Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 06, 1822, Image 1

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savannah daily republican - . .241 ....Vo!. XX. FRIDA F EVENING, DECK \1 HER 9, 1822. ■w- D . B. NICHOLS, f nit extensive - assortment of Rra'» T f' 'mi i'f very superior patterns, with sjirf«r.&«• f »«* »• j inil Pnker, a f f bra&** Veryflrte an>l common MU Tea Trajf* assorte.l Rich'lngnved and plain ««'■ ofUritania Tea Pots 8il*ars .mil Slmisrick*,fi..<- Penknives, Razors nml Strops ShellCombs. *,■ ~T.*^"r w..h . vnety of Military Wares, viz. _ . ,,,| vVintrs, Dirks, Epaulette* | J^Cori, B -g'es Tam- »h. Plumes, Bullion, Ac. G'.ll anti stiver lever sad plain Watches Fine and fancy Clocks , , , F, ,Lt diattv.n l. rub;/. pvtrl »nd other Jewelry f ; 0 „l ^sorted, st* ver and pitted Spoons,Lnilles&c Waist Hackles offfoM, jMtitc, steel ana a.* i \ v Wire*, &c &c In addition to the above, lie Ins Pistols that «ill .erfor tt* 11 tUk,” or resist the powerful influ ence of “ cologne ” (vj’W .tell 1 sand Clocks repaired in 1 warranted nor li t3dS Commissioners of Pilotage. CO I'Ktcr W ANTED. P IJOPOS M S will he rccriv 1 for keeping; in re pair the Beacons, md for cleaning keeping etationarv, and in (food order, the Buoy* in S i- rannah River, for one vear Appli'itions to be i. CH VRLK9 HOY I’ f „ * i lCl Al.P.'i. HUN TER. \ c ^‘ ,n “ee. jso a. holoomjje, 226 Rv order nos 31 In Council, Novsjinrn 2d, 1822 O nDFdIF.l), that an election tor Recorder of till* city, do take place at the next regular tp -riinjf of Council. Applicants will leave their ainif.s with the Clerk of Council. M. MY BKS, c. c. nnv 30 2.16 _ Carriage Horse, A WELL broke and fi t trotting Carriage or Gi(f horse, the best of the late l)r. Bayard* pair, tor tale by the subscriber, on accommodat- utgUrms. If not tiUposed of before the first Tuesday i t December, lie w ill then be sold at the Coutt House to the highest bidder. CHOUGH SCHLEY. n»* 3 - 1 2.1.1 . Issize of Bread,. rill IK average price of Flour being 8 dollars I per barrel, the weight of Bread fur the present month, must h : as follows, via: 12j Cents I,oaf 2ib 4joz, 4 Cents Loaf lib 2oz, of wliicliall Bakers and Sell-rs of Itread will taki due nn’icc. JOHN J. ROBERTS e. t. net I 194 S v WAN AH Poor House and Hospital. T/'ISITl.VG Committee for N’i'vkwhkh and Dr.- T n.MHKii, Oil \HLF.S M’lNTIRB and OIIAS. HOYT. Attending Physician, l)r. Wat. H.CUY- Li lt. By order of th Braird JOHN IIAUPT, Steward, nnv 2 JJ1.1 Contract I Canted. S EALED proposal* for Lignling the City of Sivannah for one year, will he received bv H'ltrr of the undersigned c mmitlo of Council, at me previous to the expiration of thirty day fnsn this .1 iti—-the nnm-.s of the securities must iccninpany the proposals. Pcnons desirous of tulii'ig a contract for this purpose, arc referred I to the urdinanee for lighting the city for mo.r llpuicular information RICH. W. HABERSHAM'} WM C DAN1F.1.L, ). Commltte. OLIVER STl'RGKS. } nov 2 13 Notice. T HE copartnership existing between the sub scribers since the 23 l October, 1821, is tlti |d.iy dissolved by mututil consent. Those indebt- |el will make payment without delay to Janies iFawler, who is authorised locollect the s'ine ‘ W. CANNON. JAMES FOWLER. J. W Cannon, I\ITILL continue the business at the same ■ 1V st and, and will lie tbankltil for the patron- ufilte late customers of Cannon Ik Fowler. » Ifi • 225 The Subscriber v > F.SPKC I'M;LI.Y informs the inhabitants of *• * Savannah and its vicinity, that he will open . SCHOOL for the reception of young ladies and ntlemen, on Mondny tlio 18th of Nuveinber, in which will be taught all the requisites of u cor- reel English educu'mn, together with the Latin, Greek, French and Italian languages. lie has tit ten the room occasionally occupied by 'he Union Society, in the