Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 09, 1822, Image 3

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iinil Mixed DRY GOODS Jit very Reduced Prices, - nn PIECES White, Blue, and 50 piece* Londoit Duffle, Bristnl and point Blan- *oo nai'r Rose Blankets, a grtal sarvifee of, Lees White and Red Flannel* -Lew piece* Real Welch do uncommonly Fine it nieces Green Baize, some very low priced X Lee, Milt and Blue Cloth* for Servants aimerfine Cloths, Cassimr.rts and Vesting Patent Cotton Tick CwmerpanM and Marseilles guilts, great Bar- to nicL 64 Sheeting, very fine 07 do Furniture and flair Cord Dimity 7i do 44 Linen, suspiciously cheap Z ,lo Towelling and Table Diaper, from 34 to l 84 wide, at less than sterling cost •Yfl do very low priced Calico ,i () 64 Columbia Plaids to do Caroline and Cl.n Plaids figured and plain Hombaaetts of every descrip- oqo pieces Itn’sia Diaper, snd Dutch noils " 1 Le very low priced Carpeting M ,,t| jaconet, Nsinsook, Batilla Cambric Muslins, figured and plain Vnslii, Dressea, Flounces, Trimmings, and Tip nets, of the latest fashion !60 dozen Silk, cotton and woolen Hosery, well 95 dwen Rid, Cnstor, Beaver, Doe, Buck, and Dogskin Cloves . , 10 pieces Norwich made Black Bomhazeen, the greatest bargain ever offered here niaek Sarsnets, black Canton Handkerchiefs, and Fancy Silk Shawls and Seals, new style These goods are principally selected in Europe, by a superior judge, or purchased in this country at auction, so that ,hey can and will be sold cheap at the GOLDEN BAl-L by at 1 THOMAS WALTON. *r215 15.1 u ill final ictfl ,'iAI nov 6 Clothing. jtst nsczivsn rno* stw ronn. O NE trunk gentlemen’s Russian Belts 10 bales real tartan plaid Cloaks 3 do extra sizes fearnot Great Coats 4 trunks short and long worsted and lambs wool Hose, and A general assortment of NEGRO CLOTHING, l or ssle by PETER DUEGE, five doors east of the City Hotel, nov 13 a*222 REMOVAL. F. GIL LET # CO. H AVE removed from No. 4, Gibbon's building to the south corner of Thos Young’s, where they are opening in e'egant assortment of French Goods, vhich they offer for sale very low. ALSO, 3 cases Ladies LEGHORN HITS 1 „ missis do 1 „ gentlemen’s do nov 4 214 F. Gillett, Co. S BG leave to inform the public,* that they have recommenced business at No 4,Gibbons’ building, where they oilier mr sale for cash or loan acceptances only, a general assortment of FALL A*D WINTER DRY GOODS. BRACEBRIDGE IMLL A. N D°Ol LARS*’ th * price reduced 1® THREE ALSO GRAHAM HAMILTON, a new novel, with a va riety of new and interesting publications, and a fresh assortment of French Paper Hangings. Just received by THOS. LONGWORTH, decT a242 Johnston’s square, BLANKETS AND BAGGING. GfcOUGfc W\ COE ® FFEUS for sale by the Bale or piece, 312 and 4 1’oint BLANKETS 64 and 74 Bristol Duffle Blankets 8 4 and 94 Heavy London Duffle do 40 and 42 inch Baltic Hemp Bagging White and Blue Plains With a variety of Goods suitable for the season, at 2Vo, 7 Gibbon,' Bnihlingt. nov 9 219ap TORTOISE SHELL, ~ Vnovn and Worn Combs, Ingrain CurpeVng, he. /JT111F, Subscribers oiler for sale bv the dozen, an invoice of Tortoise Shell Combs of all sizes. Very fine Ivory Combs of all sizes Mock tortoise shell combs do do 4 bales Ingrain Carpeting by the bale or piece 2 bales Domestic Plains do do —also— 300 lb Sewing Twine 2 cases Double and Single Barrel Guns 3 Cables, from 6 to 10 inches BLANCHARD, BROTHERS ti