Newspaper Page Text
. f
*i !W':.
jv\». 179—^01. xni
Whole No. 3895.
Puor-House and Hospital
The Commissi'jners of the Savannah Poor-House
•fld Hospital lottery, have Hie pleasure to an*
flounce to the public that I he drawing* will c*>m-
Jfleoce on the n»at day of December next, in the
longrqoip of the • Exchange. This day must|e
r P7 Interesting to every friend of iJiat moat val
tikbtp institution; beside* Uie many valuable prize:
will be awarded to adventurers. In conae<
ajuence of the small number of tickets, an curly
gFLaw Office."
The subscriber will attend in iiis professional
business when ever called upon. He may be
found at the Gschange or in ItrmigMon-street, at
Mrs. Youngs. JOHN 1>. LEWES,
july *9 ——63
- tpid rapid rise must take place in (he price of tick
. Saxannnh, Aug 21 - —• 7<
Fellow Citizen*/
fr. in a candidate fur CLKItK OK THE MAR
KEfr if elected, pledge my*elt for the perform
A'tct of tbe duties of the office.
Hubert Christie
To the Public.
• f'effr u a candidate for Clerk of the Mmkets
'd efected will endeavor to disenanre fl,e duties
.beteoft' JOHN PH,LOW
*'>Jf f2——-74.
£7*William Starrwilt’bo a can-
dl.UlSe f.rr CLfc.UK OP i tiE .MAUKtr, at the en
ewjnt elecrLm.
slaving understood from several persons, that n
fr report is circulated. tha* lama camiudte for
cierk of the n^rke* miJv f-r the purpose of ft-
v iring the elec*ion of-J/r. JfilUn, 1 take this me.
ti.s-d of informing thv otibhc that the report is
v> i hout foundation, arid *6 only calculated to de-
vove those who are dNpo-rd to favor toy elec-
* >a to that office—iny UFe^ing is with a view to
st y awn benefit only, WILLI AM bTAUK
"■ !.•-• unfinished buditcsa of the late firm of Hutu!
f* will be itl'ended to by the subscribers
v:-.» uemend into copartnership, tender
tlv ir‘}?nd -ational services totltrir friends.—Their
«;ih e w in the new brick building at the cofhti
i ; 5s.» .ad Will laker street,over» f ;
Criirvker/ »ioic.
Jdinoa Morrison,
*' John C. Nicoil.
jtdy 15—5?
, The, Cnpartnrrsliip of Wn.UAM.oir St Di Vn-
jms «.jj.irc» this d iy iy its ii Dilation. Joaw P
WitLiAM.iiM is hereby mvtlioriseil to settle and id.
. jd't ..I me account!, of tint concern. Those in-
Ueb.eil . ill call and pay or liquidate their balances,
and those having due-oids will present them for
payment. .104V P WILLIAMSON.
Sscnnnsl., tlth nif <«. ' Xl^iT—75
The undersigned intciitiing to continue to de-
ote ali his time and iiis attention Vo the Factor-
c,rc ami Commhsion Busiucus, offers Iiis best ser
vices to his friends and to all lho$e who may be
leaded to favor him. *lie will, until further no*
;.c *. keep his office ip the counting-room of
* ’tarx It Richardson & Co and have the pro
duce and merchandise, that slull be consigned to
uni, stored in liolumS fire-proof buildings.
Petit Re Viiters.
Savannah. ll?h Vngnit, 1819- rv 75
Bills of Exchange
On London, Glasgow, Manchester and Liver
pool, payable in London, for sale by
John Speakinan cV Co.
aprif 56——08
The Subscribers,
Offrr tor Vale, a|» invoice, containing
10 b iles rose Blankets 8-4 a I S -4
JO bides Loudon quflii Blankets, assorted sh^es
2 btle* bine Plains
2 bide* Catsxmeres,assorted cofort & prices
6 bales 64 Cloths , do civ do
2 .hale« wrapper great Coats
The *bn*e i?‘*ods being fairly charged, and
comprising a g**od assortment of heavy woolen*/
for an eslubli.-Hment in. Savannah or Aagu-fa. wiil
be sol ^at a moderate advance and on liberal cre
dit for approved paper, 11*. clo<e sales.
