Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 27, 1819, Image 1

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**«■ l»-r AMmIs'-C. -A f.rftir t tiii'. fhrr wiOtlW «.»»u «i,. .. KU(-,( tf,,»• IV -ft* at »tint* cWtvtd Uto « a, r . At |r*m»rirmin;t lr«>m 5» i<» cm. s ' j - a . TffK\\ VtVKSINr., tr«.r,nT 27, lb: 9. H~UGl.K^rt.lS T S‘irt<jg© a^flJsA JW> (••.iwisrn Ttiirtf.) SAV‘A;*,f«A(l, t'eQri+iry ~f. 6 <5,. g c« '•■(‘TOiOIBW. JTI;« new Pin. Enginra lately rvemed fmo» Hov ,»*ld mule l, : . Mr. Huanteimv,oftl»£ place. o» J'f'T simple but ckgfinr construction, traw yea. fcrday worked by tl.e-(Jrk*. Am and Virrmtn” ■ the tl,ir<l it* fourth trial, tlx water ini ti» owu Ig** (t<jrr ' e <‘f tile >4.*rcopal church, ami there j |«Mio doubt that wdh * attaller pipe. Uia Engine **OoM throw completely orcrie. ft in truly deiirabic. that Mr city abouU be fur i *»f% rteu* Engine* \£/sim»*af power, ar»/> | ( tutftcif nf Nnpifi of liote to ensure a fuppfy 'J/Ster ft/itfi tf,e river in o«ci of fire, anti that /*** O'd Water waiters tbuu 1 d fce IsckI wj> to t/rdi- Vo fna tiifoa or to a sftcsiirAx; , Slwviwjf lutl tlic pleasure of visiting the t %vechiv.kal exhibition af ffi# court-liaiise* I mint* .S* justice *o Mr. Art!ciimul, the proprietor, say *®iat f think it d**crv<i public patronage 1 iie .qpiir.tinffs are clcjptf»r # atA the figures, mu**i*g hi '•teir f roper nfdcr, so natural that one wosM aL *Hii)St cay ti*«y were alive. fbrlievcaUt !*«»#<.• win ‘♦eve had tire pleasure to me ihiotir»u»if'4 piece «5f ififftrSuiiy, Will a^fte with cue in eayit.g* f .at it ♦f Well wort lay the attention '4*1 puCrniuuje of otit if nut eily entertaining, usar tv» i». grip's amusement*, but it as innocent and instructive, particularly to young j.n>j>L ll* re you may tit dh»wn and »n the short space **f two hours «%t*'three nr f »ur iJifJVrcol pails of th« world, with tl>e bit ffitts of th'ir itili»6iUiiU. With reaped 1 to the df S*<i, f must acknowledge'that’ I never tfaW arty thing' of thnf r.rlufe performed {VH&e«i»i. fr) in filch a iPa»te:|y lliV Waves. the Sunder; tile Igfitniig'; the fain, the vessels beat- ting up arid' don'ru — in fine, the vessel struck by ftghtnir.f* amf blown up—the *<*ir»en C* tubing up file lack's—the tto:«t seen to c.on\t>* lhe»rt from alio:'., n person who lj.tR espcfirncetl j * real sforth Ht r. n. m:«y lii* if *(.1 i*T 'viih*' <Vtit anyjdar.g^r, mv! he wl<*. \ r.r.t cx*»e»* rnc One r ifiay Ivivc t!.e j»J-.a'«ure # f ju*'g r.jj* v. !«-*« it li.MOriiV UUti-alt^A! OK If-tcon, prr lit. llrt i' r No 1, per li *(n-4il, Nravy. ju*r 1*L d» r»iA, <v*- i* i Cx. Ike'iiAVaiiV* Itomly, c hig -UU p^Cga). brandy, ptwch. (noiicjf I*...— *• .» lO>Pltk v ii u .j * 7» S 5u o -a U it 1 73 0 Bj k « V 16 ii VO 5 'j*t 6 145 O Xi ■ 2 .0 BJ b JO 0 Id o 0 JO & US 0 4 0 05 0 as u u o so o o lb 0 3. o SI 0 J4 i Oj 0 Hi 2* 14 OC a IS CO y 110 4 Ml Qu 1 VS 4 00 Cii*l'i-a, apvrrn. ,icr lb 'do mo.ild, do. . i|<,. d^ipcd, tin. ;itr lb. Chccx, p*r ib. CiioC'datc, iiusfcS, No. 1 prrlB. do do. "So 2 do. do do. Ho. J do. per IC Co'.'on, t«-uUi|d, per iB. Dj U[ibnd, ilo UoifP. per Uuhtl, Duct. Kuioau. per bolt. do. wnu, ' do. i'lnur, HiiUdcijibc., per bj. Uo. AugusU, do. (nonej 4 W Oiti, UolU'.d, |«r g»A. ♦ W iroii, bar, per cut. Sr SV Lead, per ki. d 6 « V L«r<l, per lb. 0 Id a 20 M '.tend, Uos'.oc,x’o. 1, perbL 14 Ub a 17 tO do. do. No. 2, do. 12 00 a iU 00 do. oo, .Vo. i, da. 9 00 Motise*, per gallon, 0 45 N’-ds, tt-roogfit, per lb'. (/ 13 IV>. cut, * do, . t V i id, Florence, let qual. |Ser doled, 7 50 ilo. linseed; per gallon, do. sperm. do. do. Oi!i, do. . Powder, (Diiponl) pcrltrg', Pepper, per Up I’iiueido, do. Polie, perAil. Iliee, pereiundrrd lb. Hum, .lainaica, per K^Unn, Hum, Wind»..M Island, do. Hum, N< *'Uii.l, 'lr>. Bait, 1 nrkv island, per busiiel, do. Liverpool ground, do. do, , do. bloo,, do, Jalmnn, So. I, per ol. dliad, u'rr Id (noueV 'jimtc Nvom-la, per lb. Bitot, do. Soap, do 1 S15 . V 7J it 60 7 ttt 0 JJ o ia is *.