Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 14, 1824, Image 3

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iuctionsePB. j-;K—You are hereby required to frns of sales of Merchandize, sold i the 1st May to the 1st Jan last— i 25tb inst. JOHN I. ROBF.RYS, c t. 36 lA'KEtf 1 )' make re I |t auciion, tro |ii or before tl feb 14 NOTICE. •TER R. CLIFTON, having petitioned the v thl Court of Ordinary of Bryan Coun 1 direct the Executors oFGodhilf Smith, dec. Vm^e him title to a,certain Tract of Land lying vfflnehamCoanty, and he having produced a Komi given b£ the said Godhilf Smith, to make ’nersmrtmtereited, are therefore request. m take notice, thst the said Executors, Will be R‘„, e d to mahe titles, if no objections are filed »M4 U 36 Sheriff Sales continued. On the first Tuetday in March next. ILL be sold at the Court House in Effing- ham County, between the leg.d hours of I/—All the right title and interest of in and to i that tract it land in Effingham County, contain- 1000 acres more or leas called Knoxborough, phased by Charles Tiot, sen, dec of Nathaniel tfel bounded by iandaot Wilkins, Cuvier, the 5 mile house tract and Glebe land as Charles Ti Also, 19? acres bounded east by Canaan Iota, orthwardly hjy land of J Cuyler, westwardly by loxborougly the two last tracts subject to two lorteagcs L-wed on as the property ol Charles lot at the suit of Henry McAlpin and others.— old at the riA of the former purchaser. >oiu ai me g NK1DLINGER> d 8 B o, 36 Key* Spring Goods, B Y the ship Emuy alii I other lute arrivals from Li verpool, the suo^oribers have received - great variety of SEASONABLE DRYGOODS, Which mukes their assortment more general mu' extensive than usUul, and will be sold by the pack age, piece or dosun at a reduced advance, and on u credit of Twelve Months for approved paper, or will be exchanged for Steam Boat or lnsur snee Stock, or stuck in either ofihe Banks in the state. ANDREW LOW St CO. •ALSO—In Store, ffj* Cotton Bagging, Crates of Crockery, Casks of Glassware, Tea t hina, London Porter, Uc.&c. feb 13 35 Landing, 100 Hblasuperfine FLOUR, feb 13 For sale by JOHN W. LONG. m35 Tobacco. HHDS, Tobacco tor sale by PONCE St M'KKNZIE. feti 13 wl|35 34 Justices Court. mHE subscribers Court will in future be held JL at his House, in President Street, between Habersham and Price Street—where lie at pre sent keeps his Office. His return day in this mouth, is on Baturduy next. S. MOBDECAT, J. v. feb 13 t, 34 NEW-YORK PACKETS. T HE subscribers have established a regular Line ol Packets between Savannah, and New York to sad punctually from each port, on the frst, eleventh and twenty first, of every month, commencing at Savannah, on the twenty first, day ot January, 1824. THE LINE HILL CONSIST OP THE • M,M KIBTRHS, corsair, d< PohTBnt GARONNE, T . Stivkns. CLIFFORD WAYNE, Isaac Whits, One other vessel to be provided in season—all 1st rate, hast sailing ships, coppered Ik copper fas tened, with elegant accommodations for passen gers, and experienced and obliging commanders. Tile Coarsair will sail on the twenty first inst. For freight or passages apply to C, C. GRISWOLD. E. WILLIAMS ian 9 7 Crockery Ware. J B. HERBERT & CO. having received the • agency of an extensive POT TERY ill Liver pool, will fill orders for Crockery of any desenpt ion on advantageous terms, feb 13 34 feb 14 Sheriffs sales Gontinuea. On the first Tuesday in Mar chnext, HLL be sold before the court house in Chat- r ham county between the hours of ten and ^Lotliosjand improvements New Leeds, boun Aed east by St Gaul street, south by Zubly street,. ■knd west by lot No 6—levied on as the property • lof Thomas Garnett, to satisfy an execution in Vvour of Jones vs Abot, Womack and Garnett. Also, Improvements on the south east corner ,of trust lot letter A bounded on the east by John- I itons square, south by St Julian street, and north. I west by other improvement# on said lot, levied Ion as the property of James W