Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, August 26, 1819, Image 3

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• j- Was^ikotow, Aegast 1& V The directory of the bank of St. Sill •/ijegtlaiUiserv&jt jitcr¥t»rif» r f,ie'the de partment* of state, trcasuary, war"," and" ha* given notice fora mr.etihh of the stuck-1 navy; and, more recently, the ’attorney hdlderkon the tj|)i September next, to^alce I general has bc.en included in the numtfef into contifleratioh the propriety of continu-1 The president i* authorized, by re tpg or dosing the concern*.of that institu- ] quire the opinion* ul these officers, in wri tiun. I ting, on any question submitted to them, ' The Parmer** aid Mechanic*’ bank of I and he may take tfiyir opinions in any Cincinnati suspended specie payments oil | other manner. Through one nr the other the S9th ult. for the second time, and I of them all communications of an official probably for the last. The arrangement, I nature afc,or ought to Be, addressed to the by which it received the treasury deposits president, and through them all orders are from the land office in that city, was not I issued in regard to the branches of the pub- 1 •b!e to save the institution; which is attri-1 lie service confided to their sbperinlen bated to the cashier’s having been sick, and (dance respectively. Itis necessary, there confined to his house, lor a greater part oft fore, that they should bold freguent coin : * inonieation wifli Him. It is probable, that ■the time since. • The Silver JLake bank ha* stopped pay* [ during the presence of the psesident at 1 ment. The directors hare, in many in-1 the seat of government, he sees eacli of stances, given the strongest assurances that J them at least once every day. At times, they were able to meet all demands; ,and I accident Drills;* them all together; at other would promptly redeem their paper. But, j times they meet by agreement, for the pur- in their own neighborhood, the notes of this I pose of a more full interchange of opinions bank aril at 50 per cent discouur. Thus, bank after bank sinks beneath the tvavej exhibiting signs oflife only in the last struggle to preserve it* existence.— This operation of the gradual reformation Cf the currency of the country is severe:— may it be salutary! We shall soon have flu banks doing business, but those which maintain an unimpeached credit; and, ol these Which are able to do that, it will be respecting public affaiis, generally, or res pecting any particular measure which may Oe suggested. These meetings of the several great of ficers of the government are, (therefore, ■natters of course: they take pfacc almost every day, and certainly every week in the year. They are, therefore, pregnant with no important consequences, and porten tous neither ol peace or war. All iisferen fiiirlil to be the interest of very many to I ces drawn from anjr reported sitting of the yind up their concerns. It is supposed I cabinet must be vague and conjectural. It that the number of banks, actually doing I were wellilsuchemploymenloftlie imagine- p business in the country, is reduced one I t>on were slwaysasharmlessasitisuscless. third within (wo years, and will be reduc- I Under circumstances nearly analogous, oil a third more ftithir. the next three or I a similar mistake ,frequently takes place in four year*. This operation, at least, few I regard to the proceedings of the senate of will be found to depreciate. ..... ~ Ptoin all that we now know, it does not the United States. On a certain portion its regular business, (that relating to appear probable that congress will adopt j the confirmation of appointments, $c. and at the next session, any substitute fur, or I usually termed executive business) that goveiV.mentalpdditiuu to, nur present cu rency. Should it be otherwise, however, the result wc have predicted will not, we apprehend, be materially varied, by the consequent prolongation of the existence of some o/ those Institutions. For, we are persuaded, no measure will be adopted by cojtlj’ress calculated to depreciate the cur- rency of the country or the credit ot the government.