of the Emperor tad ha I Mwt nfrni I mi i. ni li. Im tackle. Court. Fiew Sectnd—The Cape of Good Hope. Fine Third— A Grand View of the Font Koyale n the city of Piri*. , Fiew Fourth—To conclude with a Grand. Be. presentation of a Storm at Sea. 03* Door* will be opened at six, and the per , • ‘ George Gordon. ‘ '• For Charleston The sloop ASK. explain Forsmxn, wilt .•wil on Saturday newt, .triad favoring — iP-ir freight or passage, baring good ic- eommudatioas, apply to the captain on board, at Iton'a Wharf, or to BACON !* BRCEN, feb 24—*—46 Exehanf* d.dr. For Freight or Charter The staunch schr. BETSEY, Terms—approved iMioied paper at 93 days. 'Sale' to ciMfcAice a I 11 t'cltck. 31. Herbert, uuct'r. fr> 19—48 ay, S7th inst. v« inst vr.urvav ) l *iiic* , » J.r lit jKlfittf rO conwurd, -J • U ®9j 0^ ^ T ikpuiti) >. and appurtt nances, at lately arrived ip4<*t|eaiQlX - voyage f.-om :t w il to Nea-JKork. Sale la cim-xr.ct el U r* clock. , Williford (j Baker, aucl’rs. Jeh 23— MM On the first 'i'utsilny in March nfJrt^ Mlting in Washington, lor the trial of one 45,000 feet merchraKnd dear Board* «f t: e naval qlh.tcrs alluded to in a form- f cr paper, on charge* preferred against him bythe officer under whose command lie served, for hi* conduct in the memorial | battle of Lake Erie. Qpm. P. it is caid ha* declared hi* willingness to meet capt. I E. if he should (ail in sutMtantiating these chars,-*.—ll’ashingtnn City Ga*. Spear, muter, in complete order to re. j formance comtceace at seven, and finish at- nine j Will be told bi-lore the O wn-House in this pity, ccivt a eu;go. For terms apply to the | o’clock. • | . between the usual boors, *,* Admittance nrrt cists. Tickets to hr had at the Court-House, Savtmaah, Feb AA ,maater oh'board, or to ' ^ * Homes Tupper. 31b casks Thomastown Lime AND IS STuBI 1000 bushels Oat* 50u do Corn 8 hhds Jamaica Sugars feb 24 a Sff THE REPUBLICAN'. Mississippi Stock. 4000 debars of the above stock for sale by Nicholas df Neff. feb .'4 '-c 46 Irish Linens, sheetings, &‘c. Georgia Jockey Club. The member* of f>e Georgia Jockey Club are I ■ requested to attend st Sy lvia Whitfie!,d‘a on Tri | day evening next, at 6 o’clock, on businevs of im- J portance- felt 24——-46 Union date and Firemen.. I Members me particularly desired to attend the I attention of capitslts'a' Persons disposed to pur- I regular meeting of Friday next, at 4 o'clock in I chase can receive any inforeation they may re- 1 the afternoon, at the Cr“ , e*- , t<**“". wh «, an,— r— -■ spectiun will tike (bee and the new engine bel wcikeJ. 1'ertuns who have not yet attended the I winch will ba liberal. A prime of NEtiKOKS, consisting cf a, wou.»n and her five children. Arms, cash. M. Herbert, auct'r. f.b 23- ■ 45 Ou t»e liiat 1 ue-dsy m March next, Will be told ul ill Cturl-ff.ute, One half ot the interest us tlie Ckdlha’n Suma- .Mill—and a* tlie sale of this valuable establishment wilt be a positive one, it will be well worth the Tt’rv •" •he prsunises- Condition* mum- known at the time of 1 t} meeting of the association, as* informed that if I they do n >t come forward their names will be I WEUNEMJAY EVENING, Fxnansni 24, 1UI9 I Just received and for sale by the vub.criOer, at I stricken from the roll