Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 04, 1822, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY REPUBLICAN. No. 239 Vol. XX. MI) ESUdl EVEYLYU, DECEMBER 4 1822. Whole No. 4061. D. B. NICHOLS, fl , r ,,le nn extensive assortment of Brass r AS , iv..,. of very superior patterns, with i To. Tr.* ..sorted n“ sets of Britania Tea Pots Very I pslterns , . lil' h engraved arul P' aH ’ Snir irs and creams , • *!.™njKli,!o Penfcniv™*! •"I 1 . Str ?J” a variety of Vfc »4 iunty oi mk f W n i a. dir/d nt)\. 18” sut nfwl •% to ' ni» c.W- r rtlVl Irdere - , lit l «#Jr M I i Mill Out . V I es. L clerk ntjf. fur let' mg ii n, Utt adno tors of if any 1st lid admini rel, on 1 lit lid ;lit lion 0, r. c ninty .r, anpliei e elta'eo i'y ilecei and adir.o' iilitur* ol nl (if any ,lu 1st day oil)' .ilinidistutio rel one of tl fav of Nov« dred anil t»e dond,« # - 1jBC * —AMO— RoWaml sNvcr Wernnd plain " atchea vine and f .nev < >"'V nn ,i other Jewelry cK*'r!ed. silver »n’l Snm»n*,L'«»«-,&c Waist Ruckles of gold, paste, steel anil gd ^S^toScabnve.he h:,, ***** •rill r foram » «/*,’’ or resist the powerful nfflu- "[vVwVtchrsanil fHocks repaired and warranted ,7mv2J t33»- ~ Commissioner* oj Ptlotago. ... ntto r wanted. P noPOS Xl.S will be receive 1 lor keening in n nairthe Beacons, md for cleaning ki*eping tinnovv, ami in Rood order, the Buoys in Si. vain,aU River, I n' one year. Applications to be 1 CHARLES HOYTJ ales. hun s 1 JNO G IIOMJOM IP. Secr'y. *02rt 'rite Subscriber RSPF.r, I'FULI.Y t l<I.a the inhabitants,)! Savannah and its vicinity, that he will opei, SCHOOL for the reception of young ladies and •ntlemen, on Monday the 18th of November, in hich will be taught all the requisites of a cor ed English education, together with the Latin, Greek, French and Italian languages, He has taken tile room occasionally ocrupied by lie Union Society, in the west end of the Acade- my. . For terms of tuition and other inform ition, ap ply at tin store of Baldwin ii Hayward, a f. w lours west of the City Hotel. FARWELL JONES. nov 11 222 , made tn Itv order nov 21 In Council, NoTKMBtn 28, 1822 g \UNBRED, 'hat «'» election lor Recorder" the Git', do take place at the next regular | meeting of Council. Applicants wiH leave their Mia -, with the Clerk of Council. 1 M. MYERS, c. c. nov 30 2j6 ^ .Carriage Horse. I A WELL hr ke and fa >t ironing Carriage or I aUt’ig It d*e best of the late Or. Hay art Ip.,v, for sale,liyme subscriber, mi uccnmmod : 1 'aj; terms. If not disposed of before th lie t JI uc-nlay in lierember, lie rill then be soi l at i ■ Court House to the higliest bid ter. GEORGE SCHLEY . rov 20 235 Assize of Bread. Imur, average price of Flour being 8 doll ir P-r barn I, the weight of Bread for if. fciri-- until, must be as follows, via: 131 Cents Loaf 21b 4 (oz, * fj Cents Loaf lib 2oz, 1 ir.liall Makers ami Sellers of Itread will tak u .tie • J*»HN .». ROBERTS r r . I 1"4 -> v• IN\\M Poor House and Hospital. TflNG Committee for Novum hru and Ur fzs.mi, CH MILKS M’IN FIRE ami CM AS ||nvr. Attending Physician, !/r. WM. H. CU\ EH. ltj order of the Hoard. JOHN H AUPT. Steward I 213 ilicalion win Justices ot 1 of die e,t,te , the rtf) pt®! f the lieirs. ,'HK,8, decea-ed. ssid »>“*' die andaJnfi d creditorso',h action* O'I*-. I ore the letters Contract Wanted. r . ■ l.F.IJ proposals for Ligating the City k8vi amh |<yr one year, will he receive I b -r-f tin- undersigned coinmitte of Council, a v in'* previous to the expiration of thirty tint hn this da* e—the names of 'lie S' cim'jea mu pi npany the proposals. Person* desirous ' for this purpose, are refern r 1 .,nance for lighting the city for mnr .c .lot: informal ion IltCIl. \l HA'tKUSHAM. 1 WM (• USNIPI.l , > Committr OI.IVFtt STUKGKS. 