Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, April 08, 1824, Image 1

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Kt ...-Vol. XXII. TUUiiSlUY ErEXiyti, Avail a, 1824. Whole No. 4404* HOUSES, L/VNlfcV & c » i. * To Rent. . j >ti ; ,Jiy^rf Lot No. 6. Keynold Warcl, known T ^amx’s wharf, possession given the Kril JNovrmber-Apply t6 ^ ^ STf) p ( hutei. ”“ li - The subscriber Lake* this *netb* n(110 inform the public generally, anil •nurticulsrly persons from.the lo" coun- lrv v/ju. may visit the up country in I*'***..i,|, nr pleasure, that lip will nc. ufSUI ' uti gentlemenarid 4aiUes, or fomilies with om Thu .he ilav, week, or month, on easy terms. ,j r( j by tlu i ^ y . recommendation ot A- ' bri’tv of atmosphere; or agreeable:«ml *U these particulars it stands ■place, sal viz. JI'INE months after date application will b - *.• miidc todhohonorable the Inferior Obuyt of | jphatham Qyunty, when sitting for oftfiWfi pui> poses, for permission to sell the following real estate, for the benefit of trie heirs ami creditors ot thte eat «of N. S. : Bayard, deceased, viz s One undivided fourth of a tract of Land,’contain- tf about 500 aci't., on Cumberland Island, Cam len County, known ap Plum Orchfutd-^and an un divided fourth of a ; cert880 Xiaet of Land. situate on said Island, containing about 500 acres, origin ally granted to «Geii. Lechlaml McIntosh, uni bounded on t|tb smith by the said Plum> Tract. .;),: l ni,i', , l vtfJ 1.* > 1 . Alsu a plantation called Lottery Hull situate on j the Qgeechee Road, 3.miIe8,from Savannah, cot., tainitig about 600 acres. N j. BAYARD, AdtU’r list N. S Uavar nov 10 I «V sl-ltn.-. " , ®Jfl^(!\E riiriltUii^hferdate' t'aiiuit appty lo th Jkvl Honorable Justice of the Inferior Court » JIM M bw** 1 pe' day, « «. wpek, «.month, Haiti month, st, supper, 8sp. «ofse, per day, ’ « “ inghf, ii • , mnnth,f Children i 188 GKOfit 1 21 1 00 .5 00 18 00 37J 12 00 I AYES, . The Editors of the Augusta Chronicle and I c^.nahHepublicarf, are requested to give two Elions a month, until the St of luly next, and lfhrward their accounts to A'hens. To Refit. . The Store curlier bt Drayton and P??f Hay street next door to Mr, Trucheluts’ Orleans Square For Sale, or to Rent. Two neat tenements, with com Ifur&ble out. buildings on Lot No. 21, J ill Warren ward, lately the property of J A H,?4iscotl, Esq. Apply to D. T. Hall, Say> r.ien or WILLIAM POPE, Ben. May Itrver. So. Ca. ,ES. LUltyl .823. f prsyr edtrci «ed 201 „.nd and tfpgroBa for Sale. HANDSOME property, unincumbered, con- wjtiugof Land and Negfes, together with Stock of every kind, and the growing crop, a- noting in all to about 12 or 15,000 dollars, al'"- in the upper country, and well calculated, tor, Laur.tryStore—the soil well adapted to the cut. 1 .fan Corn and Cotton, is offered for sale on fjto*«oc*f'»rgood paper, well secured, will; '"''"“'y'rfurther particulars, apply to the Editors of; etleorgia Journal. ,, . J une 19 145' . a. - ■ ■ • i - i tWe| r<>, t vwn 1 day Me .1 tllil the li bed a iQiely f S»v ingni Q, toffl ,s on i* .1 acini j ntercif irerciu I'roin l|l e eqnij et Sir I Win] iherpi 'lliegef rovidi: mblishd just on] naymel r servf legal ( least 1 is oide C\erld k \S , j ounty ii .