Applications for member- 1 Ihe store of Messrs Msgec Si Wright, a few j ship will be received by . esses of- the above, cmcpSbing I J. Marshall, F. o. TOE b LG KID AS. j.4-4 and 7-8 wide Irish Linens | f c b Extract of a letter from a member of congress 7 *< 8 * »>V d 10 * wiJe Damatk sfrien'di«,hi.eito.d,„A f4 wide sheeting _ _ . . .. .. feb 19- -42 M. Herbert, auct’r. TOE MAIL H 0BBF. It8. Tbo N«w- York Nat., Atlv. stutrs, that ' on the llth inst,. Maurice anil M--rt;ann ljul made a disurvrry of 25,000 doHars, which w ereilepoaitfrikin a hollow tree, it, Biscatcwny town-ship, New-Jersey,— conviating of draft* and bills of exchange. General.Jackson s»t out this morning - Bout Washington for West Point, in Jf.York. His object is aid limply to be tu wisithis two nephews, who arc receiving their education at that'military academy ^Washington. Gazette. film the Char&ilan CV.-y GattUe.S'ZJ intt. A. a.wii of nan burs caught. A bench warrant was issued on Sa'.ar day lust, against several, individuals w hi havu fur.sume>t inliabitvd the Six Mile House. It appears that a gang of villixiis bad If rested theinrelvrs about illat naigltburhuoil,and committed very many daring andoutrageous batteries on per-ori! Sravelling that way. TosucS a licignt had they earned this game, that Mr. Ross, who V was pot in possession of the house 0,1 Thursday last was attacked and violently beaten,and wirikdifiteutty tio . srapcil with hia life ioto the woods, on Friday morning, after having two loaded muskets fired at hurt. Upon hi* affidavit, the hf-n- h war rant issued, which was executed liy colo nel Cleary, accompanied by a number of gentlemen, o.i Saturday afternoon, i here were six-person* arrested: among the num- Btr were Fisher and his wife. Nine or te:t loaded muskets with fixed bayonets, were Aund in the house; also a krg and large cwnnistec of gun-powder—likewise, the fiiile of a cow, apparently fresh killed, was discovered in a bag under uc.e of the tret Boildings— '/tithe neighbor* Link to their cattle.) The house anduut-lmildin* were acoidentally Ouwit-onthe same evening.— We congratulate ti.ccitixenv (hat the pria- ^ jners were safety ludgeJ in goal on Sator- dsynight. The beach wat rant, alluded- to almvr, was granted by the hoqprabte judge Col- cock. The five mile house, which. Had also been inhabited by these outlaws, we* burnt by a party of citizen* on Thursday last, jpvith the consent of ihq owner ) ■ Since thr above was in type, we btve as certained that .me ol tho person* who was rubbed atid beat* n by-the gang, hx* been t-> thejail,a<4ompanieilby colone. Cleary, the aherriflTs deputy, and Its* identified FUb- cr , hi« vTife, and iiryward; as Lie indi- yiilaal* who porpetrated the crime. Tne 'foKowing is a correct U*t of the momber* of tlie gang who were »upr» hen- deH«ud comniitted to prison on Saturday nighL John Fivher, Lxvioa Fiv’ter, hi* wife, Wm. Heyward, James M'Elwray. Jane Howard, and S th Yuuu.