Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 05, 1822, Image 2

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3 *\'i •' est sense of their regards—and the sincerest wishes r the prosperity of Richmond. THURSDA' EVENIN'*., Dsr r .*nt't 5 Jan. M. Riis-els, wasap.minted this « , .:iy, b the .City Council, Notary Public f >r the city ol Sa' an nnh. By the sloop .hVvi Capt. Buev v, arrived last ng, we lt.i\e received the Charleston papers of yesterday morning. Me g'can he following from them. The subject or Mr. Crafts as state Senator from •Charleston has been brought before tile legisl.i ture of South Carolina, who had decided to send ■for the Managers of the Flection in Charleston, and for all the papers and ilocuments connected With that election. Gen. Ueddes asked of the Committee ot Privilege* and Elections to count ov<r the vetes as received at Columbia in a bos, jr LUnTl ', and Dinkins, were amongst and supposed to he the same as those given for Two thousand dollars were taken at Mr. Mat thews’ benefit, in New York, on the evening of the 33d ult. At the close of the entertainments, Mr. M. very naturally, made the warmest acknow ledgments for the liberality of the public. THE FEVER AT PENSACOL.I. The following extract-of a letter frupi an oflicet in the army, dated at the Camp near Pensacola, Nov. 9th, furnishes the unpleasant information that the Y* I'ow Fever has renewed its ravages in that unfortunate town:— “Death has sta keel triumphantly through out the city, and carried off all that was vir tuous, beautiful, y >ung,intelligent, and use ful. The limits of a letter do not permit «aira» w-a W3» PORT or ^\V \N\ VII. ARRIVED - Brig Signal, Bede!!, New York, 11 days to Hall, Hoyt & co John .ton fc Hills, W llankin, S C Dunning, A Fivitnv, G Breittmayer ft co IV l.ippitt Sr do. .1 BtVick W co. .1 Smith, Lawrence ft Thompson, A Wade, E Scudder, Hill & 'Ten ney, Z Day, S J Bourgeaox, C C Griswold, A Murray, M Itabheson, ll Topper, \V Vreeland Passengers, Mr* Wilson, Ilurk, Ncwion, Miss Pat terson, Messrs Fort, D’Silver, Knox, and 8 steer age passengers. Philinds, Damon, 15 days from Boston, with lime, Ac. to It S Goff, S Billiard and f Green four pass.uigers. Schr Volusia, Parker, 10 hours Irom Charleston, in ballast to the master— Round up the river. Sloop Howard and James, Blankenship, New . LL"‘ 1 Yo k 8 days to W W Creamer, G Gordon, A B me to enter into any details. Hhonauoh, p jnn - m fcco. J B Herbert&co. Jl.athjop & co. the Senator To his no objection was made. Toe following was tl e result. The vote* as counted in Charles' on, at die Court House, give, to Major Crafts, 576—to lien. Geildes, 419—totai 995— Counted at Columbia, they gave, u> Crafts 578— to Ueddes 41S—total 99J. The votes at the In- sp< cl.oil, counted in Charleston, ga> e Crafts 13 t —Geddes 170— counted in Col- mbia, Crafts 1J7 —Gl ides 170 At the Maikt-t, a* counted in Chari, -ton, Cr.iftk, 977—Geddes, 069 —hut in Columbia, tinfts ’—Gedites, !8J —making a -ddf r-'ice ot THIHi'Y VO ITS at tlut place. Th. Committee reported that Gen. Geddes had the Majority b. three, and that Us was entitled to the seat. V int will be the ultimate result will depend cn 'he managers who have been sent for by the ’egk litre. Tuts is indeed a -.'range business. Theiv mils' be some "tow jesey in it" C >1. It. G. Ilajne, has been elected Senator of the U. S Cong'css, by the legislature of Souti Cardins, in the room oi ludge Smith j by a n:» jomt of 17 voles. They have also elected Su- phen Boykin Surveyor general of the state. U ivj i m > Huger, is the only candidate at pre- sent spoken of as governor of South Carolina. tiaj .r Hamilton it is saul, Ins obtained hi- election to ' ongr.-ss by a small mijority. Hr is elected to till the vacancy occasioned by the resig nation of Mi. Lowndes. The situation of the unfortunate Gredin pe > pie seems to have excited much sympathy in tin- country. Tks cliaracter of the Greek natioi, -and the resemblance of the contest they arc ei- gaged in, to that of our own revolution, forui so many ciai.ns for our eommisserntion. The an nnls -if savage warfare have been blotted wi rlii r cord of such euirnou* b »r'rarity as havt rh -ract -rizs 1 the struggles of freedom in Gr.