CO. Anderson’s Building on the Bay. nov 15 221 Superior Kay anti Son’s white Plains, No. 2, 3, 4, & 5, for 58 to 68 cents a yard London, Bristol and point Blankets from ft 1 to 2 25 cts. Assorted Flannels from 31J to 75 cts. Owen ilaiee from 62} to 75cts. Ilroad Cloth and Cas. meres Plain and blk figured Botrbazett, superior qual ity, from .57 a to 60 cts 14 superfine blk Bnmbazeen from 75 to 100 cts (v4 do do 125 Dltck Silk Florences and Sinwhews from 75 to 81$ cents Situs of all colours, *1 „ _ Superior blk Italian Crape from 75 to 87 1-2 cts Canton Crapes, ft5 50 Blk Silk Uttrcclona Handkfs, 50 cts White and blk silk Hose from ftl 38 to 2, very su perior White and blk ailk Gloves, 1st chop from 50 to 62} cts Superior Indies Paris Kid Gloves, 37} cts Blk and colored Ladies Beaver Gloves, from 50 to 62 1-2 cts Gentlemen's Extra super castor from 75 to 88 eta 34 to 9 4 all colours Merino Shawls, late patterns Large size Merino Scarf;, a great variety Carolina Plai Is 81 14 cts Light mixt Satinet fro n 75 to ft 1 25 Plaid Homespun, 18^ cts yard Unbleached do 7 yds for ftl 54domestic Sheeting, 25 cts yard Apron Check, 31 14 cts 4-4 and 7 8 superior linen Bedticking from 62 1 2 t '871-2 cts A 4 Printed cassimere Shawls and Scarfs 4 4 ami 6.4 Cotton Cuinbrick from 25 to 75 cts 4 4. ni! 6 4 Cambric Muslins 44cross bar and 'ubilee Cord, 56 1 4cts 4 4 nd 6 4 plain Book and Swiss Muslin Plain and embroidered muslin Cravats 4 4 sprigg’d amt dotted,Swiss and French Muslins Damask curtain Calico and blue Cambrick 7-8 and 94 superfine London Prints, from 25 to 37 1.2 cts Brown and blk Holland 44 and 64 Ginghams Power Loom Shining and Long Cloth White and color d Marseilles Flag and Britania Handkfs Cotton and worsted Hosiery Heal and Imitation Madras Handkfs Purple, green and blue cotton Snawls Russia Sheeting and Diaper 4-4 »nd 7-8 Irish Linens and Long Lawn r.sira fine linen Cambricks, at all prices An extensive assortment of Thread Laces and Edgings 1 ins and Needles at 10 cts paper Mbsm,’.wire Cotton and French floss Cotton Sdk Cumbrellas of all sizes, from ft.5 to 5 30 urtle shell, side and extra size tucking t ombs Horn *ml ivory, d 0 d„ inbons, Braids, Galloons Silver Thimbles, Gilt and Coat Buttons, Monnet Paper, Scissors, Sic he. A liberal deduction will be made to country ere units and il.ose buying by the piece. nct 17 nh2u1 ’ * y ' FRENCH GOODS AT WHOLESALE. t/lNHE Subscribers have just received a new assortment of French Dry Goods and Perfumery, Received ilirect via New York, which they oiler for sale on liberal terms, among them are, While, Black, and Red 74 and 8 4 Merino Shawls Do < do do 44 half and square Me- rino Handkerchiefs Hlsck Silk Velvet and Mode Black, White, Blue and I’itik Satins Do do do do Florences Plain Lustring and Satin Ribbons, No 1 12 to 12 Pearl Edge do do No l 1-2 to 16 Rich fig’d Ribbons by sets, No 6-16 9-22 Black Velvet Ribbons, No 4 to 100 White and Black Silk Braids lllack, Plain, and Striped Silk Galloons Plain and Embroidered Silk Hose White and Black Silk Gloves Black, White and col’d superf. Kid Gloves <lo do do do Beaver 5t<> Silk Suspenders and Garters Fancy 4-4 Silk Handkerchiefs Black anil colored Sen ing Silk Dandy 4 4 Silk Handkerchiefs Superfine Gilt edge Paper Pins Antique Oil, Pomutum Fine Rose Soap, Honey Water Very Superior Cologne Water, SIc, BLANCHARD, BROTHERS SI CO. Anderson't Building on the Bag. nov 4 214 For Sale, r . mn *” ,tn schooner