Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, April 02, 1824, Image 1

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SAVANNAH DAILY REPUB viiimr eveyiyg, April s, i824. mem Whole No. 4399. HOUSES, lands, &c.j ■tyJ'INK months after date application will bn I IN r* niuuuia lUici .utuc a^ii'ibduuii win ii'i made to the honorable the Inferior Court of I Chatham County, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for permisssion to sell the following real estate, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of * ,,v : lnoP to Mr Trucheluts' I the estate of N. S. Bay»rd, deceased, viss " e * ,'L Grocery Store. I One undivided fourth ofa tract of Land, contain- I* *!l a superior standlo JJJ Ji, iri . nw L Jug about 500 acres, on Cumberland Island, Cam- | To Rent. The Store corner ot Drayton and I a superior Apply to T. BARTOW, Orleans Square. Ion County, known as Plum Orchard—and an un divided fourth ofa certaan Tjact of Land situate i '7T7 a„ Ip nr to Rent. I on said Island, cbntainlng about 500 acres, origin-1 es ofthe citizens of tl for adie,' n }th _ om , I ally granted , to Gen Wcliland McIntosh, and I choosing Electors of . Two neat tenements, vt | hounded op the south by the said Plum Orchard I dent of the United St #fclbTtab|eOttttWMtagitOT LotWtt. 1 Kll&ward,latalvthep™per^afJA ;he re- aid nil On ft a ate, V. for. her it to I M tuh. east m\ nths r the I»I! * Scott. Esq. linnsb or '.*» SOI to O T. Hall. Sav- JAM POPE, Sen. May River. So. Ca. JrHETS HOTEL. ■ The subscriber takes this meth- hf4i od to inform the public generally, and j, . A Tjfl SitaulHrly.perst.ns from the low coun. e ' u f e lull t P ry, who may visit the up countty in , Jecd , w „ mf*. health: or pleasure, that he will ac- I said estate, flSSJgentlemen and ladies, or with \ om rfvfofday. week, or month, on easy terms. "T i /S 8 ald in recommendaUon of A- Wkta S.Wl n ^»rdt»Uie healthfulness ofthe then*. ei Ir^mosphcre, or agreeable and ®>m>'° rch, jS"Ei' ffi*IV.i.«a !r!itt »}W .viz. Also> plantation called Lottery Hall aituste on the Ogeeohee R»ad, 3 miles from Savannah, con- taining about 600 acres. N, J. BAYARD, Adra’r Eat. N. 8. Bayard. i r • .■ S in F., mentis .ww '^e.laliaiiapp^lyto th, Honorable Justice of the Inferior Court ot ~ ~ ham County, for leave to sell a tract of land in the county of Henry, belonging to the of Emanuel Rahn, late of Effingham count; deed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of JACOB GNANN,jr. Administrator July2‘ In ferior Court of Effingham County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell, one tract of Executive Department, Geo• MILLRDGEVILL.E, 21at Nocr. 1823 KvRDBRED, That the subjoined Resolution bt I published once a month, in each ofthe Gn- aeitesofthia State, until the next General Elec, tion. Aunt, ELISHA WOOD, YecVy. IN SENATE, 12th Nov. 1823. ' WnanEAs it Is desirable to ascertain the wish- es ofthe mtisens of this state, as to the mode ol Jf President and Vice Presi- States i Be • t therefore retolved by the Senate and Route or Repretentativet ofthe State of Qeorgia in Cstu ral Astembly met, That it shall be the duty of the public sales. PUBLIC SALES. City Sheriff’s Sales. On the fret Tuetday in April next, W LL be sold in front of the Court House be* tween tbe usual hours of ten and three o’* clock i All the builditlgs on lot number 34 thirty four, Warren ward, bounded north by a lane, aouth by Broughton St, east by lot number 33 thirty three, and west by lot number 32 thirty two, levied on as the property of Charles H Hayden, to satisfy an execution for ground rent, in favor of the Trustees of the Chatham Academy, property pointed out by the defendant. Magistrates who shall preside at the several Elec | Also, all that range of tionsto be held in the different