-cc Although the controversy in civil oppression yet al’.the inveteracy of superstitious prejndic , ha .nog ed with it The Christians have exp. rUnc* 'l tlie utmost cruel y of treatment fro th->. who neat their religion as fi' only for dog T - crescent has been -arrayed against the cross. Ye tin- members of that most wholly league ca'I- <d ii Italy alliance, not thought pin pc- to inter - re for the proiection of that fai'h of w'l c tlu'. profess to be defenders. If Greece shnti d the disgrace of her reduction to the power of oc. oppressors, will rest heavy upon Chris tian Europe. That the result should be ether- \v-i»n, canscircely be hoped The ar- nut- are supported and assisted by the resources of long established and despotic government, an-. by the skill and military experience of offi- ceis who have studied in the great school of the Fr- och battles, Such forces must be r«n over mat h for troops hastily raised, badly disciplined and destitute of all but the spirit of patriotism. From '.he unsettled state of the country, it is dif ficult to learn its present condition and futur. pro-pects. That there has been murk figh'ing is certain—of Its success various accounts arc gi ven. To conquer a people whose feelings etil r 3o d-epiy intothe contest, will only be effected by tlu devastation of their cities and the exter- min.aiion oftheii population Where every plain has. b • n the theatre of the great actions of their bit .s ors and every defile the scene of their at cir vements, they cannot but cat h inspiration from 'he place and resign their liberties only with th- i live*. A coward would be brave at Mara thon, an.l every Thermopy * would have a Leo. nniat. It is certainly a most melancholy reflec- tii... that the fairest por ions of the world, where th tail is most fruitful, and the climate most pure x!\ i. 1 be the situation marked out for desolation. M.> operations have always been attended ■with circumstances of horror; but in Greece war has became more savage than its ordinary char, acter. Wanton massacre on one side, his pro voked the other party to retaliation. The faiiest Beenes have been marked with blood, and the w u'thiest of the defenders of their country have Gillen the victims in rcold hearted cruelty. Lord Er.krie, has addressed a most eloquent appeal to Lora Liverpool, one of the ministers in favor f the Greeks That it will produce no eilt’C' may he too safely predicted. England is tpo deeply pledged to the views of the alliance, to permit her administration, to perform an act qi justice, contrary to their principles. This emulation is opposed to every thing which would tend to enlighten their subjects. To them the name ofliberty is odious, and every attempt by a hign minded nation, to throw off their chains, shakes the thro cs founded on ignorance and ser vitude. As long as their crowns remain secure, they will not trouble themselves about the fate of juiy religion, or any principles but those of des potism arliesi victims—the latter lost his wife, aunt, brother in law, and cousin, in the space of one short month. The fate of our regiment (the 4th infantry) has been fortu nate—before and since we left the city, for ty soldiers were attacked by the disease, and only ten have died—a very trifling mortality indeed, when compared with that in town, where, out of a population of thou t 1000, nearly 300 have ptrished. The troops here arc at present perfectly healthy; wc occupy the gt mind of old Gen. Galvry’s encampment, a most delightful situation truly, and possessing every ad' ant age which an encampment in this climate can claim. The fever had subsided in town for some 3 or 3 weeks past,but lias now broke >ut afresh; and nothing but the occurrence of a severe frost can at rest its progrtss. The weather now possesses as much warmth as during the month of Sept—Ch. Courier 4th ins/. The brig Radius, Granger, from