Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, April 03, 1824, Image 1

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.Vol. XXil. SAW RDAY EVE YIVG, APRIL 3* 1824. Whole No 4400. 1N)B months lifter date application . wilt be : irtafie to the honorable the Inferior Court of hatham County, Wheu sitting for ordinary pur poses, for permisssion to sell the following rent HOUSES, lands, &C.1 The Stare corner ot Drayton and I Estate, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of . * , . j oor to Mr Triichelutg* 1 the testate of N. 8.’ Bayard, deceased, viz: ] j^perior stand for a Grocery Stor^ | Ope undivided fourth of a tract of Land, contain- * . Orleans Square, qr ****** u " , Two' neat tenefhenis, with con- V \ rUmiav Biver.So. Inahor |oct29 ! 'A i>tg about 500 acres, on Cumberland Island, Gam- dt»n County, known as plum Orchard-rand an un divided fourth of 4 certasn T.iact of Land situat. on said Island, contalnirig about 500 ucres, origin, ally granted to Gen Lechlnnd McIntosh, and bounded «)n the south bv .the.ssid Plum Orchard Tract. '■ Also a plantation called Lottery Hall situate on the Ogeechee Road, 3 miles from Savannah, cob ruining’about 600 acres, N J. RAYAIU), -. ■» J •• Adm’r Est N. 8 Bavar I, SOI • 1 ntivIO ’ till W HOTEL. . I -sAjftNE iduntbs afle-r date 1 shall apply to th. Zj& •ifiis nveth*l 'HpruiraljteJiBrteivpf the Inferior Court/ 1 Executive Department, lieu. MILLED GEVlLl.E, 21st Nov. 1823 j^xRDERED, That the subjoined Resolution ht i-v published once a month, in each of the G - zette« of this State, until the next General Elec tmn. Atteit, ELISHA WOOD, Sec'ry. . . IN SENATE, 12th, Nov. 182.1. u itsnaas it 1 is desirable to ascertain the wish. Sen. Ca. s of the eitiaeos bf this state, as to the mode ot ■boosing Electors* of President and Vice Presi- dent of ( Mje Unite.) States-, lie it {kerefyfo Resolved by the Senate and ffautt of Rcpnientativce of the State of Georgia tn Gene ral Assembly met, That it shall be the duty of the 'l who shall preside at the several TBlec tons lobe'held in the different counties of ttiif- the he’idthfulness of tin '“’SStyof atraostfhere, or agreeable and jStfltt # f nese. particulars it sUnds I INK months titer -isle application will Eminent, made to the honorable the justice of the In u rionCourt of Elflngham County when sitting foi cm l” will be the rates of charging, via. I, ntinary purposes, for leave to seH, one tract of bejfi>lf>w |l HJ ' v !' , n om 75 I mud laying in the County of Elhngliam.con'ninin,; !lW , 4 ^ ^ ( 0Me ’V « ner week, ° j 50 I ,tw** hundred acres adjoining Jenkins land, dso ^ ' fg 1 || || lHQflth 1 25 ■ tltn koU 1 r»P lanrl nV tltPikft hum ’ j $ *• month, 18 00 breasfast, supper, &c. 37| S; 18 00' hHK . ;• « month, t drin sod servants, half pnee l/rr’llfe Editorsbf the Augusta Chronicle.sjnd ImmmIi Republican, are requested to give tWo fsui-tions a month, onfil the 1st of luly next.aWl IMrff I heir fra F> -V 1 bens, , . land and Negroes for "Sale. HANDSOME property, uhincumhered, con- nr l Jinil and Negroes, together with crop, a situ die half of e-tract of laml of three hundred acres of the undivided estate of Nancy Blare, also on. tract of land seventy seven number, twelfth div ■rici* of Had County, Georgia, being the real es i.*„ of William M’Gahagan deceased and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the d ceased. GEORGE HAYES,. | sept 23 *285 JOHN (IRAHAM, THOMAS HURST, Executors. , listing of Land and Negroes, tog every kind, and cm in all to about. 