>d 1 li 0 60 t 6B o 0 4» a 0 14 a 9 « If CO « 13: 4 b 75 4 71 a 20 L0 a 6 ov a 1 ii a l li u 0 OJ I, 0 7. a 0 7 o IS oO » > <4 10 b li fS -fift iY-i-fui i>v etii. ni.rcrv: n ir,. VVitSi jlour milul 't iice I will m.’.ke » v more dl rtiarke On rlir suujccf of cmris niH-irtl, in «■!- dilioii to my former obstnnU'ii.s. anti l:i vi- ply to A'a Heoond inimlirr.|;li, I ir.n t ackii'-u'- (bilge, lie lias nnt gratified me witli iril’nrma'itvi Otvimrtn of (lie p noli I-proposed to Inin, in •• faturuetory maitner; nor Cali f Concede, what lie 6-CrtUfo ta*t« for (-'ranted, vie'.—That a emir'- diaflial lias no poiver to niter it* recor l*. nr to dedall to Optliion. eveii before it shall have hem ffenaft il fo llie general who ordered if. t fclie ,i li,f grantc-l, timl the n.i*on :iim1ii’j*-c of efery Court of justice is, >0 try each imCvid.i- ot-nf it's IVir. aocnriling to law and ci inenoe.— fiitieren' 'ftiuft - * have different Joi it ; of procerd jn-f.. ciril. tis well r.* ir.ilitnfy court-, hart #u'iFpftiera-iHngs recorded But so fur* from «jcH fff 1 ft Sdng interfiled to Cfiuftp rt,rir rfd-f- sfiotie, or restrai-i their powers, it is' evidently ttalfculated and intruded to uiitf tot licit nhiluy dihehnfgiilg their rr-i Khudnus dunes. Ju -tflilitary Couf <, a record i- ;i* c hecaoee fltfolficvr ordering ihe C'jurl fmut p: mse llair Afrofijs, ill oilier l i he if Ic v.i judye of the jus- ■He't- of rtle »-.ntci vC, «! cl* lie is iii'.sicut, m 4 lWt'. lin'd ciC'i item of i vidcnce which gn-v l.e- llir'e the court', i- tlm- In ly in the possejsion id fRe gVii' r..l. fir' c i*' wf:ic!i A inform n< in $iltcn to prove rtdt.-'Vncus, and correct inis 'faker, preiious to :i;e ft ml ijji .fi'.n, i; a di iftonstralion of the imj ettani e altached to tin object-lor vrh ch stutU record i* taken. Unt it tflsn proves. Hi f ti e object is. that each mcrrhei- etiail Be pi .-ftcily satisfied iry his own niind before fie gii.-s Iris'vole. The reason of the rule is. fled every prisoner shall br farrly tried- acroCd- ing to ••hire Htnl efuJcnre." li', thea, afit r alt the e-.r'e ttlnoli is tu k eri. it cl all b'C foot’d that it’ban if.iled to secure the object, previous to tlm opin ion of the court beirg given, reason, ju-- fice. fa*’, reijuire that the rule shall be sus;.. oiled, •fit is a rule of f.rrctioe. But it is no* a law't id liniif Cortrt* uiay adopt their OVn rubs of' pro- IfiwiVtnj which i'll not interfere with ti e laws by which they are renaiituteV., surclv nn ruir - 'rdmii-iMe i-hirli Huts sir.V s r at the root of ail Ti.w a’nl jupice, Rv ileprirliii* rf|tns:>rirr nf the pri' w|ticb bis eTtderr; can giv'c him linw (lull, elm A say. that the ci.ort li-d i.o • i - ‘ * rti’cr r fie.-fils * I.ft him shew us the law v li eh (feprives thi ni of this r'jjh! f in fart ihc w urt ilu| frit outfit* r.t.r.l; it tipwtrJ its reeord in tin 0-n.d farrti. An alteration rf it- rfinicn i>» i gilt, irliich l trust w iii he Cnnceeltd l" (t. lint’ if I Mtf su'Hoiantly Vir.-rtl in the pr'oc -ed- h gs of rfvil courtc, A has cliorcn an in Sopunate IfO.logv t" Vijuwrt h s piisifeiin Instead of ti.e -ju Igesinf jiiid bring sirtalogani'to thi* president *,.! mernlv r*. T conceive ti.e inn i*s sindy. fhe 0 is (I 15 # U 53 ■ 3-50 1 4(1 0 50 0 25 0 $3 A 25 1 4f c a r , .... , . o 12 Steel, blistered, per hoticCi.d its. 12 ut> 4 13 00 Sicet,'litisn»n, uo. 17 00 .sugar, brown, pe» Imndn d-lb. 12 QU o 14 00 llii- white Havana, do. (nurtifj lio.