Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 07, 1822, Image 1

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savannah daily republican* No 242 Vol. XX. SATURDAY EVENINQ, DECEMBER 7, 1822. Whole No. 4064. D . B. NICHOLS, r „\r nn etf ensWv assortment of Dross H . i- ««» of very superior patterns, with A " :l \ Tonir. Ala', full sets of Shovel, ShtVt ' ta n n dPok/r,alH>ra,». ™ft,«ind common se a Tea Tray., ported IuR^ved an ! plain sets of Britania Tea Pots 9 u K ,rs»na creams Lace, OoM nnl silver AMO — lever and plain YV atches fine and faticy Cl"'lt* ( ^ other Jewelry Waist ^Buckles of gold, paste, steel and gilt Wares ' it",’uk” or resist the powerful influ- *ffJ5Ei *£& above, will perforate * n ^Vlv"tcSf^d Clocks repaired and warranted nov 25 i2 )2 ' Commissioners of Pilotage CON I'RAO V WANTED. P ROP'IS U S will be received for keeping in repair the lleac.ons, .nd for cleaning keeping atitionary, an.l in good order, the Buoys in 8a vsnnali River, for one year. Applications to be Rv order JNO. U HOU'.OMBB, ,W,. nnv 21 226 * In Council, Novimbsr 28, 1822. O nPEKF.D, that an election for Recorder of the Gifv, do take place at the next regular meeting of Council. Applicants will leave their names with the Clerk of Council. M. MYERS, «. c nov 50 256 Carriage Horse. r. WELL broke ana fast trotting Carriage or J^Cig horse, the best of the late Dr. Bayards pair, for sale by the subscriber, on accommodat ing Urms. If not disposed of before the first Tuesday in December, he will then be sold at the Court House to the highest bidder. GEORGE SCHLEY nnv 39 255 Assize of Bread. fflHE average price of Flour being 8 dollar i. ptr barrel,the weight of Bread forth' present month, must be as follows, viz: 12A Cents Loaf ‘21b 4foz, 6f Cents Loaf lib 2oz, of which all Bakers and Sellers of Bread will take due notice. JOHN .1. ROBERTS c. i net 1 194 •SAVANNAH Boor House and Hospital. V ISITING Committee forNovfmiikh and Du rsMnr.ii, CH VRLES M’IN TIRE and CH \S. HOYT. Attending Physician, Dr. WM. II.C.UV LER. By order of tlic Board. JOHN H \UPT, Steward nov 2 213 GEORGIA HOTEL, BjtPriST CHURCH SQUARE. SAVANNAH. Tennis Establishment has lately undergone a JL through repair, and considerable improve menu have been added. The Subscriber has taken it upon a long lease and it will be open on Monday the 24th inst. for the reception and accommodation of Travellers »ml Boarders, having supplied his House with a new and general assortment of Furniture. He is determined that his Table shall be inferi or to none, while this Bar shall afford the cholc eit Liquors of every description. dj- Thc Stables arc large and convenient, for the accommodation of any number of Horses .rj) With such preparations, added to the indefatiga 'ole attention which it will be his study and in dilution to bestow, he cannot but flatter himsclt he will receive that share of patronage and sup port, to which such arrangements may be entitl ed. DAVID M. FITTS. Savannah, Jh'ov. 21, 1822, nov 28 234 JAME* DILK R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has taken that commodious store in the new brick buildings South East cor ner of Market Square, and opposite the store of Messrs If. fnfftis ti Co Gibbons* buildings; where he has on hand, and is still opening, a handsome and general assortmens of CHINA, Glass and Earthenware. Received direct from his Correspondents in Liv erpool. The above articles are warranted of the the ffrst qualitv, being selected to order, and will he sold wholesale or retail, as low and no as ac commodating terms, as any in the ity affords The attention of Families and Country Mer- pliant* in particular, is request towards them, tlec 2 f 1/237 Watt Smetts. f | AVB within a tew days received from the I most approved mills, and offer for sale on ac commodating terms, at the dock lately occupied by Messrs Brown & Overstreet. 