Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, April 06, 1824, Image 1

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g. mtyj m >To SO ..~Vol» XXiI. TUESD.iY EVENING, APRIL 6, 1824. Whole No. HOUSES* LAMBS, &c. s |Xb Rent. „ . The Store corner ot Draytoh an<l Mflnay street next door to Mr Trachelitis’ ■ asunerioratandfora Grocery Store. 1»M Apply to T. BARTOW. •"#21 191 Orleans Square For Sale, or to Rent. Two neat tenements, with com- fortuble out buildings Oh Lot No. 21, Warren ward, lately the property of J A .Esq. Apply toT) T. Hall, Sav- - | WILLI A** POPE, Sen. May lliver. So. Ciu oct 29 201 . ' J . ^~ ATHENS HOTEL. . B The subscriber lilies this meth , 0( t to inform thte -pubHc generally, and ♦ nartioulurly persons from the low coun* 1 try, who may visit the up Coilntry in Hr hpulth or pleasure, that he will uc- commodate gentlemen and ladies, or families with wrd bv theday, week, or month, on easy term*. Sine need be sald •» recommendation of A- S° n, either in mgs rd to the healthfulne*. of the ' salubrity of atmosphere, or agreeable and | jEint iSety, In all these particuW stand. i ? The Swing will be the rates of charging, via. I ‘ Man and Home, per dgy, » 1W ii (I. M M 'Mr WCCICf - „ « *« « «month, Single man, per dayi t u u » reck, | „ «< « month, [ Dinner, breakfast, supper, &p. rf/>dpng, | Horse, pet day, I « “ night, I « <* month, CWW """‘""'‘"“’ ,, *V P SrO E VATF.3. ernt 50 188 ! ^4 The Editors of the Auguiti Chronicle end Savannah Itapublican, are requested to give two [ insertions a month, until the *i*t of Juiy taext, and forward their accounts to Athena INK months after date application will be ! made to the honorable the Inferior Court of I VkohamUouniy, when sitting for ordinary pur- .j poses, for permiassion to sell the following real estHtw, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of N. 8, Bayard, deceased, viz: One undividedfourth of a tract of Land, contain* j ing about 500 acres, on Cumberland Island, Cam* den.County, known as plum Orchard—and an un. divided fourth of a certiun Tjnet of .Land situate, said Island, containing about 500 acres, origin nted to Gen. Lechland McIntosh, and bounded on the south by the said Plum Orchard Tract. Also a plantation called Lottery Hall situate on »Ogeechee Hnntl, 3 miles from Savannah, con* ning about 600 acres. N- J* BAYARD, Adm’r Eat. N. S. Bayan noylO 2U ^ > NE nionths. after date t shall apply to the foe i luni Honorable Justice of the Inferior Court of Effingham County, for leave to sell a tract of land lying in the county of Henry, belonging to the estate of Emanuel Kahn, late of Effingham coi deed, for the benefit of the heirs and'creditors of mid cstttci JACOB GN ANN, jr. Administrator fuiy25 356 . [feTtNB ffioifths after date up'fiUuatlon will oe La made to the honorable tlie Justice of the In- L'ripr Court of Effinjgham County when sitting for gl 1 «3 1 25 1 00 5 00 18 00 9 12 00 trset of land seventy seven number, twelfth dis trict, of Hall County, Georgia, being the real es tate of William M’ftahagnn deceased and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the de ceased, JOHN GRAHAM, THOMAS HURST, Executors. sept 23 *385 'Land and Negroes for Sale r\ HANDSOME property* unincumbered, con JtX sisting of Land and Negroes, together with Stock of every kind, and the growine crop, a* mounting in all to about 12 or 15^000 