«•! NISI-. actors i ed Stal r reden known a avby v ,rgi», < tin<te? dcce.s tyd on I n iiundt] Allistsrlil Ma'tlwl promi^l Allk« order, said, r and is I ; mot'ig :d, and i Allister I iers hsv'H ami ownl ncipaU'l ,m the . ifor Sate, , Xthat valuable tract or parcel of land known j by the name of Nelvilte situHted in Boutli Joiina about two miles from Savannah. This L:t is wnsideretl ouq of the best for a Ihce plan- Lunin iia neighborhood, and contains Light |undre<d and .■.igltly-lour acres. It a' Mr MsYoimg. Gen. Huger, and Mr. Nicholas 4r. Persons who may wish to purchase will tame the premises, A good tittle will .be given iii.iiie times of sale will be *;PP :11 Liiu.uu be made to WM- MALLORY f Agent ot Hamlin Mallory lirjv 16 225 ' ■ • ' Vite’Public fR informed that the claim ot Hamlin Mallory to LheUict of land ir. South Carolina, called feliille, iiitow in a train tor Judical investiga- lon r until th a e termination which, some rink |illbfiuau'ied by those ^l) VWS VakaHe Proper Executive Department f (ieo. MtLLKDQEVlLL'E, 2lst Nov. 1823 ^\RnEttRD, That the subjoined Resolution he publisher] once a month. In eaph of the Qu eues of >tiis State, until the next General Elec- ►ion, ; , ELISHA WOOD, Stc’ry . . . 8KNATE, 12th Nov. 1823. ia desirable to ascertain the wish- * oftlie citizens bf this state, as to the mode ot Office of the Marine and Fire In surance Company, SavsHxaii, 4tli February, 1824. LL persons are hereby cautioned against re ceiving or negociating. S J. Bryan & Broth- [ cceptance, of F. M. stone's Draft, in favor of I of thin state, as to,the. mode ot ■nosing Mectora of President and Vice Presi <Wnt of the United States s _ _ . ot KfHngham County, for leave to sfcll a tract of lam lying indhe, ppqiotymp Henry, belonging to. th estate of F.ipanuel Ruhn, late of Elhngham count, lecd. for tile benefit of the heirs and creditors said estate: * i . , v,..i : butt Adm'uistrator iuly2 5 256 ,> ,'t • i .i. y made to the honorable the Justice of the In ferior Court of Effingham County when sitting fo< onlinary puiTJos'es, for leave to sell, one tract o' land laying in the County of ^Effingham,containing two hundred acres unjoining Jenkins laud, .i|s<> the half of a tract of land of three hundred acres of the undivided estate of Nuncy Blare, also one rapt of land seventy seven.number, twelfth dis- He., of Hall County, Georgia, being the real eif ati. of William M’Cahagan deceased and sold for (lie benefit of the heirs and creditors of the de ceased. v JOHN GRAHAM, THOMAS HURST, Executors. sent 23 *285 , „ |.>,>i<ui\—Chatham Uoun.y. ToHlI whomit ojjfINE .po'itlis alier date, l shall apply-to tin; I vJTmay concern. Whereas, John Dillon, exe- Honorable Justices <>f the Interior Court of | cutor of Michael Densler, applies to be discharged Effingham County,' for leave to sell all the real I from the executorship of the tald estate, estate of James Porter, late of said county deed. I Now these arc therefore to cite and admonish fur the benefit of the heirs jnd creditors of sain J all and singular the kindred and creditors of th>. 't-g'stc.tes who shall preside at the several Elec nous to be held In the liflbrent counties of this State for the choice of member* of tlie Legists. 