Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 06, 1822, Image 4

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• SF. I. &c. fVcatern Hotel. TI'F, dm., ilber still remains at '’Hit. H Vims’ well known stand, w here Rrr>en '<ih1 Centre sireetainiersrct escli lther. :nnl directly onposite the Market frrni the Augusta Bridge i nod/then Ukinir into consideration Ihe nleuv'tnes* of the situation, „ vvl water, >ow nviecs, an t his attention m ms*e fli.ise c.nmmrtible who call, lie hopes to obtain a reason ible share of pnhlic p itronage. \n ■'c'ettent Wagon Ysrd is also kept by the aubscriber. n 1TF.S. M m p”r day, R1 -5 V sod Horse per dav,| 2 00 VI or » oer day, 75 &e. ixc. Cic. woodson-ugon \ Tlie Savannah Republican, will please (five »he wbove so insertion once i week till the first of .tanonsrv, 183', a l 1 foro'ar 1 bis account to the Aurost i \flv<*rti«>r for payment.| ini'2i i7« • ft*.I'WtVGTOV HAT.L. The Washington Hall in this tv, lately oe-upiM by Reuben New. I a ^j n , t Mr. Pettier. For Sale or Rent. The Mt' srribcrs new Brick Bnil- >ing in Heynokl* Square Posarsalon i gfi, n immediately— Forterm nov 9 219 oplv to F. 11. AVF.I M \N A valuable City Residence for Safe. t |S1IK subscriber nflbra for S (e his new, /nrye I amt commofBoi** llriek Dwelling Mouse in Court-house -square It is so well kn own, that i i> on'v necessary to >-a\, tliat it has always been considered one of the- most desirable residences in the city. If not sold in a few we ks t wi’l be rented. ' JAMES M’HKNRY. nov 4 214 Superior Court—-Chatham County. Jaivaut Taiw, 1822 Richard Richatvlson, , Sh v ItUI.F. NISI. The Tmstees of the Sa vannah Theatre, U PON the petition nf Richard Richarilson, ns sigfteeof William lay, prnyingthe forecln sure of the equity of redemption, of all those t\v o 1 .ots of Land, situate, lying, and being in the city of Savannah, Adjoining each other, and known and distinguished in the plan of the avid citv, by tin number twentv-nine (29) and thirty, 30, Brown ward, bounded east by M'lntosb street, Wf'* Chippewa square, north by Hull street, andaontii bv Al'Donongli street, top-ether with all and silt gulnr the building and improvements thereon; — 7. j \' which said two loti, with the boil Imp and other I ailtion an(L Oltce. appurtenances, were mortgaged by the Trustees R ll. PF, ITIOHKW, Esq. having Riven notice j of the Savannah Theatre to the said William .1i>, •in the last Oeorpp m, that no per am has a by deed, hearing date tlie twenty third day «F February, in the year one thousand eight bund and nineteen, to ae cure the payment nf the sum of fourteen thouaan 1 nine hundred and sixty dol- rij-lit to ren’ the Hofis ? belonging to the estate of John Anderson, 1 hereby give « NOnCR. That I * ill rent the house and premises on half |ars. with lawful interest on eleven thousand dol Lot Vo 9, 2d Tything, Reynolds ward, torpie-lv i la. s, Irom the first of October, one thousand eight the property of .1 >hn Anderson, (which, I pre j hundred and eighteen; and on three thousand mme, Mr Pettigrew has reference to) to am ; nine hundred and six’y dollars, from the fi at of resp ansible tenant, at a moderate price, and will i December, eighteen hundred and eighteen, »e- guarantee to said tenant the. undisturhed posses, i knowh-dgedtherehy to he justly due ami owing _ . - . — ", sion against Mr Pettigrew’s claim, the subscriber I to the s iid William .lav, for Ins advances in mm • ■ -omb, F.sq. and owned by the B ank of t , ,j<p„,g w,| sheriffs Titles. . ” — c H HAYDEN. nov 20 1228 oct 23 tlie Sts'e ol Georgia, will he rented on Vera reason ible terms to a good tenatit, 1 r one or ma-e v ,- ars. Possession iriven immediately.-— Chirflv all die. furniture used bv’ capt. Vewco.nh, wib be sold on reasonable terms it Morale sale, bat' if not sold before the 4’h of November ensu ing, it wit' on that day he disposed of at public auction to the high's' bidder. The building in i furniture may be examined anv ten.’ oil application to P, HF.VUY. .fgent nf the Snub. 2H For Sale, Two Dwelling Houses, situated i central p art of the city. They will * sold very low for For particu lars aoo’a at TnI'-Wfence Office, On the May, opposite the Exchange. 