—.Vc£. hit.. TEE CAPITOL We were glad to find, by a visit to the Capitol, that the Apartments destined for the senate and house-of representatives Will be ready for their reception at the opening of the ensuing session of congress The senate chamber, in the North Wing, Appears to be the nearest to completion, and trill be a more splendid apartment than the one in which that body formerly •ate. The representatives’ hall, in the South - Wing, though the form is- changed, pert#pa disadvantageous!/, ba t -necessari ly, from oval to semicircular, will at least equal in magnificience.theformer hall. It will possess, over the did j-tioin; sotiie.great body always sits with closed doors. Thi occurs a lie ost every day of the session,am! no one who understands the cause thinks the circumstance worthy of notice. Yet, before now, a newspaper paragraph, inti mating that the senate was yesterday sit ting with closedduors, by the help of a.little Italic, has thrown the quidnuncs into a le ver of'impatience to know what was to come ot it.—it/. It is noticed, in some of the papers, that the Hornet is about to return to Spiin. and some importance is attached to tin-, (act. That the Hornet may carry <1 patches to Mr. Forsyth, is likely,' bccau cellcnt slate of polieft and rftscfplino in 'which he fou::t’ the froopsTt tfiefjfists on the western lakes, which lie ha* recently vi sited. He particularly compliments the commands at Michilimackinac, lately un der captain Pierce, and Greenbay,.under captain WhiStlea: and assures major Ba ker, whose command he could not visit, of his entire confidence in the high order ol his post.—ib. Vrom the Horton lJaily Advertiser. X } ins*. ■P.oiton Health, Aug. 1I'A. D. 1819. Several caseanf a malignarit fever havirg lately occurred in this luwiqand the hoard of health, apprehending, that a vessel late ly from the coasf of Africa,last from Mai ti nico, con tarried contagion which Blight have produced said fever: Tile.board have caus ed said vessel to be scuttled and su:ifc; that no danger now exists-from that cause: We have observed in th* marine list* I also such articles as were on boani sain from various part*,that consitJer.-ffHefjoaii- vessel, that in theappr*hen*iunnT tlieboard tities ofSPECIEhave flowed into the coun-| of health, might contain contagion,, are, by- try for two or three weeks past. Several arrivals, mentioned today, have brought that invaluable article.'—ih. United States Bank S'ock.—95 offered, 96jasked. In New-York on Saturday, small sales at 95 J—ib. New-York, August 14. FROM THE WEST INDIES. Accounts from Ilayti state, tlrat the pre sident Borer had caused his senate to pass an act enabling foieign n ercKants to re cover, by legal process, debts contracted by the natives. Heretofore strangers were compelled to receive produce in payment of their demands, at ar. exorbitant price, or wait the pleasure of th*-ir debtors This wise regulation, it is justly expected will greatly augment the trade of Hayti —JV. F. Daily Adv. A fleet of fbiir French'Weh-of-war ap-1 - We were favored by capt. M'Lean, of the sloop peareri oft’ Bermuda or. the* lastof July.— I Volant. in9 hours from Charleston, with the Ci- I'ltey were from- the West-Indies, where ty Gazette of yesterday mo rmng. We find noth they had been cruising for pirates,and were ing of importance in it, except the dayty report bound to Newfoundland 10 remain during of the board of-healthy dated 12 o’clock, 24th toe horiicine months. The fleet consist- I >nst. stating that Ts» new eases of yellow fever fiad of the frigates La Gloire and La Tliarn, I taken place in the last 24 hours: shewing that and tile brigs L’Oli vier anti L’Euryale un- this dreadful disease" is spreading with rapidity in order of the board, destroyed or removed to places of safety, The public tn>ty there- lore rest assured, that every thing has been done by order of the board that can be done to insure safety to the .citizens, and that no cause of alarm at present exists, and if future cases of said fever occurs, they will be published, if public safety re quires it. The board acknow ledge the at tention of Ilia Physicians of Boston, in their prompt and intelligible communica tions to this board, oT extraordinary cases, occuritig in the course ol their-practice. Published by order of the board ul health, James Robinson, sec’ry THE REPUBLICAN. TUUKSDAY EVENING. August 26, 1819 tier command ot Admiral Duperre. The British brig of war Fly, had captur d two piratical vessels, which the com mander intended'to carry to Barbados. A Danish' brig of war had also captured a pi ratical vessel.