west end of the Acade my. For terms of till 1 ion and other information, ap ply at the store or Baldwin it Ha. ward, a few doors west of the City Hotel. FARWKLL JONES. nov 13 */Votice and Caution. W IIF.UKAs l have been informed that John Carnnchan and Peter Mitchell of this City have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged anil assigned to divers persons either their individual creditors, creditors of the late firm of Canioehan k Mitdvdl, or others, all or sundry the property and estate both real and personal of the said firm as well as their own individual property and es tate consisting together of houses, bts, lands, stoi ' i, wharfs, negroes &c. in Savannah and Da rien in Georgia or the neighborhood thereof, and elsewhere with their interest or share in the stock of thi; Lout r St a n Mill near Darien, and run Iry share* in the Utii'nd States Uinik and other Ranks, as well as sundry debts due to them in various places, beside Isnds, lots, negroes &c. in the ter ritory of Florida, and particularly one large tract of land b night of Forbes &. Co. ly ing between ■he rivers St. Marks and Apalachicola in the let- '•itory of Florida afore:; .id. These ure hereby to caution the public against purchasing any part of the .,aid property or es tate so conveyed, or any other properly belong mg to the said G'arnociiun U Mitchell or either ot them as I hold prior mortgages on the greatest* part thereof winch are on record in the registrt in Savannah and Darien aforesaid and in Charles ton, S. C. and equitable liciu on all the property of said John Carnoclian and Peter Mitchell. WILLIAM CHRISTIE, Savannah. *,* The edit or* of the Courier, b City Gazette, *t Charleston; Floridian, at Pensacola j Uecordei at Milledgeville ; Republican, at Montgomery, Alabama, and Chronicle, at Atr.'usla j ore reques ted to his'-rl the aliote adveHisemanf once a week until countermanded, and forward their accounts to this office for payment pine 6 fl34 To the Public. J OAHNOCH VS and P. Mitchel, are sorry Hi * he ag ain brought before, the public by a sl- r.uml notice of Mr. Christies, who has .indoubt- !v claims against them, which when finally liqui luted on the decision of the null now pending, they will try to Satisfy as soon as possible tlici'e- dter, The deeds under which Mr. Christie'claims an exclusive right to all the real and personal es»'at< of Carnoclian St Mitchel, aro considered as mini ilia), unjust ami illegal Hence they have lv on brought and are slid before the Court, and othei dc-ds have been executed and recorded, convoy - mg the property for the use of all their creditors, Mr Christie included j without any trust of re serration beneficial «o C and U. or their families r »nd if this ue in., agreeable to that gent liman, it must nevertheless appear fair k eqm.nhl*to th( uibln an I all who have a sense of Justice. The Trustees under the laic deed-, are anxious to sell the Lauds in Florida, alluded to in he no ice of 'lr. C. and to apply the proceeds to th. mmediule payment of part of his demand ‘i derm- sit a sufficiency thereof to coverall his claim, mb j.-etto the decision of the Court—but his oppoai tion to any reasonable sale, as one interested in tiir mi right, whilst injuring all parties concerned, must he home until a sale can be made under an order of Court, juftc 8 136 gj* Editors of papers who insert Mr. Christie's notice, w ill insert the above until Ins is withdrawn, and forward their bids to this o,iti t where they w ill be promptly pawl bv l C ft P. M Dissolution of Copartnership. S UIK n m of i u II, AT. t. nr. waadeaol .