211 To (lent, The Store in Tones’ buildings on be Bsv, next an the one occupied nismess. r mins oct 31 * T *1 s mith «t Turner, an excellent stand foi ■ 1 Also, several t twelfing Houses Applv to It & t. HABERSHAM nov 12 <221 and '' Valuable Tjanisfor Sale. IP. f dlowi.ig j ai itile Lands will he sold For Sale. \ VALUABLE Estate Ol\ the Island of Skida r\ way, adjoining the Plantation of badge Me Xllister and tames Bilbo Eaq ’ l'be trsc con. tarns about four hundred and sixri ser a of good cotton and provision land, there is VCt about sixty acres of prime land uncleared: the pla te is eonsi dered remarkably healthy and a creek winch form* the eastern Boundary of the tract, affords jp-eat quantities of fish anil oysters. Flic dwell ing house is much out of repair; but the cotton com and gin houses are in good order» the ne gro houses also have lately undergone repairs, and will last for some time. With the plantation will be sold fitleeu negroes, w ho have been ac customed to the place, and foe the last six years cultivated part of the land in cotton and corn, milting each year large crops. The place c m be mail aged at a small expense, and lias lor somi vears past veilded an equal to any small plantation in tlie neiglibnurhohd—Posscaaion can l>. had as s.aon as the present crop is got out; a i■’ undoubted titles will be given. \p|>'y to JOHN MrNISH. tiov 24 ar214 T low pri-e-, a.11 unaccommodating terms early application be made to the subscriber. tract containing 5J06 acres at the bead of On. Sape! i river, ij the County ol M Intosh, near the ol 1 Court H >oso, consisting of Inland Swamp, nf the fim quabtv—prime Cotton Land and Pine barren, formerly the property of Robert B nllie, dece ised An undlviiied twothi*L of a tract >f about tOOO acres situated ,m Crooked River in Camden County, well suited fo- tlaecultiv tion of Colton and considered very vahiable \pnly to CF.ORiiF, SCllLEY, nov 12 ar221 N ■ 1 <’.annnierce Row, Tide Sicamp Plantation. p~n'l ■ siio-cdper dV-s tor sale ttiai well known p'antntioo -i'l- BREW TOM HILL, Tm nedi oely b d >v t te city of 8ivaundi, cootoin ing 230 acres of prioie river swamp; aboil’ 215 acr 'S under good banks and in planting orle-, ainl be* v»e i 1 an I 200 acres of high l and. Buildings auffl ivnt tor a gi'ig of a hundred negroes, with barn , Me. Ti - iris icen omodeting to a good pu chasor — To” turaber particular* ann’y to Messrs R. tv t HAHRItailAM, orto the subacri'ier in Charles ton II M HUG nov 13 f232 For Sale, A Id. that valuabl- tram or parcel of Ian 1 known . bv the name of Nelville situated in South Ca-nllns about two male< from Savannah Tin- tract is considered oneof'he beat for a Rice plan tation in its neighborhood, and contains Ki.-Iit hundred and eighty-four acres It a tj >ir.s .Mr Tiiomas Young Gen. Huger, and Mr. Nicholas Cnig-r. Persons who may wish to purchase will examine the premises. A good tittle uid be given and the times t;f»ale will be reasonable Appli cation to be made to \VM tl \LLOItV Agent oftlamlin Maljor uov 16 225 'I'lli’ Public I S i if .rmed that tn< ; ..m o’ H .m in M tllory to n.i- Tact of land ii South Carolina, called Ni i i le, is now in a tmin for Judicial investiga tion, until the termination of * h’.ch, some risk will be incurred by those who mav purchase. WM. L. 1) WIS. dec 2 237 For Sale, f\ Tide land plantation, upon Savannah River lately in the occupation of Dr. NVm. Warl.-y deceased—containing about 610 acres of prime swamp; with the plantation orseparitely, will be aold thirty N-gt'.ies now upon it The above pro perly will be sold at public auction on or ibottt the 15th December next, unless previously dispos ed of by privu e con ract. For particulars apply to - TUF I'l & REED oct 24 1205 $Fnr <ale, ’YTHE Island ofGre», W«saw, with its apprn. lages. T'lis (stand is bounded by the nnr'h by greP IVsrsaw tound, to the west bv Romn-’v marsh creek, the prineip I inland navigation thnuugh ' hatlaam countv, south by little Warsaw ^Htd, and e i*> bv the A* antic ocean. 1' con >:um bv -.urvey of I >h<t McKianoia in 1797 wi It its sopen luges 4650 acres, out of which, it is s'ated to have of » ive Oak, Cedsr, Csbhag ■ if.