Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, August 26, 1819, Image 1
... ’ v.w • v .... * v*. '!*• - ,. ."■• > ■■v i: ■' $*■ ■ O v ,4 ^ - ■ , a ' A pey , . Iff v ; L- Z-M . »I TRr '*"•• ■JV(?. 180— Vol. XVII. THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 26, £819. For New-Yorlc and Providence ll.e fast sailin' acfcr. KATY I’thmrille, master, will sail in all this week. For freight for Providence on. Jr. and passage for both places, apply on hoard, at Moore*! wliarf. Or to Greene & Lippitt. aug 24-J—a 73 Poor-House and Hospital LOTTERY. The commissioners of the Savannah Poor-House * . anil Hdspitjl Lottery, have the pleasure to an Pounce to the public th.ii the drawing tsiHcom. -meitce on the uist day of Dtcembtr next, in the long room of the Exchange. This day mustfe . .. . very Interesting to every friend of iliat most val- .liable institufiooi besides the many valuable prizes which will be awarded to adventurers. In conse quence of the small number cf tickets, an early . and rapid rise must take place in the price cf tics- - el*. Ktivannah, Aug 2.1——78 ’. •: Fellow Citizens! \ l am » candidate for GLEliKOK THE MAR KKTi if elrced. pledge iny*clf for the perforin a nee of Utc duties of (be office. Hubert Christie. ang 12 7-1 To the Public. I offer as a candidate tor Clerk uf the Market; if rlected will endeavor to discharge the dutic* thereof, £ _ JOHN DILLON, aug 12 74. 1 & William tf Uit will be a Can didate for CLMIK OF THE MARKET, at the en- *ujng election. Having underwood from several person®, that n report is circulated, that I am a candidate for clerk of the tmrkei only fir the purpose of fa- voring the clcc.ion of Jlfr. fhUon, 1 t:<ke this me ttled of informing the public that die report in without foundation.mid is only calculated to de« .. ceive those who are disposed to favor my elec tion to that office—myofle’inp i< with a view to thy own henefit only. WILLIAM S FARR. ^ »t»g It) - 77 ■ s Notice. ■ Tlie unfinished business of the late firm of JJaytl ■ti ,lf'/rn»on,will be upended to by the subscribers, . who having entered into copartnership, tender their professional services to their fiiends.—Their cilice is in the new brick building at the corner of the Pay and Whitaker street,over col.Sheimau’s Crockery store. James Morrison, .Tulin C. Nicoll. july 1S-C2 Notice. The Copartnership of Wjlmamsojc & Dr. Vil- j.kms e.vpirfs this day Sj* it.® limitation. Jens P. WiLMvnsoK is hereby authorised to settle and ad* juft all ttie accounts of tint coi cera. Those in- <lM»trd will call and pay or liquidate their balances, and thus* having denvmds *»ll present iht-m for payment. JOHN V WILLIAMSON. PETIT V1LLBRS. Sxvxnnnh, 11th August, IHI9— *t—75 & Law Office. 'The subscriber will attend in his professional badness when ever called upon. He ma; ' found at the Exchange or in Bronghtonstreet, Mrs. Young’s. „ JOHN” D. LEWES, july 29 68 Bills of Exchange On London, Glasgow, .Manchester and Liver pool, payable in London, for sale by John Spcakman <$*Co. april 26———93 1%e Subscribers, Offer tor sale, an invoice, containing 10 hales rose Blanket? p-4 a I i-4 30 bales London duffil Blankets, assorted sizes 2 bales blue Plains 2 bales Cashmeres, assorted colors & prices 6 bales 6 4 Chiths, do do do 2 bales wrapper great Coats The above poods being fairly charged, and comprising a good assortment of heavy woolens, for an establishment in Savannah or Augusta, will be sold at a moderate advance and on liberal cre dit fur approved paper, to clo^e sales . ” Jairicsr Dickson & Co. a ng )(0——7^5 Received from Liverpool, By the brig New-Orleans Packet, via fjanen, supply of blue and -whits Plums, of an excellent quality; and A few bales of London ehtjfil JUuvk^fs The above woolens art? worth the attention of pluntt.r*, as^ they have come out. 22$ per cent, cheaper than any woolens of the same quality im ported last year. ox iu*n .55Q pieces first quality Bagging* A few bales Yo. kriiire Clothing Pipes and quarter casks old Madeira An elegant London made Piano And a few handsome gold Watches s JUsos fov safe \ comfortable rtsitlsure in Bought on-street, in healthy situation. ” Tlie house is three stories high; the lower one of byick and the two upper of wood. The out buildings, which are in good repair, are also of firick. The whole remise* have lately undergone a thorough repair. T lie house is covered jtrtt slate; the two lower stories plastered; the upper papered, and in com plete order for occupancy, which will be given the 1st October. JOHN M‘NI3H aug 3 ca 70 London Porter. 