- I by mutual consent on the 26*h September last; VJioae indebted will make payment on or before t »e first day of December nex' to .1 C, Blaure who is authorized to collect the name; all those w'to nave any ilein8nds against the concern will please render their bills in lor payment. .1. C. BLANCH. —* J. G. Ill VINCE N B —Tim busin ss will be conducted liereaf- terhv C. It lance on his own account under the Blot! on Williamsons wharf, where lie will keep a constant supply ottnc bhat Groceries and Provis lo119 - J. C.'BLANCE. 'mv 23 »i-|* 230 notice7~~ V LL persons iialcbted to the subscriber eitliei by note or account arc requested to call and make payment by the fust of iauuary next, by so doing they may save cost CHARLES GREGORY. I will sell out my stock of GROCERIES and IH'ILDING, this stand for the grocery business is the lu st and most convenient in west broad street. Apply to the subscriber above nov 22 2 lOcAt Planters' Hank, SAVANNAH, October 16th, 1822. R ESOLVED hy the Hoard of Directors of the Planters' Bank of the Slate of Georgia, that from and after tltis date, this llsnk will hot consi lur th.- notes of any of the Chartered Banks ot lie Slate of Georgia (the notes of the PI.utters’ Bank excepted) that may be deposited in die Planter’s Bank by any person or persons, or by mv banking company whatsoever, or that may be paid into the Slid hank to ttie ci’< Jit of any per son or persons or any hanking company, as ere . ing any claim in favor ot •/. p rsona or -oc.h o .nking company to dema i.’ that the checks or ••talers they or such .anking company may is- te on tile sai I Planters' Bank to be paid in. spe cie coin of gold or silver ; Hut that tiie Planters’ Bank will, for the accommodation of their custo- m is, continue to recr'u • as heretofore, in depos- i'e ami iu payment of all notes deposited Ear col . ctii m, the notes of all 'he ch irtere.l banks of Hie s' ile, of Georgia, but will .always reserve to itself 'he right of choice in the notes of which of the r'spective chartered hanks uFtln» slate of Geor- gi.>, the said Planter’s Bank way prefer to make in payment on Uie checks nr orders being pre x-iited of person or persona os’any o inking com pant dial may hare an amount at their credit in hank. Resolved, That for the information of customers of die Planters’ Bank, that each one may know lie amount of their respective deposits in the intcs of die chartered hanks of'lie state of Gpor. gia, other than "the Planters’ llank, an I also the unouni of their deposits in be note* of die Plan, tuts’ Balia ; tint the Cashier of this hank he in striictud to have entered from and‘after tins date in h« honks of the customer* of this institution, hit their if positing dip notes of the clnftm ed Banks as aforesaid, 'he follotyi ig tvorJs to bo pt'e fixed to the respective sums tn,-y may deposile .u, namely, “Not. a of the Banks of Geoegi.”; alien notes of the Planters' bank are deposited, the entry to he madr as such. By order of die Uo.u 1 of DircCors, JOHN F. LLO>'D, Casiuer pro i<-m o r t 17 ap|2'H Brigade Orders. Savannah, Oct. 2wh, 1822, J 9 HE Brigadf Inspector of the 1st B-'nrudr will • forthwith proceed to the lontnl chnven'mn of the Field, Start', Company and Non-com missioned officers, and tin musters of the Regiments and Battalions, composing the Brig .de for the purpose of being traim d ami mustered, by tiiiri in the ex erciscs and evolutions prescribed by Congress, in eonfin-mily with the lOtb section of the Militia law of 1818. Byordorof Gkxfuai. HannKs, AVAL OVERSTREET, Aidde Camp. Inspectors office, 4th Xov. 1822. In conformity wi It the ah'.ve onler for th" convention of the Field, Start', Company and Nhui-Commissioned officers, and foi the review md inspection of the 1st brigade of the tnili n ol Georgia. The Colonels or commanding of ficer. ol regiments composing die same are hereby ordered and directed lo have their res pective commands tuider arms on their usual gen eral parade grounJf for the purpose of being trained in the exercises and evolutions prescrib ed hy Congress, at 