Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, March 01, 1819, Image 1

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( THE REPUBLICAN. MDNU8T EVKN1NC, MAJtCII 1. 1K19 CASUALTT—A jury uf ii quest *u tins morning bald <ver ilie body oftapiiin Ksuss.uf •4te sehV Lorciin, who fell ir.'n ilie Eschtngv <4lpck list evening, duriag the squall, on his wsy, to bis treat el On ihe -5(li ult at • me*tin|rofthr*t<NfchoUI *r> of the Savant.ah Steam Ship Company, tr.eor jmt j by tin act of if* la«t legislature, the (of •owing persona were elected diretorv— Wituatr VcirssoTttS, I Jana. S. Itrri-rs, ItonesT Isaac, j iosarc lUstuiaax S. C. Dissiib | At- Fill—f observe by an article in ypur p*. Jter< f :he ntiimo, extracted from (he Charles bon City Caaeite of ill' 2*h, that the good people Of thaw city ana its aiemity are about to place the fortificatiur.s, etc Jierr, in good repair, preparato ty to an eapeeted visit from the President of the United States. It is r.ot unlikely that, should he Cvine to far south, he will extend hia visit to Sa. War mb, JUid prntiab'y Aufpot'a —In cate of attcti 4H event, ami in erder to meet it, I trust that the public spirit that has universally prevailed with ua •HI not be neglectful of ita duty on Ihe occasion t believe, *t present, almost all the public works 1 Si and hear this city, are out of repair—Irt ua gild those Whose particular duty it is. attend to this important duty. AN INHABITANT. to t«« sditos or Tat mtrrsttcxv 8t«—Pennsylvania bat set a noble example to fcer sister atatea, in enacting a t«,w, that ‘ jo te. Male shall b« imprisoned fur debt." The p h l.n tftrnpy of tliis measure, and Utr Hood which must vise from it to our human family, will not be <{oub'ed by any good man. The mao who allows the woman to become hi< debtor, ought, in human right, to be the loos, r, in care of inability of payment. What dors the benevolent mind say of a female forced into a loathsome dungeon, by an unf eling creditor, or tnore unfeeling officer? I hope soon to sec other States follow thr example. The law of nature hinds the male, to protect the female, wb rn she U in danger or dillicu y. HftlVAKO. A letter from a gentleman a: F ir! Claiborne, (A1 *b:invi) to the editor of the Georgia Journal, dated Feb 9th, atatea:—“A gentleman in tine town has this moment received a letter from j.n officer ol thr American army at Pensacola, dated 4th Feb 11H9, Containing advices of the arrival at the Ilarancaa, of the long expected Spanish troops, five hundred strong, under the command of IJan Juan Marie tlchrrji. Col K ng ua. still in possession of the fiarancat, wlien the Uarer of thi* leftr left I’en- 4acola, but it was eupposid would evacuate it on the foil .wing day. This information dampens the spirits "f our citiacns; and several have predicted % rrnewai of Indian hostilities the ensuing spring, SO nor frontier.’* Theatre.—-The Charleston City Gazette, of Fri d,y last,rays, "wound rstaml the theatre Will close on Wednesday next, and the company return tu tavannah.” Drcltng in Hunt- .Vo.'ea —The legislature of Maryland have passi d a bill, entitled, "An act to relieve the people of this state as far as practicable, from the evil* arising from the di mamU rosde on the hanks of this state lor gold anti silver by bro kers, and to prohibit the officers of the different banks from buying and selling hank notes of the banks of this state, at a less price than their aomi- tal value." By the Pactolus, arrived at Boston, we learn (says the