-e Pine and Red Hay I'origi.ul growth) 633 acr old fields 35 acres, and freah w ter ponds 1 '> aerca, the Utter easily drained *o 1 mtv b* mi ’«■ valuable; exclusiv - of several detached Him mocks in Romney M ir*h containing 113 acres, all accessible by creeks, and separated from the main island l>v navigable creeks and • canal; h remainder is salt feeding neirshes, Pino land and other inferior lujids, nnlv li 1 f >r wil I rang’’ — tluch of the Live O ,k and Oed >r Timber, is fit for ship building, old su'Ii ’lent to aupply frames, fit for vessels Irina 300 to 350 tons good landings to supply the Savannah market with fuel, and the cabbage tree mne abundant than on mv island on the coast of South Carolina or Georgia This Islan 1 has been - hie.fiv appropriated to the raising of live stock for the Savannah market, well knoavi to hare be n ever e ;'mpt from lis- eas in cattle, to avliich islands no our rn st are subjected to, at present it has on it about two hundred he <d ol horned cattle, all tractable and under the m inaqemcnt of three stock k*cp- em; ah in’ the same number of sheep, (West India Breed) and upwards of two hundred go ts, exclusive of t|og«. Three settlements are on the island occupied by the stock kceperi, on of which Ins a framed building of 18 by 28 fi et, •ind the o'her two, buddings of 1 > by 20 feet < i.-U, exclusive of out buildings. Flrts island in •ny opinion is well worth the attention of any one who wishes an insular situation, being healthy and a Compact propertv; also capable of w irk ing a gang of 2.5 hands 11 advantage and leaving a trienuiel change of fresh land, There can be no doubt of the soil being veil adapted to the ’ culture of c jt'.on—I have-had two old industrious negroes on the i land for four years, m ire us stock keepers than as workers, and they have tor the thr. e last successive years pr-wided me with three heavy biles of Sea NI .ltd Ootton, die sU- pl. much approved and admired by purchasers. I'lirec foil ths of this belongs to an es ate, die other fourth to ntysellj bu' to accommodate a uurch iser, the whole is offered for sale. For any further information and terms, applv to N TURNBULL. Deptford IliU, 22 nov c\;J3< I plethagand finishing the said Theatre, for the ms- ' terials for the said building, and the hire of labor ers and workmen, on or before the date of the said deed of mortga-e, and which said mortgage was afterwards assigned to the said Richard Rich ardson, for a full and valuable consideration, aa stated in the said petition. \ud that there is now due and unpaid on tlie said debt and mortgage, the sum of fourteen thou: ind and ninety dollars and eight cents of principal, with *hc intcre-t thereon, from the twenty-fourth day of March, eighteen hundred an 1 nineteen. On motion of Rich ir l \V Habersham, attorney for the said Richard Richardson. It is ordered, that the principal, interest, and costs, due upon the said mortgage, he paid into court within tweb’c months from this date, or that oh. ru iso, the equi ty of redemption in tin; said mwigagod premises, be foreclosed from til ncefor It, and that surlt fur ther and other proct ding* tike place, as are pursuant to the act of the legislature of tin* state of Georgia, in such case marie and provided. \nd it is further ordered, that tYs rule be pub lished in one or mure -il'tlie G i/etu-s of the city of Savannah, at least mice a month for twelvi months,or served on the mortgagees, at least six nontlis previous to tlie time the said rtunie) ill hereby ordered to he paid into this court. Extract from the minutes, JOB. T. llOl.LKS, Clerk jan 23 19 Georgia—Chatham County. Rh iIvatok’s prrr’K. 'ulv 30, 182'.’, No t O F, TO CREDITORS. V I.L persons having demands igmn.t the e- . tste of Andrew (Viselv, lately of .lien deceased, who wss s limner horn at - — ■ n llala, and who died without will and withon heir-,arc requested to present them duly attested, • ltd aaitli the proper vouchurstoabpport the s«m. oil nr before the first ' av of July next, otherwi* taaymeitt will be debareal. \ll persons having demands against the est:at> "f George Vogiric, lat dy of Savannah, »n alien deceased, who was u blacksmith, and born s’ in Scotland# and who died without wil ui fhrmt heirs, are requested to present them duly a'tested. and with the ptoper vouchers t< support the talBe. on or before the fiist day