% It i* sup posed there are more them lurking ab ut, sod, ft i* hoped the i g ence of the pi l ce andtitizen* will ferret theta vutarid bring them to jtslice. o*> We arciaf -rmed and requested to Stair,! — that Mr. John propl waaroUbe.l and J aamercifuily bcateob^ liic tifiiat* m«n-1 to afriebd in this city, dated “HesAisyCsn, February 14, W-9 “News bis reached here of the death of Fer dinand VII. If Ulis is a report contrived int:• circulation, by speculators in land, in Ea<l M ridi (as is somewhat believed) they « ive confh.tted an error disastrous to their views, t/ncertain as t is, it will suspend, if nut defeat, Ihe pending negotiation with the Spanish minister for the pre sent period. Two s/rs ago it was confidently expected, that a cesdon of Florida to the United -States would be confirmed in the course of this month ” P. S. I understand lli* evening, that the ne gotiation is not broken off. It is in a fair may to a happy result.” | Cotton Shirting—linen Thread, Muslin, &c All which lie offers low for spproved bill*. Junius Mngee. feb 34-1—ni—46 CESSIO.V OF TIIE FLOBWA8. : The Charlr ton City Cixctte of the 2?d instant j says:—A private letter from Washington, from the highest source, received on Saturday, states, that tue FLORIDA! aax ciikd to tuc Uxitxo I Statu, We areliotat liberty at present to men- I lion iiamrs, but the gentleman who saw the let. ter, assures us that the information may be relied on. The yeaiicukr* are nut mentioned. (In addition to the above we have seen a letter I from Washington, dated the lith inst. received by last night's mail, which gives the same inttlfgence. I The Florid*#, no doubt, are ceded to the United [ States—Edifr Savannah SepuXren ) .r~y The f i. ndasndacq. inhmrcs of Mrjcmts Clark are reqaci ted to attend the funeral of Mrs Uxanx To-MurrH* at'ernoon, at 3 o'c.i-ck. Iron. ] Ins tcrijtnce, in Yamacraw, back of Mr Utchanl | Wayne’s. Died-in Dorien, on the lJtli inst. after an illnc's I of some dry*, Mrs OvTaria. MTstosb, consort f of Dr Jolm M'Intosh, of that city In the loss < this amiable ludy, a fond husband is deprived of I t!ie partner at his bosom, and society of one of I its ornaments. . Landing thin day, From brig Ortsimbtfjrom Hava an, Ifl'hiids 53 bis Mu ccvado Sugars 25,(0,0 first qiuiitv Uigvrs For sale by ’ J. I1ATI ELLE St CO. feb 24 la—46 ! C. Cotton bas run sue J pipe* UpgaaeJlsandy. — 21 quarter cask* MxLga Wine lb hhd* Whiskey 20 barrels Cordifia' 10 do raspberry Brandy 5 casks Gin 1900 bushels Oaf* 600 gunny Bags feb 24——a- ■Jiall § Hoyt (junks* vtpeq wuAnr) Offer for Sale 150 barrels llv#*rd red Flour 60 ImU' d<» ^ <jfi do 10 pipes Holland Gio . 50 barrel> X K do 20 hhJs S K Hum 20 barrels d » d» 20,do cherry 3 half pipes Tener/fl^Wine 20 barrels lo«*f owl iu.r.;> Sugar r.0 b *xvH sperm Gandiui S’) <L> moiHd , do i ' - -. 50 bis Mackerel Vo 1 snu 3 20 pvr luii.iWB 20 b&ipfel’iircnto \ r 10 do IVppcr, lu tio Gm^r :•* ’ " 2r/) niece? cotton n.-.gkfinjj 150 Lefts vln.c Lead 5 ton j share Moulds 350 reatiiG wrapping Pap^r 2 Gig* with H.irnv?8 complete 4 two*h(ti’«e tVa^'gonsda do 2 cases u rnrgon Whips feb 24- •— Seven Coppers Reicard Will be paid to any one who will deliver to me | DAVID G. DAVIES, an indented apprentice to I the oilier of the davamiah Republican. Davie i is I about 5 11 indies high, slender made, very I sallow complexion, stoops when he walks, and | has a hitch in his gait. The above reward will he j paid for bis apprehension; and cent* m ... v ill I be given on information cf an* person hsrb ring | him. FREDERICK