Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 12, 1822, Image 2

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FREDERICK S. FKLl, CITV^niXTS*. Daily Taper Eight Dollars per Rnnum. Country Taper Six Dollars per annum. rivanta i» anVAirci!. g j-Ali news and new advertisement* appear in both papers. Seventeenth Congress. SKCOHD SESSIOW. 3A'y&tf»AjU THURSDAY EVENING, Dkckwb** 12. 1«22. TUESDAY, DEC EM HER 3, 1832. IN SENATE. The Vice President attended this thy, and took the Chair as President or the Sen ate. SAVANNAH M1SSIONAUY SOCIETY. 00'A Sermon will be preached by the Key. Mr. SjoDiinASS, and a collection made for this Institution, on Sabbath morning next, at the Inde pendent Presbyterian Church. L. MASON, Sec’ry. IVill!am W. Gobdiis, Esq. waa this day ap pointed by the Common Council, Recorder for the City of Savannah, vice Jno. C. Nicoll, Esq, resigned. The House of Represents’Ives after the 7th ballot, elected Matthew St Club, of Pennsyl vania their Clerk He is stated to be a republi can in politics, and the aon of a worthy whig, Mr. Lanmati submitted a proposition lor now nomure - the appointment of two Chaplains, to in tetchange weekly between the two Houses «f Congress. A letter was received from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in pursuance of an order passed at the last session, a Report o( the number of persons placed upon the 1'ension List, up to the 4th Sent. 1822, by virtue oi the acts ol'tho 18lh Match, 1818, and 1st of May, 1320. | The total number ot officers, non-conimiaaioned officers, and privates, placed on the Revolutionary Pen sion List, up to the 4th Sept. 1322, appears to be I2,331.J After adopting several orders connected With the despatch of business— The Senate adjourned. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES The Speaker Thul before the House let ters from the Secretaries ol the State, I t ea surf, War, and Navy Departments, and fr >m the Postmaster General, each trans mitting a report of the number of officer- an I messengers retained in their lespectD c Dc artments, which were severally order ed to lie on the table. The House then proceeded to ballot (the 7th time) for a person to fid the vacancy of Clerk of the House, in the place of the lat«. Thomas Dougherty, Esquire; and the votes More -is follow For Mr. St. C. Clark 98 For Mi. Temple 48 Scattering, 4 votes. So Matthew St: Clair Clark, having a in .jnniy of all the votes, was declared!)) the Speaker to bo duly elected Clerk ot this lluuse. Mr. Clark accordingly attended, and was swum into office. O.t motion of Mr. Little, it wai ordere. that me Speaker be directed to appoint tin Standing Committee* of ihit House; • And, alter adopting tue usual order to furnish the Members with newspapers— The House adj timed. J. L. Wiwojr, F.sq’r was elected Governor of South Carolina on the 6,li inst. by the Legisla ture, over B. Huger, Esq’r. Accounts from Para state the Prince Regent Regent had declared himself Emperor of llra- ails, and had declared against Portugal. The Schooner Tartan arrived at New York 3d inst. from Gibraltar, brings accounts from that place to the 16th October, being the latest intel ligence from Spain. It is, however of little inter- osi; the contest between the Constitutionalist and Servile" appears to remain as it is likely to continue, a guerrilla warfare, that threatens lit tle danger to the cause of liberty in Spain, how ever much it may distui b the internal peace of limited districts of the kingdom. The report of the death of GoVemoa Parris, was incorrect. TO DOCTOR MOSES SHEF PALL. Ue that hath a pervertt tongue, falleth into mischief. Sin—Immediately as I perceived that you were announced again as a candidate f ir the legislature, I resolved to address you, actuated by no other feelings than those j! pity for your want of modesty, and a deep .merest in the