N. Y fisa 17th ul*.) that the Isle of Franco was Still closed against foreign vessels—and ;lut the exportation of coffee and colonial produce was prohibited. A tetter from the Isle of France, dated the 16 ! Kov. received at Philadelphia, states—"This port has been shut to foreign trade since the 1st of March last, but we have accounts from F.ngland that gov. Faquharhas carird his point with min isters and is only waiting fur an act of parliament to have it made a free port to all fori ign nations, which I think be will bring with him in January or February. We have had, (tay» the Philadelphia Gazet'e; the perusal of the voluntary confession of Dr Dx- asuaaau. ene of the mail robbers, now In confire ment in the jail of this city. It appears to be a Ibll and undisguised representation of all the cir cumstances preceding anil attending the rohh'ry. Thrir trials arc to take plae* in Arril next, before Judge Washington, at a court to be held in Tren ton. Vor New- York The pa-k-t ship RISING STATF,® Or.urch, nuur, *ill meet wt.!s ..Aratch. Fo: frrt* fit or pasrge, having elegant trc^iurNation*, appl/ on board, at M r K;® r ie’s wharf, «r to C. C Griswold &. Co. Tnyhr't sorrs. l-arcir-g ir^m said whip and for a*ic u su>o\t, 31 birrelt Rtirinbu , -g Gin 28 do rye Whinkey *2 G»g» and I Snlkty 8 brtfrcl* Gidfr 8 firkins Go iim Rutter mriuffi I——w- 50 4jiy WautMto charter A rmali VESSEL, to go to Nor*I; Car olina or Baltimore. R- (• J. Habersham, nia-rh 1 r 5 Planters’ Bank Stock. Seventy .harts of the Punters lljuk a'oek. are offered f *r sale, in sucl: numbera as tu auit pur chaaera. Apply tu Cnsrles Kochue", or Thomas Wiightjjun. Cimnitue c.mmiaaionert ij plUtagc march 1—sc—SO Corn and Oats—afloat. 200C bushel* very tine northern wnitc flint Corn 13 <0 Jo Oat*> # on board *>cbooritr William, for talc by JOHN L.WUKUl’ 8t CO. at»o, 60 kegs firit quality Lard 19 hhda New-iCngLnJ Rum march I— 50 Boots ~5 Shoes. NINETV-TIVO FAV-KAOES, just receivad per brig .s.laira, in aiid.ti in to a lj-gca.Surtineni hand. SAMUEL. EVANS, lle.l itnre, eait of the, dsun the bluff march 1 —SQ > Accommodation Stage. Gentlcmrn wishing to attend the laces, are in farmed that a carrifge taking in 4 passengers, wii) start every moaning trr.m the .M* rchants' and PUntera* Hotel, gay at 9, 10 and J1 o'clock pre cjsely, diking 3 trips prcvciLa n> the ment of the race; a.*d will lekv^ «hc meegrourd at 3.4 and 5* m inrctvim, (acritients excepted.) 1 hose w-iabin/; this rood** of scroanmoditioQ mxy >nake previous arrargeraenfa f >r all or any j*n of t ,c time during the cjuVnuiMice of races, oy. applying at the office of the hotel, where books' II be k*pt for tha* purpose. 1* d. N / s**ats will hr considered engaged tin I'.’M the money i* paid in advance, march J-—— m —50 Notice Thr recounts of .Mr Wittiirs l.rrxs, late con- tractor fur sweeping ct.imme, sre plated in the hands of the snb«i:nber for suit. Persons indebt ed thereon will avail themselves of this no ice by railing at the subscriber*® office on or before the 13th of March-next, being the return day of hit court and settle the same A large proportion of these accounts are against free people ef color Jsanc jiussell, y e- march 1 1 50 To Mechanics wanting apprentices. A Lad, from the country. Well grown, and in his sixteenth year, ot good morals, wishes to serve an apprenticeship to any of the most active call ings—to a carpenter or brcklner would be pre ferred A few lines left at this offie- wilt he rtu- lv attend, d to. march 1 — »» SO Money found. A pocket-book con* am'mg a ^mrl! rum cf money wa< f :un»l by a negro boy a few morning* since. The owner can have it, by pa- ing for this adver tisement rnd leaving a trifling compensation for the finder, on *pp!y*ng at Uicofticc of the Merch ani#’ and Planters* Hotel march 1—-5t’ Founi On Sunday afternoon, about six miles from town, on Ihe Angus!a road, a ailrei* mounted Sword Cane. The owner can have it by apply ing at this office, and f aying for the advertise ment . inarch 1 Jf 50 Mechanical Exhibition. AT Till COUHT-SOrSl. MR. ARDKNOND lfe # urrs his graceful «cknow)c^men*s fo tfe c’fizeos publ’.c in general of Savannah fi»r the liberal er.«-T>iira;.:'Tn*‘nt f*e hv^ rrccived, anti begt 1 :avc tr? mfortn them. tb<*t during ?".c short nme hr intend* to remain in 9a*an<iai>. lie w.l! u*»e eve ry exertion to deserve public patronage. Thi9 Evening, 1st of March. - .ind the ** i following evewngs. Mr. Amsosti wd! intiovrce x ViF-W of the INTERIOR PART or St. George’s Chapel, Windsor; IF. IA the J'U (i C ESSJO.Y oj the FnJ.YCEdS CHAHLOFTE o) H ALES. The coffin will b* settn undtr a splendid canopy,, atuiulvJ by tne Piand Clergy, and who olhutsted on tin* occasion. Observe This procession du/?r* fran. tiiat winch wr^s repreaent | e<l to tLc audience last week. Tnat wuf tne ,-m- i ceuioi. from Liarmont to Witvyor—this procession in the instd denonti is aware that •ented the same evening, but that would be im poNsibie, ou account of tie long that it would take^o cna r -ge ihe «'•' Ke/# 2—View of LISBON. it stood before the Earthquake. Victa 3 L 4—A View of the city of LONDON to conciudt, by particular desire, with the uiuel admired rt presentation ol a b IOKM at sHA. Doors wtU be opened at six, unu the per formance commence at seven, and finish at nine o’clock- ., •.•‘Admittance ttftt cekts. tlf Tickets to be had ai the Court-House. .'iarunnuh, .March i—-50 PUBLIC SALES- the FOI.LOWING Valuable Oity Property for Sfde Being the prof trty cf a person w ho trisbea to rex ore from Savannah, and for w hich the mo*t uikdoubted titles car. be g-.ven, vif: Lot No 1, Gn ene ward. 60 fret front, on Urottitlttnn street, arid 9> feet deep, w*ih a lluild'ng thereon, 40 feet fn»nt, xud a smad B idding on the lane. Pro- p«ny in tie*srimpte. L^t No 2, Greene ward, being » city lot, ?ub yet to a ground rent ol § .7 per annum, SO feet f'ni.t by 9j tett dtrrp, with a Dwelling House and Kitchen thereon. Lot No 4, and half of No 5 in Carpenter’* row, 9J feet froiii Mini I5o feet deep, with a large two story Ha use thereon, having tenements two fvmifirs, being 5* feet in front, with Kitchen, Sta bles, air. in fee aunple. Lot No 3, Carpenter’s row, being a half lot, 36 feet front by ISO deep. I . fee simple. fhe above named pro. erty is now offered at privute n e by t!ie undersigned, and if rot dii* sx, *• i.v. . ;.. se.f of dn or before the first Tuesday in next r.| the Cuapel. Mr. Ar- J monih, w ill then be *old at public auction before y should both he rej re-1 tl»e court-house in the city of Savnnnab, at the ususd time of publ.c sales on that day. For terms at private sale apply to the sub&cri her. JAMES HUNTER, ciici’r feb 18 41 CONCERT. Mrs FHENCil teiiaer* hfr grateful aeknow- ledgcir.euis tu her friends and the public, fur the ver> lioerU encouragement she has received, and informs them, she will give a tnird and LAST CONCERT, To-Morrow Evenings March 2, JU the Exchange Long Room, Whcxuahe will sing ti’.e following select SONGS: VilT I. Soso—The