JaiAes Dickson &-Co.
rtlg 1(1-
Received,from, /Liverpool,
New Summer Goods.
By the ship Emily, just arrived from Liver
pool, the rubMtiiber. have received a supply ol
Seasonable Articles;
which makes their assortment more general and
extensive tlian at any former period—and w*d be
eolrlat a low advance, and long credit gi»en ior
approved paper. ANTXUEW 1.0W CO.
an ril 17—r 9» - ~
Bank of Darien, SSft&.July, 181&.
TtiehoarJ of Directiun, hu.'mp deteru.ined to
call foe another instalment; upon tbest. ck of tbra
Just Received,
Per brigs Speedy-Peace and Aim xa, and schoon
er Susan
A fiesi> supply of S11GES,
in addition to a large assortment—ad for sale.
By ibe brig Nrw-Urlean^.P*cke*, vn Aj~tev %
A supply of A im and white Pirnur, of aui clcellttif
quality; snd v
A fe w bjdea of Zfiniltn dujjil Blur hut * «
fhe al>f>ve woolens are wor:li Uie attention of
plnntert, zs they have come out 92J. pfveent.
cheaper than any woolens of tha suiae quality »i^-
ported last year.
on ua.**d.
55J pieces first quality
A few bales Y’»'k>J»ire >a*Iiinj^
Pipes and quarter casks ofj .Vi\dcita_
An elegant London made Piano
And * few handsome gold Wmeiies
rPsoifor sale
A comfortable ictidence in Hr.nigh-on-street, in
healiliy situation., The home is ib>ee stones
nigh; the liwf p one of brick a» d the tv/o upper
»f wood. The out buildings, which are in good
epa»r, are also of brick. The whole premises
nave lately uudergjrie a thorough repair. The
house is covered wiln slate; the two lower stories
plastered; the upper newly papered,and incom
plete order for occupancy^ which will be given
the 1st October. JOHN M N1S1I.
aug3 ca 70
S^mUL-l Kvaus, ,
red sioj-r, east of the Exchange,' down il.e i»Aj/’
tr.ny 4 ■ —5 ... *
The subscribers haying entere d into a copartner*
>.lj'p, for U*e purpose of ..siabkshing at b>verpo(d,
JbMain^s. u^der the firm of IVnin-wrighi & ShitU,
bvg leave to offer tit-ir services to their friends,
as general SliipjTfcg and Commission Merchant*
at liiat place. ELI WAINWK1GHT.
nov-25 c b 1.——*230
.lucliorf. and Commission Business,
The subscribers respectfully inform their friends
and the pubnc in general, that they have com
menced the Auction and Commission Business,
in the house nearly apposite the bookstore, on
liuKinrs.Sf consigned to their care will receive
promt attention. , * ,
John II. Wright t. Co*
dec 18 251
bank, notice i» hereby given, that twenty-jpe d.ol
iar's upon each share is required to be paid on or
befiore Monday, the 22d November neat, whicti
wdl be received, at this bank, ht.<y at euh<
of its offices of discount and deposit at y,
ledgevilie and Marion. And in the mean time, a
stockholders who have not come forward wuh
tfieir commii-*-io«:er's certificates and received
cashier’s certificatt s in lit u thkbeof, would do wel
to apply at this bank for that purpose, in order"
that the instalment now called for may be indorsed
upon the back of the same.
The Georgia Journal and the Savannah Repub
lican will v>»cit ibis advertisement once a wtek
until the eapir&tMiii of the time s[<»cTi-'d. By or
der ELEAZ. EaRLY, cashier.
a nr 5 71
Ojjice of the.-'Savannah River Na-
vigaJiun Con.nnut]
Notice U heteby jjivtn, tha- at. lovtalment of
five p..T cent on the Capitol sl'-ck »i tins Compa
ny, is required to be the Treasurer at Au.
rfastu, (:ii or b> tnr.- .Ik- first day of AuyU.1 J1CJLL.
by order of the board,
' - %.. .. JsC. W tlilN, 'pTiaiSi:^.
