Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 25, 1819, Image 1

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■vrs tutpcwjiilLjtnl. ar.len nr ;*i«n tofhevapttin not Co permit thi. un fortunate rat* to outer Hie cabin, Ln.t t» hr treated at a coot 111 on friou.—Turk Unity Mo. THE REPUBLICJJY. TKVkMtAY EVENING. hutui 35. 1M'J cx=ar- -A— • -- Jtn YwiitM, nf fitorgia, now t ae-utor «f ••Hffeitt it nppolmed by tie president, *ith the •OMMit of itie Malt, to bt envoy uinontaiq •lid ttaktr pi rniputru’.iary from the United Statesta- ttpatni rice C. If. tnla/, tln> liaaro tfietlal pamiatun to return home. "FAIR PI,tY" iMl be aUtnbrJtn U toon »« We eta procure crn-fi d copie* of the procrcd input Conned. We. think we dull be able to **ie*fc hit OMinpi.i We me MitholUul to announce nvjurJartxa S. ®eUlK«, M t candidate for alduman in llieruom of Adam dope, ox] resigned. We are authoriz'd to say that Jotcra 3. Ft tor, •* • Candidate for aldentun in the looui oi Adam Cup*. tun tilt sxrxvxaa axrtsutaa. •M|r Pitt—Cariosity l. J ms with die crowd to ■tear the cetibralvd V-ordpcari’ tocaltrt*, whiac piaisva Imre bun ru:g licm one end ul ihi* coun try to l!ie oilier, bill Inn not afraid eonfna (particularly a* I a netal my name) it al I think the publjc‘fiaie-be<ri egregioUsly gtilhd in dim rapture# for there transatlantic performers This diMppnii t inui' nude me indifferent about hearing (lie holy mho hxs at thin lime favored ua with a visit, hut being a native Atnericau t thought die hm) a* fair a right to patronage, and eonndrTi"g tlie motim nf tier eihibiitnr. a much inure im questionable claim t i die generneRy of a liberal community, Ilian the Inditiduali, above ahndtd to- Km, air, it rar with failings of im ordinary plea, pure nnd mifisiiae that I Ibifefietl to the del glitful entertainment ffbfdedhy Mrs French'u every per ton prevent who might be •qno»*.d by thr eonconl nfaweyj sounds" -Shi-con,himt- tin-adiautagenf an agreeable exterior and a moat inleroting ana- vity ease of fhar.nerr, wl.h one nl ihe cl arr«i (Kifie-t Ulti moat melodious voices that «* e-ee-i lit Stow-rd nn a morial. How f.r Mr*. P. •liicqrcr an acquaintance with music, aa n rctei cc, f leave toculn.rhrartr todrtennii.e; hut mine edgeil that she slug with the m«>»t discriminating feeling and affi cling * mplirity She ones r.nt ap pear to ham the aitlicid atjlc so mucl admiied Uf crnrwisHUrei anil while .-he- ii.uscnii f .rm» to fliii taste cl an \ rilean ; ubhc, it ■> o ^ be hopiil dial her menu will be *uiiably apprec. f nlel. Tint die may ever fiavi call cl" remcnaier Saeannsh, uitll respect and graliluth', w el.c aiu Cde wiah of ONE OF US CITIZENS. tkcraiyn—> ie if she joiir* afier wafM* key* to tins judge. that lit th'.ngiil U>e pri- mirr guilty when he r»n tioi ed (l>e verdict, fiu 1 that hi* opinion wa> • cc chm gedj would iIk judge older the jury u. return and rr-consider the case, and if man«'au*iiKT » an die second verd-ct tearrae the origmal *entencef f believe noL Such a raws would he w.alagou* to AoibiistetV A ns b-i-tir so tiled upon three cliarges and four ape cifica!ion*. and hie gunt sut j-.eled him lo the »e. versl punt hments snocxi d to each offence. Tiir artiflr* of war impose a-porU punishment for leaser offence*, and Jcjih tut greater. I hare examined Siroen, McArthur, Kilt e. Me Comb,and other*, who are reeuvtd a* guides for aiiliUrylnbunals, but I ear,not hod any autfiorii) fir the right exercised by the court martial on tbs trial of Ambristcr. Af.trthe brief remark* which 1 lave made in answer to U. it would be grati'jing to me to have a pcftonal dneuasiou with h.m, as I have the tar.i. ty to believe tint I could produce convincing proof* that