Cannon to satisfy |an execution in favor of SC Dunning for use of °ARflJot*N617and 18, Franklin ward,bound- „d east by Jefferson street, west by Montgomery IlK onas l tL U pwpertVorFS by Fell, J t U o i Mtis 8 fy I Q NB case superior plain blk Nankeen Crapes lexecutioni^ln 1 favor o? the Planter’s Bank and l ^ 1 For Sale, /JA Bbls Boston mesa Beef, superior quality OvF 50 ps 1st and 2d quality Russia Duck 70 do thick and thin liuvens do 12 tuna assorted Swedes and Russia Iron For sale by SAMUEL WRIGHT, Hunters Buildings. feb 10 32 Vresli Fanc^ and Staple * Goods, Just nvcRiven nr V. GILLET CO. From the Auctione at New York. | thers. feb 14 36 ABM. D'LYON, see New England Hum. |«r/\ BBLS New England Rum, just received I Jl r and tor sale, by ‘ CALVIN BAKER. feb M b33 ( astor Oil and .’•weet Oil. 5 , g & uotiicH Fglie'. U Talbots superior Cas- U tor Oil ~ 200 bottles American Cold Expressed do do 20.t do do second quality do do $200 do West India do do for plantation use I SO doa do Sweet Oil in Boxeso one doz recr [ and for sale by F, I. LAY, Druggist, Shad's buil ling. feb 12 t34 ’ Salt in bulk —Afloat, jpER ship South Boston from Liverpool, for | * 6 jWER3BN, HAMMOND & Co. Jones* Buildings, feb 13 34 MtJSLISS 1 do English Calicoes 5 yds for 21 Superior blk Bombazeens 1 case Prunella lor childrens clothing 1 do Vigonia Cassimeres Mis Cuntello's Corstits Irom No 2 to Brlllantine Silk Shwals Watch Kibiiomb Inserting and scolloped Trimmings Long teeth side Combs Sprig’d Swiss Muslin, Linen Cambric Hdkfs A few boxes No 9 16 rich figured Ribbons 1 case blk Silk Handkfs ALSO, 8 bales Strelliiz Oznuburgs, entitled to de benture 4 trunks striped and checked Muslins 4 4 and 6 4Cotton Cambticks Misses Leghorn tiipseys, very cheap Ladies Straw Bonnets and Gipsies Band Boxes in nests or dozen feb 6 29 Old English Rasors. ^ FEW dozen of Thomas Scargilh* Superior At Private Sale. A Family of Negroes, (30 in number,) among which, there are seventeen Jiret rate Field | Hinds. For tertbs apply to J. U. HERBERT & CO. Should the above hegroek not be sold before the 1st March nett, they then will be sold at pub ' lie auction at thi •' ourt House. Jan 33 . 17 Noticzr P ERSONS having dc o and.: against the estat" ol Kugen: McConoluag, will bring their ac | counts Inrward, an rated, ard those indebted I the estate will make imfltf payment; ELLEN WCONOLOAG. feb 12 i.34 A. B. HAYDEN 9 DEN11VT, I > ESPECTFUI.LY offers ftis professional sun I A vices tothe citizens o< .-avaunnb and its V| | cinity He has taken rooms in the dwelling oc Icupieri by Mrs Limbert, on Broughton street,] J first door east of the residence of the late D’-ct I Bollock, where he will be happy to wait upon [flume W'humay honor him with their confidence. | N, B Haydens approved cientrifice and tooth | brushes bf the first qu lily may be had as above. 1 feb 10 32 Just Received. [Ofl? HHDS Philadelphia '.'ye vt liiskcy I MO 50 Bbls do do 25 do Double Anchor Gin For sale by ,, GAUDRY& HERBERT. feb 5 m28 P KU OKS intitb '... t(, ‘In : Hale ot .lain' Lambright, luta of Libert) county, deceased, ] aro reqi.csted to make immediate payment; and Itaose having demands against said estate, will present them legally attested within the tiinfc pre scribed by Law to JOS. LAW, Sen’r. quulified-fx’r. jan 22 17 Brought to Jail* ! JIN Savannah, on the 19th inatunt, a negro man j j** w,m says his name is Solomon, and that he be- on gsto Mr. Mathews of St Simois Island,and that 1 iL^y ®bdut 7 weeks ago, he is 5 fee-4 | ,■ : ne **hgh, and ubout 30 years of age, and is pit et » with the sthail pox on Ilia face. - no 1. D'LYON, jV. r. J*n 23 18 Brought to Jail VfN Savannah, on tl.e 19th in.l, a negro man who S is Luke, and that he belongs to Ti.... a “‘® W8 « ' f St Simons’ Island, and that he hr»il Wa ^ ab . out ^ wee b8 ago He is 5 feet 1 inr h' gn, and about 28 years of age and has a acsifi Woo. L D’LYON. ice 23 17 Brought to Jail I Sa f®poah btj the 1st inat. a negro man wh- John l " ame ,s Dublin, and that he belongs ti> ( ran..,!