11 o’clock, on the following d.iys, viz On Wednesday the 4th December next, the re- view and inspection of the Camden county B:d- talion. On Friday the 6th December, the review and inspection of Wayne ctiunty battalion. ^On Saturday the 7di December, the review and inspection of Glvnn county Battalion. On Monday the ftth December, the review and inspect non of the McIntosh county D't'alion. Ori Wednesday the lDh December, the re view and inspection of the Liberty county Batta lion. On Fridsy the 13th December, the review and inspection of the Brynn county Battalion On Monday the 16th December, die review and inspection of the Clia'ham county Battalion, be longing to the 35th regiment. On f 11 te 17 h December, the review and inspection of t e F.fli igh un county Battalion. On Thursday the 16th January next, uconven tion of the Field, staff, Company, md Non-com missioned officers of the 1st regiment, (city of Sa- vann ill,) and on tile following Friday the 17th liotuury, the review and inspection of the whole regiment. < Both officers an I privates are especially re quired to be i-ined an I accoutered according to law, and the- Field officers, of the Brigade to at tend the review* wiiMin their respective com- nui ls f.rr die purpose of superintending and en forcing the prescribed system of discipline. WM. P. BOWEN, Brig. Insure, 1st Brig. 1st Div. Geo. Militia. ,„ v 0] 2 *) Wood and Lumber Card. HMIf sub crib • otters for sale very low > large supply 't FIRE WOOD an 1 J.U *111 Kit, a id I'lfonns the public that he will cut «ny quantity of limber Spur-, Shall* for Rice mills, or saw any tjuaniity of I .umber to hilts at vert hliort notice, or Vty order In the above line wjtt li.: thankfully ra- peivetl hy Wm Bird ul Camp Jackson, or hy the Fetib.cibtr. DAVID A S I ROHHAIi. nov 7 *-r2!~ Notice to Builders. <f AGED prupo;uls will be received by the un- P '"ule sign urn il the morning of the 1st Dec. (V 1 ' 1 -pairing the Guild louse. Proposals will Jb 'bn received diuingtlie same time lor huild- r|K «new Guard House, a plan ol which may be f e "» 'h application to 1. Davenport, the contrac- P 01 " a til furnish all niaiertaL. 13a. davenport, }com- THOS. Cl.ARK, J-miitee. . M 0. II HAYDEN, J) m 'v22 Qio Savannah River Lands. he n . . ,.ia, m January next belme 'lie Guur House in the cuy ol Savannah will iaa i ' •‘ u< '-li "> di that plantation or trucl ol t ' ’“'"ate in th,- State of South Carolina oppn* * Cl 'y °l Sayaiinth, containing about 525 a- e ' l | rrner ^y die property of Wm Telfair r-sq. iav- „. r .'‘“ ll “* ' m Savannah back river and adyoiu- IcrivH! the plantation of Major John L. 2 k nor thWard hy the late Edward Telfair l0 'e uaci' and eighty acres ol the a art ol whirl' 15 4 tl,e qua** 1 / tide Swamp, a aiiider'ln. 0 ' sP *' >m <trly culnvated, of the re- ■ y r j Cc , a |‘ n t0 6b acres aie of second quail- lands an l ' le l ‘®®idue hack swamp—me f "Se t of tide knee I,.,, a •* " Ult: Wl11 0i; ont -' *'«lt Cash, tlie bal- MVaie ai 7 nl*" 011,5 w ‘ tl ' 1 nth rest from day kite proneitv*' ?. e,,tl " n Bvcured by a mortgage on Laniine i ad'.'-i moil » wiblung to put chose can MVtmnai htles at the office of the toncriber in “ Ul ‘ ut «ny time before the day of sale, dec 2 237 R W.HABEU3U.VM. PMert C inl'*'k 01 llle CUarleston Courier will please land ren,o."i ° v 5 '* m ‘l l,ie first ol January next Itsii I',.,. 