'ure, at the next General Election therein, to [ propose (o each,and every voter at, the time ,ol receiving his vote, whether he desires that the choice of said Electors ahpll be confided to . the people or retained by the Legislature, and to re >)iiest suc.h voter to aighifY such desire by en dorsing on Ins ticket, the wordPeopleot LcgUia- lure, according to the truth of the fact; and on counting out the ballots, to annex to the return of the said election by them so transmitted t» the Executive Department, a true statement of the votes to given, to the end that the same may be laid before the next Legislature by his Excelled cy the Governor -And be it further resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby requested to cause this resnliition to he published.without de lay, in the severnl Gazettes of this State, and to I continue the said publication once a month, unti | the next General Election Read and agreed to unanimously. THOMAS STOCKS, President. I fn the House of Jiepresentatlves, 14th Nov. 1823. Read and concurred in. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker. Approved, IBth Nov. 1823 G. M. TROUP, Governor. {.. City herifF’s Sales; On the first Tuesday in May next, W LI. be sold in fro> i of the Court House, in the city of Savannah, between the usual 3 J Bry.«n, payable in sixty days from 23d No I hours of 10 and 4 o’clock, vember,. 1823, tor tour hundred and fifty dollars, I All the Stock in trade of Hector M'Ponald, as the said acceptance is the property of this com., consisting of Hard Ware, Liqusrs Ue. levied on as pany snd has been either lost or improperly taken I the property of Hector M'Donald to satisfy an away. I execution foe rent, in favor of the trustees of Mrs GEO. SCHLEY, President. SG Jones, 1 fck 5 28 I Also, one negro woman named Suky, levied oq Vjjice of the Marine and Eire -la- 2SK Court of Common Pleas and Oyet surance Company, I and Terminer for the cjty of Savannah, John D Savannah, 5ili Feb. 1824; 1^‘ , _* T HIS Office will insure cotton between Augus-1 . A ’?° al L“ ,at lot . of I 81 " 3 , knbwn in the plan, ot ta and Savannah, In boats of the Steam Moat Company, at one quarter of one per cent premi nm, and merchandise at one quarter, to one hall icr cent, according to circumstances. On pole bqatsplying fktwcc.n said places, one halfpercent, and upwards will be charged, agreeably to the condition of the boat and the character of .the patroon. GEO. SCHLEY, President. fi b 5 c*28 <«ac Youngi between 21 or 22 years of ape, five feet four or five inches high, stout well made, dark complexion, right fore finger first joint off* A reward bf Five Dollars for her..apprehension, or Twenty dollars if found {whoped on convictioni .the is Well known in and about SaVannah, she has since her absence had a phild—runaway tome time in January last. JAB. SANDERLIN. april 2, . 77 • ,. , . ; Administratdr’s Notice. jTJERSONS indebted to the eatate of Robert estate july 15 .156 W.G PORTER, Admiiiiati'-utor. \ late of lobn Eppinger l,sq. deceased, are r>- luested to present them duly attested, and those ndebted, to make payment. H. B. EPl'lNGkit, Exrx. - JAMES EI*FINGER, Bxor nov 28.. <M226ta said deceased, to file their objections (if any they nave) on or before the 5th day of June next; otherwise letter* dismissory will be granted to the [applicant - , / ' Witness the Hon. J. B. Williamson, one of the Justices of the said court* this 5th day of Dec. A l) one thousand eight hundred and twenty three L. S. , S. M. BOND, o. c. o dec 5 »«■ "ir, T88* GeiRTgia—lil persons having demands against the estate _ Robert Worrall, jun'r late of Savannah, wiFplease present them properly attested—and those indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment. PHILIP nuASCII, , . .... Qual Executor, nov 8 > 210 October, 1823, JOHN CHALTON, o.o.o,x, c. 90 .... net 4 or Sale. HE subletiber o'tlers fbr>ald