gen. Jackson hat not acicu Illegally — t aio nupporud in osy opinion by the decision o| a large majority m e ngresa, tliouyh •_oase strong ground* were not noticed in hi* difcace. A. cov.vrnr rnoDVCK. ■svssssg - cull rsnss nil nar., per 140 Ibt. i;«rn, per bushel. Cotton, sea-istand, pr lb unto, up-land, do. Hour, |i»r bl Tobacco, leaf, per 100 lbs. ^ cts. S ct*. s\ a Si 9! SO a 51 S3 a< -4 9 0J »9 .5 9 00 a 0 SHIP NEWS. jffiL POUT OP SM'MYJf.iB. SUt • rbstdr.eicsl-ia * Thr t.i»te of' the an.sieur, and die admirers id rational aniUsiments, were Ingi.l; giu’ifi-.d b, Mrs French'* fttiloiir.auce id last i.igld L.v peciwtiliii was on lipioc, and d.c ear exuat.r gant wav rea'.Zid Appianug hi fore ua in al that naieetic, and elcganrc of manner an rale aial Unluukrd Inr, wr.ili v voice clear, strong,mid i.iclo- dioua, uttoned lo the siftcst, or (hctullvat notes, •he rawishtd the senses, and l*W capnve ad oi.r Tin. scietiev anil die art of iMisic uy heard perfects it in tier, i) aphing all fuic'gn ipi itatruns, . d improving lor licraclfa mam er > Inch nature la.d first created, we saev i.c 1 lelt an excel- It nee l.illwulo unrivvUtd in ourkountry This tady In tlie vncai art is tar Caeahniuf Ameiica - U c w. uld e arturc to fa), ftoai ll.erpecimen* c| foreign *iAc in S * e ,,,vc b e * h *> fit* 1 die ear of an American audience is morcgiatifird by thi-lady’s Winging, than it Could tie by the moat cl Icbiatcd fureijsii peif .rmtr who may visit us. I'tic simplkiiy »f the American cbaiacteriv car ried into every a-ii'ireincut, and virtue aud ualurc hare a mule powerful influence over it, than art combined wide all iU all.irerr.t ntv and talsc urea- r mentv. Mr. French Isa native of Itallimnre, and we no) truly be proud of so fair an ornam. m to our country.’ , , " ■' .. ■ ■* fu rat laifnj at jtr. arm tacit. i The discussion invited hy 11. in your paper of i •),* 53^, would occupy mof ■ Mum than you Would be ui.Iit'g to devote to it. It ssthe practice of c urts-mai tial to al tr and amend tflcif pr.'CtJ.iingv from day to I even upon tile last day of its session, the wh !e pro Cttdirgs art again reed evta by lla- judge aj- voca’.r, and Ua: court as well as tbs seemed, are input-'.1 to **V, whether of not. tfiey r.*c sat: tkui the tesiimony has hern ecrrectly r-e-'r e-1 - if not. the witnrsse* are. re-cvlled art! rea r r. in Wd. Noteatimon, is aiimitred, iniit.i' 't i. eor lect'ynndciiihiy reecriU 1. Afer t.. .c-u*e.‘ tun (Mtile his di ftnee in writing, e.-.rh. *r n be n Veqiievied to *»)•. that he is ready fr : V'iopin Iwn of the guilt or inr.oci ncc of the prisoner, sr.i! ’to pronounce *enteree, »liicl. must be prte.eedvd "by -ttjttc mnrtire A-iVv.iiim,.’’ant in ca r* which teaeh the lift, ’fire fAfro's «/ ;Ae f.arr ea new i»g tkc.rit.'* After iiulgitient is pronounced amiet.tered up-, Tfr. record, tl.e pi n't N of the Court !•> ni ke ahv aheratiunr, reave. Any member nr members ol "Uie court, may enter a prote I -.g unst any part of tlie p mere ding*, or aga'iAt the (enttnee of the evurt; which protest must arc-mp nv ihe pm- ereslings to the officer who is auihorizr.l lo de- eille. and »iK’ ;:o*'Cite* eaeruotepfuc. Gen, Jsclnrm divrrgankd the si-cond «ent. nce in tlie esse of A'mbrister, hecatne it was illegal: tip court reel deed a power without a right, ai.d, a* I be. W»e, without f precedent. If B. will do me the i favor to trcnlion *oe of tlie many care* where a ter.-.rv Court pasaedand recorded # lenience, and Wfterwstils ic-consfitered a ti altered that aentence, %ithoot any new testimony, he will, in part, liave Made me convert to hi* opinion. Vhtrc is tome anakgy between the slate Cmirb «id conr'.s maHial The charge* and specifica tions are analsgvtw to the bill of ind-etments and Ooufita—the court* of 'irtp^ry, to the gram] ju.