Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 11, 1822, Image 4

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Sli LA i, ts.e. Western Hotel. THE Mtbv.riher still remains at C \pt. Br Mims’ well known stand, where <;r< en and Centre streets intersect earl' . otheri and directly opposite the_Market fvnm 'lie .Augusta flti It;.-; and when taking into rci ileration the pleasantness of the situation, p > vl water, low prices ntvl his attention to msae th t«0. comfortable who rail, he hopes to obtain a fenson till'" share of public patronage. An excellent Wagon Yard is also kept by the ftubscriber. it irr.s. M in per (lav, $1 25 M in and Horse per day, * 90 Horse per day, 75 kc. he. he. WOOTSW LTGON. The Sfvann 'h Jlnpitbliciu, will please give tbe shoe to Insertion once t week till tbe first of Jjinnuary, 1323, an * forwar 1 hia account to the Augusta Advertiser for payment.] Augusta, Aug'21 173 For Sale, Two Dwelling I in i central part of the ] no sold erv low for cash. For particu ;vr> spplv at TJIhhrttlfe'* I’itd*>fenre O Vre, On the Way, opposite the F.xchange. ’ll east Florida lands, for s.ii.k or barter, \ PLANTATION on Amelia Island, containing . 700 acres with a settlement thereon, and has ■seen under cultivation in Oottont A t.sct of 250 acres nf Land near the above. A valuable tract of 1050 acres of prime Swamp ind highland, nn the river St. Mary's about 30, miles above its month. Another tract of500 acres «f Land, nn Hawke’s or Fleming’s Island on the river St. lohns. These lands are of the first quality remarkahli healthy situations, ami in good hear' • They will he sold cheap either for cash, or < ^changed for Negroes--r merchandize, nr they » 'll be let on lease on reasonable terms i hut t e proprietor would prefer to join any Rentlema who can fur nish sufficient hands In plsnting the Amelia Island p'antation, under his super intendance. Description of the Land* may be seen, and terms made known, on aooliqa'ion to B AKER Si MINTON dec 5 229 and O ar r<oms. Applv to U ft 1 ♦031 nov 12 Ca ition anti Yotice. R II. PUT HGRF.W, Ksq, having given notice •in 'he last Georgian, that no person has a w 7f right to rent the House belonging to the estate ef ’ 1Io !' SC,< ■ 1 John Anderson, 1 hereby give * the city. ^ They will NOTICE That ! will rent the house nod premises on ha'f Lot Nn. 9, 2d Tvthlng, Reynolds ward, formerly the property of John Anderson, (which, 1 pre sume, sir Pettigrew has reference to) to anv responsible tenant, at a moderate price, and will guarantee to said tenant the undisturbed posses, sino against Mr. Pettigrew's claim, the subscriber holding legal .Sheriff’s Titles. C. H. HAYDEN. nov 20 1228 . For Sale, T HE Island of Great Warsaw, wi'h its annen. dag.--. This Island i- bounded by 'he nor'h by greu Wa’saw s>jnd, o the west hi Romney Superior Court—Chatham Countv. Jssoa ir Tunis, 1822. Richard Richardson, ' RULE NISI. n. A iSa- f 1 To Rent, The Store in Jones’ buildings r»n h- Bay, n"X' to the one occupied hy Smith V Turner, an excelien' stand fin business. ,\l«'.several Dwelling Houses H inF.R3H.4M. Valuable tends far Sale. ;f.!hvvi ig > a!i| -dc Lands will be sold at prices, and no accommodating terms if rrvtE I Ini e.u-ly ppucation be made to the subscriber. On- t act containing 5105 acres at the head nf iapel > river, in the County of M'lntosh, nesr the ut I Court House, consisting of Inland 1 Swamp, of t'v* 'irst quality—prime Cotton Land and Pine barren, formerly the property of Robert ll iillie, deceased \o undivided two thirds of a tract of about OuOOae -es, situ it" 1 .1 on Crooked River it Cam len County, well suae I for the cultivation of Cotton and considered very valuable Apply to . GEORGE SCHLEY, n i 12 *r?2! No 1 z'omme ce Uow. Tide, Swamp Plantation. pryjlIR sub .ciPe- tiers tor sale that well known J, plant itioo c .Me 1 BKEWTON HILL, lm -• li.s'ely bet iw the city of Siv.annah, contaio. irg 239 acres of prime river swamp ; about 215 acr « under good hanks and in planting order, and bi-'"’eon i and 203 a-r"s of high Ian 1. Buildings #-ffi i-nt tor a gang of'a hundr ed negroes, with (buns t'c. "e-ms accommodating to a good purchaser.