12 .ot 15,000 dollars, jNjf ! , , . . . jjsl Honorable Justices of the interior Cour '■'.Ifingltam County, for leave to sell all the iv •state of James Porter, late of said county lee- fur the benefit-bi the heirs and creditors of ski I 'state W.G PORTER. Administrator. jtily 15 156 ii ofjXlSmnger^d^dl are r liatheupper*2n^„ pt Ji tothe cub l«e#ted to present them duly attested, and the «»n.ry_8tor t -the sod welUdapted to the cu . ^ muke ptiyinent . ‘TS'piSSpi Md C<U‘f»Vl» offered for sale on Vorgood paper, well secured, will IForfu^be^sIrticurars, apply to the Editors ol tUeorgiaJournal. :■•/.,• • - e 19 145 . t . T'[\ ' , tLthat valuable tract or parcel of land know n the name of Nelville situated in Sotitli arabeut two miles from Savannah I hi itahsidered one of the best for a Rice plan- in-itaneigliborliffod, and contains Eight 1 and eighty,four acres. It adjoins Mr i Ypung Gen. 1 Huger, and Mr. Nicholas Persons who,m>y wish to purchase will i the premises, A good tittle will be given t times of sale will be reasonable. Appli- lion tobe made to t,; . WM M ALLORY 1 i. .• Agent of Hamlin Mallof;,. |g»V 16 « 285 .r ’ . /ll. . • • ‘ nePubliQ ! iiifovmed that the claim o»,Hamlin Mallory to lie tract of land • if. South Carolina, called ■elville, is now ir\ a,/train,.for Judicial inyestiga- |on, until the termination of which, some risk i« incurved by those who nmy^purchao^r^ dec 2 Y. 23f .J ., ' - Valuable Property forSake. / W, subscriber o|iers for .hls jjropeyt in . Darien, McIntosh County—consisting of fiy. barf Loti, situated in the most eligible quarter we city for business pf avery desoription. debted, to make payment. H. E. KPPlNGEth Extx. JAMES Et PlNGKIi. Bxo oov 28 J*i226tB V LI. persons havingdt maiidsagutnsl tin cstjt of Robert Worrall, jun’r late 01 Suvannai will please present them properly attested—a i.ise indebted to' said estate, are requested make payment PHILIP BRASCII, . , ■ Uual Executor s 216' '... 1 i IN E months afterdate hereof application a M be made to the Inferior <lour 1 of ChiUlu ' ounty for leave to sell a tract of land dra n t liiima^ Capps d^ the late Laud Lot) ■y, situate and being in the fifth district of M.l r/ie County and kno . n by the number 44, for tj benefit of the heirs and creditors of the-.»id 11. j> '.Mpps dec. JOHN VIOHEI., Adut’i J sept 6 7 1 V ■ 1, jn' in. I. . } I. Ui: VS'.-u. . ij -J Robins, (carpenter) lute oFSavoinal... ce. eu, arp requesicd to seule the same, out ail wi n ive liquidated their account-, with Tlinmas H bins, as administrator to said estate ure forbid pa ing the same to any other than tnyse f, as I am t! 0 dy erson who has been authorised to set' le sai estate. WII.SON FULLEJt, Adm'r. estate of Daniel Robin*, feb 18 i.+3 l me city I ALw, Fi\ a lilRt.f nitmtli' .f «f .late application will t X made to the Bank of tile State of Grorglft f ,the renewal of a lost certificate issued by tIt , . ve Bsy Lots iitnmediu'tely back of those l i; a sl,ier <'f said bank, for two hundred shares Me mentioned, and divided from them by; u | capital stock, in said Bank, standing in 1) name-of the Guardians of Sarah H Gilbert. WM G GILBERT. ' SARAH H1LLHOUSE. , Guardians. -jan21~- *foMl6 - - LL persons having demands againsi the e* Atof 40feet, list), one third part o| a.Wharf Lot, in this city, unmanly called llices Wltari) with improve- sntt. Ifor pirtieulnrs enqnjre of Taiomas M. Woob- l«jd, litq’r in Savannah, or the subscriber on Ijlraington Island. ... CHARLES B. JONES. — ^''"Notice;.' 1 / ; ^ery valuable ti^ijt bf.Land in Liberty coun. Dy,situate oh the IsUribujsyRoad,, two ml|es 1 » hslf, ffpitf Rice ,orotigh s coptUning two tdreci and ten acre s This' land is very valua ». «"*- i— an d as well calculS- as any land Jn the county j i . v'.-ri-T owandreasoriabltfj iherdare .“‘l.feyentyVatjd eighty acres cleared an. thefe is also a good dwelling house, l..!Ijiu1# 1 — «»“T)ise» given to tt ying'on said land, o capt Jos. Jones in Liberty. PUBLIC Sales. PUBLIC SALES. City Sheriff’s bales. On the fret Tueiday in April next,. W ILL be sold in front of the Court House be. | tween the usual hours of ten and three o’ clock « All the buildings on lot nnniber 34 thirty four, Sheriff ’s Sales* On the fret I'ucsday in April next, W LL be sold at the Court House in the city of Savannah, between the hours often and four o'clock. The following three 1 Negroes, viz: tlinah, EL Warren ward, b mnded north b) a lane, south by j lick and Purcillnj levied on as th“ property of Wni Broughton St. east by lot number 33 