-y— (he juilgcA leoelte, in the uttorney^eneral—die' bw. prcsklent and court, fo the J idge and petit jury— ’ * {he general whd order* the C-urt, to the esdeu. the ul ilk »«atef v herebk i* teatil ailh ih; cos- gtiti l mal power St gWitingptedim otml lv.tirfc punidinitnivm *1*! cafi Suppose i.fieiil jury Ibuli i pr-vbnee gui!^- of jyp.i, . thk jvdgb pwirti auiliac* of death, and xaiivan, Ship r 'trrj1in«, Serr.t, !3 iUya fr<»m New*Or b v».f «n l 12 frota »f*e Uuftzc (noticnl y btt-rday) with a cjr,?o of mola4su and au^ar—to Wm inery /‘uncu/fr^ Lieut Freseott, of i!»c L'nit'.d S'atfi* Ann), aiul Mr Dougntrty. Sh’tipl . tie Lcorg*, A.IJtisi ii, Ikachut i day —wtili IV Llehuf cnttiHH—•*» .^cott be;»r Holly, ILuJiIott,b* Mary*. 1 <l*»y— in bal- 3 *t —10 the nuaier. i* use’ ge •— Mewtra Ciuhio, Wilvtfi, Ward ait.l sMu c ?c!ir lii>fcaR'l«'4'.y«a. Lliusr, l>arien 2 days paa- >e*l. oir t!l*icSdiird is'a.ij, init. a bngfrom ix-mmuh forlhrim. bl«K»p llcspt'*, lliw, Suubury, 2 <Uys-— with ct»it«»vi — lo J. S. U«i*locli. Williauibon & D>? Vil- 2t Ilrven, R. U J. Ilurbtr- diiiUl. Sloop ICc p r, Allen. Stnbuiy- with 150 bales Jit on—to J. a liulloclt; K Ai j. liahershian. ami J. Lewis. Sloop (iood I»t id. Alien, O^ichce, 6 days*— witii cotton anti rice—to It & J. !l:«hepdian». Wilhamson & l)e Villen*, J. Miller U J rra). Si««b<>at Lharleston, I tley, Charlpum via !ovU*ort 3 dxya. — M rs. Cnnter. ►lc-sis Montgomery. Odtrian, LnmptcU, .'t hi- hntor, Watson, March, l niitli, licitard, iic Lyau Cniit'ndoir*, lH>ugherty, uad l*rc«cott. S ewn bna! K» Iftprihi’, fn<m Aajru»ia, 3$ d^)s. widi tin.i< boais 90. 12 ai«| 12 in tow— wiih cot*-ni- i«» Wm nastuo, G. W. Cotlms & Co. Scitrbri.* y!i U .iIcKiiinr, J. La'lirop h Co. la* r«/ths U VVahou, S C. Lum u.^, George Gordon, It H'-wmm!, J 'li' •.top I* Mills, A G. ofrirmr.#, A. :5. Kii'ii n .1. flicki jn U C;>. Ponce & Mclv nsit — .•?!'! I'ih' il . l-liatco-to W (iwm. S t- to 'j wt compitny’s* frtig , w if g b«>»t no. 14, t»' o * * hMcs of cpttoh, to J ll.cKSou & Co, W G • 'ton, A G SeAirnts, l* Stanton Scurb/ough 6* a>.d S C 1>rising• . Roat »ltli 7S!) !«le* coJt*»n » JiiltiisUxi & it^.i . At» St nimts, ADiiiiumvud, J^, r <; i» ;l ^ , Xt \> p tlarroua). Hall a Hnvt, UUii lwsrds J L-iUiiop & Co. Gicen <c Lippitt. v rt.K ,Rrn, Sloop Eliz Mitlgrpt n Dartfn i£c(ni.:git' Af:ttuofhe*ia. Mil. ARIJKNOXI), riuiAicaan, Beg* have to ii.fiirm the c.i zen* nf Sav»nr,'.h, that lie lu* engage J the hi-ge r.mraat (lie Con r«. Kius«. :us.l lie will ■ Oosduee therein a re» msd ncauuful MKCuA.HCAL PX.ilr.UtVX- wiueli has betn n.u J| sikwmi i*, an.I since tu» srr.val -n America, li has been exhibit- e.l with u.ibauu.t«l appiuaae at the cities 01 New- York ai-d Cliari.sion. Tin* vvli liiiinii cnnsi»t» of Pictuve«ine Views •if tl.ll- rent Citiv*. FarUes-r*, sec. i» Kurupr, Asia, Africa a.-d Anienea. I’uur Viva* will be introduce.! every evening, and each View will he enlivruca with a great number of moving F.gurevImitating nature in » aurnritfing manner. ft, four Views fur TdtS EVENING, 2Jth in- «taiit will be as fellows:— r.,1# Pi-m—An actur ue Ite.'iresenUtion of 'he Funeral Froscvsion nf the Frx.eesa Oi.rtotte ol Wales. Fes* .Via nf—The Isbml of Elba, xml Ihe town of Form Ferr»j** t'.ru Thu J— Moscow, al it stood befnee it Wa> burnt. F«w Pint—The Grand Palace of Fvkin in Chi , wiUl n.c Frocesaiint of the Emperor and his Court. FiV-sr S'ctriJ—The Cape, of Gn»d Hope. Pi, V’ord -A Grand View of the Font Royale in tlie vity of Faria. Fiew Par-ik—To conclude with a Grand Be presentation of a Sturm at sea. . ,ry Uonrt will be opened at six, and the per formaice cumu-euce at aevea, and finiafi at uinc o’clock. . -' - .