Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, August 28, 1819, Image 1
No. iSi—Vol. XVII. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 28, £819. I? No. 339?: St= stI^Pv Vor New-York •v(Hb The regular packet ah p. COT TON PLANT, capt. Tilua, will meet witli no dehy, hav ing Oie principal pnrt of her freight ettjgSgrd. F - the remainder of freight or passage, havntg good commodatiuil*, apple on board at Runttrs wltarfi or to. HKNJ HOWARD- (^Consignees trill call and recede tli.T goods at llunter's wharf. . aug 26—a BO For New-York The regular packet brig OTHELLO, Pi -M‘Oonald, master, haring half her cargo ■engaged, will meet with immediate dis ■patch. For freight of remainder or passage,.liar. «ng auperior accommodations, apply on board, at Jones' wharf, or to George Gordon; Who lias for ssle 10 Itlnla prime St Croix Sugar 20 do do N Orleans do "5 barrels rye Whiskey S'J do Richmond Flour of superior quality sug 26 r 80 *- . Fur Nets- York, The regolaf packet brig VIGILANT, 3"hi-R.6, Burnliammaster, Will meet wtth r neA»,tapatch. For ■ freight or passage haring •mmodations, appfr on board at Hut*~l- arf. or to JOHN LATHROP & CO. 26—80 . ~ comprising a good assortment of heary woolens, £wan-#riabbi5uirtt ifl Savannah or Augusta. will fie sdUit a moderate advance and on liberal ere-' dit.lbr approved paper, to dose salds. ^ James Dickson & Co, Receded from Liverpool, For Nete-York v ,/jT The schr. Ontario, capt. H. Harris. * <Ak mill meet with dispatch. For freight :9vSor passage, apply to the capt. on board, Jones' upper wharf, or to Hall & Hoyt. Landing from said schooner. 50 bundles Hay .1 Medicine Chests, ang 26 HO For Philadelphia The packet brig HERO. J. Bailey, ma ster, will sail on .Sunday next, the 29*.h in Sitant. For freight or passage apply to Perry & Wrightj Who oiler for sale /'W bis Philadelphia r.'jperiine Flour f ,./J bushels On ii in bags of 2 bushels each ~‘J pines Holland Gin id r.iirls Whiskey 6 ;i,j es high flavored French Brandy 1 id tic: -es Rice—Cider in boxes or 12 bottles Hogs laird ill kegs of 35 lbs SO •>»■. . ,1s Pork .'ft, ? and Satitern Wine of the 1st quai. f'oitor. Bagging, copper Stills . Capers, 'lives. Brandy, Fruits, &c On beard ./ trig Hero, ->r,:e' pine apple Cheese .n-'.bcs Onions Yilliainhtarr will be a can- CLKUK OF THE MARKET, at the en cue 11. understood from several persons, that a •V. circulated, that I am a candidate for ■ f the meiVet only for the purpose .of fa. lb.' election of Jw. Ri/lon, 1 take this me- f informing the public that the report is •••Ur foundation, and is enty calculated toide- e those who are di-j o-ed to favor my. elec- • to that office--my offering is with a view to own benefit only. WILLIAM STARR, aug 19—77 Follow Citizens! am a candidate tor CLERK OP THE MAR> if elected, pledge my»elf for the perform - of the duties of the office. Robert Christie. ,. ., 12 71 To tJte Public. • a* ti candidate for Clerk of the Market; i will endeavor to discharge the duties JOHN DILLON. "■—74.. •r-House and Hospital LOTTERY. i nissionere of the Savannah Poor-House i- ii Lottery, have the pleasure to an- ■ ■ tt-e public that the drawing will com- : he Ei st day of December next, in the . .. of the Exchange. This day must te nesting to every friend of that most val- .union; besides the many valuable prizes ,\\!l fit. awarded to adventurers. In conse'- ij'the small number of tickets, an early ip:d rise must take place in the price of tick- Sn' tmnch. .Iwy 21 78 GEOFFREY CliAYON. Jltrt rrcrhrtrifrom i'kiUulctphiOH , No 1, of the sketch book by Geoffrey Crayon— Jfcw work by Washington, Irving, esq—price ’ ■ cts. The tucreedtng un'iocr, vutl he received fail as pvblithed. . , Sahpagund'; new series, nos 1, 2 and 3 Knicket hooker's New-York, new edition, with 2 •ates from designs by Alston & Leslie, at Jjj SO Hermit in America—colpred prints—150 Mease's Treatise or Sick Head Ache Bollman or Specie