counties of this I number 17 seventeen am State for the choice of members of the ture, at the next General propose to each and every voter at the time' of I receiving his vote, whether he desires that the choice of said Electors shall be confided to the Sheriff’s Sales. On the font Tuesday in April next, W LL be sold at the Court House in the city of Savannah, between the hours often and I four o'clock. , The following three Negroes, viz: Rinah, El- lick and Purcilla. levied on a9the property of Wm j A. Moore, to satisfy an execution in favor ofthe | administrators of Batt Jones. Also, all that lot of Land and Improvements in the city of Savannah, being sixty feet wide and ninety feetdeep known asthe No. ttventy three 23, in Washington ward, and which said'lot of land Stables on part of lot | was told and conveyed to Jacob Fahm,’by Henri etta Almy and her Trustees, levied on ns the' per week. M M «* " “ month. <( «• •* month. . . • Binner, hreasfast, supper, &C. ayrng lemp. :d by Id day Iwen* s, the vnbyl by'of ibertd thirty I lefintl jdsidl iety or I Savin'I guliK i tog* j on tin J ckson, I erests, ■misei, lift this equity Sims, I Wm. 1. er pro. I legen- video. I biitbed I it once 1 syment served I east 14. ] torder' Clerk. runty* 1 •28, IBI. tor* and | l Sta , redemta K idginff, rv'SSt. « month, HOTEa< K.Gditoraof the AuguitaChronicle and invlnnah Republican, are requested to give twoj SB a mmfo. " ntil the u l8t of ,U,y nWt ’ orward 'heir accounts to .M hens, 'Land and Xegroee for Sale. Qunting Id «lito about 12 russsaev: P aion rtCom snd Colton, is offered for sale on fjBStfc'stocfcforgoo^i paper, well secured, will ''yorfurthMparticulars, apply tbthe Editors of t Georgia Journal, j jane 19 -^'.145 For Sale, i LL that valuable tract or parcel of land known A by the name of Nelville situated in South Carolina about two miles fpom Savannah. This ict is considered one of the bestfora Rice plan- jin its neighborhood, and contains Eight Ired and eighty-four acres. It adjoins Mr. omas Young Gen. Huger, and Mr* Nicholas Irtjrtr. Persons who may wish to purohase wm mmine jhd the btion to be made to WtIthi months after date appiication’ wtl . 1 made to the honorable the Justice of the erior Court of Effingham Gounty when sitting jrdinary purposes, for leave to sell, one tract land laying in the County of Effingham,containing two hundred acres adjoining Jenkins land, ulso 1 25 I the half of a tract of land of three hundred acres 1 00 I of the. undivided estate of Nancy Blare, also one 5 00 I tract of land seventy seven number, twelfth dis- 18 00 I'tric*. of Hall County, Georgia, being the real es 371 I fate of William M'Gahagan deceased and sold for 124 I the benefit ofthe heir* and creditors of the de 75 I ceased. 1 SO I JOHN GRAHAM, 1«00 I THOMAS HURST, 1 Executors. iept23 *285 , > INB month! after date, I shall apply to the Honorable Justices nf the inferior Court of Ingham County,, for leave to sell all the real estate of James Porter, late of said county deed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. W.G PORTER. Administrator.. july 15 156 ibers of the Legisla- I ward,bounded north by Bryan 9treet, SUuli I property ot Jacob Fabm, to satisfy an execution Election therein, to I8treet, east and west by the other portion of I in favor of the Planters* Bank against Scott & ' said lots number IS* seventeen and 18 eighteen, I Fahm, levied on as the property of George Mtllen, to I Also, a mulatto man named Patrick, Levied, on satisfy an execution for ground rent in favor of I as the property of John Pearson, to satisfy an exc- FrederickS. Fell. I cution from the Superior court of Scriven county. Also, all that lot of land known in the plan of I in favor of Levi S. D'Lyon. Word People or Levitin-1 { he city of Savannah at lot