3 V 2 13 .Yoticc. p 111 copartnership existing between the sill •'■riliers sine.,* the 23 I October, 1821, is di * '.nsulveil by tttti'unl consent Those inileb mil maki pay oeut without -ilelay to Jam baler, alio is authorised to collect the s 'me . J, \V.CANNON. JAMKS FOWI.EK J. IV Cannon, l^ILL cntimie the husioe s 'it the s,me V si ml, ami w ill he ihanklul fur the patron. 'I *«• I ite customers ol Cannon Si Fowler Ifi 225 Wood and Lumber Yard. ’I!K ,ub c. b ■ . ,Me very t iwalarg. sopp y ol Fill''. WOO:I an 1 l.UMBKH, a "ms'he public'hat he will rut any quaniitv "I ^er,Spars, Shafts for Mice mills, or saw an» m,itv of Lumber to bills at very sltort notice or ! iirder in the ah(Ae line wilt be tliaukfully r I bv IV n Hird a! Camp .l.cksnn, or by th Ibscib r DWII) A. S/ HOMIl Ml >nv 7 fr21” Notice and Caution. V IIF.UKAS l have been informed that Join- Carnochan and Peter Mitchell of this City hive by sundry d -ed* recently mortgag 'd and assigned to divers persons either their individual editors, creditors of the late firm of Carnochai Mitchell, or others, all or sundry the propertt nil estate.both real and personal of the said firm well as their own individual property and e tste consisting together of houses, lots, lauds, stores, wharfs, negroes Jcc. in ih and Da ricn in Georgia or the neighborhood thereof, ami elsewhere with their interest or share in the stock oftliq Lower Steam Mill near Darien, and sundry shares in the United States Bank and other lUnks, s well ns sundry debts due to them* in varine< tilaccs, beside lands, lots, negroes &.c ih the ter Hory ot Florida, and particularly one large t ac if land bought ol Forbes & Co. lying betwee; lie riversSt. Marks and Apalachicola in the let itory of Florida aforesaid. Those are lu-reby to caution the public agulus purchasing any part of the said properly , r e ate ao conveyed, or any other property be’.un tg to the said Carnocljan Si Mitchell or eit’ r ran as I hoi* 1 prior rrortgages on the g a, , rt thereof whirl' are on record in t : regi-tr'. u Savannah and Darien aforesaid and In. Charle ii, S. O. and equitable liens on nil the prop r,\ if said John Carnochan an I Peter Mitchell V II.LI AM UHHISTIK, Savannah • The edi 1 ors of the Courier, Sc City Cn ■ ’ i* Ciisrlestofl| Floridian, a' Pensacola; II* - i it Milh dg -ville ; Kepfbliran, at Montgo. VI .baina.timl Chronicle,at Au tlkla ; are r.q ed to insert the above advertisement one wee* until countermanded, amt forward the, loeounts to this olfir.- for payment ne 6 FI34 • dissolution of Copartnership. J1IIF Inn nl I fi Hi.av, Si oe aaS'leseli I b> mu consent on the 26th September last; ho*" iii'l-bird will make pai ment on or before i first (lay »| Der.emher next to .1 C Hlance who is hi or',/, -d to colli ct the anne; all those who liav any demands against the concern will please render their bills in for payment. J C BLANCH. • J G HLANCR. N B.—The business will he conducted henaf. ter l>y ,1. 0. Ml nice on his own account under the Mloll on VVilliamsoas wharf, where Ii ■ will keef) u constant supply oftlie best GroceFieB and Pimvis ‘ •na. J.C. BLANCH. nov 2! »i^50 No rr il A LL persons irrlrb'e 1 to the subscriber eithei V by note or account are requested to call and mane payment by the first of January next, by so doing they may save cost CIIAHLF.9 GRKGOKY. I will sell out my slock of GHOCKH1KS and BUILDING, Ibis stand for the grocery business is in best ami moat convenient in west broad street. Vpply to the subscriber above nov 22 230c*t 7 o tne I*a 1 lie. CAKNiH'H VN and P. Mitchel, are y>rm be again brought before the public.ny . . 