—ib. LA l ES T FROM TEXAS. In letters from an officer in the Patriot army, under date of the 28th of June and the. 3d of July, the writer says—‘'General ■Yradonda, commanding the royalists is now moving towards as in full force—the Indians are annoying him on all sides, and have taken -some pris oners from him and sent them to us—the people are now more sanguine of suer e^s—recruits are joining From my knowledge of the she brought despatches from'him; but. I^-aus and their language'.there - iuruished, if necessary, 2di)0 warriors.” from the moment of her arrival, we hav heard that she was to return very soon — so that her intended departure proves noth ing but that her destination has not been changed.—ib. MARYLAND ET.F.CT10 V. The election-for members of the legis lature for Maryland takes place nn the first Mondav in October next. By the Pri Advantages*, of cmhellisluiient as 'Well as I * et t er ^ rorn a f‘' c »d in t'rince convenience. The beautiful IXrge pillars, | Georges c ^, un *: ’ ' ve arc ■~ al to ^ nt * iat variegated Potomac marble,-'in this ball, Ai'.dtne smaller ones of th'e same material In that ol the senate, cannot fail of bein^ generally admired. The colossal stalu> of liberty,* raised aloft^ov'er the speaker’s chair, is a fine' object, but would appear the Republicans are on the alert in the loudifui counties. TU THS EDITOHS. Prince George') county, .1Id. Aug. 16, IS 19 Y»n will oblige your republican friend* by announcing in your paper of to-morrow, perhaps to greater advantage had it an am-j (hat'col. Jos. Cross is a candidate to re pier space for its display. The galleries in j present this county, in the next general Doth rooms, but pai ticularly in the . senate 1 assembly in this state. The colonel is one chamber, arc more conveniently disposed j of the few patriots of V6, that are left; than the old one. The ti/ute ensemble of j he fought T years during the re volution- both hall*, and the arrangements of offices. | ary-war for the independence of his coun- commiitcc rooms, etc. it is supposed, will trv; he possesses a strong discriminating Inve been greatly improved by their re-ed-j mind, and for sound discretion hnd purity ification. . j of character is surpassed by no one. I At length, too, the .centre building be-j hope lobe able to furnish you with the gins to rise from the ground. The- ample foundations and subterranean vaults, com- menced last season, have been very sub- staiitiiiHy completed. The western wall is already rising towards the second story, and the eastern or Jront wall is some feet above the ground. It is supposed that, be fore the winter sets in, the building will have reached somewhere about half its height. If congress continue to look with a favorable eye on this great national work, it unhoped the end of the uext season will find the exterior wall9 prepared to receive the loftly dome they are destined to sup port; and that two more years will suffice for *D ,! # com P*^'° n "* the M F itol.-i6. I aided by (he generous contributions of their Ibe two additional buildings erected for I f e || 0 .jr. c fyjgehj r a‘suin of money was almost the accommodation of the public oftices. * - —- * - and parallel to the oid buildings, are very names of three ether candidates for oar county in a lew days.—ib. The Bank of .Villon, Pennsylvania, stopped payment on the 4th inst. The newspaper, which announces this fact, sssures its readers of the entire solvency of the institution,.and of its ability, it is hoped, speedily, to redeem it* paper and discharge its debts.—ifr. MasoaTc. It will be recollected that, that superb edifice, the Ma-onic Hall, was almost en tirely destroyed by fire, on the 9th of March last. By the munificence of the craft, Expedition to Texas.