30 casks super!or Jjomh” fr own Stout, import ed in the ship Georgia, for sale by IV M WO iDPItinOB. n- rlh east corner tlxchujige. july 17 |b 6.> Factorage. The*undersigm*d intending to continue to de vote all his time and his attention to the Factor- age and Cotrvnistion Ilnsiness, offers his hot ser vices to his fiiends and to all those who may be pleaded to favor h ; m. He will, until further no tice, keep his office in the counting-room «>l Messrs R Richardson & Co. and have the pro duce and merchandise, that shall he consigned to him, stored in Bolton’s fire-proof buildings. VpUt He Vjilers. Savannah, YIfh August/ 1819 or— 75 The Copartnership Hemf nfope cappieti on by tV. Scarbrough. Joseph V. .M Ki-tue U John .Yysiram. under the firm ot ScARunuuflii Sc M JCixse, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. It is requested that all unwilled recounts may be rendered in for settlement nr li quidation; and that all persons indebted trill iutthwilh make payment to W. Sc .rbr jugh.* Wat. SCAR8ROUGH. J. l\ MICINNK, Ifl'r JUtornty JOHN NYSTUOM, V IK Sc*trough attg 12, 18.9 cry- The subscriber intending to continue busi ness in the Factorage Ci Cum nistion Line alone for his own account, oders his best services in that Jirte. to the friends of the former concern ant! the public; and to those, disposed to favor him — who tna) llfcsitate to do so Irum his reernt em barrassment, a sufficient guarantee will be furnish ed, under the patronage of friends, competent to •{ford it. WH.ld.VM SCAUbROUGH r aog 12 cat 7-li City Inspector’s Office, JlligHst M, 1819. The second inspection of the city will com mence to-murrow, and ;hc ciltzer.3 are her by no tified, that the privies hunt reported to be in Iml order, and not emptied or cleansed :ts directed by the Mayor, under the resolution «»f Council at ns last meeting hog pens, an ! otlier nui«aniea v il be reported at the iMicc Oifice, and informations issued. OBSTRUCTIONS^ 'upon the streets, Lues, and public square® ot building materials, «»r any thing ehe, will aist» In particular!) noticed, ami intotmatJoFS bulged in every {case wlirre tJ:e ordinances regtiLting the bame are not comp’.icd with L. 1). Achord, c. i. aug 21-—-m— 73 ^ ~~Vfficefor the sale tf Negroes, AND BROKEU.yGK. V The subscriber, as formerly, lenders his ser-ices lit the above br.nches of business to Ins fr.cndf, »nd the public pencrallv, in the disposal of any “specks of property confided to him, with assu rances.that lie-best endeavors will be exerted to promote the interests of those «h> may please to fitvjir him with their commands; he will well pleasure wait on those »li« may not iie enabled to call at liis oifice. by a line being sent to him. Field hands ami bouse servants wiilal alt tones lie sup plied, and candor o tUn-r be observed as to clear- acter. Cmintrv friend * area!-o iuft rmed tkatpro- Joce will receive 1><* •nremilltd attention—fire pimi.f stores are provide.I for the reception of a.l good* and produce 'confided to-lus care. His office is kept m one of the teneme nts adjoining tlie house occupied by capt-'o Gale, in John ston's square, mar *h« Stale Bank. ang Jl-stf 73» POLOCK Sate and Holier 0ms. The subscrilxrs respecifoHy inform the couth- Planters, that they esa he supplied with the above Gins—wsrranUtl, for durability and pert.xuiance, to be equal to any made in the state. The Butter Gins »r e on an unproved - lan; to work by animal power, or water. They hare Seen tried, and certified by different pl mtefs, to have rained twen'y podr.ds per hour. Trice of Saw Gins—three d -liars and aha.f per