Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 10, 1822, Image 3

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Petty 8C-Greene II A VK FUR SAL*. iAtB k.b M l London Porter A* ) 60 bis Fenington s Loaf Sugar ^ yO bis piime *’ urk 20 do No'l*Mackerel and 20 do Flour •“'JS.H&.Wh. 10 do Tenerife do 40 big* Coflee 20 bU Whiskey 30 do St Croix Sugars 00 boxes Raisins 20 do London Mustard ini) Demijohn* i to 5 gallons each ^10 boxes Soap and 20 do Candles 100 nr do Segars 20 pieces Bagg'ng Blankets and Plains S ton Shot assorted 10 Brand™, Gin. Kum, and Madeira Wine, &c, dec 9 f24d Clothing. JUST BECEIVE1) FBOSI HEW TOUR. O ne trunk gentlemen’s Kiissian Belts 10 bales real tartan plaid Cloaks 3 do extra sites fearnot Great Coats 4 trunks short and long worsted and lambs* wool Hose, and A general assortment of NEGRO CLOTHING. For sale by PETER DHEGK, five doora east of the City Hotel, nov 13 an222 UV.MOV.Al.. F. GILLET CO. H AVE removed from No. 4, Gibbon’s building to lira soiilb corner of Thus Young’s, where they are opening an elegant assortment of blench Goods, which they offer for silv very low. ALSO, » i Ladies IjKGHONJST do do 3 cases I l t| misses i M gentlemen’s nov 4 214 BLANKETS AND BAGGING. GEOUGE W. COE fj\FFEUS lor sale by the llale or piece, 3 1 2 and 4 Point BLANKETS 6 4 and 7-4 Bristol Duffle Blankets 8 4 and 9-4 Heavy London Duffle do 40 and 42 inch Baltic Hemp Baarlmr' White and Blue Plains hb * . T,'"’,* XT/” 5 ' : ,f „ Go, ^‘ * ui ‘»We for the season, at 7 Gibbovn JlmlditiFt. nov 9 219ap TORTOISE SHELL; l\or^ and Worn Combs, Ingrain Carpeting, See. / nilK Subscribers offer for sale by the dozen A an invoice of Tortoise Shell Combs of all sizes, 1 Very fine Ivory Combs of all sizes Mock tortoise shell combs do do' 4 bales Ingrain Carpeting by the bale or piece 2 bales Domestic Plains do do —also— 300 lb Sewing Twine 2 cases Double and Single B ,rrcl Guns 3 Cables, from 6 to 10 inches BLANCHARD, UBOTHERS & CO. Anderson’s Building on the Bay. nov 15 334 1 F. Gillett, Co. | fr>E(j leive to inform tlie public, that they JHiiave recommenced business at No 4,Gibbons’ building, where they offer lor sale for cash or town acceptances only, a general assortment of FALL AXII WHITER DBF GOOD 8. Superior Kay and Son’s white "tains, No. 2, 3, 4, ‘ tc 5, for 58 to 68 cents a yard London, Bristol and point Blankets from g 1 to 2 25 cts. Aborted Flannels from 31J to 75 cts. Green Baize from 62J to 75cts. Broad Cloth and Casi-meres Plain and blk figured Bombaactt, superior qual ity, from 37j to 50 cts 3.4superfine blk Bombazeen from 75 to 100 cts 64 do do 125 Black Silk Florences and Sinshews from 75 to 811 cents Satina of all colours, gl fiu. erior blk Italian Crape from 75 to 87 1-2 ota Onion Crapes, g5 50 l)lk Silk Barcelona Handkfs, 50 cts White and blk silk Hose from gl 38 to 2, vert su perior White and blk silk Gloves, 1st chop from 50 u, 62} cts Superior Ladies Paris Kid Gloves, 37} cts Blk and colored Ladies Beaver Gloves, from 5o to 62 1-2 cts Gentlemen's Extra super castor from 75 to 88 cts 54 to 9 4 all colours Merino Shawls, late patterns Luge size Merino Scarfs, a great variety Carolina Plaids 81 1-4 cts Light mixt Satinet from 75 to g 1 25 PUid Homespun, l8j cts yurd l'r,bleached do 7 yds for gl J4iloniestic Sheeting, 25 ct» yard Apron Check, 31 1-4 cts Um 17 8 