500,01)0 feet new prime sawed lumber of all des criptions, Atso. 200,000 feet ranging timber, 250,000 Shingles The above assortment with what they are daily eceiviug enable them to execute any orders. Shortly expected a large supply of white and red oak staves. (Hj'Orders for lumber cut to any length will be promptly attend* d io, nnv 26 1t2> ? Dissolution of Copartnership. PUB firm of ,1 G Bi.avi f. ft co was devolved by » mutual consent on the 26 li September last; those indebted will make payment on or before Hu first day of December next to .1 C Blance who is authorized to collect the same; all those who have any demands against the concern will please render their bills in for payment. J C. BLANCE. J. G BLANCE. N B.—The business will be conducted hert af ter !>y J.G. lilanoe on his own account under the Bluff on Williamsons wharf, where he will keep a constant supply of the best Groceries Hud Provia, >°ns. J. C. BLANCE. nov 22 v }*230 noticeT” 4 1 L persons indebted to the subscriber either by note or account are requested to call and make payment by the first of January next, by so doing they may save cost CHARLES GREGORY. T w ill 'oil out my stock of GROCERIES anil BUILDING, this stand for the grocery business is the best and most convenient in west broad street. Apply to the subscriber above nov 22 250ca* M* ENGLISH SCHOOL. U. JAMES K HOI,LOUGH, lately from hnrleston, intends opening - School in this ii), in which will be taught, those several brand, es generally comprised in an English Education He will likewise, if applied to, attend to the in structinn of Youth in private families For particulars reference may be had to Rev James O Andrew, Rim George While, Mr Isaac D’Lyon and Mr De Villers. For Testimonials as to character and ability, ad vert to the following certificates. Charleston, ,\'ov. 15th, 1822 Mr. Bollough having been Tutor to one «»f i sons for eighteen months, and of another for shorter period, I hereby testify, that 1 have bp. n perfectly satisfied with his services. I have foon him steady, pari nt, assiduous, and believe that lie lias advanced his pupils as fast as their eapaci ties would admit of. THOMAS RHF/n SMITH From a long and intimate acquaintance will Mr J. K. Boll nigh, and as Tutor to my Son, 1 I ■< warranted, and take pleasure in b • wing tcstia>.> ny to his qualifications for teaching the usuu branches of an English education. Asa genii mail, Itis character is unexceptionable. AARON MOISE Charleston, Oct 10, 1922. Parents and guardians disposed to patronize the ubscriber, and who may be desirous of an m tewiew with him, sre respectfully requested t*> call at hi'residence at Mr Rolf's, in Montgomery street, near the Baptist Church, or at the Meth odist Parsonage, where he may be occasionally found. dec 5 m259 Notice. T HE copartnership existing between the sub scriber* since the 23.1 October, 1821, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebt ed will make payment without delay to James Fowler, who is authorised to collect the same J. W. CANNON. JAMES FOWLER. J. W Cannon, W ILL continue the business at the same stand,and will tie thankful for the patron age of the late cu turners of Cannon fa Fowler. nov 16 225 Jt otice and Caution. W HEREAS I have been informed that Johi Curr.ochan and Peter Mitchell of this City Imve by sundry deeds recently mortgaged and assigned to divers persons either their individun - creditors, creditors of the late firm of Cavnochai St Mitchell, or others, all or sundry the property and estate both real aiul personal of the said firn •is well as their own individual property and e: tate consisting together of houses, lots, land stores, wharfs, negroes Sic. in Savannah and Da rienin Georgia or the neighborhood thereof, ami elsewhere with their interest or share in the Mod, of the Lower Steam Mill near Darien, ami sundry shares in the United States Bank and other Bank-, is well as sundry debts due to them in various places, besidt lands, lots, negroes 8cc. in the ter- ritory of Florida, and particularly one large trad of land bought of Forbes k Co. lying between the rivers St. Marks and Apalachicola in the ter ritory of Florida aforesaid. These are hereby to caution the public against purchasing any part of the said property or es tate so conveyed, or any other property belong ing to the said Carnochan & Mitchell or eitlici .1 them as 1 hoH prior reortgages on the greatest oart thereof which are on record in the registry in Savannah and Darien aforesaid and in Charles ton S. C. and equitable liens on all the property of said John Carnochan and Peter Mi'chtril WILLIAM CHRISTIE, Savannah • The edit ors of the Courier, Si City Ga/.'