— V i- further particulars apply to Messrs. R. & J. HABERSHAM, or to the subscriber in Charles ton. H. M. H MG. nov 13 <222 ^ For Sale, A |,t. that valuable tract„ parcel nfland bv the name of Ne'ville situated in Smith Ca-diua about two miles from Savannah This tr - ' is considered one if the best for a llice plan, ta'un in its neighborhood,-and contains Eight h" Ire I and eighty four acres It a Ij-.iins Mr. Thomas Young Gen. Huger, and Air. Nicholas Crugi-r. Persons who may wish In purchase will eximine the premises, A good tittle will be given and the times of sale will be reasonable. Appli cation to be mads to \VM MALLORY Agent of Hamlin Mallory, unv 16 22? The Trustees of the vannali Theatre U PON the petition of Richard Richardson, as signet of William lay, praying the foreclu sure of the equity of redemption, of all those t w Lots of Laud, situate, lying, and being in t tie city of Savannah, adjoining each other, and known and distinguished in the plan of the said city, by tin number twenty-nine (29) and thirty, 30, Brown ward, bounded east by M'lntosh street, west by Chippewa square, north hy Hull street, and south hy Al'Douougli street, together with all and sin gular the building and improvements thereon; which sai l two lots, with the building and other appurten inces, were mortgaged by toe Trustees of the Savannah Theatre to the said William .la>, by deed, hearing date the twenty-thir l day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, to secure the payment of the sum of fourteen thousand nine hundred mil sixty dol lars. with lawful interest on eleven thousand dol lars, from the first of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen; and on three thousand nine hundred and sixty del I aim. from the first of December, eighteen hundred and eighteen, ac knowledged thereby to be justly due and owing to the said William .lav, for lus advances in com pleting an I finishing the said Theatre, for the ma terials for the said building, and the hire of labor ers and workmen, error before the date of the said deed of mortgage, and which said mortgage was afterwards assigned to the said Richard Rich ardson, for a full and valuable consideration, as stated in the said petition. And that there is now due and unpaid on the Slid debt ami mortgage, the sum of fourteen thousand and ninety dollars and eight cents of principal, with the interest thereon, fnm the twenty-fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and nineteen. On motion or Richard W Habersli on, attorney for the said Richard Richardson. It is ordered, that the principal, interest, and costs, due upon the said mortg gc, he paid into court witlii i twelve months from this-late, or that other vise,the equi ty of redemption in the said mortgaged premises, be forec.los -d from thenceforth,and that such fur theraml other proceedings t ike place, as an iiitMiant to the act nf the legislature, of the state of Georgia, in such case m ule and provided And it is further ordered, this rule be pub lished in on-or morr ofthe Gazettes of the city of Savannah, at least once a month for twilve months, or served on the mortgagees, at least six months previous to flit time ihe said money in hereby ordered to he paid into this court. F.xtract from the minutes, JOB. T. BOLLES, Clerk. jan 23 i9 The Public I > i forme ' 'hat the claim <> Hamlin Mallory to a - tract of land in South Carolina, csl -l Ne'- i'le, is now in a train for Judicial inveatiga tine, until the terminati m of which, a imc risk will be incurrc 1 by those who may purchase. msrsh cre 'k. the princip I inla id navies'inn through Chatham i-unty, smith by li'tle Varsa’v sound, an-1 east by the Atan'ie ocean. I' cm tains by Jnrvev >f lohn McKionm in 1797 *i h its appen lages 4519 acres, out of which, it is stated to have nf Lire Oak, Cedar, '’abhsge tree, Fine an I Red Ray (original growth) 633 acres, old fields 15 acres, and fresh ws er ponds 101 acres, the Istfpr easily drained and m iv bn made valuable; exclusive of several detached Ham mocks in Romney Marsh containing 113 acres, all accessible hv creeks, and separated from the main islan I by navigable creeks and » canal; he remainder is salt feeding marshes, Pine huid an-t other interior lands, only fit for wil I range — Much of the Live Oak and Cedar Timber,!