ot July next, otherwise pavment will be debated. All pars ms having demands against the estati of Alfred White, lately of Savannah, deceased, who was a wnggtJner (birth place unknown) »n_ who died without will and without heirs, are re quested to present them duly attested, and with the proper vouchers to support the same on i before the first day of July next, otherwise pay ment will be debarred. All pet son* having demands against the estate of James McCaib, lately of Savannah, an alien,tie ceased, who was an Innkeeper, b-.ciiat i> Ireland, and who died without will ana without heirs, are requested to present them, duly attest- ed, and with the proper vouchers to support tin same, un or before the first day of July next,nth envise payment will be debarred. All pc psoas having demands against the est its of Thomas Bourdon! lately of .Savannah, an alien, deceased, who wa* a merchant, hum at in Ireland, and who died without will and without heirs, are requested to present them duly attest cd, and with tit proper vouchers to support tin same, on or befue the first .lav of July next, olh erwise payment w ill he debarred. All persons lining demands against the estate of William Maving, lately or Savannah, an alien, ; deceased, who w s a house carpenter, born » New Castle upon Tyne In England, and who died without will an i without heirs, are requested tu present them duly attested, and with the propet vouchers to aupjiort the iyme on or before tlu first dav of July next, otherwise p -ynient will ht debarred. S M BON'D, k. c. e. i u I v .30 167 Superior Court—Uutham County Jam’ tar 1’eh.K, 1822. John Bolton, liulc Divorce. Cherry Hill for Sale. /\ Valuable Plantation in Bryan county, situat- xLli ed on tlie south side of the Great Ogeechec riv< , about 5 miles below Mill’s Bridge, anil 20 miles from Savannah, containing two hundred and nin t,, acres of river swamp of The first qu dity.on an exnelh n' pitch of tide, t .o hundred of which are cleaved nd under dams; and three hundred an 1 lil'ty- even acres ot high land of mixed quali ties, one hundred and fifty of which are cleared an 1 ferited. There are now growing on this plan tations, crops ot cotton and rice, by the appear ances of which the qualities of the lands under cultivation tmy he estimated There are a large and commodious barn, ma chine and machine house, cotton, com and gin houses, all nearly new; an overseer’s house, a comfortable dwelling house, stables, chair house, &c negro houses for the acc omtnod \tion of from 50 to 60 negroes, andoneoftlje best springs of water in the low country. There is also attached to Cherry Hill a tract of five hundred acres of pine land, from which all the lumber, mils, staves, «c. to be used on the place, may be procured. A Plat of the above land may be seen at the office of the subscriber, in the Exchange, Savan na)). For terms, apply to Mr Tames S. Rond, Darien, to li. P. Demere, Esq. Bryan county, or to SAMUEL M. BOND. aug 22 +177 V\>1NF ^J,\| will be made to the Honourable the Justi ces of tlie Inferior Court of Chatham County for leave to sell all that tract of land situate in Chat McKay, on tite east and south by lands of Thomas Gibbons and on the West by land-, of C. F. Hunk being the real estate of Thomas G. Davis dec. to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors 4 t the dec. ICHARLKH t; . GORY, Ex’r. of Thomas U. Davis. 3 I S? —a For Sale. A LL that small plantation containing fifty acres X. of prim land tut the resi lenco of Tlios. G. Davis, ab-iu 6 12 miles from Savannah, > lyoining 'ands of Mr Tin s Gibbons, i ,,e M.icK ,ys mu Mr C Hunks, within a hah'mile of the Augusta road; on said place is a dwelling Irmse and other convenient out buildings, an I about twen'v live a- :res of said land is tin ter good fieri cing, also th-r- is a good stock of grape vines, and the best peach orchard in the counts; tlie above place is well cal. culaiedfor i good rardeii and a small Farm, hav ing a well of excellent water—the above place will be sold tij permission of the Court ol tlr.fina- ty. Apply to CHARLES GREGORY. Ex’r will Titos G. I)a» is. If the above place is not sold before tlie fi st J inuary next, it will then lie let out a 1 'lie hignest bidder for one year—Also will be hired three prime field hand-, and a boy. nov 22 CAf230 The legal represent*lives of 'h/.abi'th Box,decease t 0 ’PON the petition of John Button, lately trailing under the firm of Robert and Joint ’I ilinn, praying the foreclosure of the Equity of • * lemptiou of nil that tract nf land, situate in the ountt Chatham, known by the mine ofllarrnck, containing one hundred and ten and one half acres, bounded westerly by Pembrook plantation southerly by laud granted to John Carey, <■ • iter, tv by Thunderbolt creek en.l cn ’.