- Inal. do. 24 00 ci 26 QO IVa, hyson, ’.ef lbi- 1 V5 fallow, >i». I nliaccu, manulaetured, pef ib. Do. h-af, per lOu bit IVli'uJSvjr', [nr gaUuhr tV iiu-, MaiV.irw, tier gallon, Dow '(ini'rifle, ctu. Lumber; -awn, loooll. i brink} 20 Ou rjr'd Morirmg Hoards, do. 25 00 I nob.v. ranging, Uo. 7 00 a 00 00 sf.,\*i ,V. u: per liiOO'fdetfi.)-' 2u tAj dn. It. U. do- (d"2 12 UO tr 15 00 do. Pipe do. (none) 40 oa cbingIVs, per tlionsand, S 00 a C 00 H Yl'KS UF F.XCifA.VCF. r »n Kngbnd, oo days id prr '>ii Franoe, on Sales. i|n Holland, no si (Vi. fin llnstnn, (none) On Xiu.Voik, (par) On Plrilad-l;iliia,'tb On II ..'.iinorr, ;no"cj fin Cimni slop, at the usual rate on local AnVAMHi Oii Itritish Cott'nii (lands, dfty p-r cent. On. do. VVoullens, fifty |;t r rent. On French-Mafuifactures aJ a fid era. per franc., HT.\(iR To' l.lverpor.i, rice prr ton, :V Si. To Liverpool, CM loll per lb. 1,1. To I, do c',o 2^ a lilo l'o Xciv-Yorij, do per ihr jr, AVeirt^ 1 .Lru^mUlJ, MR. ARUKSONU, tnuxacaorr, Begs fcare to inform Ibe citllens iS Syrannali that iie bs, engajr t ti.e large rv- mai •.! x tfmtrt llmi-e and f,r will I.’, ducc therein, aw. Mg bcatsufol .11R- JV-V7CM, EX’ittlh JO.V— a Inch In* been n urh admired ib Fiwipe. and since his smisl in Acsetics. Irbas I’evi eab.bit. *d will, iv.-iow,JrilnppLmse at thicuiusut New V"rk ai d CiwWstou. . Tin* tthhino'i corjisa Of I’icfures^ic fin of d fTrrent Cities, Fortresa**, 4tc. in Fan opr, A,ia, Africa and Airier rs. Four T/rnrs will be intro-iuccd every evening, and each View will be enlirenrn witjl a great number of fnovggg y^Ji.-es, imitating nature wirpnxing maAAlr. ■■ The four Views for TH19 HVESUfO, Sfth .n riant wiii be as followo-y F„ - Firm—An alternate Kepresentatiun of the Fiioerat Frucession of the I*n iCC-» Charlotte of Wales. v fm Si-tntl—Tbc island or Elba, and the town of. Porto Fcrrsjo. ,*, ' Ttext Ifriind—M'lSC'-vt, a* it stood befu*t it 4 a burnt Frew n*u—TbcSftt*nd tVlace af Pekin in CL na, wuh tt-e P.-dccuiur. of tut Fmperor aud h'is Coiirb Tin. .9rcentf—The Cape ol Good Hope, lim Third—A CrandVicW of die font Ifuyale the ci y tf Paris. ftcTr Aoen.f—Tu conclude with vfiRnd lit prcser.i*;i«m of a Storm at Sea. (Jjp Doora wilt be opened at siit, and the pet formanee Cons.3ier.ce at seven, -and ftrutl) at uiik o'clock. .tdmittance ftm rcsTW- 147 tickets to be liad at die CoOrt-llnu-e. Ner-irinuA, /Vi . 7 17 ■Mills on Char/estonjor sale. Apply to Llooif iasi di' Sun el- feb'-V-—* <9 , ' ‘ S 1QU f leqes aujienor Usbclburgs, Ju*l M,f<tvcU ani^iui- ju.c Uy Williams: GiiUU •feb f- i- 4) SHIP NEW«. POST OF .V./F./AVY.///, ■■ f » Mn--wr.r:-*■;•■•,.- M . . ^choor>c Like Tty, brake, liar If tf. aR|5 1 ~in hsUast—tr» A^ilww O Scffln«>. Parsed * \ pj»*ti« ;>otf Ireonfia bouqt) l»* bsricn; nna ri‘»lnof> (nrimt* «i Vt:ou i»J>loaUii;g at Tlninderb*>h fiVf lbi* f>**rt. rtxA«in ( Hrig Pnin^*Prnvi(|rn(!t*, (}4 T \ H'irf Spcrily Ptace, Po*iiirk, SVw-Vftik Srfir Vigilant. Hiirniia(P v W’v \ Sclij* Mary md ^ r.t. Snnu*. AN*x:tndria (»*. <* ) S?c»*j) Kl-ajaht tli. M:i|) ften. bar-fn S o.*p Phoenix, -Mirphy. (hrii-n vtoop l>>’ligkf, C*»(», *r. Cl.a* jtktfsn Sinup Su>an, Tripp. I!»! l ift ire TIip ?i**p C<itt*;n-P«an», Fasli; R' c’. Hrig I -mi.i? \Vod4, arrivr*t?u Kc’-v.V*»rk t’tc-lG trt'in ibw nort —^lic former ii* J?, and :i»- in !