* fi' for ship building, and sufficient to supply frammi, fit for vessels from 300 to 359 tons- good Isn ling to supply the Savannah market with fupl, an the cabbage tree more abundant than on *pv island on <ne coast of South Carolina or Georgia This Island has been -hiefly appropria'ed to h- raising of live stock for the Savannah market, well know to have been ever exempt from dis ease in cattle, to which many islands on our coast are subjected to at present it has on it about two hundred head o! horned cattle, all tractabl- and under the management of three stock keep ers; about the same number of sheep, (West India Brted) and upwards of two hundred gods exclusive of Hogs. Three settlements are on the island occupied bv the stock keepers, one of which has a framed building of 13 by 28 fee', and the other two, buddings of 15 by 29 feet each, exclusive nf out buildings. This islan I in my opinion is well w irth the attention of any one who wishes an insular situation, being healthy and a compact pronerty; dso c-ipible of work ing a gang of 25 hands t > advantage and leaving a t rienniel change of fVush land. There can be no doubt of the soil being "ell adapted to the culture of cotton—I have had two old industrious negroes on the islan l for four years, mure as stock keepers than as workera, and they have for the three la*t successive years provided me with I thirty dollars and six cents, with a condition three heavy bales of Se i H ind Cotton, the "'a- j thereunder written for the payment of one thou- "" ” sand fo,.r hundred and fifteen dollars and fifty Superior Court—Chatham County. Jasusht I'ku.h, 1822. John Bolton, "1 The legal representatives off 7fufeJV7*«, Elizabeth Box, deceased. J fPON the petition of John Bolton, lately trading under the firm of Robert and John Holton, praying the foreclosure of the Equity of redemption of all that tract of land, situate in the county Chatham, known by the name ofliarrock, containing one hundred and ten and one half seres, bounded westerly by Pemlirook plantation southerly by land granted to John Carey, er iter, ly by Thunderbolt creek and mirsli, which se parates it fro n Isie of Hope and northerly by said Thunderbolt creek as will more, particularly appear by a plat annexed to the deed of mort gage, which said tract of land was mortgaged to the said Robert and John Holton hy deed, bear ing date on the thirteenth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seven, hy one Elizabeth Box, since deceased, to secure tin- payment of a certain writing obligatory of even date with the sii-1 mortgage, made and entered into by said Elizabeth, with said petition in the penal sum of two thousand eight hundred and WM. L. D iVIS. dec 2 237 For Sale, /\ Tide land plantation, upon Savannah River lately in the occupation of Dr. Wm. Warlev deceased—containing about 610 acres of prime iw, with the plantation or separately, will be sold litirty N -gr tes now upon it. The above pm- perty wifi be snld at putslic auction on or about th<- 15t’i December next, unless previously dispos- e.l of bv private contract. For particulars apply to TUFTS & REED, ort 2-1 1205 Cherry Hill for Sale. AV .5'dll hi Plantation in Bryan county, situat- -1 on llic south side of the Great Ogecchee rr ', xlio'ii 5 ifuies below Hill’s Bridge, arid 20 mih - f a n Savannah, containing two hundred and ni a t mre-t of river swamp of the first quality,on •n -d -n'pitch of tide, two hundred of which a: dt- ed ind under dams; and three hundred at t: ty- even acres ol high land of mixed quali- ti hunilre I and fifty of which are cleared an If iced. I'lierearenowg-oivingoiilhisplan- taiibns, ■crops of cotton and rice, by the appear in'- i which the qualities of the lands under cui - >( ion may be estimated 'l re are a large and commodious barn, ma- *hi’a; ami machine hous; , cotton, com and gin firms- s, all nearly new; an overseer’s house, a Comfortable dwelling house, stables, chair house, &< negro houses for the accommodation of fjrnm 5b ;o 60 negroes, and one of the best springs of Water 1 : the low country There is also attached to L’h :rn Hill a tract of five hundred acres of pi land, from which all the lumber, rails, staves, h b ■ used on the place, may be procured. A Flat of the above land may be seen at the office -I the subscriber, in the ExcUange, Savan nah for vr-ns, apply to Mr Tames S. Bond, Darien, tp U. F Demere, E-q. Bryan county, or to