doTlant, situ* ate in the upper country, and well calculated f<* a country Store—the soil well adapted to the cul* tivation of Corn and Cotton, is offered for sale on accommodating terms. grBank Sock, orgood paper, well aecured, will ^ IWfurther'partlculars, apply to the Editors of be Georgia Journal. £>jtme 1» 145 Effingham County, for leave to sell all the real estate of James Porter, late of said county- deed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate W.G. PORTER. Administrator. july.15 156 l-tvro rts.t awnll i day 'll tokeml I thcijl ihe 6ntl icIinJl oiety i| htp? iunll I sell SO! iterci remised rom thi|| i equiwl It SiT.ll Wjtf.1 her pro-1 the gei»-| uvidcd-l 'tblislidl asl outll uymectl ■ stive4| legilr east sil | sorder- Chill. I niutjr, , & 1131. ctort nni I (’'States,! 'redclTip* I till) ICO W | iby.#l rgia, fV : ir* iiep l, Ji I deceased. I ed on Hit I l hiiwW llIUtertoL Ma'theyr I pVORliS^' t Allister.w order, lo' I paid hot* I ami is P*l‘ 1 mort?. 1 ^ | •<1, and Allister b el'S i'S v ' r '» | and owinS I iicipn 1 1“® I mtheW iitioners, < and cosU-l sea he P* lJ I this eJenip 1 * 011 [ om I mce of J? I C l. Am'. 1 - .tiliah'd te «t JfifJ For Sale, 4 LLthat valuable tract or parcel of land known by the name of Nelville situated in South jlina about two miles from Savannah. This ‘ “* plan* iTitomaa Young. Gen. Huger, and Mr. Nicholas ICrtiger. Persons who may wish to purchase will I examine the premise®# A good tittle will be given I and the times of sale will be reasonable. A I eation to be made to WM. M ALLOl Agent of Hamlin Mallory uov 16 225 The Public ' I S informed that the claim of Hamlin Mallory to the tract of land ir. South Carolina, called j Nelville, is now in a train for Judicial lnveatiga ! fion, until the termination of which, some risk I wilt be incurred by those who may purchase. 1 WML. DAVIS, dec 2 237 . • ' Valuable Property for Sale. T HE subscriber oilers for sale his propert in Darien, McIntosh County—consisting of five Vharf Lots, situated in the most eligible, quarter of the city for business of every description. Also, Five Bay I .ots immediately back of those Ibefore mentioned, and divided from them by ~ 1 fteet of 40 feet. h Also, one third part of a WharfLot, in thiscity, fcommonly called Rices Wharf) with improve Tients. For particulars enquire of Teonas M. Wood hk, Esq’r. in Savannah, or the subscriber on Wilmington Island. CHARLES B. JONES. 1 *218 Notice. . Very valuable tract of Land in Liberty court, kty,situate on the ^unbury Road, two miles land a half fmni. Bice (trough; containing two I hundred and ten acre a Tiiis land is very vralua- I hie for cotton, rice and corn, and as well calcula* j l>:tl tor tbst culture as any kuut in. live county; I the condition* are low ami reasonable ; there ace Ibetween seventy and eighty sens elected and |>tnderfence, there is afaso egnud dwelRag house, "n'l all necessary out buHifingn an the premise*. usHirbu* tide* wiH be given 0» Cite pntdmsaw a iKsnwjr*«:es. fymir on swd I-ukL E«r forther “Stuhrs appty cap*. A* Jowea in Liberty aty.orta Sf»WARB H. S&KK8, omnain HeMnsheasaty. -- For Saif... RJ Frankfm. wiinfiwitfii (he ititonsaa snbject 0® »|G*w*d “^.Doitine Mr muuunh Sf -pahkkale. Btea*»tfoi*fesaig»Wi IMI# • Ta React Executive Department f Geo• M1LLKDGEVU.1.E, 2lst Nov. 1823 ® RDERED, That the subjoined Resolution be pubhshed once * month, in each of the Ga* senes ot this State, until the next General Elec* j tion, ELISHA WOOD, Sec’rv. IN SENATE, 12th Nov. 1823. WBKR*i3 it is desirable to ascertain the wish es ofthe citizens Of this state, as to the mode of I choosing Electors of Preside ‘ _ dent of the United States i of Rynacntativa oftht Stateof tkolliain lleiie That it shall be the duty of the Utsw Office of the Marine and Fire In surance Company, SavatuvAH, 4tli February. 