—The Louisiana Herald, of the 23d of June, states that or ders have been given for the troops at Nal- .-.hitoches to march to the Sabine, to pre vent the auxiliaries or supplies to the In dependents in the province of Texas. The Cadets from West Point are ex pected tocncimp at Poughkeepsie this day, and remalib several" days—On the 31st they will in like manner encamp at Hud-, son;—Their number exceeds 200, and competent judges who have witnessed their evolutions speak in -higtr terms of their military acquirements. Base Coin,—-It is stated in the Colum bian, tliat’a gaug of villains, five in num that city. The board of health of Charleston reports, on the 21st, 4; 22d, 4; and on the 23.1, 5 new cases, of the Yellow fever. By an official report ol'the board of health ofthc-' city of Baltimore, under date of ilie 17th instant, it appears that the cases of the Yellow fever were in their origin confined to one dock, and had al most entirely disappeared from it. A few cases have made their appearance at Fill’s point. The number of deaths in Philadelphia, from the 7th to the 14lh instant, were ninely-iwo—and in RaUimore, during the week ending on the lfelh, there were eeveniy-nine deaths. Wins on Caicr Nicholas, esq. has resigned the office of President of the United States’ Branch Bank at Richmond, (Va.) The New-York Gazette contradicts the report that commodore Porter has been appointed to Command the Cotumbue 74. ii%rueti, Gauilry fa Bu-aurt-. tY. Y, Wii .fhX Judge navis, J. Btvrtierrw —Starr; F. $ -UvrthsKV- .1. Willey, J. A. Biad.C. Mamel,-J (V. Uiois. art’s the master.', . ' ’ 4 '. S. hoener Ontario, Karrir. i^ew-YerlcSOXlays—*“* to sundrv persons. • Pui,e*fc?ept‘—Vr Lane at:J hdtVGi'W ananil l«ly, Ueh-*h.*w'*nd < Udj; i Messsw^ Gilimartui, Finny, I.s ten, <)»tes, Cariv.y,“XXyai^ * llart. Curry, Nyals, Cm iv arid 5 in the (ieeragr: Schmt.erP.ittv & Sally, Shaw, Charleston, IV. days, and from South Ed.sto S-tn-iirv. where aW.-.n- put i t, in omsequence t>f bead w inds and tfiu 1 iss of her fore top mast—with salt, pork a'llji sundries—to T. Gardner, U.r. &U I’allWiaild beat Company. Siof.p Volant, M’t.esn. Clisrlestnu, 9 hollr»— to I Cnhen, consignee—Brown’Green8t Co Pa* con Si Ilmen, Garrard Si Poihtil, V. P. Thomaa|. son, J Guecn W Co. C:impb»:ll Si Utimlpiog. Ni cholas fi Neff, and Douglas* Si Sorrel. Pasren. Cere. Miss Goodale, Mrs talney. Mils; Messrs Johnson, biayel, Jones, M'K ni.*• King, Add son, slid Dr. Rsbcrt Ltncoln, and 4 in ih« steerage. >. . Stoop Gen. XVaahin-ton. Mnnrn, Charleston, 1 day—to John Bogne. consignte4^-and B, M*- '• guaritie, GiieranXand Poiliilk, *olin gue, Chanyt and Seize, J. Goenm 8c Cu A. G. Semttti*, H. B. Gwathmey, and John M'kiah. criinLD. Schr Bacchus," A none, Amelia Island. -* : i ks>ionAxr.A. v The brig Belvidtie, J.jcelm; and schr. El'ts, Weeks, were up at New-York, oil the J6t{» inst.' for this port. The schooner Milo. Harris, in 6 dnv* from this port, arrived at New-York, on-the 16ih inst. . The ship Beilona, lloldridge, 22 days from N,’ * Orleans, arrived at.New-York on tlje 19'Ji in*t. . • witli specie fur the Exchange Bank. (ty The swbsco*«r s , ^as^rrers,in-the sh.ip V, Cotton-Plant, fiom New York, ieiiditr to captain- Isaac Titos their thanks, for his polite atlemiou*. , They :,l,o h g leave to add tht-ir higli expression ot Ids indefatigable professional lx ttioi.s, duA ing a bois'leruus and unpleasant pas-aye. . AltTIlUS I' VTTKUSON, . . PF.NJAMIN LANG. - . ED E. TA TTNALL. WM. JONES. . MORRIS IRJTY. u Savannah', 2Sth August: 18 9 ' . \ The ship Hector is noticed, by the New-York Evening Post, as being below, from Liverpool.— By her tve may expect account* of a few day later than the last received, as she is staled have sailed on the first of July. vofc THE SAVASPAR •KPOBtlCAR. Mr. Editob—Permit me, through the medium of your paper, to call the Attention of the proper authority to the present state of our cemetery.