s,w. Boiler Gins—one hundred and fifty dollars **Oialers from Messrs. Brown, Gretn 4 Sa- ♦snnah, will be punctual;? attended to. Thomas b. James Title, June 21—fca—49 frlmkilsii, So. Ca. The Subscriber, Having accepted of the agency of three extefi sive Paper Manufactories t»» the north, will a I way t have a large supply of the following dcscriiilions of PAPKR. vu: Super Royal printing Paper Royal d 9 Demi do Foolscap writing Hose vellum letter Kentidi cap Double wrappirtg Common do . amo, ov luan. A quantity of Blank Books, whirh will be sold at a rate that will make it an object lo retailers to purpose. LIKEWISE A constant supply of Albany double and PORT in I arrela. • L. PETTY. Savannah, May !T7———25 do do do do do do •Males for Sale. 25 stout he. lthy Tennessee MULES for 5a’e by Bacon Uruei). atlg 19-—r.n 77 For Sale 700 pieces Dundee Bagging * James Hickson Co. ang 10 73 Fur Sale. Tlie subscriber intending to be absent from this Tate for the summer months, offers A pair of fine carriage Horses, Also an excellent gig or saddle Horse, A light Carriage, complete for travelling; A Gig, Philadelphia, nearly pew;. As also his mulatto servant Scipio, an excellent coachman and waiting man; With Sally and her son Hercules. Sally is a good cook, washer and ironer; and Hercules about 15 years old, is a complete house servant, ami well uixl: rstands the care and management of horses. , The ahove horses and carriage are well worth the attention of any person u bo intends travelling as they were used last summer on a journey to the westward. The above ser\*ants are honest, sober, and in.every way desirable for a family. For terms apply at the compting house, Fra zier’s wharf, or at the house, Oglethorpe square. John Spcaktnan. jure 1 31 New Summer Goods. fly the ship Emil}*, just arrived from Liver* pool, the subscribers have received a supply of * Seasonable Articles; which makes their assortment more general and extensive d.ian at any former period—and will be sold at a lour advance, and long .credit given for approved paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. april 17 —91 ‘ c - W Just Received,‘I Per brigs Speedy*P*.ace and Almtr^, and-schoon er Susan, A fresh supply of SJIOE^, in addition to a Lrge assortment—«al<L .. Sdmuvl red xtorr, 'east of the Exchange, down the JiluJf may l 5 JSiotice. The suhscrilurs having entered into xeopartner- •liip, for the purpose of establishing *t Liverpool, business t-.uler the firm of Wain-might li Shie/s, bfg leave to oiler tluir services to tiieir.friends, as general Stopping and Commission Merchants at that place. ELI WAIN WRIGHT. CHARLES SHIELS. nor 25 cat 230 ipany JLirine Sf Fire InsuranCj DIVIDE.n /t .Yu. 6. The board of Directors of tbs m and Fire Insurance Cor.pany, Tare videOd of seven fervent on thtifad the last six months, which tt’iU.fcfrjSjd at the fice on xnd aher Thursday . ext, 10th inst. It. WAYNE, sec'rif june 7—r*34 Whole No. 3890. Savannah Marine Fire IN2UU.VNCE tiFFILE. Wanted to purchase, STOCKS, eitl.ef' o Planters, State, United States, or Garten Hanks Apply at this office It. WAYNE, wc’.y Aug 5 ch 71 ,ah Marine On Tltursllay the 2d Sept, next, Will be sold at the late residence of Wm. Roys* ton dec ; ' v * One negro woman, one ct>ur& calf, hmisefanM and kitchen furniture belonging to the estate Wm. Itoytttm d^c—by tjrJer of the honorable the coifH of ordinary for Chatham .county, Rv O'/ai. oftl.n L-: X * ' Savannah River Navigation Com pany’s Office.