superior linen Bedticking from 62 1 2 t 87 1-2 cts HPruned cassimere Shawls and Scarfs 44 ind 6-4 Co'ton Cambrick from 25 to 75 cts 44a". I 6 4 Cambric Muslins 144cross liar and lubilee Cord, 56 l 4 cts 44 ind 6 4 plain Book and Swiss Muslin Pain and embroidered muslin Cravats 44iprigg’d and dotted,Swiss and French Muslins li.mask curtain Calico and blue Cambrick 7-8 ami 9-8 superfine London- t’rints, from 25 to 37 1-2 cts I Brown and blk Holland 14-4and 6-4 Ginghams I Power Loom Shitting and Long Cloth I White and colored Marseilles flag and Britania Handkfs I Colton and worsted Hosiery I Real and Imitation Madras Handkfs I Purple, green and blue cotton Shawl* I Irish, Russia Sheeting and Diaper 144 an I 7 8 Irish Linens and Long Lawn 1 Pm fim Linen Cambricks, at all prices \ An extensive assortment of Thread Laces and Kl ff< n gs Irinsam! Needles at 10 cts paper iJolinson's wire Cotton ami French floss Cotton ISiik tumbrellasof all sizes, from g3 -o 5 50 IT urtii- shell, side and extra size tucking Combs lllorn and Ivory, do do IKibbons, Braids, Galloons Silver Thimbles, Gilt and t tout Huttons, IBcniiet Paper, Scissors, W<- he, 1 -A liberal deduction will be made to country Itnerchai is and those buying by the piece. ncl 17 "*201 ' Dyeing and Scouring. SC OLE S # SMITH, ICtll.K, ( . i tin. Ml Wo, ii Dyers and Scourers, IO boio N e w York, return their sincere thanks I °"'rirfrien s gin- the public for ill" liberal en ■ con-agetn*.nt they have received in the above | a '' nt, J9, *0*1 still cm to i e to Dye and Igour, 1*1 kinds of Cloths, Rilk and Cotton St-ckmgs, ‘-i-ilies Shawls and Dresses, Leghorn, Sir »» and I "P Hat», dyed and dressed in a superiot s y! ; I wMnf 18 c ' eane d ai ’d pressed. All commands . 1 , * thankfully received and punctually at I ,n,. al ^eir "ffice. next door to the corner street, opposite the FRENCH GOODS AT WHOLESALE. a lME Subscribers h«ve just received a new , assortment of French \)r>( Goods ami Pevfumerv, Received direct via New York, which they offer for sale on liberal terms among them arc, " “ ,e > ulack . »nd Bed 7-4 and 8-4 Merino Shawls . . 1,0 do 4-4 half and square Me- rino Handkerchiefs Black Silk Velvet and Mode Black, White, Blue and Pink Satins Do do do do Florences Plain L-jstring ami Satin Ribbons, Nol 1 2 to 12 Pearl Edge do do No 1 1-2 to 16 Rich fig’d Uthbons by seta, No 6-16 9-22 Black Velvet Ribbons, No 4 to 100 White and Black Silk Braids Black, Plain, and Striped Silk Galloons Plain ami Embroidered Silk Hose White and Black Silk Gloves Black, Whitt and col’d superf. Kid Gloves. , ‘1° do do do Beaver do Silk Suspenders and Garters Fancy 4-4 Silk Handkerchiefs Hl.rk and colored Sewing Silk Dandy 4 4 Silk Handkerchiefs Superfine Gilt edge Paper Pins Antique Oil, Pomatum Fine Rose Soup, Honey Water Very Superior Cologne Water, &c. BLANCH ».RD, BROTHERS UCO. Anderson's Building on the Bay. t.ov 4 214 • For Sale, P *V )m schooner Lucy Ann— 5 ~9 Ltishels Potatoes and Turnips 3.3 bbls ,) 0> 1 140 bags do! 5 kb I* Hess Beef in's°. !^ e ^!“ mi| y “utter 10.k) lbs Cliei se 200 bushels Oats 6 bundles Hay 43 bbls Apples 50 bushels White Beans 1 I!o!fes ’ Bureaus and Tables •»00 feet Oars 1500v merchant-Me and clear Boards Po’a h° t, .