welfare of the county, li he notification proceeded from yoursell which I am disposed to be convinced was ■ot the case, it displays so arrogant and presumptuous a disposition, that it ought ,o be corrected by severe, strict and fearlcs, mimadversion. If it etna rated frojn a riend with your previous consent, he should not again have obtruded you upon the pu >- nc, uncalled for, unhoped lor, and uniook ed for. The cause of your again appearing >ii the political arena, may have originated from a success never perhaps cxampled, which your talents nor your acquirements, nor your virtue merited. A success that made current the opinion that you were popular; but which arose from the lassitude and indifference of your opponents, who did not view you entitled to active resist anec.—You slided therefore into all the offi ces, you have hitherto enjoyed. Whenev er you have encountered decided hostility you have been delcated. You have been a mere man of straw—in 1809 you were an niliiliatcd; but like a certain animal which in some respects you resemble, the revolution of a few years revived you, and, suspend ed animation was restored. It wis hop ed that rescuscitalion had operated in you a reform, at least of manners, but, bir, your boisterous and indelicate iirauner which had passed for frankness of feel ing, and sincerity of heart, still continues, and that opinion has at length been dissipu ted by time ; and the community by its condact towards you have redeemed their error. Oar Citizens are liberal and confiding, they supported you on your own evidence and your own declara tions. The last two years have shewn that they do not credit the one, or confide in the other. The mist which obscured the popular vision has baen dispelled, and the Jackdaw has been stripped of his borrowed plumage. In all the chagiin of deteaied also acted in the capacity of a schoolmaster; „ .., , . a profession of the highest value, but unfor- P‘ csum h l ‘° n > 7«» doomed to the Yvately loo much disdained.—IF. Gar. meridian of life, but age has induced none of the advantages of experience—you arc still pleased with a rattle and tickled with a straw. Withdraw from public life even tho’ delcated, it is not too late—the people will forget your defeats, in the pleasure they will feci at your retirement. PHILO-ARISTIDES. P. S. I shall honor you again air—rc member the presentments of the Grand Jury of January 1821. Again—I hear that you have yid “if there were another press in town, to publish yuur pieces, you could write down the editor ol the Savannah Re publican, in a few weeks.” I ain fully authorised to assure you, sir, that the editor of the Republican will consent to insert in his columns any communication you may choose to make,whether against himself,or the writer of Philo-Aristides. P. A. 77ic late Captain Allen.—The surgeon ol the Alligator, in a letter to a friend, has given an account of the action between the Alliga'or, and the pirates near Matanzas, Ol the gallant Allen he observes, that he survived his wounds about three hours.— “lie continued gi'iug orders and con versing with Mr. Dale and the rest of ns, until a tew minutes before his death, with a degree of cheerfulness that was little to be < xpecled from a man in bis condition ; he said, lie wished his rtlalives and his coun liy to-know that he had fought well, and added that he died in peace and good will towards all the world, and hoped lor his re ward in the next. “I need not tell you that Captain Allen had but lew equals in our service.—Ho was ardently devoted to the interest of his conn try, was bravo, intelligent and accomplish ed iu Ins profession.