-sh, which se parates it from Isle of Hope nd northerly bv said Thund rbolt creek as will more particularly appsar by « plat annexed to the deed o! 1 mort gage, which sfid tr-iCt ol land was m irtgaged to the said Robert and John Bolton by deed, bear ing date on the thirteenth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seven, by one K'ir. ibetl) Box, since deceased, to secure tin payment of a certain writing obligatory of even d-ite wi'h the said mortgage, made and entered into by sai l Elisabeth, with said petition in the penal sum of two thousand eight hundred and thirty dollars and six cents, with a condition ihereunder Written for the payment of one thou sand fo„r hundred and fifteen dollars and fifti three cents, with interest ft' 'in Ihe date thereof, on or before the first day of April then nex'en suing—and that there is now due and mif>.<i 1 on the said bond the sum of one thousand and eighty six dollars and thirty four cent* of principal, wit ft lawful interest thereon from the twenty ninth d iv of January, one thousand eight hundred and six teen Whereupon on motion of Richa-al W Habersham, attorney for the peti’i-mcr it is or- dered, that the principal, interest and coil* due oil sud-h’ind he paid into this Court within twelve months from 'his date, or that otherwiseth Kquf- y of redemption (unless i anse i hereon to tie contrary) in the s.iid mortgaged premises be from theuce'nrth foreclosed, and that such fur- titer and other proceedings lake place, as are pursuant to the act of the General Assembly, in such ca-e mad; and provided. And it is further ordered, That this rule he pub lished in one. or muf; of the public Gazettes of the city of Savannah, at least once a month fm twelve months, or served on the legal repre sentatives of tho said Elisabeth Bo*, at least six months previous to the time the sajd money is hereby ordered to be paid into this Court. Extract from the minu'es, I OH T nor.r.KS, Clerk ian 23 t« Superior Court—Chatham County Mai It HU, 1822. Caroline Gentntr, t>*. AVilliam Gentner. , fpiIK Sheriff of ”t he eniinty of Chatham having I made his retu 1 it hi Ihe above case, that th» defendant is not to be found in the county ol Chatham aforesaid. On motion of M. Sluift.aH, senior, plaintiffs attorney, it is ordered, that toe said defendant mike his answer or defensive al* leg itiott In w riling, pi rsonslly, or hy hit attorney, on and before t|)<* next term of this Court, and that this order be published in one of the Ga ieties nf this city once a month until said term of court. Extract from the minutes, JOB T BOI.LES, .C’rh. mrlt 174 Inferior Court—Chatham Couiy I Jn-T T; iu AN the petition nf En-ich VA Sp., " that iie had possessed -, rr- r {, j n i Ue, dated at Savannah, June 1st, 1820! " 1 ihle four months after da'e, to Frederick , t •r ortler, and by Fred 'rick R Fell Iniloii' 1 petitioner, fur the sum of ni ety tw <j„|u '' I 'wo and a half cents, and which said ,'I made and signed by onccJ is t; Grecu||,, w ° le whereof is annexe to the sii • peiition i' ,rr 2 with the affidavit ofthe said Ki.ooh wV Htd other evideni’.c in prove the e\j s(( . 