Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 10, 1822, Image 1

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SAVANNAH • DAILY REPUBLICAN. N« , 244. Vol. XX. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1822. Whole No. 4066. n B. NICHOLS, ... .,vi»»n<iiv6 assortm *nt of , *7, ,n extensive assortm *nt ot Brant rTASf° r,l ‘ e .( very superior patterns with n ^;t„;, Als-, fun set* of Shovel. If’wie* <W‘ , " a il brant. common set. Tee Trays, assorted aJSSU and pW« * ets of BriUn,a Tea P ° tS Sn^rs »n<Ure*mi „ l1l4 ,, hrw'lMV^JJwknivwk lfmorsan-l Strops Jc*n(Ue»tlok»ihne ■ (hfr w j t |, „ variety of [swords, E k TJi2j , taCS'to». kc. | f,ace, Cord, r, t, _ AL , 0 _ ’r.old.^ pUin Watche# Fine awl,(‘ nc 3 f j _ lhv nP! ,rl and other Teweir y »p". 2iri«SS',iV“ 4 ? p , " in, ' L t dle '. w Fancy Waves, Uc to ^ , |M p„|„U that 'J'phSS. ««y « r *■** tl,e p ,,wer ‘ ul ,,,Hu ' r^Watc'uXd Clock, repaired amt warranted nov 25 1-232 - - - — " Commissioners of l dotage. CONTRACT WANTED, P ROPOSALS will he receive t for keeping ... 'ivnsirtliR Beacons <nd for cle tiling keeping and in good order, the Buoys in Sa- ‘"nnah ui’ver, for one year Applications to be ynmv.ll. K.ver, H0VT ? ALEX. HUNTER. <j Cummit,ee - JNO. G. HOLCOMBE, Sw*y. nov 21 225 JAMES DICK R espectfully inform* hi» friends and the public, that he has taken that commodious store in the new brick buildings South East coi ner of Market Square, and opposite the store of Messrs. IK fnglit (J Co. Gibbon*’ buildings; where he has on hand, an 1 is still opening, u handsome and general assovtmens of CHINA, Glass and Earthenware. Received direct from hi* Ocrrespo'.dents in Liv. erpool. The aliove articles are warranted of the the llrst quality, being selected to order, ami will be'sold wholesale or retail, as low und on as ac commodating terms, as any in the city ultbrds. The attention of Families and f'nuntyy Mer chants in particular. is request towards them, dec 2 t l‘237 | made to By order Watt Smetts. T AVE within a ti-w days received from 'lie most approved mills, and offer for sale on ac- commndatin/ terms at the duck lately occupied liy Messrs Brown Ik Overstreet. 500,000 feet new prime sawed lumber of all des criptions, ALSO. 200,000 feet ranging limber, 250,000 Shingles. The above assortment with what they are daily receiving enable them to execute any orders. Shortly expected a large supply of white and red .«k staves. (£y*Order* for lumber cut to any length will be promptly attended (o. ov 26 ft233 iDissolution of Copartnership. pHF. firm of J G Ri.axik Sr Co wasdesolved by I mutual consent on the 26th September last; those indebted will make payment on or before 'll * first day of December next to .1 C Hlance who s authorized to collect the same; all those, who have any demands against die concern will please render their bills in for payment. J.C.BLANCE. (J.G. IlLANCE. N B.—The business will be conducted hereaf ter bv .1. V. Rlance on hi* own account under the Bluff on Williamson* wharf, where he will keep a constant supply ofthe best Groceries and Provis ion*. J.C.BLANCE. nov 23 _«t»230 NOTICE: A LL persons indebted to the subscriber either by note or account al e requested to call and make payment by the first of January next, by so doing they may save cost CHARLES GREGORY. I will sell out my slock of GROCERIES and BUILDING, this stand for the grocery business is the best and must convenient in west broad street. Apply to the subscriber above nov 22 2 In Council, Nov km nan 28, 1822. , „ nnKR KD, that an election for Recorder of (/ the City, do lake place at the next regular meeting of Council. Applicants will leave their names with the Clerk of Council. I!J M. MYERS, c. c. .30 236 Carriage Horse. i\ WELL broke and fast trotting Carriage or A^Rig horae, the beat of the late Dr. Bayards ., alr (up jule by the subscriber, on accommodat. ngterms. If not disposed of before the first Tuesday in December, lie will then be sold at the Vourt House to the highest bidder. GEORGE SCHLEY. nov 29 235 Assize of Bread. T HE average