Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, March 03, 1819, Image 1

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unlfRiirjr <rt tie" faritn* ' 0« «* tWi ok. at Post*), the senttnee ot the ^yictory of New-Orletns. The d*wn irw Taw m executed upon John Williams, Francis i *wncreo in by a salute of2tgun». to.the, Frederick, Wife* Peter*oo,aA.4uhi> t* llop, ton " * vicred of piracy and tHirder on board tlie tcbobn- « r Thttaburg. while on a voyage from Baltimore to Smyrna. We trait that their late will serve at an admonitory lesson to others "who iujt fee la uisposilkM to commit the like deeds of inhuman!- tj, either for the pnrpcee of gain cr to gratify an infuriate or mahgi ant passion.—For let all such remember, that thong}, justice may for a while escape them, it will, in all probability before they reach the pinnacle of their' earn glory, overtake them. aittrfloon • atMetwwparty sat down to a rtflectiruldinner, at which good humor and igleepresided; The wine ofthe country '•** the only leverage drank on the occa- *fon; bttt-ita quality was eicelleut, and it ■ ••eruad to atrengthen'the attachment of the i guest*fo the bountiful anil that produced. U —Aiw 0r/«MU Gas. 5th uU. - - CAUTION. The tclebratcd Newman, who by hie w» confession, was guilty of an atrocious ■'dnurder in England, who hat'wince been guilty of aTmoitt tvirry crime, was liberal- _ __ _ _ _ _ ed from Newgate on Monday hit—foil don nfoor citixw. to have theeityligtod whh Ttertn of confinement having npiied. New-Ou r opulence, wealth and increasing -. CO i’£ , ‘ ed ,n W»"rPr , H»»* .trade. .»«« », t„ fulfil this great necessity, T>oCfa In the United Slates and in Can ada, I tad t0 ^ ^ rtr01 ^ dtkirc cf , bc Vo T»t emtor or . tsx eltcblicas. 3ra—I think it is fcigu time to «lr<w tl* alien- % on all of which he has contrived to ef- .,. . . . . | jority of our cititens. t hra escape, previous to his confine-1 ... ♦tent in Newgate. Tbja is the same per- 0u , r t * e * e * 1 rc, «« > '“ lure fee *on whose aMtoni«hin£ foils in tlie prison ’ uen ‘ Iy d " IB * *°, nihl P ■* 0, ^ t We frt 1 uent Wt St. John’s two or three year* since e*- “i e tht “ re - th « *“¥-«*”" sad the private party •Edited so mnch wonder and attention, and ~”- s “ * " ” almost ptrjaailed some, to believe him ifossoseed of supernatural potyfrj.—(on- Merttrttf MUror* ' , THE REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 3, IBIS. Of our friend, (n returning to our homes, in a dark* ght, we are subject to many daep ers from *s, cellar-doors, Uc. I hope council will take this luhjcc*. into their serious consideration. COUAnERVP.IT BILLS. 1 The public are particularly cautioned against "receiving, without careful eiaynbullion, (he Fifty dollar Bills of the Bank cf the State cf Georgia, as several five dollar bills altered to fifty, have been ’recently discovered in circulation. ... .. . ’ ' • na tu savawMO "Rtnjtr la Cat ur the it tuck are Cetar’e’ In a communication published in the lUpubli- can of the 1st inst. signed “Howard,” it is stated that Pennsylvania is the first state in the union, tiiat has abolished the imprisonment of fereaics for debt. I admire the of Howard, as ex pressed on tiiat occasion. 