Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, December 13, 1822, Image 1

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savannah daily republican. ■SB No ( 247 Vol. XX. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 13, 1822. Whole No. 4069. Commissioners of Pilotage. CONTRACT WANTED. . unPOS VI.S will be receive 1 for keeping in H^ ’ irthe Beacons, and for cleaning keeping . n d in Rood order, the Bitoys in Sa- fnn ;Siv*r, for one year. Application* to be ,tntion>n' rnnnali 1 made to SuM-rBlH Cnm,nitler .„ JNO O HOLCOMBE, Srcr’y. ■^-^fiTCouneU, Novrmbkr 28, 1822. O nnFTlF.I). that an election for Recorder of , ritv do take place at the next regular ,! ’* S ^ouncil. Applicants will leave their "*•■, ,hc Clerk of Council ' M. MYERS, c. c. 236 jiUtTze of bread. cl Cents Loaf ”oz, ear which all Bakers and Seller* of Bread will take Of v, Inc lam ROBERTS, c. r. due no'ice. • <int 1 1-4 JAMES DICK R ESPECTFULLY informs Ills friends andtlie public', that he has taken ihat commodious store in the new brick buildings South East cor ner of Market Square, anil opposite the store of Messrs. II’. Inglis if Co Gibbons’ building?; here he has on hinij, an I is still opening, a handsome and general assortment of CHIN A,* Glass and Earthenware. • Received direct from his Correspondents In l.iv- i rpool The above articles are warranted rtf the the first quality, being selected to order, and will e sold -wholesale or retail, low and on as ac- imm ila'u.g term*, as any in Ihe -ity affords The attention of Families and Country Mer- chants in p.rticul ir, is request towards them, dec 2 SAVANNAH Poor ftoase and Hospital. •» VISITING Committee for Nov km b* a and Da- V rsaiBR, CH ARLES M’lNTlRE and CHAS. TlOVr. Attending Physician, Dr. WM. H. CUY- Ltll. Hy order of the Board nov 2 JOHN H AUPT, Steward. 213 georgTv ho tel, n iPriST CHURCH SQUARE, SAVANNAH. ( nrnlllS Establishment has lately undergone a through repair, and considerable improve m-iit* have been added. • I he Subscriber has taken it upon a long lease , n ,lit will be open on Monday the 24th .inst for the reception and accommodation of Travellers ,ntl lloirders, having supplied his House with a new «nd general assortment of Furniture. He is determined that Ilia Table shall be inferi or tnnone, while this Bar shall afford the clioic- est l.iquors of every description. jj’Tlie Stables are large and convenient, for theaecommodation ot any lumber of Horses- CO IVilh such preparations, added to the indefatIga- ble attention which it will be his study aid m cdnation to bestow, he cannot but flutter himself he trill receive that share of patronage and sup o irt. to which such arrangements mqy be entitl id. DAVID M. FITTS J,ivannah, Nov. 21, 1822. nov 28 234 Notice. rPHE copartnership existing between the sub i seribert since the 23d October, 1821, is thi dar dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebt ed will make payment without delay to James Futfler, who is authorised to collect the same • J. W. CANNON. JAMES FOWLER. J. \V. Cannon, W ILL continue the business at the same stand, and will be thankful for the patron sfe ofthe late customers ofCannon & Fowler nov 16 225 ' Georgia—Chatham County. To all whom it may concern— W HEREAS, A. A Smets, applies for letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Jane fivers, late of Savannah widow deceased aa prin tipnl creditor. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish ill and singular the kindred and creditors ot tlir and deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in my office on or bclpre the 26th day ot December next; otherwise letters of administra tion will lie granted to the applicant. Witness the Hon Thomas N. Morel one of tie Justices of the said Court, this 26th day ot Noi \. 1). one thousand eight hundred ami twenty-two. n . j l 9. M. BOND, C c o. nov 26 ' 233 Watt Smetts. f AVF. within a fi-w d-na received from the most approved mill?, and offer for sale on ac commodating terms, at the duck lately occupied by Mossr. Brown & Overstreet. 