SAMUEL M. BOND aug 22 -|177 For Stile. A LL that small plan' at ion containing fifty acres . i,f prime land late the resi lence of Thos. G. I)a> I--, abou 6 12 miles from Savannah, adjoining la-; Is of Mr Thos. Gibbons, estate MacK -ys And Mr G Hunks, within a half mile of Ihe Augusta road; 0-1 said place is a dwelling house and other convenient out buildings, an l about twenty five a- cres of said land is under good fencing, also there is a good stock of grape vines, and the best peach orchard in the county; the above place is well cai- cula'edfor i good warden and a small Farm, hav ing a wellnf excellent water—the above place will be sold hy permission of the Court ofOrdina- ty. Apply to CHARLES GREGORY, Ex’r will Thos. G. Davis. If the above place is rt»t sold before tbe fc -it January next, it wilt then be let out at the highest bidder for one year—Also will be hired three prim- 1 field hands, and a buy. no 22 ca+230 /v t.1. per., ills baling demands auauis- lite es -jyk late of Henry KeifTer, late of White Hhifl' die- rict, Chatham county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them to me, duly attested, within the lime prescribed by law—otherwise pa. nieut will be debarred, and those indebted i . •wdctttutC arerequ :s ed > mak • pav nenl to HAN . AH KEIFFEB, Qual. Ex'x. p'e much approved and admired by pnrchisers Thre--fou. ths of this belongs to an erat", the other f urth to myself, but to ac :ommo late a purchaser, the whole is offered for sale. For any further infi tnation and terms, apply to N TURNBULL. Deptford Hill, 22 nov rv;'?) Savannah River tends. ' _ 'VN the firs Tuesday in January next bclnre f the Court House in the city of Savannah will be sold at auction all that plantation yr tract of land situate in the State of South Carolina nppo- -its the city ofSavannih, containing about 525 a cres formerly the property of Wm Telfair Ksq, dec fronting on Savannah back river and adjoin ing southward by the plantation of Major John Scriven ft northward by the late Edward Telfair Ksq. about one hundred and eighty acres of the a- bove tract are of tbe fir-t quality tide Swamp, a ;>irt of which was formerly cultivated, of the re mainder from SO to 60 acres are of second quali ty rice lands and the residue back swamp—the lands are on an excellent pitch of tide Tbe terms of sale will be one half cash, the bal ance payable in one year with interest from day of sale at 7 per centum secured hy a mortgage on the property. Persons wishing to pu chase can examine the titles at the office of the nubcriber in Savannah at any time before the day ofsale. It W. HABERSHAM dec 2 237 The editor of the Charleston Courier will please insert the above until the first of January next and render his bills to the office of the Republi can for payment. * To Rent, W HARF Lot and Stores No. 8, Late the pro- peri y of the Estate of Pat Stanton dec. fur terms which will be moderate apnly to dec 237 JOHN GRIBBIN The Subscriber ESPECTIULI.Y informs the inhabitants of V Savannah and its vicinity, that lie will open a SCHOOL for Hie reception of young ladies and gentlemen, on Monday the 18th nf November, in which will he taught all the requisites of a cor rect English education, together with the Latin, Greek, French and Italian languages. He has taken the mom occasionally occupied by the Union Society, in the west end of the Acade my. For terms of tuition and other information, ap ply at the store of Baldwin it Hayward, a few doors west of the City Hotel. FARWELL JONES. nov 1.3 222 NOTICE. A LI. persons indebted to the estate of John and iu Vturcy Moore, of Effingham County deceas ed to come forward and in:ik. payment and ilioso that have any accounts, to present them to. HF.ZKKIAH EVANS. Adm’r. sept 28 ^caIW* Georgia—Effingham County. To all whom it rimy concern— W HEREAS J. M. Dasher administrator of the - estate of Benjamin Dasher, lias petitioned the hon. the court of ordinary of Effingham coun ty. h> be discharged from the administration of said estate. Now these are therefore to cite and admonisl ill and singular the kindred and creditors of tin sa.d deceased, to file their objections (if any they nave) in my office, on or before the 6th day of vprii next, otherwise letters dbmissury will ' ■ granted to the applicant. Given under my