*' ;fs Hook and Stationary Stow, . hfri' KSTAHblSHNKXT, i't Markrt sF’cer—.Pkiucccrnt e. Coin** U Lnorf fiook-Svlkrs »na stationers, /inUiicl^UiR; mpicifuliy inlortn the public, tiiut tiny bqve taken that lafge spaemu** lv»u>«, No 7a, M-ir^btrett, uber*. they hot. dprned a complete a-tortment of llooks, Ctyfr, and all oturr mi tides connected with the Il^tion- *rj business which they will dispose of on iiu rnoht rCAsou;tb*e tvrm.. * KertjnA vuiv.ig that a ty will find if,to ihnr iidvaiiU^ to call at tli.;. •torej as, i'roih tlieir-<XTengiit?k*»drtn»ent, ’head • '■ertisers fiaitir '.henv*UYe* 'bey can execute or dera on iui good t< rms as any iiuiisy in the Vu,u d otatea, und hud) as they tri^t m’iU give aatufac- tu'iitu ihuse who majr Uvor rthr^with their com- iiutiih. fiiqe 4,u/td arid'xi\'ttgr(it!:i. Thi; hubscribt rs fuv- srlc ,n.» mat valuable uuatmn on liay ^avtuuigii riper* be* longing to iKe estate of th? i»t< f'ntneit fcf'ett etf] It contains by estiD ite ^JU acres' cleared anfl under dan.; ou hcres c cAfed,*trtit not under dsn; a-nl the rcNid.ue20) acres not-ciearedt. There arc df.rt tlje primibfH k tide-water rice machine in good ordvc und iHlt^r necessary builuifigifor plantation purposes. .llho for sale or ipfei ^4 SVJjioes accustomed ;«j the culture of nee. Apply 10 « ftrprgB ^^'oo<l(ln(r, • i.sliti Caru-'ctiai), or /.tines Juliiiiuin. feh 2f 1 13 . 7asm On the first ilay ul M.rrrli nrxL itill lie «»ldon tkr prmUts, at unepy*, tenteem lit: A..I../10 eurJ |2 2f .W 'fpe I’nited Staten 1 ftirracis , * •'J] at the cast rod of this city. ThcyjWill be Jiyaied im° kve porisiu; the oi5:vr»' ! cstch.c.**), in^ia the centre,: mchrling the liitsbei connecting them witli the; in(ert** ilatr barr.clM, will be sold is three bes t .. „ The inlerincdistr barracks on the right and left from the centre, not including, the. lumber coo- testing Ibcm v iily'^c offipers’ ijuartiK, VTiV con stitute two other j»W- Those who feel incited to. purchase can exa-t mint Hit premises previous to t}ie day of sv(c. Terms, casiij and :>ai able in bankable yvificyof title state. The buildings to be renvjved by the PHTchasers nn or before tkg 1st day of AP*i5 ncp. Hi^h M"V»ife • (eb 13-w, Sg , . AVMfc V>J VAitaivi: •Si niful vat'MMt&iiitl'M.. fnrrn or cugipkte V sell again. JkJ» « ‘ A- THE FULL'IWING f a/uable Oiftf Prop&rtj/ for &Qle, firing ihc property of a person no wkhea to^ remote fioin Sav-tunah, and fop which Ihc aio»t undoubted tales c*u be g»vca, vi»» Lot No 1, firreoc ward. GC f-tt front, on llroiichton stnet, and 9.' f«*et <!rtfi l] '•'•rfh a Raiding thereon, <0 leet fmi.t. 5. s maU Ruildicg on tl»c Unt- t*ro- petty ir. fee sample. • * -ot fJvtreoe ward, beiscg a city !ot» sulb ject to » tjrouad rent of g3? per annum, 6 J F»-*i f^/ut by Itef defp, with a pwelling HoUkCand Kitchen tbe«voi; % Lot^fo 4, aua half of No & in Carpenter** r^w, 90 feet front ai'.tl \5 i feet deep, w»*h a large twe story Dense lhtr« having tenements for two faroilic , being inf^opt^with Kttcbei^ 3u bles, 8^c. In fee simple. Lot No 5, Carpenter’s roty, being a l\u\i lot, 36 ftet iVon; by lib cltep. |nfee« : iople. The uknre named i»ro: t*r%y « « »w offered at private sale i»y the mulersigned, nod if vot di** p.»?r*d of on or before the firvt i'uoday n next month, w iii then be sold.t public avc «**’• bvloie the cour- house'in the city of Ssv^iuxah, the usipil time of public sale.- on Unit day. For terms ai private *D»!e a;u»lv to t!ie suhscri* r. JAMES MUSTEK, axia\ f'h !8 41 Si# Cents’ reward. K^naway troni the >*.b;erlber, im the I4 1 h in- >».# , Taoxa Uo\Tsiw air indspi-.'