1 rejoice at the exist once of that philanthropic spirit which Las actual ed the legislature of Pinnsylvania in pissing a The genuine fifty’s are known by a small letter |, . , , . , . f . . • . I law so entirely accordant w.tb the btst feelings o! A. orll.a tween the number of the hill, and n-1, . ,, _ _ . . . . ’ , I human nature. I Lave, myseit, been an advocate gure. 50 on the right hand end. and the words ^ for (U kUUuon <jf the ia ril , t . meutol ••Bank pf the State of Georgia being ,n mucE fenu|ej b . Jt fof lhe lLoliUo(| of a „ j mpliao „ ma t (mailer print than m the five dollar note.. f [ ^ ^ mu> . m ^ cUim ror The genuine five dnUar bill, have a Urge letter Mll ,N t w.Jersey, the honor of being the first to set so noble and glorious an example. I Lave hecu much absent from the state for Mechanical Exhibition. si rut tffXTSutjtu. .* MIL AKUENONQ ttcurna his gtaleful ackuowlcdgsutala to the ciliseiis in.l public in general of Savannah, for the liberal er.ceurjgtmt ut tie Lav received, and begs leave toliduim tlietn. that during the short tune lie iiueiirls to remain in' iaiamuL, he will use eve. ry exertion to derive noblic patronage. This Evening, 3d of March, Mr. Aiu>ft*ro*i> will »*»troducc a VIEW cf the INTEitfOH PART or ■» *„ ’ St George’s Chfipel, Wiiylsor; jr,M the rl/.VERM. I-Jiocessitw ,/ ,he PBlJTCtLSS CU.iHl.OTTE of H-jILES. The coffin will be seen under a splendid canopy, attended by the Bishops Did Clergy, ar.d others who officiated on this occasion. Observe this procession ddfers lr;m tiiat which was represent ed to tjte audience lavt week, lliat was ibe pro- ccision from Clarftiwt to Windsor—this is the prscession in tlie inside of the Cliapcl. Mr. Ar- denond is aware that tbfy should hwih be repre sented the same evening, but that would be im possible, on accouris of the long time that it would take ;r> the scenery. Viet* 2—View ci iJdlluN, as it stood before tiie Earthno he. not 3 & 4—A view of ibe city of LONDON— to conclude, by partii uiac desire, with the much admired ;-rpresonUt*lhu/Ofk Si FORM at PEA. -s •7tCT Obor. will be opened at s>., and the per formsnee commcncu at seven, iuid finish at nine ‘clock. Admittance nrTT cists. fit .Tickets to be bad at tlie Court-House. ISuvannah, Jtfurch i—-it) i Sansay’i Cotillion Forty. A BALL oil 1 be given TO-MORROW EVEN- IXG, *th .March. ■< march 3—JO Postponement. The meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, ad vertifitd to I ave been held this evening, is post* poned until Saturday neit, at 7 o’clock w. m. Joseph Cummiog, sec’ru, march 2 >— -50 A. B C or D on the right, and near tlie top, and to tl^ ieft of the number. The word* "bank ot Iht^tate of Georgia” is also in large in the "",,,7™^” j"w^ot'^a copy * body of the bill. The alteration appears to hive been made, by eatraeting the original e [graving in the five do!- 1 lar bills, and by means of a new engraving, the •words and figures fifty inserted in lieu thereof, and it requires great care In defect them. AsTuoxr I'u.nn, eathier. In aid.fthefur.ilt nf the Fermnte Atytum, a grant! ORATOUIO will be performed in Chri.t thatch on Fritlay Evening next. Mrs Fasncn has be nevolently offered her st riices,and will be assist ed by roi’im tames of this city, by Mr. Bbjscb, organist, and by the Apollinian Society—The performance will commence at half past seven o’clock Tickets of admission one dollar, to be had at My. W lliama’ book store. 