Minstrel’s Harp, with) riorL the Recitative, $ Soxc—Donny Doon, Scotch Air s>u#©—FoLcca—No more by Sorrow, Jim hum PAAT IX. Soiro—Ltree's Young Dream, Jn»h Air Somo—Jessie, the Flower of Dumhlune, 'J onnaUll. The cehbrated Echo Seng,) n . (by particular desire > 5 Tickets, one dollar, to be had at the Bar of fie Exchange. Concert will commence at half past asms o’clock. Savannah, Jlfarch 1,18*9——53 Cotillion Society. A BALL will be given at the Exchange, THIS EVENING, l.t March, march p 47 Sansay’s Cotillion Party. A HALL will be given on Thursday evening next, 4th March. march 1—5J Library. A Meeting of the Savannah J.'h-T.-t) S-.eitev ill take place THIS EVENING, 1st. of March, at the Library Hall, at half past 7 o'clock. Oemier, sec’ry march 1 x—49 For Sale A pair of elegant Hay Horses, and a neat light Carriage, nearly new; one second hand Carriage, and one elegant Philadelphia made Gig. ALSO A Tract of Land, containing 300 acres, six miles from Savrnnah, on the (Balts—the ecttlemem on an elevated bluff, well adapted for a summer residence, with a bold river in front If not disposed of at private sale befo re the first Tuesday in next month, will then be sold at public auction, before the Court-fl<-use, in the city of Savannah, at the usal hours of pu bhc sales, on that day. James Hunter, auct'r. fcb 25 47 Skerijf’s sales. On thejirgt Saturday after the first Tuesday in March next t Will be sold at the in the town »f St Mary’s, between the hours of ten and three o’clock of that day, The following household Furniture, to wit: one bureau, one book-case, one stand, eight reading books; levied on as the property of l)a- lei Copp to satisfy an execution, Abraham ilea- sent vs Daniel Copp and Robert Rudolph. George Long, d s. c. c. St Mary'n, Jan 30, 1819 (29) AUCTIONS. To-Morrow, Hi March, fTtd br mU leforr the emt^-h wr t - fix riif, 6s t*eeri the usual curs*/ 1 * a- rl V »*r.;rf, S3 Negroes, in families. All the grown um ’« nr m t v■ •\f lie be-t. n ict'r, rra-ch C -JO • To-Morrow, Mirch f! K FTi'l be **id at th r r»i J nee oj Ixvi S. Jfl.ystU nr-ir the rou’t-d*AJ hi* Household and Kitchen Furniture^ cuK$isri!<o or F-1 gant card i abl.s Do tea and dining Ttibles Do Welton and Sccich CarprtJ 1 dozen elegant fancy Chair* 1 do do Wind>ordo 1 pair do I.ooking-Glasse< Elegant brass And-Jrona, bkovrl, fend ln<| Tonga 1 elegant set dimity window and bed CufSicvj which have ncv»:r been used Flegant sets Tea Chinn and Wa ters 1 elegant Bedstead 1 elegant Gig, Harnef!) and Horae, and A variety of other Articles. The Fttrnftnre is in good order, having bsen but little* lined It can b« reen previous to the day of sale. Cor.dith ns, cash. A. ilowe, auct’r. march } 49 To-Morroir, -March S, Will be scM m. from of il»*r court bouse at the usual time. Three N EG HOES, vi* : a prime fellow about 30 years of age. a tolerable carpvnter; two likely voung women, bo*h good cooka, washers ai.d. ironers—all Varrai.trd titles ^nd sold for no fauK Terms at rime ol sJc. VV ill if ird dj* Baker* aucVr%. march 1 49 To-Morrow, March S, Will be sold bdore the, betw een the usual hour**. Two TRACT- 5 of LAND, in Tattnall county^ one containing 4C4 acres and the other 25ts do. Terms, cash* A- Howe, auct'r. march 1 —...