1824. PUBLIC SALES. - heriff's Sales. able in sixty days from 23d No. . Cit On the fttt Tuesday in Jttay im'ri, W LL be sold in fro t ofthe Court House, lh the city of Savannah, between the usual | hours of 10 ana 4 ./clock, Ail the Stock in trade of Hector* M'Donald, Isgistrates who shall preside at the several Elec- tions to be held in the different counties of this state for the choice of members of the Legisla ture, at the hext General Election therein, to propose to each and every voter at the tiihe of receiving his vote, whether he desire a that the choice of said Etectora shall be confided to -the 8. J oryan, payable in sixty vember, 1823, for four hundred and fifty dollars, I _ _ »»the said acceptance is the property of this com-1 consisting of Hard Ware, Ltqusrs «e levied on as pany and has been either lost or improperly taken! the property of Hector M'Donald to ssti«(y am •way, j execution for rent, in favor of the trustees of Mm GEO. SCHLEY, President. S G Jones. feb 5 28 | Also, one negro woman named Suky, levied on as tb.e property of David Irvine, to satisfy an exe cution from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah, John D. , jallbt people or retained bv the Legislature* and I Guest such voter to signify such desn I doming oh his ticket, fob word People t turn, according to the truth of the feet; and on counting out the ballots, to annex to the return of the aaid election by them so transmitted to the Executive Department, a true statement of the Votes so given, to the end that the aame may be laid before the next Legislature by his Excellen cy the Governor. ^ u..o.»n tr ,yaiSfcS!uas>4? 1 ■s^!; l *jsssgg two hn^ acrcs adJo mng Jenkms land, 4so cause this resolution to be published without de* thehaifofatract of land of three hundred acres |«y,in the several Gaaetteiof this State, and to ofthe undivided estate of Nancy Blare, also one | continue the mid put* cation once a month, unti the next General Election. Kcftd aikI agreed to uiMUMtDouAlVa THOMAS STOCKS, President. In the Bouse of Representatives, 14th Nov. 1828. Read and-concurred in. DAVID ADAM8, Speaker. Approved, 18tb Nov. 1833. G.Mi TROUP, Governor. Office of the Marine and Fire In surance Company, Savahnao, 5th Feb. 1834, T HI8 Office will insure cotton between Augus- j ta and Savannah, in boats ofthe Steam Boat | Company, at one quarter of one per cent premi “ shandia ‘ ^ Dole, va. David Irvine. Also all that lot of land, known in the plan of the city of Savannah as lot No. six (7) Columbia ward, subject to an annual ground rent to the Corporation of the city of Savannah, with the ini" r*n U Z I P cr cent « c °K»ing to circumstances. On pole I S?. 0 "’ /Tift W b , y '“sSSkIS iirnifv iTirl. I h°»t» plying between said places, one halfpercent, t W 1!ot . N .° *?'