—JYUT1CK. That jfoods on board the Company’s boats, for which the patroons sign a S'ceipt. will he cliarg. ed tlie highest freight, and the goods held re-poo sihle lie'll H.g freight is paid; hut the Company ■ -will in no case be answerable for deficiency in damage, unless tlie receipt be signed by the agent, or under his authority. Janies agent. . By order cf tlie Board. J. C. Winter, president. june 29——53 Auction and Commission Business, IX MIT.lKnOEVILLE. The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they have com menced the Auction and Commission Business, the house nearly opposite the bookstore, on VVayne-slreet. Business consigned to their care will receive promt attention. John II. Wright & Co. dec 18 251 Notice. All persons having demands against the estate of Noble Wimberly Jones, attorney at law, dtcea- ed, are requested to render the same, duly attest fd; and those indebted thereto, will please make payment to Me^sr? Robert & Joseph Hafcershum, ho ire authorised to make-payments and to give receipts. GEORGE JONES, exe’r. rr*3V 3 4 Notice. The sole and surviving partner of a house, and e most extensive and respectable, that ever ex isted in Charleston, South-Carolina, having cutter l most stvertly from its reverses and other o*u- s; v but, from a nearly twenty years labor, has >w*a prospect and certainty «-f drawing some- ing very Jiandstime from the ihrawidems cf it; id having lo support a claim against the Spanish •verr.ment, for a very extensive sum. secured t. tisri by the cosivcntion of 1802, and »he treaty re uly concluded with Spain, anil supported by ?ry document ami proof that can be necessary to instantiate it, that have been mostly in the keeping of the American government, for f* ♦ teir.^earspajt—would be glad to treat with -w* ruble and respectable house in Georgia, fc the immediate a^vanbe of One Thousand Dollar. on the legal interest of the country; they pay nt to be secured by a security pn a most ex tensive and valuable landed properly, in Glynn Minty. Or, he would prefer procuring the :m mediate patronage of a respectable bouse friend, to that amount, on the condition, vf their ing permitted to participate in the monies re ceived, beyond any thing that he could offer, a9 an interest; and to have permanent advantages secured to them, after the recover cf the property "lie most satisfactory and undeniable testimoni* als and evidences will be shown to ar.y respecta ble ”ipp lie* nt. For further particulars, please to ply to capt. Newcomb, the bar of the Wash ngton Hall, r'• Savannah, June 13/A, 1819. [441 Savannah Library. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to d o’clock p M>lie room will be kept open for delivering Books. « Oemler, sec'ry feb 25 47 The subscriber Tenders to his friends and acquaintances, his services as an AUCTIONEF.R and GENERA! COMMISSION MERCHANT. He Iras a conven ient and commodious fire proof store,ami wili use his utmost exertions to give satisfaciion to those ivhomay favor him with their support. George Schlry. Savannah, 2d aug. — ca 70 For Sale 100 chaldrons CANAL COAL, put up in Midi suitable for families. J. U. HERBERT, aug 24 m 79 Wanted, . A good Cook, and a sin: rt, active Boy, as houae f-^rvant. Liberal wages will be given.- Apply at this office, aug 24—-79 Stolen, Five silver table, six tea and a pap SPOON- io mrq*ks on thtm. Should they be olltied Fc ale, all persons are requested to stop them ?.u the tliit* or thieves. A liberal reward will be given. Apply at ’his office, ang 24 — 79 For Sale, A desire able and healthy situation on the Salts, about two miles from Thunderbolt, containing fif- * / acres, bounded easterly by a creek, northerly & esterly by colonel Flournoy's land, and souther ly by Cattle Bark. The greater part of this tract originally good hammock land, and was for- ly the residence of captain Davies, deceased. For termsapply to Messrs. CAnxociU3v& Mxtcukl, to Mr. Johx McKinkox. Savannah, 27/A July 1819^—57 ,i jour wheel Carriage, Ncarl, new, with or without a pair. ..f superior iorsea. for sale Apply at tins office* aug 7 72 _ Negroes to Hire. Two mgro Women, one of whom is a good cn: k and In-use servant; also a negro Boy about l, to be hired by the uv nth or year. Enquire at »e office td die Republican. N. !). The above negroes cre warranted honest, aug .10-73 Notice. Poisons having demands against the Estate of Edmund Dillon, Deceased, will present their ac counts siiul those indebted to said Estate will make pay ment to JOHN DILLON, Itily 15—6J jidrnr of tnidestaU 200 Dollars reward. Tlie above reward will be paid to any person that will give information and prove to ct>nv«cticn f the person or