— lie displayed, living and dying, a magnanimity that sheds lustre on 'lv n mil ^ his relatives, his 1'nendi, and his country.” The JPshmim (JMIltaftiSnt, tiave made a loan in Loudon, for about six millions and a half ofdol s. The London Courier of the 14th October ven tures to affirm "that the power of Great Britain will noa be called into offensive action m the al fairs of Spain." .. . As to affairs of the Greeks the Suhotea have been defeated, but there is some reason to heheve the Turks have suffered in the Morca, and in their fleet. The finances of the Porte have be come embarrassed. The Turks have been guilty of horrid cruelties st Cyprus. Gi) villages were destroyed—the in habitants were tortured, burned and otherwise murdered. A party in Madrid have determined on the ar. rest of the late Ministers, and watch to prevent their departure from the city. The intents of the Allies are kept secret. The Ultras of Spam have appointed Envoy* to the Congress. . . Ml de Nettville, lately French Minister at Washington, has oecn appointed Ambassador to Constantinople. .... Reports from Spain mention that the Allies have i equired the Oortt s to alter the Constitu tion; but that they have refused. They pay much Court to the British Ambassador and hope lor assistance from England and Portugal, in case „f invasion. The people are alarmed by reports of the Ultras - ' PRIjYTIG lvK. FF.W Kegs "noting Ink. N> 3 ^ I penor quality, tor sale. App, a;|thn oflJ dec 12 246 ,ir uJ From the New York statesman. Anti-republican sentiment.—The follow ing is an extract Irom a letter from Wash ington, published in the Columbian Obser ver of the 12th instant : “Is it not singular, that with the excep tion of Mr. Calhoun and Wirt," all the members of the cabinet should have been schoolmasters 1 Mr. Adams, you know, was a queer and bombastic lecturer on rhetoric. Air Crawford was an usher in some petty G tgia school.—S. Thompson, the Se cret >ry of the Navy, was al the head ol some grammar school in New York; of course he must be pretty well acquainted with “the necessary requisites ol competition for a letter.” We were surprised to find such a para graph in a journal, which, in the very num ber from which the above is taken, profess es to be not merely republican but demo cratic in its sentiments. It need scarcely be mentioned, that the sneers at the former occupations of some of the Heads ot Depart tnents arc in direct opposition to the genius and Spirit of all our institutions. The peo jilt of this country recognise no passport to distinction but talents and worth; and it is ruther a credit than a disgrace to a man to have risen to eminence by Ins own intrinsic merit. Besides an attempt is made to de grade one of the most respectable proles- i aions, by calling them “schoolmasters !” N'< man should be ashamed ot having been engaged in an employment, which for some years was the occupation of a Johnson in England, and a Faxons in our own coun- try. • If we are not mistaken, Mr. Wirt has The following just and indignant pant- graph is copied from the “Richmond Lit quirer”—a quarter which has not always >cen so ardent for an increase oTour naval force. We hope the feeling will spread all along the Atlantic shore, and conviction oe catried to the bosoms of our Western liicihrcn:—C ft. City 'lax. “The blood of Lieut. Commd’t Allen cries aloud for vengeance.—It used to be said that-‘the blood of the Marty rs was the seed of the Church ’ Let this brave man’s death rou.e Co .grcss to additional cxer ti ms against the lawless pirates of the seas What, shall such men fail hy such unptin cipled hands—almost on our own frontiers —and shall we not put forth our arm to exterminate his murderers ? I.ct us tnfl 10 longer—but fit out lorcc enough t. sweep them off—and if neocssary, pursue them on shore—even in tho very teeth o their accomplices at the Matanzas.” U.a Honor Judge Johnson gave his tic ctee yesterday on an appeal in the case of the Spanish Privateer brig Palmyra,brought into this port hy the U S. schooner Gram pus Lieut. Gregory. lie confirmed the decree of the District Court, awarding tin icslituiion of the Palmyra to her owners and has further granted damages against lie captors, which are to be assessed hy a commission.