8A VAuVA JU RACES. of the sett passed in the session cf 18T7-18, but assert w ith confidence, that in the session of Janu ary, 1818, an act was passed abolishing the irrpri- of females for debt, ir, New.Jeisey Nevtr, perhaps, did the text I have quoted so strictly and truly apply. The Latin fer the name of my native state is A'cvo-Cate<-a Inheriting all the attachment for the land of my nativity, which distinguishes lhe nativis of the land of my ancestors, I say "may my right hand forget its cunning, when I forget the limit which gave me bird or when l ceaae to claim for it sii the which it is due. A JERSKYMAN. Colonel WiUism Alford, (we are requested lo say ; is a candidate for aiderman at the election oh Friday next. A purse of J58UO was, this forenoon, run forover I ,y iends » lld acquaintances oil,Jr. Gnonai the Savannah course—when the Ltorgia horse j ^xjcajjaoy, are requested to attend i.U lunerji I U- Turkum, (ownedby Mr. Summers) look it. The J M ORRoW MORNING, at iO o’clock, from the Ifdy BUtwh was .started ajpsinst him. HIGHLY lATERXfntATG! The National Intelligencer of the 23d ult. con tains the following highly important news—It i s I in corroboration of what we stated in die Uefub- ‘ican a few days since relative tn Florida: ' It is said, and we have no doubt comedy, that I [ Mettledi.’. church SHIP NEWS. PORT OF SAVAJWAa. m jutaivm, Schr Logan, Holmes, New-Tork, 32 days—to J I Potter, I Muir, L H Sage, Lethbridge & Co. ar.d j the master—1 passenger. The L. experienced v .. ., _ „ , ... , „ . , (continual gules of wir.d, andhas sustained consi- the 1 resident of the (Tmted States yesterday laid I Urmtsle damage in her sails and riging. before the senate a TREATY recently concluded 1 S | 0 „ p A delim-,Bradley, Charleston. 12 hours— bt tween Mr. Seeretsry Adams, on the part of the I to G F Si O Paltres, consignees—to I Cohen, H B United States, and Don Luis de OnU, on the part j Gwathmey, Ifoag A Jarvis. Pattmge t. Messrs of Spain, FOR A CESSION OF FLORIDA «o united Sta’.cs, and a provision for ike payment, | yj Tallman. E Dexter, Eliza R<i»ell. {By in consideration thereof, of u sum of money to | the Adeline we rccrived the Cliii lepton Courier our merchant* having clsims on the Spanish gov- j of yesterday morning—nothing new J e.niKhmrnt for spoliation* on their property; in- cluding klso a settlement of the Western bounda- ly lmC between the United States and Spain — This highly important treaty, so long wished, so lung expected, if ratified, will impose on con gress the necessity of organising a government for Shat territory before adjournment, and will add thus much to the mass of important business al ready %fore them. The WVihingtoo City Gazette, of the 23d uit. Sloop Independence, M*B;»sdro f White-Rulff, 2 days, with 6 bait’s of cotton, and four boiler-, to Johnston & Hills. Sloop Favorite, Brower, 8outh-Carolina, 1 day, with wood; to J. Pratt Kevenue-Cu'ter, Dallas, capt. Jacssa", lrf»m a cruize. ' S. B. X. company** boat Olive Branch, Angu'- ta, «’it!» 5-1 balre cotton, and lifuis. tob.icco. to Johnston & l!>fl.s, Campbell ic Camming, J. Tay lor, Perry’ 5c Wright, Ponce & M’Kenzie, and Moorhead A Fannin. Pole boat Je*semine, Augusta, wi’h 654 bales tsontiins the following remarks on the cession of! cotton, 1 Gardner, Johnt’on fit Hills, IV 1 Howard. Laroche & Wasten, C. Gotten, and tte Florida* Ponte 8c M’Kenzie. t A* iht»nuted ifl our paper yesterday, the J Pole boat Commodore Perry, Augusta, with SCO president communicated to the senate the Spanish J bides cf cotton and 70 hlids. tobacco, to Pence treaty, recently concluded wills the chevalier de I? ^! n2 ‘ e, .V Gordon. Greene Sc Lippitt, A Unit, on behalf of hia sovereign, for a ccss'mn of Grand Lodge. Tlie members of tLe Grand Lodge of Georgia, and the dftleicnt Lodges under its jurisdiction by their proper representatives, are summoned to attend a grand quarterly communication, on Sa turday the 6th of March, at 6 o'clock r. at.