1 notice of Mr Christies, who has. ..ndoubt v claims against them, which when finally liqn r. fler. .. on the decision of the suit now pendm will try tn satisfy M soon as possible tliei fhe flee,Is under which Mr. Clirhtife claims ui vetusive right to all the real and personal cs'ati • f Oirnochan ii Mitchel, are con iilcr, d as infm mil, unjust and ill. girt Hence they have h ei » ought ami arc still before the Court, and Othn, turds have been executed and recorded, cinve.. ■ I,; tlie property for the use of all their ctsiditors y|r tihiisti. iiicludedi without .my trust, or re et vation beneficial tn C! and M. or their families, md if tltia be not agreeable to that genilaw ui, i' .lust nevertheless appear fair Si • u litahla to tb ih tic and al wbn have a sense ot justice, fhe Trustee* under the late deeds are anxiou i sell tin I.audit in Florida, alluded to in the no- ice of Mr. C and to apply the nrqoeeds 'P tin mmediate payment of part of bis demand It dep" * anfficiencv * hereof 'o coverall his claim, sub ct to the declaim "f the Court—hut bis pjipo-i i ,n to any reasonable sal,, as one interestctl in hi- nvn riglit, whilst injttriug all parties concernin'., oust tie borne uhtila*le can be made under h ■riler of Court. • june 3 136 , jr Kditors of papers who insptt Mr. Christie’s . nice, will please insert the abo e until Ins e withdrawn, and forward their to this oliic, wlu re they will be nrnm'dly paid by * Planters* Banlc, . SAVANNAH, October 16th, 1822. (3 F.SOLVKD by the Hoard of Di . rtnrsofth 1 V Planter*’ Bank of the State of Georgia, that f'ont and alter tbi* date, this Hank will n it const lertlie notes of any of tlie Chartered Hanks ol lie Stale of Georgia (the notes of the Planter** tank excepted) that may he deposited in tl" 1 ’luntcr’s Bank by any person or pergim<,„i)r ' y ov banking company whatsoever, or that may b • ii I into tlie aai I bank to the credit of any p<-r ■n or persons or any banking*,impnnv, as ere ing any cl lim in favor ol hicIi pci's,ms or sitch oiking company to demand that the checks or ider- they or such 'isnkiug company may is i n 'lie sat I Pl otters’ Bank to be paid in sp i a of gold or silver | but that the Planters’ oik ill, liir tl, • accommodation of their ?u<to I'., coixinue to receive as heretofore, in ih-pos and in payment of all notea deposited fir col ctimi, the notes of all 'he cli irlere t bank*of th in', of Georgia, but will always reserve to itse t ■ right uf choice in the notes of which of the speotive churterel hanks oftlie slate of Geor. , ti • r id Plan'er's Hank may prefi r to ni ike , ayment on tlie checks or orders b-ing pre •ute l if persost or persons or any d inking co;n 11\ that may have uu uino '.nt at their credit in .auk. Rrvilvfi!, That for the information of custnm"rs o' I’Uuters’ Hank, that each one may know i.i* amount of their respective drposi's in tin "tea of Hu- chariercrl banks oftlie state of Geor in, "i her Ilian tin Planters’Dank, and also t - ■noun of their drpnaits in the iii.te* of the Plan . iIt in ; that the Cashier bf this bank be in • itctcd to have entered trom and after this date n lie Irioks of )1ic customers of this institution, ,o their depositing the nn'es of the chartered lUnk'i.v? aforesaid, the f ill jwin;; words to he pri fixed to the respective sums they may deposit h Bank, n iimly, “is'oles of the Hanks ol Georgia'’ lieu noli s of the Planters’bank arc deposited, he fcntrv to be inide aa such. lty order of i lie Hoard of Directors. JOHN F LLOYD, Cashier pro t« u out 17 ai*1211 * Brigade Orders. >«vaiin*h, Oc' 2vh, 1822. •^HK Brigsd' Inspector oftlie l s' Brigade will forthwith proced to the annual convention of *b Field, stuff, Company and Non commissioned Hicera, and the musters of the R' girti" its and Hs'tslion*, ci monsin ; tlie llrig>de for'he purpose ■)f being train d and mustered, by him in the ex ercises and evolutions prescribed by Congress ii conformity with the 10th sectmu oftlie Militia law of 1818. Byordorof Gushimi. lUnnav, WM OVER' rilKKV, Aid de Camp