Lucy Ann— 500 Ini„hels Potatoesund Turnips 33 bbls do. 140 bags do. 1 5 bbls Mrs* Beef JO kegs family Butter 1000 ||)8 Cheese 200 bushels Oats 6 bundles Hay 43 bbls Apples 50 bushels White Bean* Boxes, Bureaus and Tables so0 feet Oars 1500l merchantable and clear Boards Apply to the captain on board, at Hall, Hoyt & Co s. wharf, or to . „ HOMES TUPPER. "® c 7 si 242 Richmond Flour andTLohf Sugar. O j I hhls Richmond (city mills) superfine LFVf Flour, landing fiom ship Elizabeth Wilson 20 bbls double refined Imaf Sugar—land ing frow ship Delaware, at Hunter’a wharf For sale by , _ NICHOLAS & NEFF, dec 7 242 For Liverpool, The brig OSGOOD,. Oliver Coit, master, Has con.manned loading, and will require 30U bales of Cotton to complete her car go For freight, apply i 0 Capi. Coit on board at Auciaux s wharf, or to BENJAMIN BURROUGHS, „ _ No 3, Commerce Row. nov 23 231 For Havre, The superior new ship HOWARD, N. H. Holdredge, master, Will commence loading on Wed nesday, and sail 3d Proximo without fail; has four fitths of her csrgo ready to go on board. Fur remainder of freight, or pkssage, having elegant furnished accommodations apply on board, or to GEORGE CORDON. Tending andfor Sale, 20 hhds Superior Old crop N O Sugar nov 25 32 Just Received, . ran »looi> rntkiifrise, •fi | Pipes of White’s superior Gin mi\3 83 bbls No 2 Shad 34 half bbls No 1 do • 104 bbls superfine Howard street Flour, for family use 24 bbls Pilot Bread 55 bbls refined Sugar Which are offered for sale by • DOUGLASS h SORREL, dec 7 m242 Landing. /\X\ Bags fire « n Coffee J >} 3 bales Domestic Cotton Ragging of supe rior quality for sale by NICHOLAS h NEFF, nov 25 232 ANDREW LOW & CO. ™>AVE received, by the slops Georgia Ogle- ‘LSJL thorpe, and other recent arrivals from Bn gland snd Scotland, the greater proportion of their usual supply of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, which they offer for sale at a moderate advance for Produce, or on their usual accommodating terms for approved paper ; and by the ship Emi ly, daily expected from Liverpool, they will re ceive an auduiona) assortment, together, with casks of London bottled Porter in quart and pint bottles; Crockery, Glassware, and some other bulky articles. Now in store, and offered for sale, a few pieces of best BALTIC HEMP COTTON BAG GING, 42 inches wide, oct 19 202 Elegant Bobinet Lace, Scarfs, Shades, Shawls, • A Nil FACE VEILS. J UST received by tiie brig Ardent, from L : ver pool, and for sale by .1 AMES ANDERSON 6f CO. nov 30 236 TUITION IN MUSIC. Mr. Kinsella, R ESPEC I'KULLV' uripi.ns nil friends and the public, that he has just returned to this city and will commence giving Lesson? in Music on Wedhssuat the 11th of December Applica tions wilt he thankfully r ccived by him through the Post office, until! further notice, dec 7 2-12 Wool Hats. j dozen tVoo. i at; just i I r \ F sale by the subscribers. bLATE, O F a superior quality, in quantities to suit pur chasers. For safe at reduced prices, by JOHN H. REID h CO. nov 22 230 White Vvlvcts, JjlOR PAINTING nov 20 228 for sale by JOHN H. REID U CO. Northern Gin• HHDS and 25 bbls Northern Gin landing 4ml\J from brig Eagle, and for sale by nov 30 235 BAKER & MINTON. CANNEL COAL. F OR sale by J. P. WILLIAMSON. oct 29 209 Duhamel Auxe, <Hrv.ii run sale. ■Y p* Pipes Cognac Brandy of different brands and warranted pure 6 cases Cliampaigne 50 boxes Claret Wine 25 do old Burgundy Wine 30 do