- e Captain on bbard » *t Hall, Hoyt Co’s, tvharf, or to dec 7 m242 homes tupper. Just Received, _ FER SLOOP EBTEUFR1ZE, 9 1 I F'Pes of White’s superior Gin 83 hbls No 2 Shad •>4 ball bbls No 1 do 104 bbk superfine Howard street Flour, for family use 24 bbls Pilot Bread 55 bbls refined Sugar " hicli arc offered for sate by . DOUGLASS & SORREL, dec 7 m242 go engaged. ■«“. apply to Anderson’s wharf ort ANDREW LOW & CO. H IVE received, by the ships Georgia Ogle tborne, and other recent arrivals from Er. gland, uid Scotland, till greater proportion of their usual supply of Fall and Winter Dry Goode, which they offer for sale at a moderate advance tor P.mince, or on their usual accommodating ;rms for approved paper; and by the slop Emi Iv", daily expected from Liverpool, they will w coivu an additional assortment, together, with rasks of London bottled Porter in quart and pin’ bottles; Crockery, Glassware, and some othei olky articles. Now in store, ami offered for sal", a few piece-, of best BALTIC HEMP COTTON BAG GING, 42 inches -.v ide on 19 202 Elep.ant B binet L ice, Scarfs. Shades, Shaucls, ASil FACE VEILS. J UST received by the brig Yriiunt, from Liver pool, and for sale by nov 30 236 JAMES ANDt- RSON y CO. TUITION IN MUSIC. Mr. K> neelia, .. friends and the returned to this city und will commi nc-. giving Lessons in Music on R e8Pectfui.lvi.. t public, tlnrt lie has jus Wej>3esbit the l’'h if December Applies tioo wili Ke than! lolly r reived bv him through ine Post office, untill further notice, dec 7 242 VFool Hutss I i XA dozen A .1. Hats pist leceived and for « f\ r sale by the suk-criber*, who have on hand and are constantly receiving Hats of every kind and q-.iaiity and of the latest fashions All of which wdi be sold on the most reasonable terms. BUTI.FR &. SCRANTON. Gildon’s building market square, dec 6 ct‘241 E\LLS On New-York, Philadelphia, and P ! " ,S!,Re ’ Richmond, Va. I N Sums and sights to suit purchasers for sale by . . S. k M ALLEN & Co. m243 dec 9 .\;i\3o\eow m Extte. TUS I HRl'KIN El) » lew copies ol the 2d edi. * . (,on of ,\apt,c<m in Exile or <i noire from St. Helena, by B. E. O'Meara, 2 vols g3 25. ALSO Essays on Phrenology, or an enquiry into the principles and utility of the system of Drs. Gall k Spurglieim, and into the objections made against it by George Combe 1 vol j$2 .75. Percy Anecdotes No 22, “Exile.” I ogetber with a variety of new publications. • W. T. WILLIAMS. dec 9 m243 Just Received By the ship Dolew-u-e, and brig Francis from Philadelphia. 91 half barrels beef put up expressly for family mi At use by S/mtler 1 barrel rounds of Beef 8 half barrels Tongues 10 casks of Cheese. For sale by . P. M.DERMOT. dec 9 m243 White Fine Lumber, F OR sale ;y BROWN h OVERSTREET, dec 9 m243 Prime Beef and Hay, Received p. r dup Emulous from New-York. 1 9 Htintlles llay X JL ^ 30 bis prime new Beef re salted in ei cvileut order for sale by dec 9 b243 SAMUEL WRIGHT. fc>LATE, O f a superi >r quality, in quantities to suit pur- chasers. For sale at reduced prices, by nov 22 230 JOHN H. REID h CO. White Velvets, LdOR PAINTING ; for Ride by nov 20 228 JOHN H. REID U CO. Northern Gin- HDDS and 25 inns Northern Gin landing from brig Eagle, and for sale by BAKER St MINTON nov 30 23.5 • 20 For Liverpool, The brig OSGOOD, Oliver Coit, master, H** commenced loading, and will require 300 bales of Cotton to complete her car go . For freight, apply to Capt. Coit on board at Anciaux s