*! ^/prentice about seventeen years of agp,_light h.iir, fnirsk ii- :»nd freckle faced- ' I understand 'fic h:«9 gnne to tfreCnib r<U|gb. p«^on« are turbid Jia bor-; irtg him, for rhetyw wtil be pill jn force f<»r so do ff. THU MAS HjfcN. . . feb -7 m—49 Mrought fo Gaol. In S.ivgnnan. February 1?4. »lll9, a negro wfio nays M* name is and ij»*t he oeion^s t't |«t»n Ardu, «f 'I'utn im c ut»»|y. lie is ahmit twtitty oni' years (>t* agv, five *'^yt two ihehra iugh; he h;v> V'»st ’.mi (d- \i?sV prf kLfe>. dh. Al<o Ha*i;Y beiongtt'g* to John Ardis, about won-six years of age end live I'ect eight inch .* l*{ iTf« k •*!• with tli: ;-a»a!l pox. ^lsu i«gr*> '*«»»*»:(.• ; ..ned Anex, belonging “age far Hale A pa-r of ekgant Jta* :i. rs»*>. .^nd a neat light Carnage, ncajfiy new; one second I pud Carriage, atul one elegant Philadelphia ir-ade C fp ALSO «1 Tract of Land, containing 3t’0 acres, six n.uc- rr* m Savannah, on tlte S^lU—the st*uieuiei\t tv» an vlrvated blud, well adapted for h S'lni^cv rtsidr- cr. v itha bold river in front. IV m>: disposed of at pt-.yatc sale befo re the first Tuesday in next m»u>th, win five* be sold ;»1 public auction, before the Court-Home, m flie aity td Savannah, at the usal hour* qf pu- W Q Jalcs, on Vital flay. Jamqs Ilqjitcr, au6t'r A feb 4? f. et ti<* iu*!n ,1S<1 a ;tfgro met j .John A!».!•* ♦*':*•**»; \h 1 light non plenum « * .- ■ c-' Jok.t, belonging r-> ;< pj age’and live ftet O (1iiA ',;*ri . raiiM.iy tlgcf week; £> Tfw ii(Hionrftl)l<* the (’n«rt of Ordinary of Chatham county will sit -a the cr*» t o*:s-*, in Savannah. *»n MOV)) VY XKjT-i\ :?; L Jfc' • f Muic.r, at ten oVtofck in tpc forenoon, S. M. BtM;d, clefts', feb Z7 49 ... .Managers A," .Issitiants nf Engines TAKE VOTlCt: YV-rf- will b 1 u rv'julj.r of'your hoard H!IS KVP.VlNO, at »i:-*r.l place, preai-ely a;7o*clck Jty oj the /Vr*4t/"»,f llaupt, see'rif. j Chamber ofH amine rvc. I A mrn.fifv m rtin^ r will Be lul.l J in tf:** In ' ■ ;' thr Evchange, on .l/.ir^i Evrt.i"J M-t. a* 7 isk. Jnscpl. Cu in in in _ r . sc-'rij. I. 37 49 jiiinilli.! ot’ihe mlifiry cnirr. Tnc igilg'c of i civil court F:.s n" (■<'«•(" to vote i-i tfie verti r.t ef a jury. He •’.•>** not n-iro v ifi. tlir jury m fl.vif room. He non" ■" v. r.iie* of.. *: i > ityreo 1 »- Kit i« * • nee to. 6afi order t'le jtiry •■> .mtitl ■ 1 — :’!■!••»•:... Pe ordtr» flier iIi-C"-. .n 'n !•• err-2.. •’ l''«'' (moretl-e* •!•.<• g.-1'.ri. i "rdori ip 2 rnurt-nurlml / Dn' til- Ilri si'lrnt nf ftm enui 1 i* * "uinfcrr. Hr <f,Sates Mini Vi»*«», >1 t'tere i« »n c<;uj itivision of <hc court, wtrifli 'e-tfoeofl,- l.hpfos, from tlir fluniNr (iliivlttny usumlly tlrtsilnl (or cmfs- '•IlhirliM H jury Btirijs a tu a judge. Im Aennmls i.f lln Sl w ill flier tliey are soreed to 'f.« Vtfjict. It »uv one nFj.cts. tliry ••- immedul-lj’ i %enl lank to rtieir neon. H> not usk nl.e- flicr it is e, 'w‘.-'*•/ f" 111' Wii—V’i?, ami j'jr-in/ If ilic f:trmr.r. So a Crinrt nr.iliil r.n rCeorisnJer. Biter or gtiunl an) scntcioe or Iijiitiion prciions !n it, being <n lieer^I to life offkor ordrvieg curb Court, wliicli is e^uivalrr.t to jn aflinnitwe tu Iris deman J of tlier agreement nr Otsagri eiutnt. Bui I «g»“> A for ointf mainrity for fekeftinn ofpi-wer inndr fy irerrrsl Jtrksnr■; *>id entii I »rr it olfered in 'uT’(t'iestioieri>fe shape. fc., ( wl*it>f iwln Z ti.e Inyo .