?" (7) S by a lane North by fcl ,nd HP* sr3, Wl11 be .ch»>is«l. agreeably to the I “"3*5! •thte Word People or Legisla-1 condition of Uie boat and the character of the I ^ orc um, and merchandise at one quarter, to one half iupwa I condition of the boat patroon. . GEO. 8CHLEY, President. fob 5 cn28 Runaway, F ROM the snbscriber,a Negro woman named , _ . ■ , i « Eliza, formerly the property of Benedict and | "F 00 !" 1 ”! 1 **• “ “7 lot No. 39 [ Isaac Youngi between 21 or 22 years of age, five feet four or five inches high, stout well made, dark ^complexion, right fore finger first joint off A reward of Five Dollars for her apprehension, or Twenty dollars if found harbored on conviction; she is well known in and about Savannah, she has | since her absence had a child—runaway some! time in Janaary last. JA8. 8ANDERLIN. aprii 2 77 Administrator’s Notice. P ERSONS indebted to the estate of Robert Dreghorn, (late Merchant, Augusta) deceas- , .. ■ i. ■ »■ ' ■■■ - I EOUGtA—Chatnam County. To all whom it I ■- _ . _ INK months after date, I shall apply to the I \Tmay concern. Whereas, John Dillon, exe-1 ed, are requested to make immediate payment to M Honorable .fusticea of the Interior Court of I cu tor of Michael Densler, applies to be discharged I the subscriber in 8avunnah, or to his attorney Mr. rV*M*ifiu Ai* laova fen call all tlwi raa! 2 a* at .... t* * 1 la .... ° 1 fHJODPO tl/Diflf! !..* ! n A.w..,^a M ...Sla *at«!l | from the executorship of the said estate. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tbe kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) on or before the 5tli day of June next \ otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the Applicant. Witness the Hon. J. P. Williamson, one of the Justices ofthe snid court, this 5th day Of Dec. A GEORGE WRAGG,jun. in Augusta, orsuitawill I JbefbUowinR pi be tomitaenced indiscriminately, and those who I be J®£ e d, J’ ghton-st. levied on as the property of John -I, to satisfy an execution from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer ami Terminer for the city of 8avann«h, James Fowler vs. John Morel. Also, *11 the buildings on the western third park of lot No two (.2) Jekly Tything,.Darby Ward; and also all the buildings in lot No. forty (40) Warren Ward, bounded north by a lane, south by Broughton tt. E by lot No. 39 thirty nine; W by l.incoln-st. levied on as the property of Char led H- Hayden, to satisfy two executions for rent, the Trustees of the Congregational church or Meet ing house of White Bluff and Jno B Uerthdot vi. Charles H Hayden, and also to satify two execu; tions from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah, Jno P Williamson vs. C H Hayden, and James Wells vs. same. ^ A. LD’LYONj c.s. aprii3 Ys ...... , ' City Marshal’s Sale. On Tuesday the tfunl of Mlty. W ILL be sold in front of the.court house, be tween the usual hours of 10 and 3 P M, the following property, if the fines ate not paid have Claims upon said estate are repeated to i present them properly attested. WM. TURNER, Admr. The Augusta Chronicle, will publish the above [ once a week for three months and forward their ] I account to this office, oct 18 fcwl96 nov 28 t oayiL P H. B. EPPINGER, Exrx. JAMES EPPINGER, Exor. <x226fa D. one thousand eight hundred andtwenty three. Super i 0P Ceurfr--Camde» County decs* * 132 ' . ‘ I March T*rk, 1824. Georgia—Effinghaiti County. J WiihamBeme fjeSSSJS' I f] QN the petitfon.orwttterie, rtatingthat on the 9th October 1822, in the turn of Five