/ ,°* ^Mhington County, Ga. and that he 1 feet n m Uasobs, in cuses, received and for sale low by FKYNC1S I. LAY. ALSO, Pomeroyla Matalic Strop and Paste, Shaving Brushes and Soopi feb 2 25 Leather Preserved. L EES Grnuir.s Japan Blacking, just received and lor sale at retail by FRANCIS I LAY, feb 2 25 Sfi ct- Buildings. FIRST LINE +ms EFtTATlUSHED LINE NEW-YORK PACKETS. SHIPS, SAVANNAH, LOUISA MATILDA, AUGUSTA, WM WALLACE, EMPEROR, 'The »bov. are all first rate vessels, with expe rienced commanders, and will continue to sail in regular succession throughout the season* leav- ing Savannah fofc New York on Tuesday and New- York for Savannah on Saturday in each week— For freight or passage, apply to the Captains on board at Jones's upper wharf, or to HALL HOYT. >n 27 21 For Liverjml, The superior coppered and cop per fastened brig AMERICA, Wm Graves Master, la now taking in her cargo, and will meet with dispatch. For freight, apply to the captain on board, at Ander-oiJs wharf! or to # PETERSEN, HAMMOND & TO.* Buildinga. feb 11 33 Lor Liverpool, \ The regular trading ship, GEORGIA, Va.num, Master, Is now loading at A. I.ow & co’s wharf, (formerly McCready's) and will meet with dispatch. For freight, apply to A. LOW & CO. feb 3. 1,26 For Liverpool, The coppered and copper fastened Ship WILLIAM. For freight of 30U bales cotton, ap ply to capt, Anthony Moffat, on board, at Dun ning's wharf, or to PETERSEN, HAMMOND 8c CO feb 11 33 Jones* Buildings For Liverpool, The tas- siunif coppered ship LADY GALLATIN, —— —, Muster, Has commenced loading— will be di p.nched without delay. For freight of 200 bales cotton or paiaage, having good accommodations, apply to HALL & HOYT. feb 9 31 Apply to For Boston, The fine tie * packet brig SEA ISLANp, lease Atwood, Matter, sis ready to receive tVeigir. this day S B PARKMAN, Who offere for Sale, SO bbls new Rum G pipes Holland Gin 200 b' xes Herring 2 pipes superior Cognac Brandy, [Sig, nette's brand] 10 halfpipes Pico Madeira Mine, of first quality 10 pipes French Sherry do. feb 13 m 34 For Baltimore. Tlie -chooner CELIA, Fuller -luster, ^ will sail with despatch. For freight or pas*:.gc, laving good accommodations, apply to tne master on board at Jones* upper wharf or to HALL & HOYT. feb 11 33 For St. Simon , Turtle River ant Satilla, The Ducket sloop FAVORITE, M Peck, Mailer, Will sail on Saturday next. For freight or passage, apply on board or to ELIAS FORT, tub 11 m 33 Commerce Row, MXSTF.nS, W Brush, D. Wood, D Viif Dtck, T. W. od, J. H. Betthett, s&mm- Jiy J. B. Herbert % Co. ' On MONDaY, 16th instnnt at 11 o’clock, W ill be sold before our store, 20 Shares Planters 1 Bank Stack. Jan 14 36 Will be sold on WFDNESD AY, 18th inst. atH o'clock, in Congress Street opposite Shads build'r' ings, 25 Di zsn Fancy and Windsor Chairs. feb 12 34 Terms Cash. By Calvin Baker. On MONO iY, 16th inst. at 11 o'clock-. In front of ills auction Stcr.e, A general assortment of GROCERIES, ALSO, , , A valuable anorlmcnt of Brtthh and American V DRYGOODS. \fVh13 3 Fo” Liverpool, 'l l.e superior copper fastened ship GENER AL LINGAN, Crabtree, Master, Has commenced loading—will h» < immediate dispatch. For freight of 150 bales cot ton, apply to HALL ti HOYT. feb 7 30 For New Fork. [first LlNt ] Tut lust w.i.ii.g .'oppered packet ship CLIFFORD WAYNE, White, Muster, s ill sail on the 21st inst. For freight or passage having superior accommodations, apply to C. C. GRISWOLD, or E WILLIAMS. feb 12 34 A Card. FEW Ladies can be genteelly accommodaf' StA ed with board, in a central and pleasant par* of the City. Young Ladies er Children will also lie received as boarders, and evety facility grant ed to forward the views of Parents, or Guardians Vpply to the Editor, feb 5 28 For Philadelphia. The Ut ig FARMERS FANCY, Capt. Puyne. Will sail on or about Sunday neat the 15th inst. For freight or passu, e, apply tothe Captain on board at Mongins wharf