S. FELL, feb 22 44 PUBLIC SALES. THE FOLLOWING | Valuable City Property for Sale, I i Being the property of a person who wishes to I remove from Savannah, and for Which the most | undoubted titles, can be given, viz: Lot Nol, Greene ward, 60 feet (rant, 1 on Broughton street, and 93 feet deep, L11 a Building thereon, 49 feet front, LaUi.d a small Building on tlie lane. Pro- [perty in fee simple. I Lot No 2, Greene ward, being a city lot, sub. Meet to a ground rent of S V, P*r annum, 69 feet I t>ont by 9‘J feet deep, with a Dwelling House and | Kitchen thereon. Lot No 4, and half of No 5, in Carpenter’s row, j 90 fret front and 150 feet deep, with a large two I stoty Hviisc thereon, having tenements for two [ families, being 54 feet in front, with Kitchen, Sta bles, he In fee simple. I Lot No 5, Carpenter’s row, being a half lot, 36 I feet front by 159 deep. In fee simple. [ The above named property is now offered at I private sale by the undersigned, and if not diX- I posed of on or before the firrt Tpevday in next month, will then br sold at public auction before On the first Tuesday in March* "* H'iltbe the Cou-t'/huie, in thit city, V.tween Iht anal heurt, A prime MULATIO GIRL, about 17 year* of I age, a capable house servant ’Terms, cash. M. Ileibert, auct’r. Jeb n_ _3J On Tuesday 9th March, •“ Will be sold in front of the exchange, ar 12 o’clock, A PEW in Christ church. No 63, in fee simple, Williford & Baker, auct’rs, fob 23-—*3 j On Thursday, tho. 18th March next, IVtll be t$ld at if* dwtlUnf bout of Mr. Ccorse JStyera, in B'+uirhto.i urrrt. Household and Kitchen Furniture j urns* wutex *** 1 elegant Sideboard 1 set dining, card and ten Table* 1 handsome pair pier Glasses 1 do Piano Porte 1 Secretary —Tu -key Carpets 1 eight dsy Clock ’ A se e Awl-Irons, Shovels, aqd Tonga, witl* Fender* 1. mahogany Bedstead China. Crockery and Glassware, will*. A variety of other Articles Sole to etmmence at ll .'click. A. Huwe, auePr. S. B. The Dwelling House occupied st above Will be leased for one or more years,and posses sion given on or before the first of May nexti— Apply to Mr George Myers, or to A. Howe. fob 19 42 > Executor’s sale. On Thursday, the 18th March next, mi be cold beftrt my attn. the court-house in the city 'of Savunnsh, at the | Mr ^ usual time, of miblic sales on tbrt ,lsv. I Uer J. “5 c .^ se< ?> consisting -46 SHIP NEWS. POUT OF SM’A.V.V.1ir. JtUBtVTn, eo- — ,. - *.^.0,, to. i o.i.., iirioisiieu inai uiero ls tust one*. Ship Belle «*vsge. Uti»»>, Turks Is! .ml, 8 cays 0! , , h< . Bay. three dion fr-m Dimyton street, London fashionable ready mads CLOTHING. The inhabitants of tins city ami die public, are J deceased, consisting of a tract of Land on tlie Vesp-ctfuliy inf,.m.ed that Uiere is just opening ~ r n —— ' - usual time of public sales on t!iat day. I For terms at private site apply to the suburb | her. JAMES HUNTER, auci’r feb 18 41 Will be Sold On the first Tuesday in March next, At the marktUhouse of St Mary’s, Camden j counts.between the hours of J1 and -2, ALL THE ESTATE, REAL AN'D PERSOATAL % Of late Francis Lerov, of Cumberland Gland, Grid ITutchet, patent levers, repeaters and flair Silver ditto do do do do Gold Chains , Gold Seals and Key* Gold Breast-Pins