mf tiropert in Darien, Molrftbsh County—consist mg nl fiv-. Iwtefif Lotx-fih&tedibqfie- turn dligibip quarter if the city for husinesaof avefy deScriptihn- . Alio, Five Bay Io>u immediately back of those lelbrementimjeil, and’divided from them by ** trettoi -W feet. Alio, one third part ol ft‘Whaff Lot, in this city, coramohly called Rices Wharf) with improve- m County, To. all whftm it m»y conconi, W HEREAS Utniel Mullet, administrator . Gideon Mullet, deceased, has applied to »’;e court to be discharged from the administra tion aforesaid. Now these are therefore to cite ami admonish II and singular the kindred and fteditore bf the vj>d deceased, to file their objections (if sn? they have) in my olfioe on of helore the 2d. day of A- INK months after date hereof »ppliciUinilA\-il I pril otherwise IpUera tfisjniissury will be x be made to the Inferior Court of Chatham I granted to'he applicant. -- county for leave to sell a tract of land dra>vn bv | Ciy«irum|6r my band aftd seal this 4lh day of Thomas Capps deceased in the la(e Laud Lotte ry, situate and being in the .fifth district of Mon- roe County and kno if hy the number -14, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said Thos. Japps dec. . JOHN MOREL, Adm’r. *sept 6 7 , . . Assize of Bread. The uVertige price of Flour being seven i.illara per barrel of 196 lbs, the weight ot bread the present month must be as follow-, t 12A Cents Loaf 2 In II oz. 6| do do .. 1 lb Si oz. • If which all Bakers and sellers of Bread will ! take due notice, * JNO. I ROBERTS, City Treasurer. march 5 IB24 53 ~ Administrator’s Notice, „ k y - P ERSONS indeb ed to the estma of Maiy Hall : f f' n l ^, by llie > W ’ r deceased, are requested to make immediate|J * na v . , • . payment, and those having demands against n ■ state, will present them ptoperiy aliestdd, wi' 1 the time limited by law. WM WILLIAMS. Administrator. {| feb 2 , -w 8$ lent*. For ItBiI, Wood on parliculirs enquire of Thomas M. Wc Eq'r in Savannah, or the subscriber nIsland. ; . •' t: ! £ »’ '’ii CHARLES B. JONES, nov I *218 Notice. Very valuable tract of L».nd in Liberty conn. *iy,siUutc on the gunbury Road, two miles ElorsiiUortj-rlto a,^ and a* well caleoU 1 tor that culture *nv land iu the county i condition* are low and reasonable t tliere are r[* te r " seventy and eighty acre* cleared anil lImi ^ there ii also a good dwetuhg Rouse, n, i >11 uer.esary our buildingv on the premises, s,; r . ti!le * WW be given to, the purcliater, |°[yti^&rkncei lying on said land. • For further i, l ‘'^ ulaMft PpIyti>cspt. Jo*. ibu&$ in Liberty luu, ‘ty, otto • *>:■ iv! J V - t . .. EDWARD B. BAiiEB, owner to McInMi county. L*«R 16 (feiik, ■■ titioners,] and/ ses l' L \ I 1 mi- ^dcmpl 1 ] ■ooitli* 11 ^ und on mice i •d. And.I J ,ts at m opy > j ct'ti' es • its pi' 8 ". 1 ". ; ordered I ,-ES 'iBimfits 'afterdate appScafion will 'be ■e run,* 9 of jSebr&ia for tSSS&Pl** NuscrtifiSS issued by kite I ym bank, for two hirndred aJwu-ea Sit T *M»I Rani, etw/diw ia the l^ eoltne Oiiardiana'tif S»wk H Gtfcert, WM u Glt.«HllT, # fniirt6' mtiiiq-skf -.7 f, *viug riewsodsagattast i!u: ofittouvmty o“” L L deceased, writ reader tnemtt ■VwSSt.I those indtbieni ut (tie mil enisi.‘- Mliup.r e tMjitwid theetvf ta Georgs W Irsliam county, officl«rd M v , ft W e !i, 1n °y ui i*». 4»Avaai»sii, who ore dtdy «4tomceiVo tite. -mut. *U7,A AKIN, Ado**, mrsj H. McAfXlSTHfi.