number ten 10, Jack-1 Also, lots numbers eighteen 18, twenty threen lure, according tq the truth of the fact; and on I wn war(1 . containing sixty feet front and ninety I 23, and twenty six, 26, Eutngaburg, now km^r. counting out the ballots, to annex to the return I feet deep, subject to an annual ground rent to I in the plan of the city of Savannah as Oglethorpe of. the said election by them 10 transmitted to the I lb® Corporation of the city of 8avannab, together I ward, bounded east by lot number fifteen, IS, “ 4! — "■ * " - 'with all the improvements thereon, bounded | south by William street, west by lot number people or retained by the Legislature^ and to re quest such voter to signify such desire by en dorsing on his ticket, tl)e Word Pe*Jif» W Legitla- 4 I..L persons having demand* ug.nnst tbe tate of John Eppinger Esq, deceased, ar quested to present them duly attested, and t X. are re those quested to present indebted, to make payment. KL B. EPPINGER, Exrx. . , JAMES EPPINGER, Ekor nov 28 isi226tn' Executive Department, a true statement of the votes so given, to the end that the sanomay be laid before the next Legislature by his Excellen oythe Governor. 1 And be it JUrther retolved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby requested to cause this resolution to be published without de* lay, in the several Gazettes of this State, and to continue the aaid publication once a month, unti the next General Election. Read and agreed to unanimously. THOMAS stOCKS, Pretident. In the Route of Repretentativet, 14th Nov. 1823. Read and concurred in. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker. Approved, 18th Nov. 1823. Q. M.TROUP, Governor. G EORGIA—Obathiun'Couniy To all whom it may concern. Whereas, John Dillon, exe cutor of Michael Densler, applies to be discharged from the executorship of the said estate. • Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if apv they have) on or before the 5th day of June next; otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the applicant. Witness the Hon. J. P. Williamson, one of the Justices of the said court, this 5th day of Deo. A D. one north b by Whi' levied f 1 satisfy two executions fr'.im the court of Common Pleas b Oyer and Terminer, for the city of 8a vannah, Charles Rockwell and A U E Wood, vt, Thomas N Morel _... r »the property of Paul J Vallotton, to satisfy executions in favor I of Tufts U Read, et. al. Also, lot number five, Spring Hill, containing five acres, more or less, in Chatham county, levied ninety feet deep, subject to annual ground rent I Also, thefollowing seven 1 to the corporation of the city of “ artatine,dec. tat ground rent I Also, tnetoliowing seven negroes, via: chance, Savannah, toge I Leah, Juliana, Henry, Maria, Leonora and Isaac, therwith the improvements thereon, bounded I levied on as the property of Frederick S. Fell, tt> north by a lane, south by Hall Street, east by lot I satisfy an execution In favor of Allen McLean and number 17 seventeen, and west by lot number I James Wallace, et. ux. nineteen 19, levied oil asthe property of Freder-1 Also, one undivided sixth of two undivided ick S. Fell, to satisfy two executions from the I thirds of wharf lot number, eight 8, in Savannah, court of Common Pleas and Qyer and Terminer, [ commonly called Rices' whan, levied on as the for the city of 8avannah, John Crane and N Baker I property of Thomas W. Rice, to satisfy two cxe- vt F. S. Fell, and John Crane, and N Baker, vt. I cutiona in favor of Timothy Barnard, F S Fell and ThomasN Morel, security *' ' ‘ “ * J Also, all that lot of land kpown in the the city of Savannah, u lot number one 1, coat ward, containing sixty feet front and ninety I Also, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture* feet deep, together With