Provi dence, R. I arrived at M.itai zas, on the 20th ult via Nassau-—Capt G informed “ that ne saw rig .teen pirates at Nassau, who hail |ost been brought in by H. Ii M. schr. Speedwell and her consort, another schoon er The Speedwell had been disguis ed as a merchantman, and the pirates, tnk* mg Iter to be an easy prize, came carelessly dong side of her for tlie purpose of board tng, >> lien she gave them a hot fire that threw them into confusion; many jumped over board and were drowed; and with these and the killed, the loss of thu pirates was j n nit fi! cett or sixteen—the remainder of them, eighteen in number, ware taken pri soners anil carried into Nassau, and were to be tried immediately.’'—ib. and II M'Donald. Passengers, Mrs Merry und child, Messrs Smith, Shepherd, Nelson, Jennings and Felton. Sloop Albert, Egery, Brunswick, 5 d lys with cotton to Miller & Fort, ami T Butler St co. Sloop Rnsetta, Clmse, Darien, 4 days, with rough rice to Bulloch ft Dunwody. Sloop Mary, Brown, 13 hours I’m Chirk* ston, with an assorted cargo, to U luppe:, J kl'Nish, Duhaniel & Awze, P Cattonet, IV Turner, S II Fiske, P Devillcrs and Mr Waters 7 Passen gers. Passed going into Charleston, sell.' Gen. Hawes, from Providence, and new ship Falcon, from Salem. AiiltAN <...'iliN 1\ Notice to Travellers to and from Savannah. A UNION of se . . u. Tit luving taken place be tween the proprietors of the new line of The »Suisci'llierg At the store lately occupied by MmJ?* LV.I.m. I tm a J "■ANSI 9 NEW YORK ELECTION. The Republicans have generally succce d iti this election, by large maj iritis I. • e Eigh'lt Senate district, the majority is sibilated at 1000. It is supposed, the majority for Judge Yates as governor, is .t much short of thn.y thousand. AnnivF.p rnosiTiiis pnnr. Ship Georgian, Bailey, at Philadelphia, 6 day«, Stoop Express,Humphreys, at New Orleans ult. Steam boat Columbia, Blackman, at Charleston, 1st inst. Shi up ult. ct.EVRr.n run T.'ns port. Clifford Wayne, Ally n, ..l New York, 25'.li Sioop Entrrprize, Clark, at Baltimore, 27th ult. Sloop Cornelius, Biskey, at Richmond, 27th ult. The steam boat Columbia, was to sail fiom Charleston tor this port yesterday morning. [bt the sloop MAnv.] CHARLESTON, Dec. 4— Ar Brig Alfred, Warnock, New Yoik 14 days. Merchandize and Produce Below last evening—Br bark Isabella; schr*. U- nity, Owenr, from Philadelphia, Resolution; s.o p H\ las, *\ rink,from Baltimore, and two schr.-. and a sloop-, coasters. ... • i. »sie, Johnson, Liverpool Went to sea yesterday, Ur schr Trio, Folford, for N-.s-au Schr Maty MeKov, Richardson, for St Mary’s A ship was seen offthc bar last evening, from Klford's Observatory The (team ship Robert F tlto", Chase, for this port, cleared at New York 2jth ult. La' from /frazil.—By the ship Vir ginia Captain Reeves, arrived at N. York the 25th ult in 57 day* from Montevideo, we are informed that the commander in chiei of the K ng’s troops in that place had revolted, and taken with him most of the military stores, had joined the forces under me P ints. Their troops consisted of from 6,000 to 7,000 men and were encamped .vitlnn about thirty miles of the city, and it .»as expected would soon make an attach upon that place. From Port an- Prince.—A letter from Port-au- Prince, dated 27th October, Bays—“the five men that were taken up a', the suit of the American, agent, f"r robbing the brig Rachel oc Salley, will not get off with less than ten years imprisonment, wiiieh in this country is equal to being there for life.” Hard Frost of 1634. —From various ap pearances, the ensuing winter is expected to be a severe one. Wc hope it will be nothing like the season described by Eve lyn in ins valuable Memoirs. The Thames (he says) betorc London, was planted with booths in formal streets; all sorts of trade and shops furnished and full of commodi ties even to a printing press, where the people took a fancy to have their names printed on t:>e Thames ; this humor too*k ,o universally, that it was estimated ti e printer gained five pounds a day. Coach es plied