1 ;’"" ftoffiiv* t tne sai*i noie is suited in the clerk’"* ? It is ordered that the said J as G c.reer.l * Frederick S Fell <lo shew csitve < ‘ lu on nr * first day ol the next term ol this Court , ,c ' prayer of the petitioner should not b* 1 And it is further ordered that this ru| P f | fished in one or more of (he public <; u " the said State once a mom It until t;,, . P|,ei ®f time pointed for shewing cause thereon. Extract from the minutes, JOB T. BOLLE8 r , inly 18 162 » f . Georgia—ElE.igham Coui^ I o ill whom it mav cnncrrn 'TOIIF.HEA8, Maria l» Raltcrson, m D | lf i f lellets ot u (ministration ont| 1P L,,' M effects of Win Fatlerson, lata of Kfljnmt.iirv, ty deceased. “ Now these are therefore to cite and i all and singular the kindr- d and creditor, said ilcceascd, to file tlu ir objections fif „„ ! I have) in my iffl -.e, on or belore the Tvli'd I December next, otherwise letter* if »d*v^l tion will b. granted to the applicant "* B, | Given under my hand and seal, thi, 7>K i I November, 1822. day of | JOHN CHARLTON’, Cc „ nuv7 *217 ’ Co ’ Georgia—Effingham tZoitntvT To all wlttini ii may cuticcm— ’ CWHKUKAs Wm G I’o.tcr, ap,,l, fsflIt ^ ] ters of admiinsti’.ttun on the estate a I i ffsets of James Forter, late of Effingham ctZ* ' deceased. 1 » Now these are therefore ft. cite and I all and singular the kindred n d credi'a-s ,,f said deoaajitd, to file their oh jectio ts, (if, have) io my office, on or be'fuv. t; K Till ,|, v j| December next, otherwise letti-rs of idimni,j| l | ti -n will he granted’ to the applicant. I Given under my hand and seal, this 7t|, November, 1822, I # JOHN CHARLTON, cco. 'Che Paragon Toll Mil, B EING now ill complete order will receiie rough Rice, to be heat on toll at any time a 'er the 10th of September next, or earlier if wished. Turns on the Mill maybe secured by ipplication to Jacob Read or William Kilpa'rick at Drakics, alter tlie 15 h of August, each turn vill consist of 200 tietcesof clean ri e, provided lie mill is kept furnished with rough rice. JACOB READ. july 30 +167 Ten Hollars Reward. 'TA ANA W AY from the subscriber o-i the 21st J&jf inst. a Negro fellow niii‘1 SAM, about 20 \ eai’3 old, 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, slender make. He formerly belonged to Mr. Swcicoffer. Tha above reward will be paid for apprehending tile said fellow Satli, and lodging him mi gad. D AVID A. S THOBHAR. oct 25 U r l6 JVvtice, James E. P. Wells, A Bill for discovery vt. C account "and par- Stephen K Proctor k ollters. jtition. ham County containing fifty acres more or less, bounded on the north Tiy Lands of the ^estate of J"T appearing to the satisfaction of tlie Court l. that Stephen K. Proctor, lives beyond the li nuts of this state, therefore ordered that the said Stephen R. Proctor do plead, answer or demur li the bill in this case, io Hire:- months from thi publication of this order, otherwise the hill will ” Gki-n against him pro enufesso. sepl 26 twiia | KNB ^ Cva> - in v ^- Superior Court—Chatham County. Mat I’ekm, 1822. Salma M niton, T va N Petition for Foreclosure William Alford ) I 1 +PON tlu- petition of Salma Manton praying J the foreclosure of the equity and redemp tion of all that part of Garih u Lot No (6) six, situate in the County of Cl r.thutn about one qiiar ternl a mile south of the coy ot Savannah, which is known in the plan of the lots into which said Garden Lot no 6, six has been laid out an t dtvi 1 ! by the numbers 16, 17, 18 and 19,2 5, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, nil which lots occupy ths South Western quitter of said G„rdcu l/»t no 6 -ax, and constitute that part or quarter of sairl Garden Lot which lies AVest of Montgomery street con tinued, mortgaged by the s'id William Alford to ■lie soft Salma Wanton on the twenty-first day ot *4 ijf ,re thousand eight him ired and t wei.ty-ont to secure the payment of the s ime. of throe luui- dred in fifty dollars due by the said William Al ford to he s,.i l Salmon Aluuton as indorser I Samuel /• tcombs n,.te an I on open account,—O motion I i’Lyon 8i Del.amot(a, attorneys for III- petitioner, it is ordered ilia, 'lie principal and in 'crest <ltte on s.,id mortgage and tite coats of this proceeding be paid into C urt within twelve months fmin this dale or tint' from thenceforth, such further proceedings be had as tlie law di r< eta: And is further ordered that a copy ol this rule lie published in one of the Gazettes of this St ile, at least once a month, uti'il the expir ation of ihe time within which the principal, in terest ami costs due lathe petiouer are direclcw to be patil into Court, Extract frem th Minutes, JOB • KOI LE8, Clerk jttlv2 1.55 nov 7 Inferior Court, Chilian Couiitv. < l \ MHF.i(t»,4'li Nnv is;.'