Payments Sargeant St Rawlc’a Reports being a continua. an of Uinny. * Vales of .My landlord, 3 d Series. mining the HrUle of Lumftier Moor, in 2 Vols. g2 and 2 25 Sue paper burgh Review. Vo 63 .rtiev of new MUSIC , rk’s Bible, No <2 1 I- and plain Visiting Cards A .la new supply of Writing and Letter Paper. IV. T. Williams. ang 26—w 80 gFJjaic Office. The subscriber will attend in hit professional business when ever called upon. He may be found at tha Expunge or m Broughton street, xi Mrs. Young’s. JOHN D. LBWE3. juty 29 68 Bills of Exchange Do London,, Glasgow, Manchester and Liver pool, payable in London, fur sale by John Spe&kman dj" Co . april 26;- , .'SB The Subscribers, Offer for sale, an invoice* containing 10 hale* rose Blankets 8-4 a Ii-4 30 bales London dtifHl Blankets,assorted shes 2 bales blue Plains. 3 batefrCassimeres, assorted colors Sc prices 6 bales 6 4 Cloths, do do dd 2 ! bk!«s wrapper great Coats Tfee ^ore goods being fairly charged. 6y the britf Neur-Orleans Packet, via Dane*, A supply of bine, and -whits PUpns, of an excellent quality; and A few bales Of lynidon'tfufftl Blanket* • Tltt above woolens are worth ihe attention of planters, as they have come out 22 j £er cent, cheaper than any woolens of the same quality im ported last year. oic HAiri> 5.50 pieces first qir.fity Bagging A few bales Yorkshire Cloa'hing Pipes and quarter casks old Madeira An elegant London made Piano And a few handsome gold Watches Jllso,for sale A comfortable residence in Broughton-strcet, in a healthy situation. The house is three stories high; the Idwer one of brick and l&e two upper of wood. The out building*, which are in good repair, are also of brick. The whole premises have lately undergone a thorough repair. The bouse is covered wJui slate; the two lower stories plastered; the upper newly papered, and in com plete order for occupancy, which will be given the 1st October. JOHN M‘NlSfl aug 3—ca 70 The Subscriber, Having accepted of the agency of three exten sive Paper Manufactories to the north, will always have a large supply of the following descriptions of PAPER, viz: Silver Royal printing Paper do do do do do. do do Royal ’ do Demi do foolscap writing Itose vellum letter Kentish cap Double wrapping Common do also, oy HA*I), A Quantity of Blank Books, which will he sold at a rate that wilt make it an object to retailers to purchase. UEEWISE A constant supply of Albany double ALE and PORT in barrels. L. PETTY. Savannah. May 27 25 ‘The Copartnership Heretofore carried pn by IV. Scarbrough, Joseph P. JM XXune Zi John JSTystrom l under the firm of ScAiu>B»tTeu & M'flix.vKs is this day dissolved by mutual consent. It is requested that all unsettled account* may be rendered in for settlement or li quidation; and that all persons indebted will forthwith make payment to \V. Scarbrough. Wm. SCARBROUGH. J. P. M KINXE, l prr Attorney JOHN NYSTttOM, X fV. Sc through aug 1!, 1819 03* Tie subscriber intending to continue busi ness in tie Jr'acioniTfs U Commission Lins alone for his ovn account, offers his best services in that line, to the friends of the former concern and the pitblir; and to those, disposed to favor him —who imv hesitate to do so from his recent em barrassment, a sufficient guarantee will be furnish ed, undei the* patronage of friends, competent to afford it. WILLIAM SCARBUOUGU. aug tl m 74 Mules for Sale. 25 stott healthy Tennessee MULES for sale by Bacon df Bruen. aug 19 cm——77 . For Sale 700 piries Dundee Baggint. James Dickson <!