-49 {y* Board and lodging wanted by agentleman, in a respectable family, in a cen tra! pari of the city. Address to E R. ut the printer’s march 1 Sj m SHIP NEWS. FORT OF £Bt , i. arvtn. Pchooner Mack Time, Stark. Vew-York.9 ds— H\Xh an assorts!eargb—to • ABmg & Lcff. Tlscon h Oruen, J Muir, Meig* & Reed, A Cope. C Bru- ea, Stnrges 8» Burroughs. F Ball and C C Turner Schdoner -fohn Allen, Winser, F.denton, (» c) —com a*^d sfunplra—to Rea St Butlej Schooner Emily, White, New-York, 8 days—to R Acreage, confignee*—wi;h an assorted cargo— to MI Wdtcr, Scarbrough U M Kirine. snd aton & Hills. f*^:scnyera—Messrs. Pechirg and 'Darnel Munson Schooner Wiilrra, Drxter. New-York. lddav*s— -»-an assorted cargo—to .1 l^tkrop k Co Schooner Tom-Rull Philips, Ooo**wh«teYie. tO ||pur«—cotton syd wSodl—to R k J Haherstiam, and Scott A- Fahm. ctT.nxn. Ship Albert, f»allatin ( urk, Havre—C Coffin Hr'c Othello, Drrrl*>g, Wew-York-O. Gsrdsts Rrig America. Rnckius, Phil' lei hi.v Sch’r Sophia. Turner, Sorf iksnd Baitiranre- J Rogue tf Co Jiff. For Liverpool The v. r\ fine f««t >*il* s ‘ *^hir F.M7A- SETH WILsflN*. Irtuboilflofiilvir m.*t<r. hav ing the g*^ater* part of her cu\t ng?g.-d will be dispatched witlx>ut delay f- r freight « f t^e rr- jnaindrr or p>*-s^ :tppl> to the mart or on ho/*.r-’. ftt Telfair’s ai.Hrfi. or io J49H\ BOGf'E, m.rch ! - # rv—5) flunte~'t ttrh .**f • 9. r fr< i^ht or charer onplv *o tlie mas- ■on b i l *•• Jcntt'upper *h»r .»• to Hell A' ilo/t. rtersb : -*-41 C. Kelsey 8{ Co. Having taken Charlfs M Istihf. into part nership, will continue to transact business un der riie firm of C Ki.lskt & Co ; and as they are dcs:roU£ of closing their former business, request those indebted to them to settle their accounts, and those having demands against them to pre sent them for pavment. C. KELSEY 8; CO. feb 25 ajt 48 John C. Holcombe Having taken the ware house lately occupied by Flewrllin £i Dickinson, offers his services in the FACTORAGE aud COMMfSSJO.Y LL\E — His store houses are now undergoing a thorough repair for the reception of produce, merchandize fiic.—and strict attention will be paid to all busi, ness commuted tp his care. Augusti, (~Ga J Jufy 1 1 156 John G. Cowling Offers his services in Augusta, to his fiends and the public in penerM in the capacity of Aue- tio\e* r ‘ and Com’nisti ’i Mrrchrnt, and null be thankful f >r their favor*. A ry consignments o merchand.ze for rale, or any order For j he ptir- chase of produce, will be thaukfnlly received and faithfully attended to. -fuifuira. Go Fch 9. 1619 —38 Spring Golds. Received per brigs Chatham and Maria, and ship Victory, from Liverpool, and far sale on ;>> eommodating teim*, the following Goods, chiefly selecttdfar this market: Pax Goon*—Vigrr-ia and l an dies* fire pel'sce Cloths, printed Shawls, silk Vestings, Ticks, F.'.o- rentines snd Threads Glasswark—consisting of e’fgant cut Winei, Tumblers. Decan*ers tnd pocket Bottles Cos*- pold burnished in sets, packed in box- et; **ni«melird and painted do do Eabthrswaht—d*ning and tea Services of Ja pan and Semi-Chin» also Hardware—English Mustard B 13 London Strut r> ea.-ks A large assortment of Bath, vellum and pout writing Paper, from the manufacturers direct John Thomas, f. b 16—-lI 39 Riee*s taharf Seven Copjiers Reward Will be pi : <l to aoj- une »'h > will deliver to mr D^Vlt) G DAVIES, »n indented «pprentjee to tt.» otfier of'.he s.vanna'i Rej.ubl exn. Davies is _b ut 5 feet II ii-cres Inffh. si.nder made, very ,vi c mplexion. itoops when he walks, ami has a A' ch in Ins (.-ait. The above reward will h.t paid for his apprehension; i*nu 61 c-ms more will t>e d\en on ii.formation of an* f ers- n harhorin.- hrn, FRRDEKK K S FF-LL feb 22 44 Notice. Unrip* Thr rviM-e arecaui.ored .