the improvements I contained in the City Hotel, levied on as the thereon, bounded north by Broughton St. south [ by a lane, east by Barnard Street, aqd west by lot number 2 two, levied on as the property of Wm R. Holland, to satisfy sundry executions from the ‘ 1 Hit ‘ ‘ Baker, vt. I cutions in tavor of Timothy Barnard, I Also, one large bay Hone, levied on as the pro- te plan of I perty of James W. Cannon, to satisfy an execution 11, Heath 1 in favor of James Hue. I property of Orran Bird, to satisfy an execution in favor of Eleaaer Earley, transferred to J. B. Her- bert & co. dec 5 thousand eight hundred and twenty three. I Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer, ^•6* S. M. BOND, •«. 0. 0. I for the citv of Savannah. Butler & Scranton and 132 for the city of Savannah, Butler & Scranton and others vt Pouyat Be Holland, and Joseph F Georgia—Effingham County* 4 L f srrae-issa IWP*SnforXoUeL^adminlstfator f % i A I VV Gideon Mullet, deceased, has applied to nil please present them properly attested * n(l | t |,e court to be discharged from tpe administra. tion aforesaid. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they I er, for the city of 8avannah, James Hills have) in my office on or before the 2d day of A. I Low rd Elijah'Broughton, pri! next, otherwise letters diatpissory will be I Also, ail the Buildings on the eastern half of lot granted to the applicant. I number 3 three, Warren ward, bounded north by Given under my hand and seal this 4th day of I Bay street, south by a lane, east by lot number 4 October, 1823. | four, and west by lot number two 2, levied on a* viliplease present them properly those indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment* r . PHILIP BRASCH, Qual. Executor. nov6-__210^ ..INEfoiiliths afterdSte hereof application wil Kopman, and others vt Wm. R. Holland, Gibbons vt. Pouy at & Holland. Also, all the Buildings on the Western half of lot number, three 3, Green ward bounded north by Broughton Street, south Ify a lane, east by the other portion of said lot number three 3, and west by lot number 4 four, levied on as the property of Elijah Broughton, to satisfy an execution from the court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terrain vt John the premises, A good tittle will be given times ofsale willhe Maonable._ Appli* BY I uov 16 225 . Yl 1 Agent of llamlin Mallon. The Public J informed that the claim ol Hamlin Mallory to Ithe tract of land 14 Bduth Carolina, called KcWille, 19 now in a train for Judicial invesuga- Kon, until the termination of which, some risk litlbe incurred by those who m.aypimAase^ Idee? 237 ' ' , Valuable Propertyfor SaJbe. (IK subscriber offers for-sale his propert in Darien, McIntosh County—consisting of five harfhots, situated in Ihft moat eligible quarter the city for business of every-description. Also, Five Bay Lots immediately back of those tore mentioned, and divided from them by a ’eetof 40 feet. Also, on,e third part of a WliarfLot, in this city, wnmonlycalled Bices Wharf) with improve- fFor Wood- on or particular enduirje of Taonis M. Wc is, Esq'r in Savannah, or the subscriber •InungUm Island. CHARLES B. JONES. ivltSia .1 be made to the Inferior Court of Chatham bounty for leave to sell a tract of land drawn by I'homas Capps d' ceasetl in the late Land Lotte ry, situate and being in the fifth district of Mon rite County and kno - n by the number 44, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said Thus. Capps dee. JOHN MOREL, Adm’r. sppt 6 7 in 1 11 IS..I..H ,1 1*!