Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, February 19, 1824, Image 3

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frtnE insurance. r ■ •H*' n„mf*‘ ftr. Insurance and, fjonn Com- ii han'v ofNSnYwk, will insure ngainst P l oss Oil DAMAGE 11Y FIRE, Dwelling hwliWtj Stores and Property in gone- r»l. in the city of Savannah and its vicinity.— Their rates or premium will be reasonable ind hiBsea settled mid paid in thd most prompt and liberal manner. For particular apply to 1 Ii. LOUD & CO. Agent*. feb 3 26 ' , 'The Subscribers ® ilNTINUK the Commission Business in Li verpool under the firm nf ISAAC. LOW A Co and will at all times make liberal advances on produce shipped to their address. r Importations of Goods will be msde and only conmissnm charged, when the payment la satis- inS" vessels, regularly in the Liverpool trade, and owning a convenient wharf with Fire proof Stores, they will receive and furward cotton in i the - lr oW » vessels, or those to their address (bee of miv commission. Their Stock of WINTER GOODS is now very extensive, and their Spring auppiies,which will be generah ate now on the way * * ANDREW LOW & CO. ! WHITE PLAINS # BAGGING at reduced prices. dec 15 2*0 Fresh Butter Crackers. Lan ling from 8 ip Augusta. "| «Tt Bbis fresh Rutter Crackers, XU 15 half bbl* do do ON HAND, SO hampers English Potatoes 10 curk* Cheese 10 bbls Newark Cider For sale by , , CRANE A NEWCOMB, feb 17 m38 a New Fashions M R8 LAWRENCE & Mrs SEABURY, res pectfully informs the Ladies of SaVannsh, that Mrs Lawrence has just returned from New- with Dress Patterns of the NEWEST FASHIONS. They return their thanks for the liberal patronage they have received and solicit a continuance of it. feb 17 p38 iVew Spring Goods, B Y the ship Emily and other late arrivals from Liverpool, the subscribers have received a great variety of SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, Which makes their ass>riment mure general and extensive than usual, and will be sold by the pack- age, piece or dozen at a reduced advance, and on a credit of Twelve Month* for approved paper, or will be exchanged for Steam Bout or lnsur- unce Stock, or stock in either of the Banks in the state. * ANDREW LOW A CO, ALSO—In Store, Cotton Bagging, Crates of Crockery, Casks of Glassware, Tea CHIna, London Porter, Ac. Ac. feb 13 35 FIRST LINE -KEW-FORK PACKETS. fTIHE subscribers have established a regular X Line of Packets between Savannah, and New York to sail punctually from each port, on the trat, eleventh and twenty first, of every month, - = ing at Savannah, on the twenty first, day THE LINE WILL CONSIST OP THE ■E" MA8TEIIB, CORSAIR, p r PouTtn. GARONNE, T. Stevins! CLIFFORD WAYNE, Isaac Whits, One other vessel to be provided in season—all 1st rate, fiast sailing ships, coppered & copper fas- tened, with elegant accommodations for pussen* gers, and experienced and obliging commanders. The Coarsair will sail on the twenty first inst. For freight or passages apply to C. C. GRISWOLD. . „ E. WILLIAMS, jan 9 7 ESTABLISHED LINE NEW-YORK PACKETS. SHIPS, SAVANNAH, LOUISA MATILDA, AUGUSTA, WM WALLACE, EMPEROR, The abnvp are all first rate vessels, with expe rienced commanders, and will continue to sail in regular succession throughout the season, leav ing Savannah for New York on Tuesday and New- York for Savannah on Saturday in each week.— For freight or passage, apply to the Captain* on board at Jonea’a upper wnarf, or to HALL A HOYT. jan 27 21 OSNABURGHS. By the ship Emily juit arrived from Liverpool. James Anderson &. Co. H AVE r.