-.gainst reeeivirg . r° r ,far,p n r rom .. .. * note, give by the sub«:riber ;o J .me The «eli 9 .er ^ WAWES. L. M d ... r , • a . o1 s \ t , Oeuimr, Iblr. f. • Ci.ase, master, will snl on Wednesday . ,1.11a ,. f-r a negro te>lu«; *»h h -ill Medl. ck could no’ gi>e over to tn< li having n" legal title to h'rrt: which n-'T wu ti<v pi,j by me. H ARDY EVEnliT- Striven county, Feb- 24, 1^*9—t*“—47 t( Franklin Fire Engine and Hose Company.” A regular meeting of the Company Will take place at the Exchange To-Morrow evtning, the 2cl instant, at 7 o'clock. 3. George, sec'ry. pro tern. Inarch 1 a SO Postponement. The meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, ad vertised to have been he ld this evening, is post poned until Saturday next, »t 7 o’clock r it. Joseph Cummiog, sec’ry, march 1- . — 50 Grand Loigr. The members of tl e Grand Lodge of Georgia, and the different Lodges under its jurisdiction by their proper representatives, are summoned to attend a grand quarterly communication, on Sa turday the 6th of March, at 6 o’clock r. Puncial attendance is requested. Ry order of the Right IP. G. JM. T- N. MOREL, G. S. march I— 50 The Sale of City Lots is postpone.! until the lath instant, when the sale will pns’tisely ta-te place on the South Common between tl.e hours of 10 and 12 o’clock. F. M. Stone, c. m. ma-ch 1 50 Brought t» Gaol, In Savannah, January 13, 1819, a mulatto man who says his name is CHARLES, and Mat he be* fo-ig* to Mr. Goodwin, of Edgefield, Soutb-Cafoli- na He i« about thirty years of age, and five feet eij;ht inches high; stout ai d w eli formed far strength and ac'.ivity. He says he \ca9 formerly the property of Benja Glover. II. M‘Call, j. c. c. jan 14 11 Brought to gaol, In Savannah February *6, *819, a negro man who jays his name is SAM, andflbat be belongs to Allen Perkins, near Greenville court-house, South Carolina- He is about thirty years of age, and 5 feet 7 ir.aheshigh: s»>s his present owner pur chased him of R;ce Ross, and that he ranawaj before Christmas. II. M<Cal1, c. c. c. fcb 8 52 Brougit to gaol, In Savannah, Feb.uary 14, 1819, a negTO man ho says his naTes is BEN, and that be ’belorys to Robert Praser. of Augusta. He in about five feet nine inches high, and thirty years of age; has a scar on his forth tad. H. M‘CnlJ, g- c. c. feh 16 39 Brought tu Gaol, In Savannah, January 8, 1819, a negro man who mv* his name is Uobik, and that he belongs to hn Garnet, af Suuih-Garoliiia, near Augu?*a He is ahjut thirty-five vears cf age and five feet five inches high. He formerly belonged to Mr. Williamson, cf this city. H. M*Ca]l, g. c. c. jar. 9 7 Brought to gaol, In Savannah. Febru:» r y 11 1819, a negro man h.o says hiN name is STEPHEN, and that he be long? to Charles Lvve. of Sal.ketcher, South- Carolina He is about 45 years uf age, and J feat 7 ii.chti high: ke has lost the *:ght of hia left eye- H. M^all, g. c. c. Rb 16 59 Brought to Goal, In Favannah, Sept 10, 1818, a negro man who .-.ays his namr is andtb-t he belongs to Ab- tr urden. in the northwestern pa»t of Georgia. > i? ab'-ut thirty years rf ige ard five feet — chc- h g*». He ha* a smiling counterance and tells an equivccai taie; ilie truth cf wh>h isd^ubt- II. M'CALL, ut, oct 28 208 Sheriff's safe. On the first Tuesday in April next. Will be sold at the court-house in the city t f Sa vannah, between the usual hours of ten ar.d three o*d >ck, I he following twenty-eight (28) Negroes, viz: Burton and Abcgail. Roistin and Cloe, April and Rinah, Philip and Finder, Luth, Lydia, Jack, July J