Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, April 09, 1824, Image 1

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■ ' '•• .. ■<;:■■ > '•>. •. ■..-- v ;* . .• • s ->iU • , • \ . • • • * N« 83 LVol X HL FlilDdY ETEMNG, AVlilh 9, 1824. Whole No. 44G5. HOUSES, LANDS, &C. To Rent. T „P whsrf Lot No. 6, Reynold Ward. known " Ancmu*** wharf. Possession given the ^rf^mber-Apnlyt. r >. jggj,. -VINE months after date appiicition will fo- * made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, whet* sitting for ordinary pur poses, for per-nisssion to sell the following real* .-state, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of N. S. Bayard, deceased,' viz: One undivided fourth of a tract of Land, contain- ingabout 500 acres, on Cumberland Island, Cam- tun County, known as Plum Orchard—andanuu divided fourth of a certain Taact of Land situate on said Island, containing about 500 acres, origin inemuawiuu v ,.„ .ally granted to Gen, MMfbUnd,,Mfclntosh, and J lo inform the public generally, and funded on the south by the said Plum Orchard 'Ifllj jfCySltrnfoSfto JjKi * P , lant n i0n , C ? le u I -° ( Uery “ a, ' sltU h ate 0,1 i j . ... 1 the Ogeeohee Road, 3 miles trnm Savannah, con taining about 600 acres. . i N: J. BAYARD, • - Adm'rEst. N. S. Bavard. nov tO 211 ATHENS HOTEL. The subscriber takes this meth- try who may visit the up country in health or pleasure, that he will ac I ’"'gentlemen and ladies, or families with the day, week, or month, On easy terms. S fed be recommendation of A- H, either in regard to the healtlifulness of the 1 , .Inbritv of atmosphere, or agreeable and $eu»?«qcietyj in all these particulars it sUnds r The ibUowing will be the rates of charging, viz. ' Man and Horse, per day, » \ •; ,, u « t‘ per week, 1 50 „ w « “' “ month, fiinvle man, per day, . t, « « week, „ •• 11 month, pinner, breakfast, supper, Sic. Loiginfr, Horae, per day, ; « « night,. *; month, 1 25 1 00 5 00 18 00' 37 £ l 2 * 75 50 12 00 iaK matilhl' -diet;• Wfto. I a Ml apply toyfo iLs| Honorable Justice or the Inferior Court ot | Ktfingham Cojinty, for leave to sell a tract of land lying in the county of Henry, belong-*,*> to thi estate of Emanuel Hahn, late of Efiinghum count) deed, for cite benefit ofihe heirs and creditors o 1 said estate. JACOB GNANN.jr. Administrator july'25 256 7iu<7 Executive Department, Geo. I Office of the Marine and Eire In- millkdgeVille, 2ist Nov. 1823 surance Company, In') HD EKED, That the subjoined Resolution be I Savahsah, 4th February, 1824. published once ji month, in each of the Qi> I /\ LL persons are hereby cautioned against re* zcitesol this State,until.the next General Elec* I dnJkceiving or negocinting S. J. Bryan & Broth-1 t,on * I -.i h’ acceptance, of P. M. Stone’s Draft, in favor of I Attest, F.T.TSHA WOOD, Sec’ry. I S. J Bryan, payable in sixty days from 23d No , IN SENATE, 12tli Nov. 1823. I rember, 1823, for four hundred and fifty dollars, | „ H * HEA3 . lt ' 8 desirable to ascertain the wish- | as the said acceptance is the property of this com- PUBLIC SALES. City heriff’s hales. On the first Tuesday in Muy next, , W LL be sold in fro- t of the Court House, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 and 4 o’clock, All the Slock, in trade of Hector M'Doitald, Consisting of Hard Ware, Liqusrs We . levied on as Children ami .er.aiiL, ha ^£^ E H Av os. sept 30 188 INE months alier oaie application w »-l lx. a. 1 maderto the honorable the Justice of the In ferior Court of Effingham County when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell, one tract of land laying in the County of Effingham,containing two hundred acres adjoining Jenkins land, also the half of a tract of land of three hundred acres of the undivided estate of Nancy Blare, aUo one tract of land seventy seven number, twelfth dis- es ol the citizens of this state, as to the mode of I pany and has been either iost or improperly taken I the property of Hector .vr choosing Electors of President and Vice Fresi I away. I execution for rent, in favor o dem ol the United States; GEO. SCHLEY, President. 