-oeive'l their usual supply of beat StrelitM Otnaburghs, together with a choice fa. aittd | 50. E Onrl*f | 4.1. tried »«itk s lute TON. r a, /it- 324. »' it* Sriiih. ivor if <1 No. allan, com :akco mt. In- 824. Augus- i ll'iit premi se hill )n pule rrcent. to the r of the dent. mse m I hour*. ,Muy. proper- tion »• favor of ICO. in the legal as the sounty, Steph- minted isc. itieebo- e host* rty, to. ie pro* exeeu- rnedo- »e huir- i large lereow* jnburVy , Dun- ", erty of i in ft- sore of itch to 'lower* ISO. trix ol id, hl» acoup’ Grand Lodge of Georgia. |N Monday the first day of March next, agreea "bly to the Conititution, a Grand Annual Com* nunication of the Grand Lodge of Georgi., lor U\f election of officer* will be held, of which the pflicert and member* are desire to take notice By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master. I WM. P. BEERS. Grand Secsetary. [ feb 7 30 factorage and Commission Bu siness. [■ HE subscriber continues the Factorage anil I Cmminion Businett,md tenders hit services |h» Wend* ..nd the public, illis Ware houses are Fire Proof, Urge and con pient, For Sale 150 Tierces new ltice . „ J. P. WILLIAMSON bet 21 J97 Auctioneers. 1AKE NOTICE—Y'-u are hereby required to _ make returns of sales of Merchan dize, sold ■auction, from the la- May to the 1st Jan. last— lor before the 25th inat l. „ JOHN I. ROBERTS, c t. |fb 14 36 Administrator’s Notice. )F.ltSONS indebted to the estate of Martha W. uridger deceased, are requested to make im mate payment, and those having demands [' f ".‘"‘I estate, will present them properly at- Fed within the time limited by law. WM. WILLIAMS. li g • „ Administrator. b 5 28 Administrator’s Notice. indeb ed to the estate of Mary Hall «■»<*, are requested to make immediate ii t l“ Dt * tho8e having demands against said ‘ime'te e by , faT PI ° Per,y *"*"**’ W “ hln WM. WILLIAMS. eh 5 28 Administrator. MAYERS'& HAMILTON, H VE received by the ships SavanViah & An- gusia, a fresh supply of CLOTHING, direct I from tVir Ware House in Aew York, made under ♦heir inspection in the most fashionable style par. ticularly for this niarket, COHSISTIHO or CLOAKS of blue and brown CamUet and Tartan plaid of various Patterns LADIES OLO.'KS of Caroline and Carcusiian I >PW4 „ .. . _ _ . | FROCK COATS of super blue, brown, Oxford IcOATTRKS of blue and milt do do I PANTALOONS of ribbed and stripe Cassimere, blue, black and colored doth and eassimere, , saitinutts, cords, Ac. IV E8TS of figured silk velvet, figured silk stripe and plain do.—super silk stripe Toilcneti— V., entia do. blue and biack cloth and cassi mere, buff cassimere, white and striped Mar- sailles, Swansdown, Ac. ALSO, Linen and cotton Shins striped and check do. Iiieinsey Frocks, Lambs Wool do. Drawers, slocking*. Gloves, Hdkfs, Cravat Stiffeners, Vebbs Patent Russia Belts and Suspenders. Together with almost every article in their line, ' ich make their assortment as good as any in i city, and will be sold as usual at New York •ice*, at their store corner of Whitaker and 8> Julian streets, opposite Youngs’ buildings, jan 26 IU20—ft feb 16 i37 Fresh Fanc^ and Staple Goods, Just received bt F. GILLET # CO. From the Auction* at New York. O NE case superior plain oik Nankeen Crapes 1 do do figured Mandareen Crape Dresses 1 trunk fashionable Fbbxoh Calicoes am Muslihi I do English Calicoes 5 yds for £ l Superior blk Bombazeens 1 case Prunella for childrens clothing 1 do Vignnia Cassimeres Mra Cantello’a Corsetts from No 2 to Brillantine Silk Bhwala VVATcn Rib Hons Inserting and scolloped Trimmings Long teeth side Comba 8prig'd Swiss Muslin, Linen Cambric Hdkfs A few boxes No 9 16 rich figured Ribbons 1 case blk Silk Handkfa ALSO, 8 bales ^trellit* Oznahurgs, entitled to de benture 4 trunks, striped and checked Muslin* 4 4 and 6 -lUotton Cambiicks Misses Leghorn Gipseys, very cheap Ladies Straw Bonnets and Gipsies Band Boxes in nestB or dozen feb 6 29 Tobacco. Q 4 HHD3, Tobacc > fr-t sale by O X PONCE A M«K NZIE. feb 13 r||35 For Sale, /•A Hbls Boston m ss Utv.f,superior quality OU 50 ps 1st and 2d quality Russia Duck 70 do thick and thin Ravens do 12 tons assorted Swedes and Russia Iron For sale by SAMUEL WRIGHT, Hunters Buildings. feb 10 32 For New- York. The Packet Ship NIAGARA, L. Rowland, Master, Will have Immediate