— Char. Mercury 10th inst. A sad mistake by a single letter:—In the Commercial of Fi iday, we published the marriage of Mr. George Chance, to Miss Ann Wagnor, of this city. It happened that this was the first news Mr C. had ol his tnatriage, and he in consequence gave us a call. On referring to the manuscript, we found >hat the compositor had unlucki ly put an 11 in the name which had no busi ness there. We ask pardon, and sincerely hope that we shall not by mis Chance, lead him such a Chace agtin.— Com. Adv. Brown Stout, t$c 2 0 CASK'S very superior Lond- A Stout n 200 bushel* Lancashire Potatoes 200 do Turks Island Salt in hi», For sale low, by MACKENZIE A HER NANDp u 'iT" Dr) I dec 12 iff 246 Kxcl, Fresh Grapes % HaitiOr'A 15 .bin fresh Malaga Grapes by 150 boxes fresh Muscatel lUisin. 50 do do Bloom ( | 0 Landing from ship Thomas Fowlt r , n <jf dee 12 for silt | EDWARD Wj LUm DIED—At Philadelphi*, Gnoao* oihpso.v, sq for many years extensively and favorably known to the citizens of the United States as the faith till Uashicr of the late Hank ot the United States, »nd of that since established by Stephen Girard, esq. lie ilt parted this life, suddenly and unex pectedly, n 1 Friday evening, the 29tu ult. pi the 63d year of his age, deeply deplored, not only by Ins distressed family, but by all who bad the pleasure of .1 acquaintance. COMMERCIAL. [By tv Col Uainsay at Charleston.) M A FAN/. .8, Nov. 21. —As yet we have little produce at market; next month it will come, in fall; we quote j ou present prices, but without doubt they will decline 111 all next month *—Mus covado Sugars, jj>4 a 4J; Coffee 18 a 8b cents j Molasses, •1$ bi'ts per KegT Rice, g5, scarce and 11 demand; Flour, 15 a 17. Philadelphia, J)cc 3.—Colton, Louisiana, 15 cts j Tennessee und Georgia, 10 a 13; Flour^Phi- ladelphiu, supf. ft 6 50; Rice, new crop, 3 a 3 50, 1 .in, 39 a 41; Whiskey, rye, 32 a 53; Apple, 27 J3; Sug»r, N. O. prune 12 5J a 13. AVa I’urk, Dec. 2.—Lottos — Tlie import of the week wav 20 >9 bales. Total import since 1st Jan. 1822, 108,581 bales ami 117x:erooiis, export during the same period, 79,927 bales. The business in the e irly part of the week w as trilling, but towards the close the shippers bought largely and with avidity. The principal transac tions were in old Upland and Alabama. The nu uufacturers bought freely of the new crop Upland, and several sales were made lor expoit.dion A few parcels of the new crop Louisiana were mud 1 :d, but no price has been fixed. The market is nearly bare of old cotton of any description. W e quote new Uplands, 13 a 13$ els. old Upland-, 10 13; Alabama, 10$ a l"; 'Tennessee, lUu 11; Sea .s and, 20 a 2i dull. Fl.DUR—'The sale uf this article have been mnsideruble during the lad week, but no altera non of moment lias occurred. \\ e quote N York •uperfinc, 6 75 a 7. RICE- -Not much doing in this article the past week. Small salt s have been made at our qunl.,. ,10ns. No active business The stock in mark j« •s principally inferior and fair; very utile jirime Ve have not heard of any new 1 llcreil in market. >t.ddiing to fair 250 a 3; Superior, 3 25. Export from 1st Jan. to 1st Nov. 10,489 'rerces. »246 New Goods. KILLAM & WELLS MERCHANT TAlLt®, T HE copartnership of KiUamt, has been dissolved and a new one fnmJtl two of the former partners, under the above s. They are now opening atthe store they pied last year, a large assortment of 1 ™ 1 ' Cloths, Cassime^es, Vestings, &? e Some ->t a very superior qu»|,ty’ will be done in the newest »ml bent style ^ They have al-o an entire new stock of mjrl made DRESS COATS FROCK COATS PAJTTALOOJrs VESTS PLAID CLOAKS, (J c . which are made in the best manner, cinreai. t I this market. i“»)totl Alto Some LADIES’ CLO AKS, i VM y |, M() I some article. Q 'P Their goods will be offered at prices to imkee J pu"chasersto buy with cash, which will ^ ^ I principle iu selling and the orders of thw(«.l rncr customers are solicited. 