— ►JTha Mechanics and Gro.ceVs are rt quested to mtet at tlae Exchange TO-MOR* ROW EVFaNING, the*27th instant, al 7 o'clock, aiiq: 26 —;—■80 • •*" z ■ Uniomlxe Sf Firemen. TO-MORROW being your regular day of meet ing, you will assemble at^ the Engine House, at live oclock in the afternoon. J. Marshall, p. n. sug 26 -80 * ■ fc - • For New-York Tile tegujar packet sh p COT I ON 1 PLAN T, capt. Titus, will meet with no delav,hav.-" mg the principal part of her freight engaged. Fdr. . the remainder offreightor t>assage,havingg,iod ac- commudutions, apply on beard at Huntets wharf, «r to. BEN I. HOWARD. CJ’Consignees will call and receive they goods at Hunter’s wharf. aug 26 a 80 her, have been detected in passing base I So luxuriant is die growth of weeds and grass dollars, and-are now under the care of the police magistrates in this city.—Com. Adv. August 16. The Federali-ts of the State of Delaware, w ithin its walls, that it is a task for a man to wade through it, and in no direction sail it be penetrat. ed after a shower (if rain, or a heavy fall of dew, without the person attempting it getting com have nominated Henry Mulle»ton, esq. for P letel y wet - let it he remembered that at this Dearly completed. They are rather mote capacious than the buildings already occu pied, and, having the addition, each, $T a fandtpme portico, with fiee-^tone pillars, •erve considerably to embellish tha. quar-1 trr of fhe, city.—i6. Th<! Chevalier Jaubert, who hn<| beer. iminediatkly raised, sufficient to rebuild the lodge: nnd oik!i has been the zeal and activity of .the superii.tcndants, that'the rafters for the roof were raised this day. A spacious suite of rooms, fifty-six feet by thirty has been a Ided to the mainbuitding; w hich, when completed, will render it one f the most roomy auil elegant sti uctures in the city. In viewing it (his morning, ive were for cibly struck With A placard of the following •ent bjt the Ffcncn government to Cash mere, to procure some ol the gnats prinlucr fng the precious wool which forms' the ma- | tenor, and which, we are informed, has serial .of *lie shawls fabricated at that | been ngorously enforced:— place,Had been heaid from'on his return, haviag rgachvd tiih city of Maria Pol. in u*-R‘>**c R,nen t of Callierinoslaw, in Rus*i*t bringing,with him a flock o( 1300 mi*. ,-At tht* date of hi* I alter, (ITh |),'C last) t'A^^herinumeter of Ileaumur marked 15 degWes ot cold, and snow wa* a foot deep, which did not appear to affect the fleck unfavorably, as they are »ous- - fomC ,| b.-o»seoti the mountains ofThib- or, where a g>-v*at degree of cold prevails. The immense flock was to proceed to The odosia, upon the Bmik Sea, wl.-euce it was to be embarked for Fr.:iice.-r»6. Ausjs! 18. • TEE CABINET. \Yeh*Ve fieqavt.i v seen intimations in the newspapers-shat, on such a day a ca binet council »*v held, and conjecture I* h.jsv a* to the-prdbable subject of their de- 1 liberations. One guesses it is one thing; another another: und profound speculatoos *-e thus th.uwn awav on an incident, whjsffi, a-/vW vemarks will serve to shew, is in itself iocotasiqueutal- The terip cabinet is not to be found in our constitution or laws. r It how ever has heen Alliilted, rye befiavr from the original; government, t>> the president, and U» i . i. ‘ **. * governor of that state—-V. V Daily Adv On Friday morning last, the Bronxville woollen fadoi-y, was entirely consumed by fire. The fire broke out between the dye house and carding ruom; but it is not known at present, how it originated. The loss is estimated at 89,000.—JV. f, JVat. Advocate. LATEST FROM THE HAVANA. Charleston, August 21. season of the year one does not often get his feet wet with impunity; and that, in following depart cd friends to their “narrow house,” he may be sowing the seeds of iiis own dissolution. The rank growth, so little disturbed, is certain ly an evidence cf the past health of our city, and shews how seldom we have been called upon a& yet to follow the sad array, and to tread on that growth which flourishing “where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap”—but as we have so far been blessed by Heaven with health unusual By the schr. Comet, we received the I for the season, let not causes remain which are Havana papers to the Ilth inst. inclusive. I under our control, and