price of Flour being 8 dollars per barrel, the weight of Bread for the r.rcsrm month, must be a* follows, viz : IN Cents Loaf*2!b 4Joz, 6J Cents Loaf lib 2oz, nf which all Bakers and Sellers of Bread will take due notice, JOILN J. ROBERTS t. t. net 1 194 L ".SAVANNAH Poor House and flospital. IflSITING Committee for Novbmhks and Dr. t cxxRBN, CHARLES M’lNTlRE and CIIAS. HOYT. Attending Physician, Dr. WM. H. CUY- By order of the Hoard. JOHN 1IAUPT, Steward, nov 2 213 GEORGIA HOTEL, BA1‘VIST CHURCH SQUARE, SAVANNAH. TO HIS Establishment lias lately' undergone J, through repair, and considerable improve mem a have been added. ■||,e Subscriber lias taken it upon a long lease indit will be open on Monday tiie 24tli inst for lli« reception and accommodation of Travellers ind Boarder-, having supplied his House wilh new and general assortment of Furniture. | lie i* determined that his Table shall lie inferi or to none, while this liar shall aflord the clinic Ml Liquors of every description. ^The Stables are large and convenient, for the accommodation of any number of Horses XX With such preparations, added to the indefatiga ble attention which it will be hi* study and in clination to bestow, he cannot but fl utcr him sell he will receive that share of patronage and sup port, to which such arrangements may he entitl id, DAVID M. FITTS- ■Savannah, AVi>, 21, 1822. nov 28 234 ■ ENGLISH SCHOQL. M il. JAMES K. BOLLOUGH, lately from Charleston, intends opening a School in this city, in which will he taught, those several branch* es generally comprised in an English Education. He wilt likewise, if applied to, attend to the in stniction of Youth in private familiea For particulars reference may be had to Rev James O Andrew, Rev George White, Mr Isaac D'Lyon sod Mr lie. Villers. For Testimonial* as to character and ability, ad vert to the following certificates. Charleston, .Von. 15/A, 1822. Mr. Bollough having been Tutor to one of mi sons for eighteen months, anil of another for a shorter period, I hereby testify, that I have been perfectly satiali ’d with his services. I have found inm steady, patient, assiduous, and believe tUat lie has advanced hi* pupils as last us their capaci ties would admit of. I HOMA8 HHET t SMITH. From a long and intonate acquaintance with Mr J. K. Bollough, and at Tutor to my 8<m, 1 ft i warranted, and talft- pleasure in bearing testim. ny to his qualifications for teaching ihe us-.', branches of mi English education. Asa gen- man, luscharacter is unexceptionable. AAUJN M013E Charleston, Oct. 10, 1822. Parents ami guardians disposed to patroni7. the subscriber, and who may be desirous ot an in lerview with him, are respect'ully requested t- call at hi, residence at Mr Rolf’s,in Montgomery street, near the Baptist Church, or at the Meth odist Parsonage, where he may be occasionally found. dec 5 m2.39 _____ JSotice and Caution. W HEREAS l have been informed that John Carnochan and Peter Mitchell >d this City have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged and assigned to divers persons either their individual creditors, creditors of the late firm ot Carn-'chan St Mitchell, or others, all or sundry the property and estate both real and personal of tile said firm as well as their own individual property and es tate consisting together of houses, lots, lands, stores, wharfs, negroes Ac. in Savannah and Da rien in Georgia or the neighborhood thereof, and -isewhere with their interest or share in the stork ofthe Lower Steam Mill near Darien, and sundry shares in the United States Hank and other Banks, .is well as sundry debts due to them in various places, beside lands, lots, negroes Ike in the ter ritory ot Florida, and particularly one large tract of land bmight of Forbes St Co. Iving between the river* St. Marks and Apalachicola in the lei- ritory of Florida aforesaid. Th so are hereby-to caution the public against Brigade Orders. Attention!