— is requested. Bjy order ofthe Ilight JV. G. J/ T N. MOREL, C. S. march 2 50 Accommodation Stages Will start from the Georg.a Hotel every hour from 8 until 12 o’clock, during the races, march 2 —54 Accommodation Stage. Gentlemen wishing (o attend the iace?, are in formed that a crirriage taking in 4 passengers, will start everj* morning r rom the Merchants* and Planters* Hotel, say at 9, 10 and 11 o’clock pre cisely, making 3 trips previous to the commence ment of the Tace; and wil( leave the race ground at 3,4 and 5>. yt. jnreturn, Xaccidents excepted.) Those w ishing this mode 9 f accommodation may make previous arrangements for all or any part of the time during tlie continuance of races, by applying at the office of the hotel, where book* will be kept for that purpose. ... • P S. jfo seats wHJ be considered engaged uh less the money is paid in advance, march 1 yt—1—50 Tax Collector*? yalef. On the fret Tuetdag in May next. Will be will at ibe court bouse in ibe city of Sa vannah. between tbe hpurs of W and 3 o’clock, the following property, or to much thereof as »ill s.tniy til. taxes and coat.: All that tract of Land on the' laland'of St Ca- Ilierine’s, containing 130 acres, more or |cs,t ad joining-lands of Messrs Wsidborg* and colonel James Jufanstun. Do the premises arc > cotton and gin bouse .nd nejyro houses—levied on ss the properly of estate David JuLniton to satisfy the •tale and county tax of said estate for the year 1818—amount g2 86 All tlist 45 acre Lot, about three tnilci from Savannah, adjoining lands of Jonathan Cline and oiliersi levied on as the property of estate of John E Hartridge to satisfy the state and county tax of said estate for ibe year 1018—amount gdl 25 All that tract of Land, abi ut two miles from Savannah, containing 130 acres, more or test, for merly Savary’si levied on as the proputty-of estate of Joseph Uoquillo to satisfy the stste and coun ty tax of said estate for the year 1818—amount 2,2 16 All that Lot in tlie city »f Savannah, known by the number 10. UelHha tythinjp, llesthcoat ward, with tlie improvements thereon; levied on sa the property of estate of John Goodwin to satisfy the state and county tax fur 1818—amount £6 64 James Kp[linger, t. c. c. d. march 3—| 5* Dearborn's Patent Balances. The subscriber has just received ail extensive assortment of Drtrboiru’a Patent Balances, direct from hi, manufoetorjc, which he-oiltrs for sale at Abe manufaeuirerV invoice prices. William Woodbri*};t‘, rxartheatt.earner of the Exchange. jsn 22 % 18 Duuglase Sorrel UATE FOR SALS, XU STORE 40 pipes real Hotl uul Gin 6 do old L 4* Tenerdf Wine 30 hhds and 20 barrels rye Whiskey 10 barrels country Gin 600 do Howard street and Richmond Flour 40JU bushc Is white Corn in qtiaatities to siut pur chasers Gunpowder, imperial and hyson Teas* in small packages Vest Havana Cigars Molasses in hogsheads, &c fell 26—.—r!| 414 Spring Goods. Received per brigs Chatham and Maria, and fillip Victory, Ooti Liverpool, and for sale on ac commodating terms, the following Goods, chiefly selected for this market: D»t Coot>s—Vigonia and landies* fine pelisse Cloths, printed Shawls, silk Vestings, Ticks, Flo rentines and Threads Glassware—consisting of elegant tut Wines, Tumblers, Decanters and pocket Bottle* Carst—gold burnished in setr, p;-cked in box- e«; enamelled and painted do do Earthen-wart — dining and tea Services of Ja pan and Semi-China ' ALSO Hardware—English Mustard U B London Stout in ca-ks A large assortment of Bat)), vellum and post ritiiig Paper, from the manufacturers direct John Thomas, feb 16 tl 59 Mice’s -m/iarf EQotf Auiyriojf. This Ev^Qia^, March ^ mft CaSette! Shod** nr* brick ntirl, direct!? heuk1 /• «£. White C9 v\2 |f r5**liake<f THE H.U.ri * * : books?, . , at hcrftofofe ad vert Led f rh* coBtcUrn valuiff hie and comprLe^ several thubMttd %oh;«ie u Sale to ctitmtHCZ u ct»r.