£ Co. aug 10 73 For : Sale 100 chaldrons CANAL COAL, put up in lilids. suitable for families. J. B. HERBERT, aug 2i 79 Pork and Flour. jt'ftT xjuniixo J® bhb. Purk 65 dn Iroh Flour from ntw wheat. - „ Bacon y Br.:cn. aog 26——re - 80 Auction and Coinmission Business The subscriber has taken a store at the north west corner of Market square, for the transacting of business in the above line. He tenders his ser vices to the public, and hopes, by the attention and DunctuslUy which will be shewn, to receive a 'u r ' J c u uniMitrrtai their support, aug*— S. M. MORDECA1. ~~Ed$t-Florida J.ands fur Sale. ADerson who possesses several Tracts of Land in East-Florida, clculate.l for the growth of cot- ton sucar cane, rice and other productions, would .tlsnose of one or more tracts on reasonable terms, ai d receive mercf.and.xe, negroes, nr property in •v" city, in part payment, and the balance on ac- rummtMU'inR terms. On one tract, cotton land there iaab ut 150 acres cleared, which has remained uncultivated aeveral yearn, it is j. resum Il would bring an excellent crop next aeaso.,- 'KA'arivi may vetbe cleared oh the same tract.— f 50 lul^tract^contain* about 800 acres of tide and nhind swamp, 'and low hammock, of whk* about ^v rer^Eavc t*™ cleared, banked in and DUntedh^t for reveral years put oot calt.vated, Sw mTto llie disturbed mate of the province— .mailer tracts are good cotton and provt- and. Apply. fit K 11 T- 1 Wanted, A good Cook, and a smart, active Boy, as a house servant. Liberal wages w:ii be given.— Apply at this office, ang 24 73 jYew Summer Goods. ■By. the ship Emily, just arrived from Liver pool, the subscribers have received a supply of Seasonable Articles; which makes their assortment more general and estensive than at any forroet period—ar,d will be told at a low advance,' and long credit given for approved paper. ANDREW LOW 8c CO. april 17— 91 . Factorage. The undersigned intending to continue to de vote all hU time and his attention to the Factor age and Commission Business, offers hts best ser vices to his friends and to all those who may be pleased to favor him. He will; until further no tice, keep his office in the counting-room ot Messrs R Richardson & Co.' a«4d have tha pro duce and merchandise, that shall be consigned to him, stored in BoltonL fire-proof buiidings. Petit l)c Viliers. Savaouah, 11th .\ugus’, 75 Just Received, Per brigs Speedy.Peace and Almira, and schoon er Susan, A fresh supply of SHOES, in addition to a large assortment—all for sale. Samuel Evans, red store % east of the Exchange s down the Bluff may 4——5 Notice. The subscribers having entered into ^copartner ship. Tor the purpose of establishing ct Liverpool business under tne firm of Wairmrighi id Shieh. beg leave to offer their services to their friends, as general Shipping and. Commission Merchants at that place. ELI WAIN WRIGHT. CHARLES SIIIBLS. nnv 25 cut——2.10 Auction and Commission Business, IX MlLLEnnsVILCK. The subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they lave com menced the Auction and Commission Business, the huuse nearly opposite the bbokstore, on Wayne.street. Business consigned to their care will receive promt attention. John If. Wright & Co. dec 18 251 For Sale. TJie subscriber intending to be absent from this state for the summer months, offers A pair of tine carriage HoTses, Also In excellent gig or saddle Horse, A light Carriage, complete for travelling; A Gig, Philadelphia built, nearly new; As also his mulatto servant Scipio, an excellent coachman and waiting man; With Sally and her son Hercules. Sally is a good cook, Washer and ironer; and Hercules' about 15 years old, is a complete house servant, and well understands the care and management of horses. The above horses and carriage are well worth the attention of any person who intends travelling as they were used last si mmer on a journey to the westward. The above servants are honest, sober, and in every way desirable for a family. For terms apply at the compting house, Fra zier’s wharf, or at the house, Oglethorpe square. John Sprakman. june 3 31 ^ For Sale,. Adesireable and healthy situation on the Salts, about two miles from Thunderbolt, containing fif ty acres, bounded easterly by a creek, northerly 8t westerly by colonel Flournoy’s land, and souther ly by Cattle Park. The greater