or to THOMAS WRIGHT, tVho offere fur Sale. Whiskey in hiuis and barrels Superior Retailing Molasses Flour, Shott, Whitelead be. feb 9 Lot For Havana, The fine coppered brig CAROLINE, Jones, Master, Will positively sail on the 14'! inst. weather permitting. For freight oMOO ba rels or passage, having excellent accommodation apply to NICHOLAS IS NEFF. feb 10 32 50 Jt eceived on Consignment, Kt GS Nails 12 do Ladies twist Tobacco 13 do u Labby't ’ do 4 do “Cavendish** do 28 casks Porter 6 bags Java Coffee 10 du Jamnicu Pimento 8 chests Hyaon Tea “America’» Impor- . lation” 7 half bbls Salmon 3 cases Segara 23 boxes do 1 case Cross Cut fiawa G halt bbls Fly Market Beef 12 hbts Ale 10 hhcls prime leafTobacco 2 pipes Picti Matleira Wine 3 half du do do do 15 eighth do do do do ON HAJiiD, 50 bundles prime rus'ern Hay 6 gilt mantle Looking Glasses 500 sacks Salt For sale by JOHN W. LONG, jan 25 20 . The Subscribers lONTINUE the Commission Business in Li- > verpool under the firm of ISAAC, LOW Sc Co and will at all times make liberal advances on produce shipped to their address. Importations of Goods will be,made and only commission charged, when the payment ia satis facturily secured. Having vessels regularly in the Liverpool tradt, and owning a convenient wharf with Fire prool Stores, they will receive and forward cotton in their own vessels, or those to their address free of any commission. Their Stock of WINTER GOODS is now very extensive, ami their Spring supplies,which will be general, are now on the way ANDREW LOW 8c CO. WHITE PLAINS $ BAGGING AT REDUCED PRICES. dec 15 240 For Havana. The schooner HOPE, , W m. Godsne, master, For freight apply on v board Tay iiir’s wharf, or to . S B.PARKMAN. Who off. re for eale, landing from laid Schooner 49 Hhds and 3 tierces superior Molasses 17 Bags Coffee, ALSO, On bo>ird said schooner, A quantity of Fruit. for which, appiy to the Master, feb 10 m 32 Glazed Hats and Molksses. O NK b* \ Glazed Hats, and 19 hlid- superior quality Molasses Just received and for sale by DOUGLASS & SORREL, feb 10 h32 . . . HUM. QfvnblB Boston Rum, landing from ship Ceres, OU and for sale by For Sale, 4 large quantity of Mr, McALPHINS BRICKS, (10,000) will be kept on Wayne’e wharf as a sample, and for retail- l he Brick will be iandt i, at any wharfin town to sui- purchasers. Apply to ' DAVID A. STROBHAR, jan 10 8 feb 11 r 33 CRANE 8c NElVCOMB. Landing and for Sale. I*f\ BRLS N E Rum t>U 25 boxes Spermaceti Candles 50 do Geo Jacksons’ & co's Soap SO bbls Apples IN STORE, Cordage, Bale Rope, Ravens Duck, Russia Sheeting, BroaJ Diapers, Nails and Brads, Geor gia and Northern Gandies, Soap of different qual ity, Foolscap Paper, Liquor Cases, Pluying Cards, $cc. L. BALDWIN Be CO. feb 11 r 33 Law Office. r |1HE subscribershavmt entered into partner- 1 ship in the practice of the Law, will attend toany business entrusted to them. M MYERS, S. COHEN. jan 26 20 Ten Dollars Reward. R ANAWAY ab ul the 1st inst. a mulatto Man named HARVEY, he is rather taller than the ordinary height of Negroes,has a large scar on his face, his countenance very remarkable, repre senting any thing else than good humor. I pur chased him from Mr. Smets, of the firm of Watt 8c Smets; he wore awa . a short Green Jacket and also carried with him a frock Coat, about half worn made of superfine blue cloth. A reward of JglO will be paid for his delivery at the City Hotel or securing uim in any Jail so that I get him again. JOHN P. DENNEY. 