*p cuncie tight. Williford hj* liuker, auci'rS. march 3——51 TorMorrow, instant, 1 IVill bp sold on John-Jj'uuter’s tcnuif, 50 (airch n.cii Potk 60 kegs LarO. raperiov quality ^ >tna *' ** pNof siio. Far Qeeeunt cf (he Imdrrutri;cri omL txS Csuforeril 4 pieces U usburgs, damairea ob life c^ruge to Savannah Terms Uhetal and majelmovn at' time of Suit is ttmrncr.ce of II t’ciocb. Herfetrtjfqcf’f. march 3 - -51 Un Tuwday^ ihfrIJtli instant' Will b. o tiered for sale at ouiihc sire turn, m front The CARGO of ib. brig Anton, from llfeeler, consisting of 68 balil, i.nJ eases of Rouatl., VlstiUss, Cholrtx, brown and,alike ItuEs, SLirtin^, fone»i, QsuxLurgs, Heuiaai, tteeden, "Xilteh Wf' Burlaps 38 casks ani bampere lloult* V 2t> boxes Tuplblcra and IniuiffTS 2 casks Marbles 2 ilo' Coffie MiH. 1 case Fiddles Travelling I. quor Cities, fcit Also An lnvoice of CHINA WAKE, conftijijflfr Cups and Sauser.-, Plates ' . Dinner S.i, &c 1 box Slates 1 do slate Pencil, 1 do SnulMlo.ics 1 cask Flints, Ac Terms made known at time of salt Sate to commence at 11 t'etude. M. Hubert, and.) - James Hunter, $ On Tuesday 9th Marc^j Wilt be sold in front of the Ejcchavgf, . AT 12 O'ciax ft A PEW in Chrint church, Nc 63. »h fee'simply. W’illifonl & Maker, aueCrs. feb 20 4? Handsome mahogany high post Bedsteads Savannah Poor House f Hospital- Bedstead, .nd crib Cradle. VISITiHG COMMITTEE so» March and Afrit. Jams Monniaox am] Ebje.vuzxr P. Hum. Joseph Cuinming, sec’ry. march 2 51 The Business Heretofore carried on in Augusts by Alexander Bertram & Co will be continued by the subscri ber* under the finn . ,f Carrulhers, Bertram St Co, John C^rruthers. J nines Carruthers. Ahel Bertram. Au-ir.ta, Feb 19, 1819—r.~51 Notice. The copartnership of Jons Boorx & Co. Savan- ih; and of William Gmso>* U Co. of Livernool; : pi red on th 25th day of January last, as Taras sntets tl*e subscriber. All demands against the former concern must be Tendered to him without delay. The business will in future be carried by the undersigned in his own name, and on hi» le account. JOHN HOGUE, march 2 at 51 Hmter s wharf. William Barnes, CABINET MAKER, FROM SEW-fOIlK. At his store in Bernard street, near the Bay, has <m had, per recent arrivals, a gencaral assort ment of Cabitiet Furniture, Looking-Glasses Fancy and Windsor Chairs, &.c Elegant Sideboards of various pattern* Secretaries and Bookcases and Secretary Set* id* dining Tables and dining do Pillar and claw card and breakfast do Elegant ladies* toilet Glasses, with end without drawers Gilt chimney and pier Glasses Rose wood cane bottom, rose wood rush bottom, fancy and Windsor Chairs Spy Glasses and a few Pictures AU of which he will sell very low for cash.-— Those who want any of tlie above articles will find them worthy their attention, jan 28 f 23 Chamber of Commerce Rules, With the new rates, as revised at a meeting on the 14th of January, just published and for sale by W. T. WILLIAMS, feb 20 m Mf 43 Rlegant Furniture, LOOKING GLASSES, &c. Ou Thursday, March 1J, Will be sold at tbe JVew York Furniture Were, haute, next done to colonel bhelmau's crockery store, without any reserve, ii being for tlie pur pose of closing a consignmei t-. 