thirty three, | A Moore, to satisfy an execution in favor of the State for the choice of members of the Legisla ture, at the next General Election therein, to administrators of liatt Jones. Also, allThat lot of Land and Improvements in the city of S .vanntih, being sixty feet wide 1 and ninety feet deep known as the No. twenty three 23, in Wathihgton ward, arid which said dot of land was sold and conveyed to Jacob Ftthm, by Henri* etta Almy and her Trustees, levied on as the property bf Jacob F .hm, to satisfy an execution and west by lot number 32 thirty two, levied on as the property of Charles H Hayden, to satisfy an execution for ground rent, in favor of the Trustees of the Chatham Academy, property I pointed out by the defendant. Also, all that range of Stables on part of lot number 17 seventeen and.18 eighteen, Franklin! ward,bounded north by Bryan Street, StJuli I , .. »n Street, enst and west by the other portion of I !n tavor'of the Planters’’ Bank against "scoti fii (nopcise to each and every voter Bt the time of | a»)d lots number 17 seventeen and 18 eighti en. I Fahm, receiving his vote, whether Ite tldsir s that the j hvied on «the property of George -lillen, to I Also, a mul'.tto man named Patrick, Levied, ort choice of said Electors shall be confided to the I satisfy an execution for ground rent in favor of J aa the property of John Pearson, to satisfy ah exe. people or retained by the Legislature, and to re I Frederick S. Fell. j cutinn IVom the Superior court of Scriven county, r jue«t such voter to signify Midi desire by en-1 Also, all that lot of land known in the plan of I in favor qf Levi S. D‘Lyon. ‘ dorsing on his ticket, the word People or Legiela I ’he city of Savannah as lot number ten 10, Jack. I Also, lots numbers eighteen 18, twenty tltrecn lure, according to the truth of the fact j and on | sun ward, containing sixty feet ft-ont and ninety I 23, and twenty six, 26, Kumgsburg, now known c-mniingout the ballots, to'annex to the return I 'eet deep, subject to an annual ground rent to | in the plan of the city of Savannah as Oglethorpe ol the said election by them so transmitted t . the J the Corporation of the city of Savannah, together I ward, bounded east by lot number fit'cen, 15, Executive Department, a true statement 6f th- I ' •*!» all Hie improvements thereon, bounded I south by William slreet, west by lot number votes so given, to the end that the same may be I "orth by South Broad Street, south by a lane east | thirty one, 31, north by lot number nineteen, 19, laid before the next Legislature by his Excellen 1 —‘ —‘ '• L — - ort cy the Governor. And be it further retolved, That his Excellent the Governor be, and he is hereby requested tr eatise this resolution to bepublishe'i without de- l iv, in the several Gazettes of this State, and ti. continue the said publication once a month, unt he next General Election. Read and "agreed to unanimously, THOMAS STOCKS, President, In the Mouse of liepreseniutives, 14th Nov, 1823. ] Read and concurred in. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker. ,\ oproved, 18th Nov 1823. , G. M. TROUP, Governor. G A EDUGIm—Chatham County Touhwhom.t ffmay concern. Whereas, John Dillon, exe ii fi ot Michael Densler, applies to be dischargi 1 om the executorsliip of the said estate. Now these are therefore to cite and admonisi 1 and singular the kindred and creditors of Hi aid deceased, to file their objections (if any they i.v-e) on or btforfe the 5th day of June next j thei wise letters dismissory will be granted to the pplicant ri if ness the Hon. J. P. Williamson, one of itn '•ustices of the said court, this 5th day of Dec. A D one thousand eight hundred and twenty three. L. S. S. M. BOND, c. c. o. ler 5 132 1 1 ‘ Georgia—Effiftglvdin (Jouhty. To all whom it may concern, ,. , 1 W HKRfcAS Daniel Mullet, administrator (i.deon Mullet, deceased, has applied to hy court to be discharged from the administra tion aforesaid,. 