wharf, or to BENJAMIN BURROUGHS, No 3, Commerce Row. nov 23 231 For Havre, The superior new ship HOWARD, N. H. Holdredgt, master, Will commence loading oq Wed- nesd*', and sail 3d Proximo without fail; has four tiffhs of her cargo ready to goon board. For remainderof freight, or passage, having elegant furnished accommodations, apply on board, or to GEORGE CORDON. Landing and for Sak, 20 hhds Superior Old crop N O Sugar nov 25 32 nov 29 For Havre, The sup. copperfastened new brig AMERICA, will commence loading in a few days, having two thirds of her car For freight of 200 bales of cotton Capt. Groves on board ai to PETERSEN, H AMMOND & Co. 235 For Havre. The very fast sai'ing staunch brig JULIiS AUGUSTE, For freight of 60 hules only, ap ply to MAURKL U LATH Eli EAUDI ERE. nov 30 l236 For Havre. The first class coppered ship HESPERUS, ‘ AncRii. M'Cohkki.i, master. Having two thirds of her cargo en gaged will meet wills dispatch Airfreight of (lie remainder or passage having handsome furnished accommodations apply to the Captain on board at Hunters wharf nr to SAMUEL WRIGHT, dec 5 240 For Havre, The fine and fast sailing brig EAGLE, B. Cook, Master, Having part of her cargo engaged, will meet with all (lossible dispatch For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on buaid at Moore’s wharf, or to DUHAMF.L & AUZE. dec 6 241 For Greenock, The well known British ship THREE SISTERS, James Bell, master, Will be dispatched Ammedi-itelv. For freight of 100 bales Cotton or passage, apply to captain Bell on board, or to JOHN H. REID & CO. nov 28 234 For New- York. The elegant new packe' ship CLIFFORD WAYNE, I'Hixn, Allth, Master, Will positively sail on Sunday tne 151 Ii i nst. Fur freight of two hundred bales, apply to the master on board at Anderson’* wharf or to EDWARD WILLIAMS. dec. 7 a242 F OR sale bv oc 29 CANNKL COAL. J. P. WILLIAMSON. 209 25 „ lUy-lane ant) Montgomery | Bopiut Church 8qaure. _ ,lcf 9 l2-v3 Faint*, Oil, Window Glass. 8£c Augustus CovuwaU, Wholesale and retail PAINT DEALER, ® FFKRS for sal>, in latge or riail quantities, . gt nerkl assortment of Paints, Oils, Win dow Class Ktc viz. Whit- Lead in kegs from 28 lbs to 7 cwt Spanish Brown, Venetian Red, Yellow Ocre Black Paint, Verdigris Linseed, lamp and train Oils Spirits of Turpentine Copal and Japan Varnishes, Brushes Window Calais, assorted sizes and various qual. ities —Also, Glass and japanned Lamps Liverpool patent hanging brass and japan’d do I .amp wicks, glasses, he Q3*Oiders front the country will be thankfully re ceived and attemletl to on the most liberal terms nov 25 • 4o232 For Sale. I ii. 8u L b8crl '« “Bi rs ,or sale his small but lin it,.. a- U . F * rac ' * a,,d containing 200 acres, ■M«*aM? t White Bluff on which he re |toX;r e8oM . aba nF’i" , as the i-b jrct is ensh, fto r,,.in^Went of h|a dalRa. Person- wishing fsuperior q*,^* 1 * see tbe l*nd, as will show its JOHN POULI EN. ct243 dec 9 At the Gentlemen's Over Shoes. Sl *’" tlle Big i^pot, north aide Market G#n,len8,< I ionahle 801?' w, 0 " 11 8kln 11 |forsaleb? e8U ‘ lable ior dec 7 oao., R. L. MILLING, the fixer Shoes, made of :T U .