Huh* those indebted to said estate, are requested'to make payment. PHILIP BRASCH, Qual Executor, nov 8 210 . , . tfINB months afterdate hereof application wit 1 be made to the Inferior Court of Chatham County for leave to sell a tract of land dra *n by Thomas Capps deceased in the late Land Lotte ry, situate and being in the fifth district of Mon- roeCountyand known by tbe number 44, for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of the said Thos. Capps dee. JOHN MOREL, Adm’r. sept 6 7 *q*q*iTll. discharged | tion aforesaid. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish I all and singular the kindred said deceased, to file their objections have) in my office on or before ;>ril next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand and seal this 4th day of October, 1823. JOHN CHALTON, c. o. o. t. e. oct 4 90 uridines lot letter H. situated in that part of the city for merly called St. Gall, now Oglethorpe ward boun ded E by Laurel*tt. S by lot letter F- West Uy A lane and N by levied upon as the prop erty of Mrs Mary Garnett to satisfy two fines ini* S nsed by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city, of avannah upon her intertaingnegroes on Sunday^ Also, asrnall building on lot No 32, Warred ward, bounded E by Price St. 8 by a lane, W by lot No 31 and N by Congress St. levied on as the P roperty of >he estate of Peter Favard, to satis- r a fine imposed by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, against said estate for oiffi of the slaves driving disorderly. , F M. STONE, ck, aprii 3 78 . ... . ‘ City Marshal’s Sales. and creditors of the 1 P 9 ^ * ,lh ? tere8t f ™" ** On thefrtt Tu/etdayin May next, Sections (if any they J on the first day of January then next insuing, did I wnrT| LL be wld in frim. ofthe coin House be- we the 21 day of A. ] m«tgage tothe swd Henry his heir, and aAnA.1 \\ tw , en 10 and 3 o’clock, the tolling P r,». f° * ecu f re th « P»yment ot the note aforesaid Willi | {K . rly if the tflXes are not pflid before , hat ( fay. interest on the same—a certain lot of kind in the town afbresidd being part of lot No. beginnini at the west comer of a lot belonging to one Ca! via Hayes, thence running south 100 feet on St. Marys street, thence north to Bryant St. thence — ——I : -rrr—v» -- I east to C Hays’ line, thence south to the beginn- INL months alter date application will be I ing. with the margin attached to tbe same oo the made to the Justice* of the Inferior Court ot I g 0 yp, g j de 0 fg lk {J - vied upon as the property of the estate of Thos. B Lloyd, to satisfy lire city tax of said e- tate for the-yeur 1823; amount tax 5542 75 and cost tfAlu LL persons indebted to the estate of Dame; Robins, (carpenter) late of Savannah, decens* ed, are requested to settle the same, and all who have liquidated their accounts with Thomas Ro ^ , , „„ iiins, as administrator to said estate are forbid pay-.l A LL persona are cautioned in receivinjgih any 26lh of Sept. 18^ w ing tbe same to any other than myself, as I am the'I -^manner <>r paying any consideration for a cere I mortgage to the petioner; that there is now due oifly person who baa been authorised to settle said I tain promisory note, drawn by F. M. Stone, in ft* I «t< wud mortgage the sum of Five Hundred Dol- eilltc, I vor °F Jno. I. Roberts or order, for twelve hundred I lara with interest from the lit January 1822, and Julian St. levied upon as the property of Joseph A Scott, to satisfy his city tax for the yea* 1822; ax 211 69 59 and cost; feb 18 WILSON FULLER, Adm’r, eatate of Daniel Robins. i-f3 t, ,w20, payable sixty days I praying for the foreclosure of the equity of | after date with interest from the date, and indors I demption, in the snid John Clu-Utopher, his ht ■ toilers, dated 20th Nov,_ 1820, eres '.