-tte. at Charleston i Floridian, at Pensacola; Recorder It Milledgeville i Republican, at Montgomery, Alabama, and Chronicle, at Augusta f are requ- - ,-dto insert the above advertisement once week until countermanded, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. pine 6 4134 __________ Planters' Bank, SAVANNAH, October 16th, 1822. R ESOLVED by the Board of Direction of the Planters’ Hank of the State of Georgia, that from and after this dale, this Bank will not consi der the notes of any of the Chartered Banks of tin- State of Georgia (the notes of the Planters’ Bank excepted) that may be deposited in the Planter’s Bank by any person or persona, or Ly any banking company whatsoever, or that m.ty be paid into the said bank to the credit of any per n or persons or any banking company, as ere ing any clum in favor of Mich persons or such banking company to demand that tin checks or iders they or such banking company may is toe • n the said Planters’ Bank to be paid in spe rie coin of gold or silver i but that the Planters’ Bank will, fo r the accommodation of their custo mers, continue to receive as heretofore, in depos i’e and in payment of all notes deposited for col. 'ection, 'he notes of all the chartered banks of tlra state, of Georgia, but will always reserve to itself the right of choice in the notes of winch of the r- sportive chartered banks of the state of Geor- • ’•i'j, the said Planter’s Bank may prefi r to make to payment on the checks or orders being pre- ten e.i of person or persons or any banking com- p tiiv that may have an amount at their credit in bank. Resolved, That for the information of customers of "a Planters’Bank, that each one may know h ■ amount of their respective deposits in the notes of the clurtered hanks of the state of Geor gia, other than the Planters’Hank, ami also the noun' of their deposits in the notes of the Plan rt,’ Buna.) that the Cashier of this bank be in • rue M to have entered from and after this data- in he books of the customers <>f this institution, i lira i- depositing the notes of the chartered Banks vs aforesaid, the following words to be pre fix-d to the respective sums they may dnposite til ll.nk, n tmely, “Notes of the Banks ofGeoigi»”; alien nates of tlie Planters’bank are deposited, the entry to he m tde as such By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN F. LLOYD, Cashier pro tern oct 17 ai-1201 Brigade Orders. Savannah, Oe‘. 2bth, 1822, 'JTHE Brigadt Inspector of the 1st Brigade will I fort hwit Ii proceed to the annual convention of the Field, Staff, Company and Nop commissioned ■fPcers, mid the musters of the Regim-rats and Battalions, composing the Brig tde for the purpose of being trained and mustered, bv him in the ex ercises and evolutions prescribed by Congress, in conformity with the 10th section of the Militia law of 1818. Uyordorof Gzvrrai Hartieit, WM OVERSTREET, Aid de Camp. Inspectors office, 4rA A on 1822. In conformity w ith the r.b. ve order for the convention of the Field, Staff, Company and Non-Commissioned officers, and tor the review inspection of the 1st brigade of the militia ot Georgia. Colonels or commanding of ficers ol regiments composing the same are hereby ordered and directed to Imve their res pective commands underarms on Hieir usual gen eral parade grounds, for the purpose of being trained in the exercises and evolutions prescrib ed by Congress, at 11 o'clock, on ihe following days, viz On Wednesday the 4th December next, the re view and inspection of the Camden count v Bat talion. Oti Friday the 6th December, toe review and inspect inn of Wayne county battalion. On Saturday the 7th December, the review and inspJCtion of Glynn county Battalion. On Monday the Dili December, the review and tnspectiion of the McIntosh county Battalion. On Wednesday the 11th