*■■»» 1 ,11*. I. . ' r I ■— 1 A, persons inilebted to ihe estate of Dante! ill Robins, (carpenter) late of Savannah, deceit., ed, are settle the same, and all wlio ■ have liquidated their accounts with Thomaa Ro bins, as.administrator to said estate are forbid pay ing the same to any other than myself, aal am the' only , tenon who has been authorised to settle said estate. WILSON FULLER, Adm’r. estate of Daniel Robins. feb 18 t|3- v. . ■ < r .riHRtSE*TiauiUlfs sf.t-r tUte application will be X made to the Bank of the. State of Georgia for the renewal of a lost certifiesle issued by the Gashiemf said bank, for two hundred shares of j t|ie capital stock, id said Bank, standing in the name ofthe Guardians of Sarah H-* Gilbert. WM.,G. GILBERT. SARAH U1LLHOUSE. Guardians. jan 21- •*cm16 oct 4 JOHN CHALTON, 0.0. o. a. e. 90. - - - N INE months aller date application will be made to the Justice* of the Inferior Court of | the county of Chatham, for leave to sell a tract of land, in Habersham county, (2. No. 50).the pro perty of Caroline Procuaor an orpha . NATHANIEL LEWIS, Guardian, dec 26 §257 the property of Alexander Hunter, to satisfy two I executions from the court' of Common Pleas and I Oyer and Terminer, for the city, of Savannah, . Thomas Walton and administrators of M. tycLeod, dec vt. Alexander Hqpter. Also, the life estate of Christian ,D., Lehy, to that lot known in the plan ofthe city of Savan n*h as lot number 5 five, second Tytbing Reynoldsl ward, with the improvements thereon, levied on'l tam tHn nsAnAslu nf f!ht'tolion fl 1 oKu fn ooficfi* on I Also, the following three Negroes* viz: Lemft- ster,Phillip andlMam, and a tract of land In Chat, ham county, called Euberbellers’ place, levied ou under a Fi Fa on a decree from the Superior 1 Court, as the property of John Francis William Courvoisee, to satisfy James David Courvoisce, Fox complainant. • Also, the following twenty four Negroes, viz Hannah, Hamlet, Andrew, William, Sam, Charles, Molly, Kane, York, Eve, Lezette, Mary, Eliza. Amos, Nancy, Jim, Big Jim, phebe, Susannah, Member,Monday, Marta, Jack and George, and all that lot or parcel of land, situate in the county of Chatham, containing fifty seven 57, acres more or less, known by number thirteen 13, Fairlawn. levied on as the property of the estate of Thomas Bourke, dec. te satisfy executions in favor ofthe Bsnk of the United States, et. al.—property . pointed out bv the administrator. . Also the following six negroes viz: June, Grace, Harry, July* Daphncy and little Hirry, levied on as the property of John C Deli to satisfy < tions in favor of Gardner Tufts* Charles We Cbarle Lowther. execu* feat and march 6 I. D'LYON, see. Marshal’s Sales. ; On font Tuetday in April next, ILL be sold before the Court House in thd * ,l “ of Savannah, between the u?ua! hours ' ........ ... ■ | as the property of Christian D Lehy,, to. /\ LL persons are cautioned in^ receiving in any I execution from the court of Conaqion.Pleas and I *i TIT j” i&lmanner or paying any consideration for a cer-1 0 yer and Terminer for the city of Savannah, Rich-1 VV TiK, tain promisory note, drawn by F. M. Stone, in fa. urd Leak v „. C . D. Uby,snd Maty Lebe-pro-1J Lf ny vor of Jno I. Roberts or order, for twelve hundred | nertv Dointed out by tbe Dlantiff. ' I .1;.» , , , ^ . dollars, dated 20th Nov. 1820, payable sixty days I J one negro boy named Patriok levied on as of * , c . onr f^^ afterdate with interest from thedate, aqd mdors 1 , he property of Wm Poythress, to satisfy an exe- ?dinfou table 1 na k* 1 ‘ ? bl ® r edby the saidI Jno. I. Roberts, and delivered to I cution from the court of Common Pleas snd Oyer l *5ofKhrh«?n«n'. e ^ 1 me. The stud note having been lost, and renew- and Terminer, for the city o.f Savannah, William SoS o?Dr Kollock a&h JS ne™ Md vold. y Th® owgipal note is null I Win. Poythress ano David M. Fitta hi* I &ni^-and^^itod»?ni«etySr Nm^^Secon^ PETER SHICK. ^one negro girl named Roseannab, levied MTalhMi£ 8 .nA thc . ** p Rf£ dec 18 §t243 V I on as the oronefty ot' Claudia Coachman, to satis-11 G i ar,es > to 8al,s ^ FvPrntnr'»V MoHv»p “fy an exewiion from the court of Common Plea*' *” eXecut ' on ,n fa ’ or of Get > r & * ra KR- •” ’ executors police. and Oyer and Terminer, for the city of Savannah. 