*, C “^ akln and in the moat fasli- t present weather— 243*1 Planters Bank. A N elect;,,., r .. Dxcbmbbr 4, 1822. I 4* of the t ^ l . rleen Birectors on the part 1 y' 1 '! be held at 11i” ^ t>p ,be cns,l '"K year, °di of lann-irv F a |'^'j'S room on Monday the l^Weof, air ,.' | , y h . e * 1 ’ Being the first Monday poll will ho nr, ° i t ,c miarter of the Bank NoW^o’cHAM dre s ;vio * L Laahier pro tem Notice. / nlTE remaining pews in the Independent J. Presbyterian Church will be rented on I hursday next the 12th inst at 11 o’clock, several news may be had in fee simple at the same time. OLIVER STURGES. Chairman board trustees. Duhamel <$* .luxe, OFFER FOR SALE. Pipes Cognac Brandy of diff erent brands and warranted pure 6 rus- s Liiun'ipiognc 50 boxes Claret Wine 25 do old Burgundy Wine 30 do Cordials, assorted 20 do essence of Rose Sc Orange water 100 coils Bailing Hope and 2 cases Twine 80 boxes Candles of diff erent brands 100 dozen Colone water 100 qr. boxes Spanish Segars 15 hhds N Orleans Sugar lOh pi. ces Madrass lldkfs 30 gvoce Playing Cards Lamp Oil 2 cases superfine Paper Hangings, assorted colours ami patterns l trunk Stationary 25 pattern tribble bolted Rank Locks, with 2 key- to each Lock nov 21 '229 100 Cotton Bagging. Pieces 42 inch Bailie Hemp Cotton Bagging 36 p.eces Hessians (a good substitute for Cotton Bagging) Received by the brig t raveller, from Dundee, and for sale by JOHN H. REID St CO. dec 4 239 For New- Yrok. “■'TV. The superior last sailing regular packet brig JOSEPH, Alle.v Holdhidoe, Master, Will commence loading on Tuesday next For freight or passage, apply to Captain Holdridge on hoard or to J. LA I'HHOP U CO. Who have landing from said b ig, 5 hlids prime Muscovado Sugars 21 bbls Whiskey * 100 boxes fresh Malaga Raisins 100 coils Rale Rope dec 7 m242 For Darien, The fine ue* sloop ENTER PRIZE, Clahk, master Will meet lispaich For freight or pass .gc, having handsome and spacious accom modation , apply to the captain on board at An derson’s wharf or to DOUGLASS & SORREL. dec 9 si243 J\ egroes for Sale. A Prime gang of i2 Negroes, that can be high. T v ]y recommended, will he sold on accummo dating terms, by GEORGE SCHLEY. nov 20 ca223 By J. B. Herbert 6( Co. 1 O MORROW , 11th inst. at 11 o’clo k, , " ill be sold before our store, 50 bis Whiskey 5(J pieces Col'on Bagging 10 do Sacking 10 bis Loaf Sugar 10 hlids N O Sugar 10 bis Coffee 30 firkins Butter 50 kegs Lard 50 boxes Raisins 20 bis Newark Cider • 100 boxe- Herring 20 bis Uiefi Uc ALSO, A prime Worthern COW. I "i m« cash, dec 10 2;4 By J, B. Herbert $ Co. ,, Gn 1 HURSDAY 12 .i inst at 11 o’clock. *5 ill be sold on It iltons Central wliarfj on board 'In la hr PJieunix. 2,500 bushels Com. dec 10 2.4 t erms - imeofs-ile. By Baker % Minton, On THURSDAY,12th inst. at halt past 10 o’clocl , In Iront of our auc ion store, A general assortment of G ROC E It / E S, 243 . dec 9 By Baker Minton, ONFKIL) W, IJth inst a IihI' past 11 o’clock* Ih front of tlieir Auctinn store, 40 piects White Plains, For approi c I en lorscd notes at 90 dai s. dec 10 244 Marshal’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in January next, tW'll L In* sold in front of the Court House in / the city of Savannah, between the hours of ten and two o’clock, a mulatto fellow named Job a. Carpenter by trade, taken and sold as the pro- petty of A S. Bulloch, at the suit of the United States Bank, v*. A. S Bulloch. dec 6 2<l JOHN If. MOREL. Term- cash. Marshal’s Sales. B Y virtue of an or ler of the Judge o( the li t- . trict Court of Georgia, will