500,000 feet new prime sawed lumber ofall des criptions, AT.SO. 200,000 feet ranging timber, 250,0i)0 Shinglei. The above assortment with what they arc daily eceiving enable them to i-xecnte any orders. Shortly expected a large supply of white ami red oak staves. j^Ordcri for lumber cut to any length will be promptly attended to. nov 26 $t233 Dissolution of Copartnership. r llE film of J G Hi.aiv. r. Si co Was desolVod by mutual consent on the 26th September lust; those indebted will make pay mint on or before the first day of December next to J 0 Rlanre who is uudiorizod to collect the sam •; nil those who have any demands against the concern will please render their bills in for payment. .1.0 BLANCH. • • [I. G. BLANCH. N B.—The business will he conducted hereof erbv I. O. Blnnoe on his own account under the Bluff on Williamsons wharf, where he will keep a constant supply of the best Groceries and Provi*. ions. . J.C. BLANCE. nov 22 . »ij*230 . NOTICEr AM persons indebt.yl to the subscriber cither 'a. by note or account are requested to oall and make, payment by the first of .lam.ary next, by so hung they may save cost CHARLES GREGORY. I will si'll out my stock of GROCERIES and BUILDING, this stand for the grocery business is the heal most convenient in west broad street. Apply to the subscriber above nov 22 2 iOcAi Notice and Caution. W HEREAS I have been informed that John Carnoclian and Peler Mitchell of this City have hy sundry deeds recently mortgaged and assigned to divers persons either their individual creditors, creditors of the late firm of Cam 'diai Sc Mitrihell, or others, all or sundry the prpmrty and estate both resl and personal of the said firm as well as their own individual property and e tate consisting together of houses, lots, land: store-, wharfs, negroes &c. in Savannah and Da ricuin Georgia or the Neighborhood thereof, mi elsewhere with their interest or share in thestors ofthe Lower Steam Mill near Durum, andanndri shares in flic United State . Bank and other Bank as well as sundry debts due toi them in vai-ioii places, beside lands, lots, negroes .kc. in the tvt ritnry ot Florida,'and particularly one 'urge uac of land b tight ol Forbes & Co. lying hetwen tlie livers St. Marks and Apalachicola in the ter ritory of Florida aforesaid. • These are hereby to caution the public again purchasing any part of tin said properly or e- late so conveyed, or any other property beion , ing to the said Carnoclian ft Mitchell or either ■> them as 1 hofi' prior mortgages on the gre uesi part thereof which at-eon record in the regi-u in Savannah and Darien aforesaid and in Charle ton, S. C. and equitable liens on all Hie properl of said John Carnoclian and Peter Mitchell. . WILLIAM CHRISTIE, Savannah. •„* The editors ofthe Courier, h. City tia/.eiu at Charleston; Floridian, at Pensacola; Rrcordct it Milledgevillc ; Republican, at Montgomery, Alabama, and Chronicle, at Augusta ; are requt's ted to insert the above advertisement once a wees until countermanded, and forward theii accounts to this office for payment. lime 6 +134 Cavalry Orders. tfTOHF. GEORGIA HUSSARS are required to b>- on their para le ground, at 3 o’clock, P. M on Friday the 13th inst. in full uniform and completely equipped tor parade. By order Lt. Stilus, Commanding. GORDON, lit Serg’t dee 6 241 Planters' Bank, SAV AnAH, October 16th, 1822. R ESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Planters’ Bank ofthe State of Georgia, that from and after this dare, this Bank wid not consi lertlin notes of any of the Chartered Banks of he State of’Georgia (the notes ofthe Planters’ tank excepted) that may be deposited in the Planter's Bank by any net-son or persons, or *r anv banking conulkny whatsoever, or that may b l*i 1 into Hie sai l ha ik to th - credit of any per s m sir person* or any hanking company, as ere ating any claim in favor of mcli persons or such hanking company to demand tlia' the cheeks or ilcN they or such vanning company may is sue on tip - lid Planters’ Bank to be paid in spe cie coin of gold or silier ; but that 'he Planter*’ (tank will,; fur. tbe accommodation of their rusto. ih rs", continue to receive as heretofore, in depos i'e amt in mo ment of all notes deposited for col eCtiotl, the notes of all the chartved bank* of lit 'date, of Georgia, but will always reserve to itsei he rig) t of choice in :(ie notes of which of tin respective chartered hanks of thA stale of Geor the said Planter’* Bank msv prefer to make ... payment on the checks or orders being pre, •ented of person or persons up any banking cbm. pany that may have an amount at their credit in oank. *■ • Resolfe/l, That for the information of customers uftlje Planter*’ Bank, lluit each one may know lie umoum of their respective deposits in the notes of th* charter.' 