. O N the petition of John A. Schroder, iT»| that lie isin jail, for debt, at the suit iifWai'l I Mitllryne, that lie is Inanhent, bin wilting u I Mtrrendi rail his estate, fur the l>-n. fit of in, - h «*ts. is the law directs, and prayi'ir fur r .irfI under the In solvent Acts of this St ,:e— i, |,I that tiie said John A. Schroder he brjMrllti)n l tl he Court House in 8aavanuah, on the 3.1 nuv ufl Janiiury next, at 10 o’clock, to be bvartf;andtliatl notice thereof be given to his creditors, agrees.! ble to law. Extract from the Minutes. 1 JOB T BOLLV'.s.devk. nov4 +t214 Georgia—Chatham f 'oiinl], To an whom it may concern— W tlEltr’.AR, George Glen, applies fir Icttenl of athniiuv ration on die remaining mu.i.| -m .isteiv I estate of Andrew McLean, hie ul Chatham County, planter, deceased. New these are therefore to ci'e and nd no" ill and singular the kinilrfd and creditors of tits said decea.ed, to file their otijectinn (i'/ any lltcJ cave) in my office on or before’tlie lot day IX <a tuber it c.v ; otherwise letters in' iIn.nasU.J '.ten will he gra.i“ d to the applicant. Witness ilt : Unit. Thomas N 'lord, nt» the Justices of tlie s.iid Court, 'his 1st d tv Novemner, A. 1>. one thousand eight Uuiyiri and twenty two.] S. M BOND, c. c. o. nov 1 2l2 VI INE months after date, application --v ill bt - v made to'lie honor hie the ou t -tfOrdutt ry for leave to sell all he real « state of Peter McFarhme, Sen. deceased, and A D. McFurhtu lecca-, d—consisting of one lot tit the City of S i- i aim ill. kno m in the plan of said city b\ letter A') l.wciisburgli Oglethorpe Ward, being 67.J feet in width and Il2.j feet in depth Also, Int letter (AV.) adjoining lot letter (Y.) and Hie same sizp. Alsu, 202$ acres of land lying an Clear Creek, Wilkin sort County, known as No. 140. Also. 2J2J acres of land lying to Lawreng coun ty, kn mil as N 62. ttne 'ract,also, lying in Lawrcuscounty, known aa No 85. Also, iJ.i acres lying on Rocky Creek, Wilkes countv, known is No. 118. D AVID \. STKOBHAU, Jhlm'cr. july 3 5156 \ INF. inontlis dler the da.' plication will be mad" i ‘I* the honorable lustici-s ot die Inferior Court of l/wcy Com , ftu' permisfio.a to se.'l« tract ol land belonging m the es' ite ot lolui Fulton, d*’c. contaiiiiiig 290 acres, on the stage, mad, bounde d west by M , Kherson’* land, and, it the time of survey, on all other sides by vacant I nd. WM l\ FUL TON, Vlm’r, ELIZViKi II FULFON, Ailrn’t oct 31 211 .Jfortriu—EtflUglU'll t^ouiuy. I n all whom it mav concern— • t.l^ 1 U'.HF. AS Murry U.aul has applied to th / / honorable the Cqurt of Ordinary .ifElfiug lum county, for letters ot administration on th cs ate of Elizahet i U, inde , ilece ised Now these are therefore To cite and admonisi all "'d. singular the kindred and creditors of th viid d ceased, i o file their objection* it any they have in my office, on or before the 23d of lK-c neat, otherwise letters of administration will bi granted 'o the applicant. Given under my hand and seal, this 23 1 day o Nov 182’. JOHN CHARLTON, c. c. o. t ov 2.3 231 .rtsr, mo,nils ii'-u tjale apniioiu .i) Will h A J made to thehon the pislices ofthe Ini.-noi court of Chatham comity, lor leave to sell tie r, at estate of Wm M. Kelly, lutemf .Savannah, mcrcli’t leceased, consisting of lot No 5, five, utd tin milling , in that part of the city of Savannah cal led 8t Gill. ROBER T TAYLOR, Adtn’r of the est. of Wm M Killv.der, april 1 77 A l.l. peis his lia'ing demand* againsi ,li tale of Henry Keilf'er, late of White B uff dis rict, Chatham county, deceased, are hereby notified tu present them tu me, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law—otherwise I’:" ment a ill be debarred, and those indebted to slid estate are requested to make payment to HAN'. All KEIFFKR, dual. Bx’x. net 25 t i.2U6 V uel Davenport, deceased, must be rendered inly authenticated on or before the first t Nov ■ext. R»A. DAmi'Wii'I', Mm’or, ' aug 23 • ‘ Georgia—Clvatham County. To all whom i* may concern. | JY the Honourable the Court of Ordinary ol * Chatham County. Wher -is George B Gumming, Executor ol (obit Smith, d ;e has p. tili med tite UoitourabU the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County to In lismissed from his executorship Now therefore these are to cite and admonisi 9| m I singular the kindred and creditors of tlu mid dee. to file their objections [ifany they It ,ve] m the Clerks Office -if die sail Cuu ton or before die 6th lay of lanuary next at her a is..