•1.1 i tHREK montiii ante application will bi; made tothe Bank of the SUte of Georgia for the renewal of a lost certificate issued by the Cashier of said bank, for . two hundred shares rit the capital stock, in said Rank, standing in the name ofthe Guardians of Sarah H Gilbert. WM. G. GILBERT. SARAH HILLHOUSE. Guardians. jjtn 21 **0*16 /\ LL pevKins having demands against the cm jA tate of Fleming Aikin of the county of Chat ham, planter, deceased, will reader them in duly .nwirerf, and »«those indebted to the said eatate will please make payment thereof to George W. Mr A Winter of Bryan county, or Richard W. Ha betsham, attcroey at law, Savannah, who are dulr authonxed to receive the some. BUZ A AKIN, Adm’r*. geo. a. McAllister. Adm’r. ica,y 29 . . ! ed by the said Jno. 1. Roberts, and delivered to ] me. The said note having been lost, and renew* | ed since by tbe drawer. The original note is null and void. PETER SHIRK- dec 18 3t243 Executor’s .Notice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of the late TLDr. Robert Worrell, Jr are requested to make immediate payment to Mr. Rverson, or to PHILIP BRASCH, QuaC.E.t’or. N. B. The accounts if not paid shortly will be. placed in the hands of an Attorney for collection, jap 6 4 , P ERSONS having demands agniiiste the state] of ate Matthew McAlister, E«q are re* j quested icnber, ad mentto an* and assigns in the mortgaged remises and t! On-Lotion re* heirs i t the .. . _ g*R< same be foreclosed according to law, cf Belton A. Copp, attorney for petioner, it is or dered that the principal and interest due on the said mortgage together with tbe costs of his ap* iicantabe paid into this court within twelve months'feom this date, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said John Christopher his heirs Executors, Administrator*, and assigns be from thence forever foreclosed and that ouch other procedinga take place as are pursuant to the stat uie—Audit is further ordered that this rule be published in one of the Gazette* of this state tit. I Also, two veiy prime negroes, Solomon an least once « month for twelve month* to, the time I John, levied qn as the propercy of (no, Womack; appointed for the payment of said money into J to satisfy an execution in favor of Henry M'A.'piri Court. t against Jno, Womabk and Wra. M. Craig. A true extract from the minutes. J • I8AAC D’LYON; s.c.c. amount tax git Also, one negro woman named named Dora: levied on as Uie property of Samuel Itusrell, to satisfy his city taxes tor the years 1820, 1821, lb22 and 1823, amount Tax K41 31 and costs F M. STONE, c tc. aprii 3- ■ 78 , SheriflPs Sales. On He ( first Tuesday in May nexi. W ILL be sold at the Court Roust in Savan nah, between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock: Five negroes, Ceaser, Hannah, Joe, Ruth; and Harriet, under k fi fa on forec osure in lavor of Davies and Berrien, against Joseph U, Haber* «bam. . d tec-ent them duly aitesCed to the sub- ait indebted to make immediate pay* I M’ALISTt R, Ex’r. j U H. P RgiQMB isdebied to tbe atste at -laoaes Lambtixte, Lt* of Uhfsty ooooty, decesszfi. NOTICE. F ERSON8 indebted to the Estate of AUcr. Dc.