*,* '.Ailmilfanee nnr.Ctirr*. r Tickets to be bad at tiir Cuu.t-HnUie. Osivsiun-ik, PcS 2S *7 , ColvCEllt. Mr*. PliOiCH return* tier grateful acknow loltpimenU in her fner.ds and the public, f *r (lu enc -iird^rmti.t the h.t* received, and infurmi them, »he will give another Concert To-Morrow Evening, February 26, ■il the Exchange Long /room, Wlitn *tie will ring t e following select SONG tut t: S»*» —Ibilce Oornum, ... ' Hr ham liosa — WliitUer my Love, Paetielio box,—lie Mine Tender Passion, .f.-nc, fisUT it. SotH—Rose i.f L ive, . /font Soso- Kobin Adair, “ fiith .Ur Tne celeb:.ted Ecbi* Song, "/liibji $jT T ick, t-, one dollar, to be had at the Bar of tlie Exchange. Concert will commence at u .u rose tttis o'clock. Abvuaou/i, Prh. 2d. 1H19 Union Axe and Firemen. Membtr* are partiritUriy drsirrd »r> aUrr.d the regu ar meeting of To Morruv. «t 4 o’clock the at term on, at u«e Cmn-rt 'H*>r. u iien ah r apectiou wdl uke pLct ami ihe ,i»ew engine be work' d. Persons who have not )U utiended ii»e meeting of il*fc a*socuiioh, are informed that if :lwy do not c;fDe forward :heir nnmed will be siiicken from (Ik roil Applicklionsfuf ftinnber. ship will be received by J. Mu Khali, 1^. m fi b 35—*~a* 4S ' Uo 1 / Club. There wi 2 h«^ a :*ud dinner TO«iMOH IP>W. the C6iti 1n.1t. a r tar usual hour ami place /• H 25 .c—47 Head-quin tets—~E. S. iJ .South. adjctast ojrirr. t'*>nurylih<t, t'ebrw.ry IH, 18,9. 1 1 NKKAL C.UnKIiS In future. «’hVer» of ll»e army, chafed will- for^ar«lii)|C lrw»p*, [ rtprUioiu, ordnance *»*d «ird- njtoir to Kernandiiu. on Amelia I: Lml, or any other supplin* for tlie use of the troops on tl.ui bv wait r, when Mich troops or »u;.plL4 dial! amount lo one tmif if the fesscPs frjr gl.t; will employ reK*^**’^*! vessel, and require of the uuilir or « wney to tukr his clearance lor Pcrnau* diua »n«I m t for bt Mary’s lu* be?n Iirreto. fore pisci'crtl By cmnimmL (Sivmd) *1 M Gt.ASSF.Lt*, [n ■ 47] atnutmz a»*j .p^bt lo (i ni, ... In S*varnish. Febni..,y 24, K i$, a ii>p” ma> who sa)a hr. na-re it AaatM. an.i tiut lie b. I .n.,a to John Antis, of Futnara cou-.ty. I*c is ab iul. t j can uf age, five Get two ii ciit* bight he has Ins! two of hi. u;.pcr for. 1.1 ll> , Also IliSef ^vT.ngirg to John A-d'S, ihoyt twenty .,ix year* Of age aud five feet eight Indies liigt.; m.ukrd wiih the small pox. A ho a mgro woman named Axtt, belonging to John Ardis, about twenty-three year* of age and live Get two indies high, light complexion Ai*o * negro man named Jom, belonging to Tihn Anlis. ah. ut thirty veaas of age ami five feet six indies high. I glu complexion. T hey *xy that they rarxiaay about three weeks ago. Also I'ZTta, belonging to John Ardi*. about twenty-two pan of age snd fiveTeet nine Ixcl.cs higlis he has two or three small scan on h4 left cheek 11. M-CALL, u.c. c. ,fcb 2J 47 Brought to Gaol, In StvaunrUi, January 13. 18l9, 4 icula’.to man who «ays his rvinr is CtlAltLLS, and that lie be* * 0 Mr. Gnnd win, of Edgtlit Id, Si.uth-Carolh na He about thirty years i f ami five feet eight inclies h»^h; stout and well tottnrd for strength and activity. He says lie was formerly the property of Bei-ja Clover. H. MCall, J* c. c. jaw 14 II Georgia Judkey Club. The members of t »e Georgia J«»ckey Club rre rt qnrstcd to attend at Svlvifc Whitfield’* T O- MUliltOW EVENING, at G o’clock, on budne** of imoortanee. feb 23 46 Cotillion Society. A BALL will ne given at the —xchange, on Monday evening, 1st March, teb 25 , eft * - Savannah Library. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from to 6 o’clock r x. the room will be kept open for delivering Hooka. Oemler, seery. feb ?5- Jlist ice s* Court, For Lirerpool The hue sirp CuMmKRCF.. captain F-teisun, now inking m, -hi! will meet Mull dis patch. For fire igltt apply m R. RinharJaun St Co. Mi 23 t l 47 For Itarracoa iSf St jago tie Cuba Tim fin.- arliui.ii. r LAlJKA. t captain ll .wne, will sail for tlie above Tgl/t. rt. 1:1 a Gw i!:..-, and can acc- nm...- nZaat l - > c a nun * r! uf pa»seneers F"r ..1 or passage ari l) to I. MIMS, f.h 23 -47 {qt For ATe:r-Yor1f d/ri. Tiir iti^uiar p.aHet idiubner Vlfil* |j[2..l*AN * , iMiriikm inj*t» f w II va*l on essr?'».'jUiKlak i»( \t Hur fj* |»|*t of 50 ^i*?cs <’i or ;/ki5. gs. .tj> ly t » th«- iTuuder or* board,, o c*:arlls cotton. f:b 2^ For Abrftilk and Baltimore. ~ i e *;.,!• ,I er {jOCIUA. I n r, :n 'tr.-, wil! p«v tivily kwil ter p.Tti (Yes’* t" pvrmiumj*,) ,«n I’t of Mj cii. Foi freight rc vpply to iir :iu; erunb*srd MrKi* »vi*!i,orL J*f iS ROGtfB, ft f> ?5—w - \7 IJuUrrr *ekn-f. The steam-bout Charleston will «T r* f -r <! i .1 !r t -.i v.a he utjrt, TO-MOR- IttlW MOHMMi. at y ..’eiuck. For passage apply to captain files-, ou board, or to Hall X HoTfr fsb 23 47 For Sale A pair of elegant bay Mor*cs.-aial a neat light Carriage, nearly new; one scc’cml lianrl Carriage, and one elegant Philadelphia made Gig. uw. .2 Tract of Land, containin|x.o* t), six mite* from Savannah, on the Salt*—tlie s-j’.lrioent on an elevaUd tin'.',Well adapted f..r ~ a-.ii- ioa- rariderxe. *itbab< 1J in front 1^ ih.i .'ispoaed of at private aaig hefo- >e th- fira* TueiUaV or next month, wifi then be sold *( ttiML- sue before ihe Ccurt-Houw, (n the c t> ,.f'-. 'ar ha!i 1 at the Imltinriaf px- bt c sales, on tint Jay. * ... - •; ^ Ju ne* cimtir.- Frhruary Term. Thr lod iwing nerenns wercriratv.i to icrse as Jiimrs at U Ifiaticr*’ Coutf, held at my office, on •he STil instant, rnadn I foil Fatrick btan’un, rge Collins and Mark lloag. Oitrot, ihat be -evenlly lined in tin. sirmiif three dollar* allies* llic-y C.c *ulllc:rnt excuse in my oilice or. orhtfu e the 23.1.lay of next m.milt 1 xae tsusscll, r P- fefi 75 x—47' ‘ ... ... JCciice. . ” - ■■'hi fid!..r p-.-coirx*. ,.ai ■ ; ilobert Gase.'l’h:- 1,p ltra-.:|i. \*o;inn.. .1 Meserve, -Charles- K Isev .-m| tilri.le', Ur g..iy, having been drywn 11 annexe at the subscribe:-'* court, as jn:- ,rs. on din 9 h in*t. and u*, n:g f-.iled tj ippeaf, null b! severally fired in iherum Of three di,liars. unle"*s lliev *hnw siitncient rm-e of excuse, hu-.elth, on nr before lift 9ih day i f March next Namneou .M' lxlu.ii, J. p: ‘ feb 25 ?i 47 oYotice. The public- arr caul o» e«l rrcci»in^ :>rMnis«:iry Aotc, fivcu bv »!»•• m»2uenbtf t • Jaim- MrtlJoc’t, cldc*! thr !4*h -f (*cti*htr, 1 >1 , to ti»n hvnd-ed wt*/ fift #A*//<i-«, f a nrjjio <<kIo« avlirrh «uci MetiJ-ck con III 'no l rr.v he having-iv» |^al tulc to him. vhich iv»»c i! uot be paid by aie HARDY KV'^-I T. Scrive-i county. Feb. 24,' 18‘9—Tt^-^47 Brought to gaol, In divonnxh February 6, ;BI9. a nrero man who say* his name is SAM, and that he belong* >• Allen Fc,kins.vicarGreenvillr court house, s-'.iir’ Carolina Hr is about thirty years of age, and S feet 7, inches high: say* hit pte'fiU owrei > i;r- chased him »f Rice Ross, and that fie ranawav before CnriM mas. 11. M-Lall, o. c.c. fob 8—32 Brought to ■ h. CHARLES, and that fie nrgro man to gaol. In Savannah, February H. 7l..y, a who **y* iiis name is' CH ARI.f’S, ... belong I lo Simon Fraser, ofLibestv county H i* sbi.ut 55 years cl* age, and « fi-ei — irah: iugli, iqnuts with right eye, and in,* die mark: country on .is foreccad. II. M’Ckll, G. c.c. feb 15 59 Brought to gaol, lit Savannah, Heb uary i4 *6.9, a negro man who sa) » his rumrs is I*K\ T , and that he bt-lnwpi to ii. bert Fraser. «f Augu.ita. He is about five feci nine inches