which may produce the and the following letter from our curres pendent:—Times. Havana, Aug. il most melancholy effects. There are many who enjoy a soothing melancholy in visiting the spot where rests the mortal remain* of those they love, •No spirituous liqueurs allowed in this ‘house; nor are the men permitted to leave ‘their work to go and get it” Signed by the superintendant. Philadelphia Gazelle. In this city last week, 92 prrsons were buried, of whom 59 were children and 55 adults. The weekly bill of mortality is ■lecreasingin numbers; the deaths by fever, and that too of the ordinary kinds, are ve ry few, only five having occurred the past week. We here take leavo to say, upon the authority of our board of health, and in contradiction to an assertion in a laic Bal timore paper, that the weekly accounts of burials in Philadelphia “may be implicitly relied on as correct,” and ns furnishing a remarkably accurate criterion of (he num ber of deaths which occur herc/—*Philad. Franklin Gas. 16ih inst. immediately in the vicioitr dock.—ib. . . *-• General BroVrti hatTissued division,or ders, expressing his satisfaction at t(te ti- Charlcs Harris T. U. X*. Charlton -Wm. R. Waring G. L. Cope James Morrison. I. Davenport ' Thomas Bourke A SUBSCRIBER. M Herbert G W. Owen* tVni M Kelly John P. Itenry J S. Pelot Al Sheft'ali sen. John Hunter •’ * •. The Bnltimore Patriot states, that only about twelve persons have died in,that," ci- ty of ‘-a most malignant lever,’*- aof 7 . woa struck by lightning, and one or 8 of these are said to have happened. of the’ohimoey. mud, shattered . The^W- vieimty of Gay street r, n ;i,i; li ,. i, “By this conveyance you will receive a I let them not be denied this gratification; nor let regular file of our I)ia»"io from- the 50th I the strange-, who visits this repository of the ult. up to the present date, likewise a Ma-1 dead, have reason to condemn the little attention rinc Memoranda and Frice Current. I which is paid to it. I do not wish to censure the ‘•Durino the past week, there has been j person who officiates as sexton—it may not he con.-ideraaie inquiry lor. fresh flour*; and I [,; s duty to remove the nefarious and offensive purchases made at the improved price of I wee( ] s with which the ground is covered;, but the 822 for Baltimore Ho ward-street, and I duty rests somewhere, and that duty should be Philadelphia brands—fresh New-Oileans, n . r f orme d a 18. The demand for rice has abated' P somewhat, although the price holds up pretty w-elL—best quality Carolina .would f until the day of'deciiob, you will oblige command S85> perhaps 9. for a small car- “ * ** . ’ -- “Our produce, notwithstanding •: th.e de- pressiop,o( foreign. markets, -keeps- high, and in all probability will maintain.present quotations, until cevp* come in. “Our last letters Irom St. Jago were si lent in tegard !o the late disturbances in that place, nor have I heard any thing fur ther on lliat subject “During the last six weeks upwards of 1000 negroes have arrived at Matanzas, and brought to this place in the steam-boat in consequence of this large importation throw n in all at once; purchases have been effected at long credits at from 450 to S500 per head for prime slaves—very- young oiifes, 250 to 550. “The health of cur city has improved very much—the weather is pleasant, and the atmosphere purified by daily showers —but'few cases of the fever have occurred latterly. . . “Nothing important lias transpired by the Patriots from Pueito Bello—the royal ists maintain themselves there without uio-, testation from gen. M'Gregor. “Last sales of rice,-16$ rs, the arrobe.” “During the Thunder storm yesterday afternoon, St. Andrew’s Hall, in Broad- sS& SHIP XEIVS. m terior of the building, however, was not much Jnjuted. - Several families in the neighborhood were severely.shocked, but aone>aSured severely.—Gazette, 24th inst. FORT OF SAVANNAH; ARRIVED,- Ship Cation Plant, Fash, New-York, 18 days, and 45 hoiirs from C»pe Hatarnss, to B. HoU-ard, Consignee—A G Semmes, Johnston & H Us, Slur ges tc Burroughs, Hoag !t Jarvis, \V T Williams, T Dowell, A B Fannin, & Co, P Thomasson, G W Anderson, S 0 St. J Schenk, 1. Cohen. U Howard, P. S 1 aiuon, Perry St Wright, Sleiga tit Reed, Scar brough & M’Kmi.e,'W Tailor, Williamson St De Villers, S Clizhe, Fotvler St Ga.