Itupecto '•* office, 4lA \’ov. 1R22 In conformity with t'ie above order forth convention of the Field, Stafl', Company and Non-Commissioned officers, and for the review oil tnspec'ion of the 1st brigade of the militia of Georgia. r'.e Colonels or commanding of fleers of regiments composing the same re hereby ordered and directed to hsve their n s peeiive commands underarms on their usual gen era! parade grounds, for the purpose of being trained in the exercises and evolutions pivserib. ed by Congress, at 11 o’clock, on the following •lays, viz On Wednesday the 4tli December next, tlie re ' iew and inspection of the Camden county Bat talion. On Friday the 6th December, the review and inspection of Wayne county bsvalion. On Saturday th* 7th December, the review andnnspuctino of Glvno county Battalion. tin Mundny the 9th December, the review and i npectiion <>f the McIntosh county H it'alion. 0*1 Wednesday the lltli December, die view and inspection of Ute Liberty county Baits, ion. On Friday the 13th December, the review and inspection of die Itrv.m count Battalion On Monday the l6ih December, the review and iispectign-of the I'ha ham county Uattalion, b 'on<ing lo the .loth ri gmienl. Oo Tuesday the 17 h D„*c«mSrr, the revi" mil inspection oft .e Effingham county llattalVm On Tli|irsd.iy tlie iCtli J umary next, a convc ion of the Fie'd, Mull/Cnmpviy soil Non can nissi'Uted officers of the 1 't regmi at, (city of S. \ muah,) and on the following Friday ttie I7t Ianiiary, tl*e review and inspection of the wtuu regiment. Both officers un i privates are especially r- qmred to be a-ined uu I accent red according t I iw, and Hi Field officers of tin Brig .de to ;«t tend the reviews within their respective co Hands tor the purpose of.stiperint' tiling and e forcing the prescribed system *»f ,'n'ipline. \\ M P BOWFN. llrig. Insti,'C. \st Brig, 1- D Geo Miliii n< v 21 2 9 * Superior court- atherine WilsonT luuham county. Al*» Tsiim. 1822, D iliamel Sf ,luze, . orran run sale. !£ Pities Cognac Brandy of iliHcrent brands tmi*W and warranted Tniro 6 cases Champaigns 51 boxes (:| iret Wine ~j da old Rurgtmd/ 'Vine 30 do Cordials, assorted 2() dn sseni-e of Rose, lk<).’*ni;'e watc? 1 JO CoilsBsili ig linneand 2cis s I'win^ 80 boxes (Jnndles of different brand* 190 dosen Culone water JOf) qr boxes Bpnnis’i S—rars tS lilrls \ Orl "ms 8ugar UM pieces Mi.drnHs Udkfs SO grey* I’l ying t’.ards Lamp Oil 2 cases su crline Paper H»ngings, assorted co'our* and patterns 1 tntnk Stationary 25 pa'teni t'ibble bolted Mink Locks, with 2 key t" each l.ock nnv 2t '221 '-gia. jo ily MOOhHEdb, B F.GS leave to inform Ins mentis in te that lie lias est'.liHshtd himself pe»m» .. m this city as a '’OMMHSION AIRItt.'H \N — the sale of Southern pr . luce will he bis or -ct- !val business,.in the mnagrinent of which, tie lie- icves ht can do In's Ii iends justice—ho rcl'u s on It reputation established during a long residence i Savannah, on the references <o his friends, and diligent attention to con:'nine the confidence Of iliose wliomay be pleased to favor him with their business, Vntb, 28t/i Octnier, 1822. Reference in Savannah, Messrs Cuumisb JiGwathmxt. in Augusta, John Mnnar., F.sq. nov 7 !• a217 LL *Yotice. pi-rnons h ivi.ig lie m inds against th? es- \. I ne of the late Col- luinys Johnston, of Sa- 'iin.ih, are roquested to render them duly at- tested, and those indeb e l lo make piymunt in PA F. IIOUSI'OUN, Qttu/f lCfeattor not 22 20.1 lliitW* , Morel one« .is 6tlt <i*y o ' reil an<l l*' e " •, ,. BOND' ' and erv ajeclio't 1 ir i :‘ 0Pe tb f letters'll Hsr, admm | * u ^ 1 " r t [ ni | '£&***] ; to cite ' d and . cre( OI “ t» objection* f'* ( , 0 V, 0,the next tber * 1 unitary oexh .. granted , . p wiUi alW °ui John * Q.ivsii'i'.i'! j Court at Sa Notice to Builders. ■ALI'L ifruposns will m- received by the tin lumlc y oi uniil the morning of tlie 1st IF |rtpi\iriug ;lie Guard II mse Finpovda *'i be rec.ived du "ing the same lime for l^ii ' 11 new Guard House, a plan o’, ivliicb mnv pi"pplica'don to I Davenport, tlie contra/ 1 "ill furnish all materials IS'. 