1 oc’ 31 ||2l 1 Piano Fortes and Looking 6rlanJ < lAHE Subscriber has for sale ut Ini mnaj A wart house a large ..nd general usoitattt'l FURNITURE, of last fashions ami best qoalitv— Piano Forts anil Looking Glssses Mahogany and Fancy Chairs Patent elastic spring teat Softs I’owies patent Beds'ends kc. he. Which will be sold on accommodatingtertfiI J.W MORRELL I In Whitaker atreet opposite Col Shelmnu, I not 26 |t233 aisuE* surws* POUT OF SAVANNAH. NEW YORK, Dec. 2. We learn by the Elias Burger, that Com. Ohayior sailed from St. i homaaonthe 12th November for St. Burts, supposed un busi ness ol a diplomatic nature. While at St. Thomas be had expressed an opinion that there would be a speedy and happy termin ation ol the war on the Main. The U. S. brig Spark sailed Irom St. Thomas on the 13th with a convoy for La guna. She had lost a Lieutenant, and Midshipmen Walter—crew healthy. The island ot St. Croix had been favored tvith copious rains lor three weeks prior to the bailing ol the Elias Burger, and pros pects were guod for a fair crop.—Gazette. From Matanzas.—We learn by the schooner Colonel Ramsay, Capt. Cowatd, arrived yesterday in ten days trorn Matan- Zas, mat the recent captures and destruc tion 01 pirates, ofl me coast ol Cuba, have had a salutary effect. Since the late les sous given by the Alligator and by tne Spccuwcll, no recent acts of Piracy hau been commuted. We have already stated, hut will again repeat 11, as a tact known and well redacted on at Matanzas, that ti. II. Al. ship benu- gapuium, 44 guns, commodore Warren, ki. B M. bug Redwing, 18 guns, and U. B. M. Cutter Grecian, 10 guns, cquipput both lor sea and laud service, have annua at Havaua, for the express purpose, m con junction with the naval lorcc ol me Unueo hgates, ol sweeping irom the 003 Ktf'Uic ofeub—Uiur. t'ify Llyz. iUih i/tst. humble office of an alderman, no doubt, sir, contenting your self-love with the rellcc- tion, “tho* the state has been deprived of your active talents; the loss of the state has been a gain to tho city”—Proud in the consciousness that tho’ distant from the le gislative hall, Hie council chamber echoes with your voice, the vehicle ot wisdom, the monitor of guilt, and the corrective of ex travagance You cannot with justice com plain sir,—you have been borne hy me peo ple as an accustomed burthen—you have been immodest enough to believe, mat they were honored with the load—you have in veighed with violence and acrimony against all who in conscience could not accord to you the collected wisdom of the city, or who did not support you, as the worthiest among aspirants lor popular iavor. Inflat ed vanity lias had more victims than you —believe me, that me true anecdote or buffoon jest, which excues laugh ter, evinces not me popularity ol ns legitimate parent—ihc mountebank, is ol ten .lie object ol merriment even when he belie; es 11 has been awakened by his sub ■ ject. 1 he public iiave amply rewardeu you, sir, lor eveiy setvice you nave ever rendered. Uu you bcueve mat Uelccia o. character work no Uicdeiacityi are mistaken ■, me humblest olhce may be bitumen ; ih. most exaaied may oe degra ded by tvt mcuiubeiK. } V uu arc pasubc DESULTORY PARAGRAPHS. The London Morning Chronicle intimates tin' the basis of a treaty between England and Spain has been agreed on. Henry U. Addington, Esq. Ins been appointed Secretary of the British Legation to the United States. Mr. John Drawing, an English gentleman, has been arrested in France. He is accused of being the hearer of letters of a treasonable tendency.— He is not allowed to communicate with any one, but commanded to prepare for immediate trial. He is said to have been recently from Madrid.