from Westminster to the Temple, and from several other stairs, to and Iro, as in the streets—sleds, sliding with sk litcs, a bull-baiting, horse and coach/^ces, pup pet plays and interludes, cooks, tippling, and other lewd places—so that it seemed to be a bacchanalian triumph, or carnival; on the wat'T, whilst it was a severe judg ment on the land, the trees not only split ting as if lightning struck, but men and cattle perishing in divers places, and the very seas so locked up with ice, that no vessels could stir out or come in. The fowls, fish and birds, and all our exottc plants and greens, universally perishing.— Many parks of deer were destroyed ; and all sorts of lucl so dear, that there were great contributions to preserve the poor alive. London, by reason of the excessive coldness of the air hindering the ascent of smoke, was so filled wiih the fuliginous steam of the seacoal, that hardly could one see across the streets, and this filling the lungs with its gross particles, exceeding'y obstructed the breath, so as one could scarcely breathe. Here was no water to be had from the pipes and engines, nor could the brewers and divers other trades men work: and every moment was full ol dlSilSt'"."S ft t - . -.. For Havre. The tii-: cis*. coppered ship HESPERUS, Arcbii. M'Coi.keu, master. Having two thirds of her cargo t with dispuch for freight of i re .laiinter or passage having handsome furnished accommodations apply to the Ct.ptain on hoard a' Hunters wharf or to SAMUEL WRIGHT, dec 5 249 gi.g.-l Win To Planters. 74 PIECES Baltic Hemp Bagging 42 inches ~k wide, at 52 cents. 197 pieces Plains, lower than ever offer.. here fur the last eleven years For sale bv 1 HOMAS WALTON dec 5 240 Corn iSf Whiskey i (fkt | i lbun. is go. . il >ai 1. V/*_f 9U Bbls Whiskey. For sale by L. H. SAGE, & Co Telfairs Wharf. dec 5 240* . * otice. Stages, established on the north side ot the Sa vannali river, between Savannah and Hamburg, and Augusta, connected by the Steam B.ait Car olinn to Purysburg— ml the line ot Stages out ol Savannah, on the south side of said river; the St- ne Olfiee of both will, hence forward, be kept at tlie City Hotel in Savannuli—where the public are respectfully informed that seats, on either route, are in tuturc to be applied for. To illustrate the benefits of the two establish ments, as they are to operate to the public at larg", ii need only he staled that, 'The old Georgi. line,will arrive & depart on 'he same days as heretofore, and will quicken its pate so as that passengers will be ' ken thro'in two days, between sun and sun, thus uff rJing a pleassnt and delightful mode of transportation to Ladies and persons in delicate health, or to lliosi who travel lor pleasure ntherthan on urgent bu si net s. The new line in Carolina is gotten up on quite a different principle. Passenger, are taken Iron. Bolton's wits.f, adjoining the Exchange, at 12 o’clock, every day, oil board the steam Boat Car olina, and are landed at Purysburg (dining in the bos') in from three to four hours, acco.ding ft the s Rte of the rice and sliength of the current— they are then placed immediately in aco.nm'.di- ous Post Cliai.e, token (by ripid drives, in the hands of sobe", t xperienced Coachmen, und oblc and genii • Horses, the way being lighted with a luge lamp or lanthern on the tup of tin carriage) through ' > Hamburg anil Augusta, a- to arrive at tlr .se places by, from 9 to lu o’clock the following morning ; changing Horses on the way at an average distance of 14 miles, and sup ping u Mathew’s Hi uff (the half way house) ami breakfasting one change of Cavalry a hurt of An gusta. Returning— \ Couch will leave Augusta and arrive at Savannah, at the same hours us those specified going up: Dining and supping on Ihc road, and on board the steam no.u, which remains all night at Purysburg, to receivi tlie passengers at 7 o’clock the next morning, The Stage office in Augusta, for the Carolina route is fixed at the Planters Hotel, and at tin Post office, in Hamburg. 'That of the Geo.