part of this tract was originally good hammock land, and was for merly the residence of captain Davies, deceased. For termsapply to Messrs. Canxoeiujj & MitOjifl, or to Mr. Joux McKinnux. Savannah, 27th July 1819 67 Tofient Marine SyFire Insurance Company UiriVEJS D AV 6. The board of Directors of the Savannah Marine' and-Fire Insurance coirpany, have <^eclar<*d a Di-. vidend of stsrxn pei' ceut on*their transactions for the. last six months, wbrch will be paid at the of*" fice on and after Thursday next, the 10th instj june 7 r 34 if R. WAYNE, terry. Savait'iuih Marine $ Fire INSURANCE OFFICE. Wanted to.purchase, STOCKS, either oF the Planters, State, United Slates, or Darien Ranks — Apply at this office R. WAYNE, *ec‘»y. Au$r 5 cm—— 71 * Savannah Library. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock » ix. the room will be kept open for delivering Books. Ocntler, sec’ry. feb 25— 47 ^ Notice. All persons having demands against the estate of Noble Wimberlv Jonts, attorney at )»w, decea sed, a>e tequeitei5ftrreui)ertue same, jiuly attest.' *d; and those indebted thereto, will, please make PUBLIC SALES. On Thursday the 2d Styt unxt, Will In: sold at the late residence bf Wro. Uoya-* too dec Oneiu’grq woman, one cow & caW* t household and kitchen furniture belonging •<» the estate oY Wm. Roy&tcn dec—by order of the honorable tlie court qf ordinary for Chatham county. By*o*der of the Executrix. Side to cotum^n<Y at 10 o’c!orl\. % . A. Howe, auefr. jnly 24 r- - 66 3Sxecktor f s Sties. Ppm be eolj before the court house tn theJtrst T«e*- tlay in September ittxet. A negro man belonging to theeststeofE Rou* dot, by order of the justices of ibe Inferior court. B. Constantine, ex % or. an£ 5 pf* 71 , '* City Sheriffs Sale.. Oh the prut Tuesday tp September nexK Will bs sold in front of the Cr.urt-House, bet wteft the hour? of ten ard two o’clock. All those bajf Ixts of Land, in the eiiy of Sa. vajuiah, known by .the numbers (39 and 40.) li- payment to Messrs Robert & Joseph Habersham,! ^, Ply ^ hn'.uuled ot, -he north by a law. ou who nrf» a:il htmsFil rihtimPfiN atiri In ou« . ... . ., ■ , »he«asrby Jetlerson-street, mi the west by Du who are aui horised to make payments and to give receipts. GEORGE JONES, cre’r. "SL 3 —it ; Notice. The sole and surviving partner of a .house, apd the most extensive and respectable, that ever ex isted in Charleston, South-Carolina, having suffer ed most severely from its reverses and other cau ses; but, from a neRrIy twenty year:* labor, has now* a prospect and certainty of drawing 1 some thing very handsome from the thrawldtms of it; and having to support a claim against the Spanish government, for a Very extensive sum, secured to him by the convention of 1802, and the treaty re ctntiy concluded with Spain, and supported by every document arid proof that can be necessary to substantiate it, that have been mostly in the keeping cf the Amencun government, for four. teen years paat—-would be glad to treat with an honorable and respectable house in Georgia, for the immediate advance of One Thousand Del!a r s, on the legal interest of the country; they pay* ment to be secured by a security on a most ex tensive and valuable landed property, in Gl>nn county. Or, he would prefer procuring the im mediate patronage* of a respectable house or friend, to that amount, on the condition, of their being permitted to participate in the monies re ceived, bey end any tuaig that he could oiler, as an interest; and to have permanent advantages secured to them, after the recover of the property The most satisfactory and undeniable testimoni als and evidences will he shown to any respecta ble applicant. For further particulars, please to apply to Capt. NxwcOmb, at the bar of the Wash- ngton Hall. Stivqnnufi, June 13rii, 1819. [44T bigndtd* lot, a?