Augusta, nay id—H— o-—47
gy Tlie. Instalment of per share, nill be
received Irem those who wish to pay. m Savan
null, by tbe agent at buvantmh.
By order of the Board at Savannah,
•lames Willej, agent.
Savannah, june 22 47
Murine df Fii-e Insurance Company
London Porter.
30 casks superior fomion 6-own S out, import
ed in ibe ship Georgia, for sale by
v; WM. IVQHDBftirGE.
noilh east corner Exchange.
july \7 f B 63 _____
The Subscriber,
Having accepted of the agency of three exten
sive Paper Manufactories to the north, will always
have a large supply of the following descriptions
of PAPER. v, z r
Super ftoyal printing Paper
The subscriber
V Aiders to Ins fnehdn and acquaintance*, hi* an AUGHONEEH aud GENERAL
C\ }>1 .11.SSI ON' MKit'UANT. He has a couven
u r t( ..d commodious fire proof store,and will use
f • r.s }fi exertions to give satisfaction to those
v. • :a «y favor him with their support.
George Schley.
Aatirinfi/#, 2d aug. -ci— r 70
The Copartnership
Pcrv otbrv carried on bv 1C Scarbrough, Joseph
1‘ iM Jl’im,. li Jab-1 .-Vyiirom, under llie firm ot
ScaVtiuMJeu U M Kisme. is this day dissolved by
in..; cm cm It IS requested that all unsettled
ncc 1 . may be rendered in for settlement or li-
q-.i 11’ in and that ail person^ indebted mil
toriiiwith make payment to W. Scarbrough.
J P. M ItlNNB. 5 p*r Attorney
JOHN N'ySfROM.S ir. Sea bnugU
rag 12, la y
(yy Tlie subscrib-r ur ending to continue bu n-
lies - in the t'acturug, 43 Von-nimon due alone
. .for hi? own account, offers his best services in
^ »i. .. fine, to the friends .-f the former concern and
-the public-, and to those, disposed to favor him
— who may hesitate to do so from ids recent em-
bar- .ssinent, a sufficient guarantee will be furnish,
ed, under the patnm»i»e i-tfri- rds. competent to
stifdll 0 cm 74 r
City Inspectors,
Jlngnsl tiOy 1 d 10.
The second inspection of die city
Wuce ti>-mortow, anti the citizens are her, by no
tified, that the privies now report, d to be- in bad
order, and not .mpued or cleansed as direct, d by
•he Mayor, under the resolution of Council at its
laal meeting hng pens, and other wih
be n porttal at the Police-f)iace, and uifornutious
poo ltle streets, lanes, and public squares of
lu'diKhg materials, or any thing else, will »-so be
particularly noticed, and inlbrmatioi s lodged in
(ytrj (case where the ordinances regulating tlie
■iiirdc are not complied w ith
L. D. Ac'iorJ, c. i.
tt'.lg 21 "«
Koval do
Demi do
Foolscap writing
Hose vtllurn letter
Kentish cap
Double wrapping
Common do
Also, on Iran"
A quantity of Blank Book-j,
w!i'«h will be sold ;it a rate that will make it an
object to retailer* to purchase.
A constant supply of Albany double ALE and
PORT hi barrel*. L. PETTY.
Savannah, May 27 25
Mules for Sale.
25 stout be-Juiy*ee MULES for sale by
Bacon dj* Bruen.
suit 12 cm 77
All persons having demands against the eslate
of N<Hj|e Wimberly Jones, attorney at Lw. deiea-
sed, arc requested to render the same, duly att st
ed; and those indebted thereto, w»h please nuke
payment to Messrs Robert &. Joseph Habershtia^
a lio are auikorised to make payr/ents and to *ive
receipts. GECRGE JONES, eief.
IBHV 3 4
For Sale
700 pieces Dundee Ragging «
Jauies Dick?cm <5j* Co.
ang 10 — 73
Lor Sale.