1 iu* biMa to Uie office of the llcpubli- I tur pa' ihent. In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF A MERIT, V^V l) 1ST It ICT OT G h.tHl G 1.1, '■ Ss. ix tub piSTHicT roun r. j The r- siilent of the ITriital States To the of the District of Georgia^. niiEKTIxo :— |, S GF.O. GI.F.N, Clerk. U rilEREAS it libel hath this day been filed in the Admiralty Goui't of the United S ites for said district in the name and on the behalf of the United State* of America, hy John Ste vens, esquire, collector of the port and district of Savannah, against the schonuer Hope, staling and propnhnding asfoliows, to w it, that It relofore, to wit, on the first day o| July in the veiir of oil'' Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two, lo wit, at Savannah in the district of Geor giu aforesaid, a certain vessel or schooner called the Hope, the said schoon -r or veaael being then and there a vessel licensed ucc irding to the laws of the United Staicu, for carrying on the coart ing trade of the said United Staten, was unlaw- fully and in violation of the luwa of the United States, ami parlicularly in violation of the act of Congress of the said United Slides, entitled « an act tor enrolling and licensing ships or vessels to be employed in the cuas'ing trade and fisheries and for th : same, approved the 18ih diy of February 1793,” transfered in whole or in part to a pi non, to wit one Charles Delcltamps who Was not at the lime of such transfer u citi zen ui the United States—for which causes the s ud John Stevens, collector as aforesaid hath seized the s .id schooner or vessel, her tackle, apparel x:id furniture, as hy law forfeited, and she now lies iii the district alortsaid, and within the jurisdiction of this honorable court for adju dication. , Now, therefore, you the said marshal are here by commanded to cite and admonish all ami every person and persons whomsoever having or pre tending to have any right, title, intents*, proper ty, claim or tie maud in "i to the said schooner (lope, her tackle, apparel and furniture to he and at a sneeial court of admiralty, to he held at the court house iu Savannah, in and for the district of Georgia aforesaid, on the seventh day of Decem ber a xt, to answer the libellant in the premises, and that right and justice may he done in this holutli, and whatsoever you Bhi’.'ddo hernft certi- I'y and make known to the Judge ol said court, at the time and place aforesaid, ami have then and ilit re this writ. ■. , ■ , , . V.'itin s.i the Honorable Jeremi ili Cuyler, Judge of the United States district court thr. the district u f Georgia* this twenty second day of Nnv-ni 'cr in the year one thousand eight hundred and twen- l> lvV °' RICHARD W. HABERSHAM; iiis. Atl’v On. All persons interested in the above monition will take due notice. JOHN H. MOREL, m ua. ttqv 23 231 a. Notice. V LL perstmsh ivmg ueman Is agninvt the es tale of the late Go! I: 1 vi g .f .lristoii, of Sa- .annail, *re le juasted to render them duly »t tested, and those in iebted to make payment ti PA'll DOLLS TO UN, Qwif. Executor,. net 22 20.3 Bill for'Divorce. Superior court—CJluiham couniy. Max Tkua. 1322. Catherine Wilson'J vs, < John Wilson ) J N 11 lie c?so fhu Sherirt'having made return that 1. tlii- Defendant is not to he lotmd,on mption ol D'Lyon ct l)e I- notta, Solicitors for the coin pl.iiuanls. Disordered that tiie defendant do appear or hy attorney at or before the next term of the Superior Court of Chatham ClAiilty in January next, and file Ins answer or de fensive allegation in writing pursuant to the not of assembly in such case inSdr and provide d, and it is further ordered that pi’blienlion of this order be nude in oud of the Gazsttes of the City ot Savannah agreeably to law. Extract from the Minutes. JOB T. BOLLF.S, Clk. lime 26 1)1 Superior Court -Chatham County Iv.M'AlU dl.UM, 1822. U PON the peril ion »f President of' he lot !\v rfI .