— Some of his papers contained seditious songs. Sir R, Wilson'wus on his way to Madrid with authority from the Republic of Colombia, to make proposition* for tbc acknowledgment of its mde pendence. The London Courier ridicules the mission. British vessels are now said to be admitted in the Russian ports on the same terms us Russian, and allowed to participate in the coastiug trade “ An Old Sailor," in a note to the Editor of the London Times, recommends armed steam boats, instead of frigates to be ordered from England, tor the protection of commerce, against the pira- tical depredators. The Russian frigate Krui'.zer. and a store ship had arrived at Portsmouth, from Cronstudt, on their way to the coubt of California, on a voyage of inspection, and to land stores at the Russian settlements on the N. W. Coast of America, the Kruitzer to enforce, against American and other vessels, the famous boundary ukase? The French squadron, which has been cruising on the coast of Spain, kc. arrived at Brest, Sept AUUIW.ll .Ship Thomas Fowler, Candler, Boston, 13 days. S dii' In lependence, Ametoury, fm Maine,witl lint , lumber, ko. to I Colin, Steam boat Alatamah.u Da;is, in 3 days, front AuguMa, with boats 8 a ul 2d in tow, cu ittignee.-. II Burroughs, Ponce k W'Konaie, Liwrcuce and Thompson, Geo Gordon. P 1 lilt. J Cum ilia,'a* ton, J P Williamson, It Campbell, A w K Wood, Duhamel U Auze, J Mei ,s, and \V Gaston. C LEA Kk II. Sloop William, Read, Charleston. "The sclir Oiicot, from 3t Marys ar at New York he 2d inst. CHARI F.STON, Nov 11—Arr schooner Col- Ramsay, Coward, MunUozs* lb day, Sugar, Cof fee, Molaises, Ac. Schooner Maine, Dugnon, Bosiou, 7 day. A ship was to the southward 1 f the bar yester day. A brig was seen from Elfurd’s Observatory, to the northward of the bar, at sunset. The John Adams —Tuis frigate urrived at Ve ra Cruiz about the 16th Oct —landed her passen gers and proceeded on a cruize, intending to re turn and receive them in about six weeks—»o tha' Mr. Poinsett may be expected in all tne mon h of December Went to sea yesterday, Steam ship Robert, Fulton Chase, Havana and N. Orleans IliZg Catherine, Welsman, lluvana. 24. Impoutast.—Negotiations respecting the Pira cies near Cuba, have been carried on between the British and Spunisn Governments, and it said they have been so far successful, that the lat ter have given the former permission to make use of any part of their territory in any expedi lion to suppress or punish the Bucaniers. it 1* supposed to be in consequence of this arrange meut that the Medway 74, and Seringapalain Iri gate, have lately sailed from England on secret service—and we may soon expect 10 hear of their taking possession of certain places on the coast of Luba. A great sensation had been produced England by the .requent arrival of accounts oi the plunder of British vessels and outrages ou their officers and seaman. t lie London Gimaz, ol the 18th of October rema. ks, that “ T he yellow fever cai ried Mr. Mai mews irom home 10 America, and it is likely to send him usek again. i i lie Morning chronicle states that Lord Am nei sv, is appointed, lu succeed the Marquis of Has iui6a, as Governor Gtnerai oi louiu, 5 a a . P ." . negro Shoes, n o* ignmfl j* Mil f [list received and for sale by U,| IJoi.g ass Nu. 3 Penfields buildings. —ALSO— A complete assortment of Gentlemen’s fine I and Shoes Ladies morocco and Denmark Satin do. Children’s do together with call) morocco 1 lining Skins The above articles will be sold low forcuhl DAVID I)0UGI.AS| N. B. The highest price psid for ground 1 no; 21 229 BLANKETS AND BAGG1N| (jVaOHGF. \Y. COE /STAFFERS lor sale by the Bale or piece, 3 1 2 and 4 Point BLANKETS 6 4 and 7-4 Bristol Duifle 111 nkets 8 4 and 9 4 Heavy London Duffle do 40 and 42 inch Baltic Hemp Bagging White ami Blu< Plains With a variety of Goods suii able for the 1 at .Vo. 7 Gibbono' Hmldingo. nov 9 219vr __ Notice. INK months from the date horeof, ip ’ will be made to the ho. the jilitici ■ inferior court of Bulloch County, f“rli the real estate of Redding Denmark, I teof^ county, dec. for the benefit of th* beirs MAI.ACID DKN'ffRK.