hijfti. and thirty years <>fagt; hai> car <m his lurch ad. ■ H. M-t’all, g. c-c. felt 16 ;19 Brought to Gaol, In SaranmJi, January 8, 18:9, a ntgpo -ran who « a *> s hut name m Horn*, and that he bt-louga tn John Gurnet, .of Si>mh.Garolina near AupiKa tie is sbi.ut thirty.fice \tsrs of atfe ar.d five feet fite inches l»ij»h. He formerly belonged lo Mr. Williamson, of this city. II. M ( Cull, G. c. c. Jan 9 7 M'.tl fie *wp- 4(*re, , Griict*tie's Soil . * AMh au W41 CII 4Ut tli'fi>bcad*r\v 1 Hmu .j *j*» (9 - 20 boxes Mxflxira W l ie 10 b»rr<1* Fort. . ... ; Boxes Soap and Cautltk* Keg* l-uttcf' ■ '■*- Barrels tlc«f,. 2000 bunchesIkmorJ , Crate* Crockery . . . * 30 ream* letter Fapek, sfiq *• 1 A variety ol other Article/, terms, cash. , ■a*'-’’ &jla la. ccmmeaat ot It *— Wiliifortl of lUlter, ouefirL feb 2$ —47- .- . T--> To-Morrow, * ie WSWST, >I ,U hcntiha jT-wr’* w.or/. nexl c.i Hit i-tmacn U fifi Wirt. The CAIMlOof the brig Oi l.'l hhds prime retainin' fit SO b|> prime MuscgvaelefStGAK 25.00U flist chop Spanish SKG/ Terms mode known at time At tame Itife Tbe *uixstan:i..l fast arifingbrte.i ZIMHO bunlnn 3-T f**—weMfcj _ Terms nude known at tune of <sfe. Salt to uMMcttce ul If a'r/a^ir. „ * M. Herbert, huctV* feb 23— 46 T>Morrow, tlie £6thl . , H’./l fir K.ii M .Hi *l* l JV,sil'.ii if Hlic vffle vh . f with «r *> ea’tn-, , . ■ The Augusta i oai COM.HESS.pearly new, and cx-mplvnt in every lopxct, of iaigt burnlhtD, ar.d r.-adto receive a qargo. , . i. .. Teim—apt rovid iinJ.’.rjed p»p*rai 93 daya. ou.‘« tu ctsMifie or il ,'clmck. ■ M. ileiberl, oiirlV* Gb 25 42 Ua Saturday, ilpir (ju »«a*ii o» tub r» nx *4>»di>| J Hi./ be 9v‘J at IF 'ice*9 vAirf. for *h$7 oil eumeP h */, ^ ' Aff. Tbfc ship l'-uitdrtl St JSttlfaol CUai|r>t«:i. wi h her tackle, anil appurtenances, a* lately arrived in diatieu a voyage from Hull to Kew-York-- SAe •• exai".',,ce ur 1! o'c 'ode. " ill.fin.I a- Hiker, ouel*rth feb 22 44 . ' Elegant Furniturejj' LOOK.INU GLAS-.KH, &e. Brought to gaol, In Sav&nnah. Fi-bium* 11 1819, a negro man who »*) a his iiiim** ik ST-fiP.MEN, and tlat lie !»c- lui.j^s to (;hr»rltN L«.ve, of Sahkctcher, south Lftruiiiia Ife n about 45 vears«l a*re nndv5 ft-v* 7 incites high: he h^i loi.t ihe sigitt of hiftltf; eye. M. .M'CulipG* c.c. feb 16—■' ■ ■ J9 Brought to Goal, In Savannah, Scpi 10, 1818^ a negro yun u!» *ay»!«'« name is !!»*, andtlint he btionRs to Ab- ner Jourdt-n, in tlie nor>h« rfiiern part of Croigi:.. He iftaboiii tliirly vears ut ag*e aitd five fiet — inchest high. He ha* a>muuig’ rounfenance and tells an ctjutvocai talc; the truth of which is doubt. 11. M'CALL, It ( C oct *; 8 3l)8 On Thursday, Mar«J| 1G be sold at llic .V, v Yv-ir > untUWC F ‘ ilond man’s« trve. itixeifigfiir ligimieA , • ilk*>scft, 48 fey oft do if by Georgia -Bulloch county. Ry Kly Kennedy, ch rk of the court of ordinal}* for the county of Uullpch and stult afi ixM'd Whereas, AflcnrDrnmartc and (fobt-it Horton, ihe former of Wiikinsoii county, and the la’ler of Kliingll^i(n‘ county; apply for letters of adfhinia tntion c>»» the estate and effects t,f Rieplien Den mark. Iu:c of tlie county <4* Rulloch, dt ceased. These aiv*, therefore to cite atnl admiuimh *U andmiguiar (lie kt .dr«d and creditors of die:aid deceased to file the:r objections (it*any they have) in .m* office on or bt fore thirty days frtmi (ho rule, otherwise let'em of adminUtfatibn will be grinieii lo tlie applicant* Given under my hand am! seal (there Jw ing nq •esl of office) this tVcidy.fifUi clay of January, in h ' year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ,pd nineteen., [L S] -KLY KENNEDY, c c o jan S') # ~5 . * Georgia?