December, the re view ami inspection of the Liberty countv Batta lion. On Friday the 13th December, the review and inspection of the llrvaii county Battalion On Monday the l6th December, the review and inspection of the Chatham county Battalion, b. longing to the 35'h regiment. On Tuesday the 17ih December, the review and inspection of the Effingham county Battalion On 'Thursday the 16th January next, a couveu ’ion of the Field, Staff, Company, and Non com nissioned officers of the 1st regiment, (city of Sa vannah,) and on the following Friday the 17t!i January, the review and inspection of the whole regiment. Both officers ami privates are especially re- quired to he aimed and accoutered according to law, and the Field officers of the Brigade to*at tend the reviews within their respective com mauds for the purpose of superintending and en forcing the prescribed system of discipline. WM. I». BOWEN, Brig. Inspec. 1st Brig. 1st Uiv Geo Militia nov 21 229 Attention !—Georgia Hussars f 'S be on their para ,e ground, at 3 o'clock, P. tt on Friday the loth mat. in full uniform ami completely equipped tor parade. By order Lt. Ftilkh, Cominan ling. GORDON, Serg’t. dec 6 Notice. A l.L persons having demands against the es j® tate of the late Col. lames Johnston, of Sa i-ninth, are requested to render them duly at tested, and those indebted to make payment to PAT. 11009 TOUN, Qua/. Executor. oct 25 203 Superior court—Chatham county. Ma» Term, 1822. Catherine WilsonY vs, C Bill for Divorce. John Wilson y I N tins case the Sheriff having made return that the Defendant is not to he ;ound,on motion of D.'I.yon ii De I.amoita, Solicitors for the com plainants. It is ordered that the defend it.t do appear personally or by attorney at or belorc lira next term of the Superior Court of Chatham County in January next,and file his attsweror de fensive allegation in writing pursuant to the act of assembly in such case made and provided, and it is further ordered that publication of this order lie made in one of the Gazettes of the City Savannah agreeably to law. Extract from the Minutes. JOB T. BOl.LES, Clk pine 26 151 Divorce. Wood and Lumber Yard. T HE subscribe! oilers for sale vtiry low a large supp y of FIRE WOOD and LUMBER* and ir.forms the public that he will cut any quantity of timber Spars, Snafls for Rice mills, or saw any quantity of I.umber to bills at very short notice or any order in the above line will be thankfully rc- ®*i''fcd by Win Bird at Camp Jackson, or by the seiibsciber. DAVID A. STROUD Alt. nov 7 fr217 Proposals, . "V\/1LL be received by tie Street and Lane Y * cuminiUee, until Wednesday the ll'h Dec. next lor replacing all posts and rails in the seve- raj squares in this city, and have the same painted With two coats of while lead—also to enclose and svel Chippawa square. GARDNER TUFTS, I DAVENPORT, MOSES SUEFTALL. nov 29 235 A Library Society. V . a meeting orthe Society on Monday eveh- tng, August 5. “ Resolved, that all arreura- ffes due the Society, which may remain due at rAT, alme *K in February next, be imme- J ately thereafter put suit and collected with i, ,!!. 1 po^ible delay ; and that this resolution ’hat time » tlle l ,u P er3 once R montl1 unlil Extract from the minutes, „ L. MASON, Sec’ry. N'Z H 074 S ’T-INK months after date hereof application M will be made, to the Honourable the Just!- ? es of I'm Inferior Court of Chatham County for leave to sell all that tract of land situate in Cliat- JJ am County containing fifty acres more or less, funded on the north by Lands of the estate of leliaj-jon the east and south by lands of Thomas wiliuoi; i and on the West by lands of C. F. flu ? ei "f> ‘-he real estate of Thomas G. Davit dec. “e dil.‘ :'o r the benefit of the heirs and creditors (C11 ARLES GREGORY, „ ___ ilx’r, of Thomas G. Davis Jf To the Public. T CARNOCHAN and V. Mitchel, are sorry to . be again brought before the publr bv a se coiid notice of Mr. Christies, who has -n-loubt ; v claims against them, wi tch when hnally liqun lated on the decision of the suit now pending. they will try to satisfy as soon as possible there- ,0 The deeds under which Mr. Christie claims an exclusive right to all the real and personal estate ,f Carnochan ii Mitchel, are considered as into.