hand and seal, this 6ll. day ot Dee mber, 1322, 1 dec fi •24A JOHN CHARLTON, e. c. o. three cents, with interest fr m the date thereof; on or before the first day of April then next en suing—and that there is now due and unpaid on the said bond the sum of one thousand and eight! six dollars and thirty four cents of principal, with lawful interest thereon from the twenty ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and six teen. Whereupon on motion of Richard VV. Habersham, attorney for the petitioner it is or dered, that the principal, interest and costs due on said bond be paid into this Court within twelve mont hs from this date, oriiiat otherwise th Equi ty of redemption (unless cause thereor. to the contrary) in I he said mortgaged premi es lie (rom thenceforth foreclosed, and that such fur- I her and other proceedings take place, as are pursuant to the act of the General Assembly, in such case made anil provided. And it is further ordered, That this rule be pub- fished in one or more of the public Gazettes of the city of Savannah, at least once a month for twelve months, or served on the legal repre- aentative* of the said Elizabeth Boa, at least six months previous to the time the said money is hereby ordered to be paid into this Court. Extract from the minutes, . „ Kill T. BOLLES, Clerk. Ian 23 19 N INE months after date, application will be male to the honorable the Court ofOrdina ryfor leave to sell all. the real estate of Peter NlcFarlane, Sen deceased, ami A D. McEarlane deceased—consisting of one lot m the City ofSa- vannah, known in the plan nfsaid city by letter ' Y) Kwensbiirgli Oglethorpe Ward, being 67A feet in width and 112J feel in depth Also, lot letter (W.) adjoining lot letter (Y.) and (be same size. v 1 Also, 202 J acres of land lying an Clear Creek U ilkinsn.n County, known as No. 140. Also. 202.j acres of land lying in Lawrens coun ty, known as No. 62. One tract, also, lying in Lawrens county, known as No 85. Also, 13.5 acres lying on Rocky Creek, Wilkes couhty, known as No. 118 July 3 DAV11) A. BTUOrUIAR, .Wtr, $156 N INE month* .(Iter the dale ot this notice, ap plication will be made to the honorable tbe Justices ot the Inferior Court of Liberty County for permission to sella tract of land belonging to the estate of John Fulton, dec, containing 200 acres, on the stage road, bounded west by Mac I herson sland, and, at the time of survey, on all other sides by vacant land. WM. t\ FULTON, Adm’r. ELIZABEI H FULTON, Adm’x net .31 211 \ ctinira tiM of nn,,. fuunuis liuni tins V date I shall apply to honorable justices of the Inferior Court ot Chatham County, sitting for or dmary purposes, for leave to sell lot no. seven teen Twiggs county, on the waters of Pal metlo creek, containing two hundred and two and a half acres land, being part of the real es late of Christian Gugel, deceased, for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors. jttl 13 -M60 A,UM ° 0PB ’ Ad "*' JYbtice, -fames E.P. Wells, ) Bill for discovery q. i I 1 .* - « r - “‘mount and par Stephen R. Proctor k others.5tition I 1 a FP f aring to the satisfaction of (he Court l that Stephen tfc Proctor, lives beyond the li win 'V. ,t8 11,8 8,ate * therefore ordered that the said ^P l )f. n . IU Proctor do plead, answer or demur to lie Dill lit this case, in three months from th. ni,mcation of this order, otherwise the bill will >e taken against him pro confess'). Georgia—Chatham County. f sniRATtia’s Om- t, fiiiy >9,1822. NOTICE TO CREDI TORS. V T.T. persons having demands against the cv fate of -Andrew Casely, lately of Savannah,at lirn deceased, who was a limner horn at — in Italy, and who died without will and wilhou heirs,are requested to present them duly attestc 1 old with the proper vouchers to support the sain- on nr before the first usv of July next, otherwis payment will be debared, All peraons having demands against the estat of George Foggie, lately of Savannah, an -die deceased, who was a blacksmith, and born a in Scotland, and who died without wil uiv. a ‘thout heirs, are requested to present then Inly attested, and with the ptoper vouch rs t( support the same, on or before the first day ot July next, otherwise payment will be debared All persons having demands against the estat of Alfred White, lately of