„„ To Rent, Vv „ A tl 1,01 “ ,ld Stores No. 8, Late the pro- 'etii,, if r -' ** le Estate of^P.d Stanton dec for V ut “ w ‘ u mutferate a Pl Jy to den .IVHM GKHJBIN, The President and Vi<4 Pu sident of the Union So- I - ety and the 1st anil 2nn | Dire dresses of the Female pilule Nisi Asylum of -Savannah I vs. j Edward Huiirqoin, f the President and Vice nion Society and the First ml Second Directresses of the Female Asylum of Savannah, praying - the foreclosure of tne Equi ty of Redemption of all that Bridge situate on Dgeecliee River, on the roa I leading from Darien to Sav .itnah, ami about fourteen miles from the y of Savannah, and knqwu by ifie name of fldis Bridge, together with one hundred acres of land original!; granted and reserved for the use ol the Ferry across which idle aforesaid Bridge has been erected, and vvJiich said land is bounded north- vanity b) l.tlld bel'ing'ilg to Ml. .Mungiu ami vir- McAlllster, e:t.' waistly and southwardly bv4aud he- longing to Mr. Me Alii Per and westwardly by the river Ogeechee, which said bridge and lands were mortgaged hy Edward ftourquin to the said peti tioners by deed, bturiiig date on the 17th' dry of April; 1819, to secure the payment of a certain w .a 'mg obligatory of even Jate with the same m,rt gage, made aa.I entered into by the same Edward llourquin to and with the said petiUo.iera in the final stun of eight thousand dollars, conditioned for the payment of the sun. of two thousand dol lars on or before the 17lh day of April in the year eighteen hundred and Iwcn'y, and the further sum of two thousand ilol’ars on or before the 17th day of April 1821, with the lawful interest from the date of the sai l bond, and that thure is now due ■m the said bond and mortgage, and unpaid the sum of two thousand dollars with lawlul interest from the 17th day of April 1819. IV here upon motion of Richard W. Habersham, Attorney tdi'the petitiimefs, it is ordered dial the prinet pal, interest and costs d i on the said bond ar.d mortgage be paid i.*to court within twelve months from this dale, or that otherwise,the Equity of Redemption (unlesscause shewn to the contrary) or the said mortgaged premises be from thence lorili (wyciosed and that such further and other proceedings take place, »s are pursuant to the act of the general assembly in such cases made and^ provided. And it is further ordered that this role he pub tished in one or more of the public Gazettes of the city of Savannah, at least once a month to - twelve months or served on the said Edward Bour- (luin at least six months previous to the tune the satd money is hereby ordered to be paid into this court. , , Extract from the minutes. JOB T. BOLLTJS, lerk. jail 23 19 Superior Court—Chatham County, Mai Trait, 1322. Margaret Rusk, A ii. v Divorce, VVil'iam Rusk. _S rjAHE Slu-rifF of the enmity of Chatham having I made his rrtui'ii in the above case, that the defendant is no; to 1« louinl in the countv of Chat ham aforesaid. On motion of M. Shtftall, Senior, plaintiffs attorney, i< is ordered, that the defend. Hiit make his answer or d -Pensive allegation in writing, personally, or by Ins attorney on and be fore the iiext ierm of. this Court, and that this or der he published in one of the Gazettes of this city, once u month tint'll sa'i-l term of court. Extract from the minutes, JOB T. BOELES, Clerk. aug 15 174 N INE mouths alter date application will be mule to lit - Hon. tin- lustices ot the inferior Court of Effingham County, for leave to sell the i-iad estate -belonging to the estate of Temple Tuiloti, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. WM. SHIRK, Adnt’or. March ? of) 58 Whole No. 1063. Duhamel <Sf Auze, "FFsn ron «ale. K Pipes Cognjtr. Brandy of different brands and warranted pine 6 cases Champaigns 50 boxes Claret Wine 25 do old Burgundy Wine 30 do Cordials, assorted 20 do essence of Rose A Orange water 100 coils R uling Rope and 2 cases Twine 80 bnxesCamilea of different brands 100 dozen C«lone water 100 qr. boxes Spanish Segsrs 15 lilt;!* N Orleans Sugar 100 pieces Madras* Hdkfs 30 groce Playing Cards Lamp Oil 2 cases snnerfine Paper Hangings, assorted * colours and patterns 1 trunk Stationary 25 patient trihble bolted Bank Locks, with . 