- ,m ust and illegal. Hence they have been brought and are still before the Court, and other L t |,ave been executed and recorded, convey ifg the property for the use of all their creditors, r hristie included; without any trust or re rvation beneficial to G and M. or their families; and if this be not agreeable to that gentleman H mu.t nevertheless appear lair & equ able to the mihlie and all who have a sense of justice. P Tlie Trustees under the Ue deeds are anxious o sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to in the no- tice of Air. C. and to apply the proceeds o -lit •^mSi-itenavment of part of Ins demand k depo sitT sufficiency thereof to cover alibis claim, sub iaetto the* decision of the Court-but Ins oppos. ion to any reasonable sale, as one interested in hi* . • i a. whilst iniurintr all part its conccmetl, nuJ= order of Court. june 8 , it-.- Editors of papers who insert Mr. Christie s ..oSc w i pleaie‘ .nsei-t the above until hi. is wiSawn, and forward their bills to this where tliey will be promptly paid by^ ^ ^ M ' Paragon Toll Mil, SEEING now in complete order will receive Brim 1. Rice, to be beat on toll at any .me • rti. - lOtn of September next, or earlier if wished, d urns on the Mill may lie secured by nplicutioh to Jacob Read or Wilhunt Kthiairick Ii-Llries. alter the. 15 I. .1 August, each ti n Superior Court—Chatham County ,1ANUABT TSUM,, 1822. The President and Vice - Preaiilent of the Union 9o- • •I iy aovl the 1st and 2nd Directresses of the Female pilule Nisi Aiyium of Savannah 1 vs. Edward Bourquin. J U PON ihe petition of the President and Vice President of the Union Society and the First and Second Directresses of the Female Asylum of Savannah, praying the foreclosure of the F.qui- ■y of Redemp imi of all that Bridge situate on Ogee chee River, on the road leading from Darien tii Savannah, and about fourteen miles from the ci y of Savannah, and known by the name of Hills Bridge, together with one hundred acres of land originally granted and reserved for the use of the Ferry acres ; which the aforesaid Bridge has been reeled, and which said iand is hounded north- ardlv by land belonging to Mr. Mongin anti Alr- Mc Aliister, east waruly and southwardly by land he- to gingtoMr. McAllister and westward!/ by the Ever Ogeechee, which said bridge and lands were mortgaged by Edward Bourquin to the said peti tioners by deed, bearing date on the 17th day of April; 1819, to secure tile payment of a certain w riting obligatory of even date with the same m.rt gage, made and entered into by the same Edward Superior Court—Chatham County, Mat Tliim, 1822 Margaret Rusk,) vs. i William Rusk, j S JIIE Sheriff of the county of Chatham having . made his return in the above case, that the efendant is not to be found in the county of (iha' - ham aforesaid. On motion of M. Sheflall, Senior, plaintiffs attorney, it is ordered, that the defend, it make his answer or defensive allegation in riting, personally, or by his attorney on and be fore the next term of this Court, and that this or der be published in one of the Gazettes of this city, once a month until said term of court. Extract from the minutes, JOU T. BOLLES, Cleric. aug 15 174 \ INF. months alter date application will bi made to the Hon. the ojthe inferior court of Effingham County, fur leave to sell tin t-al estate belonging to the estate of ’Temple Tullos, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors WM. SPIER, Adm’or. March 9 o^ 58 Bourquin to and with the said petitioners in the final sum of eight thousand dollars, conditioned for the payment >f the sun. of two thousand dol lars on or before the 17til lay ot April in the y ear eighteen hundred and twenty, and'he further -mm of two thousan 1 dollars on or before the 17 tli luv of April 1821, with the lawful iuterestfroni the date at the said bond, and that there is now due on the said bond and mortgage, and unpaid the sum of two thousand dollars with lawful interest from the 17th day