-gi. route remains at the Globe Tavern, By the operation of the Steam boat Carolina, Passengers will be taken to and from Ch .ilc-tun, landing and embarking at Purysburg, the mt- tractor for carrv ing ttic northern m .d, pledging himself, to run daily and constantly, comfortable tour wheel vehicles between l’uryaburgli and i harlerion, competent to car r y tlx passengers conveniently. The Stage Oilicc lor the same, l- now estab ished at the City Ilot c l in Savannah, .'.i t: as heretofore, at the Post ottic c in Chu.lesion. Thu Darien Stages continue to opt rale,as herc- ofu'e, between Savannah ami (Jiat place, and tin Mage office tor that line conlinu. s at the City Ho tel. SILAS HOLLIS, Proprietor of lie Northern m ue LAMB U DEWITT, Proprietors of the Southern rout*. JNO WOMACK, Proprietor of the \V estern Ga. route to Pierce’ P.l.EAZKIt EARLY, fir self, and Daniel w. mckenzie, Proprietors of the new Western Our uma route d c 5 1.240 articles, just landing Irom brig o.g u J_ I 111 REE pipes Brandy, 4th proof . 4 pipes Jflnlland Gin 2 hints Jamaica Rum 20 bbls Rye Clin 20 do do Whiskey 4 hints do do 20 bbls N E Rum 5 qr casks Teneriffe Win* 5 qr casks Madeira do 6 bbls White Wine Vinegar 2 chests and 20 qr chests Hyson T 2 boxes Imperial, containing n., c * Tea, 2 lbs each 0,01 1 box Gun Powder containiiiffjn Tea, 2 lbs each * 1 box Souchong 24 kegs Gunpowder 4 kegs Shot, assorted rinnisi 31HE subscriber having connected Mr. N. P. i Crowell with him in bu-im-ss, it will hereaf ter be conducted under lie firm of Jaudon tig Crow ll. i u AUDON. tl»r 5 Mrs. Gilfcrt took her farewell benefit at Rich j/iot.d on the 24th ult. in the character of J une Shore. 'The day after, Mrs. Gilfert issued the following card.—Mrs. Gilfert would do violence to her own feelings, if she diet not express her grati- tude to the lathes and gentlemen of Richmond, for the many marks of kindness wbicli she has uni. formly received from them, and particularly lor the very flattering testimony of regard which was 'bestowed upon her on the last night ofher per formance. It would fie difficult for her todos cube tlie feelings, which their kindness on this occasion lias inspired—or the sincere sorrow which •Ik experience* on bidding them farewell. H her- tfer sjje goes,. Mie will carry wilb her the warm-1 Letter Uu REMAINING AT WIL..IAMS LITERAUI AX1) COMMER CIAL HF.tlllLU ROOM. Ship Lucilla, S U Turkman, Liverpool, 7th Dec, djr-The letter bag of the ship Atlantic, for l.iv erpool, will be taken from the counting room ol Samuel Wright on Friday morning next, at 10 o’clock. CITY HOTEL . i'e^ro .sines. R. L. MILLIN'*, \t the sign of the Big Boot, North side Market- Square ,^/ ljt Pail Neg-o blio.'s, doubled pegged and fastened with iron, admirably culcnlat ed for Negroes working in marshy land. 200 pair Negro Shoes, sewed and pegged of a superior quality. 300 pair of prime do 100 pair pegged IJootee*, fastened with iron, worthy the attention of spqr(men and farmers. 30 pair very stout Boots and Bootees double penged of superior quality. 200 pair youths and buys Shoes and Bootees, pegged and sewed, a complete assortment. 200 pair servants Shoes of most excellent qual- ty, a complete assortment. dec 5 a 3 -10 Planters Hank. DzCkmiiAb 4, 1822,' !\ N election for thirteen Directors on the part ill of the Stockholders for the ensuing.year, .'til be held at the Banking room ori Monday the 6th of January next, being the first -Monday thereof, agreeable to the charter of the Bank. The poll will be opened at 10 o’clock, A M. JNO. F LLOYl), Casfiier pro tem. dec 3 240 -i SA VANNA II. ^yULAN BYRD returns Ins thanks '<> the pu ■ii/lic in general and to Ins friends in particular, for the patronage which they have heretofore ex tended to him,.is the estublisher of said Hotel. After two years of Servitude and inreniitting zeal to make it the great Hotel which it* peculiar situation, and its other advantages demanded it -Imulit he—he is induced to retire back ,q Charles ton, on account of the unwillingness which his 'iiinily manifests at leaving that place for tins. In doing so