-dner, J B Creemer, Barrie A Coon, J Guenih St Co, W In- glis St Co, J.Cumming, Nicholas St Neff, J Pen- field—and to order. Paetenyert—Rev.- Mr. J S Olcott, capt E F Tattnall, Messrs. Benjamin Lang, A Patterson, Wm Jones and Morris Dotty. Brig Othello, M'Donald, New-York 12 daya— to G. Gordon, consignee; vrithafull cargo—th A. B. Faimin St Co. 1. Roberts, A. G. Semmes, W- Ingiis St Co ti. W. Anderson, Perry & Wright, B. Howard, J. Lathrop St Co Fowler & Gardner. P L. Weeks, W. T. Williams, P Star.ton, J. M Nish, J. Guenin St Co. J. B. Creeiner, G. Gordon- and G. F. St O. Palmes. Nine passenger in the steerage. Brig Vigilant, Burnham, Cliarleaton, 9 hours— in balPst—to 3. Lathrop. St.Qo. consignee. 16 passengers in the steerrige. * ■ Brig Hero, Baily, l*dayi’ffb* -‘Kiilidelphi* to. Peny St Wright, consignet i—to A Porter, A^G. Sei«mes, Ptrry St Wright,A. B Fannin,!. F Pou- yat, G. Ahdsrjon, Scarbrough U M K.ant, Raton For.New-York. The regular packet hri^ OTHELLO, *. \f'Uonafd, master, having half her Cargo 'engaged, will meet with immediate dis patch- For freight of remainder or passage, hav ing supt rior accommodations,-apply on hoard, It . Jonts* wharf, or to George Gordoftj \Vho has for sale * * ' * 50 hluls pr^.e St Croix Sugar ' p 40 do do N Orleans do : 75 barrets r>e Whiakey . 50 do Richmond Flour of supertot quality , aug 80 4 ~For New-York, The tegular packet brig VIGILANT, It- S. Burnham (busier, will meet -tritb ‘■LJrtfcdiqiaich. For freight ot passage having - good accommodations, apply on board at Hun ter’s wharf, or to JOHN LATHROP Sc CO. ’. *. ■ aug 26 80 For New-York The sciir. Ontario, capt. H. Harris, will'meet with dispatch. For freight or passage, apply to the capt. on board, at Jones’ upper wharf, or to - . ‘ . Hall & Hoyt: Landirg from said schooner. 5i> bundles Hay . 3 Medicine Chests, aug ?6——80 — ...... Fov .Philadelphia ' ‘ The papket brig HERO, J-. Bailey, mas ter, will sail on Suhday next, the V9;h in: ant. For freight or passage apply to Perry tc Wright} . • Who offer for sale 300 bis Philadelphia stperfine Flour 1000 bushels Co,-n in bags of 2 bushels each 20 pipes Holland Gin 10 hhds Whiskey \. 6 pipes li'gh flavored French Brandy 130 tierce* Rice—C.ider in bnxts cf 12 bottles Hogs Lard in tegs of 35 lbs 10 barrels Po'rfc .*>■■- 1 Medoc and Sautern Wine of the 1st qiyff. Cotton Bagging, copper Stills Capers, Glive*, Brandy, Fruits, &c On board of brig Hero, , 10 boxes pine apple Cheese 600 bunches Onions ‘ r aug 26——M-y——80 ...... GEOFFREY CRAYON. , \ Just received from Philtdeljthia, ', Y No 1, of Ihe sketch book by Geoffrey Crayon^t • a new work by Washingtory Irvmg,. esq —price • 7S cts- The turrerding tinmbert will be received ■ ■ a> fait at fublirbed.. . ~ . * *' • Salmagundi; new series,.nos L 2 and 3 Knickerbocker’s New-York, new edition, W'th 3 plates from designs by Alston St Leslie, at g3 50 Hermit ip Im oa—colored prints—150 Mease’s Treatise ur Sick Head Ache'- 1 Bollman or Specie Payments Sargeant Ic Bawle’s'Ryport, being a conlintu- tion of Biriny. . : *.;ai*o Tates of My Landlord, 3d Series, Containing the Bride of- Lammer Moor, in 2 Valt: price §2 and 2 25. So* paper . ■ Edinburgh ,Re.view, N« 6^ - " , A vartiev of new MUSIC '« Clark's Bible, No 22 Gilt and plain Visaing CarJsT" ... ' And a new supply bfWrinng and LetterPaner. - -. WdT. W illiam*. ♦ 1 aug -6 K 80 -v "■ Pork and Flour. jcst laSdixo 53 bbl>. Pork ■ • ' .* 65 do fresh Flour from new Wheat. Iiscori dj- Jir nen. aug 26 ** Auction and Commission Business. 1 he subscriber has taken a store at the north: west corner of Market square, far the.transacting' of business in the above line. He tender* his ser- vicea to the public, and hopes, by the atteutioii . and punctuality Which will h^shewn, to ree-i’re their support. - - -9.S. MOKDECAi." .. MWt-6 -80(- . : . “TT? 'To Bent - T|ie.-Ch:Ujtmg.Rocmand’,Ware House-late! •cupWd hy" John'ffpeakman & Co. '‘Fra*tr’« « -pusscssion can be given Immediately, •dg at ■- - vb JosepltS.