*d on the south bv t'te other foole ries <T‘ Iota numbers (59 and 40,) together wit(i the improvements thereon, subject fo<he Corpo* ration gioutid rent—levied on as the pn-netty of Doctor Abraham Sfoftall to satisfy executions in favour of Daniel Robins and another. Isaac D’Lvon, s. c. 9, July 31, J819 69 * ^ ^ / Continued Sale! On the first Tuesday in September nexf. Will be sold at Effingham court house, bttweeti lh* usual hours, . One thousand acres of land, bounded onThoman Wylly, David Loret, amlGeorge Arnstoff*s bnds> the public lots of Effingham court Jiotifcc.-— Also, lot No. 9, Springfield, and the improve ments; levied on as the property of Pinup Jones tosaihty an execution in favor of Baxi! Gray, C. YVisenbakeiys. e. c. atiff 7—-72 , "• “*/ Continued Sale3. Notice. All persons are cautioned against purchasing from Minor Winn, any lands belonging to the es tates of Thomas Washington or David Murray, as he the said Minor Winn has no power or kuthcri ty tp dispose of any property of said estates.— Persons who have purchased, and hold under hi* title,- are notified that suits will be commenced against them by the subscriber, who alone has the legal claim to the property belonging to said es tates. Louisa OmoncSt june 30- 54 .On the first Tuesday :n September next* ; Will be sold at Effingham court house between thd uMtal hours. * . 3ri0 acres of land, adjoining lands of Ssmu*! Xeedlinger, G I Neice, Joshua Dasher. Kronces ard G. Smith. 300 acres of land adjoining lands of Jedediah Whiteman, 8. Arnstoff', and GotliO Zittc- rauer—106 acres near the great ba\; at.d 66 acre* joining lands of C. Ulmer arid Wisenbahker— \t- vied on as the property of John Neid ingev to satisfy an execution in Favor* of Asahel Howe. C, WISENBAKER, • e e. ang 7—72 , . Notice. All persons are forewarned not tb porchase that ^Antation or tract of land, called Nelvillt, in iSouth-Carolina. advertised by George Woodruff esq. as the said trtict of land belongs to the estate of Mum^r, to which the subscriber is the only sur viving representative. This tract of land called Xelville, is offered for sale by the subscriber, upon advantageous terms, and indisputable titles will be iven. Louisa june 30 54 My Dwelling House. It has eight rooms with fire places—four apartments in the cellar, which are paved with the best quality of flag; and up on the lot are a kitchen, and commodious carn age house, ccc- The house might be made secure against fire, and its situation is convenient for merchant's counting rooms. George June*. march £7 73 For Rent A comfortable Dwelling House, situated or. corner lot. in a central part of the cit). « *v; n- far from Mte Market. Possession will beg v' he 6th of January next. Apply to John P. Will tain s 1 .- dec 23— 255 Fifty Dollars’ reward. Ranaway, tins morning, my negro boy Sam— he is about 28 or 30 years of age; a low built, stout made, bow-legged fallow; tolerable black, grave countenance, pretty artful, took with him a long blue coat and a corded velvet jacket, one pair of hr»me>pun pantaloons arid one of corded velvet; had boots and shoes both with him. It is su;>- i'osed he will make for the northward as he is re cently from the eastern shore of Marvland.- • wenty LMiars reward will be giv.w.11 if tak en and lodged in any gaol in this state, ai d Fifty Dolfs.-s if taken out of the state and *:cured ■>«» «-•* 1 a * hint, and ail rea^.*nabl•; j Kid - a •' sons ar<* f- rbid fr. m harboring bin -r -s.r: v-*. !*:iti oft', under the j*enait* of the lav.- J - i.ove tr.’.r. .1 :.)d bv.l* to >avai.f > 1 1 ■* t JV n j i;sv •. Stolen, Five silver table, six tea and a pap SPOON— no marks on them. Should they be offered for sale, all persons are requested to stop them and the thief or thieves. A liberal reward will be given. A oply at this office. ai:g 24 — 79 The subscriber Tenders to his friends and acquaintances, his services as an AUCT'ONEER and GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. He Ins a conven ient and commodious fire proof store, and will use Jus utmost exertions to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their support. George Schley. SnTc-nah, 2d ang. —— ca—— 79 Factorage. The subscriber continues to transact Factora^ and C%mmitsion Business, and tenders his services to those who may be disposed to favor him with the sale of their crops. He will mote ihto his fire proof stores in three weeks, where property sent to him fur sale will be safe from injury of any kind. JOHN P. WILLIAMSON. Savannah. 