persons who have falsely and ma liciously reported that I was concerned in the Pi racy committed on board the brig Ann, of Scar, borough; and which report! do hereby declare to be groundle-ivand am now ready to have my cod. duct investigated. LEVI JAMES. Sarah»ah .lagust 21 t M i 78 (Pj^The Editors of the Gazette, Charleston; In telligencer, Washington City; Union, Philadelphia; Commercial Adfi-rtiser, New York; and-Patriot, Boston; are requested to give the above three in sertions, and forward their bills to the Office of tlie Savannah Republican for payment. Twenty-Five Dollars’ reward. Kanaway from the subscriber, on New River, South-Carolina, my man Russel, about 26 years of age, of yellow complexion, thick made, and of low stature, of a pleasing countenance when spok en to; has a mother and brother in Savannah, and is supposed to be larking about their residence. The above reward will be paid-for lodging him in § a van nail gaol, of to' Scctt.St Fafrro, factors.— 1 w *• — r-v. 7 j r'~r—■ -«wo All persons are forbad harboring arid fellow as ,n some sste gaol, sa .be law will be strictly enforced. , ons hundred dotes. ^ ± r « . : John Cooper. [ Miff 17—0—16 To Rent My Dwelling House. It has eight rooms with fire place*—four apartments in dVcellar, which are paved with the best quality of flag; and up- \ the lot are a kitchen, and commodious carri- Jt house, exc The house m glu be made secure against fire, and its situation is convenient for nici’d.ani's counting rooms. George Jone9. march 17 73 r • . For Rent — A comfortable Dwelling llou.e, situated on a corner lot. inacer.fral part of the city, and not far frnm tlie Market. Possession will tie given on ,he 6ih of January next. Apply to John l’. Williamson dec 23 255 To Hire, FOR THE SUMMER, A Boy, who is a good house'fcervant. at this office. # june 4 Appl) Wanted Immediately, A man to attend a place near tn's city. None need apply without producing voucher $ 'This hon esty and sobrittv. Apply to ti;e print-ir. jure 21 <6 One Hundred Dollars’ reward. Saw in Sav:*unah or its vicinity, a negro man by the name of Simox. a carpenter by trade.— Simon is endeavoring to pass for a free inun, and lias recently been seen working at his trade in this place. All persons are cautioned against bar- boring or employing him in any manner whatev er; and if detected in doing so will be dealt with as rigidly as tbe law will allow. J. S. Thomas. mav 12 12 One Hundred Hollars’ reward. Ranaway from the subscriber some time in Fe brtiary last, from my plantation, near .Milledge- ville, a negro man named This negro was raised in the family of Mr Charles Irvine, near Suribury, in Liberty county, and was some time the property of Mr Williford, of Savannah, where he is well known. When he absconded ha took with him a sorrel horse, saddle and bridle, and as he has m ny relatives and acquaintance both in Liberty county'and Savannah, and as his wife who belongs to Mr. Palmes, of Savannah, has lately absconded, it ts prts-ined Charles is ct no great distance. 1 »ill pay to any person 1 get Dr. Thomas A. Cabarrus, Who li ft this place seme cousiuer.-ihle past for i^e w est, n» cl wiio, it is j*e!i*ved, s> trit cl himself near Milltdgcville, (G:i.) is inf-rmeo tb. !ns uncle 'ArocsTK Cararucs is dead; and that h; immediate presence is required at Kdtiron, (n c (XfjT Tbe cd tors of the Mitledgeville Journal Augusta Advertiser and Savannah Republican arc requested to give tins t wo or three inayrttors. Eden ion, (?* c) August 6, 1819. Twenty Dollars’ reward For Bitty and her child Charlotte, who ab sconded on the 18th of July. Cctiy is a black wench of a small size, about 40 years of age, and of a pleasi ng countenance; has for some t niepast complained of a sweilu-g, under her arm; she has a yellow fellow by the name of Smart, belonging to Mr John Gardner, for her husband. There is no doubt of her being harbored in or near Suvan- ly. The above reward will be paid on delivering them in Savannah gail. I). FCHULT3. Effingham, August 24 u* 79 Fifty Dollars’ reward. Ranaway. thismorning, my negro boy Saw—h about 28 or 30 years of age; a low built, stout made, bow-legged follow; tohrablt black, grave countenance, pretty artful, took vi'h him a long blue Ci-at and a corded velvet jacket, one pair of homespun pantaloons and one’of corded velvet; had boots arid shoes bo'h w ith him. It is sup^ posed he will make for.the northward as he is re' cenRy from the eastern shore of Maryland.