despatch— For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, at Bolton’s central wharf, or to H. LORD CO. Williamson's Buildings, feb 18 39 8 K7* The pole boats Olive Branch, and Wilder, will now take freight to Augusta at one halt the customary rates—and wWlalway* take for less than the rate exacted by the Georgia Steam Boat Company. Apply to „ G. B. LAMAR, feb 2 25 For Liverpool, The regular grading ship, Va.num, Master, . I* now lokding at A. Low A co’s. wharf, (formerly McCready’s) and will meet with dispatch. For freight, Apply to , A. LOW A CO. feb 3 i.26 New England Rum. BBLS New England Rum, just received il' r and for sale, by CALVIN BAKER. and for sale, by feb 11 b33 Corn Grits, Corn Flour, and Cracked Com. T HE subscriber has on hand, and intends heap ing at his store, in Gildon's building, Market •quare, a constant supply of Corn Grits, and Corn Flour, manufactured from the best Southern Flint corn * and Crack'd Corn for horses.' ALSO, An assortment nf choice LiqUORS and GROCERIES, Which he will sell at the most reduced prices, for cash—and solicit* the patronage of his mends nd the public SAML. PHILBRICK j*\n 26 cm20 A Card. <A FEW Ladies can be genteelly accommodat III ed with board, in a central and pleasant part if the City. Young Ladies or Children will also he received as boaiders, and evety facility grant. , *d to forward the views of Parents, or Guardians. Kpply to the Editor, feb 5 28 Wants a Situation, K man that is will accuainted both with the "X culture of cotton and rice, as he has been se > *:ral year* in that business as an overseer, tm doyment is his chief object and terms will be ve y low. A line left at the post office directed to v M. will meet with prompt attention, jan 9 7 spection, feb 16 Beef and Pork, rime lk*ef prime Pork, New York city in- For sale by K. (Tk Barrels Prime lk*ef *>*: f 50 do 37 HALL A HOYT. Sugars. OA HOGSHEADS New Orleans Sugar, for c5U sale by •eb 16 37 HAI L Cl HOYT. Brought to Jail i tu , a 'L nn ** 1 ’ on t,ie 19th inst. a negro man who I iLl nHIn . e * s Euke, and that he belongs to km.,, l Ws ’ ’ll Simons’ Island, and that he [! 7 weeks ago. He is 5 feet 1 inch II about 28 years of age and has* scald 1. D‘LYON. sec. 17 notice. I ^Psrtnersltii. u ( William and John ti . in ."j 18 t * U8 d “y dis-.oved by mutual com ss nil '' cler ,0 '> «peedy settlement of the bo iDavofo r . 8 °' )8 1,,d ebted are called upon to 6 P»ytnent to John O. Baker WILLlAfM BAKER, _ John o Baker, Rtceborough, Ga. Jan 1,1824. 10 of the iy they d«yo[ ry Will ie, one' day o‘ NOTICE. [tli e 'gf{^^. nerBl,, l' heretofore existing under q Fortj ■ | etr >ands H^»ni ill persons hav r^Ppl/lt a rum wl "V 8,,fc inilel, ted, will ’ ! *heconcern Ml ei>W ^°' 8dul y'Authorised ' , . ! ARTHUR G MILLER, F.C.1A8 FORT s on th^ } e & u hccriber, hiu ‘ JU,rr, V- t»-u an.. Factorage Busi. fficcu t ot | 8< I t . ou ", 1 ' : ' nl mttkes a 1, tenner t x P ( 'ct lihew.| ,n ^ n ^ 'he iate firm,’ wi t tCASti Justices CQurt. fTIHE subscribers Court will in future be held 1. at his House, in President Street, between Habersham and Price Street—where he at pre sent keeps his Office. His return day in this month, is on Saturday next. S. MORDECAI, j. r. feb 13 l 34 Crockery Ware. J B HERBERT A CO. having received t! e • agency of an extensive POTTERY in Liver pool, will fill orders for Crockery of any descript ion on advantageous terms, feb 13 34 NOTICE. M L. MASON will act. us my agent during my absence from this city. Ten Dollars, W ILL be given for the apprenension of Tom (alias) Cane, who absconded from tbe subscriber about ten days ago, he L well known in the city, and has been in the employ of Mr CriBiieand others, cleaning the market for three or four years past. WM. H. GREENE. feb 16 m 37 XASTKnS, W. Hkxsk. D. Wood, D Vak Drew, T. Wood, J. H. Bkwxett, For Liverpool, The foul sailing coppered ship LADY GALLATIN, — —Muster, Has commenced loading—will be deputched without delay. For freight of 200 bales cotton or passage, having good accommodations, applv to HALL A HOYT. feb 9 31 «sy.T=i»!