-"timrity t f eongriw;, ftf illicit jt |H*tivts. I cliter mj huiot'k ditsent. "%• " • ’ »• library. A MfCtmgof the Suvannik Library Sr, will *ake filucr « •• >|I>N1)AY the »>: of March .it the twvbrur> at halt* r.a«t 7 o’clock. P. Oeuilvr, avcVy. T t v John 2\rdi*. aboi •p*: fi-s'c fe*-t nine incht c'*ni*tli scars op his !tl M'CALL, a. c e. ifjrnnght' ti> Gaol, ! At a line.' ,xn/ !Qil tO Pilots, . * *a* hr 1 *ur»i of comrnissidnera of sr h ensiHTit. molted, that •ii p j s's inn-’ c»fnpl> w»fh theretohiuona of the *'ar‘- of’7: M -ml icltii Itectmber last on or be- ore the mxt q.ceiiug. uiu&f pain of Mi'pension. John tt. Hnfcoiiihe, ftb 27— 49 . _ • *CC*ry. fori offk!otc^t. A’egraes for Sale. The subscr Inr oflera tut sole njfhrrt fa u r Me-' -roes, accustomed tn the ei:5,|jrr of rice. Tliey are part of a larpe and w ell disposed (tvnpi. and nor-.liv the ptteuticii o( planters ol rice on Savon, lout river. * Jaipes j<>hn«<on feb 27- Employmcat wanted, Fattier in a so if •►, forayciirig mini trim t'iC nrrfn-iard, irho write, a fair loind, m/SW pove*-t<! of ti c kiwiivledge in sccnu U, irio, 1.2* n sal'll f r ft ci.•side-able length of time in the spur mu’, j* Ii«t> •liafed to the climate of fa- vrinnati—the ;fv*et, wn:fiy recommendarinn will lie given, erupt' •jaient’ being the sole pnrpoae of thj. n.ijiust Anply at tftiv office, lor further in- fjpiua'io!’ f*k 27—a—49 in Sr.V.:Aanoarj lli.ilfatff, n mulatt will) S..J S : r: iu,e i, A 1(1 KS, and trial lir bl ip igs to Mr i 'M'.'1'vi'i. ol F.riiofi, l.f, S. n-ml 'miii.- na Hr •* nbnnt t*.ir‘j nfegi, a, d tin- f-«i fi^ht ii'e’ifi iuglii sioi.t an.I we. 1 formed f l strrrg b nn! activity ,'-e say, lie was formerly t.'ir pro, -'. ;y of Benin (Hover. H. M'Cullf j. r| c. jftfi ^ Mrougi.I to gnu], In S^Vr.nrErt PJmi'vy 6, 4 |>iy. -a ncgpii man who -ays his nai^t {•; J* t.M, h|k2 that he belongs t Allen iVikins, m-;.r fiieemitlc court htm.vC, So-.t fdiroJina |f : - *3 uhntii thjriy vnur« of u^c, agd 5 U t\ 7 inchts tiig'.i: »(js bis prfsent nuiHti j i c ;.sed him t.f Rice^foss, and that he ran:*.vv:n before Cmidin^. • • ‘ W ' U. tf'-Cali; «i- r-.c. _tVba__-32 Brought to gaafy 1 y.ivannuli, l eu ua^v 14, IbiP, a tagrrv r,l?.n viis h'a n,.mes :m I'Kt* and -tliit he behn ps i Jo U< be , -t KfaseV, « f Aiigu>ta. He is ah* ql five *fe-;t jiine inefiev h ; gb,>n4 thirty jeers ofagejb»i!» d >car oil i.js forth ad H. M’Cdfl, g. r c. feb lo 39 City Sheriff’s /ales. On the first TuestUff tn . if>rt next, Will be sold in front *.f the court-house, bctM'cen t he usual hours, Al! tliftt Lot ol (•rormri (leitt-r P) situate ami] being i;> the village of’Sjt C^aid; levied ou us the pr periy 6t Philfis llilla t* s; 4 ti»f» uudrj cxect.. a*>ns- ISA A^3 D’LYUN, a c 6 h b 39 -^-—49 Sheriff’s sales. On the. first 'luesday in Jtprll Will be sel-.l at tin- cm '-In'use in me citj of Sa- vniiali, betwfyu lity usual boyrs of lo «iic! o’cluck, * The following five Keg«or,i Jenny, l’li;'.|;,,Cla-j rissa, SiiiTi and isbraj>air; levied on as the jirupu-' ly id Edward llouiaprin to satisfy an execution ip' Ihvnr of UobrH Isaac -by vinu# oj L'lac'inieri If W F»x Also al! the Hujid.iigs on the eastern parr of Lot No4,'Frovep (jeeker ward, fiieetjler with the umsp’in'ii'lease of one ycon levied‘on as the properly of'Tfiom-'S Oril.'-in tosjtisfy exe curious in favor if It M'Kiinle and 11 Howard Also lwi> ntgr. es Cato and Mo.-e*, levied on av diejiroprrly of Henrey Mdn.osli dec K) satiaiy execuuoii in lavor of II,King S( Ho|andothers Geo. L Gnoe, a. c c. ft b 37 49 mu tejntd brfvrt my I /a*W3W4nir LVest-.ImUa «Wh i Kih »Htt «• Ki?N *.W 46ln in SarreW •Mwkcict in t&rtli ■ C*nd!e, in boxes 'Ol ne' C, Osi.aburgv . i .« tP. 1 un*lerv a-wftoQ %S. VarWforT,.* .AfoUSvC* in hhd. Brandy, fu yripr* Bn.frr ii\ hikni, ‘flsrrelsTo ir Sli^iil I i'V; *» cumncnreoi U t'dttk- *~f!\ /•mes •dt fehatv *}k Vni*»tiot) Jtn^k^iy Sur,«rfi®* FIoum . . > F y lui5f b'Artf*- H Hand t»ft- -v • - , Jch . 0« Monday* If ./I V, i •..’•/ tn Unit tin', cermil, 60 bsrrels Whiskey, vm'cyiof iriiiy:;/'/ " 2".' bag, |tri' a2'feu C'lllit* 1 JO WidtK F. Toms . . * bi* ilophje (efined loaf Vuca» (A 7V>*b,—ail «piu» under g'0u. ca«h; ewr, ^ . d^yafor a.