1 . i • Now these are therefore to cite and admonish I’ uid singular the kindred and creditor* of the id lieceascd, to file their objections (if any they ave) in my office on or before the 2d day of A fir'll next, otherwise letters dismissory wilt b. (-• rantod to 1 he applicant. ■ Given under my hand and seal this 4fh day ol hctbber, 1823. . JOHN CHALTQN, 0, c. o- b. oct 4 90 fleas 61 Oyer and Terminer, for the city of Su j of Tufts £<J Read, et. al. vannah, Charles Rockwell and A U E Wood, vs. I Also, lot number fire, Spring Hill, containing Thomas N Morel five acres, more or less, in CHatltam couhty, 'evied Also, all that lot of land known in the plan of I on as the property of Catherine IIart8tinr,ti>salisly the city of Savannah, as lot number 18 eighteen, I an execution in favor of Samuel Loper against T. Jackson ward, containing sixty feel front, am j V Gray,administrator of Catherine HarUtuityleo ninety feet deep, subject to annual ground rent I Also, thefollowingseven negroes, vies Chance* to the corporation of the city of Savannah, toge I I.eah, Juliana, Henry, Maria, Leonora and Isaac, iher with the improvements thereon, bounded J levied on as the property of Frederick S. Fell, to north by a lane, south by Hall Street, e«9t by lot I satisfy an execution in favor of Allen McLeari'und lumber 17 seventeen, and west by lot number I lames Wallace,.et. ux. , nineteen 19, levied on as the property of Freder. | Also, one undivided sixth of two undivided ickS. Fell, to satisfy two executions from the I thirds of wharf lot number, eight 8, in Savannah* court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer. | commonly called Rices’ wharf, levied on 4k the for the city of Savannah, John Crane and N Baker I property of Thomas W. Rice, to satisfy two *«»- vs F. S. Fell, and John Crane, and N Baker, vs. I cutions ln favor of Timothy Barnard, F S Fell and Thomas N Morel, security | Also, One large bay Horse, levied on as the pro. Also, all that lot of land known in the plan of I petty of James W. Cannori, to satisfy an execution the city of Savannah as lot number one 1, Heath I m favor of James Rue. coat ward, containing sixtv feet front and ninety 1 Also, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, feet deep, together with the improvement.'. ! contained in the City Hotel, levied on at the tnereon, bounded north by Broughton St. south I property of Oiran Bird, to satisfy an execution in by a lane, east by Barnard Street, and west by lot J favor ot Eleazcr Earley, transferred to J. B. Her. number 2 two, levied on as the property of Wrr> | bert & co. Also,the following three Negroes,viz: Lemp* ster,Phillip andjMurm, and a tract of land in Chat* ham county, called Zuberbelleri’ place, levied on under a Fi Fa on a decree from the Superior Court, as the property of John Francis William Coutvoisee, to satisfy James David Courvoisee* Fox complainant. Also, the following twenty foun Negroes,-vix L.nnoh Unmlnt A r, _ ^.1 . VINE months atier date application >ill to . ” made to the Justices of the Inferior Court' of t : ■■ county of Chatham, for leave to sell a tract of fund, in Habersham county, (2. No. 50) the pro- .arty ot Caroline Procuaor an orpha , NATHANIEL LEWIS, Guardian, dec 26 4257 1 It. Holland, lo.satisfy sundry executions from the 1 ■ Court of Common Wcas and Oyer and Terminer, [/or the city, of fiavabnah, Butter & Scranton and others v« Poii) at fie Holland, and loseph Ropmah, | and others vs Wm it Holland, Gibbons tit. Pouy at & Holland. ' 1 Also, all the Buildings on the Western half ol | lot number, three 3, Green ward bounded nort: by BroughtuiTStreei, south by a lane, east by tin other portion tif said lot number three 3, and wes by lot number 4 four, levied on a* the property of L , „^ c , ouiuiman, Elijah Broughton, to satisfy an: execution from I Vlember,Monday, Maria, Jack and George,and all the court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Termin | 'hat lot or parcel of land, situate in the cournv of er, for the city of Savannah, James Hills ft Johi I Chatham, containing 1 fifty seven $7, acres more Low and. Elijah Broughton, j or less, known by number thirteen 13, Fkirtawn, Also, all the Buildings on the eastern half of |ot I levied on aa the property of the eatate of Thomas umber 3 three, Warren ward, bounded north by 1 Bourke, dec. to satisfy executions jn favor of the Bay street, south by a lane, east by lot number d I B^fifc of the United States, et. al.