— Twenty Dollars reward will be given il taken and lodged in any gaol in this state, and Fifty Dollars if taken out of the state and secured so as I get him, and all reasonable expences paid Ad ptr sons are forbid from haiboring hi n or carrying him off, under the penalty cf the law. John Gtibbin. Savannah, Aug 24 79 (Pj* The editors of the- Augusta Chronicle and Charleston City Gazette are requested to pubILi the above three weeks, ar.d forward their accounts to th.s office for payment. Notice, All per«>n3 ^.re cauiinned ap-ain-t purchaaing’ from Minor Wii n, anv lands beloi'gmg to the es- tatvs of Thomas Washirgton or David Murray, as he the said Minor Wmu has no power or author! ty to dispose of any properly of said estates.— perrons who have purchased, and hold under his title, are notified that suits will be cctr.meixed agrinst them by 'he subscriber, who a'or e lots the legal claim to the property 'belotigiiijf to said es- Looisa Omon?s. PUBLIC SALElf: By o*der of tbe Executrix. Sale to coattncticr ot 10 f'tbek, ■ A. Howe, aucVr. jn!v 24——— Cfi - . ., Executor's Sales. ; JVill be sold before the ccu-t house on the fret -Tun* . " <&iy fn September nexrt. A negrif rnxn belonging tb the e%ts?e cf E. Roy- ’ dot, by orderxif the justices df »he litfefior court, ‘ x B. Cqr.^fkntine, ^.u*0F. arg 5—-pf*—7l ; v• **. * City Skerffi’s Sale. On ihit first Tuesday ii^+>ptfiuhet nwrf* Will be soM m Ijrbnt of tM'Court-House, between ' tlicrii^rv of ten v and t^6 o’clock. All those hajf Lots of |jir»d, in the city of. Sa- vannah, knowh |>y the numbers (39 and 4U.) LL berty ward, bounded ow^iie north by a lane, oij' the east by Ji lfierson stree?, on the w est by Du- * bigoon's lot, an t nn the somh by »he. other moie ties of lots numbers (39 and 4b,} together with the improvements thereon, fobject to the Corpd* rutioo ground rent- levied on as thdproperty oF- „ Dc< u Abrnfam SJjtfvall to suituffy extcutiof»s in ? IaVlu.* of Daniel Itiib.ns and'another. , - Isaac L'lsVon, s. c. s. july 31, 1319— 69 J Continued Sate. ~ On |he first TuesiUy in Se ptember next.N Wili be fold at Effingham court house, between the usual hours, • * One thousand acres of land, bounded onTfiorraqk Wylly, Dawd Lvret, and George Arnstofr*s lajuls;- Ar.d the pul ! c lots of EffitTgha/h coprt house -— Also, lot No. 9, SprirgfielJ', and t^ improve ments; levied on a9 the property of Pt»i!q> Jones to suiisfv an execution in favor of Basil Gray. C. WUenbaker, $. c. ang 7—;—72- Continued Sales. On the first.Tuesday in September neih, Will be s» Id at Effingham court between the u nal hours. • ' 309 acres of Hrd, adjoinA g lands" cf Fr.muvl Nt edlioger, G 1 Neice,.Joshua Dasher. tCroncet* and . Smith. 30U acres of land adjoining lands of ded'ah Wbiteman, S Arustfff, and Gc-r|i<,’ Z ♦ t-e* ucr—1C6 acres near th“ gveat bai; a>.d 66 acres joining lands of (j. Ulmer and Wisenbid ker— In on as the property, of John Neidlinger to satisfy an execution in favor of Aaahe) H#we. C. V» ISSN BAKER, 8 x c. ang 7-1* Sheriffi’s sale. The purchaser nt-t* compiling with tcrm« nF rale, wili be re M»id <n the fret Ttuedatfin Ocrtt- bernext, at tbe courthouse in BiUuswicfc, Glynn county, the .following negroes, leved on .as tlife properly of James Files on tlie foreclosure of a "torJgdgg to ft. & J. Habersham.