-penyed indorsed p.per . .^ei 14 ysidnienrv 4. T . *VAic£ , - ., ff Herbert, smetV, On 'I'ljVoday BOACitl ‘ H ill be told cr ty. r^s*n'iie'fim« ;leiii-*A»c,s-;(-Jl"i'n aS.iir Houaekolil and Kitciieo tvtf&Utfi) co-vsisrpsp op 'Ll g»ut Card T»hl<| U» **» v'i dininp T,h|r« XKX watooaad.Scwe^CaKpe^ - v L doatu elegant fancy- Clmm 1 do do 'Wiinjsoa do 1 pair do ijOokinr-CIa?*, > , a. F.ltgaot braw And Iron,, Bftuyyl, %d3 Tonga X elegant set dimity w-indoy and b«4 CuiUlip. which have never b'. yo tttad- • Iflrgaoi *ejs Tra (ibina and Mfijttent t elegant lled>t.*v‘(j , X’ elegant Gi^, Hjrhr«And lUrttsfhil . , A yapeiy of otfielt AroaU* ,. •jive frirn'ripre jj in good ord/fc.'fiaviiiV bill liftly ((Kit- ft can be seen prtvjo'^a Xni lyr (if »i'-e, Cond«ioJ|‘, C,^li.._ ■. , A. Hoif^ (lacfV'e feh 27 49 • - Oa 'I’u'osday, 24 Murik', Will be si.!d in froi ( t of tlit eourt-boiuc at 1|Mf : ■ time, Three IS'KGHOHS. via: a pe nis f.llou; aVi.utSft years of age a tolerable carp voter; two fikcly von'. g womtn, both good cock,, Vaahera |H ironer*—nil wiirranted tiflffV and sold for aofa^f Term* at I,*p« of sale. ■ , Wiilifoitl A' Baker, tvet'rs, feb 27 40 - . • On Tuesday next, Marck 2, . WiU be sola lye lore Uiecourt hcv|sr, hctwyyn thf . usual h-uf-, - .. Two ittlkOTS of jjjxhl) in Va’.ftiaU $euqt*t one 5-Ut)^Pinj* ! ‘4*rtprcj'9i«( tlte jitteG^aidp. 'Xernriacasli. A Hot*c, ovcJ’f- fib 27-.——49 -e- . - - w. d-i u 1 trilll *} of 10 on J - Brought to Gaol, In SxTitmab, J;u:it&ry 6, 18. y, a iiTgro ^lan who ■ayi hi# na^ie is Konix. and that he belongs to Jvhn Camcf, of Soiitb-CJxrulina. neur Augusta He is about thirty-five years of |ge and fi4c feet five inches high. He ferfiterly firlongvd to Mr. Wiilkinion, of this city. . II,Ai*C.I!,'#. «. (<. J»n £ —t Brought to gaol, '■ In Saranfah, F*ebruaij II IS19, a regfoThan who s,ys tri- ^me iSTEfREN, »nd that he be long* to. Charles Lore, »f Sakketcher, ,5oulh Carolina. He isi'^Aid 4*y»ars of age. and 5 fern 1 inobta high.- he hga Jok the sight of b r t kft eye. ' -C c> c, c,._ , feb it ■ i-wftF. ftrongU to: worn In Earannah, Sept K/. taiS; a negro '-Clan mf.o says his name iaftiS, afldHUt he belongs to Ah. nvr Jourdro, in the nBfttiwrstrrp par: of Georgia, He i*aholit thirty >^)(S n*.»Jv -a*id five feet — i: ches high. He hs* a smiling ('cuf.f'enartS; ,nj tells in equiroell tale; the truth of which iadcuhts . 1>. hi-CAVt. *»e c oct aM*.'V99f - Sheriff’s sales. (In Ihe first Tul-siby n. May next. Il'ilt U. n'd btf n the C ur! b'omr in the ril; S,:Ti:nm:h. Octv>>en the utu o'cl" etc, U t* negro fellow par ed .Kfiery, It .1 d on a» the properly of \V:!l;ain \* Wvmh, Catherine Wj/pd, •»f.d Mar,, jitder fa»rccl»**uiv of ^Tnortjrike, tr -ivv f;e laid L U>afi,C’. Wcuvi^ttC M.'Ry-m to S.',H«Uel Clark. Oen. L Cone, s. v. c- ft b 07-4Q * Executor's sales. 0/i the Tuesduy in wl/i/V ««'J, \V'i;l be soli at the c* urt-honse in tliu pdy, be- tv t en the usual h u # LOT No 9, (nine) Wilmiiigi*».t tj’Uiing, Dgrby fd, vitii the finprcvendpi^ tb reort, helo.^«ug til.- estate of B. ShaffVr, derc .* d ; f>jr the he- fit «*' ilie licirs «»f xard entatr; agiei«blc lo an or- r of the honory,U*,f the inferior court of Chat- Iu.t. counly. ^ SH AFFFHs > J. &r>A*FKFi,$ ftb 27 i 49 rtfj’crc. <)n ^Tuciulkj jn ll*tch xyext, Betu'ee.ij4\\f hrtura of 10 afid J f/clock, Mr* void b^forfe the CoM|d-Ilo\isc i:i di«i% TlieentUiwhig named >H&H0fcS, to Sfi(: aud kirvif,rov-children, Cbarlolto and 1ict cUUdren, and Isaac, Andrew and <i*f>rge vl . Sold in uurVjiaoM: of u deerpo irl r'uuiry. Comihiorw ,ea*b*• .