1)' VLNPORT, Iciim- Titos CLARK, V iitu. „ C. II IUYUKN, S tv 22 210 Savannah Uiver Lauds. 'he ti , fu, May i,, ,luiiU.n • ' xi belnrc the ouri House in the ciiy ot 3a u nnali wit puld at .uctinn al) that plantation or tract vsUnute in tin* State of South Carolina <'PP I ) e 't y uf Savannah, containing about 52 i itnmn-rly the propiyty of Win Telfair K*q Lm!\ Ul ’ S s " v *nnah h ick river and adjoi v^ liauidhy the plantation ot Major Job “ n,m ''WMd by the late Edward l elf. ■ i,i-, °'' e ''"'dred anil eighty acres of the m wti'T 1,1 *5* quality tide N vamp, l idei' f. n ' IrT * 0| , ) )e riy cultivated of he r L b 50 . l " W acres are of second quau Li ‘ 1 8 an ^ resi»itie back swamp—tbc fhe ut ' la,ld hi S:l 0 "be hall cash, the bal air,, 7 ‘"Wioyairwiih interest from day iproncm ?, en " lm ,icilltd by » mortgage o Ln'mi ii'*'.• i 1riiun * *t«hmg to purchase cui I'innah fat * l,e rt#ce of (lie thberibei [ h st tt »y brae before the day «f sale. 1m-> R w.habkusiiaM. V , . 237 c editor ol the Clvarleirtun Courier will please I ?\ e ,""hi the first of January nc*x tr " s i*tU* to tlie office of the ltepubh iMment, in Admiralty. UNITED ST v'fl'.n OF \ tlKUlU V 3 district or gp.oiiuu.'ts*. IN TIIK distiiict ' otm r j The Freii'lent of the l/ilSal States To the Urn ahul of the District of Georjia— OUKET1NU :— . L s GEO. GLEN, Clerk. V JIKHK\S u libel ba'li this lay bnen filed i the Admit* ilty Court of the Unin d Slat. • ir said district, in the iiamt and on the beba » >f tin* United States of America, by InbnSie- viN.s, . squire, coliec'or of the port and district o; ivamuli, against 'be achooner Hope, statin : a > |.„p .'Hiding asfullbws wit. that h retnfore, l it, uu the first day ol July in the year ot on rd one thousand, eight hundred and twmi .i, In wi', at Sav.oinuh in the di«tric ot G i u* u aforesaid, i certain vend or * \mo;i.:r cailo •* Hope, the said schooner or vessel being til • I id there a vessel li '.cnae ! acc >r ting to tlie L■>-' the United States, for carrying on the coa-" g trade of the said United Suites, was uni ' illy and m violitiii.i of the l.iws of'he Loi at and pat t'leularly in vi lla'i m of th** ' ( 'l " Icngia S' of I he Un ted S ates, entitled '• o, t for enrolling and liri iiKUig shins or va s.els to he cm,doved in the c trade Hid for u*g the same, appsov.;d the 18 h i ot Fe'iruaiq 1793,” transfered in wit lo a person, to -vit one Charles DelcLimps IV ho was not st til? -.line of such transi -r a e.,i it'ii o the United Slat, s-for which causes tin. nl lohn >levens, collector as aforesaid izeil the said schooner of vessel, h r taedcie i.Hi'd and furntture, aa by law fnfteued, and ,,ie now lies in the district ufmeviid. and wii nm he jurisdiction of this honorable court lor adju - Now, therefore, you the said marshal arc hen .. 1...1 *„ «it£, un/i uiiitpiBifth nil ann cvci' Superior Court—Chatham C > intj .laROAUr Tkum, 1322, The President and N ice Piesident of the Union So- •.•ii*iy ami tlie 1st and 2nd Directresses of the Female VlLile Nisi tsyluin of Bavniiuh . Bill for Divorce, lolui U J-on 3 } N tli'i'* c .sc the Shetifi' having made return th ' 'lie U tendant is not to be !ound,on.u:i>tinn ol D’Lvon ii Dc Lamofta, Snli’.ifnrs fiir iliu corn 'Mainants. Itisorlered that 'll? defond n.t ih .pprur personally or by attorney at or before tlu 'ext term of the Superior Court >.f Clia'ham '■■minty in January nt xt, and file bis ansaer or i naive allegation in writing pursuant to the net ot scmbly in such case made and provide.!, ami * further ordered that publication of this onln hi* m ule in one of the Gazettes ol thc City •* Sat am, all agreeably lo law. Extract from't'ie Minutes. JOB T BOLI.K3.Clk. tune 26 151 € M bond** < To llent, ® ^.