- AdmV, fvriNE months alter date application; viU b« il made to jfie Justice* of the Interior Court of the county of Chatham, for leave to sell a tract of lurid, in Habc'riham county, (2, No. 56) the pro perty of Caroline l’rocuaor an oVpha'« • 1 NA THANIEL LEWIS, Guardian. dec 26. • , . §257- ■■ -. ;y LL personajare oauiioneo in receiving in any SJ*manner or .paying any consideration for a cer- aih promisory note, drawn by F. M. Stone, in fa- vor of Jho I. liters of order, fw twelve juijiqred mllars, dated 20th Nov. 1820. piivablt tikiy da) a after date with interest from tliedktc, <nd Indoia ed by tljeasid. Joo. I. Roberts, and .defitjered to me. The snidnj _ e original note isiiuif PETBR SHICK dec 18. -. Ai.243 ■ i. -•} Executpr’fi ^ojiice, JaL persons Jijdelut d to the estatu pf t(ie |Vt Dr. Robertworrell# Jr.are requested tonjak , Administrator’s Notice. LL Person* having deitianda against the'es ._*,tate of Luduwtck Shultz, latu of Cbathan comity dec are requested to present them to the subscriber duly attested^, within thd time presori l>- >-d by law, and those indebted ore requested! V make payment to 1 151 PUBLIC SALES. Uanaway, the city of Savannah as lot No six (7) Columbia ward, subject to an annual'group'd rent to the Corporaiion ofahe city of Savannah, With the im provements thereon, bounded' W by lot Nn. five (5) E by lot No seven (7) S by a lane' North by Broughton st. levied on as the property of John Moved, to satisfy ap execution from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the | city of Savannah, James Fowler vs, John Morel. Also, all the bail dings on the western third part of lot No two *2) Jtkly Tyihing. Darby Ward, and alto all the buildings in lot No. forty (40) Warren Ward, bounder! north by i’ lane, south by .AIIOM the subscriber, ■ Negro woman named , _ . 4 . Eliza, formerlv the property of Benedict and I Rpoughton st. E by lot No. 39 thirty nine, W by ■ * — r *— J - - 1 Lincpln-st. levied on as the-property of Charley H- Hayden, to satisfy two executions for rent, the Trustees of the Congregational church or Meet ing house of White Bluff and Jno H Berthelot vs. Charles II Hayden, and also to satify two execii- lions from the Court of Common pleas and Oye£ and Terminer for the city of Savapnalh, Jno P Williamson vs. C H Hayden, and James Wells vs. same, A-1. D'LYON, c.s. april 3 78 City Marshal’s Sale. On Tuesday the third-of May. YTr7lI.iL be sold in front of the'court nonrn^ be* V? tween the iisuAI hours of 10 and 3 P M. the following prbpetty, jf the fines are not - paid before that day. . v Those two small buddings on the west half of lot letter R. situated in that part of the city for-' - - u J merly called St. Ggll, how Ogletborpd ward boun- Tbe Augusta Chronicle, will publish the above | f S by lot letter F. west by 4 icd a week for three months and forward thqir 1 N . b y? u levied upnn as the prop- - * - • - » erty of Mrt Mary Garnett to satisfy two fines im posed by the Mayor ahd Aldermen of the city of Savannah uponfierintertaing negroes on Sundays Also, • small building on lot No 32, War rep ward, bounded E by. puce St.’ S by a lane, W by lot No 31 and N by Congress St. levied on as the propkrty of 'he estate dl' Peter Favard, to sadc. fy a fine imposed by the Mayor and Aldermen Dregfiorn, (late Merchant, Augusta), deceas ed, are requested to make immediate payment to thesubtcriber in Savunnah, or to his uttorney Mr, GEORGE WRAGG, jun. in Augusta, orstiits will be commenced indiscriminately, and those who have claims upon said estate are requested to present them properly attested^ , . WM, TURNER, Admr. _ je Aucrusta Chron'u nned account to this office, lit 18 few 196 Superior s Couftt^Clfittldeh C61jnty March Tbuii, 1824. William Berrie IaIiiv PkvSrfmaVdw ' 'Hulejr is 1BH . , , city dred Dollarv, payable with interest From the Sate 1 «_ JYL, on the first dwy-of January then n-xt insuing, did | ^jrriUbc s^ld ir. fSnt of the wuri House be- morignge ojhesaid Hem bn heirawnd .atblgns, \V tween 10 and^ o'clock, the following pro- Vt^ecpre the payment ot the note aforesaid With I per ty„if the taxes are not paid before that dav Wg-wffe M Lo y t Noll.SiCutaejSaSfu^Slrd^by ngf with the -nargiu attached-to tfie.same bnlqi outfi shfis-of fitMarys hr Bay Belijr b pufiar? the year 18 amnuift tax ^42 Alto, one building on the southeast corner bf, lot letter A l)-.u-b> ward, levied upon as the pro. “ * “ "sfyihia city tax, for ?! 81 and cnat- -. , . . , ^ ...... buildings, Warren wnt-di whose hens I gQ gy go feet, bimnded east by Fjice St. south By kl ’i'll i Congre** S,t, west hy jqt No22;anih northby », SSSS I Julian St, levied upon as the property of Jose, march 3, LL. persons 1 k Robin AARON CHAMPION. . (iual.: Adm'i .j mrrt: the estate of Dithieji ns, (carpenter) latte of Savannah, tlecisai-] ed, are reque*te4,L?rMMk¥4be flfene t _apcUU who|i Rave liquidated th^abtepqnfs with Tiiomas Ho bins, asidmirustratdrtWsiud .f-sate'arefiu'bid pay-; ^nie .toj>n)other tfattfa faysa’C, sj»l«a«^he| |wiL80N FULLER, ; Adm!r, eStafo of Daniel Robins i&feb.. d flit -a I? • 0 ,1 -i ■, .PERSONS having demands iigUinst the. [esiaVe X of Jsftee AaiJersun, late of Augusta deceased, are requested to present thtelr eSalms properly ui tested, and those indebted to make immediate p^mentto jogN .BALFOUJB, W . Administrator. " 1»0i d-QTte \.Dr. Robert 'Worrell, Jr. are requested to njukei iramediate payrtient wi Mr.dftefsWn, orto 1 P HILIF BRASCII,!Qual. Bx*or. N. B. Tlip accounts if not paid sliortiy will he -.1 iced in the hands bf an Attorney.for collection, jan 0 4 P EKSON'Sh ! bf ate queried esent them duly .briber, ndkll indebted- to make- immediate pay- merttlk r ' . f. 1M.1H. M’ALI8TER,«Kx , r. j nirv * , ■■ ; NOTICE. ; mt'.RSONS indebted to Estate 'of Allen MT Denmark, dec . -•? requested to im-; Mediate, and those hioupg demands said estate Will present them property at* tested within tlie timte llmitei] by lakr. ' \ i\ROBERT BURTON, ndm'br MARY HENMAK, adm'rx, j ... .1 .. Bulloch Cty. on saul mortgage the sum of Five Hundred Dbl- •biff, f ith int^r^t.fiom the. 1st January 1822, aud prayipg for the. foreclosure of the equity of rei demotion, lirtfiesaid .Tolih Christoplier, his heirs and assigns In the mortgaged remises and that the satofe'be foreclosed according to law. On motion l•fBelton.A Uopp, attorney for pefioner, it is or dered thafthe pyipcipal and interest due on the ■uii^l mortgage together with the costs of his ap Scant* |>e .paid thio this court within twelve , nibntHii firm this date, otherwise that the equity tX/lLL be sold at the Court Hofisv in Savan- 01 redemption ot the said John Chrisiopher his Vi iiah, between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock; ibeirs lExeculors, -Adminwtratofs and assigns be I * Five negroes, ‘Cesser, ilanhah, Joe, Ruth; tromtbenqeforeverforecloseiland that such other ] a „d Harriet, upflgr a fi .fa bn fbreoosiire in favor procedj.iga take placp >uu,re p ursuan( to the stat- of Davies and Berrien, sgaiuat Joaepii C. Haber- utgr^Andri isiurtber.nrdered. that .tius rule be aliaiti.' . published in-one «f the G ZettU eT this state* si Also, two very prime negroes, Solomon and twee'a month.lor tui e >r^ igopt hs to the time j j 0 |j„ r levied on as the propercy of Jno. M'on.ack, oinfed for file payment of,said money nno ho satisfy .an execuuon in favor of Henry M'Alpin ‘against Jnp. Womack and Win. M Craig. — a-,.