1 “ ° * Be it therefore resolved by the Senate and House | feb 5 28 «iice 0/ the Marine and Fire In- Magistrates who shall preside at the several Elec- I 8UranC6 Company. 1 . n ‘ he r ,lifter f nt fc0 r U , n ,! ieB r 'Of -H ,i8 Savannah, 5th Feb. 1824. f. *', ‘"g* n*v.r° f me , ml i. L ; rS f th , e , Le - B,S, , a ' T ,H,S 0ffice w '*» injure cotton between Angus- t General Election therein, to 1 ta and Savannah, in boats of the Steam Boa. LeSvfn, , d if V B ry \ oteE at . lhe :««• Company, at one quarter of one per cent premi ehow ?• h • i S : vhel ,e f, l ‘ e de3ir ' , 8 to* IS! and merchandise at o choice of said Electom shall be confided to tlrt people or retained by the Legislature, and to re quest such voter to signify such desire • by en dorsing on his ticket, the word People or Legitla• ture, according to the truth of the fact i and on counting;out the ballots, to annex to the return of the said election by them so transmitted to the Executive Department, a true statement of the votes so given, to the end that the same may be laid before the next Legislature by his Excellen cy llie Governor. And be it further resolved. That his Excellency one quarter, to one half condition of the boat and the character of the palroon. . : -« GEO. SCHLEY, President. feb 5 cw28 * Ranaway, F ROM the subscriber,a Negro woman named Eliza, formerly the property of Benedict and . . . * , Isaac Young; between 21 or 22 years of age, fivfe the Governor be, and he is hereby requested to | f ee t four or five inches high, stout well made, dark Beni _ , . . I I unuui IBIIU Dtvtmv DiiTwu vwx.niu i rr;'The Editora of the Augusta Chronicle and I ^ 0 y y a || County, Georgia, being the real Rsvannah tlepiihlican, are requested to give two I ta ^e of William M’Guhdgan deceased and sold for insertions a month, until thr 1st of Inly next, and I ,j, e benefit of the lieirs and creditors of the de * .Acnnnl* fn Allmna 1 forward their accounts to Athena. To Rent. The Store corner of Drayton atyd tiny streei next door to Mr. TruchelutX* | * la! a superior stand for! Applj to * net 21 , Grocery Store T. BARTOW, . Orleans Square. | ceased. sent 23 •285 JOHN GRAHAM, THOMAS HURST, > Executors. cause>thii resolution to be published without de lay, in the several Gaieties of this State, and to continue the said publication once a month, untL the next General Election. Read and agreed to unanimously. THOMAS STOCKS, President. In the House of Representatives, 14th Nov. 1823. • Read and concurred in. DAVID ADA'MS, Speaker, Approvedt 18th Nov. 1823. G. M. TROUP, Governor. •'.\frlNE. months at\er date, ( .