—Georgia Hussars ! Planters' Bank, SAVANNAH, October 16th, 1822. R ESOLVED by the Board of Directors ofthe Planters’ Bank ofthe State <4" Georgia, that from and after this date, this Bank will not coup ler the notes of any of the Chartered Banks of the State of Georgia (the notes of the Planters’ Bank excepted) that may be deposited in the Planter’s Bank by any person or persons, or by anv banking company whatsoever, or that may be paid into the said hank to the credit of any per son or persons or any hanking company, as cre- iiing any claim in favor of such persons or such banking company to demand that the checks or •Tiler* they or such tianking company may is- me on the said Planters’ Bank to be paid in spe cie cnin of gold or silver ; hut that the Planters’ Bank will, for the accommodation of their eusto. mers, continue ib receive as heretofore, in depos- i'e and in payment of all notes deposited for col lection, the notes of all the ch trtered banks of the -'ate, of Georgia, hut will always reserve to itself iltti rig|jt of choice in the notes of which of the respective chartered banks of the stats of Geor- gi.i, the said Planter’s Bank may prefer to make in payment on the checks or orders being pre- seo'ej of pe'-son or person* or any banking com pany ilust may have an a-noiint at their credit in bank. Itesolveil, That for the information of customers ■ f the Planter*’Bank, that each one may know he amount of their respective deposits in the ,utc* *’f 1 he chartered banks of the stale of Geor. gia, other than the Planters’Bank, ami also the ,mouu of their deposits in the notes of the Plan-' , iBan t ; that the Cashier of this hank be in- structed to have entered trom anil after this date in .he books of the customers oftliis inttitmion, n tln ir depositing the notes of the chartered Banks as aforesaid, the following words to be pre fixed to the resptetive sums they may deposite in Bank, namely, “Notes ofthe Banks of Georgia”; when note* of the Planters’ bank are deposited, the entry to be made as such. By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN F. LLOYD, Cashier pro Icm oct 17 srl 201 Savannah, Oct. 2t>th, 1822. ufTHE Brigade Inspector ofthe 1st Brigade will * forthwith proceed to the nnntttl convention of the Field, Staff, Company and Non commissioned officers, and the musters of the Regiment* u:.d Battalions, composing the Brigade for the purpose of being trained and mustered, by him in the ex ercises and evolutions prescribed by Congress, in conformity with the 10th section of the Militia law of 1818. Byordorot Gsvrmr. Minnr.*, WM OVERSTREET, Aid de Camp., Inspectors office, Mi \ov 1^22. In conformity with the above order for the convention of the Field, Staff, Company and Non-Cdmmissioned officers, and for the review sod inspection of the 1st brigade of the militia of Georgia. The Colonels or commanding of ficers of regiments composing the same are hereby ordered and directed to have their res pective commands underarm* on their usual gen- ral parade grounds, for the purpose of being trained in the exercises and evolutions prescrib ed by Congress, at 11 o’clock, on the following days, vir On Wednesday the 4ih December next, the re view and inspection of tlu Camden county Bat talion. On Friday the 6th December, the review and inspection of Wayne county battalion. On Saturday the 7th December, the review, and insp-.ction of Glvnn county Battalion. On Monday the ‘>ih December, the review and inspection of the Mclotot,h county B ittalion. On W'ednesday the llili December, the re view and inspection of the Liberty county Batta lion. On Friday the 13th December, the review and inspection ofthe Hrvan county Battalion On Monday the 16th December, the review and inspection of the Ch,'ham .county Battalion, be- longing to the 35th regiment. On Tuesday the 17 h December, the review and inspection of the Effingham county Battalion. On Thursday the 16th January next, a conven tion of the F'ield, Staff', Company, and Non coni missioned officers of the 1st regim-nt, (city of Sa vannah,) and on the following Friday the 170 January, the review and inspection ofthe whole regiment. Both officers an l privates are