B»Uy, JGdmbiirgh, Molly and Beny, Jenny, Cl*arlo!te uml Adam, Cato Pusey and Hannah, Ih- rah. Kitty, Cuddy and Bob, Sylvia, hacchuv, a nutsoui levied on as the property of John Wool to satisfy judgment in favor of J;*mes Moss, sur viver. GEORGE L. COPE, acc feh 27 50 To-Morrow, March S, Between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, willl be sold before the Court-House, in the city ol Sa vannah, The following named NEGROES, to wit: Celia and her three children, Charlotte and her three children, and Isaac, Andrew and George. Sold in pursuance of a decree in equity. Conditions .cash. >1. Herbert, auct'r. march 1 —25 Will be Sold On thr frit Tuesday in April next, By an order of the honorable the Inferior court of Chatham county, at the usunl hours of sale, in front of the court-house, Five Negroes to wit; Betty, her three children, and Arthur—to be sold as the property of the es tate of Benjamin Forsyth, to make a division among the heirs of said estate. M. Forsjtb, executrix. feb 25 fa 47 Administrator's sale. On the first Tuesday in April next. ^ Will be soid, by permission of the court of ordi nary of Chatham county, before the Court-house tn the city of Savannah, A Negro Man; the personal property of George Heisler, deceesed. George D. Heisler, ad at or. feb 3 ri ——28 StateBank Shares. On Tuctiay, 6th t>j April enrui.g’. Will lie sold, at she Court-House, in Iherity of Savannah, between the hours of Id and 2 o'clock, Teiv SHAKES in the stock of the bank of the State of Georgia—The property of Ann RtT-toins, a Minor Sold by order of the Court of Ordina ry of Chatham County. William T. Williams, Guardian. feb 2 1 27 . id mm is t valor’s sales. On the fir,i Tne,day in M y nert. Will be sold before the court house in the city o* Savannah; by order of the honorable the jus tices of the Inferior court cf Chatham county; Two tract- of Land, one lymp in the county of Chatham on Little Ogech-e, containing 250 acres; the other in the county of Wilkes, containing 2V> acres—being the real estate of John Butler, dec aud sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Janies Arinstroug, adm'or. ~ feb 26 f 48 Sheriff's sale. On thr f-’tt Tun day tn May neat. Will be sold at the court house in Bryan county between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, AU that tract of pine Land, containing 150 acres, in Bryan county; levied on as the property of the es-ate of John Sterling to satisfy the state and county tax of laid es'ate for the years 1817 and IS18 GEORGE H SUUMAN, a. » r feb 215 fr* 43 Georgia—Effingham county. By John Charlton, clerk ot die court of ordi nary for the county and state aforesaid Whereas. Jonathan Scckiyerand Ann Catharine Shrimp applies for letters of administration on the estate of William Shrimp, late of Effingham coun'v, ceceasfd These are, therefore, focite and admonish all and Singular the kind-ed and creditors ' f the said deceased to file tb-ir objections (ifany they have) in my office on or before the fust day of April near, otherwise-letters of administration will Ite granted the applicant*. , Given under -ny band and seal; this 18th day of February, 1819. [L SV JOHN CHARLTON, c e x e c . feb 18 • 4! . • Geoegia—Effingham county. By John Charlton, cierk of the court ot ordi nary fen* the eouotv and state aforesaid Whereas, John Dugger applies for letter* administration on the estate of D»vid Canned late of Effingham county, deseased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased t" file their