Savannah, deceased, who was a waggoner (birth place unknown) an who died without will anti without heirs, are re quested to present them didy attested, and with the proper vouchers to support the same on 1 before the first day of July next, otherwise pay ment will be debarred. All persons having demands against the cstati of James McCatb, lately of Savannah, an alien,de ceased, who was an innkeeper, b >rn at — m Ireland, and who died without will and withou^ heir-, are requested to present them, duly attest ed, and with the proper vouchers'o suppoit th same, on nr before the fit s' day of July next, >tli erwisc payment will be debarred. All p rsona having demands against the estate of Thomas Bourdon, lately of Savannah, an alien, deceased, who whs a merchant, born at - ■■ it Ireland, and who died without will and without heirs are requested to present them duly attest ed. and with th* proper vouchers to support the sum , on or bef ire the firs' day of July next, oil* erwist. payment will be debarred. All persons litviiig demands against the estatt of William Moving, lately of Savannah, an alien, ileceas -d, who was a hnus-i carpenter, born a New Ctstleupoi Tyne In England, and who died without W|ill mid without heirs, are requeaterl to present them d ily attested, and with the proper vouchers o suopu-r the same on or before tin li. si day of July next, otherwise ayment will bt debarred. 3. M BOND, c c r. july 30 167 Superior Court- -Chatham ’' unty. Mat I kiim, 1322 Caroline Grntuer, r.) y Divorce. :r S William Gentner I IDE Sheriff’of die minty of Chatham liavi -. mode his return in'he above case, 'bat tie defendant is not to be found in the county ot ffiatham aforesaid. (11 motion of M Sfieft II, senior, plain'iff* attorney, it is ordered, that e said defendant make hit answer or defensite .1. legation in writing, personally, or by his atto- nc). on and before the next term of this Court, a >d that this order be publishe I in one of the G zettes of litis city once a month until said term >1 court. Extract from the minutes, JOB T IIOl.I.RS. Clerk. sue 15 174 Suj jerior Court—Chatham County. Max Tkum, 1322. etition for Foreclosure Salma M inton. ^Petitic William Alfor- U PON th- [Million of Salma Manton praying the foreclosure of the equi y aid retlemp- 'ion of all that pan of Garden Lot N > (6) six, situate in the County of Chatham about one ter of a mile south of the city of S vano <li, which is known in the plan of die lots in o w licit s ti ! Garden Lot no 6, -ix has been laid -tit and divi 1 -d hy the numbers 16, 17, 13 and 19, 9 5, 26. 27, 2 , 29,30 and .31, all winch lots occupy the Sou W -stern quarter of said Garden Lot no 6 six, an I ett stitute that part or quarter of said Garden l.o which lies West of Montgomery Street con tinu (1, mortgaged by the viiu William Alford > die slid Safina Manton on the twenty first d >y o, May tie thousand eight hundred a diw.- ly one to secure die payment of the same of three hun dred and fifty dollars d i - by the said William \i lord to the said Salmon Manton as indorser -.1 Samuel /.etcombs note an I on open account' > motion IPLyon St Uel.amotta, attorneys for tit- petitioner, it is ordered tha' the princip d ami in terest due on said mortgage and the cosUof ttlih proceeding be paid into Court within twelv. months from this date or tha' from thoncefortn such further proceeding* uu had a* the law di r ids: And-I is further ordered that a copy ot this rule '>e published in me of the Gazette-, this State, at least once a month, until the expir ation of -he time within which the principal, in terest und costa due to the pelioncr are directe- to be paid into Court. Extract from the Minutes, JOB ’’ 'PU LES, Cfe»'- julv2 155 ueurgia—i'.itm^iia u To all whom it may concern— AWMIEBEiS Murry R ed has applied to th H honorable the Court of Ordinary of Effing ham County, for letters of administration on dt estate of Elizabetu Hylinder, decease.l Now these are therefore to cite and admonisl all and singular the kindred and creditors of tfi said deceased, to file their objections ii anyth, have in my office, on or before the 2Jd of D x next, otherwise letters of administration will b( gran d to the applicant. Giv-n under my hand and seal, this 23d day o' Nov 1822. JOHN CHARLTON, c e. o. i nv 23 231 