—property four, and west by lot number .two 2, levied onl as I pointed out by the administrator: the property of Alexander Hunter, to satisfy, tivo | Also, the following six negroes viz: June, Grace* executions from the court of t^jmnion Pleas aed I Harry, July, Dapfiney and Tittlq Harry, levied on Oyer and Te rminer, for the' city of Savannili, I the property of John C Bell to satisfy execu* Thomas Walton and ad mi nisi ra tors of M McLeod, f Hons in favor of Gardner Tufts, Charles West and dec vs Alexander Hunter. j Charle Lowtlier- , Alto, the life estate of Christian D. Leb y, to j hat lot known in. the plan of the city of Sevan nah as lot number 5 five, second Tyjhing Reynold march 6 I.D’LYON, sec. •\ LL persons are cau'iuned in receiving in un; ^P—manner nr paying any consideration for a cer- t.,ii> promisory note! drawn by F. M. Stone, in ft. vor of jno M: Roberts or order for twelve hundred -ollars, dated 20th Nov* 1820, payable.Sixty days atier dale-with interest from the date, and iiulors eil by the said Jno. I. Roberts, and delivered to me. The said notehaving been lost, and renew- since by the drawer. The original note is nut and void. PETER SHIER dec 18 4i.243 A , ard, with the improve menta thereon, levied on as the property of Christian D Leby, to satisfy a< exacution from the court of Common Pleas am Marshal’s Sales, On first 'I'ucsday in April next, I 01 sale* * y * ' . > I A quantity of Household Furnitiirei consisting « I of 1 aofa, 1 doz chairs, 1 side board, 1 lea table* l ’;j 1 dining table, 1 pair card tables, 4 bureaus, 1 car* A tale of Fleming Aikin of 'he county uf Elm iiatri, plante r, deceased, will render them in titii ttested, and all those indebted to the said es>a! will please make payment thereof to George W vicAllister of Bryan county, or Richard W. H- beraham, attorney at law, Savannah, wlio are dul; uthorized to receive the same. ELIZA AKIN, Adm’rx. gk.o. H. McAllister, Adm’r .V 29 EDWARD B, BAKER, , owner inMclntosh county. T P Lambright, lat« of Liberty county, deceased, ire requested to make immediate payments anti those having demands against said estate, will present them legally attested within the time pre scribed by Law to . JOS. LAW, Sen’r. qualified ex’r. - . jan .22 17 |T-otNo. W mnfclhv ”W*jfd with the im 1 IP of James Andersun, late ot Augusta decease i -re requested to present their claims properly a ,ve. I tested, and those indebted to make immediate ,erit' of I payment to 1 1 • JOHN BALFOUR. Administrator. n h 7 194 h-* . Notice. LL persons having any rlemands against the V,estate*of Thomas Lucena, late of Chatham ebunty deceased, are requested to present tlte game duly attested to the subscriber and those in- .dabted tosaid estate, are required to make pay ment without delay to _ ' S M. BOND, Acting adm’r. C. T* A, under orderlof the Court i of: ordinary. \ feb 9 t 13 * v ersops havingdeoiands against the estate ■ B^tprs No^ce; v the estati Wtt Worrall, jr. deceased Will riduly attested, and those in* :e will please: make immediate ,,_«.their amounts will lie placed is *■*,>(, 1 - .ih** 1 _ Hochstrasser dec are requested to .it them , for payment'within the time ,nbed'by law, and all persons indebted to ikfatiaat reauested to make immediate pay* WekVtO JAMBS MORRISON. /march 4 52 . ftuat. admr.gj The Subscriber ik'TZKk ibis opportunity of informing the re* ^we»tatiy4 of the estate of John Beckf aa all other persons claiming 1CH, Executor- i l' proflerty 'ih ‘ tS coutriy of Effingham and re ' - /• 1 IsmSgourdf’.thestatei who have,not returned 5 j vheirproperty to the receiver of tax returns —i i- XT * -• J [ yfeazatejfibSome forward and maketheil J RKrodj-HhAJiiatm 1 | ehit#duor ^ef<»^ tbpMt day of Aprd next-? f ss* ? m<h»; . , f ... dec 4 »§231 Executor’s Notice. 