1 pair elegant trameil Glasses, 48 by 30 1 do do do do 44 by 29 1 do do do do 39 by 23 1 do do dp do 38 by 24 , 2 do do do do 36 by 2d 6 mantle do do of various kiteh With a lalge assortment of elegant Preesirg- Boxes, Toilet-Boxes, Swing Glasses and y/uidc'ly Cornices. *L60 A general aissprtinrnt of the Host fiuhlonibfo and elegant FIj H NI I I HF. (all of warranted work manship) ever offered at public sde in this city?' Terms, cash. ' ■ Sale ft commence o# II o'clock. M- Herbert, aacf’f., fob 25 47 r • [ton, and J. Carruthers. th: FloriJas, and an adjustment ofthe boundary ine. Ar, importsnt feature of this treaty has just been .diseloacj to us, Irani a respectable sourer, which ■let hasten ta lay before our readers, touching our •Southern aotl Western boundarie.-: the limits are proposed as follow; “From the Gulph of Mexico, along the Snhine "’to the Louisiana line; thence to the lied River; -thence along tfi* Red River tn the 100th deg. of ••West longitude; thence along the 120th dt g. nf -West longitude to lhe Arkansaw river; I hence THtp the same to its source; thence to the 41st de- - -grea of iwt thence along th.t to th*Multno- -Ulih rinfr; thence along that riser to the 42 deg. n u f lit. thence to the Factfic Ocean." ruiixii, French brio La Sophie Deschamps, Rouen—JJu- AumW U .ivxc Schr F.tri.a. Phi..ney Elisabetli city (s. r.) Sloop gen. tVa-iiington Coats Charleston. London fashionable Ready .Made CLOTHING. The inbibitAnts cf thi* ci^v and the puMic are I reaprctfully informed, that there :$ jtisc ope-*ng I on the Bay, three doors from Drayton street, an | extensive :.nd e legant a^sortnient nf Ready Made Clothing, warranted ot tlie best workmanship; and superior I West of England CLOTHS, lately iinpo^td by It is thought the senate will not, without strong VZTlUow™" 1 L< ”‘ Jon ’ Cba -’ iesu,n - opposition, relinquish the territory between the I „„) shawls from 4 to g6 Sabine and the Rio del Norte, the 1 ne cf demar-1 ix> Pelkses. very •uperior, trin-arntd and plain, kation originally contended (or; a kague of which 1 frw^m 9 to - - , j ten »Kas i? I Young mn?5e* and childrens do do from 4 to gwO deemed of more value to the U. States, Geml J men . s „ fra su;)Cr West of England dress (and wliidv woisU include a s'.onsiderahle portion J Coats, blues, blacks, browns, bottle green cf sex-board on the Gulf of Mexico,) than the j Coburg and olive colors from 18 to S-8 j Gentlemen’s drab, curricle. Waterloo, driving and box Coats, silk faced, superior arti cles, from oo to g45 Waterloo, pel.sse and Gioueester Coats of ail colors, silk faced, from 24 to §34 Pantaloon Trowser* of all eolers, from 7 to 011 A choice and selected assortment of Waistcoats, • } from 2 to g5 A I-,ter from a fflerobtr of congress, listed 22d j Flushing Cuats, from T to S 1 - ** ... .... I lln. »_ P".. il. v ref .Uv/'fi' Seven Coppers Reward \<-,h be paid to ary one u ho will deliver to me DAVID G- DAVIES, an indented apprentice to the office of the savannah Republican. Davies is about 5 feet 11 inche.