2 keys lo each Lock nov 21 229 JO/IN MOORHEAD, 1 rAF.GS leave to inform his friends in Georgia, .ZJ that he has establish' - ': himself nermHiien'Iy in this city as a CO VI Ml SAI ON MR It'; HAN T— the sale of Southern produce will be his prinet- ial business, in the management of which, lie be- levt-.s he can do his friend* justice- -he relies »n he reputation established during a long residence in Savannah, on the references to his friends, and diligent attention to continue the confidence of those who may be pleased to favor him will, their business. 3Ww J'orfc, 2 3.'A October, 1822. Reference in Savannah, Messrs Guumixo Si Gwathmit. in Augusta, John Mooxb, F.sq. nov 7 |va217 John S. Holt, Offers his service* to lii* Friends and the Public ps a . COMMISSION MERCHANT AM) WARE-HOUSE KEEPER. Auncsrv, OnoRnr*. H E continues to occupy tlte " are iJ use and Store*, where McLuwian.l Holt lately irmai acted business, which are in good order tor l.u eception and safe keeping of Produce and Mfr- cliandixe. All orders to purclvna: and corrogn- ments for sale of Cotton, llerrlimidize, or any specie* of property, will b* thankfully received ; and he pledges himself, that every exertion shall be used, to in ike rotiafactory returns of all busi ness committed to his care. On consignment,a few barrel* Super. Fresh Clour, and afewevks Unshcked Stone Lime. OCt 1 194 flj' The Mflledgevdle Journal and Savannah lie ,iblican,.will in.a-rl the. above weekly fur two iTuin'Va, and 1‘orv.atii liitir account* to tlti* place for payment. GEORGI A HO t’KL, BAPTIST CHURCH SQUARE, SAVANN Ml. /TJIllB Establishm nit has late'y undergone a JA through repair, an I cmiiiil ruble improve- ments have hern added. The Subscribe! has taken it upon a long lease, aud it wifi be op>-n on Monday the 2-1:h inst for the recep'ion and accanimiKluti m of Travellers and Hoarders, having supplied hit iluu'e wi'h a new and general a ,-m tment of Furniture. He is ucternunvd that his 'Table shall he inferi or to none, while this Bar afford the clioic* esi Liquors of every description. tE/’The Stahlea are large and convenient, for the accommodation of any number of ll*»r*e»-.Pfl With such preparations, added to the indelndga- hie attention which it will he his study and in clination to bestow, he cannot bin fl .tter himself he will receive that share of p.dr.iii.age and suu- port, to which such arraugcme. ts may be entitl ed. DAVID M. FITTS. Savavnah, Nov. 21, 1822, nov 28 214 ~ MRS. DEPASS, AAKES this method of informing her friend* L and the public generally, that site has remov ed from her residence West Broad street, lo the house formerly occupied hy Mr. Box in Drayton street, nearly opposite Mr. W. Williams* where she will as usual, teach the piano with singing Ac. in the most fashionable style The reduction of her prices will make it an object for you.ig allies (wdio feel a disposition) to acquire these beautiful accomplishments. N. P. Written or oral communications received as above. nov 21 . 2J9 INSTRUCTION <>N The VvoVivY aud F\ute. U HENRY, first Violin in the S o annuli The- intend* to give^nstruclion on the above inairittnems. Ue anil be found at the House ol Ih Lntit II Forth. not 23 4231 * i- ntre.i Vtf'NR. months after,date application will be .i, j in»ii-L- to tin- Inferior Cotui of Chatham Counl ty sitting fot ordinary purposes, for leave to sel- suinliy )>uildi ig lots qn tin South Common near Ssv.on «n, i nt third Of a lot in Yainacruw, and two Ims m i dU.ilet, Early county, being pari <•( the real .• tute of Stephen Cruft, deceased, for tho benefit of I n- Heir-an t vreduors. Gl.IVVVIII, I D Git i FT tJm’rx. 