4 LL persons ii'debt. d to'tlic estate of the lat* '\Dr. Robert Worrell, Jr are requested to fnak< immediate payment 'o Mr H\ erson, or to PHILIP BRA SO H, Qual. Ex’or. N. B. The accounts if not paid shortly will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for collectiu un 6 4 . _ , r ,1 .. ... . ls 1 . ar )' | \TS/1LL be sold before the Court House in the tyerandTiTminei for the citv of Savannah, Rich VV city of Savannah, between the usual briuro ard Leak vs. C. D. Leby, and Mary Lebe—pro | 0 f ga i e# ’ ” per' v pointed put by the plantifi’. I .41 so, one negro boy named Patrick levied on as he property ol M m Poythress, to satisfy an ext- I j dining table, 1 pair card tables, 4 bureaus, . ,011.01 from the court ot Common Pleas andOwr pe i, several a.ticles of Kitchen furniture/ arid l and Terminer, tor the city of Savannah, William portrait of Dr. Kollo. k ( also, three nVoes, Mary loor v». Wm. Poythress and David M. F»tts his j Nanny and Eve, and a moiety Of lot No?T, Second ecunt) . ... . I Tyhing,'Reynolds ward, levied on at lhe proper- .dlso, one negro girl named Itoseannah, levieu J ty of. Jacob Miller and George G-Faries, to satisfy un as the property ot Claudia Coachman, to satis 8n execution in favor of George Wramjl ty an execution from the court ot Common Plea- Also, ait that plantation or (Fact of fand, situate and Oyer and I eiuuner, tor the city ot Savatinali,. | ip.Chatham county known by the name of Queens- Nathan Baker v* Claudia Coachman and Wdlium Oglebuy, security ^Iso, sundry articles of Household Furniture, levied on us the property of Wm, R Holland, 1 satisfy two executions for rent, executors of Bar rack Gibbons vs Pouyat & Holland. IVERSONS having demands againste the state f. of ate Matthew McAlister, Esq. are re quested esent them duly attested to the sub ioriber, nd all indebted to make immediate pay ment to . M. H. M’ALISTKR, F.x’r, nov berry comprising the Ephraiu or Orphan House tracts, containing in the whole nine'hundred and ten acres, together with the buildings and im* provements thereon, and also, all tliat tract ofland adjoining the above, containing by resurvey five . , hundred and seventy acres, originally granted to .41.10, one negrp : na.i named Torn, levied on as Inigo Jones, bounded southwardly by a causeway, the property ot John Womack, to sattsly an exe- Hethesda and lands of Wm Allen and Benjamin .... f„ u ..v„r«>air.r.a UMWmcM I stirk. wegtwardly by lands called Nazareth and Euphrata,'northwardly by lands of John Smith* John Curry and vacaqi marsb, and easi wjirdly by if the NOTICE. P ERSONS indebted to the Estat .of Alle- Denmark, dec. are requested to make i-sdtate payment, and those having demanu against said estate will presentltbemj property at tested within the time limited by law. ROBERT BURTON, adm'or ■ MARY DEN MAR, adm’rx. feb 28 48 . Bulloch’Cty. motion in favor of Patrick McDermott and others. A. I D’LYON, c s march 6 54 .Superior Court—Chatham Count) * Mat Tebju, 1823 tVilliam T. Williams, ) t>*. ' , . . i Utile Nisi. Thcrnai ltllroom. ■ | Also, Pennyworth Island, containing about’ 160 wN the petuion of William 1. Williams stai j ., C[ . es 0 j- prime riser swamp land, ofi which ise- - : ,n S th?l 1 homas R Broom, by his certai. J rected a machine for beating rice; ifew and in •ritmg obligatory, bearing date on the sixth da) j complete order, levied on asthd property ofN. of J«me 1822, acknowledged htmself to be heln J Cruger,to satisfy executions in favor of of ’the nd firmly bound and obliged in him in the pena. | Cl .iti.4 skim Rank o.,n J ■ lands of John Curry and the western'shore of the Isle of Hope, levied on as the properly of Wm, McQueen, to satisfy a judgement in favor of the •Marik of the Uriited States- sold at the risque of ■ tlie former purchase ' - t Wanted Immediately, . Geritieman' well,qualified to teach a Schoy X- of about twenty-five Scholars, in