especially re qilired to be a'-med and accoutered according t( law, and the Field officers of the Brigade to a' lend the review* within their respeetivc com mauds for the purpose of superintending and en forcing the prescribed system of discipline. WM. P. BOWEN, Brig lustier, lut Brig. 1st Div Geo. Militia. nov 21 229 Cavalry Orders. /-ftHEGEOUlilA BUSS Alls an-, required to be on (heir para '.e ground, a' 3 o’clock, P. M on Friday the 1.3th inst. in full uniform and Completely equipped tor parade. By order Lt. Sulks, Commanding. Ui MIDDX, l-l S rg’t. dec 6 241 Notice. T HF> copartnership existing between the sub scriber* since the 23 I Dciober, 1821, is this chv dissolved by mutual consent. I hose indebt ed will make payment without delay to James l owler, who is authorised to collect the same J. W. CANNON. JAMES FOWLER. J. W- Cannon, W ild, continue the business at the same stand, and will he thankful for the patron age ofthe late customers of Cannon &. Fowler, nov 16 225 Notice. LI. personshaving demands against the es- , inie of the late Col. .lames Johnston, of Sa vannali, are requested to render them duly at Bill fur Divorce. Superior court—Chatham county. 1: • t Tkrm, 1822. Catherine WilsonT i”, s. John Wilson j S N this case the Sheriff having made return that the Defendant is not to be I mind,on motion ot D’Lvon (J Dr Lamotta, Solicitors for the com pluinunts. Disordered that I lies defendant do ; , .‘.V SfiiZH. -« ARRANGEMENT Notice to Travellers to and from Savannah. A UNION of aenliin :nt having tak . place be TA tween the proprietors -it the n w me ot S'age*', established on'he nofth aide of t -e Sa vannah river, between Savannah an.'. Hamburg, and Augusta, connected by the Steviii I.' * ar. ollna to Pun s'-urg—-and the line of ntagv* o-u f Savannah, on Mir south si le ot bail u-tv; the Stage Office of both will, hence forward, b > kept at the City llo'el in Savannah—where the public are respectfully informed tha* seals, on either route, are in future to be applied for. To illustrate the lienefi's of the two establish ments, as they are to operate to the public ut huge, it need only be stated that, The old Georgia line,will arrive fc depart on the same days as heretofore, and will quicken Us pace so as that passengers will be take* thro in two day*. betWerimin and sun, thus aff ruing a pleasant and delightful mode ot transportation to Ladies and persons in delicate health, or to those who travel lor pleasure rather Ilian on urgent bu- The new line in Carolina is rotten up on qnit^ a different principle. Pa*se:.geri ire taken I mm - . . . , i >« wharf, avliuiniug the Exchange, at 1— appear personally or by attorney at or before the o , rlotk *ve r v dav, on the stem Boat Car- next term of the Superior Court of Chatham - >IM j Br ,Wed at Purysbnrg (dlningin the County in January next,and file In* answerer de-1 • j|( fft)m „ ireo f , ut . hours, vccouliug to the s'ate of the tide and sttength ofthe—- feusive allegation in writing pursuant to the act ut assembly in such case made and provideJ, and it k further ordered that publication of this order be m<de in one of ibe Gazettes of the City oi Savannah agreeably to law. Extract from the Minutes. JOB T. UOLLES, Clk. tune 26 151 oct 22 20.3 PAT. nous I (in'll. Executor. they are then placed immediately in a co.r.modi- ous Post Chaise, ami taken (by rapid di iv is, in live hands of sober, experienced Coachmen, and able and gentle Horae*, the way being lighted with a Inge lamp or hvnlheni on the lop ot tho carriage) through to Hamburg and Auguste, so a* to arrive at those places by, from 0 to 10 o clock tested, and those indebted to make'payment to I Superior CoUl't—Chatham County, | the following morning i changing * ' e JSTOUN, 1 vi.,T,.v 1822 wav at an average d.sianro ol 14 mde* and s ip- Margaret Rusk,^ ^ qpsKsA a.