'jnlv 9 i sol ‘8 \ulNG iriontfi» after datt apphoution wiit he A J made to t1t< Hoi. Ini'nor t.ourt pfCaindei County tor leave to seli ail the real estate of Dr loliii Ro>a,dec laving in said county fur the ben efitof the heirs and creditors of his en'.aie. RI L'TON A. COPP. Ailm'r of the estate of [no. Russ, iioi administered.—with the wilt annexed. spril 2 82 /\ Lt. persons indebted to the estate of John and Mat ey Moore, of Effingham County de-.rns- ed to come forward an 1 make payment and those that have any account*, to present them to. HKZEK1AH EVANS, Adtfl’r. B*i>t 29 $04,198* Notice. tv\I*INE months alter date, application will be made to 'lie honorable Judges of thelntexio. Court til Chatliailt county, for leave lo sell all llie ren! property of Thomas H. Mullryne, tnirlor, and be\nglorthebenefit Of ^a N igh0,X i L | {YNKf Guardian fur T. II. JUiMrytu ntay 15 • Notico. \ 1,I, persons having demands against the es tate of John Davison, ! ite of Cn ithain coun ty, - deceased, a HI present their acamnts legally attested ; and th ».e indebted will please to make immediate payment to F. II. FLAY, Adm’r. rov 26 f v 233 I Proposals, W ILl. be received by the S'reet and Lane committee, until Wednesday the llrii DecJ nex. for replacing all posts and rails in the seve- al squares in this city, aiul have the same painted with two coats of while lead—also lo enclose and level Chippawa square. Gardner tufts, 1. DAVENPORT, MOSES SHEET vl.L. nov 29 235 Library Society. \ T a meeting ot the Societ -- .i Monday even ing, August 5. “ -Resolved, that all arreara ges due the Society, v\ Inch may remain due af the annual meeting in February next, be imme diately thereafter put in suit and collected with ihe least possible delay ; and that tltis resolution iie published in the papers once a month until that limk.” Extract from the minutes, L. MASON, Sec’ry. aug 15 %174 ^'I'tlie expiration of nine months from tnis ilinury purpoH teen Twiggs r\. date 1 shall apply to honorable justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, si ting for or- ses, for leave to sell lot no. Aeven- iggs county, on the waters of Pal- The Savannah Library n fS open for the delivery of Books 1 Wednesday and Friday, teoW. 4 tb ft S , P. M. • tmg 8 171 inetto creek, containing two hundred and two and a half acres land, being part of ttie real es tate of.Christian Gugtl, deceased, for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors. • ADAM COPE, Adm’r. jul 13 +160 Fifty Dollars Reward. Try aN-a \v AYL om the Subscr.hermthe month of July last a negro hoy named BOB, about 24 years old, has a blemish in the right eye, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high. I purchased the saul ne gro from Joseph Phillips; the said negro was from Savannah (G< o.) and it is supposed he will aim to get hack. Any person win will deliver me the said negro, shall be entitled to the above, reward, or secure him in any Jail so that 1 get him, and all reasonable expenses paid. JOHN EMMONS. Burnt Corn, (Ala.) Nov. 15. m239 Tho Iv.itors of the Floridian, Pensacola, Loui siana Advertiser, New-Orie. .is, Museum, :.•••! lie- ted to gin me a- Georgia—Chatluun County. 'To all whom it mat concern— V i HER 1 tS, A A Srtiets, applies for letters V V ufaiiiiiinis: i ati«n on tin estate of Mr*. Jane Mv'TS, late c t SuGinnah widow deceased as prin cipal creditor. Now - those are therefore to cite and uUnumiffi dla. 1.1 singular t!ie kindred and credit or* of tin saul . .ecease.l, to file their objection* (if any they lutvc) in my office on or before the 2blh day of December next; otherwise lelti-j - *tif atlministra- iion will he granted to the applicant. Witness the Hun Thomas N. Morel one of the lustices of the said Court, thisS&h duy of Nov publican, Savannah, arc rt<j’ V D. one thousand eight hundred and iw'enty-twtfc Rmve 3 i r"to. ■ ,n their respective papers, and \D, coo. Jvrward tlieir accounts to the Alabama Watch; ■E. b.] nov 26 233 6. 51. ROND, I man for p»y«t<i*L