a hea!' )hy situation in Btyari County His salary wi 1 b- "Hir hundred and .fifty dollars a year, and boar.i, • ashing and lodging. Enquire of the Rev. Wil ham M'Whir, or the subscriber, boih living n •dvyan County. JNO. J. M AX WELL. march 9 ar56 T LL persons having aity u™.»nu,, \ George Herb, deceased, are requested t hand them in duly attested, and those indebted to his estate are 110 w required to make pay men FREDERICK HF.RB, MOSES CLELANI), Executors. jan 30 fri.23 NOTICE. x^iSf INE months after date application will bt Js^l made Co the honorably the Justices of tin Inferior Court of Chatham county, when sittjny for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Sill that tray of Landcontairii.ig two hundred and fifty acre* more oc less) known as tot No IS fifteen, in ttu second district of Early county; Georgia* being the real estate of Robert M. ,I)urkie, dec «odt< be sold for the benefit of the heirs anti creditor of thesaid deceased. AUGUSTUS F. DURKIB, Adm’or. of ■■■• i ■ ; "'.B.' ! Ml'D«rkie,<lec. . 27 2 (:, , • -• H sum of eight hundred dollars, conditioned for the [ payment of the. sum of tour hundred dollars 01 or before the first day of June 1823, and tliat for the better securing to him the payment of tht -aid sum of money, the said Thomas R. Broou by his certain deed of mortgage bearing evet date with the,said bond, had mortgaged to hip; ail that lot or parcel qf land in Chatham count) and state aforesaid, known in the plan of>the auiu county as Garden lot number eighty, (80) east containing eleven and one half acres more Or less, bounded on the north by the Thunderbolt road and lauds of James Bilbo, on the south fy lands of John Screven, and on the west by a road leading to.lands of col. JameA Johnson and others—and further stating that there is now due and unpaid on the jjaid bond and . mortgage the principal sum of fdfct^hundred dollars wfth hjn terest from the sixth nay of June, eighteen hun dred and twenty two, and praying iheTofefclo sure of the equity of redemption of the sai,, 'Thomas R. Broom, in and to the said mortgaged premises On motion of Habersham, attorney for the petitioner, it bordered, that the princi pal and interest due on the said mortgaged pre mises, together with the costs of this application be paid into this court, within twelve months from; this date, or otherwise that the equity of res demption of the said Thomas K. Broom in the said mortgaged premises be from thenceforth foreclosed, and that auch l'urther and oilier pro ceeciiigs thereon take place as may bf ip pursu snee ot the statute >—j iri such case made ana prtji' | vided. And it is further ordered, that this rule edf. taore-of tlm Gazettes 4f United States-Bank, and oTters. >! Eight negroes, viz. Charles,- Daniel; Lucy and her child* Sylvia and child, Nora ano .Mary* sub* >eci to a mortgage of about seven hundred dollars) levied on as the property of Geo. L, Cope, to sat. '•s>fy an execution in faven of John Bell adminbtra* tor. ... . • , ■ y • 0{«e negro man named Peter, levied onaa the property of Jno Womack to satisfy an execution in favor of United States Bank. 1 JNO H. MOREL, m d a, march 6 53 1 . , Marshals Sale. . On the first Tuesday in April next, ILL be sold at the planfstion of Qeo.iL, r> Cope, Esq between the I ours of 1 and 2«oh •dock, 14 head of neat Cattle, i4 bead sheep, levied on as the property of said Cope* to satisfy AA exe cution in favor of Bell, ad tin in is: nit or. * JNO. H. MOREL*'m d al march 6 5.j *.* -v? Tobacco 5 Hhds prime Leaf Tobacco 100 bundles Hay For sale by t«b 26 t 46 GEO^* > N. ■ Notice* ,■ jETER R. CLIFTON, having petitioned the (Ipn. tlie Court of Ordinary of Bryan Coun ty, to direct the Executors ofGodhilf Smith, dec. to make him title to a certain Tract of Land fywtg 1 A j men that l culture veral yparf pfoyment kbis chi^F object mid terms will 1 be 0 t y few. A line left at the post office directed % if fU3aH4^khtftnKB|F etteatiott* ! * ** J » jaa 9 Jwt wjdun the time Uih! feb 14 mU a red «$*ms JOSHUA mvip,