- 7'3-or o-io-A-f. which remains all night at Purys bnrg, to receive tlie passengers at 7 o’clock ‘.he next morning, The Stage office in Augusta, for the Carolina mute is fixed at the Planters Hotel, and at he Post office, in Hamburg. I hat of the Georgia route remains at the Globe Tavtrn. Superior Court—Chatham County Jamuari Tkhm, 1822. Tlie President and Vice President of the Union So ciety and the. 1st and 2nd Directresses of the Female > liule Nisi A*yium ot Savannah ! vs. • Edward Bourquin ham aforesaid. On motion of M. Sheftail, Senior, ] plaintiff* attorney, it is ordered, that the defend ant make his answer or lit tensive allegation in writing, personally, or by his attorney on and be fore the next term of this Court, and that this or. der be published in one of the Gazettes of this purchasing afiy part-of the said property or es tate so conveyed, or any oilier property belong' ing to the said Carnochsn fct Mitchell or either ot them as 1 hold prior it engages on tlie greatest part thereof which are on record in the registry in Savannah and Darien aforesaid and in Charles ton, S. C. and equitable liens mi all the propertv •of said John Carnochan and Peter Mi'cliell. WILLIAM CHRISTIE, Savannah. • The editors of the Courier, k City Gazette, at Charleston; Floridian, ai Pensacola; Recorder at Milledgeville v Republican, at Montgomery, Alabama, and Chronicle, at Augusta ; arc reques ted to insert the above advertisement once a week until countermanded, and forward then accounts to this office for payment, june 6 tl31 U PON the petition of the President and Vice c ity, once a month until sai I term of court President ofthe Union Society and the First | Extract from the minutes, and Second Direc*-esses of the Female Asylum of Sav.umah, praying the foreclosure of the Equi ty of Uedernp'ioil of all that Bridge situate on (Wechec River, on tlie road leading from Darien JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk. nog 15 174 -| INK months after date application will be i ale to the Hon. tin Inst ice* ofthe inferior Wood and Lumber Yard. LPIIE siib.-.criber oilers for sale very low a large I supply of FIRE WOOD and LUMBER, and informs the public that he will cut any quantity ot kmher Spars Sliafls for Rice mills, or saw any ‘puntity of Lumber to bills at very short notice or ll /iy onler in the above fine will be thankfully re fined by VYnt Bird at Camp Jackson, or by tlie teubsciber. DAVID A. STROBHAll. nov 7 tr217 Proposal», "VS^ILL be received by me 8'reet and Lane ’ * committee, until Wednesday the IDh Dec. l.nxt for replacing all posts and rails in the seve- id squares in this city, and have the sune painted 'ritli two coats of white lead—also to enclose and level Cbippatya sq are. GARDNER TUFTS, 1. DAVENPORT, muses sheftall. nov 29 235 Ferry acros* which the aforesaid Bridge has been ected, andtM’hich said land is bounded north dgu ardly by land belonging to Mr. Mongin and Mr- McAllister, eacwafoly and soutbwardly by land be longing to Mr. McAllister and westward!) by. the fiver Ogeechee, which said bridge and lands were rtgaged by Edward Bourquin to the said peti- u . . " * . i. .... , I. a iTik ..4" INSTRUCTION ON . TV\e VioVm av\d Flute. R HENRY, first Violin in the Savannah The- ,, . at re,intends to g'lvejnstruction on the above tioners bv deed, bearing date on the 17th day ot i nglPl , melll8 . || e wifi be found at the House ot Library Society. \3 4 meeting ol tlie Society on Monday even- 1 >ng, August 5. Resolved, that all urreara- grs due tlie Society, winch may remain due at toe annual meeting in February next, be imme- tjtately thereafter put in suit Slid collected with : he *?»st possible delay ; and that this resolution thafp 6 ' 1 „ 111 die papers once a month until Extract from the minutes, L. MASON, Sec’ry. J2SJL %374 V\ INF, month* after date hereof application will be made to the Honourable the Justi fies of the Inferior Court of Chatham County for cave to sell all that tract of land situate in Chat- {'. im ( '°onty containing !i‘Ty acres more or less, oounded on the north by Lands of the estate of • IcKay, oi> the east and sbutli by lands of Thomas Libboiu a m the West by lands of C. F. Hunk • nig tbv.. Estate of Thomas G. Davis dec. to l< iu Wfor the benefit of the heirs and