Cordials, assorted 20 do essence of .Rose & Orange water 100 coils Bailing Rope and 2 cases Twine 80 boxes Caudles of different brands 100 dozen Colone water 100 qr. boxes Spanish Segars 15 hlids N Orleans Sugar 10 > pieces Madras* Hdkfs 30 groce Playing Cards I .amp Oil 2 cases superfine Paper Hangings, assorted colours and patterns 1 trunk Stationary 25 pattent tribble bolted Hank Locks, with 2 key* to each Lock nov 21 229 AW05MN>ir8» By George Schley. TO-MORROW, 10th 11 o’clock, Will be sold in front ofhis Auction store *v*mtT Aimri.vs of MERCHANDIZE, Among which are Quarter casks Sicily Maila. Wine Bbls do do 3 doz each Bbls Whiskey Casks best London Porter Boxes Soap Boxes Candle* Boxes Ratifia and old Run* Kegs, But er boxes, shaving Soap, to*, ec 9 243 For Havre, The sup. cupperfiistened new brig AMERICA, will commence loading in a few days, having two thirds of her car- For freight of 200 hales , of cotton _ _ >p<y to Capt. Groves on board at Anderson’s wharf or to PE TERSEN, HAMMOND & Co. nov 29 235 For Havre. The very fist sailing staunch brig JULES AUGUSTE, For freight of 60 bales only, ap- aply to MAUKKL il LATHEBEAUDIEHE. noy 30 1.236 For Havre. The first class coppered ship HESPERUS, Anrim. M’, muster. Having two thirds of her cargo en gaged will meet with dispatch Airfreight of the remainder or passage having handsome furnished accommodations apply to the Captain on board at Hunters wharf or to SAMUEL WlllGHT. dec 5 240 • For Havre, The fine and fast sailing brig EAGLE, B. Cook, Master, Having part of her cargo engaged will meet with all possible dispatch For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on board at Moore’s wharf, or to . DUHAMEL h AUZB. dec 6 241 Foi’ Greenock, The well known British ship THREE SISTERS, James Bell, master, Will he dispatched immediately. For freight of 100 bales Cotton or passage, apply to captain Bell on board, or to JOHN IL REID & CO. nov 28 234 For New- York. Tl^e elegant nrw packet ship CLIFFORD WAYNE, Fnxacis Allt.v, Master, Will positively sail on Sunday the 15lh inst. For freight of two hundred bales, apply to the master on board at Anderson’s wharf or to EDWARD WILLIAMS dec 7 a242 By Raker Minton, TO-MORROW, lOtb’i'it at 12 o’clock, In their auction store, For approved endorsed notes at 90 days, 6 cases superfine Irbli Linens , 1 do Flag Handkerchiefs, the 9 241 By Raker Minton. To-morrow, lOthinst. at half past 10 o’clock, In their Auction Store, A Valuable assortment of British seasonable DRY GOODS. Consisting of London Dulfil Blankets, white and blue mixf Plains, Woolleys, b'ueamf mixt ohs meres, su perfine blue cloths, scotclt Tartan Plaid*, men and women’s black worsted Hose, fine 6 4 l.enoand Book Muslins, cotton Night caps, Suspenders, Negro cloths, white Flannels, mnsilipatam Hdkfs black and col’d sewing rilks, black figured Bom- baZettes, Furniture calicos, check llilkfi, tassi- mere Shawls, Duck, plaid c'oaks, black canton Hdkfs, Seeded muslins, Dimities, cotton Bslls dec 9 243 Steam Boat Stock. By Raker Minton, TO Morrow 10th inst. St '2 o’clock, lii front ol their auction store. Will positively be fold 52 Sliares Steam Boat Company’s Stock, belonging to an estate. Terms cash or approved indorsed notes at 4 inouths, adding in* terest at the rate < f 6 per cent, per annum, die 9 238 By Baker tff Minton, On THURSDAY, 12th inst. at half p:el KTo'clock, In front of our auction store, A general assortment of GROCE RIES, dec 9 ?13 Marshal’s Sale. On the first Tueiilry in January next, \ttflhL be sold in front of the Court House In U the city of Savannah, between the hour* ot ten and two o’clock, a mulatto lellow named John, Carpenter by tradt, taken and sold as the pro perty of A S. Bulloch, at the suit of the United States Bank, vs. A. S. Bulloch. JOHN H. MCRF.L. dec 6 241 Terms cash. Marshal’s Sales. riY virtue of an er !t r of the Judge of the D!». 