of .April 1819. Whereupon on motion of Richard W Habersham, Attorney for the petitioners, it is ordered that the princi pal, interest and costs due on the said bond am mortgage be paid into court within twelve month, from this date, or that otherwise the Equity ot Redemption (unless cause shewn to the contrary) or the said mortgaged premises be from ilience- lorth foreclosed and that such fur her and other proceedings take place, as are pursuant to the act of the general assembly in such cases made and 1 Andu’is further orderedthat thisiule be pub fished in one or more ot the public Gazettes , the city of Savannah, at least once a month for tw elve months or served on the said Edward Hour quin at least six months previous to the time tin- said money is hereby ordered to be paid iplo this court. Extract from the minutes. JOU T. BOLLES, lerk. j.n 23 19 wiU cousrii 01200 tierces of clean rice, provided he mill is kept lurnished With ^ July 30 t 16 .?! 11 he Notice. i N2iHNE months alter date, application will 1 lt\J made to the honorable Judges or the Inferi Court of OHbiham county, for leave to sell all the real property of l ho,was H. Miillryne, mtnor, and Guar.Uan ‘or ’l\ ll. MuUr'jn? may 15 5^ ^ .— The Savannah Library 8 open for the defiverjr of^ ■r >&&**-•. 4 •■j AUUANGF.tMFaNT Police to Travelers t > and from Savannah. /\ UNION of sei.'iuieiit aave-g »r.k ;p plxc. 1 be i'j iween the prop"''-tors of the n. >• fine of •tapes, established on t .c'north si ! of the Sa- ran,,ah river, between 9avrnnHh and Hainhu’g, mid Augusta, connected by the 9 earn ll'ial Car. oiina to Furysburg—an I the line of Stage out of Savannah, on the south side of said river; the St ,ge office of both wifi, bencs foru'ard, be kept at the ('ity lintel in Savannah—where the pubiic are respectfully informed that seats, on either route, are in future to be applied for. To illustrate the benefit* of the two rTablish- meats, as they are to operate to the public at large, it need only be stated that, The old Georgia lino,will arrive Sc depart on ihe same days as heretofore, and will quicken its pace so us that passengers will be t .kci thro’in t*o day s, between-iiin and sun, tints idl i-.ling a pleasant and delightful mode of transportation Lo Ladies and persons io delicate health, or to those who travel for p|gii u e rather than on urgent bu siness, « The new line i:> CsM'ina is gotten up no quite a dift'eren' nrincip e. Passengers are taken iron e taken iroin urge, at 12 INSTRUCTION ON The YioVm and lAule. U R HENRY, first Violin in the S raaunah The atre,intends to give/lnstriicticn on the above ruments. He will be found at ibe House ot Dr Louis U Furth. nov 23 4231 SJ*INE months after date application will be J made to tbc Interior Court of Chatham Con id y sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sel undry building lots on the South Common nea, •'•ivaiioali, one third of a lot in Yaniacraw, and two lota m 4th distrrr, Early county, being part of he real estate of Stephen Cruft, deceased, for the benefit uf the heir- and or. ditors. ELIZABETH CRAFT Adm’rx. jelly 9 Lul58 Bolton's wharf, a jo n g F.x li.utge, o’clock, eicry day, on bo r 1'he s -.-;un olina, and arc lauded st I’ary-bu.-g (dining in 'he host) In from three to four Ii iurs, according to the state of the ti> c and siicng'h of the current— they are then placed immediately in a commodi ous Post Chaise, anil l iken (by rapid J, Ives, in the hands of sober, experienced Coachmen, and able and gentle Horse*, the w ay he/ g lighted with a large lamp orlanthern on the top of the carriage) through to UHinbuig md August'*, so us to arrive at those places by, from 9 *o to o’clock the following morning; changing Morses on the way at an average d a mco of 14 miles, and sup ping at -Mathew’s Bluff (the half way hw.'i-j and breakfasting one change of Cavalry abort of Au gusta. Humming—-A .Coach will leave Augusta and arrive at Savannah, at the same hours as those peeifted going in : Di.ung and supping oti thy road, and breakfasting on board the slcaui boat, which remains all nighWtt l’urys buig, in r ccive the passengers at 