The subscriber intending to be absent from tills
state for the summer months, offers
A pair of fine carriage Horses,
Also an excellent gig or saddle llorse,
A fight Carnage, complete for travelling;
A Gig, Philadelphia built, nearly neu ;
A* also Iks mulatto servant Scipio, aji exce'ient
coachman and waitingmaii;
Wnli Sally and her son Hercules. Sally is a
«idcook, washer and ironer; and Hercules .about
years old, is a eon^dete house, servant, and
well understands the cafe and management of
The above horse3 and carriage are well word
:he attention of any person who intends travelling
they w'ere used last summer on a journey to
the westward. The above servants are honest,
oher, and in every w^v desirable for a family.
for torms apply at the compting hou.^e, Fra-
icr’s whaif, or at the house. Oglethor^n; square.
John Spt’akman.
jine 3 31
The Steam Hoat Company wh-liiog to lessen the
uuber <*f wooden hui dings on thur wharf, so
to rentier that property more safe from fire, of
fer hr sale *.ne <*f them a* it now stands on tiie
mines;-th* purchaser to lake tlie building
■ II ar.tlc.iry iti-H w.t bin a given time. For
further pnnicuhir* inquire at the agent’s offict,
team-bo:.t wharf.
SOQ Dollars reward.
The nbnve ww»rd will be'paul to any r-vrsm:
that wi-l give infurrration and prove to conviction
of if parson or persona whu Lav* falsely and n-a-
‘-ticiouslj neportvil tlmt I wasconcerned in tlie I'i-
' iaey ccmm t'.ed cnb-url (be brij; Ann, of Scar-
'borough; slid which report I do hereby declare to
be groundless, and atn now rsadv to Lave my yon.
■duct investigated. LEVI JAMES.
S.ivauuuLylugust 21 M—■ 7o
n->The Editors of the Gazette, Ghr.rles'on, Tn-
teHij’encet.AVsslon^rnCiu; f i-.n, l-hiladeiphia;
'Gominvrcial Advertiser, New Y- rs; an I fatnot,
Boston; are requested to giv. tlie slime ibree in
rertiona, au■; lurtvard thv ir bills to the Oiiice of
the Savannah Republican for pie n.-.—t.
'—‘ " ^Notice.
All persons having ucmanas mr-esuuc nr James
Bird Utfc of Bryan county, dec. will present their
.cenunta within the time prescribed by law. and
tuoae indebted will make immediate payment, to
Sarah Bird, urftJi'r.f.
t Godltill Stuiiit, mini'or.
, r- ‘ au(- 3—t' ~ 70
ail nersons having demanus against the estate
•of Jolin Kogier, deceased, are request, d to ren-
. , Kinder, deceased, are reoueaUd to rtn-
te/tbtB i»' immediately, arable to law; and
hidebved to make immediate payment unlo
Gottlieb Krnsf, ? -
HP.' ' : ';i I.tael Weiteman, y f *
nlSnham county, June 4- ft-—3<S
Blank Indentures
!; ■■ :
! ae *»«V- 'H*?
P : 4 , *
"g i t-
John G. Cowling
Oilers Iiis services, in Augusta, to his friends
an.l the public in general, in the capacity of Auc-
tioner* and Commission Jtlerchani, ami will be
tha'-kfu! for their lavors. Any consignments of
merchand'/.e for sale, or any order for the pur
chase of produce, will be thankfully received and
thanfnlly attended tv#
• «. G i. 9. 1819 -33
vi /our wheel Carriage,
Nea'lt new, with or w.*iaout a pan - • f nupexior
Horsts. f<>r sale Apply at this uffice-
aug 7 72
Barrel of Oil Missing.
A barrel, conta r.*ng >8 to 4c gaiHVns Sperm
Oil, lias lately been musing from our store, (sup
posed delivered by a.L«ake,) maiked G St p on
one head. Sumr Strd on the other. Any informa
tion respecting i; will be thankfully received, and
Ten Do R&ra for the recovery, by
Gray dj- Pintler.
*'!*■ 19 w 77
Twenty-tire Dollars’ reward.
Runaway trorn the subscriber, on New Uiver,
South-Carohra, my man Rrssri., about 26 years
of age. of >exlow complexion, thick made, and of
low stature, of a p;ea>mg countenance whdn spok
en to; h. s a mother and brother in Savannah, and
is suppes-d to be lurking about their residence.