13 trict Court of Georgia, will be sold on'lie 7th day of December next, at 11 o’clock, at Jack- sons wharf, the sloop ll'AST, her tackle, appa rel and furniture, dec 2 237 JOHN H. MOREL, M. n. o. HAXALL’S Richmond Superfine Fresh Flour Bbls just received—end constant sup* Sd (Mr plies will continue to arrive. Bakers and families can be accommodated with any quan tity they may wish to purchase. The quality of this Flour is esteemed very superior. RICHMOND MANUFACTORY CUT NAILS, madt; of Russia and Swedes Iron—81) casks from 3d up to 30d, for sale by I’ONCE il M’KEN.ZIE. nov 13 |ci|r*M Cotton Bagging. 4 Pieces 42 inch Baltic Hemp Cotton lt"l Bagging 36 pieces Hessians (a good substitute for Cotton Bagging) Received by the brig Traveller, from Dundee, and for sale by JOHN H. REID & CO. dec 4 239 eceived and for who have on hund and are constantly receiving Hats of every kind ami quality ami of the latest fashions. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. BUTLER h SCRANTON. Gildon’s building market square, dec 6 ct241 To Planters. 4 PIECES Baltic Hemp Bagging 42 inches 4 tI wide, at 52 cents. 197 pieces Plains, lower than ever offered here for the last eleven years. For sale by 1 IlOMAS WALTON. dec 5 240 )(« | luaM date I tliei- [ rfon i tittl ,e bef tniM iprh 1 . 11 l,i'll' Planters Bank. . Dnl'KMBKH 4, 1822. «« of n Cl '« n ^° r dlir,een Dii ectors on the part win be h.u ? kUo,der * f° r die ensuing year, 6th of , u *' d 'e Banking room on Monday the Ihereof. aer« ry i.i nexl ’ bein K lhe Moncl; ‘>' Tlie no’ll wiit k u b e u> dte charter of the Bank 1 opened at 10 o’clock, A M dec 5 240* bbd YI), Cashier pro tem Notice.. /pHE remaining pews in the Independent ■ii, Presbyterian Church will be rented on Thursday next the 12th inst. at 11 o’clock, several p. ws may be had in fee simple at the same time. OLIVER STURGES. Chairman board trustees, dec 6 241 For New- Yrok. The superior last sailing regular packet brig JOSEPH, Ai.ik* Hoi.r.ninnF., Master, Will commence loading on Tuesday next. For freight or passage, apply to Captain Holdridge on board or to J. LA FHROP h CO. Who have landing from said brig, • 5 hhds prime Muscovado Sugars 21 bbls Whiskey 100 boxes fresh Malaga Raisins 100 coils Bale Hope dec 7 m242 Landing F ROM ship Garonne, captain Mott— 5 hhds and 40 bbls Whiskey Pipes of Cognac Brandy Do HolKivi Cin llhds Jamaica Hum 20 bags Coffee Bales of Plains and Blankets The above goods will be sold low for cash or ag. proved paper, FREDERIC SF.LI.ECK. J\ egroes for Sale. A Prime gang of 32 Negroes, that can be high ly recommended, will be sold on accomtnn dating terms, by nov 20 rA?23 GEORGE SCHLEY. Gentlemen's Over Shoes. At the sign of the Big Boot, north side Market square. ® NF, case Gentlemen’s Over Shoes, made of the best wax calf skin and in the moat fash ionable style suitable for the present weather— for sale by U. L. MILLING, dec 7 242il Notice. /\ N Election for five trustees will be held at the Independent Presbyterian Church, on thefirst Monday in January next. Poll to open at 12 and close at 2 o’clock. OLIVER STURGES. Chairman board trustees. dec 6 . 