| dec 11 *245 <*' Brought to Jail I N Savannah, July 19, 1822, a negro mini says Iris name is Harry, and that lie bein'’ Mr. Jos> f<h Ia>ve of Green County. He |Sf 1 feet ten inches high k no out twenty four yetf»s age. He has several scars on the breast. HUGH McLALL, J. julv 30 167 FRESH SHOES. At the sign oi the Big Boot, north side Market square. O NE case superior Wax Calfskin Shoes, war. ra..ted in every respect, a pan of which is straight, admirably calculated for old Gentlemen. One case Gentlemens Dancing Pumps, of a prime quality ALSO, Two cases of Ladies white, pearl, and blue Kid Slippers, by the single pair or dozen, For sale low by 1L L. MILLING dec 12 m]246 City of Saiymnah, December 11th, 1822. VT1HE Undersigned has re-assumed his station A al the Bars of the Federal and State Courts of this District, with a determination not again to solicit, or accept any ephemeral office, which may essentially interfere with a laborious, and assiduous devotion to professional duties. He lias associated with him in the practice of the law, his friend Murdecai Sheftall, Sen’r. THUS. U. P. CHARLTON. THE Undersigned, Iiave this day associated tlie 1 RAG I It.E ot LAW, in the Federal and State Courts ot this district. Their office, is iu the westoi the Exchange, THUS. U. p. CHARLTON. mordkcai sheftall. oct 23 246 Brought to Jail 1>N Savannah, 1 Ictober 4,1822, a negro im#«f iJL saya hisjiame is SAM, and that lie-beta? | Mr. Joseph Blake, who is living in some P’k England, and Mr. Morris Simmons of ChaHe*®* is liia master’s agent. He is 5 feet 6Inclit* and about 19 years of age. He states he r [u * from a place of his master’s on Combee Kiwi- Carolina. H. M'CAIL ' r r oct 17 201 Independent Presbyterian Church. 1 ll ' J lJ 1 el 'sons wUu purcliaaed or rented I. Pews in this Church, at auction on Thors- day, the 5lh inst. are requested to call on the Subscribers and settle for tue same. dec 12 s„ BAKBU1. MINTON. Runaway, 0,1 llOM the subscriber ..Horny after his removal County his Negro woman Sophia, well known in that County where it is supposed she may be harbored A reward of ten nv |Ja ‘ d furher apprehension and de- y .hullmm Jail, ami informal ion given uiereoi to Mr. Hugh Archer iu Savannah. 8 A. J. JIOBART8, dec 12 aSjtf Florid*. Brought to Jail, N Savannah, Dec. ml,, 1822, a icgro m *' says his name is Jim, and that he belongs to estate of lot,n Hailey of M’lntosh county. about 30 years of age, and 5 feet 3 inches t pitted with small pox—says he ran away u months ago. b U.M’CALL,je dec 7 242 Brought to Jail, Q N Savannah. Nov. 8, 1822, a negwtn'"* ( says Ins name is Sandy, and that he „ Henj. Bush, of S Carolina. He is about J . of age, and 5 feet 3 inches high. He' 1 c left eye. U. M’CAW* >■*■ nov 13 222 —* vibal Brought to Jai^ I N Savannah Nov. 5'tli 1821, a Negr° ®* n says his name is Billy and that lie be ^ Mr. Mosea Lynsey, living on Duck j ford county, West Tennessee. ■ years of age, five feet six inches high, iing countenance, and says he runaway » D years since. . ,, HUGH M’CALL, april 22 95 -v Brought to Gaol a S Savannah, October 21, 1822. b<. who says his name is WILL, and tw> 1 ^ longs to Ichabod Cox of Jones county, e g " from Clinton. He is 35 years old 5 * e * . , t high. Also, his wife MARY ANN, J e *° “ fjit the same person. She is 23 ye» r »^H # ff ,j feet high, oct 23 294 Won" Brought to Jail * \ Savannah, August 22, 1822; a I ' e 8 r ® ? e 1 who nays her name i* Fanny, and • lS longs to Mr. Henry Bird of August*. feet 3 inches high, and about 45 years ol b f H. Al'GADE, aug 31 118