7 o’clock the next morning. The Stage office in Augusta, fin the C-irolinx route is fixed at the I’ianlers Hotel, and at -he Post office, in Hamburg. That of the G. , gia route remainsut the Globe Tavern. By the operation of the Steam boat Carolina, Passengers will be taken to and from Ch i lesi on, landing and embarking at Pnry sburg. lira von- ractor for carrying the northern mail, pledging inniself, to run daily and con-tancomfortable our wheel vehicles between Porysburgh and Charleston, competent to carry six ngers conveniently. The Stage Office iur the santc, is w established at the City Hotel in savafinah, and heretofore, at the Post office i.t Charleston. The Darien Stages continue to operate,as here tofore, between Savannah and that place, and the stage office tor dial line continues at the City Ho tel. Silas, *4 Proprietor oftlte Nortneiii route; LAMB h DC AVI i T, Proprietors of the S ■ th. n route. JNO WOMACK, Proprietor of the At estern Git. route to Pierce’.* KLEAZER EARLY, fo- s, h, and daniel vv. McKenzie, Proprietors of the new Western c.-ratin-i r, i‘.c, dec 5 l‘240 "VjSlNE months after date application will bt Ll made t A the Hon. Inferior Court of Camden <unity for leave to -sell all die real estate of Dr inlin ifiiss, dec laying in said county for the ben fit of the heirs and creditor-, of his estate. y BELTON A. COPP, Adm’r of the estate of >no Ross, noi administered.—-with the will annexed april 2 82 Notice- V LL persons having demands against the es tate of John Davison, late of Chatham coun- ty, deceased, will present their accounts legally ./.tested; and those indebted will please to make immediate payment to F. II. FRAY, Adm’r. nov 26 f r 233 1. Wednesday and Friday j from 4 tii P.M. aug I7i Georgia—C hatham C ounty. To all whom it may concern— \ t MERY.AS, A A. Smtts, applies for letters l\ of administration on the estate of Mrs. June \jv.-rs, late of Savannah widow deceased as prin cipal creditor. Now these are therefote to cite and admonish all and singular ‘.he kindred and creditors of the said deceased, t< file their objections (if any they have) in my office on Or before the 26tli day ol Hecrifiber next; otherwise letters of advuinistva- firj - ill be granted to (be applicant. ” 'fit-Sr.the Hon Utomns N. More! one of the Jnsficvij f,f <hfc said Court, this 26tli day of Nov A, M- fide {htitiStmtii eight hundred and twenty-two. I;-. >•] S. M.BOND. c co. nt* 255 CITY IIOTK 5 8AVJ..VX. 0 RRAN BYRD returns ni,. thaiiKa to lie in general and to las friends in pa, ... tor the patronage Which., !iave heretofore ex- i, uded to lam,as the es'.i'.*.ishc-r of said H,-. After two years of iurvitude and iritemiuing zeal tom-ake it the great Hotel - lli/.h its j,ecu liaT situation, and its other advantages demand, d it should be—he is induced to retire back toCh.-. C3-' ton, on account of the unwillingness wmushis family manifi ats at leaving that pla- for this In doing so he eatries slongjwilh iiim feelings of,- l at itude to many individuals here, who have extend ed io him their countenance au-i support—and he takes much pleasure in recommending to the public the individual whom the proprietor has selected for Ids successor. His lime in the Hotel closes with this da-, and Mi- John Miller's commences in the morning of to- motto w. Orran Byrd will remain, in Savannah long e- nougli to bring all his pecuniary transur ions to a final and complete eluse—and he wishes al 1 per sons having claims against him to exhibit the same at his Room in the Oitj Hotel—also he desires suen as are indebted to him to make immediate payment. John MBler, Late of the Planters Hofi I, Augusta, informs the public that he has take ii the above mentioned Ci ty Hotel inSavattnah ; the peculiar advantages of which are more particularly set F orth in the nodceofrtie proprietors of all HU stages going out of the said City. He would just sav that it is hts iiiten'.ion t., tie- serve the continued patronage of ihe fi ieral and geiit-rous community which received ms prede cessor with open arms among the,:., nd extend^ to tin City Hotel so much of thftir <avour, dec 5 1240 x