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of the late | Nathan Baker vt. ClaUdia Coachman and William .Dr. Robert Worrell, Jr. are requested to make immediate payment to Mr. Ryeraon, or to PHILIP BRASCH, Qual. Qx>or. N, B. The accounts if not paid shortly will be Notice. _. j Liberty coun- r Road,, two miles rougti} containing two l and ten acres This ltind is very valtia- etor cotton, rice and corn, and as well calcula- 1 lor that culture as any land in the county 1 j conditions are low and reasonable t there are ween seventy and eighty afcres cleared and I “t fence, there is also a good dwelling house, Oglebay, security. j .41 so, sundry articles of Household Furniture, _____ J levied on as the property of Wm. R Holland, to I Vv 'LL persons having demands against, the es | , w ' l ( P e ® cco . unt * »fnoi paut shortly will He I satisfy two executions for rent, executors of Bar AV tateV Fleming Aikin ofthe county ofCliat-1 placed m the hands of an Attorney for collection, I rack Gibbonses Pouyat & Holland. l aata, planter, deceased, will render them in duly j , i an 6 4 . ' ;/■ J -Slso, one negro man named Tom, levied on as ] ’attested, and all those indebted to the said estate I T^EHSONS havinrr demands arrainSte the state I the property oi J “te payment thereof to George W. * ’ W. Ha are duly authorized to receive die same. - , ELIZA AKIN, Adm’rx. GEO. H. McALLlSTER, Adm'r. may- 29 2f* I UI1C iicgiu uiaii MMIIW x wni| icvicu uu i» ERSONS having demands againbtetiie state I the property of John Womack, to Satisfy ad exe- of at e Matthew McAlister, Esq are re-1 cution in favor of Patrick McDermott and othera. rlEBSONS ir JT Latabrfght, indebted to the estate ot James lata of Liberty county, deceased, quested esent them duly attested to-the sub scriber, nd all indebted to make immediate pay tnent to « M. H. M'ALISTKR, Bx’r. nov NOTICE* P ERSONS indebted to the Estate of A lie* | Denmark, dec. are requested to make tin- march 6 54 A. 1. D'LYON, 0 a. rhy w* •ria, con* j in depth, I >d on th? hundred I Bister ha 1 Matthe# I prom's* 0 ' I Vliisterto orde'i l0 * 1 said not* .ttdUpWjl morW I B ad ii” I tef.'H ;r»l’»v‘ n 5 etfcnce, there is aWV good dwelling house, I ate re questt : d to make immediate payment; and | fil necessary out bulldinis on the premises, thosqtavmg demands against said estate, will Ed £ ^ ?ntee titles will be given to the purchaser, I PI £ent theft legally -attested within tiie time pre- testcd Wltlun TSSiSS? .. v ... 0 'otf said land. For further Sy o”t applytoC8 pt. ‘ 3o8 * Jrihe# “* Uba V EDWARD B. BAKER, 1 owner in Mclptosh county. ■16 No. 10 Franklin ward with the improve- HuJ5 < 2 e ?j l object to a Ground Rent'of RlJLWUw per annum: if not sold before P" Tuesday in March next, it will be offered “““ycksale. For particulars apply to JOHN Mc'INTIRE, 42 , , -• - W;l* resent them legally-attested within the time pre- ribed by Law to JOS. L\W, Sen’r, qualified ex’r. ian 22 17 lEsW^idSu'Sf iVaViiig}demarids agmnst the estate] of James Anderson, late ot Augusta deceased,) are requested to present their claims properly at tested, apd those -indebted to make immediate ! payment to f<?b 28 48 ROBERT BURTON, adm'or. MARY DENMAK, adm'rx. Bulloch Cty* feb 7 Wanted Immediately, 4 Gentleman well qualified to teach a School of about twenty-five Scholars, in a heal thy situation in Bryan County. His salary wi .1 be tour hundred and fifty dollars a year, and board, - u; j n • JOHN BALFOUR. ’ Administrator. b: 21 icip® 1 .1 I mtjteaCW‘1 itirinefl find " ea6eP»' this o‘ ie *l jdemp^j and.oMl f aa An h “ rf I T ot No. 6, Reynold Ward, known I 8 w burf. Possession given the “ Nov ember—Apply-to F. M. STONE. 