1 bu iks ofthe state of Geor gia, other than the Planters’ Bank, and also the nmouh' of then* deposits In tfie notes of the Plan- I.»rs’ Bans ; that Hie Caalnorof this hank be i St nulled to liavo uriierrd 1 myi Slid after this da in he books of ilvv cuiiuifiert nflh'.a iimt'fitilii „n tlitir depositing lite notes of the clvartere Itauk-i ns ajorswalil, the following worils to be pre fixed to tilt- nupi.’Ctlve vims they may deposit n Bank, n imely, “Notes ofthe Banks of Georgia” vlien notes of the t’bnuei-a’ hank are deposited tiie entry to be made as sucii l)y order ui die Board of Directors. JOHN V. LLOYD, Cashier pro te oct 17 *r\201 Georgia—-Chatham County. To all whom it tuny concern W HEREAS, Stephen H. Timmons,of Savan nah applies for lettera ot administration on tlie estate of Stephen 3’immons late of Chatham County deceased, in behalf ofthe heir* nndcreui Nnw these are’herefore to cite and adm-nisli til and singular the kindred and creditors Ot the aiiil deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in my office on or before the 9th day' ol Jan uary next; otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicant. Witness the Hon Thomas N Morel one of the Justices ofthe said Court, this 10th day of Decem ber A. U. one thousand eight hundred and twen ty two. fi, s] S. M. BOND, coo nov 10 244 To the Public. * J CARNOOHAN ami P. MitelnJ, are sorry to • be again brought before the public by a se cond notice of Mr. Christies, who has ..ridoubt- ly claims against them, which when finally liqui dated on the decision ol* the Suit now pentlnu, they will try to satisfy us soon as possible there after. The deeds tinder which Mr. Christie claims at. exclusive right to all the real and personal estati if Carnoclian if Mitchel, ore considered as infor m.ii, unjust and illegal, rfenc^ they have beer, brought and are still before the Court, and other deeds have been executed anil recorded, com «y - ing 'he property for the use of all their creditors, Mr. Christie included; without any mist or rt- servalion beneficial toC. and M. or tlitir families; And if tliilbe not airreealRe to that gentlea an, u must iievurllieltss appear fair & equilahlsto tin nubii#nd all who have a sense ot.uistice. The Trustees under the late deeds are anxiou* to sell the Lands inMorida, alluded to in the noi lice of Mr. C. and to apply the proceeds to th mmediate payment of part ot Ids demhud kdepo sit a sufficiency tli-reof to cover all his claim, sub jeetto the decision of the Court— Ini' bis opposi tion to any reasonable salt-, as one interested in Ins own right, whilst injuring all parlies concer.ieu, must be borne until a sale can be made under an rder of Court- «• june 8 136 . (TV Ed', irs of pipers who insert Mr. Christie’s notice, will p'ease insert the abnv« until his is withdrawn, and forward their bills to tins office where they w ill be promptly paid by ^ ^ ^ Attention!—Georgia Hussars ! •Notice. 4 LL persons Iwvmg demaiui* against the es- tale of the .lute Col. James Johnston, of Ss- vannah, are requested to render them duly at- tesled, and those indebted to make payment to PAT. iiousrouN. Qua/. Kjecntof. net 22 • 203 Brigade Orders. Savannah, Oct. 2t)tlk.1322. 5 THE Brigade. Inspectnr of the 1st HimP"1c will forthwith proceed t« the annual convention o the Field, Suit, Company and Non-commissioned fficers, and the mii'tvrs of the Regiments and Battalions, composing the Brig »lfc for the purpose f being trained and mustered, by him in the ex rciai-s and evolutions prescribed by Cougress, in conformity with the 10th section ofthe Militia law f 1818. Hyordorof Gknkiial Hlnnxir, WM. OVERS TREET, Aiddc Camp. Insjifctov office. 