* high, slender made, very sallow complexion, stoops when lie walks, and has a h'teh ui his gait. Theab «w reward will be paid for l.ii. apprehension; and 6i cents more will g’Vrn on information of anv person harboring ^ ^ FREDERICK S. FELL. Information Wanted. Any person who will give information res pecting Mr. Patrick D Ho cuke, u1io left Savan nah in October 18' 8, will confer an obligation on his brother Richard B -urke, bv directing a few lines to me cm tut tirum &uvr*nun step utrU^aK an 22—ak*—IS fiholr territory west of the Rocky Mountains, Xfcst, for eenUirirs to tome, can be of very little irr port twee to the V. State,. We trust the seuste | GfnUeme^s*’ W Will not agree to it. We m»y expect to hear their dic'ision on the treaty to-day. Negroes for Sale. The subscria.r offers tor sale eighty four Ne groes, accu-toaieil to the culture oY rice. Thev are 7art of a large and veil disposed gang, anil worthy the attention ot planter, ol rice on Savan nah river. James Johnston fob 27 49 Notice. All persons having demands against the estate of Georgs Heisler are requested to present them duly attested, and those indebted will make im* mediate payment to Geor?e D. Ileisler, admAar. j»n 13 f—14 «ays. I am induced to before: that the 17,3- I Clothing of every deiarription 1 am muwBvu I children’s Dresses, ltisles and Drnmarka, From 6 fed Stares’ Bank »«< ^ » f *«* I to gs the renste and bouse of repressnUtire, not only j A hand oime sssortroent of ladies' and gentlt- Stn.hurt. hit greatly improved «d invigorated" The republicans of MessachUsetta have fiomi- tnted the bon. Benj. W..CrowninJmU, for gov. .rnor, and the hon. Benjamin Auitn, at licuren .r.t puvcrnnf of that stale, and recommended them for »u opt If. ,Yhe federal candidaiea are, his tkoeUrtiuy dohu Btodlq^ and *» honor William men’s extr* fine cotton Stockings, Gloves Braces, lamb's wool Drawers, watch Ribbons, &c AL9* Surrc clerint Broad Swords The *1)*.vc goods to be sold wholesale or retail for ea»h * march 3 ■ - ■•< 52 Wanted Immediately . K single Man, qualified in ir-kj g bricks. Ap- Rly to the editor. enarrh ? T - 51 John C. Holcombe Having taken, the ware house btely occupied by Flrwellm Sc Dick ir son, offe-» his services in tbe KIOTO MAGE and COMMISSNKY Z/A£ — His store b uses are now undergoing a thorough repair for the reception of produce, merchandize &C.—- and strict attention will be paid to all busi, ness committed to his care. -i, — . i*. “ jiugux*, ( Gn.J July l——j-—156 John G. Cowling Offers his 'ervices in Augusta, to his friends and the public in general, in th£ capacity of Aut^ Ounce- and Ccnnuiivn Merc hunt, and will be thankful f«»r thfir favors. Any consignments o merchandize for sale, or any orde^ tor lhe par ciiase of produce, w ill be thankfully received and faithfully attended to A*e*ti*, Go, Feb. 9,1319-art-S3 Brought to Gaol, In Savannah, February 24, 1819, a negro man who says his name is Abbam, and that he belongs lo John Ardis, of Putman county. He is about twenty-one years of age, five feet two inches high, he has lost two of hi* upper fore teeth. Also Harrt, belonging to John Ardis, about twenty-six years of age and five feet eight inches high; marked with the small pox. Also a negro woman named Amet, belonging to J:,hn Ardis, about twenty-three years of age and five feet two inches high, light complexion. Also a negro man named John, belonging to John Ardis, about thirty yeaas of age and five feet six inches high, light complexion. They say that they ranatyay about three weeks ago- Also Pkteh, belonging to John Ardis, about twenty-two years of age and five feet nine inches high; he has two or three small scars on his left cheek. H. M'GALL, c. c. c. feb 25 47 Brought to Gaol, In Savannah, January 13,1$19, a mulatto mao who says his name is CHARLES, and that he be longs to Mr Goodwin, of Edgefield, Soutb-Caroli- na. He i« about thirty years of age, and five feet ei^ht inches high; stout and well formed for strength