18th Aug. 1819—j-r—77 To Hire, . FOR THE SL'MMr.P, A Boy, who is a good huuse servant at this office. • jime 4 » Cl. - nicle and • sled to publish • d their accounts Wanted Immediately, A man to attend a place near th«s c.‘/ need apply without producing vqucherv </ esty and sobriety. Apply to the printt r june 21.——46 "AJour wheel Cdrriai Nearly new, with or without a par Horses, for sale. Apply at this offi. aug 7——73 Negroes to Hire. reward laRLOTTK, who ab- Uitiy is a hiack \ ears of age, and ■ *.»:• s**me time pa>t ,er her arm; she has >f Smart, belonging husband. There Sheriffs safe- The purchaser not complying with term* of sale, will be re-sold on the first Tutsduy in Ocib- bernert, at the court house in Brunswick, Glynn county, the following negroes, leved on as th$ property of .lames Piles on the foreclosure of & mortgage to R. & J. Habersham.—Prince, Flora, bg Uharles, Silvey, Dave, Torn, Elick, Billy, JfoneypHariry, Jim, Ctiailotte. foe, Cealea, July, Charles, Isaac Jack, and Quash. au5— \ 71 . T, WINN, e « c. '* Notice. , On the first Tuesday in (Jcteber next, Will be told at the covrt-houcs in Savannah, One undivided fouitb part of all that piece or parcel ot Land situate, lying a< d being in the city of Savanaah, in new l>eds, Oglctluirpe ward, con* taining (in the whole) fifty two and hairfeet front on West broad street, and running two hundred and sixty feet in direct line back, and one hun dred feet on Willis Tin street; Sold by order cf the Inferior court ot Chatham county, for the ben efit of Mary Gardner, a minor. Adam Cope, aug 3—f—70 guar than of Alary Gardner. Southern Stage Regulations. The Stage will r*io bat once a week in future, inti! Hie |n-t of October next. It will leave Sa« /anritr. *ver> Thursday, and arrive in Darien th$ iar-.' '‘s ; and leave Darien every Tuesday, ahd ,r:r. . .^r.’.mah the same day. The stage vAU trur. p y at 4 o’clock in the rooming, and . t.«! u --Tenger should neglect to aPer.d :.t 'r .• lime, itaeiv money will be forfeittdi ,» ii! l»t reset ved for any person unless tl « , »cy ,i* yud at the time of entering their name, e ach phsstrger will be allowed 14 lbs. baggage, and all ever they will be charged five cents per )b. tor—extra baeg; ge will be at the ri>k of the owners. The office will be still kept at the bar of :he Georgia Hotel. William B. Holzentlorf. aug 14^———75 \ • Dr. Thomas A. Cabarrus, Two negro Women, one cf whom is a good cock and house servant; also a negro Boy about 11, to be hired by the month or year Enquire r.t the office of the Republican. N. B. The above negroes are warranted honest, aug 10 -73 Fifty dollars Reward. Ranaway from the subscriber on the 2d inst. a ncgrofellow, about thirty five years of age, nam ed Lv.v is. of a quite black complexion, well made, has rather a green look, with a small split in his right ear, occa«sioned by' a nail, and about five fret ten irches in bright, well sett, &c. The above reward will be given to any person for apprehend ing and securing him in goal* so that l may get him again, and all reasonable expences Will be paid. All masters.of vessels, atfd other persons, are foi bidden, under penalty of the law, harbor ing uud rendering him any aid' Bell’s River, East Florida 7th August, 18X9. James Dell. -i'—75 Notice. Persons having demands agsirwt the Estate of Edmund Dillon, DeceaseJ, wi»l present their ac counts. and those % indebted to said Estate will make payment