241 i In a To Let, 1 v ery p|, .isant and healthy pari ot this city 2 rooms on the ground ,.'! ur > on e of which is a parlour; a the wtiibe onL r ° 0m ? ould be K iv< ‘ n U P 8tail ' a — cular rmraiinifurnished—there is a parti dec 5 06 A PP'y « ^is office PERSONS t dei l R ev . baid J8 demands against the late ,,er tliem il,,!.. e .. taoston, are requested to ren- letnent. ^ attested to W. B. Bulloch, for set- MARY CRANSTON. Dividend No. 20 Plaktkhs Bank, 1)kc. 2,1822 r|l-4UF. Board of Directors of ibis Bank iiave this day declared a Dividend of 3 per cent, for the last six months, the same will be paid to Stockholders in and after Friday next JNO. F. LLOYD, cashier protem ded|j3 238ct JY of ice. /| |Y1IE Pews in the Baptist Church (not rented) will be offered on Wednesday the lull inst. at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. JNO. SIIICK, J. PENFIELD. dec 7 242 Practising Bulls. T HE Subscriber respectfully informs the La dies and Gentlemen, that his first Practising Ball will take place on TUESDAY the 10th inst in the Assembly Hall, corner of Broughton and Bull streets. Rules and regulations to be observed through out the Season, viz:— 1. Subscription gl5 for the season, payable in advance. * 2. A Subscriber is allowed to introduce as many Ladies as he thinks proper. 3. 'File transient Gentlemen who may purchase a ticket at the Bar, will not DepsrnliUed to intro duce ladies. 4. The subscribers are requested always to show their tickets to the door keeper, to prevent mis- unde standing. 5. No Ladies can be admitted without a ticket from Mr. Lege, unless they should attend with one who has a Season ticket. 6. As Mr. Lege wishes to render his Bails se lect, agreeable, and elegant, he respectfully re quests the Ladies to whom he has sent a season ticket, and who may wish to favor him with their presence, to have the goodness to show it to the door keeper. 7. The gentlemen are requested on no account to dance in Booto,frock Coats, or Surtouts, as those dresses do not become a Bali room H. The Ball will commence at half past Seven o’clock precisely. JOHN C LEGE, Professor of Dancing, dec 7 m242 Hov 30 236 Lost, ® N Suturday last out of my Counting Room a note of hand drawn by William W. Wash ill favor of James W. Cannon for forty dollars and passed by said Cannon to me, and endorsed by him. DAVID STROBHAR. dec 7 242a For Sale, /\ GANG of 50 negroes, they will be sold very reasonably for cash or good town notes or acceptances, having a short time to run. Apply to JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, dec 6 r|241 ££ DD k Pairs negro Shoes, on consignment i just received and lorsaie by David Douglass No. a Penfields buildings. —Also— A complete assortment of Gentlemen’s fine Boots and Shoes Ladies morocco anil Denmark Satin do. Children’* do together with calf, morocco and liniag Skins The above articles will be sold low fur cash DAVID DOUGLASS. N. IL The highest price paid for ground nuts liov 21 229 Fresh Shoes. T HE subscriber respectfully informs his former customers, friends, and the public in general that he has taken the store formerly occupied by Mr. Pomeroy, No. 5, Pentieht’s Row,where lie has opened a general assortment of Ladies and Misses Shoes uud Pumps of all des criptions—Also Gentlemens and