The above reward will be paid for lodginghim in
Savannah gaol, or tp Scott & Fahm, factors.-—
Ail persox.ti are forbid harboring said fellow as
he law willixt strictly enforced.
John Cooper,
adg 17—9——76 ■ •
Tlie sole and survivix.g partner of a honsq and
tlie most extensive and respectable, that ever ex-
isted in Charleston, Sotjth-Carolir.a, having iafftr
ed ir.o t severely from its reverses and other cau
ses; but, from a nearly twenty years Lboj, ha»
now a prospect and certainly of drawing some
thing very handsome from die thrawJdenu of i>;
*tid havuig to support a claim agairist tlie Spanish
government, for a very extensive sum. secured to
him by the convention of and ifie trtaiy re
cently concluded with Spain, trJ supported by
every d> cuinent ami proof that can ue necessary
to subatantute it, that have been mostly iri tht
keeping of the American government, fdr four
teen years p:ut— would he glad to treat with-an
honorable and respectable house in Georgia, for
the immediate advance of One Thousand Dold's,
oil the h gal interest of tl.e country; they pay.
ment to he secured by a security on a most ex
tensive and valuable landed property, in Glynn
county. Or, he would prefer procuring the im-
mtiltnte patronage of a respectable house or
triend, to that amount, c.u the condition, of ihtir
being permitted'to participate in the monies re
ceived, beyond any thing that he could ofFer,
an interest; and to have permanent advantages
secured to them, after the recover of the property
The most sati-factory and undeniable testimoni
als and evidences will be shown to any respecta
ble applicant. For further particular-*, please to
a{iplv tt» capt. Newcomo, at the bar of tlie Wash
ington Hall.
SbVW'nnh. June 13lA, 1819. [441
The board of Directors of the Savannah Marine
and Fire Insurance company, have declared a Di
vidend of seven per cent on their transactions for
rhe last six months, which Will be paid at the of
fice on and after Thursday next, the Hnh
U, WAY ME, sec'ry.
juue 7—34
Savannah Marine l'irc
Wanted to purchase, STOCKS, cither of th
Piamers, State. United States, nr Itarie,i flanks —
Apply at this oflice U. W AVNE, uri y.
A up- 5 cm 71
Savannah River Navigation Com
pauy'S Office.—AO J it Hi.
That goods o-n board the Company’s boats, for
which the patroorp sign a receipt, will be cliarg-
ed the highest freight, ai d the goods held rex pom
sible until the freight is paid; but the Compant
« iil in no case be answerable for deficiency or
damage, unless the receipt be signed by ike agent,
or under his authority.
Janies VVi*lrj, agent.
Ry order of the Board.
J. C. VViater, president.
iunf 29 53
For Sale,
Adesireafcle and healthy rituution on the 9alts,
about two miles from Thunderbolt, containing fif
ty acres, bounded easterly by a creek, northerly &
wester iy by colonel Flournoy’s land, and souther
ly by Cattle Hark. The greater part of this tracr
W«:> originally good hammock land, and was for
merly ihtr residence of captain I) ivies, decea.sed.
For ttrtmapnly to Messrs. Cahaoc/Un u, Mitch^l,
or to Mr. Jons .V^Riserx.
S ivannah, 27th July 1819— "67
To Rent
My Dwel‘inj» House. It has ei^ht rooms wi:h
fire places—lour apartments in ibe cellar, uh ch
are paved with the best quality of and up-
oil ti»e lot are a kitchen, and commodious carri
age house, sc. The house mighi be made secure
against fire, and its situation is convenient for
merchant’s counting rooms.
George Junea.
march 27 73
For Heat
A comfortable Dwelling Hou^e, situated on a
corner lot. in a central part of the citj, and not
fk*r from tbe Market. Tosfession will be given on
he 6U1 of Jauuury next. Apply to
John P. Williamson
dec 23 255
To Hire,
A Hoy, who is a good house servant.
at this office. june 4 32
Savannah Library.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, fro if
4 to 6 o’clock t m. the room will be kept open
for delivering Books.