=r=B": ByJ. B. Herbert & Co. On SATURDAY,:2t .i oistim*. at 11 u'clnrk, Will be told before our Store, d Crates Crockery Assorted, i Term* cash, ALSO, 7 doz \V indsor Chairs 10 hhda > ' . 20 bbls 5 Whiskty 20 kegs Butter 50 boxes prime Candle* 3 pipes Holland Qin . , 4 lihds Jamaica' Umn 4 pipes Brandy, Ac Ac feb 19 40 ALSO, On TUBSDAA',24th inst. at 11 o’clock, Will be sold on Hunter’s upper wharf, for account of all concerned* Two Anchors, One Cable, One MainsSiI, Sav- d from the wreck of Schr Kitty of Charles ton. Terms Cash, feb 17 38 Fo" Liverpool, The superior cooper fastened ship GENERAL LINGAN, The Subscribers, H AVE still on Hand a few Hull Pipes and Qr. Casks of their fiist importation of Madeira Wine, pr Lovely Kcziah, from John Oleveira A Co The brand u well known in Savannah and the quality will not be found inferior to any of the former shipments of that house. Their last im portation pr Napoh on is equally good, and thos. who may wish to purchase can have a selection from either parcel—They will be happy to receive orders for any wines the product of Madeira, and will guarantee that the quality shall be approv ed of. SCOTT Cl BALFOUR. Jan 31 cn24 Law Office. rpHE subscribers having entered into partner- L ship in the practice of the Law, will attend toany business entrusted to them. jan 26 M MYERS, S. COHEN. 20 feb 16 m37 TIMOTHY EVANS. At Private Sale. 4 Family of Negroes, (30 in number,) among 4. which, there are seventeen Jtnt rate Field t Rinds, For terms apply to J. B. HERBERT A CO. Should the above negroes not be sold before the lit March next, they then will be spld at pub tic and ion at the < ourt House, jan 23 17 NOTICE. P ERSONS having demands against the estate of Eugene McConoloag, will bring their ac counts ibrward, at tented, ard those indebted to ih/e estate will make immediate payment. ELLEN M'CONOLOAG. feb 12 l34 P E .SONS having demands against the estate o* James Andersen, lute ot Augusta deceased, are requested to present their cluims propeily at tested, and those indebted to make immediate payment to JOHN BALFOUR. Administrator IV b 7 P ERSONS I-i NOTICE. ndeh'ti to the estate*of James am bright, late of Liberty county, deceased, e requested to make immediate payment t and iluise having demands against said estate, will present t!ie,m legally attested within the time pre scribed by Law to k JOS. LAW, Sen’r. qualified ex’r. jar- 22-17 . ... . Bmught to Jail, * ) *N Sayiutn t), Sin U r 19th in- ant, a negro man •. 1 v. lio say* hit, msou is Milotnon, and that he be- > ugatp Mr Malta ms nf M '•imons l^)uud,and that • istiaway HWetii’ 7 itjo . ks ago, he is . 5 feet 4 • cl ea.lngli, an* ■>t' l ijfl\ W S»r« nf age, ar»4 is pit •f l wi li-kKV- .mxit X oil tiifc" •' ;r.“. ♦ 1 D’LYON, icc. jar. 33 lb / For Sale. A VALUABLE Rice Plantation on Savannah Rivsr, about 7 miles from the City—having one hundred and forty five acres rice land, drain ed and under good Banks, and as good a pitch ot tide as any on the river. Four hundred and ninety two acres high and good provision land, with Dwelling Hous, Barns,framed Negro Houses with brick chimneys, with a gang of eighty two negroes on the same, accustomed to the Culture of Rice. Terms made known by applying to JNO. P. WILLIAMSON. (£/> The Charleston Courier will please insert the above once a week for two months, and for ward their bill to this Office leb 6 29 A. B. UAYDEN r . DENTIST, R ESPECTFULLY offers his professionalaer. vices to the citizens of Savannah and. its vi cinity. He has taken moms in the dwelling oc cupied by Mro Limbert, on Broughton street, first door east of the residence of the late Duct. Kollock, where he will be happy to wait upon those who may honor him with their confidence. N- B. Haydens approved dentrifice and tooth brushes of the first quality may be bad as above, feb 10 32 City Tax Returns. /A