Boys. Boots Shoes and dancing pumpsofthe 1st quality Negro shoes of the 1st and 2d qualities. Every care taken to fit shoes to measures, and all orders thankfully received and attended to with punctuality by ABLE EVANS. nov l20 228 To Rent, And /iossession given immediately. Nos. 3, 4 and 5, in his wooden Build ing, corner of Jefferson and Goiigre»»- treets, Also, 2 Stores and Ilwellit.g in C. Gildon’s new brick building, corner of Hai nan! and Urvan-slreets. For terms of the above premises, which wiii be easy, apply as above, oct 30 210 Brought to Gaol N Savannati, 22d May, 1822, a negro man who says his name is NKL), and that he belongs to Mr. John Smith, living on the High Hills Santee, South Carolina. He in 5 feet 4 inolies high and about 21 years of age. He stated when first brot| to Gaol, that he belonged to Mr. Jacob Gueurard of Beaufort District in the above state. He has very thick lips, and is very black. H. M*CALL, o c . aug 8 171 Brought to Jail, a N Savannah, November 14, 1822, a negro wo man who says her name is SUCKKV, and that she belongs to George Henderson, of Burke county. She is about 40 years of age and 5 feet 2 inches high; marked with the small p;>x. H. M’CALLjJcc. nov 23 231 Brought to Gaol I N Savannah, Dec. 2d, 1822, a negro woman who says her name is Betsey, and that she be longs to John Smitl), of Jasper enmity. She i* about 20 years of age, and five teei iour inches high. She says she tan away tw > months ago, and with a white man named George Williams. II. M’CALL, j c c. dec 7 242 Brought to Jail, I N Savannah, Dec. tn h, 1822, a negro man who says his name is Jim, and that he belongs to the estate of John Bailey of M’lntosh county. He is about 30 years of age, and 5 feet 3 inches high, pitted with small pox—says he ran away three months ago. H. M’CALL, j c c. dec 7 242 Brought to Jail, a N Savannah, Nov. 8, 1822, a negro man who says his name is Sandy, and that he belongs to Benj. Bush, ofS. Carolina. He is about 42 years of age, and 5 feet 3 inches high. He lias lost hiu left eye. H. M’CALL, j. c, o. nov 13 222 Brought to Jail, a N Savannah, November 2, 1822, a negro man who says his name is Sam, and that he be longs to Lewis Sams of McIntosh County. He is about twenty two years ol age, and five feet lliree inches high. • II. Me CALI-, j. c. c. nov 13 222 To Rent. A dwelling house in Broughton I street next to Judge Cuyler’s. Enquire | of M. MYERS, nov 30 f346 Brought to Jail, a N Savannah, October 30, 1822, a negro man who says his name is Bob, and that he belongs to John Beckly, of Barnwell District, S. C. He is about 40 years of age, and 5 feet 6 inches high S ;,vs he ran away two j ears ago. He bas lost part ..f ills right ear. 11. M’CALL, j. c, c. Brought to Jail. I N Savannah Nov. 5th 1821, a Negro man who says his name is Billy and that he belongs it» Mr. Moses Lynsey, living on Duck River, Bed ford county, West Tennessee. He is about 30 years of age, five feet six inches high, has a smi ling countenance, and says he ranaway about five years since. HUGH M’CALL, t. a. o. apri!22 9? Brought to Jail B N Savannah, October 4,1822, a negro man who says hisjiame is SAM, and that hcbelongs Mr. Joseph Blake, living in some pah , England, and Mr. Morris Simmons of Charleston, is lus master’s agent. He is 5 feet 6 inches high, and aJjout 19years of age. He states he ranaway from a place ofhis malter’s on Combee River, So Carolina. H. M’CALL, t c c. oct 17 201