Oeinler, sec’ru.
ft b ?5- 47
Mansion House.
The subscribers have taken a large and com
modious House at the corner of Gre^n and M Inf
to.di-streets; which is now fitting up in the most
convenient manner, and will be opened on the Lt
of October next, for the reception of company.—
It is situated in the most pleasant part of the
town, and no pains will be span d to render the
establishment worthy the patronage of the public.
Rooms will be fitted up in superior style for tiie
accommodation of families, as well as single rooms
for gentlemen.
The proprietor* of this establishment have en
deavored to combine elegance with convenience.
They flatter themselves tbtir table and bar will
not be excelled by any in tlie Southern country.
They have also prepared in an airy situation large
new stables and safe carriage houses.
Those who are fond of good living, airy, new,
and clean rooms and beds, and kind treat ment,
are respectfully invited to call and judge for them
N. B. They intend keeping a livery stable, ami
will be provided with carriages, horses and aw ap
proved hostler. YOUNG & Mc’RLLNE.
june 18
The editors of the Savannah Republican,
Charleston Courier, and Milledgeviiie Journal,
will insert the above once a week till the 1st of
January next and forward their accounts to the
iffice ot the Augusta Chronicle, for payment.
jtin* 23 f——48
Gu TJttursdajt the2il Sept, next, .
Wilt Le sold at ihe late rt&idtnce of Wm. Hoys-
ton die . • a
One negro woman, one cow & calf, hnusehoM
and k uh-.n furniture hcTmging to the estate, nf
Wn# Rbyslun dec*—by order of the honorable
the cjurt or ordinaly for Chatham county.
Dv order-nf Uie Executrix.
Buie, ft cummc rtc m 10
A. ILowe, auefr.
jnty }4 * 66
Executes Sale*.
I fill bt sqIu be/«»< the cnvft louse on the frit
* doy jn S'eptrmhtT ntjyt.
. A negro man belonging ir> the ests(e rf R, Udu- *
dot, ty order of the fusnets of tlir Infiuor court.
71 fd'J Sheriff’s Side.
Ui the fU st I'uesdcti in Stiihuiber
On Vie jLrst 1 uesdeg m ui$er MA-U
Will be *5ld in front of tl*e Court-Hnuse, between
theJioi.'r; of trti arid two o’ch c k,
• All thoftd half Lois i»i r I.and* ins the city of 5 a-
vannah, laiowaby the numbers (59 and 40.) l*i«
beny wa6i, k^cnJta on.i>«,.4 1 s..UAi,y
• he <a«Loy.'Jelfcrton-str-ect, cn tl»e *
bigaon*s lot, ax>s on the, south by the ether mojo-
{ies <-f Jots (39 and 40,) tc getlitr \thK
ti»e iniprov«fH i»\e -theiron, subject tq the -Corpi -
ralio** giOifiid rent- levied on as the property
fleet or Abfnham Shtfall to satisfy executions ifi
favour cl Daniel Uohms and another.
Iv-tAtt D’l^yon, s. c c.
j«dv 31. 1819 69
Continued Sale.
On the fi(»t 'Tuesday in^t pfepilirr nekf.,.
Will be sold at Effingham court house, bUvrtta the
usual hour*.
One thousand acrci? of land, bounded onTln-f** Je
Wylly, David Ia#ret, and George ArnttolTs * ,
and tbe put-l.c lots of Effingham court bourn: --
Also, lot No. 9, Springfield, aud the improve.
int; levitd on as die property »*f Philip J* i.-S
lo satisiy an execution in favor of Ua^il Gray.
C. YViaeubaker, s. u. V-
atig 7 72 *
Continued Sales.
Or* tbe first 'Tuesday. :n September t»ext.
Will be s< Id at Effingham court house between ;he
u u.d hours.