-nteuk, dec. are requested to make im-1 mediate paymeftt, *nd those having demands | rerytested fo mke euwsdiato psymeot; aodl-Wtate mysneat, and those bamng demands scz&ed by La»sa isr JOSL LAW, Rrn’r. qniifertexV feb 28 WWEK1’ BURTON, adm’or MARY BENM AK, adn/irx. 48 llaBod* Ccy. UmTboStmXL Broom, by his certaii- ! prc|*ervy of l*emp«;y 8-amlland, at the suit .of foliimiwy, beariiur date on the sixth day 1 Ibomav Waters; and returned to me by a ctonsta- ia22,Aofo*^fedg^ himself to beheld pl«- - * * * Ate, S50 acres dfhttd add ibipbovementsildri. JTcUfJjflJoaJ ^ . ads qgwast Vm exitate ’aflEBBras Aftdrriwgh toe <** Jfaqyasta dteoBeayj ! etowexted tm fax****. ifeareteM projaemiy *t- usOat* vaUftasA feifieitsei to aarfas raaraeuEuXe WJHi TS-t gprac. Ota SJCfSSJS. U A3RfSjp m a.maes (girattitSkim. TSelmat j ■ J*fia»i***. VBilfi&EjpjKBi.aa ttr' iforlilte,, TOE3P HAijemsat. mmaC «n£s latawanc sfes cS^f'iElmmarAam tfCWbri’ ‘ ijje' issgneaia® to pnenwa; tJbe tetoie smbsEaSher *i>tttdteoae &&* 9*7- , . .9 n.wm A* «Bfarswte*df «hs |K W*»»—_ Witubed Immediate^ i Gewtkflww tacit qmwdkd to teach a School V of dboot tweniy-fivt SdiUlta^' m * heah | dqr-iitoaifoiiniStyra Omtaty Mta-.ufeeywi.1br u«rhwMital fifty AmUok * year, raai baani, 1 maSdhK md ®»9Wc «f the Bev. Wii- tern «r £ wbacrStvc, iteib *r. Urj-iwCSazKy. JND.J- MAXWELL ssutehfe trtS Lt. pexwta) hsw«e an, i Mi peawao Ersvigj itay deiaanL agoiat* /\ Gecege fSeab, AeoerawL «*« coqeeswd to teoiatemriB «4uly iCKi*te4^acnS Aase fodrfetoo 1 to IkSaeafate »*£ swwe-eqtwed M0.SE3 CLBLANEA, 1*2* r pwiculrasn B ■.&. thtatirSan- oftW^I ( cujft EBecvitorx: No1b£sv- k ^petsoiw. ffimng; d*wtnnlsajpoi»dft tbcitdhto M * ( tarl*ae Itohaa: WmnIL if- Saxomst tad* itdkemdhf* atowmift, owl tfoata m- estatte will aferae nt*S» nmtonlfntii |L c*’ “foerwHo- tfieir aocaant* wift. ftta'gBmed [ oCa» atsnmtey foecnffieeUnBa^ t.AV. # sam xnsrsose. On. Rah®. _ :BUitfeee8teSe nresunr: thorn ipnpn>8«t nwltii* <fos ■* “■'- tg raamhtt'nrifeflntoi #.o Efiaemrdbe isrwereSiote mj* Umit-irm S&.VBS WHttfiSMIN, masBh.4: «3. . , rdmn. JOHN BAILEY Clerk. Jrffmois, \&th March, 1824 Superior Court—Chatham Count}.] Mat Tram, 1823. tVitlicm T. Williams N «i. Jv Rule Alii, Thrsnas R. Broom. 3 O N the petition of William T. Williams sta( vmting obli of June U? . , and firmly fecund olid obliged in him in the pena sum of eight hundred doUfera, conditioned for the paymest of the ram of four hundred daites on or before the first day of Jitnc 1823, and that for the better securing to him the payment of tbe -tad mbm of money, the said Thomas R. Broon- by fits certain tlned cf mortgage bearing even date with tbe fJd bond, bad aiartgageii to him aUtfsat tat orpraociof fend in CfiaSiam county usrJ state rtbt'ecakJ, known in tf« plan of the saiu, cownW a* Garden tat cumber eighty, (80) east, cewtsweng eleven asd one beaches aoceoi less, bounded oa tbe north bygOe Thtindatofe noad sndtoads taf Jsmiis RiiMpte tftesobtb hi Iwrife nf MaSaews, sdd on the \#hst »«y „ to Jaivdaofetal. Jsmea JcStyxxn «»«*—*so ftrtlver stafmg that tfca* aa»d eajiMdffltt die said band jand sndrtg/igs pnudfHl MMn cf four tnuutoed tetest fewtt the sixth day of Jnto^#j|p)ep