and activity. He savs he was fopmerl .he pro, env „r R-ai. e c _ jan 14- 11 Brought to gaol, In Savannah, February 14, 1819, a negro man who says his names is BEN, and that he belongs to Robert Fraser, of Augusta. He is about five feet nine inches high, and thirty years of age; has a scar on his foreht ad. ih M‘Call, g. c. c. feb 16—■—S9 • i Brought id Gaol, In Savannah, January 8, 1819, ant ^ro man who lays b's nam: is Uosm, and that he belongs to Jnlin Garnet, of South-Carolini, near Augusta. He is about thirty-five years nf age and five feet five inches high. He formerly belonged to Mr- Williamson, at this city- - H- M-Catt, u. c. c. jan 9 —7 . j brought to gaol, IA Savannah. February 11. 1819, a negro,pun who say* hi. name is STEPHEN, and-that he be. long, to Charles Love, cf Sal'leetdjer, South- Carolina. He is about 45 year, uf age. and 5 feet 7 incheshighi lie hasJqst ’"belight of hisleft eve. •a.M’eall.ti- e.,c. feb 16—i—39 tf ' " ” Brought , to Goal, In Hannah, iyrpt 10, 1818, a negro .man aiho says hts name is Hag, andtjut be pelqnga ja Ab ner Jourdeji. in tlie northnesternpir' of Georgia. He is about thirty years of age and five,fret.—— inches high. He has a smHirg countenance and tells an equivocal ode; tbs (ruth of ia doubt- H. M'CALL, etc octse 303 On Thursday, the J8th March uext f 6c sold at the dwelling Louse of JMr. George Myrrs, in Broughton street, Household and Kitchen Furpitfirpj a.mono which ajik 1 elegant Sideboard 1 set dining, card and tea Tablet 1 handsome pair pier li loosest 1 do Piano Forte X Secretary—Turkey Carpets X eight day Clock 2 sets And-lrons, Shovels, and Tongs, wilk Fenders * • T 1 mahogany Bedstead China, Crockery and Glassware, vitli A variety of other Article* Sale to eommfnct at 11 o'clock. A- Kuwe, aycPt ' V. B. The Dwelling House occupied as above will be leased for one or more years, and posses sion given op or before the firn* of May next — Apply to Mr George Myeys, oc to A. Ho we. feb 19- 42 Executor’s sale. • Oa Thursday, the 1 Bib March next, Will be sold before my store. All the Goods and Effects of Mr Francis PoJ- ticr, deceased; consisting Gold Watcher, patent levers, repejitep and plaiy Stiver ditto r dp do “ J; ' Gold Chains Gold Seals and Keys Gold Breast-Fins Plated Ware, and A variety of JEWELRY Terms, cash. Sale ,0 tet, 4—t——29 Executor's sales. On Friday, the 5iji day of March next, Will be sold at the court house, in Savannah, be tween the hours of Jen and two o’clock. Thirteen LOTS, immediattiy adjuring the city of Savannah, being pert of the real estate ol" the late Thomas Hogg, deceased—sole! by directions contained in hia last will and testament, for the benefit pf the heirs of raid estate-' A plat of tbe said lafs will be exhibited at' thf sale. George Anderson,? , James Johnston, J f ■ ori " jJ" The above sale is posiponed to the Tues day following, at the front of the Exchange, at 12 o’clock. Williford &. Baker, auct'rn. jan 23 Mr-19 " ' On tlie jlrst iu Aprjl Will be told in front <J the coun-/,oute, tj Htf previoutlu ditp**td rf at private i.a‘- TJie BOUSE anJ LOT. ,.,]On the Bay,' at present , ccj;;itd by M Charrirr. Sale (ft 1? a’ciicj?. Willifcirt <V H'tker, flVfi’i ■ To whom apnly for terms at private sale. Aj&wiiiitraiePs golf l tin the fit ft Tue day in Apr,! vest. WU be void, by permL-ii'VO of the court of ordf nary of Chatiiam couatv. brforc tfcc.Court-houi* in the city of Savannah, A Negro Man; .the personal property qf Getfqre Heisler, ^ecceaefo' George D- Heialer, adny'er i ffo 3- 1 ‘pP