LL persons are hereby required to make their returna of property liable to tax in the City on or before the first day of March next. A double tax will be assess d on all defaulters after that period in conformity, with the ordinance in such case made and provided. JNO. 1. ROBERTS, City Treaeurer dec 31 253 Brought to Jail I N Savannah on the 1st inst. a negro man who sayshb n .me is Dublin, and that he belongsto John Fish of Washington County, Ga. and that he runaway about one month ago. He is 5 feet 7J in cites high, and about 28 years of age. I. D'LYON, J co. nov 208 ", » P NOTICE.. T O.all-whom it may oncern; no person is au thorifced t o do any business for the subacri ber in Savannah, but A. Harmon. CHARLES GREGORY. feb 3 nt26 Crabtree, Master, Has commenced loading—will ha< e immediate dispatch. For freight of 150 balei cot ton, apply to HALL U HOYT. feb 7 30 For Liverpool, The superior coppered and cop per fastened brig AMERICA, Wm Graves Master, la now taking in her cargo, and will meet with dispatch. For freight, apply to the captain on board,at Anderson’s wharf, or to PETERSEN, HAMMOND A CO. Jones’ Buildings. feb 11 33 For Liverpool, The coppered «i\d copper fastened WILL*I A M. For freight of 300 bales cotton, ap ply to capt, Anthony Moffat, on board, at Dun- ning’s wharf, or to PETERSEN, HAMMOND A CO feb 11 33 Jooca’ Buildings Veterinary Surgeon and Operative B arrier, B EGS leave most respectfully, to inform the citizens of Savannah and its vicinity, that he intends to follow his profession in this city, and from his experience in Europe and his having gi- ven sufficient proof of hi* abilities in the fi st ci ties of America, especially in New York and Charleston, where he stands unrivalled, lie con siders any further observations unneceosart. Any communications left at Squire Russell’s office, will be strictly attended to N. B —H Lynch, will also attend to bleeding horses and administering medicine in all osci-w. Centlemen having aiok horses will do well to ap ply, as he has stable* provided for the reception of all caser committed to his care, where proper attention will be paid to their diet and exerci-e. His charges will be moderate and accommodat ing. (J3*No cure—no pay. feb 18 39 'tobacco and Snuff, FRESH sup, ty dt'L rillarf.. superior Mac- kcoboy and Scotch Snuff, and cut Tobacco, in small papers, has just been received prsltip Au gusta and can be constantly obtained at the store of For New York. [first line-] The fast sailing coppered packet ship CLIFFORD WAYNE, White, Master, Will sail on the 2lst inst. , For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to C. C. GRISWOLD, or E WILLIAMS feb 12 34 For New-York, [established line] V The fast railing >vgu ar packet faN Ship AUGUSTA, Evans, Master, Succeed* the Louisa Matilda, in this line, and will sail pn Tuesday, 24th inst. For freight or passage, having superior accomodations, apply to HALL A HOYT feb 16 37 For Havana. The schooner HOPE, Wm. Godsoe, master, For freight apply on, board Tay lor's wharf, or to S B. PACKMAN. Who off.r* for tale, landing from taid Schooner 49 Hilda and 3 tierces superior Molasses 17 Bags Coffee, ALSO, On board said schooner, A quantity of Fruit. for which, apply to the Master, feb 10 m33 By Calvin Baker. on MONO ,Y, 23<1 inst. a* 11 o’clock, In fr,<nt of his auction Store, A general assortment ol GROCERIES, ALSO, A valuable attornment of Bntith and American DRYGOODS. feb 19 34 feb 18 FRANCIS I. LAY, Druggist. Shads Buildings l39 Notice. ,A LL persons indebted to the estate of Duntet iU Robins; (carpenter) late of Savannah, deceas ed, are requested to settle tbe same, and all who luive liquidated their accounts with Thomas Ro bins, as administrator to aaid estate are forbid pay ing the same to any other than myself, as I am the o dy person who hits been authorised to settle stud estate. WILSON FULLER, Adm’r estate of Daniel Robins, feb 18 if3 Apply to For Boston, The fine new