be sold on the 7ili d*y of December n-xt, at 11 o'clock, at Jack- sons wlurf, the sloop HASP, her tackle, appa rel and furniture. dec 2 237 JOHN Ii. MOREL, m. d. JOHN P. SETZE H AS received by the late arrivals from New- York, a great \ ariety of CLOTHING, Which, for beau.i an ' quality, excel any that ever was offered in tliL market,—viz, Blue and Black extra fi-ie Dress Coat* Second Quality do do Blue, claret, and Brown Frock Costs Drab Box Coats Youths Fine Coats Ulut: and Gray fine cloth Coatees Valencia, Toilii.eta, Swandowns, and all other kind of Fane' Vest* Extra fine \\ Lite Marseilles do Black Florentine Caitimere and Cluth do Bloe Cloth and Casuitnere Best -.ingle and double milled •aafinere Panta loons, of all colors and sizes Flannel Shirts and Drawers Knitted do do Sup. Plain and Frilled cotton and linnen Shirt* bupi-rfine Cravat* Scotch Plaid Chi iks, of various sizes and price* Short and Long Lainhswool llo»e Gentlemen’s it. aver Glovt* IUU Dozen Woolen do Silk Umbrellas of all size* . Lion Skin Gieat Coats Sei vants coatees and Pantaloons Men’s and Boy Suits, very cheap Pea mid Monkey Jackets Red Flannel, check, and striped Shirts Striped and spotted Guernsey Frock* Flag and Blue Bandana Handkerchiefs Drab and Black Huts London Duffil and Point Blankets ALSO, Superfine Blue and Black Cloth Do Double nulled of almost every colour Vest Shapes Black Florentine, Valencia, and Toilinet Vesting Extra fine White Marseille* Fine and Common White Flannel 30 piece* Heavy Lion Skin 24 do very good quality Blue Plains Scotch and Tartan Plaids, from 62 cts to si Having just received the latest N York Sc Phil* adelphia fashions, he will be enabled to make up the above goods to suit bis customers, nov 1 , 74 To Planters. PIECES Baltic IL mp Bagging 42 inches wide, at 4\’ cents 197 pieces Plains, lower than evero&tred here for the last eleven years. For sale by I HOMAS WALTON. dec 5 240 241 dec 6 Notice. f\ N Election for five trustees will be held at -iut the Independent Presbyterian Church, on Ihefirst Monday in January next. Poll to open al 12 and close at 2 o’clock. OLIVER STURGES. Chairman board trustees, dec 6 241 ‘ Dividend No. 20 . LixrsBs Bank, Dec. 2, 1822 ^T|n|HE Board ol Directors of this Hank have this ii day declared a Dividend of 3 per cent for the Iasi six months, the same will be p*id to Stockholders In and after Friday next JNO F. LLOYD, cashier protem. dec|3 2j8ct Practising Balls. rpHE Subscriber respeoifulli informs the La- I dies and Gentlemen, that his first Practising Ball will take place on TUESDAY the lOtli inst in the Assembly Hall, coiner of Broughton and Bull streets. Buies and regulations to be observed through out the Season, viz:— 1. Subscription gl5 for the season, payable in advance. 2. A Subscriber is allowed to introduce as many Ladies as he thinks proper. 4 3. The transient Gentlemen who may purchase ivtickdt at the Bar, will not be permitted to intro duce ladies. 4 The subscribers are requested always to show their ticket* to Hie door keeper, to prevent mis- unde standing. 5. No Ladies can be admitted without a ticket from Mr. Lege, unless they should attend with one who lias a Season ticket. 