‘ ot ai "l 'vtoi'ea No. 8, T.ale the pro I il!a 0 Kws'cofFut Stanton dec f * i-ii will be snuiierate apply <o jj. JOHN UPilBBlN, tiy commanded to cite and admonish all and every lerson and persons whomsoever having or pie- K ,o have any’right, title, interest,’proper v, claim or demand in ' to the sai l schooner lope, her tackle, apparel and fitrftdure to m ami n a viecial court of admiralty, to be held at t.u court house in Savannah, in and/or the dtstrici ot Georgia aforesaid, on the seventh day of Decern Per uVxt, to answer ttie libellant in the premises, and that right and justice may be done in this beluill, and wl'.ats,lever you shall do herein certi fy and make known to the Judge of said court, at he time and place aforesaid, and have then unit itere this writ. • _ , , Witnyss the Honorable Jeremtaii Cuyler, Judge ,f the United Slates district court for the district • if Georgia, this twenty second day of November oi the.)ear one thousand eight hundred and liven- ty UVU “ niClIAUD W. HABERSHAM, l)i«. Att’y Ga. All persons interested in the above monition will take due notice. ', JOHN \\. MORRL, a n a. nov 21 21 i. - v LL iitrsui.s indebted to tbc estate.uf John and *& Marcy Moore, id' Kfilngham County dcceas. o come forward and make-payment and those have any acc ‘tints, to present tiem >p. HEZEKIAtl EVANB, Adm r. Edward Unurqtiin. J x JI J ()S the petition of the President and Vice President of the Union Society and the. First ltd Second Directresses of the Female Asylum if Savannah, pray ing the foreclosure of the Equi y of Kedcmp’ion of all that Bridge situate on OgeecUee Uiver, on the road leading from Darien to Savannah, ind about fourteen miles front the ei v of Savannah, *nd known by the name of Hills Bridge, together with one hundred acres of land originally granted and resen ed for the use ot the Perry across which die aforesaid Bridge has been ected, and which said land is bounded north irdly by land belonging to Mr. Mongin am) Mi le Vllister, eiyawaruly and southwardly by land be- i.iging to Mr. Ale AUi-ter and westwardly by the iver Dgeechee, which said bridge ami lands were nortgaged by Edward Bnurqu'm to the said peti- ioneraby deed, bearing date on the 17th day of vpril; 1819, to secure the payment of a certain riling obligatory of even date with the same m->rt ige, and en'ered into by the same Edward B mrnuiii to and with the -said petitioners in tlie filial vint of eight thousand dollars condilione .if the payment of the sun. of two thousand dol- . i s O.I ,.r before the 17th day ..f April in the year ightecn hundred and twenty, and,'lie (itrih i sum of two thousand dollars on or before the 17ih iay of April 1821,•with the lawful interest I'nuntli 1 ,te of the said bond, and that there is now due I, the said bond and mortgage, and unpaid the un of two thousand dollars with lawful interest f.-om ;he 17th day of April 1619. "hereupon notion of Richard W Habersham, Attorney tor the petitioners, it is ordered that the prlnci nal, interest and costs due on the -aid bom! am. mortgage be paid i..U> court witmn twelve mourns from tnis date, or that otherwise the Equity Redemption (unlesscatise shewn to the contrary; or the said mortgaged premises be from 'hence, forth foreclosed and that such lur her und otbet proceedings taka pLuce. as are pursuant to the act of the general assembly in such cases made and pr AmUt‘is further ordered that this idle be pub lished ill one or more of the public Gazettes ot the city of Savannah, at least once a month lot twelve months or served on tlie said Kdv aid