•••', M. Herbert, (weft jtnSO 23 ■ * '-swwyOwwk On th* first Tuesday in March ne.cC, • Will be fold before tks Uiqri-Houae ju tfi* city. .,. , between theuvial-hourir, '. . , . A f«piljf of 46u5!jUojf *fis W0man ;irtd MVbvC efii: f<*#»v,««V. H, Hcrlnert, ouel’i /iend- ({nn rte rsrrrr E. S I). fSpitth. a!»jrTAXt Gf.fSi i:ai.*5 ;.Vfjo , -f'cnu.udii'li. /Vbruory Jfi, iSlQ. - GENT UAL (iUDF.^i In fu*'!re, officers -f u;.e arm\,.«iiargrp w-U* fqrwait! troops', <»rdn»neo ami nril- nance stoies, to Fer.randina, on A roeiia Want!, cr fciiy other supplies far the use of' 'f.c iroojr? oft tLal station, by v ater, when s*urh or Mtr.pJie?. gliail airjourt to out half of idc ‘e*sfre g’.c; v- ill tin pi -y a registered vessel. renin re of '.he master or owner fa take his c’.eurr.r.ce for Vcrnaa- ditiu -jid not lor 9t. M.-irj \ as has ftc-:n liereto- fore prictic/d, /ly como nd. (Sicued) J M -Gl.ASSF.l.fa On tnc lir*t 'I’ue^tlay in March nti Will be 90hi at tlm Court- Homd,. / Oi\c iftli pf.tlif interest m tire Chai&umw Jfi.V—an.lAttlic ajlftof ((lijvalaablt «at*&|iaM “fill,l*« 1 poaitive pup, It svaUij.vrcB wor’ t attention nl cpitab'ata. . Ffrson, ft|kpf ; fpT,<o pdf- ebase can reoeivg jinv infij.-a:alien U.fV jna»te- quire on jUfiprem^r,. ... . f.,. •_ .< fjopditinna made knpva at ttp time df ^ple-:.' which will he 'jheral. , . V, . At- Herttert, auct'r. fib I9-r— - - Gii (tie first Tuesday in UfarsK - , . Hi It be tahl before the Court.lhu,t. in (&, city. t*troecn the viuolhou 'et, , A j:rijf»e MULATTO GIKL, about 17 years ok age; a capable house servant Terms* eaoh. Al. {{erbert, auct’r. frl, 1! 33 Elegant Bu.rnitu.yef LOOKING ULAJsSlL fie. On Thursday, li, \N’:J be sold at the A'v> Yyrk /’urtiitwe IIW y'iv?c, next door tocolofujl Sfielnikn’c crocked' dt*-re, */ithout %ny reserve,.it beic^ for the pose of Closing consigninent; I pair elegqnt ffarrred Glasses. 48 by 30 Seven Coffers Reward I \ ^ da a“ fj ty 23 W'l |jc p:rid to ary oue who will deliver tr rr.f | 4 do do do . do 34 by 34 DAVID (4 DAVIES, an indented apprentice ;p t 2 do .- dq do do. 36 bj. 20 . [1-47] "•v'f itur.t a:U _<--•• thefifiiee of the Savannah Republican. Da* &b6(S 5 feet It inpnps high, slender made, very sallow complexion,, stoops when he walks, and has a hitch in hia Jffit The above reward will be paid for bis apprefension; »ndfil eentt mope will I,s given on ii.f.irfrifc.on of anv (lerv.n liirhoying him. FftF.DhKICK S FEU. - feh 22—44 Fifty Dollars’ reward Wil be paid for apprehending and lodging in »ny «ife giol, a.negrn wortaU a bo ranawpy fr. m (hes.ub«rUier'in.Jwjic fist. ^ tiie r,'_rpe of Lrcr. Said wvneh is heavy built lint -qOt vefjr tall, dark yellow comilrticfi, round face, about 3u or ia years of afe. has a so* or limp on her breaw.— Said weaA.hadJ'VCd in Augusta two years p«- viousStf ner running AW*iSv ... . : William, n nab!. . The hef-al’h Jo'urrsi, Savannah Kepn!d»cgn Charleston fincrier will please insert t|.e ijwr* efif—fv w-ri fi.t two months, and forward tljejf wjf.oon^p th# office of-the AugnsyJJnagnirl? ti tn-.-Jle . do do,i of vacious tiaed Wjlii a Urge assortment of elegant Dreaung Iloxes, Tpilet-Boiftt, Swind Gitncs and Window Ccrnures. . XlSo A general assortment ,f the ao$2 iCjahiouabii and elegant FGBNITUIIE (all of warranted work manslripj.eeer offered af public aaj: in this city, Terips,cash.■ '. 4'ufc to eJtBBudh at ll •’eke!;. f-h 2fc ICv* X» W Gee*, A fai. Herbert, nv<r i^Tlie first r i*uepdiy in April* UTill he tab I. in font? of tt*e c*v *ict .tieciovd? d'lf’dtril tf CIG fcrtxratfi,.ioKA vi - . lYe /WPsL'iifiZMT', on tla l»ay,*at jtre^Jl tccu^H db/blf.- Charner . ... 17 '*&?•'>■-.•. •••• v. T<r wh-on aj^>ly--^|ttrps a* furatyCJ: ,