6 As Mr Lege wishes to render his Balls se lect, agreeable, and elegant, he respectfully re quests the Ladies to whom lie has sent a season ticket, and who may wish to favor him with tlieir presence, to have the goodness to show it to the door keeper, 7. The gentlemen are requested on no account to dance in Bouts,l^ck Coats, or Surlouts, as those dtesse* do not becmie a Ball room 8. The Ball will commence at half past Seven o’clock precisely. JOHN C LEGE, Professor of Dancing. dec 7 m242 JV otice. /l j HIE Pews in the Baptist Church (not rented) ii. w ill be offered on Wednesday the l'th inst. at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. JNO. SI11CK, J. FENFIELD. deef 243 For Sale, j\ GANG of 50 Iiegr-nes, they will be sold very reasonably for cash or good town notes or acceptances, having a short time to mn. Apply t o JOHN P. WILLIAMSON dec 6 ‘ff24l 5,0(h) just received and for sale by David Douglass No. 5 Penfields buildings. —also — A complete assortment vf Gentlemen’s fine Boots and Shoes Ladies morocco and Denmark Satin do. Children’s do together with calf, morocco and lining Skins The above articles will be sold low for cash DAVID DOUGLASS. N. B. The highest price paid for ground nuts, nov 21 229 Fresh Shoes. rTUlE subscriber respectfully informs his former JL customers, friends, and the public in general tlut he has taken the store formerly occupied by Mr Pomeroy, No. 5, Penfield’s Row,where he has opened a general assortment of 1-aches and Misses Shoes and Pumps of all des criptions—Also Gentlemens amlf oys. Boots Shoes and dancing pumpsof the 1st quality Negro shoes of the 1st and 2d qualities. Every care taken to fit shoes to measures, and all orders thankfully received and attended to with punctuality by 1 ABLE EVANS nov 20 228 - Landing I TS BOM ship Garun ", captain Mott— 5 hlids and 40 bbh Whiskey Pipes of Cognac Brandy Do Holland Gin Hhds Jamaica Rum 20 bag: Coffee Bales of Plains and Blankets The above go-id* will be sold low for cash or ap proved paper. FREDERIC SELLECK. To Bent, And possession given immediately. Nos. 3, 4 ami 5, in his.woonen Build ing, comer of Jefleraoq and Conge-'**. streets, Also, 2 Stores and D. ding in C. Gildon’s new brick building, corn: i of Bar nard and Urvan streets. For terms of the ubove premises, which will be ea»v, apply as above, oct 30 210 P ERSONS having demands against the late Rev Walter Cranston; are requested to ren der them duly attested to W. B. Bulloch, for set tlement. MARY CRANSTON. nov 30 236 To Bent. A dwelling house in Broughton street next to Judge Cuyler’s. Enquire 0 f M. MYERS, nov 30 -j-346 /Brought to Jail, a N Savanna'll, October 30, 1822, a negro mail who says his name is Bob, and that he belongs to John Reckly, of Barnwell District, S. C. He is about 40 years of age, and 5 feet 6 inches high— says he ran away two ) ears ago. He has lost part of his right ear, H. M’C ALL, t. c. o. Brought to Jail, a N Savannah, November 2, 1822, a negro man who says Ins name is Sam, and that he be- lui.g*. to Lewis Sams of Mclntosli County. Ue is about twenty two years of age, and five feet three inches high. • H. McCALL, j. c. o. n«v 13 222 Brought to Gaol a N Savannah, October 21, 1822. c. Negro man who says his name is WILL, and that lie be- longs to Icliabod Cox of Jones county, eight miles from Clinton. He is 35 years old 5 feet 7 inches high Also, his wife MARY ANN, belonging to the same person. She is 23 years of age and five feet high. H. McCALL, • o c. M out 23 294