Plated Ware, and — A variety of JEWELRY Terms, cash. Sale to commence or 11 o'click. M. Herbert, auct’r. fob 4 -29 —with salt— to tl.c m.:*!T Ship Caroline, a, New Oriesns, and 13- from the Haiizc Brig Omzimho, Chase, Havana, 8 days— :o J MADE CLOTllifCG, varranted of the rest rnrfcmviiship, and superior West of England In, lately imported by the brig Fl.renzo. from _ . " . “ • . , ' v ‘ 1 iit’pi’.iruujitic onir ri-miz<*,ir BatU'le &. C» oonstgnees-wtU. nK.Ussm,. sugar. Lordon. via Charleston, consisting as follows: amltoffee—!loGaudty 4. lfofaure,’.. f &.OP..1hh.. | udi „. Scarfsar.d Sbr.wl, _ ^ Do PeZibses. vert* superior'rimmed and pfcin ThV'sch’r Jamca, CvHef. a” rived ! diys I ^ung misses cod children’s do d • to the O'*tailing. Left brig Margaret. I Gentlemen t ex,ra super Rest of England dre»< “ > Pii*rfTf | LOlil ' * I Blues, blacks, bn a n*, bottle green. C ,bourg and o! ive c< tori Gen*. lemon's dr*!» curricle, Waterloo, driving and Schooner Betsey, 'Spear, (of Warren, a i) Tbo. I _ Goats.rilk faced (superior articles) r vtown. 15 days—w.tti iime and lumber—to It. I wenOetntn s Waterloo, I elissc A Glocester C<: and Chariot Manrtd The ship Bcrjamin, Webb, for Baltimore* siiiled in company with the Oro- zrrobo jrevious Hall, to ?ad for thin pot t nest day Mr Brx»wn#on Schooner Tea-PIar.*, Prutfiet, Baltimore, 15 Js —with corn—to Uouclan fc Sorrel. mastown, Tapper. Savannah river jiavi^avion company*? boat Hip py Couple, Augusta, 9 days—with 535 l ah C4>tt*n-^|o Johnston St Hills* Mfgve Sc Wr-ght, L H Hniler J Guesun & CJo. Jot Cumriing-. Pent V* a* K'llRI * WUHUa W W- tfW* UUnCHIW. rtn* I Jmmm' L Wngh*. T Lathrop U Co>8 B Parknun, Charles feianrl of Cumberland -Xxmden county* Georgia, w „ ... vv ^ b.*i:ig the south part c»t No 8, so called in the tendvr an<l eleg-^’t •■os»o: tmant of JiEAJ) VI partition of said Islaud; be fug bounded as follows: ^ by tlie sea, »*outh bv the land of the estate of Isyficb, wes' hy Jaw of genera! I*. M'Zotcsb, and north by Isoui V.teK ."old at marshal’s sale. The north line of said tract to be run out, patoelled with the south hue as to give the oiuniity of 300 acres Together u jrh j!) and singular, the houses* bniidirgt ard itr.proveTT.ents thereon. Adminis* trator’s titles will be given. The lard was sold to -.he 6tid Francis Leroy byTJuctor L. Kollock, of Savannah. * • Abo, the following negroes:—Jim and KIs wifr Kliza, with her eh'*d. whole sold by order ot* the honorable the inferior court of Camden county. T'c-ms of sikle. half .of the perrha^e xi*o ney,4.aJ*h: the other half yayabfe ni»-e months af ter the ub, witli morig-^e cn d.e properly; the purchaser paying f‘>r titks and recording the mortgage. PAUL l*. \ UO.\f ■‘ SON, Jan 19-—‘yjk. y }5 .idminitrutor. Costs of ail colors, silk f*c?d ^ Pantaloon Trovicrt, cf alt colors 51A riwiee arid selected assortmeut of Waistcoats 1 Hushing Coats, tic Boys’ s’ Clothing, ofeverr description -red's dretics, Resin and Dvntn nmarks cxblsxb. Ship Halcyon, WoosUr, Liverpool—^Mtckoiu H Schr. duent. Lumbsrd Newbern. N C. Sclir Harriet, U»r.tow, R ilmingtan, N:C. Schr Hope, Hartn-r. Neabi rn. H. C. Some elegant Broad Swords. The above Goods will- be sold very low, whole- isle or reta-L for cash, feb 24 —a. (6 To