packet brig SEA ISLAND, Jtaac Atwood, Matter,’ •Is ready to receive freight this day. S B. PAHKMAN, Who offers for Sale, SO bbls new Rum 6 pipes Holland Gin 200 boxes Herring 2 pipes superior Cognac Brandy, [Sig- nette’s brand] 10 half pipes Pico Madeira Wine, of first quality' JO pipes French Sherry do. feb 13 m 34 For Freight or Charter, rV, The substantial brig IkS VENUS, Captain Kelly, drill be in readiness to receive a cargo in two dayB. For terms, apply to HALL A HOYT. feb 7 30 For Baltimore. The schooner CELIA, Fuller Master. will sail with despatch. For freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to the master on board at Jones’ upper wharf or to HALL A HOYT, feb 11 33 , NOTICE. T HE Steam Boat Company will -I'litinue to tane fi eight for Augusta, until further notice at one fourth less than their present established rates. ■ ' JOHN DAVIDSON, Agent, feb 9 n31 Wheat and Indian Bread, C - AN be obtained EVERY MORNING, at Mr Robinson’s Bakery, sterner.«l Drayt^\street and Bay lane. teb7 *30 For Sale, 4 large quantity of Mr MeALFHINS BRICKS, »• (10,000) will be kept on Wayne’* wharf .,s a sample, and for retail The Brick will be lui ded at any wharf in town to suit pur-basera. Apply *b DAVID A. S ritOBHAR,' r jan 10 8 Lands and Negroes for Sale. A14HE Subscribers offer for sale that well known 1L and valuable plantation, in Chatham County, called BEVERLY, situated nine miles from Savan, nah on the Southern Road, containing 2172 acres old lurvey; of this land a large proportion is as valuable Cotton Land, as any in the County. The inland swamp ia one of the safest in the State, produced successive good crops, as good as river swamp, until 1815, when the high price of Cotton induced a change of culture—of this upwards of 200 acres are under banks, and with little labour might be cultivated the ensuing season,— on the plantation, is a large comfortable dwelling house* overseer house, bam in good repair, ami other bnilding* the whole of tpe cleared land is under good fenee. With tbe plantation or separately will be sold about thirty prime>Negroes. RAJ. HABERSHAM. ntjv 1 *204 For Sale• A Plantation containing ninety three and three quarter acres of land, with a comfortable dwelling bouse in good repair., in a pleasant and healthy situation on the Island of St. Simons. There are on the premises 2 Cotton Houses, 1 gin house-r-kitcheo, carriage house, Stable and other out buildings—a garden and orchard of Oranges and other fruit treees, about twenty five or thirty bead of Cattle* aspring of the pur- est water, and situated upon a creek, which, af fords a bold landing and plenty of fish For par. ticulars, apply to Wit. Cbajo, in Savannah, or to JAMES B. WRIGHT, jan IS In 11 on the premises The Undersigned H AVE associated themselves in the practice of the Law, in the several Courts of the Eastern District. jan 21 116 m. h McAllister, SAMUEL J BAYARD. Chatham Academy• T HE present quarter terminates on Sat urday next, the 31st inst. and the ensuing one com mences on the Is*. February Tickets of admis sion must be obtained for all the scholars, from the Treasurer, on or before Monday next. i . W.T. WILLIAMS,Treasurer, jan 28 22 NOTICE/ A .LL persons having any demands against the estate of Thomas Lucena, late of Chatham county deceased, are requested to present the same duly attested to the subscriber and those in debted to said e? y.te, are required to make pay. meat without delay to S M. BOND, Acting adm’r. C T. A. under order of the Court of ordinary, feb 9 fi31 Assize of Bread• ay The average price of Flour being seven dollar* per barrel of 196 lbs, the weight of bread the present pronto must,be as follows: 12 j Cents Loaf 2 1b 11 oz. 6 4 do do l ib Sh oz. t Of which all Bakers and sellers of Bread .will take due notice. JNO. 1 ROBERTS, City Treasurer. feb 9 1824 7 Negroes Wanted. W ANTED to purchas.'.twn rjt grnes who have been accustomed to the field: apply at thip Office. ,