300 acres of l?r.d, adjoining lands of Sajuiml
Ntedlingcr, G I Neice, Joshua Dasher, Kroncenaivl
Smiiii. 300 acres of land adjoining lards <.f
Icdediaii Whiteman, S. Arnstof}*,jiud Get)»<. 4 ’/Mitt.
vuer—1C5 acres near ih»* great ba\; and fifiaert s
j«*ining lauds i f C Ulmer and Wivenbal-ker—le
vied on as the property of John Neidtmger
to satisfy an execution in Ft-vor of Asahei
Howe. C. W ISSNBAKER.s k c.
aug 7-72. . a
Sheriffs sale.
The purchaser not complying v/Fii term® ot
le, will be re sold on the first Tut a day iu Oen- v
r. next, at the ecom house in Uiunswick, Glynn
lunty. ti.e f<»ffowihg i,«.groes, leved on as the
property of James Piles on the foreclosure of *
rtgage tio R. 8^ J.* Habersham.—Prince, Flora,
bg CharR’s, Silvev, Dave, Tom, Eiick, Billy,
Jiouey, Harry, jinp. Charlotte, Ice, Cealea,Jul)«
Charles, Isaac Jack, and Quash. f
au5-—• \ 71. T. WINV * 4 e.
On the first Tuesday in October next,
If?// he i old at the enw t-houce in Savaunah,
One undivided fourth part of all that piece or
b arcel of Land situate, lying a-d b; ing in the city
of Savannah,' in new Leeds, Oglethorpe ward, con-
tMining, (in the whole) fifty two and half feet front
on West broad street, and tunning two hundred,
and sixty feet in dmet lire back, and one bun.;
dred feet on William street. Soid by order of
the Inferior court ot Chatham county, for the ben
efit of Mary Gardner, a minor.
Adam Cope,
aug 3—f—70 gun'tlian of Jlfarp Oardnrr .
Southern Stage Regulations.
Old Madera Wine,
The have lately rece ved, from the
celebmltd house of Jno. Howard March & Co a
small quantity of very superior Old L* P. .Vla. ei-
ra VVinv, iu pipes, had'pn»es, quarter casks art",
half quarter casks; wiuci>they confidently recoin
mend, und offer f' *r sale, at cost and charges.
WiHiamsoii dj-.Uc Villers.
Savannah july 2d—xf 64
Negroes to IB re.
Two negro Women, one of whom is a good
1 k and licus*. servant; also a negro Boy about
14. to be hired by th^ tnr nth or year. Enquiieat
the office nf the Republican.
N H. The above negroes are warranted honest,
aug 10-73
J Vaulted Immediately,
A man to attend a place near tins city. Nor e
:eed apply without producing vouchers of his lion
es' v and sobriety. Apply to the printer,
tone 21 46
One Hundred Dollars’ reward.
Now in Savam.ah or iti vicinity, a negrojva
by the nair.e of Simox, a carpenter by tcede —
Siniv>i» ;s endeavoring to pass tor a free man, ar»<
has recently been set/h working at his trade ii
this p’ace. AH per-or.s are cautioned against har
boring or employing him in su,y manner v hatev
er; and if detected in doing so will be dealt witi
as rigidly as the law will alio w.
J. S. Thomas.
mav 12 12
Persons having <i«
Irnur.d Dillon, iX<
counts, and those i.
make payment,to
july 15— 6J
r.Ands against the Es*«te of
will present their ac-
iebted to said Estate wiil
Admt of said e*:at<
The Stage wili run but once a week in fulnr^,
until the fir‘t of October next, it vill leave fcs
vaiinali ever;. Thursday, and arrive in Darier. ti c
same da\; and leave D.rien every Tuesday, and
arrive Savannah the same day. The stage will
start precisely at 4 o’cic'ck in the mornitig, at,ri
i- case- any passenger should ntgUct to attend ct
ti»e offi
; cn 11
time, their money will be forfeited.
I! be reser ved for any person unless the
nod at the time of entering their name,
rger vuil be allowed .14 lbs. baggage,
. ai: over .hey will he charged fi e cents ptr
tor—extra b^gg gt will be at the ri.*k of th**
i.t-rfn .1 he office will be still kept at the bar of
; Georgia Hotel.
William B. IIoiACndorf.
aug 14 -—75
AH persons are can tinned against purchasing
One Hundred Dollars’ reward.