Georgia—Chatham County. To a!' whom it may concern. I>Y the H nourablethe Court of Ordinary ol J J Chatham County. Whereas George B Cumming, Executor ol lolin Smith, dec has petitioned the Honourable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County to lit lismiased from his executorship. Now therefore these are to cite and admonisl •II and singular tbe kindred and creditors of tile said dec. to file their objections [ifany they have] mi the Clerks Office of the said Court on or before 'he 6th day of January next otherwise letters dis- nissory will be granted to the petitioner. Witness the honorable John P Williamson, one of the Justices of the said Court at Savannah tin 6th day of July 1822 . I 1 ' Sj S. M. BOND, o. July fi 157 Georgi ii’ <epi >"«*«•>■ ia—Chatham County. I o all whom it may concern— Y the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of 1 Chatham County; 1 Whereas Charles Dunham administrator of J. U. Hnrnson, dec has petitioned the Honourable 'lie Court of Ordinary of Chatham County to be hsmissed from his administratorship. Now therefore these are to cite and admonish ill and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to file their objections [if* any they have] in the Clerks Office of the said Court on or befote the 6th day of January next, otherwise let- ii-ra adminsory will be granted to the petitioner. Witness the Honorable John P Wiliamson one of the Justices of the said Court at Savannah the fith day of July 1822. C ,J 8 M BOND. r. c o Notice. YTINE months after date I shall apply to th> 1 Inferior Court of Chatham County, tor leav- ahalr r^ e rem ? ,nill K real estate of Balihas. - chaffer, deceased, tor the benefit of the heirs JACOB SHAFFER, Qu*l. Ex’r may 3 o$105j * X r> Sheriff Sal s, ■|?\N the firm i m Jh uary w jg. 5*/ sold at 'he court house in the city nfs-iv ' 1,1 between the hours of ten and four oVww II the right title ami interest which John u 1 tdell may liave In a family of nine negroes ■ Flora, Prissey, Luke, Roger, l.issy, Jeney S.Ji* David and Tom. Levied on by a Constable t atisfy an execution from justice F,ppii)o er , in favor of Aaron Morgan vs John R. <> ( | e ti , ^ W illiam Williams security and returned to m * ni Also, a mulatto woman named Jane tad i' child, leiied on as the property of Asahel l|„ ' ff it satisfy two executions from Justice Ru„'m’ c -urt, in favor of John Haunt and others, n-i * d to me by a constable, and sold nt tha the former purchaser, he not having°f! K Also, all the Buildings on lot No 14, (f (Km Washington wartl, bounded north hy a lane Ii; Bryan street, eaat by lot No 13, west by u No 15, levied on as the property of j,^,,, j .” berts, to satisfy an exeru'ion, C. H. Hsvd.n* 5 ' John 1 Roberts, indorser 7 "• Also. Buildiiii'a on the north corner nf* j . 'ot, known hy Kiricx’i old del-1, levied un ls '®. rt -ini|x-rty nf Henry Freeman, to satisfy 9n _ '* ,on from a Justice's court in favor of Jo| ln \ ^ i i k, returned to tne by a ooiistable ' **' also, lot No 24, and Rail lings Currie Town |«-vi*il un as the property of George Millen, to tWy in execution in favor of Wm Craig ’ n ? ^ ABM. D'LY0N llic sheriff Sales. * On the Jirtt I'tietday in h'ebnuiry next *"»UX *>• -old at the Court flouse i.i the citr l of Savannah, between tbe hours of IQ 4 o’clock. ““ All that moiety or equal half, part or shsr* nf -ill tli -t lot of land Gitiaie lying and being , n ■'* c'l'y -f Savannah, and known in the plan nfiqU ty, It the number nine (9) second Tything, -old’s wartl with the improvement th'3' mortgag’d by Bernard Meynardie to Silas '-• r; levied on under a rule absolute, fronut* Superior court of Chatham county ^ Also, the following Negroes, liob, Rose Lu» ind herein d, levied on a- 'he property nf ||, I liiifiird, und r a fo- eclosu c of a mortg ge in & vor of Jo.