objections fit sny they have) in my office on or before the first day of April next, nthtrvdse lepers of administration will be granted the applicant Given undrr my hsrd-and seal, this 18tb day of Febrjarv, 1819. rL SI JOHN CHARLTON, neon 1 feb 18 * « To-Morrow, March 2, Will be sold before the in this city, between (lie usual hours, A prime family of NEGROES, consisting of A woman and her five children. - Terms, cash. M. Herbert, auct'r. march 1 f J To-Morrow, March 2, W,U be told ut the Court.Uou,e. One half of the intereat in the Chatham Steam- Mill—aud as the sale of this valuable establishment will be a positive one, it will be well worth the attention or capitalist* Parsons disposed ta pur- chose can receive any information they may re quire on the premises. Conditions made known at the time of sale— which will bo liberal. M. Herbert, ««*’- march 1 42 - To-Morrow, March 3,’ Will ie told before the Courl-Uiutr, in thio city, ott-sccn the utual hourt, A prime MULATTO GIRL, about 17 year* of age, a capable house servant. Terms, cash. M. Herbert, auct'r. march 1———35 Elegant Furniture, LOOKING GLASSES, &r. On Thursday, March II, Will be sold at ilie jY> 10 York / urnitwe Ware house, next door to colonel Slieln an’s crockery store* without any reserve, it being for the pur pose of closing a consignment: 1 pair elegant framed Glasses,-4K by 30 1 do do a- a. i._ 1 do do 1 do do 2 do do 6 mantle With a large assortment cf elegant Dressing- Boxes* Toilet-Boxes, Swing Glasses and Window Cornices. ALflO A general assortment «>f the most fashionable and elegant FURNITURE (all of warranted work manship) ever offered at public silt in this city. Terms, cash. Sale to commence ot 11 o*click. M. Herbert, auct’r. feb 25 47 do do 4*1 by 19 do do 39 by 23 do do 38 by 24 do do 36 by 20 do do of various sizes On the first Tuesday in April next, hill be sold in front of the, if not previously di»po**d of at private sale. The HOUSE and LOT, od the Bsy, at present cccupied by Mr. ■ nil Cbarrier. * ' Sale at 12 o’rfocF. Williford <y Baker, anct'rs. To whom apply for terms at private sale, feb 22 1 44 Information Wanted. Any person who will give information res- 'peclii.ff Mr. Patmc* I) BouBKrwho left Savan nah in October 18.8, wi“ confer fit obligation on his brother Ric -ard Bourke, by directing a few lines to ihe editor of the Savinah Republican. jan 22—ax*—IS Brought to Guol, In SavannAh, February 24, *819, a negro man who says his name i* Abram, and that he belongs to John Ardis, of Euinam county. He is abimt twenty-one years ot 3ge,fiveft-et two inches tughs he has]o*t two of his upper fi re teeth A,hi ll*brt. belonging to John Ardis* ab« ut twenty-*)* vears of age and five feet eight inches high; matked with theiRffiall per. Also a negro woman jfcumed Arit, belonging to John Ardis, about twenty-three years ol age and five feet two inches Irgh liglu complexion. i*o a negro man named Jontr, belonging to John Ardis, about thirty yeaas of Rge and five feet six inches high, light complexi in. They saw that they runaway about three weeks ago. Also Pstxb^ belonging to John Ardis. about twenty-two year* of age and five fe*t nine .aches °L -h’gh; he has two or three small scar* *>n his ieft l f* ihetk.' feb 2J 47 H. M'CALL. o. c c. Ne.^roes for Sale. The subscrib r offers tor sale eighty four Ne groes, accu-womrd io the culture <*t r»r.e. They are of a l .rg e and well disposed gang, M*d wojvhv the attention r? planters ol r.ce jn Savan nah river. James Johnston- feb 27-