Info- dro4 nM WoiiMy 6w<V fomseld moe of Dbe equity of/redejmrtfoajtr fte dffal tfesnons R. fiMtn, in anl to aiSd TOwtgxgevi awsiti <V« nmdsn of Haberjfoan, tartthe prttWiwrte*; rt isahdetgMC Otat '««<* ptibaa- pd id mSaeatdae on the said mortgaged pre* aprii 3 78 Sheriff’s Sale. On the first TuesfayUn May next, . , . X'XT'ILL tie st>ir!hefoj«M;he cuart tiousi-, in Ball W loci) county, between the usual hours of * • ■' * • a two hundred acres of lann, tying on Blabk iltcek, levied <>n by virtue ofm atteciiraeoi, ra the NOTICE. dSkee diate.'s?|pBw«wa w8ht M u&aide -Jostioes eftihe Mfooar oarstt*!fGao«M»» oteiiqh.iww t&fag „ _ . .. far<r^nyywri»*sca,tftcSewstract l ueres, VsgtStsex wiCblhe ccsurf tSus sppiieutiw of LaadeewSafoWfe' tstoh*wfertd<»rt!«fty«a»a,|ibe 5 i*i4 Sto Um coart, wfehra twelve sapwths nraoewrferav'iatrawn.rtoite Sta. |*difeoern,iwi «bd tfc^Gieeqb^ycf res ‘ “ * ' jdeanflttostfttesaaThdmra tt, Boooia m racdbien utiffi toedSUas ysenhp*^0mmay' mminn tftos; csnsoT ami a* ttpLMMnmml «SB ed«DH f>' -' .TC VK4S U'Tv evoe ftotond wufaetfaer txxtm. Apia, toato-r •‘ease raoraA dSsWrttaf 0artjr ecesW,©»«:i thewmderttoertf SWWertM. Shwiagii «te5.«riU ./raK^Yfirarefiaeodfitnfahe fcefcsiatal cas<S6« dfiaasMilitfiooeaseL ■ AtJGcanrtja rsbosebl foaorftec.of K.M.OariKtfedec. A rmut&tR is wkH w;oc»»«rt«f ijoftb •ttratfe t®» inku t.eKrcrts ■dt'fret.m vox*, .totec tea few®. *e: vataij^wNiEhOhid: ifiKs:iKS£:»e an' tweeleoci e'rii- ties# des^Gtonf xtesadlBittaww tt. Booom m die sail ««0te£cxl pmemises fee from tbenoefarth totecWed, awd that such fortihrir sod tatter pro- ptfeewto tote'|*w**.fewfc fee io mmv tbe statute is .s»dh ferae. ro*de raid pro- IlMdb Asada.M&otSter tills tslW tejafefoteiSteimfoor*aswexof the GareijOes.of ,-tJjierSv.vtesoi*, once,* raowth ivr taeive eswp&t time •ajvpiSirte'd foe the atfcsrt^s stisarta feiffige <te«J5pfe«M taftfee xaidthhSji . . . , . 'CSiEvTCu*. lra>w vre I , • JQ& T SHSiSL , B$, tSertt im ed on as the property of Sarah Hallman, to satis. Cy execution* in fever of Archjh*ld l-ewis. . AtoH a tract of land and inmrovertients; lying i« Mill Cffetfe, levied on as tne proper 1 }’ of Re- bec<« Mikel, to satisfy executions issued h.ta:hat •fuseph Hagtn, in favpcof foe stale *nd county. S AMUEL SLr-TER, 8 is a. apri|2 77 1 Executors bales. , On tbe first 2'uesday in May next. AT .TLL baotold before the C<wrt House In Rice'- * * boro, Liberty County; fcetwth thelsafol jlttff* of rate, the following Negro slaves, viz: »jtep,Cinda and lock her child; Luke, Jute ■Matltdai.S&Vy. See. Frank; Jinney, and Hannah '■aafl.flora ber two children, Tom and Anson— Sold by. prtier ofthe Justice cf the foffeiibr Court 1 tif .Cmtojar OotetM *te benefii of tl* {, e ire .tadiitedten w the estate of Ju«. £. SVaser deed; • aQBJEKT McilNTOSH, im 'Executor. r 52 Tobacco and Hay. • FOrealefey . C.EO. :t t» JT, tob S6 6 48 . Ij'j-TiTER $1. ClJPTGSili b»>iTig petitioned the Jf 1 '&&*, -ite -Goiirt: of Ordinary .of B ;yan Coini^ ty;to diiroc* the f^eoutorra bf Godbstt Stawtb; dec; ta hriafce (hiin title t« n certaih Israel of Land lying .in Coatify, -and he feaving produced « bowd. given by the Jiatd. Gudhiif SanSth, to «tate title fi* fi«id JaXuJl. _ • Ati persons ihterMled; art; tbercfovc request. c»| to take notice.tiiat tjie raid fcxecutors, will hti directed to iwtetttieG if rtuebjehtiwaare filed; wbutitedait! imr-lgyh*.. fthM $75