—Liberty county. By E j4i Hrtser* ckik of the coon ot ordinary r t!ie county of Liber-y Mn Nelly M liuo-l* and Robert M*l»it<jih, her bind, apply for Infers of sdmruHtrato n, with the will annexed, on die gr*oc!« a* il efiaiieb, rights and credits, wh*cjt Wkrieof William Graham, late .tl»c ctiiniiy ^fortriftid, dteeased, os next ot kin Tl.est are. therefore. Jo site* and admin; th all and ain-ti ar «bc UnnlKd and crtddors fif die .said leceasyd^tu HLmheir objections (if any the) lute) iti my office *at Rlc>-boroug)i nri or before die Hr.Ai ltd;** n M;iich next, otherwise letters of atl- islratioi. Wil: !.e granUd 4 unto said a^tpiiouits •iven uuiter-nr, hand ami seal, this twenty re el dsys of Jar u*ry, ia the year of rur Lord ueen, hundred and nineteen, the forl)- Jrreiyrir of American iiitiependen* [Lb] E MAKER ccolc Feb 4 • V9 Pilots . iatfasrizt'l to act for ihe itn+egu!.'River SutanruiJt SIUMU PILOTS Cleary 1*' S Tinurons *V Rjyvton it Anitrion E hrouglitoii » ?n.i*h ’! Maker I* Uiadlry I ol* n Low V M i» «on J-ines TVdord . f f Ibt ^ "' • H L’ra'^ W Wall V Guard cKinrirm tilots. |S H Timmons JI Hale J »hns jL Foster * !r&' jr = ’ |P S Piidicr |E B, tnkr ,f the Board. • a • Jolin.O. llolcomoF, fth 25. 47 tee’rf Com ,f Pilotare Ten dollars reicariL H. Si.snn J Hi.wiiy J W,b*lcr VV White J llelxio J Pitcher S Norton K G Lander* Runaway from ii,e .ubscriher on tue mil D»ie. iut. a n.gro fellow, r./med JlOllN. belonging to the esute of txfacl ilert, ikceucti . Jch-i n about 35 year* or age, amt about 5 get 91* 19 ioch.* *!#>• *“* Wrl1 Clide »< person. He j, a country, born, and r* j a ngioibling.v.4ijeTan3 , rc- mirfcableituck act!'*.- tad on^ficnTie U.tth^ne,. a pur of white wocli, n overilll and xoate*, out’ took ip*i»r *uit* .• f • hrnie*Sin i wijh 1iim. Jli is MiapeettAlie’ragi ce tii 3nrxe cguirty, •/’he ha* a wile at Me lam. k FolLMU’* Toe xboVti reward wifi be paid to »A,’ per*on who will ile’iver'fiiiri to tbeSalMribeT nr lodge hits in Savannah g*vk Lewis Wvitnjan. •, feb25 1» s7 ,._ v ^ ■ ... r Blank ■Mani/eits, ■ Pol title •* thil office. \ ' Georgia—Liberty county. Dy E.*jah i aK-r cb.rk of tlie. court o: ordinary for die'c'iunt) ol Lil*.r*y. • Where ns. Y/illu f* XI chMraftS'.r spndf* tor If*. Lr» of admirnsiru'ion <'jj the good *r»d cha'tclN. nghlA sod credits*, ufrch »* erf of John >1 dick, of tlivsAid county, derc.vcd. ai* n».X( of kin. Tiievc sic, Ihcr^lorv, cite «nd sdmonish si! and singulhT. tii^ kindred and cfc«ii*crs ».f Ur saivl dece-Astd to H-’e their objections (if »nv th») hate) in (Rf offt> V»»; or'before ti;C fii-ftt Moi'drty in Msrcu !»4<*, »ett’crsof sdinmis! will b“ g:a»!te«I unto the.*&dr.pplicntit. tiiTcn u-i Kr my. hand titd ^ al, (UU k'4‘.h’ day of January, o» (he jtlr .-f <»t;r I. •rdp»xh era * .un tired an : m utter, and in the forty-third ye*r Amr:ic; : n i itlcpei.dtucc. * • ft. SI E MAKER, ccolc V*— Georgia—Effingham county. By John Uiarllots cuuw of tine court ol ordina ry for tbe county and rate afur^aid ’ Whereat, Richard Kicbankon, of the city of Savannah, merchant..npplie* lor letter* rf admin- istration on tfic estate and effects of Jovepb Be- vsn. hue of Elfi ighnm County, decea.ed, Jurfag the ab-cnce of Joaepfi N llevan ... These; are, therenrre, to cite and ailmoui/ti, all and singular, tlie kindred and crafitorabf tfiesaid Will home, next door to cnluOxl Sbe inan** crprUiri* •tore, without any reserve, itpting fur the Ju*. piisV- of closing a conaqpunenr - * pair elegant ftained Glasses, * do do do do 'tl by IS i do do do do o9 by 39 I do do do do oil ty IS* 3 do do do do oti fiy 89 ., 6 mantle do do of various ritM., With a targe-MuKirtmcnt of.elegant I>re<aiag- Huns, l riht-tioxes, Swing GlxiZCi and Wnidovr Cornices. . 