-thall^ til. Hone for Sale, or to Rent. t Twu neat tenements', with com I Portable out buildings on Lot No. 21, j estate \ i L t Warren ward, lately the property of J A Scott, Esq. Apply to D. T^ Kalh Sav- innah of Honorable Justices of the Inferior Court of Effingham (bounty, for leave to sell all the re- estate of James Porter, late of said county deed for the benefit of the heirs^nd creditors of sair^ WILLIAM POPE, & May River. So. J I en. Cs. july 15 156 W.G. PORTER. Administrator, oct 29 201 ^t A. pprsWMf liavuifj il-.uj.iuds. (.ggiijst ui^ # E:- 'Land and Negroes for Hale. A HANDSOME property, unincumbered, con- sistinv of t .ana and Negroes, together with mock of every kind,, and the growing crop, a. irounting in all to about 12 or 15,000 dollars, ■situ ate in the upper country, and well calculated tor a country Store—the soil well adapted to the cul- tivation V Corn and Cotton, is oftered for sale on SStSSS (..per, well «cu,ed. .ill I «*» be taken in payment. * 1 For further particulars, apply to the Editors ot Jie Georgia Journal. • jpjtine 19 145 . tate of John Eppinger r.sq. deceased, are n (uested to present ihem duly attested, and thovr ndebted, to payment# H. B; EPPINGER, Exrx. JAMES EPPINGER, Exor. nov 28 jM226fa mtnr ol Michael Densler, applies to be discharged L , from the executorship of.the said estate. I GEORGE Now these are therefore to cite and admonish ^ commenced indisenminately, and those „n»I —j ^ , on lowest half of all and aimruhi-the kindred and creditors of tli. I have claims upon said estate are requested to I 'nose iwo small mniuings on me west nait or uia.singuiarniwKinurea anacreairora orriitj * llo-Ielter H. situated,in that nart of the city for- Mid deceased, to file heir objections (if any they. P r « 8ent “'em properly ^tU. I m ca „ e(1 St _ 6 ,„ nw Oglethorpe ward bmm- have) on or before the 5th day ol Jutie next, Chronichs wifI nublUVthr above I l,ed “ b 7 Laurel-st. S by lot letter P west by n "Scant*: let,Cr9d,8m, ^ 930ryW '^ UbeB ' ! *"^ cdtotlle |-0B?:4mS^ P™P»- Witnesa the Hon. J. P. Williamson, one of the j \ l.l. persons having demands against the estate of. Robert Worrall, jun’r. late of Savannah,_ will please present them properly attested—amt those indebted to said estate, are requested, tr, nov 8 210 PHILIP BRASCH, ■- Qual. Executor. Eor Sale, A LL that valuable tract or parcel of land known by the name of Nelville situated in South Carolina about two miles from Savannah. This | tract is considered one of the best for a Rice plan, tilinn in its neighborhood, and contains Eight | hundred anil eighty-four acres, ^adjoins Mr. rbomas Young. Gen. Huger, and Mr. Nichola Cmirer. Persons who may wish to purchase will trsmine the premises, A good tittle will be given ] md *he times of sale wilt be reasonable. Apply v INE monUis-after-il*Ui.liereof.qpplicaUoii wd A be made to the'Inferior Court of Chatham County for leave to sell a tract of land b< Thomas Capps deceased in the late Land Lotte ry, situate and being in the fifth district of Mon rue County and kno v n by the number 44, for thf benefil of the heirs and creditors of the .till Tims Capps dec. (J JOHN MOREL, Adm’r, sept 6 7 sitionto be made to onv 16 225 WM. MALLORY Agent of Hamlin Mallory; The Eubtic I S informed that the-claim of Hamlin Mallory To Hie tract of land ir. South Carolina, called Nelville, is now in a train for Judicial mvestiga- lion, until the termination of which, some risk will be incurred by those who may purchase. . WM. L. UAVIbf dec 2 237 Valuable Property for Sale. T HF,subscriber offers for sale his proper!.in Darien, McIntosh County—consisting of five Wharf Lots, situated in the most eligible, quarter I ' of the city for busiues-; of every description. I Also, Vive Bay Lots immediately back of those - belore mentioned, and divided from them by a treet of 40 feet. Assixe of Bread. (gf The average price of Flour'being seven dollars per barrel of 196 lbs, the weight of bread the present month must be as follows: 124 Cents