220 3YON, J or. For Sale. A VALUABLE Bice Plantation on Savannah River, about 7 miles from the City—having one hundred and forty five acres rice land, drain ed and under good Banks, and as good a pitch ot tide as any on the river. Four hundred and ninety two acres high and good provision land, nov Chatham Academy. T HE present quarter terminates on Saturday next, the 31st inst. and the ensuing one com. mences on the 1st February. T ickets of admis sion must be obtained for all the scholars, from the Treasurer, on or before Monday next. W. T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer, jan 28 22 Wants a Situation, A man that ia will accuainted both with the culture of cotton and rice, as he has been se veral years in that business as an overseer, em ployment is his chief object and terms will be ve ty low. A line left at the post office directed to A. M. will meet with prompt attention, jan 9 7■ - feb 10 For Havana, The schooner MAGNOLIA, Hanifen, Muster, For freight or passage apply to MM. GASTON. xs32 AYAYkUa &. UA.WVLTO.'t, H AVE received by the ships Savannah 8t Au gusta, a supply of CLOTHING, direct from their Ware House in A ew Tot k, made under their inspectioti in the most fashionable style par. ticularly for this market, consistimi or CLOAKS of blue and brown fumblet and Tartan Plaid of various Patterns LADIES CLOAKS of Caroline and Ciircassian Plaid FROCK COATS of super blue, brown, Oxford mixt, olive and elkret mixture DRESS COA l'S of super and extra super blue, and black Cloth, common do do COATTEES of blue and mixt do do PANTALOONS of ribbed and stripe Casaimere, blue, black and colored cloth and cassimere, aattiueits, cords, bo. fcSTS of figured silk velvet, figured ailkatripe -r.d plain do.—super silk atripe ToileneU—- - Va entia do. blue and black, cloth and cassi- mete, liuif cassimere, white and atfiped Mar- aailles, Swatisdown, &c. ALSO, Linen and cotton Shirts, striped .-nd check do. Guernsey Frotks, Lambs Wool do. Drawers, Stockings, Gloves, Hdkfs, Cravat Stiffeners, Webbs Patent Russia Belts and Suspenders. Together with almost every article in their line, which make their assortment at good »s any in H-is city,and will be sold aa usual at New York Pricee, ut their store corner of Whitaker and St. lulian streets, opposite Youngs* buildings. jur> 26 Jl20—4 L For Freight or Charter, The MibsU",tial brig ikS VENUS, Captain Kelly, Will be in readiness to receive a O K.V AME NT A L KAitStV&SQa J UST received and fi»r inspection *t the Paint, Oil, Colour, Glass, Varnish and Brush Store, S the Kubscribt-r, No. 5 Whittaker Street, Savan* "ali, to which Ladies and Gentlemen are respect fully invited, Patterns ot Painting, of a superior quality, so -oie for the decoration. of _ ‘■ Dwelling Houses, Fancy Stores, Ship’s Cabins, 17c Vc ■ which are how in use in London And Paris, and tar superior to any thing of the kind ever dfferet! n this city. Having engaged a first rate work, itian, from one of the first houses in London, whd has just arrived, and being extensively supplied with every article,of the first quality,in the above in**, will be able to have work done in a superior m.omer, and at reduced prices, in all the various branches of the businr-, -~ VIZ: House, Ship, Sipi and Umumental Painting, Gla zing, Gilding, Bronzing, Sic, .Military Stand ards, Ships Flags, Trauspuient Blinds, Fanny Furniture, Carnage, tic tie. executed tquuli) us cheap, uud us well as in the. northern cities Persons wishing work done of the above description, by .the day,or otherwise, can be supplied with good workmen and n>aU» rals on advantageous terms, and also, work of ; he <Mne description done in any part of .the country, it the town prices The persons having the wont lone, pay ing the expenses incurred by going to and from the country. Orders from the country iromptiy attended to, and goods putup Carefully, Paints prepared for use and directions given for using them, if required. Orders for Patent Oil Floor Cloths from the Baltimore Manufactory, ot aru/dim^i' s.ons* « nh or without borders, will be received at the above store, where specimens of the differ, ent figures may be seen, and Prices made knowtL m,28 4* MARLOW. Wheat and Indian Brea& ** C AN be obtained EVERY MORNING, at Mr. Robinson's Bakery, corner of Drayton street curgo in two days. feb 7 30 For termB, apply to HALL 8c HOYT NOTICE. Office of the Marine and Fire /»-, surance Company, Savannah, 4tli Febiuary, 1824. \ LL persons are hereby cadtioned against re- lUceiving or negociating S. J. Bryan & Broth.' V acceptance, of F M Stone’s Draft, in favor oC J Bryan, put able in sixty days from 23d No. vember, 1823, for four hundred and fifty dollars, as the said acceptance is the property of this conr pany and has been either lost or improperly tikaa away. 1 GEO. SCHLEY, President. frb 5 28 T HE Steam Boat Company wilt ;ontinue to taae ('eight for Augusta, until further notice, at one fourth less than their present established rates. JOHN DAVIDSON, Agent feb 9 m31 tci m The pole boats Olive Branch, and Wilder, will now take freight to Augusta at one halt the customary rates—and wilt always take for less than the rate exacted by the Georgia Steam Boat Company. Apply to G.B. LAMAR. feb 2 25 T>Ert80Nq . . .. ’ ,, I with Dwelling Hous, Barns,trained Negro Houses !^o t ! j n 2" S A h n K.^!!! an l! Wck chimneys, with a gang ot e.ghty two are rdmet?^ ,U,er,< ’ n ’ lu V? Augusta decease), negroes on the ssme, accustomed to the Culture of Rice. Terms made known by applying to • .. - JNO. P. WILLIAMSON. Q0* The Charleston Courier will please insert the abQve once a week for. two months, and for ward their bill to this Office, ■ (eb •6. f-' '■ » - ’ v : t " ' ' present their claims properly at P'y&to* 0 * 5 * ndebted to immediate j s ' : Sr mm JOHN BALFOUR. Gardening T HE Bubscriber offer his services inGardening in all its various branchetsas laying out Flowe f therens and Pleasure gpoundiPruning Fruit trees, Grape-vines and all other Fancy garden work-—for further oarticutars, apply *t Mr. A. Oemlera Druggist store. The Subscribers H AVE still on hand a few Half Pipes and Qr. Casks of their fitst importation of Madeira Wine, pr Lovely Kcziah, from John Oleveira'81 Co. The brand is well known in Savannah and the quality will not be found inferior to any of the former shipments of that house.' Their last im portation pr Napoleon U equally good, and those who may wish to purchase can have a selection from either parcel—They will be happy to receive orders for any wines the product of Madeira, and will guarantee that the quality shall be approv ed of. SCOTT Si BALFOUR Jan 31 cn24 C. KNUDS F.N. feb 2 m|25 ■"WI'ICeT T O all whom it may concern) no person is au thorised to do any business for the subsert. her in Savannah, but A Harmon. CHARLES* GRECOnY. feb $ Mf26- REPUBLICAN BLUES. Company Orders. p\ N Election of Ensign of the Republican Blues will be held at the Exchange on MONDAY', the 16th instant, at 4 o’clock, PM.. JOHN C. NICOLL, 1 febSt VH " . Capt. Republictan Blues, feb 5 mi Buy lane, feb 7 i30 Office of the Marine and Fire In surance Company t Savannah, 5th Feb. 1824. T HIS Office will insure cotton between Augus. ta and Savannah, in boats of the Steam Mqat Company, at one quarter of one per cent premi um, and merchandise at one quarter, to one halt >er cent according to circumstances On pole boat9 plying between said places, one halfper cunt, and upwards will be charged, agreeably to the condition of the boat and the character of the patroon. GEO. SCHLEY, President. feb 5 cj»28 NO! ICE. T HE Honorable the Inferior Court for the county of Chatham, will commence its Feb- ruary term on the sixteenth instant, of which all suitors, jurors, and witnesses will please take no tice. All persons having demands against the county of Chatham are hereby requested to hand them to the Clerk of the Inferior Court, op or before the sixteenth of February, instant— On which day the Justices of the Inferior Court, will appoint a person or persons to take the census of said county: application for said ap pointments to be made in writing and handed to the clerk on or before the sixteenth instant. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. feb 2 25 Wanted, 4 SITUATION on a rice plantation- The best references will be given as to abilities, by the first planters in this city and neighbourhood- For particulars apply at this office.