-i fc , v rrJ P , SP e, ‘ t y ot Joseph A 5coU, to satisfy his rity tax for tile year 1822; amount tax fill 6k und cost. Also,;one negro’ woman named named Doraj leyied on as the property of Samuel Rus-elJ, to satisfy his city taxes for the years f820,1821,1822 and 1823, amount Tax £41 31 and costs FM. STONE, cm. april 3 . ..78 Sheriff’s Sales. On the Jfrtf 1 Tuesday in May next. Court.’ A true extract from the minutes. ; JOHN BAILEY Clerk. 'HJtfrm, iOth Mar eh, 1824 'april 3- ISAAC. D’LYONi Y8 ' 'Sheriff fs‘Sale. Ibb 'se’ . 48 having any demands againstutite _ (estate of Thomao Lucena, Sate of Chatham CflWiMLlttRZMSU Uffi rsquested to present the BUM dm’ etteefed !o IhAkibecrber and Ih'ose n- telvtedtosaSd estop-, are required to mike pay. ,S'M: BOND, the Court '-atiOVa' 1 Lao)bri®i i ,0 e*ttue ot JUm* ■ C( l»esi?i. >Ui Ciberty county, <it&ejMe*f, 1 ledt > mAe,» M& &ricpayim:ut* and ettfjtc, '-ttii within tint time pee- j rnent wMsoipAmy to • 0* r A;-*J ^ 'Actinga'lm'r. C. T. A, of.etdmxy. - -ditai * ii gX mi^roHochs'i'a'sterdec ere vequteEted ito Sill (^ Prescribed by tsw, ai7d all ^etftpns indebteji to mri A 53 ■ f ' ■*yinb admr. JOS, L AW, flesiv* a elkimini 7 5b the ccucty of. Ediingham and ry . ’.x/,t of tide otate, who li .ve not returw 'irproperty w’th®receiver«-f tax uetume i __ year u»2d,toeoi»« forward and make the-, .•(iirouaor btfofs: ( -he fLM April nert-- btkejt»'ise they will be LmblMStaed. T * Wii. nPbAB, Brass dec 4 f Punted Immediately, 4 ■ Gtentletfian Wtell qualified to tieiich a School :TL of about .twenty-five Scholars, in a heal- e wtuaiiim in Dry an County ( His -alary wi ' be ^htintir^cV a^fiftjr ,dqllar^a. ye^japd.bvwd,; 'iiian M^VVh'ir, or^tlfe Hiyan County, march 9 »•».- • rq»56 t *>J "J 1' tiL persons having any demands ' , 5 ’X 'Geuige 'Heib, deceased, arft> requested to ' hand them" in duly attested, and those indebted to tus estate are now require d to jnak^. payment TreOERiCE HERB,, ■ ; MOSES CLELAND, ExeCutbre. jan SO ft.23 -' ■ . 't>thers*--t»nd further stating that fnere is fiow due land untMidtm . the said bond! and mortgaged he principal sum pf fpur hundred. dollars v.ith m terest i'rmn the,.sixth dgy, pt] ^une, .eighteio hun .. .notice. , inferior Court of Chatham bounty, when sittiug for ordinary paftpfq ea, for Iea4« to sell "an tnUBraci of. Lahd containing 1 two bumlred arid fifty acres, more or less, known aa lot No. \5 tifieen, in Ihe •ecunil mstrict,of Early .county, Georgia, being thterealestatetif Rolfert M. Durkte, dec. and to he ebkffor the benefit of the heirs and creditor* bf UwSkid'ditbeHsed, . AUGI)STD8)f»»URKtBi Adm?ar.»f R. M. Durkie, dec* 27 S . Wants a, Situation, \ man that is will acquainted biltli with the culture of cotton ahd rice, as .he,has been su -oral years fo that busineoa as an overseer, efn doymentishrachief object and terms will be Vri -y low. A line left at the post office dittei M. will meet with prompt atteutien. y jan 9 w Otvmfifst Tyclddy in May next, , \i , _ X be sold,before the couVt Ifouse, in Bui- fobh, county, between the usual hoursof awr 1 * * ”Tj fwo iiunilred acres of land, lying on Black ('.reek,.fiivi'ed'ohbyi virtue of an attachment, ss the P e .nipscy Sioindland, at the suit of I * itJibJr.onaj*- Su|)erior '(J6ufL---Chaitham, County. . . Mat Tkbm, 1823, Wafikm T. Witfaois,'} * T ‘ " '•i !»»:• >:0 C‘little JYisi, ' nPhcmas IU Broom. • ■ 4N the petition fif AVilliam T. Williams stat I _. that Thomas^, Broom,, by. his: certah !