Loaf 2 lb 11 oz. 6j do do- lib 5J pz. Of which all Bakers and sellers of Bread will (uke due notice. JNO. 1 ROBERTS, City Treasurer, march 5 824 53 ... Administrator’s Notice. P ERSONS indeb ed to the estate 6f Mary Hail deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, ajid those having demands against said estate, will present them properly attested, withi ! the time limited by law. WM. WILLIAMS. Administrator. feb 2 85 Administrator’s Notice. T K< BtUl 1—Chatham County. To all whom it Donald to satisfy an of the trustees of Mrs S G Jones. AUo, one negro woman named Snky, levied on as the property of David Irvine, to satisfy an exe cution from tile Court of Common Pleas nnd Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah, John I). Colt*, vs, David Irvine. . Alio all that lot of land, known in the plan of the city of Savaunatfas lot No. six (7) Columbia vard, subject .to an annual grot nd rent to the Corporation of the city of Sav inr; h, with the im provements thereon, bounded W by loi No. five (5) E by lot No seven (7) S by a lane.North by Broughton st. levied on as the property of John Morel, to s.uisty an execution from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah, James Fowler vs. John Morel. Also, all the buildings on the western third pars of lot No two (2) Jekiy Tythllig,' Darby Ward, and also all the buildings in lot No. forty (40) Warren Ward, bounded north by a lane, south by y Eliza,' formerlv the property*tff Beirtdict apd I Broughton st. E by lot No. 39 thirty nine, W by v-,,-#. s-tu,;... ci J.... n r..n. Lincoln st. levied on as the property of Charles H Hayden, to satisfy two executions for rent, the Trustees of the Congregational churcn or Meet ing house of White Bluff and Jnn H Beri helot vs. Charles H Hayden, and also to satify two cxecu*. lions from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah, 1 no P Williamson vs. C H Hayden,and James Wells vs. asme.’ • . r. -!/vyji AadL’ f , A. I.D’LYONf c.s. april 3 78 City Marshal’s Sale. On Tuesday the third of Jttuy. ■YTTILL be sold in front ol the court li t re, be- W tween the usual hours of 10 and 3 P U, the following property, if the fines are not paid hign. „ complexion, right fore finger first joint off . A reward of Five Dollars for her apprehension; Twenty dollars if found harbored on conviction; I site is well known in and about Savannah, she has [ since her absence had a child—runhway some time in January last. JAS. SANDERLIN. april 2 77 Administrator’s Notice. P ERSONS indebted to the estate of Robert Dreghorn, (late Merchant, Augusta), deceas I til, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber in Savannah, or to his attorney Mr. WRAGG.jun. iif*Augusta, or suits will I L* r ? proi iced indiscriminately, and those who | l ‘ lat d *7- . . # • ... I I hnco turn omn liistices of (lie said court, this 5th day of Dec. A D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty three. L. S. S. M. BOND. o. o. o, dec 5 132 * It. account to this office, net 18 fcsil96 Superior CourwCamden County \ Mahch I ibm, 1824, William Bcrrie ■<». >JZufeJV* is John Christopher.. erty of Mrs Mary Garnett to satisfy two fines im- nsed by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city oi avannah upon her intertaiqg negroes on Sund.iys F Also, a small building on lot Np 32, Warren ward,* bounded E by Price St. S by a lime, W. Ly. lot No 31 and N by Congress St. levied on as the jroperty of-htjestate of Pefer Kavard, tc aatia- !y a fine imposed by thf. Mayor and Aldermen Georgia!—-Effingham County.