—Prince, Flora, g Charles, SiKey, Dave;- Toni, Flick, Billy, nnev,‘ ffarrj*, Jim, ChaifotttJ, jae, Cea»ea,Jury, Charles, Isaac.Jack, aiul Ct'ta^h- u5— t 71 - T. WINN. sue. Notice. I'- On the first ’1'uosday in October next, Will be rcld at the cent t-heure in Savannah, One undivided fourth part of *ll that piece ot parcel ol Land situate, lying ai.d being in the city of Sava mail, in new Leeds, Oglethorpe ward, ceff- taming (in the whole) fifty 1 Vo and hall feet front on West broad street; and running two hundred n»h, being well known thereabouts. Her child anti sixty feet in direct line back, aiid one huni harlotte is about 4 year old and r« markable like- dred feet on William street. So!d by order o? dred ‘ . the Inferior court''of Chatham county, for the ben efit of Mary Gardner, a miner. Adam Cope, !—f—70 guardian of filar# Gardner* , Southern Stage Regulations. The Stas* will run but once a wetk In future, until tiie fir.-t of October next 1 It will iesve Sp- uiah ever} Thursday; and arrive in Darien the r,» da;; ami leave Darien every Tuesday, an.l I. - Savannah the same day. The staj-e will tart precisely at 4 o-tlnck in Ihe morning, ami ■e any paa-rnger shotll l neglect Jo attend at tlfice in time,Their mcney will be fcrfeited. , at will he reserved for any person unless tl e moroy is paid at lb; tin e of entering'heir name. Kach passer ger will be allowed 14 lbs: baggage, and all ever they will be charged fire cents per for—extra baggage will be at the rhk rf the owners. 1 be office will be still kept at the bar of the Georgia Hotel., f • c V. illiCm B. Holzendorf. angl4^~-^-7S . . ; - Notice. All persons are forewarned nntto purchase tna' anta'ion or tract of land, called Xelvillr, ir SoutlwCarolina advertised by George Voodrufi, esq. astl.e said tract of land belongs to the estate f Murray, lo which the subscriber is ;*.e only .-ti iving This tract of land railed Nelviile, is offered for sale by Hie subscriber, upon dvantageons terms, and indisputable titles will be given. ■ . , Louisa june 30—s-54 •, may 17- a Mi itii&tiii Brought to Gaol, , In Savannah, July 28, 1819, a negro man who Says his name is S.u, and that he belongs to the estate ofSberwood Wonur.ack, of Hancock c un- ty. lieorgia; he is about 30 years of age and 5 feet 6 inches high. H. M-CALL, r. c c. July 31 69 Notice. I herewith caution all and evrrv person, not to trust nor harbor my fife Maiy Ami, oo my ac count's I will not be answerable for any of her contracts, from this .date. . JOHN THA1E. june—fy~39 Notice. pcunt(; u..v — -. v paa£«. peytaent imhiedialely, ter . Charles Gregory, adiicr. |«sseit-—® _____ Two Thousand Dollars! The abbve reward will be paid to Ai.y person ho will furnish iriform&tiou wh/cli shall cause tfic mrehension and qonviction of the person or i-sons cancemed ift altering the Bills of any of j Banks in this city, from five and ten ddLri fiRies and hundreds. • The undersigned, wi»h the desire of disceve? irijF e perpetrators of those infamous acts, w iJ) re ceive in formation, either personally or -a writing, and liberally tc-*v»rd those’Art 1 o may furnish intel ligence to effect the above object so important to this community-- \V. B. Bulloch, P. P. ofGn. C-eo. .Kiider^fin, P. P. //. R. Ricluttdson.. P. O. B. V. S. march 16 63 One Hundred Dollars Reward. For apprehending and seruring RICHMOND and IACK, who ranaway fto.n the subscriber’s near Newberry court house, Sou'b Carolina, on the 18*h of Mav last. RICHMOND, a tair black man. about 30 years cf age, a black smith by trade. JACK a low well set fellow, about ♦wenty five years ^f age, ra'.her ofa tawny com- ALcrinn; tl»*y ui'l no doubt make for K<imor^ irrm which Augusta (Ger.) julv i— place they v.efe lately fcr« ught. • John aud Austin WooiloI&* v '*- '' -*»*ne 10th * Fifty dollars Reward. Banawsy froin the subscriber on th.: 2<1 inst a negro fellow, about thirty fi- e y.srs i f age, nam- -d l.vwis. fj s qoite black eouiphxion, wi 1! made, has rather s-grctn look, with a small si lit in hi*- right ear, ocea.sioned by a nail, and about five feet ten i- dies in height, well sett, Ac. The abev- reward .will be given to aajr person for apyrehemL ing and securing him in goal, so dial ( may get him again, and all reasonable expenres will-be paid. All masters ol vessel^ sird other persoma, are forbidden, under penalty of tbe law, harbor, ihe and rendering him »Bj sid. ,■ James Dsilc JJell’s Hirer, East Florid* } ' . 7th August, 18^. J S '"*