Bout- , quin at least six mouths previous to tlie time tin s.ud money is hereby ordered to be paid into this court. , /•. . . Extract from the minutes, JOB T. BOLLES, lerk. 19 'bupexiifr Court—Chatham 'Couiity, • Max Tsrji, 1822 \| irgaret Rusk, 3 rt. C Divorce. ■ \Vil inm Uuvk. 3 p!IE Sherilf of the county of Ctu!ham having £ made his return in the above ''use, that the defendant is not to lie found in the county of Gha - lion; aforesaid. On motion of VI, Slii'f'ail, Senior, plaiptifTiv attorney, it is ordered, that tlie defend. oil mak bis answer or defensive alligniion u writing, person >'ly, or by hi* attorney on .md In fore the tu-xt term of this Court, and that this or ler be published in one of the Gazettes of thi city, oiice a month until said term of court. • Exlr-ct from the minutes, JOB T. BOLLES, Cleric. a-ip 15 174 John S. Holt, Offers his services to bit Frien nil .lie Public .as a COMM I SSI IKY Ml'. It (77.7. V /' wo " VRE-HOUSE KEt i’ K. VUO'USTv, G;:,'n:.;, I TR continues to occupy be vVa'e !i-u* ’ 1 .1 S'ores, where McL.iwsund (Lilt I.' -I, . t^d Inisinrss, which are I g ,od order i i c.-ption and safe keeping ..f >’ '.due a t !• i Itandixe. All ord rs lo purebaw a ii con .igti- •lents for sal? of U tton, M jic .—T’ize or ,oy - .ecies of properly, will he .iiutkfe’iy rec- ived ; ■id he pledges himself, that ev:r\ x- ni ui sltali ,e used, to m .ke t> itisf ictory returns of all bust- less committed to I.i s ~:v e. On i oinlg' . nt i f«w barr* Is Super. P'-esh 'Jour, on w ka Unslacked Stone Lime. oct l 1J4 i/Tae Milledgi* Journal and- Savannah Republican, will 'iisrrt the above weekly 'ur'iwo aomli**, and forwsixl their accounts 'otfii, o' co for pav meet. “GEOR^I . HO 4bV;, lUDi'isr at r tcn fir.iRn, • 'VxNNAII /TJHIS Establist im ut tn* iay undergone a .. k, through repair, ml consul-rahle imprnve- menls have been added l lie Snbarriber ha* taken it upon , long Ir •**, audit will be opto on Mcri'isv the 24th "W for th reception nul acc imm-Kbitinii of S'rsi "lirrs a"d Hoarder-, lining supplied his II n r ,v i a new and general assortment of Fur utu ••. He is deti rmin- d that bis Table sb.ii. he eri- ■vr tonui'.e, tvh'lc this B ir ahull affjid the choic- <t I iquors nt every description. If File 8 ibles are large an i convfniea , for t'ie ae. (""moUktinn of anv norr her uf Hon e i~X) iVitb such preparations, added to the Indeia lia ble Httenlinn which it will be bis study a ' m- b'l.itiuil to bestow, he cannot but Halt r him elf jie will receive that hh-r. i>f patru.iage «n i sup- par’, lo which such aria.-geine, N hi" be titl ed. DAVID M. MTfS. ■Savannah, JV’ n. 2., 1822. nnv 28 24 Nl INr. Ill'll- altci date appuc.i'iuu will b. N nude to thr M m th .Justices oftlie inf.vim- court of Effi igham County, fur leave to sel 1 Ut- leal estate hebniging to the etfatb of T*-mpie Fulliu, for the beuelit oftlie heirs md creditors. WM. SFIE 11, Adm’or. March 9 58 IN-TUUOTIOM ON TUe V’loVm and V A \ute. STR HENRY, firs, V lolui in lie 8 -.vano ih Th* ■ I. .iii-'-jint- nds to give Instruction on the abov iew runicnu lie w ill be found ai tlie House < 77c l.ouis Jl t'urih. nov23 4231 idf made to the Inferior Court of Chatham Count > sitting Inr ordinary purposes,' fo. leave lo set jdry building iota on the South Common nea' Savnmuih, one third of a lot in Ymmcrjiw, an.l t*.. ns in 4tn district, Early county, being part.) eal estate ofSteplv-n Craft,deceased, fur tie benefit id'the heir- and creditors. , El .17. A BETH < ill \ F ’’ Adrn’rx. inly 9 *nl5|» i^n 23 Yotice. VelNE months after date, ipplicalibn w;ll b. C\ S f made to the honorable Judges oi thelnfrr.o. tol Chatham county, for lp«ve to pull M 0*, rS r irop^v"orVfioma. H. Mullrynu, motor, and u . 5 i n g for the benefit of ^'^^lbyNE,' -.* * Gitnr hail or T. II. .Unllvy.