^ To all whom it may concern, 1 M I of the chy of Savannah, ngsinit said estate fiu one W HEREAS Daniel Mullet, administrator f 0 N th e Petition of William» Berne, stating that 1 f h ^ s dHv - ■ ■ • ^ r eta Muiiei, k-d, m .ppiied t„ h ssJaastaSAeassBLsstx 5 . >.- f «■ *«*»..». Hie court to be <li.di.rped from the .airmittr.., I ? en - be i n B S' 1 '?*?.““JI*"'* lion iforesaid P , • ' 1 in a note of hand, dated St Marys m said counlv, Now these are therefore to cite and admonish, °. n October 1822 in (he sum of Five Hun. .11 and singular the kindred and e. editors of the d « d Dollara payable with interest from the date said deceased, to file their objections (if any they on4be th , e " " , * u, . n &!. d,d nave) in my office on or before the.2d day of A ?1 mortgage to the said Henry; hia heirs and i;fcigns, pril next, otherwise letters dismissory will be april 3 78 granted tq'he applicant. -. .-,..i - ~ ^ v. - .. :—s L.u-. no Ii, unu ouuuings, rranaun vraru,mj In- Given tinder mv hand and seal this 4th day of I WfJ* aforesma being part of lot No. 1, beginning I %f eet Bounded east by lot No 12, south by Hi v. . . ^ I fit Ihft WPMI cnrnpp nt n lot h»* Wino’iiicr to nno Uni. I n. * ... /a « . . . 3 J * City Marshal’s Sales. On the frst Tuesday in May ne rt, W ILL be sold in from of the court House be tween 10 and 3 o’clock, the'follo'Jring pro- loaecm-e uiepaymern or tnc note aioresani rani p t - r iy, if the taxes are not paid before that day. interest km the same-a certain lot of land in the | r L ' No n> and building J* Franklin ward, 4o by 7 at the west corner of a lot belonging to one Cal vin Hayes, thence ruhnirig south 100 feet on St. Marys Street, thence north to Bryant St. thence | I B .. T . I east t<rC Hays’Unte. tkehce miU) to the beginn- Vi INE moiiihs alter dale application ill bt* I ;„g, with the margin'attached to the same on the l7- made to the justices of the Inferior Court oh sou th side of StMarys or Bav St being a hundred October, 1823#.,,,,.^ a u W. , M)HN CII ALTON, c, c. o. e. c. oct 4 90 an St. west by ib^No 10 nnd north by a luqa, lc vied upon as (lie property of the estate of Thos. E l.Ioyd, to s:iiisiy i!;e city lax of said e tate for the year 1823; amount tax g4? 75 and cost Also, one building on the southeast corner of lot letter A Darby ward, levied upon hi ih^ pro-. tain promisory L , , , vor of Jno-1. Roberts ol-order, for twelve hundretHlsrS With interest Bom the 1st January 1822,iaiHI Also, one negro woman named named Dors, iollars, dated 20(,lv Nov.* 1820, payable sixty days praying for .the foreclosure of-the equity of re-1 | e y ied on as t i,e property of Samuel Ru«selL ul after date with interest from the date, and jndors.'l demption, in the said John Christopher, his heirs I salisl y )ds city taxes for the years 1820,1821. 1822 ed by the said Jno. I. Roberts, and delivered to l '-»d assigns m the morigaged remises r.nd that the I and ys23, amoui.l Tax 441 31 and costs ...» TL.. ! 3 ... i« L... _ i i . _-l I enino nu o /»#» mpHihO tfA'l.iiar An mnti/it. 1 . " ■ne. The said note having been lost, arid renew- I same be foreclosed according to law. On motion ed since by the drawer. The original note is nuiV I <’f Belton A. Copji, attorney for petioner, it is or. dered that the principal and interest due oil t|ie ] Mild mortgage together With the costs of hia up licants be paid into tiiis court within twelve months from this date, otherwise that the equity I of redemption of the said John Christopher his beirs^Executors, Administrators and assigns be [ and void, dec 18 april 3 78 F. M. STONE,, cm. St.2-13 