194: 14 . FTSSKlfJjPE-,’- i a LL persons, having any-demands against the! ;iaL estateqfiThomasLuoena, lute of Chatham! Scounty deceased, are requested ( ,(o present the jsamc duly,*tteptedjto..(he>]ibsopber and those in- debted to said estate, are required to make pay. nt Washing and lodging. Enquire of the Rev. Wil liam M'Whir, or the subscriber, both living in iBtyan County. JNO. J. MAXWELL. I inarch 9 ap56 A LL persons having any George Herb, deceased, are requested to lliand them in duty attested, and those indebted ito his estate ace povvj;equired to make payment. ’ S M. ROND, ctinMdPlhP* Q- T. A, under orderlof the Court f ordinary. , - " jan SO fig? FREDERICK HERB, MOSES CLELAND, Executors, NOTICE. Ii VJEMNE months after date application will be _ I nvide to the honorable the Justices of the Superior Court—rChatham County Max Teem, 1823. William T. Williams, y vs. C Rule JVfof. Thomas R. Broom. J O N the peticion of William T. Williams stat ing that Thomas R Broom, by his certaii writing obligatory, hearing date on the sixth dky of Jane 1822, acknowledged himself to be held and firmly bound and obliged in him in the pens’ sum of eight hundred dollars, conditioned for th* payment pf the sum of four hundred .dollars on or before the first day of June 1823, and that for the better securing to him the payment ofthe said sum of money, the said Thomw R. Bfoom by his certain 'deed of mprtgsge bharing even date with the said bond, had mortgaged to him all that; lot or parcel of {and in Chatham county and state aforesaid; known in the plan of-the said county aa Garden lot number eighty t |80) -east, containing eleyen and one halt acre* more or less, bounded, on the north by. the Thunderbolt road and lands of James Bilbo, on the aouth by lands of John Screven, and on the w*st by it road leading to lands of col. James Johnson and others—»na forther stating that there is now due and unpaid on-the said bond and mortgage the principal sum of four hundred dollars with in terest from the sixth day of June, eighteen hun dred and twenty tWo, and praying the foreclo Also, all that plantation ot; tract offend, situate in Chatham cpuntyknpwn by the name of Queens. 1 berry comprising the Ephrara or Orplian House tracta, containing in the whole njne hundred and ten acres, together with the buildings and im- provementa thereon, and also, all that tract of land adjoining the above, containing by reaurvey five hundred and seventy acres, originally granted to Inigo Jones, bqunded southwardly by a causeway, Hethesda and lands of Wm Allen and Benjamin Stirk, westwardty by lands called Nazareth and Euphrats, northwardly by lands of John Smith. JohnCdrjy, and vacant marsh, and eastwardly by lands of John Curry and the western shore of the Isle of Hope, levied on as the property of Wm. McQueen, to satisfy a judgement in favor of the . Hank of the United- States- sold at the risque of the former purchase-: • < ■ > Also, Penny worth Islqn^, containing about 16(fc ■cres of prime river swamp land, on which is e* reeled a machine for beating rice, uetv and in. complete order, levied on as the property of N. ; I’ruger, to satisfy executions in favor of of the United States Bunk, and 01 hers. - Eight negroes, viz. Charles* Daniel, Lucy and her child* Sylvia and child, Nora and Mary, Sub*, lecttoamor' ' ” ‘ " 'levied on 1 ng even 1 a fy » n executionin the.6*, - vioo* is p W h-'ee*#* ft.** 5 * Wdnted, RATION, on-a rice plantation. Tbebest •-^-1. ....... _ first fwqJ??)