he cani€? slongjwilli him feelings of glut. nude to many individuals here, who have ex'end- ed to him their countenance and support—and he takes much pleasure in recommending to the public lha individual whom the proprietor has selected for his successor. Ills tune in the Hotel closes with this day, and Mr John Miller’s commences in the morning of to-morrow. Orraii Byrd will remain in Savannah long e nougli to bring all his pecuniary transactions to a fi -land compute close—und he wishes all per sons having c aims against him to exhibit the suit . at ..s Room in the City Hotel—a so he dusires sue j as are indebted to him to make immediate payment, John Miller r Late of the Plantcis (lutes, A i/gdsta, informs the public that he hasAakrii ihv above mentioned Ci ty Hotel tnbaVtmnuh ; tiie peculiar advantages of whicjrL&ri: more particular y set fourth in the nolme oft Ik proprietors of all the stages going out of-.the said Gity. He would just say that it is his intention to de serve the continued patronage ot tlie liberal and generous community winch received hi* prede cessor with open arms among them, and extended to the City Hotel so much oi their favour, dec 5 1.240 20 bbls do do 40 bags best Green Coffue 20 bbU Pilot Bread 40 coils Bale Rope 10 bbls I.ouf Sugar 10 do Lump do 10 half firkins Butter 20 boxes Sperm Candles 20 do Mould uo ‘-.0 bills Richmond superfine fre* n all’s Itraiiil llaxali’s Brand 20 boxes Brown Soap 20 do Yellow do 3 casks Carolina lines, No 2 anil 1 2 do Patent do 2 do 'Trace Chains 3 doz m Cooper’s Adzes 10 do hand and club Axes 12 do Padlocks, assorted M jg*W* & HERNANDE2,| ttnv 23 New Hoods. KILL AM & WELLS, •l UOU tNl lAli.uM JIHEjnipartnership of Kitlani, Ihli, has been dissolved and ... , iv w one I.irme; n | wo ol the former partners, under the r 1 -- • 1,1 ivy are now opening at the store n.-y —I pu d <t yi-ar, u large .n ortment of 1 Cloths, Cassitne-es, Pesth 's/z inme ii a very HipM, q.i llfy-., u u,e,’r,i| will be done in the newest und be.-t sty, . 1 hey have ul o an entire new stock of ti made DRESS COATS FROCK COATS PAJVTAL0OJVS VESTS Pl.AUi CJAh IK’S, (it. which nfe made in the best manner, expreul) this market. ' Also nine LADIES’ CLOAKS, a very had 10-iie article. I heir goods will be offered at prices to indut ptirclmiv i s to buy with cash, which will be tli ( | iriuciple in selling the orders of their Ibi nercustomers ar. solicited, oct.ll ||2W Fashionable Clothing Vr N KW.tORK PRlCtl,! MAYLU.t tin HAMILTON, LfAVK Ukcii tlie store next dour, to 111 To Let, In a very pleasant and healthy part of this city 2 rooms on tlie ground Hour, one of which is a parlour; a third room could be given up stairs the wi u e of them unfurnished—there is a parti cuiar entrance to them. Apply at this office, dec 5 m240 Piano Fortes and Looking Glasses. I" llti SnbtcML<*r lias , t .‘.ic . hih imiiiiure JL ware bowse a large an gu u ia; assurtinent oi FURNITURE, of last fashions and oeslqualiiy—also Piano Forts and Looking tilasses Mahogany and Fancy Chairs Patent e.astjc spring seat Sofas Powles patent IL-dsteads &c. ckc. Wluch wilt be sold on accommodating terms. J. W MORRELL In Whitaker 'greet opposite Col. SUelman*. nov 26 1x233 Paints, Oil, Window Glass, igc. Augustus Cornwall, O'hole mile amt retail PAINT DEALER, © FFERS for sale, in large or mall quantities, a gene.a! assortment of Paint-, uffs, wiu- oiiw Glass, Ucc. viz. White Lead in kegs from 28 lbs to 7 cwt Spanish Brown, Venetian Red, Yellow Ocre Black Paint, Verdigris l.inseetf, lamp and train Oils Spirits of Turpentine Copal and Japan Varnishes, Brushes A\ .ndow Glass, assorted sizes and various qual. ities—Alsu, ^ Glass and japanned Lamps Liverpool patent Hanging brass and japan’d do Lamp wicks, glasses, &c jJr’Or lent from ;U country will be thankfully re cetveo und attended to oq the tuprt liberal terms tV?v ^ Brought to Jail. I N Savannah Nov. 5tli 1821, a Negro man who says his name is Billy and that he belongs to Mr. Moses Lynsey, living on Duck River, Bed- ford county, West Tennessee. He is about Jo years of age, five feet six inches high, lias a smi ling countenance, and says lie ranaway about five years since. HUGH M’CALL, j. c. c april22 95 Brought to Jail, ia2 ?’