- letters lis nissory will be granted to tite petitioner Wittii s>. die honorable lolin ’ Williamson, oih nf the Ju-iiieea of the said Court at Savannah tin 'i’ll day of July 1822 [I -SI S. M BOND, o. |u h 6 J Af Ge,jrjria—Cliathanl Cauntv. 'To all whom it may concern— W HERE AS, (diver M. Lillihridgr,•pplkit leiters ot adim .istratioii <m the , aimtn O’Neal late of (.dialluon Cmuv.) derev-4| as prineip d creditor Now these ate -herclbre to cite and sfimonslJ II and Singular the kindred and cr. .htnra cl ths| a iid deceased, iofiie their obj. uiaiH (ifsay i-ief| ■iiive) in my ollice on or before til" 1 >’- ihy If ;e ::ber m xt;otlu i wiv letters of adiui i> r.t*a| will he granted in the applicant. Willie di • Hon Thomas N 'lord nnr if t uaices ofthe said Coitr', his 1st day of Y ,er \. D. one thousand eight hundred iinJuti’ | ty two. [ls] S. M. BON ),cco. nov l 212 >INE inbnth* after date appn .n.m »ul. bs I j made to tin- Honorable the lusticcs iK 8'* of rior Court by the Executrix il the hW* neorge Myers for leave to sell al. i e r-*al prop* of said estate fur hr benefit of die licit'’- JANE AIVRK8, .ifan’k june 24 149 Gcorgi a- Til all l’> >V Georgia —Cliatha u (.uuuty. In ,ll Iioin ii m ty concern — lie llonoiM-hle die Court of Ordinary ot Ii,ilium County. Whereas Charles Dunham administrator of I B. Harrison, dec bn, the llimoti, iblt die Court of Ordinary nf Chat mini County to he lisniissed from his ntlmiui* tutorship. Nou (herefur? these are to cite and admonish ul and singular tlie kindred and pr.-diton of (lu aid deceased io file theircblections 'if anv th > have] in the Clerks Ollice of tin said Court on >" brfote the 6tl> ilav of January next, nthd .vine let- trrs admiNsury will b. granted tu Ihe petitioner Witness the Honorable Joint I' Vt'iliaotsutl ')nt of the Justices ol the said Court at Havanuuh tite 6th day of July 1822. i [!• S 1 8 BOND, . e i, Notice. V INE months after late I Inferior Court of Cuadi m 'o sell the remiuting real 'halier, deceased, lor tic |,en may 3 nail apply to t|, Cottniy, ior lem '• -I Halt has' ot' 1 ,e Iv iis JACOB SHATTER, HuaJ. Ex’r. •4163 -Chatham County. i hoot it ntst concern— \'HERE AS, Catharine 8 -ymnir, aifn ' l ' J ' • tfix of Gu.’do i 1. Seymour, deceii f ’P' plies to be discharged from the said tion. .. Now these are therefore to cite mil a lit 1 all and singular tlie kindred and cr ilitors >1 said Teeeani d, to file their ob;,;eli '■ ave y in my office on iv bet',,re die v' 1 ! 1, 0 January in-xt; otherwii* letiei' <lj' n ' iii!J ‘J will be granted to the applicant. , , Witness the lion. Thomas '« Morel Oil '| I lustices of the said Court, this 6 n ■!»>' 1 1 1 V. 11. one thousand eight hundred an i t • ,l ' tl •[L. ■>.] ' h. M BOND, t c ’ 0 ’ inly 9 158 „ Georgia—Clutluun Cyaiit)'* To iil wh im it ma, , mo*;rii, V t ERE.A8, Clueles’llovt, .ppliesf'rk.'™ /•# ol aduiinisiratiotl nil the es'at an ' . 1 ' 'it Join, I, ithro|,, late of Sav.aun ill in reliant a-'" in behalf of the heirs and creditors, ^ Now Uitse are therefore, to cite uii'j a 1 '-®.! 1 ' . ,1: uud singular the kindred and cradiDb ‘ .aid deceiiscl, i , hie their objectioas pi f j a ve; it. my olli r, on or brfur, th ' December next, otherwise letters "I Ju:ll ‘ •ion will In granted thq ippiicant. . ., , Witness, thehon. Thus. N. .'"ot , al, nne 0 lustier* "t said court, this 14,Ii lay of N ' 1 v I) 1822 S. M RDNI) it/,, 14 223 c.«. -Chatham Count)- (ieurgia- To ail winiiu it muy concern— „( B V the llonouraUle tlie Court of Oi’il‘» 3, y Chatham County. . r^h lYhereas R ibert AV Pooler, admittiift’* 111 ^' j e , lie will annexed] on the estate ol Bruce applies to be discharged from said *" ration. mri'uli Now therefore these are to cite an.I «' 1 ,, e dl and singular ihe kindred slid .creditors u ^ aid deceased to file their objections [tr ^] m Hie tilerka Office ofthe said Go''' r before the 6th day of January next, otiii • n . •tiers dismissory will oe granted to tlK’ P Witness the Honorable John I* William-D 1 ' , the .histices if t iie said Court at-.-a'vii, 1 j v of Jul 1822 .. ,.8] 8 M BOND, e e juiy 6 157