creditors t .die dec. ICHAKLES GREGORY, . „ Ex’r, of Thsmas G, Davis. To the Public. J CARNOCHAN and P. Mitchel, arc sorry to . be again brought before the public by a se cond notice of Mr. Christies, who has undoubt. Iv claim* against them, which when finally liq u dated on the decision of the suit now pending tliey will try to salisly us 6,ion as possible Uieie^ ** The deed* under which Mr. Christie claims an exclusive right to all the real and personal estate of Carnochan W Mitchel, are considered as intoi trial, unjust and illegal. Hence they have bee., brought and are still.before the Court, and otliei deeds have been executed and recorded, convey, ing the property for the use of all their creditors Mr. Christie incluficd; without; any' trust or rc serr ation beneficial to C. and M. or them families. and if this be not agreeable to that gentian an, it must nevertheless appear fair Ik equitable to the public and all who have a sense of malice. The Trustees under the late deeds are anxtou to sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to in the no lice of Mr. C. and to appiy the proceeds to the immediate payment of part ot Ins demand k depo sit a sufficiency thereof to cover all Ins claim, aub lectio the decision of the Court—but Ins oppoai tiontoanv reasonable sale, as one interested m In own right, whilst Injuring all parlies concerned, must be borne until a sale can be made under order of Court. june 13 ' t cry Editors of papers who insert,Mr. Christie notice, will please insert the above uptil his withdrawn, and forward their bills to this office where they will be promptly paid by J. C. Ik V. M- March 9 at, 58 By the operation of the Steam boat Catolina, Passengers will be taken to and from Charleston, landing and embarking at l’urysburg, the _con. tractor for carrying the northern mail, pledging himself, to run daily and constantly, comfortable tour wheel vehicles between Puryst-urgh and to cany six |. .ssengers . ge Office tor Mi*' aam.:, i* City tlotel in Savannaii, and Post office in Charleston, i he Darien Stages continue to operate,us here tofore, between Savannah and that place, and the. stage office to at bat line continues at the City Ho tel. SILAS HOLLIS, Proprietor ofthe Northern route. LAMB &. DEW ITT, vVei.... Jl^l made to the Inferior Court of Chatham Count i, of two thousand dol- I ty sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sc!- j lay of April in the year sundry building lots on the South Common near venty, and the further Savannah, one third ofa lot in \ uniucraw, und two April; 1819, to secure the payment of a certain ])r Lnui) n furth. iting obligatory of even date with the same m.,rt- nov2 j ^231 ••e made and entered into by the same Edward — . ourquin to nod with the said petitioners in the | ^X'flNE months after date application will he final sum of eight thousand dollars, conditioned for the payment of the sum of *’ 1 lars on or before the 17tb day smii'of "wo thousand dollar* on or before tlie 17th | lots in 4tli dislrici, Early county, being part o! I v of Anri 11821, with the lawful interest from the the veal estate of Stephen Ural t, deceased, lor the date of the said bond, and that there is now due benefit of tbe h«r <imdemJ'*""- ,he said bond and mortgage, and unpaid tlie ELI/.ABE I fl GRAF Adm rx. sunt of two thousand dollars with lawful interest I tulv 9 $ol58 from the 17th dav <>f April 1319. Whereupon on motion of Richard W. Hubersltum, Attorney for the petitioners, it is ordered that the pnnci n il interest and costs due on the said bond and mortgage be paid court within twelve months from this date, or that otherwise the Equity ol Redemption (unless cause shewn to the contrary) or the said mortgaged premises he from thence forth foreclosed and that such further and other proceedings take place, as are pursuant to the act it,,, p- norai assembly ill such cases made aiu, Proprietors of tlie Southern route. JNO WOMACK, Proprietor ofthe Western Gs. route to Pierce’s ELEA5BER EARLY, for self, and Daniel w. McKF *Z!e, Proprietors