-eph t-'u.'oming. ABRAHAM D’LYON., d*-c 7 242 ’ R C ity Sheriff’s vales. O'- t'-efir- fine day in la’-uary next, V,\/'*‘L be aol-1 at th- Court House m Ri«. A/ borough, Libe ty cnu ity, at tlm mud a uir-i, a tract of land contafom r F i*r Haril -d Acres more or less lying on Tay'orj Er "k, -nit is « Urge • welling H - -s - and other out build, ings, also a Mill - eg', sai 1 land butting and bound- ' g on lands of lohn Smylie a id 'then—l -*ied m as the property ol Simon A Fraser, to satisfy an x ■ •ii'.in-i in fivtir of hi« "axes -hie the stale and county, for the years 18 ’9 and 1821. »HN STEWaU T, s u, tiec 7 243 Marshal’s Sale* cont.iiued. On Hie firs; Tuesday in Inn. next. ypl’ L ’e s till n front ol lie Gouft-Housein i the Citv of Savannah, between One bout* f ten and three o’clock. All those buildings on lo' number 26, Greens Ward, levied on a-ifu-propertv of Joseph MvTick, to satisfy his citv taxes for the year 18.!2, \. nount (lue, S6 62 and costs. Clso, lot N-> J an l buildings. Green 1 - W.rd, 'tunded east hy i street, snuth by s fine, ;6it by lot No 4 and north by Broughton street Vzied on as to • property of ihe -’Sta e "if George lyer*. to siiisfv the said est ite* city axe fur-iie ear 1822 Ainoun' due, 32 dolls 50 uvl cost. A! 11, Lot No 33 and buil"i"g», Franklin B ird, boqnded east by I. it No 34, viudi by Irought-m- stre-'t, west by West-Broad street, and nnrt i bvi -tne, levied on as the property of I'V P (!W« , to sa’isfv hi* city t X(‘( for the yea 1321 and | 1822. Amount due $55 62 and osts tis-t, lot N - 1 tod in 1 lings, B lylhit t•. -bing, I ' ! athcoat w d, boii'-ded east by lot No 2, until I o a lane, we • by Barnard street, and -lorL by j ot Jantes’ «(|na e, levied on as the property of 'ie I cs' ite of F Stan on,tos*iisfv Iliac mraissinn'iit»I > ir i fie year 18 J and lie est tie city tUi fit [ the a 1 182i an 182 ’. Amount due, ft266 12,| anil cost* Also, building* on lot No 7, 8t Gauls, noun tel I -s h\ lot N > 6, ( tt'h by Zably street, wen by I -it No 8 tn-l -or* by trtn e street, levied on a I i ■ operty -»f ai ris C then, to satisfy her city I -xcs r tlie year 1822. Amount due 8l3M| » 7 212 F A| s rOS'k, c s, hi Coun il. Ct rr-ir vv \ - s ot, 7t'i Inn. 1122, \N motion, tteiolved, fi-ttheCity M-nlu I’l ' proceed to dvertise an Is II on tlie M sday i'i Dec mb o' next, all t ie city lut< re eo'( re I, -ujie tne due iiier | n -e pni I on «r -eTore tbe davof J -It. A tru.- extraV f - m 'lie --in fi -s lA’AI Al'EI , C c -m'- iv City .Hai'elia:’* Sales coutinuel Oiiirte • ; J'uc fay iti ft in / «ry mvL •’ wnfutinity with ■ u.) > r -sn j'.m hereby j'ive noti • *, * if • U * respectitt I v'-m-i I rents-lue the following. Mid previous to tli. ue above mentioned,It* | nroceed to sell in--sam . Also, wes half - f Filatur-- Lot, 60 y 9 1 fwb bounded east by east hall'of sai.l lot, soil'll by Sj* Julian street, west ny ft ynol-ls square, in I bv Bryan street, re-entered as the propert.' 0 * ■‘state of U. Alyers, for four quarters Also, lot No 33, Franklin ward, 60 by 90 W bound east bv lot No 34, south by B’TjJ dreet, west by West Brood street, and n ' 1 ' o a lune, re-entered is the droperty o-’ 8* for seventeen quarters. . , I Also, In No 34, Elbert Ward, 60 oouo-le l east by Jot No 35, south by iJWyJI west by lot N'o 336, north by a lane re-t" te,t I (lie property of a. .fijwa'd for four ( I Mirt „, s '(, f Also, lot No 5, Greene Ward, 6' bf vJ e 'l bounded east by Houston street,*" dt b. v ■' ‘j l west by lot No 6, and no-tli by Uroogl> ton re entered as Hv prope ty of the c a,ate 0 ’' Myers, for four quaiters, .. I Also, lot No 20, Brown wa-.l, 60 bv 90 ^ I bounded east b ; lot 25, sou'll b. Hull ttr ‘-' c! i * , ' by Scott Street, -nd north by a lm--, re :f"i ol|{ on us tlie property of estate K. Uaiston W r quarters. F. M. STOSHi c. X- dec 7 213 * Georgia—Chatham County- y I'oall whom it may concern— .t t ftTA Y the Honourable the Court ol 0 r, bn y ^-4 Chatham County. Whereas Robert W Fooler, administ r » ,or l , ;J the will annexed] on the estate of Bruce applies to be discharged from mw Jjl tra(ion« o Now therefore these are to cite an*' all and singular the kindred and creditors u said deceased to file their objectionsp> ■* i n f .'' ^ have] in the Clerks Office of the auid ^ or before the 6th day of January next, otfte ^ I letiers dismissory will be granted to the p e er, | Witness the Honorable John P Williamson >f the Justices of the said Court at Savunta | 1th day of July 1822 ,, [LS] S M BOND, o c 0 july- 6 157 fi *il -INE months after date application - ^t _ - - - -(jg Honorable tbe Ju!sti ces by tbe Executrix of the es ;i “ for leave to sellah there*) P rJ F c -nfl.-rior Court •eorge Myers for . , of said estate for the benefit of the net • JANE MYIIBS, june 24 M9