to * JOHN DILLON, jnly 15—6J Jtdmv of said estate One Hundred Dollars’ reward. Ranaway from the subscriber some time bruary last, from my plantation, rear M.Hedge ville, a negro man named Cfunr.E9. This negro was raised in the family of Mr Charles Irvine, near Sunbury, in Liberty county, »nd was son.e time the property of Mr Williford, of Savannah, where he is well known. When he absconded he took with him a sorrel horse, saddle and bridle, ^nd as he has many relatives and acquaintance btrth in Liberty county and Savannah, and as hio wife who belongs to Mr. Palmas* of Savannah, has lately absconded, it is presumed Charles is xt no great distance. I. will pay to any^person who shall apprehend and secure in some safe gaol, so that 1 get him again; one hundred dollars. **.-,*.. , .- D< Mi MitcheK mry ir-— # •< ...w cy : \e r.* / ,*..hnGard«ir. for . j do’ibt of her being harbored in «»r near Savan- King wed known thfreabcuts. Her child ^haiio'te is about 4 year old and remarkable Jike- y. T!ie above reward will be paid on delivering hem in .'■avriKnah gail. I). SOBULT3. Effingham, August c* 79 Twenty-Five Dollars’ reward. Ranaway Irurr. the suorcriber, on New River, Sourh-Carolh-a, my man Russel, about 26 years of age, of ye Jow complexion, tlwck made, and of lu'.v stature, of a pleading ccuntenance yhen spok en to; has a mother and brother in Savannah, and is supposed to ite lurking shout their residejice. The above reward will be paid for lodging hm in Savannah gaol, or to Scott Sc Fahni, factors.— All person^ are forbid harboring said fellow as the law wiil be strictly enforced John Cooper. mg' 17 0 76 Braught to Gael, In Savannah, Juiy Ibl9. a negro man who vays [i s name >s Sam, and that he belongs-to the st (ate of She; wood. Worn track, of Hat.cock c un- ly Georgia; he is^bout 30 years rf age and 5 feet 6 inches high. H M'CALL, oc c. July 3i 69 ■ Administrator’s Notice. AH psrsnn’i iiarinp> thi estate Grosor ATKtBsni, late of Sarannih, deceased, are hereby requested to render them, duly attest ed. within twelve nint ’hs Ircm this ante; and those indebted are required to make payment to the subscriber- , J. • • fONE, . alLrriy for CrhnrUttc Atkcrson, udm'. x. tr-^pu-ars • Who left this place some considerable timu past for the west, and who, it is believed, settled himself near Mitledgevilk-, (Oa.) is informed that his uncle Arorsrx CaBAnncs is dead; and that Ins immediate presence ia required at Edenton, (k c) (Pj* The ed'toi*s of theMrt ledge ville Journal Augusta AdvertHer and Savannah Republican ara requested-togive this two or three insertions. F.denton, (y c) August 6, 1819. Noiicc. Three mouths after date, a; plication will bfe made to the Planter.’ Hank to renew a'certificate for Fifty-two shares of sti ck of said bark, stand- in;, on the name of the Commas-liters of i’ilo r - a-e—the original Certificate Ijsvtntr been lost or mislaid. . JOS. L'UMMING. june 15—cAf—41 cic C.of T Macaulay’s Patent Iloor Cloths. The subscriber oflers fur sale, and can turr. sh at-the shortest notice, turns a-not it-'n rAR.-s JtMEUlCJJV FLOOR CLOTHS, ( cloth carpstinpl for rooms and entries,- warrant) d eqoat to any imparls,l. and at prices 25 per cert low er. A floor cloth, with 2 colours, gt SO prsquare yd tin do 3 do 1 75 do, do do 4 do 200 do do do 5 do or more, 2 25 do Twenty-five cents per yard for borders. Clnth.3 without borders, can be delivered at u a ftw hour, notice; with borders in (mo mtekt. the Canvas is of a superior quality—made from Kentucky hemp, and woveatthe manufactory for the express pjtrpose, 7 yards wide; consequently Carpets, not ekceeding 21 feet by 60 feet, will be without teum orj.t' iHg. and made to any given dimensions. Orders from cny part of the United Slatte or West indies, sent through an Agent, or ad- dressed to the Manufacturer, (with rtlerence) shall be promptly attended to. Isaac Macauia/. PteU&phio, /a,-e,1819—jr—50 't^f. A