Ran.way from the subscriber some time in Fe
lirnary last, from my plantation, near Milltd^e
ville, a i.egro nan named This negro
was raised in tlie family of Mr Charles Irvir.e, near
Sunbury, in Liberty county, ar.d was some time
tbe property of Mr Wiiiubrd, of Savannah, where
he is weil known. When he absconded fie took
with him a sorrelhorse, saddle and bridle, and as
he has m ny relatives and acquaintance both in
liberty county and Savannah, and as his wife who
belongs tn Mr. Palmes, of Savannah, has lately
absconded, it is presumed Charles is at no great
I will pay to any person who shall apprehend
and secure in some safe gaol, so that I gef him
again, one hundred dollars. •"
D. fi, Mitchell,
may II'—IS "
m M-nor Wii-n, any lands belonging to the tv
ia-.cs of.Tbt mas Washington or David
it the said Minor Winn has no power or authori
t, . 0 dispose of any pro; eny of said estates.—
Persons who have purchased, and hold uroer his
'itie, are notified that suits will be commenced
strains' them by the subscriber, who alm.e has thf
isijai claim to tbe properly belonging lu said es
Louisa Oiconcs.
june 30 54 .
All persons are forewarned not to purchase that
plantation or tract of land, called Nelville, in
South-Carulina advertised by George Woodruff,
esq as the sa'd tract ofland belongs to the estate
of Murray, to which tbe subscriber is the only'su,-.
vivmg representative. This tract of land called
Nelville, is offered for sale by the subscriber, upon
advantageous terms, and indisputable titles will be
Louisa Otnop.ea.
june 30 54
Two Thousand. Dollars/
The above reward will be paid td any person
who will furnish informatiou whiclt shall cause tlie
pprehtasion and conviction of the person cr
persons concerned in ai'ering the J^ills of any of
he Banks in this city, from five and ten dollars
to fifties and hundreds.
The undersigned, with the desire of discovering
he perpetrators of those infamous acts, will re
ceive irfnrnaticn, either per-onaUy.or in .writing,
ar.d liberally reward those who may furnish intel
ligence to effect the aoove object so important to
tnis cumnuinitv. ,
W. B. Bn I loch, P. B. ofQa.
Geo. Andersooj.-P. F. B.,
U- Kichardson.. P. O. U. U. S.
H»»r«h 16 63
One Hundred Dollars Reward. .
For- ai . refunding and securing RICHMOND
and IACK. u ho ran away from the siub'seriber’s
rear Ncwberrv court house South Carolina, on
the 18th of'Mav last. 'RICHMOND, a tali
black man, about 30 >£ac$ i»f age, x blrck smidt
by. trade. JACK a loW well set fellov.*, aboox
tw'en y five year* of age, rather of a tawny coir,-*
plecLon; ijiey. wi'l no doubt make for!Hahio»orc
from which place they a ere lately brought.
John and Austin Woollolk.
Augusta ( Cco. > JuriC 10th
i»dv 1—are--AS
Fifty ddllars Reward.
lianaway frem the f.ubtv r her on the 2d itist.
nfgnf'Uow, about thiny fi- e years i f ay?, nam
ed Lewis, of a quite b^ck complexion, well made,
baa rather a green look, with a email split in i„s
right ear,'-occasioned by a nail, and about five
feet ten i-thes in height, wcH seft, Lc. The above
reward will be fpyen to any person for apprehend,
ing and securinghim in goal, so that..jmay p;et
him again, and »U reasonable expences'seiil be
paid. All masters ot vessels, ar.d <-ther persons,
are forbidden, under penalty of the law, harbo..
Brought to Gaol,
InSaranqah, iul. 28,1819, a negro man who
•ay, his iname is Sail. sipd. that be belongs to the „ .. . . . - .
estate of Sherwood Wowmack, of Hancock & un- - mg *l>d rendering him any aid.
* otgiiq he is about 30 jeus of age and Sfitet j ' James De,,
leshigh. , ” H. M'CALL, u s «. J Bril’s River, East Flonda ?
- " S 1 .. .v.;-. j yih Auguyt, X819. J * 7S ,
J ' juIy 31-»-