of the new Western Carolina route, doc 5 l240 iuly 9 UITV HOTKL s.ituv.y.iu. «\RRAN BYRD returns iiis thank* to the pub -' sC/lic in general and to bis friends in parLcu ur, for tlie patronage which they have heretofore ex- ,7Vj|>lNE months after date application will bt | tended to him, as the eatablisher ot said Hotel, jtj made to the Hon. Inferior Court of Camder A f, el . ; W o years of servitude and mremiuing Uomitv for leave to sell all the red estate of Dr I zeal to make it the great Hotel which its peculiar John Ross, dec laying in said county for the ben-1 sltuat i on , and its other advantages deman.l. it tt •fit of the heirs and creditors of his estate. should be—lie is induced to retire back BELTON A. COPP, tolli on acedunt of the nnwibiiignes* wlnott bis lAdm’r of theestute of Jno. Boss, uoi tam ,|y manifests ut leaving that p ace . >r dns. In administered.—with the wilt aunexed | (loint , s0 |, e carries alongjwil il him feelings d > > at- of the general assembly ' >r AiuUt is further ordered that this tule be pub fished in one or more of the public Gazettes of april 2 82 Notice. A Id- persons having lemands agonist the es- lished in one or more u. ...c P > —2" I , ;*!*^“wil 1 pres'en’,their^cr.ouftts legally aUt'stcd; and those indebted will please to make quin at least six months previous to the time the immediate payment to ^ pjj A y Adm’r. I '< i.. lahaKii <ii>.isipp<l tn ho naid into this 1 * nov 26 fr2.3 said money is hereby ordered to be paid into this court. _ ... Extract from the minutes. JOB T. BOLLES, lerk. 19- j»n 23 Georgia—-Chatliani County To all whom it may concur! , * E rilEUr AS, A A. SmetS applies for letters Notice. W of administration on the estate ot Mrs. Jane ,1NE months after .late, application will be M wfs, late of Savannah widow deceased as ptm- made to the honorable Judges ot the lnterio- j cl ,„d creditor The Paragon Toll Mil, B EING now in complete order will r <; ceiv ® tough UicC, to be beat on toll nta.iy Uffie a I trtlie 10th of September next, or earlier if wished. Turns on the Mill may be .secured >y *nn iofttion to Jacob Read or William Kilpatrick *t Drakies, alter the 15th of August, eac.t tut n will consist of 200 tierces of clean rice, provided the mill is kept furnished wtlhrmighnce^ • july 30 m -,'Sf-tl»e^tol^' KtLRYNBt ^--‘^onor be -re the W day o. thJr.lum lor T. U. Mullryn December next; otherwise letters of admtmsira- Court of Chatham ciwHity.fbrJeave to sollall tnc real being Guardian for T. H. Mullrym may 15 J 4_ — 2 — The Savannah Library <t S onen for the delivery of Books on Monday J I wednelyaitd Friday, from 4 <o « P *“* B ug 8 171 Now these are therefore to cite and admonish Dect ruber ... .. . tion u ill be granted to the applicant. Witness Ihf’ Hon 1 hon^.9 N» Indices or the said Court, this 26th day of Nov Y. D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two • i ■ i* "i Sx M. BOM)* ecu nov 26 233 itude to many individuals here, who have ed to hint their countenance and support--and he takes much pleasure in recommending to the public the individual .whom the proprietor has selected for his successor. ..... , His time in the Hotel closes with this c.ay, and Mr John Miller's commences in the morning ot to-morrow. . . „ . , „ Orfan Byrd will remain in Savannah long e- nough to bring rB his pecuniary transactions to a final and complete close- stud he wishewd. pet- Mins having o.uims against him to edubifffite same a, his Room in the City Hotel—also be '“-sires sucli as are indebted to him to make immediate payment. John Miller, Late ofthe Pfanteis Hotel, Augusta,informs the public that be bus tak. n the “bove/netumned cu iv Hotel InSavannali» l,,e P cCU U L ,1 * * • of which are more particularly set fourth m die notice of die proprietors of all the stages going out r i 0t {uilifij ius’t say that it is his intention to de- Morel one of t.u ^ c0 ,u ilm ed patronage of the ^ ten tarn* community which recdvtdJ»s l^de L s ,„r with open arms among tueio, and exteoOi* to the City Hotel so much ol thtiir favour, dec 5 *2 to*