4th Von, 1822, In conformity willi the above order for ill" convention of the Field, Stair, Company nod Non-Commissioned officers, anil for the review oid inspection of the 1st brigade of the militia of Georgia. The Colonels or commanding of fliers of regiments composing the same are icreby ordered and directed to have their r< a pective commands under arms on their usual gen- eral parade grounds, for the purpose of being tkyiued in the exercises and evolutions prescrio. eij by Congress, at 11 o’clock, oil ihe following lays, via On Wednesday the 4tb December next, tlie re- vii-ty and inspection of the Camden c mniy Bat talion. On Friday the 6ifi Decerrtber, the review and inspection of Wayne conn 1 * battalion. ’On Saturday the 7tli December, the review and inspection of Glvnn county Battalion^ On Monday the Dili December, the review and in per.tiion of the McIntosh county Battalion. On Wednesday- the lllh Decvitibor, the re view and inspection of the Liberty county Batta lion. AV On Friday tfie 13th December, the rcvielPaiul iitn|ivdu/ii of the Bryan culiut, Battalion On Monday the ifitli December,'tbe'rcview* and inspection of the Chatham county-Battalion, be longing to the 35ih regiment. On Tuesday the 17tli December, the review and insp ctioii ofthe Effingham county Battalion i On Thursday the lOtli January next, a conven tion of the Field, Stall, Company, und Non com- tuissiqned officers of the 1st regimen!, (city of 9a. vannatv) «ml. oil the following Friday tlie 17lh ISiuiary, the review and inspection ofthe whole regnnent. Until and privates are especially re qiltred to be armed and accoutered according to law, tMd the Fiefil officers of the Brigade to at- tend the review's witliin their respective com mauds for the purpose of superintending and en forcing the prescribed system of discipline. • WM. P. BOWEN, Drig. Inspec. 1st Brig. 1st Div Geo. Miiitia. nov 21 2‘.’b Superior Court—Chatham County Jaxuaht Tr.iiM, 1822. The President, and A'ice President ot the Union So ciety anil tire I t and 2nd Dnvqtre-sses of tins Female A U linn of Savannah Rule Nisi Georgia—Chatham County. To all whom it may concern— W HEREAS, John Adam Eirtck of qbatham | County appli-a for letters of adminipralion on the estate of John Adam Kirick late of said County dcceased. as next of kin. | Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all und singular the kindred and creditors pf the said deceased, to file their objection (if any they have) in my office on or before the 9th day ot j January next; otherwise letter* of administration syiii be grinned to the applicant. Witness the Hon. Thomas N Morel, one ol the justices of the said Court, this lOtli day <d I Decemi.'ir, A, D. one thousand eight hundred Md twenty two, [ls] S. M. BOND, c. c. o. dee if) 244 - . inferior Court, Chatham County. CH A MB EU8,4t li Nov. 1822. The Paragon Toll Mil, B RING ilow in complete order will receive rough nice, to be beut on toll atai.J time a ter the lUtii of September next, or e-triier u visited. Tit ms on the Mill maybe secured by t ,,plication to Jacob Read or William Mh.atrick n Drakics, alter the 15tli of August, each turn • ill ronsiariol 200 tierces of clean rite, provided the mill h kept turniahed with jotighcice^^ july 30 ilf-7 Georgia—Chatham County. To all whom it may concern— ’ rsrtollF.REAS, Hobart H Fct'tgrew Esq applies for letters ot administration on the remain ingunadministered estate of George Myers He of Savannah Carpenter deceased, in behall ofthe heirs 0 ‘S the pstition of John A. Schroder, siutmg Now these artf thevelore to cut. • )hut he is in Lit, for debt, at the suit of Wm. aU and si.tguluv .'ve kindred snd c 3- Uullryne, that he is Solvent, but willing to I 8 afi| decc-.ised.file theirphieca . ^ ^ 'thereforeto cite and admonish ditors of tin (if any the} ouvve.VdCrlu uCVstate,for the benefit of^hisere-1 have) in <» l 'or*,asvhe law diiecta. and l.raymff for relief I j An uury, next, a- - umlcrthenJriv^ui Acts of this Wale-Ordered, tion. will be granted l< .’ “? P N Morel,’one ot d‘ it the said John A. Schroder be bfDUght up, at I Witness f, 'c ILm. ‘ - . . n L p ( jav of 1). - IbeCum-t House in Saavannah, oi the hv. day of I the .lusUccsof the aid - i , _ ? hurfc i,. c j #nt ) January next, st 10 o’clock, to ue heard; and that 1 ce mber A 1). one tliouw 8 c ^ i be given to his creditors, agrees- twenty two. n r next, notice thereoi* pie to law. Extract from i\w Whale* JOB T UOLLES t clerk. n °v 4 tr2l4 gjGeorpm—'Chatham County. To all whom it mav concern, , HEUBAS, Cliarlbs" Hoyt, applies for letters , nf administration on the estate and ellaats dec 10 • 244 Georgia—Chatham County -r,, ;Ui w hom it may-concern— ... HERE VS, Catharine Seymour, adrnkisU'a- Edward Bunrquin. J t fl'ON the petition of the Presidcn* and Vice ! President ofthe Union Society and the First and Second Directresses of the Female Asylum of Savannah, praying the foreclosure of the Kqui- (y of Redemption of all that Bridge situate on Ug, i-ciire Jtiver, on the road,leeding from Darien to SiWumah, -.nul ahout fourteen miles Imm the c.i ■ of Savannah, and knbwn by the name of Dills Bridge,'together with -one hundred acres of land originally granted and reserved for the use of the F, rry across whitSh Hi*, aforesaid Bridge has been reeled, and t» hich’saiil land is bounded north, ardlv by land b. fimgn'ig tu Mr. Mongin ami Mr- McAtiistet, casiwamleumlsouthwardly by |and be longing to Mr. McAllister oid westwardly by the river->igeechee, which said bridge and lands were ■norlL-a ' by Ed ward-BvuUfquill to the. said peti- 'lion.'rsbt ■ (!, hearing date *u the 17th day of Xpril; v, . sJcure the payment of a certain w riling ; b ory ot'.cven date with tlie name mutt- uv. " >'-rnert!l Into hy the sameKdwarJ «h,rauin 'aitd with the said petitioners in the final sum of 'ight ti. u.sand dollars, conditioned fer Um payme'iit <*' ii <* sun- of two thousand ilol- lars on nr hcloretfi* 17t!l day t't April in the year eighteen hundred t«ud twenty, ami the fun 1 viij'twd thousand doiiavs on or before the 17th lay „f \nrii 1821, with the lawiitl interest from the la’te of the saiil bond, ami that there is now due ,,n the said bond anil mortgage, and unpaid the sum of two thousand dollars with bwfiil interest from the 17th dav of April 1819. Wlieu-i.po.i im motion of Richard W. Habersham, Attorney ffir the petiLionors, it is ordered that the prinn $a\ interest and coits due on the said bond and mortgage be paid Ub f-ourt within twelve months from this date, or that otherwise the Equity ol Redemption (unless cause shewn to the contrary) or tlie said mortgaged premises be from hence f or ih foreclosed and that such further and other proceedings take place, as are pursuant to t he act of the general assembly in such cases made and Pr AndUis further ordered that thistule be pub lished in one hr more of the public Gazettes oi the citv of Savannah, at least once a month tor twelve mdnths or served on die said Edward Bour- film at least six months previous to the time the slid money is hereby ordered to be paid into this E- tract froth the mTHutes, JOB T> BOLLES, lerk. 19 Pevmimeut VangUiiW Sohoa\. Mr. James li. Bollough, L ATELY from c arlcston, intend opening a School in Uii»ci[y, in which will*be taught all those several branches general y comprised in an English educating He will likewise, if applied to, attend to the in struction of Votilll ia private amilles. For par. ticulars, reference may be had to Re . James O. Andrew, Rev. Geo. White, Mr. Isaac D Lyon, and Mr De Tillers. The subscriber being inured to a Southern cli mate, should he sneered in-raising a school, would not it is presumable, conceive himself necessita ted at the approach or the sickly season, to relin- his little charge, as those are who emigrate troin the north, ind who are from the al irdt exei td, compelled to seek shelter, inaome more salti- ’irons clim •; but WotlM be willing to.remain here lining tue avunmer and fall mouths ol the "next year. I hose who patronize him, may consider tueir children as placed in a permanent and es tablished school. The su iscr.oer may be found by such as may wish an interview with him, at his resilience at Mr. liolte’s in Montgomery street, or «t the Me lhodi.,t Parsonage occasionally, dec 10 244 s»agpaiai ARRANGEMENT • Notice to Travellers to and from Savannah. (\ UNION of sentiment having taken place he- ftJk Ifren the proprietors of the new line of Stages, established on tile nor h aide of th*- Sa vannah rivar, between Savannah and Hamburg, and Augusta, connected by the Stksm Boat <5ar- olina to Pnrysburg-—and the Iflie of Stages out of Savannah, on