| Denipscy Si*ndU trifm'g obligatory,, bearing date on - the sixth daj j 1. rhomas. VV alers, and returned of Jrirtb 1882,ranowtedgbd hiiriself toXtl?®' iiVd firmly bound arid'-bbliged urhim 'iwtjiteptenu J ’ 'Also, 550 acres of lar.d and improvements, |evi- hum of eight hundred dollanl, conditioned foi- tht |J ed W-** the property of Safah Hallman, to - satis, payment ot the sum of fbur. hundred; dollars os; j >y. executions in favor of Archibald 1 ! ,ewis. or before the first day of Jqhe 1823, and tijat foi 1] Al -.o, a ti;act of land arid, innprovementsj lying the better securing to'Kira the payment of thiT'ri Mill Cre<k, levied nn ao thepuiper y ot Uc~ -ajd sum.of mnney, the said Thoinas R. Broom I Kecca Mikei, to satisfy executions issued a-ainal; bxibiB.pertain dee4: bf fRMgkgtBMHfngi'kven’l foseph Ilsgin, in favor of the state and County. I : dlBAMUELSLnTLR. sue. bprii& L i 4ytff> v l ). i y '-'Q-hy y£ ; ' JExedutprs bales. On the firstTuesday In May nekt. ^^^ILL-bteaold before Ojepduft House in Rice- tfi'- betw enthe lawfliJ Negro slaves; viz: ;child, Luke, Julyt, . finriev, nod JHant^R ;ind Rose her two children, 1'om and Arison— j Sold hy ohler. Df the Jtistice oftlie Inferior Court; pC Liberty, CouhU, for the Benefit of the lieira irid creditors of the estate of, Jno. F,. Fraser deed. ^ . v^flBEUT Mc'INTOSH, 'Expftntm .premises -| iOn mbtiori.of-‘Hribteiehwja, At! f tq«f wjptfipred*,. ithat; ■ th». jfrihet pal and iateresl, the said.mortgaged prft -iiU8bs,;togetjter with' the costsof this applic.atior -fie'liMd^^ihlx’cDui^ Withih twelve rooritliv fiforii thisf dale, of otherwise that the equity bf res .dcriiptionof the,'said.Tlfomas Ri. Broom in the said piprtgaged ^ premisgs ,.l>e from thenceforth fsreclosed, and that such .further Aind other pro ceedings thereon; fake place as may be in piirsu ance bf the statute ip such .case, made and pro vided. And 1 it is further ordered, that .this rule be piihlished'in one Or trioi-e Of the Gazettes, of the city of Savannah, once, a month, for twelve months previous to the time appointed for the payment ot the said money, or that acopy there- of, be curved Upon the said .Thomas R. Broom $ lekstrix moutbc hcjbie the expiration oftlie said time. • - . -' v .” • ; • fc&uWt iMri the minutes, , . x JOB T XOLDE3, cterk xnarchA Executor.' Tobacco and May. li PL Hhds prime IAnf Tobacco ‘ 1 100 bundles' Hay GEb. ft ) ) V. 100 btindtes Hay For sale by ' H . feb 26 ui /x.46 A i " : -—7 'irtMilrftR R. CLINTON,, having petitioned the .. ft Hori, the Court of Or'din-ary of Bryan Coun ty, to direct the Executors Cf Godlulf Smith,'dec. to make him title to a certain Traet of Land lying, in Effingham County, and he having' produced a bond given by the said Godhilf Snfitb, to make title fur said land. All persons interested, are therefore request ed'to take notice, that the said Executors, will be directed to make titles, »f no objections are ft ted within the time limited by law. JOSHUA 8Mim