^ i Wednisiay and'' , FrTvkiy! A to A o’clock I’, kl. aug R ENGLISH SCHOOL. f tAMt'.S ti tlOLl.OUxdl, from i harledoii, intends opening , 8clio,>' in thia ity, in which w ill be imigtit. tin e «evi.|sl t>, nch- s geucslly comprised i.i an English EdiicHii in. lie will open us soon ns he will have colic 'ed a -.v pupils Five or six ill be considered -arifi. dent tu justify a oon»mei’.cem*ni. For particulars reference may be ha 1 tn Rev, lames O Apdrt-w, R-v George White, Mr is r.c lVEvona -.d Mr Di Villers. Farenta and guardians ibst>osed tn patronize die subscriber, md who may bo desirous of an in- i r* iew with him, arc respectfully _requested to - Pliithia resilience Montgomory street, nc-e die Baptist Chmcli, or at die Yletli"dtsi Larsoi. ge, where he may be occa-ior.allv found, nov 28 hI’235* .INF, mmift'Kafter dati app ■ .0"<" will hi made to the Hoi) Infeiior • ,nu t of Camdei r- nM j„ r ] e ,,ve to sell all Ute re d estate of I): ohn Ross, dec laying in said county for the bet.- fit of the heirs and creditors of bis estace. BELTON A i OIM*. Mm'r of the estate of no. Hess, no mhiintsiercil —with the will aime r tl ar>ri) 2 82 Yoticc V l.l, persons having lamuiida against ,tbc f. i:,te of John Davison, late of Chatham cou ■ v lereaed, will prevent tlteir .c tHints legmb t. s*i-I; and tiwi-ei' debteil will please to nuke immediate payment tu MRS. DEPASS, S TAKES this method of i ifi'i m. ig Her friends unit die public generally, that -lie has -e uov. *: i from h,residence West Urn .1 street, o 'die house formerly occupied by Mr H-. x i < S.'nytniv sMect, ntaily opposite Mr. VV Williaio/ *vi, re s ,e will as usual, teach the piano with sin,png lac. in the most fashionable style The reduction of her prices will make it a ob|eet for young iadii-8 (who feel a disposition) Vo acquire these • 'cautiful accompli him. nta. N. F Written or ortii cemmunicatious received ns above tvw 21 229 Proposals, \ 1LI, he received >> me -Street and Lane commiUt-e, until Wednes-lay he ll<h D > x for rejilariug all post-; and rails in tlu • a, sq larts in this city, and have the s in- it Ii two coats ot while lead—also to e. 1 • am’ i-vcl Chippuwa square. GARDNER TUF't'S, 1 DaVFNI’MK , MOSI S '-'ILFI I L. nov -29 235. 26 j- r 213 F. H. FE\Y, Adm’r. sept 2K ^c*193” Georgia—Cliatluun County. I'o nil win n tt may concern— » tHER 1 AS,.A .4. SmetS) tipplie# for letters \\ of administration .on tlu estate ol Mrs. June Mvt rs. late of Savannah widow deceased as .|.rin- , i pal creditor. ua-v Uiye are therefore to cite and ao.momd- landivinguLr the kindred and creditors of tin . M \ deceased. 'U file (heir objections (if any they y.eN ifttpy office on or before the 36t!t day o: 'Deccraher ntfjrtt otherwise Sett, rs of adwmistra i-j vyiil be granted to tint applicant .riitneas the Holt Thomas N Motet one of th ' i. ,"of the said Court, this 26'di dav of Nov y ll m e thousand aighfhutuhed -n..l t wenty-lwo . Library Society. f a meriting ol ■> -.5 " > toutlay e' en, i ing, August-5 .Resolved, Dial aft arreara- •s due th*-Sock y, which may remain due at ai anim -d meeting i ’ .ruarv i.c.xt, he inme- li vtely tlieri-alV uu' n sun .md collected with I. ust possible aelay ; aivl that this resolution published in the pa|ier» once a month until that time.”.. Extract from the minutes, L. M '.SON, Sec’ry. aug 15 ^ 17-1 Yotice. c V the expiration- of niii- i-'miha f-om thia \ date I ali-’il' apply to honorable justice*, ofthe Inferior Court of Chatham County, sitting I-1 or dinary purposes, for leave lose!, lot no "wen- ecn 'L’vwg^rs enunty, the waters Fai ntly 26 S. M. BOND, c co. n*-tto creek, contaiiwng two hundred and two and a half aces Itul, being p .rt of Mm re ■' es- inti- of Christian Gtigul, dece. sed, for tlu* nene« .f the heirs and creditors. ADAM COPF, Adm’r. jul 13 RW