the south si.le of said river; the SUCe (lfficc of both will, hence forward, be kept at the Uity Hotel in Savannah—where die public are respectfully Informed that >e its, oil either route, aw in future to be applied for. To dlustra'e the benefits of tlie two establish ments, as thev are to operate to the public at hrge, it need >b!v be stated that, The old Georgia line,will arrive & depart on the "••me days as heretofore, and wiM quicken ita P"< e so as that passengers will be t keif thro’ in two flats, betwevnsiin and sun, th i» aff r ling a pleasant ami delightful mode of transportation to E''dies and nersins in delicate hualili, >r to those liu travel for pleasure rather thuit on urgent bu- sme»s. Tlie new line in Carolina is gotten up on quite _ different principle. Passenger- are taken trom IfiiHVih’s wharf, adjoining the. Exchange, it 1> o’clock, everV -lay, onboirdtlie Sttam Boat Car* vlina, and are landed at Purysburg (dining in the >n*l) in from three to four hours, according to the s,ate of tfie tide ind sti engtli of the current— they are tften placed finale baldly in • commodi ous Post Chaise, and taken (by rapid rfiivea, in he hands of sober, experienced Coachmen, ami aid" slid gentle Horses, the w*' being lighted with a large lamp or lanlHern un the top of the carriage) through to Hamburg and Augusta,.so ;r, to arrive at those places by, from 9 to 10 o'clock 'he following moruing; changing ifiiises on the way at ail avenge distance of 14 mil-s, and sup- wig a< Nfatliew's Bluff' (the half way house) and Teakfasting one change ol Cavalry short ol Au- gu»l“. . ; , Retiffning— \ Coach will leave Augusta and trrive ut Savanna'll, afthe same hours as thou* specified going tip: Dining »nd supping on th-s road, ami breakfasting on board The steam noat^ whichremains ail night at Ptirys hurg, to f :ccive tile passengers at 7 o’clock the next morning, 'Hie Stage office in Augusta, for the Carolina rgute is fixed at the Planters Hotel, yJ^tatlha Post office, in Hamburg. That of tun -aeorjj’il route remains at the Globe Tavern, By the operation of the Steam boat Carolina, Passenger-, will be taken to and tr>m 3h .rles'on, Ian Jog and embarking at Purysburg, 'he con. tractor for carrviflp the nor hern mail, piftdgu'Pf himself, to run daily aiul constantly, cmnfiirvjble lour .wheel vehicles between I’urysburgli and Charleston, competent to carry «cr p«-stngeia conveniently. Tilt Stage Office f ort li - same, i3 now established at the City Hotel m Savannah, and as hetetnfiire,’ at Hie Post office in Charleston. Tlje Darfilt btages continue to operate,as liere- tofore, between Savannah and that place, and the stage office lor that line continues at the City Ho tel. SILAS HOLLIS, ' Proprietor of h- N rve rout*. LAMB k DKWI I,*. Proprietors of the Southern runt*. JNO WOMACK, Proprietor of the Western Ga. route to Pierce’* * KLEAZEK EARLY, for self, and DANIEL VV. McKENZIE, Proprietors of the new Western Carolina route, dec 5 l210 INSTRUCTION ON The YioVm aed V\ute. 4 T U HENRY, first Violin in the Savannah The atre,int«mlr ^o give Instruction ; un the above Instruments. He will be tuund al the House ol 7)r Louis H Fttrth. nov 23 4231 Dix of Gordon I. Seymour, deceased, ap plies to be discharged from the said admiiusti'a- ol”John Lsthi'opfute'of Savannah merchant dec. I » 0 "' . are therefore to cite and admonish ‘ n of the heirs and creditors. a, , mj i .-, ncu lar the kindred and creditors ot the t.jNow these are therefore, to cite and admonish 1 .v.,.eased, to file their objections (if any l l ,e y all and singular the kindred and creditor* ot the . ■ • office p.i or before the 6th day of said deceased, to file their objections (ii any they P '. ) ijext; otherwise letters disnussury hive) in my office, on or before the 14lli day of • ■ b A r alUed to the applicant W ‘w'f,,^ the lion. Thomas N. More one ofthe December next, otherwise letters of adrainistra* U°n will be granted the applicant. 