1 1UO ,1 - . A gepeml aasortmrm of the knrtt fa-hlonaSo uml elegant FLUNITCRE (all of a ir-antedpolk.- niansliip) ever ollercd at public sale in this til ft Term* casli. jj I Suit to co-ament, r/Hl *’c.*rlr. Al Herbert, taut**. feb 15 47 , Will be Sold On the few T’lndofii .t/iril nert, ,- By an order of the honorable the Interior court dt ■ Th-Uiam county, at the Uotul hours of talc, 0* front of the cou t ltoi..-v. . . . , . ' Five Negroes, in wi: )<<ity.berthMe'ciiilitrttv and Arthur—to Sr sold a* the property of die e/,- . tale of HenjaiT.m Toraxtfi, to mike a division among ti.e boh* el tilid estate, M. Forivtli, ehietntriai. f-i.Qj— t<■ —tr ' ; e-p-yM.- Sheriff 's sale. * " On the fi i st Tuesday in March next, * Will be »ofu at the-eourt bouse in. tin tdwn pf Jcffersnn. Camden county, between the 6oun of 10 an I 3 o’clock of that day, •. ’ ■ A TRACT OF 1*AN»; . , I a ing x'.id being in Camden county, on- lice While Oak river, containing lo(* acres, more of less, bounded uc t by tUnry Sv/ennry’a laimL northwardly by Mar in Ftmei’a trial, exaiwardly h) surveyed land. s< trliwpeoly by vacant ’-t-jnr levied on as ihe property «f William FrattJhp satisfy an execution, David Lea is va. Wilijagi I’ratt. ISA A<; IJA H EY. a-«\ JrfcnMn, CSnita. canty, Jan. 25, 1819.- “■ < 'Slivriff’s sales. Ou th+finiTuet'l..y iu March ntft, , Will be .-odd ax the court house in Ricrharoogb, between the hour* of 10 and 3 o’clock, A auiatl bty horse, and a.ihot gun; levied oh pi the property of Jalti, Soalegret> dec. to satisfy an execution in Tavor of Cfiai lea Flo) d. for thgrise of i “irrt Harms ell, said property pointed out hy Joseph Austin, adm'or. ( •' •, t William Wiisun, s. L. c. feb 1 26 Georgia- tii ’cdunty. rof the boon of ordi- Notice: All perabP* anr tseyehy fdrwa say peb^J.on.,my account, as l.Will |jayju>< f a .y jHjwofi'acoi.trsctngexcept r.o own,. ' J.-ur B. Bl VSsrajUl Us Join. Charlton, < nar-r for die county and Hate aforesaid. , t Whereas, Timothy Grwnn, appKea for letters of ndmini-tration bo tlie estate and eflrcl i of the rev Job4 deck, deceased , ' * ■ 2 These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular Ihe kipdred and creditor, uf said de. erased to file their objections (if any (hey nave) in my office oi or lieforc 'b< first, Monday ia March next, ntheivix* letters of admuustratiuli will be granted tu him : • -> , Given under m.- fixnil an-1 seal tbiatwentx- nintli day of, o::e- thous/mf eight bws- dreil and uinetren , , [L S] JOiJ.V CUAUlTOiT, e c • jan 30— ■ *— .23 :z.-' . Georgia—Effingha% county,. By John Uwrlton, c erk of tlie court;of Old*- nary for the counts- and statejriPr-eirid !■„. Whereas; Jonfhta SeckiyrtTand Ann Gadizriae Shrimp fppliea for letters of artmmrstratioq on the esta'e nf William Slirimp, late «f Effingham county, deceased • , These are, tiu refcFe, to cite tvi. nUnnKun Bl and lingular Ihe kindred anrJerfiVtorB ..f tlie said deceased to file their objetii.uw (ifaM lhe/fcakgl la niy office on or before, ihe.fiist $} fit Ar£a next, otherwise letters cf aSmiuialipnim will be grained*the applicants. .i- * ,r d Given, noder. my band And-«eaU Uu« Kuiyit AIMJ tuv^inuicnU.'U vitAMiurairt imaaiu w. . ■ • iss^^STi&aSBSaSs ■ttff.*%**>** * * •« fifficch next, otherwise letter* of administration - ,ct> j~ ■ , ' ' _ * ' , : - in L — Si be granted him. - * . . . SUM Ccfiptrs WBtfV* Given under my band and seal this twenty- ’ -i u- . —■ j k'i ith day or January, I8t9, , , ‘ (LSV , JOHNCHABLTON, eci ... ^ni paid to wry ooe wlir veil jfelb^Mq^ Ji\vjITG. DAVIES, an Iw-lq::-.A the office of Th^ Sayanr.rii Kepuan/i ' •'.- - J *«!««* eopglrtqav.rluor rjtniieht* oant fii* jp m yepS'Oi-l nwn,. fee given on'wunnaationjg hUD &fc4 t li mel c* i'Vt-V sloop* wbeh he The