.“ neffro man wlio says lus name is Bob,and that he belongs Jolm Beckly, of Barnwell District, S. G He is about 40 years of age, and 5 feef 6 inches high- says he ran away two years ago. lie has lost part ot lus right ear 1 H M’CALL, j. c. c. 222 nov 1.1 Drought to Jail, a N Savannah, No., mber 14, 1822, a negro wo- man who -.ays her name is SUOKEY, and islie belongs to George Henderson, of Burke county. She is about40 years of age and 5 feet 2 indies high; marked with the small pox. ^ H. M‘CAL,L, j c c. nov 23 231 101 lieceived per Ship Howard. ay °g t; proof MAH RLE u LA'l HKUEAIfDlERE. nov 25 2j)2t llieriy occupied by them in WliitaktfXi. opposite Mr. Young’s new buildings, and b opened uil elegant .. sort ment of Clothing, AMONG win. II ahs, Sheppards best b.ti an I black cloth Coa's Imperial S.ixouy—superim and extra superior Iujtermr nlut, olive, green, brown and miltf Coats Saxony drab do—with capes to hook on Llollt and Cats'tmere Pantaloons of ullcolowl qualities Saitinclt and cor.l do do Superior blue and black doth and CassimrreV Figured & striped silk Valenti., a Varsrilb Drub cloth, olive m l drab l.ion-ltin, boil.'n laiilits and Ueiiitemen’a plaid Cloaks various p tern* and qualiii.-s Coatees, round Jackets and Trnwser, Linen ami cotton Shirts, trimmed and plain Flannel, Vigouia and Cotton undtr Shin, Worsted and cotton llruwers, Stockings, ponders. Gloves, Ur.. ' The above goods are manufactured by their Ware House in Ntw-York, in a in; style. Their former cosiomers and pure! are solicited to i xatnins them. —ALSO— v lew Hats at reduced prices, nov 61 225 i thru a JOHN P. SETZE H AS rccf.iv. •' ., v i ,ni• ur.iviis Irani Ntfe| York, a grea* v <ri- tv of CLOTHING, Which, for beauts a quality, excel anytluttWl was offered in litis marset,—viz, Blue and Black extn line Dress Coats Secant, duality do do Blue, Claret, and Brown Frock Coats Drab Box Coats Youths Fine Coats Blue and Gray line cloth Coatees Vtdencia, Toilincts, Swaiidt.wus, and all olhcrk-ii | of Fancy Vests Extra fne White Marseilles do Black Florentine Cassimerc and Cloth do Blue Ciotlt and Cissimerr Best single and double milled cassimerc M* | loons, of all colors and sizes Flannel Shirts and Drawers Knitted do do Sup. Plain and Frilled cotton ami linneaShirt* Superfine 'Cravats Sco.cli Plaid Cloaks, of various sizes andpt.ces Short and Long Lumbswool Hose Gentlemen’s lleavur Ginves 190 Dozen Woolen tlo Silk Umbrellas of all sizes Lion Skin Great Coats Servants coatees and Pantaloons Men’s and Itoy Suits, very cheap Pea and Monkey Jackets Bed Flannel, check, and striped Shirts Striped and spotted Guernsey Frocks Flag and Blue Bandana Handkerchiefs Drab and Black Hats London Duttil and Point Blankets, Superfine Blue and Black Cloth Do Double milled cussimcre of almost evriJ colour Vest Shapes Black Florentine, Valencia, and T'o'dmet Yestvng® I Extra fine White Marseilles Fine und common White Flannel 30 pieces Heavy Lion Skin 24 do very good quality Blue Plains Scotch and Tartan Plains, from 62 cts."' S l . Having just received the latest N. York b o' adelphia fashions, he w ill be enabled to tn»» e the above goods to suit his customers, nov I ijen 212 who Brought to Jail, a N Savannah, Nov 8, 1822, a negro says lus name is SaiuJy, und that fie belong'* Uenj. lluah, ofS. Carolina. lie is about 42> e . of age, and 5 feet 3 inches high. He lias I lil ' left eye. It. M’CALL, J c c ’ nov 1.3 222 —• 0 A For "J wit oft fact C ll c > All win whi put t pac B hty whi II bun 1 tow Sup Lon< A *s( Orel Broi Plaii 3 41 64 filar Satir Supi Cant Ill's IV hi I V.'hii I Supt II S . 13-4 t. I 1 |( Ji Light Plaid L'oblt 54.t 4pmi Ll oil Mi’i 441> 44 .i: 14 ct I Brouglit to Jail j N Savannah, August 22, 1822; a iiegf" Worn** who says her name is Fanny, ami that ‘.M | longs to Mr. Henry Bird of Augusta- * ' p 1 feet 3 inches high, and about 45 years ol b H.4PCAL!, H'rt «u)j 31 119