1?.Witness, the hon. Thos. N. Morel, one of the justices of said court, this 14th day of November, , A - d. 182J. a, m. BOND, o. c. e- Hl'iov 14 Ju uLx* ot- tim sll cottn, this 6th day of July, A. D. one tltousand eight hundred and^wen^ty-one. f59 [L.S.] jffiy9 S. M. BOND, c. c. o. Wood and Lumber Yard. i IHE aubiCrabe' tillers for sale very low a large supply of FIRE WOOD and LUMBER, and affirms the public that he willcu' any quantity of timber Spars, Shafts for Rice mills, or saw any mianlity of I timber to bills at very short notice or Jo, order in the above line thankfully re , ive.l bv Win Bird at Camp Jackson, or by tne seubsciber. DAVID A. STROBHAR. nov 7 . 4t217 Notice. j.,n 2o Notice/ rwsifiE moritRs after date, application will be jKf ln;l de to tlie bomftable Judges of thelnlerio, (Jourt ol'Cliatliatrl fifntnlv, for leave to sell all tbe real property oI'TIioitiiM H. Mtillryire, minor, md Guardian hrT. H. JttuUryn* may 15 — 1 -JM Savannah Library , I" 8 open «uv the delivery pf Books’ •jL Wednesday and Friday, front 4 . ill. persons having demands against the cs- A tate or John Dav,aim, late of Chatham coun ty ifec'-ared, will present their account* legally attested ; and those indebted will please to make immediate payments ^ ^ fkAV, Adm’r. nov 26 f r 'X:FlNE months after date Application will be JLnJ made to the Interior Court of Chatham Cowl •T sitting for ordinary purposes, for leav e tu sel sundry budding lots on the South Curtunou near Savaiiiiali, one third of a lot in Yamacraw, and two lots 111 4th district, Early county, being part of ihe leal estate of Stephen Craft, deceased, tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors. ELIZABETH CRAFT : Adm rx. july 9 . %ol58 CITY HOTEL AtJtVd.WAH. fC\ IlitAN BYRD returns his nanks to the pub. lie ill general and to his friends in parltoular, for the patronage wllidi they have heretofore ex tended to him, as llffi establisher of saiil Hotel. After two years of servitude and inremitting zeal to make it the great Hotel which its peculiar situation, and its other advantages demanded it should be—he is induced to retire back to Charles, tun, bn account of the unwillingnes* which hi* family manifests at leaving that place for tbu. In doing so he carries alongjwifh him feelings off rat. itude to many individuals here, who have extend ed to him their countenance and »uppori—and he takes much pleasure til recommending to the public the individual whom the proprietor ha» selected for bis successor. His time in the Hotel closes with this day, and Mr John Miller’s commences in the morning of to-morrow. Orran Byrd will remain- in Savannah long e- nough tubring all bis pecuniary transactions to a final sjuLfomplete close—and lie wishes all per sons liuving ciiuins against him to exhibit the same at his Room in the City Hotel—a so he desires such ax are indebted to him. to make immediate I pay merit. ■ John Miller, ..ate ofthe Planters Hotel, Augusta, informs the public that he lias tak, n the abov, mentioned Ci ty Hotel inSavannah ; the pecudar advantages of which are more particularly set fourth in the notice ofthe proprietors of all the .napes going out of the said Gity. He would just say tint it is l'.n intention ♦..» de serve the continued patronage of the ii'ierai and generous community which received hi» prode- cessor with open arms among them, and extended to the City Hotel so much ot tfniir favour. " tb-jr 5 i.240 • cvvY uo va, bAVANNAH. J OHN MILLER has taken John P Dennc, into Copartnership, in future this Establishment will be conducted by them under die firm of Mil ler Ei Denney. JOHN MILLER. JOHN P. DENNEY. dec 10 244 N INE months alter date applies'ion will be, made to the Hon. th, Justices ol the interior court ut Effingham County, f»r leave to sell tuo real estate belonging to the estate of Temp e T„U„„ fur ,h. b,«", March 9 •'§ 58 — l*. M. aug Pt v*l\K months after data application will be matlfe to the Hon. Inferior v.otirt ot Caipden County for leave, to sell all tbe jeal estate of Dr John RpJSjdec laying in said county lor the ben- , r- \c : loeivB anil creditors ot his estate. BELTON A COPP, Liftin'r of the estate of 'no. Ross, not administered.—viih the iff I! annexed Brought to Gaol I N Savannah. Dec. 2d, 1822, a negro woman w ho snyfc her name is Betsey, and that she be- lonev to John Smith, of Ja9per county. She ia about 20 years uf age, and five feel lour inches high. She say* she ran away two months igo» and with a white man named George Wdbaras. H. MO ALL, j • 9* ^7 m