?. ft, e Kfy en ® s to*abil»ties, by 1 j LL pt/rsons having demands against the estate II Inferior Court of'Cl Pwilcui ft M ai ! n ,“ l «?i5 lty * nd tle, * hboulrhood * I 461 ofAVrti Httchstrasaer deo ape requested to j: for ordinary purpose LJ 2 PPyht this office. Upresent them for payment within the time 1 of Land containing. - B ■ WaUgrihej hv few, and all persons indebted to |i more or less, known as lot No. 15 fifteen, in the MA.Jjii.’- ''- x 'T * [iMid e^gitkltrortt^diextZd te m^kelmmCdiate pay- f;second district of Early county, Geoma, being executors Notice, I ment to • ' : JAMES' MORRISON, fthie peal estate of Robert M. Durkie, deci. anti to 'fi P eTaru 1 ’| J VinEdlimi, f 8 - aga ' in8t csta ^ e ' march 4 52 - . QpaU admr, jibe spld for- the/benefit of the heirs and creditors and those in, aem Ss eat ? te will Please make immediate m. 45 please make immediate their accounts will be placed attorney fort P.BH/ >r collection. IASCH, Exe Executor. ►toll $ -SAM RICHARDSON, the White Bluil Road. ; T1AKES this ^opportunity of informing the re- J. presentatives of the estate of John Beck, - deceased,'as well as all other persona claiming I property rib the: count/ of ".Effingham and re tarding put of the slate, who have not returned their property to the receiver of- tax returns l»»r he year 1 1823, to come forward «nd make’thei* eturn on or before the lust day of April next- otherwise they will be double taxed. , WM. SPEAR, UT»»o^ dec 4 »W3I of Chatham county, when sitting loses,for leave to sell all that tract two hundred and fifty acres, 15 fifteen, in the lid dec AUGUSTUS F. DUJRK1E, Adtafor. of " ** ^ irkte 27 R. M. Durkie, dec, . A man that is will. acpuainteij both with the J\ .culture of cotton apd rice, as he has been se veral years in that husin^ssas an pvetyeer, esp. 'taeml.,, , I ty low.' A line left at the,post offipe.dtyei K. M, wtll meet with prompt attention. jan9 U1 One negro man named Peter, levied on as the. said i property of Jno Womack to satisfy an execution -ast | in favor of United States Bank. • JNO. H, MOREL, m d o. march 6 _ 53 1 . . . Marshals Safe. On the first .Tuesday in April ILL be sold at the plantation of ” ■ ‘ thet sure of the equity of redemption of the'.sa'ui. Thomas R. Broom, in and to the .said mortgaged premises On motion of Habersham, attorney for the petitioner, it is ordered, that the princi pal and interest due on the stud mortgaged pre mises, together with the costs of this application be paid into this court, within twelve months from this date, or othe**"ise that the equity of res demption of the said Thomas R. Broom in the said mortgaged premises be from thenceforth foreclosed, and that such further and other .pro- ceedipgs thereon take place as may be in pursrn ance of the statute in such case made and pro vided. And it is further ofdered, that this rule be published ip-one or. more nf the - Gazettes of the city qf; Savannah, once a .month for twelve montji8: previous to the ' time ajlpointfcd' for tbe payment pf the said money, or that a copy there- of, be-servedupon.the said Tbqma&R. 'Braom at least qix months before tjjp expiration of the ■“ !J jjpte, . ,. • . tf! -■ - ‘ , Extract from the minuter 1 ^^ JOB T .BUGLES, elerisj Cope, Esq. between-t O. I... hours of 1 and 2 o' clock, l4head of neat Cattle,14 head sheep, levied on as the property of said Cope, to satisfy an exe cution ih favor of Bell, administrator, march .6- tBell, 53 JNO. H. MOREL, hdg. Tobacco and Hay. f Hhds prime Leaf .Tobacco UlOO bundles Hay 1 ; For sale by GEO/' IO> N. feb 26 ftp azettes of to make'him title to a certain^Tract of Land Ijm,; in Effingham Qounty,.and he.having produced a bond given by the said Godhilf Smith* to make: /titlefor midland* ■ . . . . t All' persons interested, are therefore request, ed,t9 take notice, that the said Executors, will bn directed to make titles, if rio objections are fitrf: within the time limited by law. " T 5 ? JOSHUA SMITH,, feb 14 t»36