Rent Savannah Free School• I ,k,rt ’ r **‘nt*y occupied TH. board of directress of the S.wnnah Free ^ ^ifto School Society return tbmr gntefiU thank, f. r ” Rec *’ 0, ' Tb “ , « (he t.k-,1 contrtbutiotu nude at the different PTm T clrorehes, viz: ' f oUrcted at the I’resbrterian church g465 8TJ at the Baptist Church - 76 40 Do at the Episcopalian church 317 KJ 1 r _ , ui , Do at the Methodist Church 71 SiJ |Lr me ti«r, receive prapoeals for keeping uie Eliza Roberts, sec’ry. |J»U UC WSLLS in ORDER for twelve month* In Council, Saxamah, February 27,1819. Remived That council will, at tlitir next rrgu- ftb 24 €6 Blank Indentures For yd* at this office. [ from that day. Extract fr»m ibrmimaet. II K. Cnvler, c. e. Council w'Ji meet oo Monds v.'the" 8th of March |acx-.. fob 24——46 fr- " Sheriffs sales. On the Jim Saturday oJter.tiu firm Tuctday in March nett, Will be sold at tbenurkct iiouse in the town of St Mary’s, between the hours of icn and three o’clock of that day, Tbe following household Furniture, to wit- oae bureau, one book-cue. (me wasliisr J xtsxJ, eight reading books; levied on a* ’.he property U Da niel Copp to u'isfy an execution, Abtaham Be*- sent v* Daniel Copp and Robert Rudolph. Ge-srgn Lone, ». s. c. c -Vary’s. Jbe 33. 1819 ■ P9) Sheriff ’s sales. On the JO* 1\*dtfi»May next, WUl be sold in Branswrik. Glynn eourrir, .-elvgen th* hoars of ten and throe e’lhek. The Allowing Vtgroea: Date, Cnariea El-ek. Sam; Jacob, 8 try, flora. Billy, Marv. July. Big rhia'lcs, Celia, Jeany>ar.d: Char! it'*; levied «n as - _ the proneity of Jbnaes Pile* to utsfy an excou- • MStv>» Sokl by ticn in favor of Hubert A Joveph Uabeo’iaiu Thotpa* Winn, s. o. c- Executor’s sales. On Friday, the 5th da/ of March next, Will be sold at the court-house, in Savannah, be tween the hours of ten and two o’clock, Thirteen LOTS, immediately adjoining the city nf Savannah, being part of tbe rial estate of the Hte Thomas Hogg, deceased—sod by direction* contained in his last will and testament, for the benefit of the heirs of arid estate. A plat cf the. said lots will be exhibited at tbe mle. George Anderson, > , ' James Johnston, J ex or *' try The above sale is postponed to the Tue*. day following, at the front of the Exchange, at 12 o’cl .rk. Williford & Raker, auct’rs jan 23 xr—19 Administrator’s sales. On thefirtt Tunduy in April next. Will be told ip front of tlie court bouse between the usual lioura of 10 and 'i o’clock. The House and third of Lot No T, ia Hexthcoat ward, fronting on Biroam atrerr, bring part of the corner lot or Mr Fell’s Ten m cash, M. Herwtrty auct’r. fob 20 13 prsv ms s On tbe first Tuesday in April next, Hill be mid in front if Ut «fari-.Wa«, if not prrnnuly •/ or pause tale. The HOUSE and LOT, on the Bay. ax present occupied by Mr. Chattier. Safe at 12 o’cbek. . .. Williford^ Bitter, auct’rs. ■To a bom apply for terms at pr.sate sale. feb 22—1 44 - StateBank'Shar; On Tuctday, 6th *f A? :> i-g, . Witt be mid. at she Cotirt-t’smae, m il«ri:y of oavarn'h. hetweetx tbe hour, of lu anf-2 oVl.-ck, • "m S .IARES in the amok of .the hi nk al the _ 3ta*e of<te.>rria—The property of Ana Itrixaue, - - ' order of the Co-iil of ordma. ’ ry of Ofcathsm County. Willivn T. Willixm*, Guardian. fcB" 1*—27