PETER 8HICK. Executor’s Notice. ^Lh persons indebted to the estate of the late uSheriff’s Sales. On the ‘first Tuesday in May next. W ILL be sold at the Court House in Savan nah, between thU hours of 10 and 4 o’clock;! Five negroes, Ceaser, Hannah, Joe, Kuth,' I ’ v 1 r O I 1 Its IICJJI'JCOj vj i Jo 'ly l f ti i ii m 11| il Or | Iiulll| Dr. Robert.Worrell, Jr.’are requested to make I from thence forever foreclosed and that such other I and Harriet, under a fi fa orf forec osui e in favor fv LL Persons 'having demands against the e; tate of Ludowick Shultz, late of Chatham Also, one third part of a Wharf Lot, in this city, 1 C(mnt y dec , are requested to present them to tl.e (commonly called Rices Wharf) with improve- subso riber duly uttested, within the time prescrib. trieiUa. For particulars enquire of Thomas M. Wood* Stans- Esq’r. in Savannah, or the subscriber ort Wilmington Island. „ CHARLES B. JONES. cov 1 f218 • '- ■ • :u ws* f-'Notice. ..-ha'W * •» d V • - ed by law, and those indebted are requested t<; make payment to . »-w-\ • ; ... -.. - AARON CHAMPION, march 3 *1.51 Qin.I.'Adip'r. LL persons indebted in,the estufe.of .D.vpi; ( t Robins, (carnenter) late of Savannah, di-cea- ed, ;<ie requesied to aellle the same, and all who ip. ■■■■ wri ^ ■■■i o dy .erson whd has been authorised to settle said estate. f v |WlLSON FULLER, / Adm’fi estate of Daniel Robins feb 18 i.+3 , — orougli, - „ hundred and ten acre sTIiis land is very valua Me tor cotton, rice and corn, and as well calcula- ted tor that culture,, as any land in the county; the conditions are low and reasonable; there are between seventy atid eighty acres cleared and under fence, there is also a good dwelling house, ..~ .r. ...... shvin „ deman ,i s adainst the esuti SjlgWjwj*°«}'hfildit'K* SJotLHHEJSS* Pof James Anderson, late 61 Augusta deceased, no inriLa Ul CS T j be giv ^n n( i iS,,. further 1 > r e requested- tu present their claimsiproperly at 'j™, taSS? “^*“i “-»«•«»—*—*« l 1 “ y “ , “ t0 JOHN BAl.rrtUil. EDWARD B. BAKEHr^i owner in McIntosh county* .jug 16 ' iNotice. T HREE months after, date application will be fade to the Bank of the State of Georgia for tjie renewal of a lost certificate issued by the GAliiernf said bank, for two hundred shares of 'he capiial stock, in said Bank, standing in the name of the Guardians of Sarah H. Gilbert. WM. G. GILBERT. SARAH-H1LLHOUSE. , . Guardians, .jnn 21 »(cm16 ALL persons having demands against the et> jRAtatc of.Fleming Aikin of the couiity ofChaij ' 1 “ nn > planter, deceased, will render them in duly and all those indebted to the said estate feb 7 ■ .Administrator- NOTICE. 4 LL persons having any demands against (he \ estate of Thomas Lucena,. late qf Chatham county deceased, are requested, to present tile s ime duly attested to the subscriber and,those in- [.lebted to said estate, are required to make pay ment without delay to s M BQND> i Acting adm’r. C. T. A. under orderlof the Court of ordinary. ■ u - • ■ -!-• ''' feb 9 i%, 31 ■ ' " . ll persons having demands against the estate AV of Wm Hochstrasser dec are requested to pre «„, immediate payment to Mr. R> erson, or to ’ PHILIP BRASCH, .Qual.Er’or, N, B. The accounts if not paid sliurtly will be placed in the linndsof an Attorney for collection, mn 6 4 iii-ocedings take place as are pursuant to the slat-, j 0 f Davies and Berrien, against Joseph C. Haber ute—And it is further ordered that this rule be | 3 | iam , Also, two very prime negroes, Solomon and FJK.RSONS'having demands againsie the state ■I of *-•’at e Matthe\*McAlister, Esq. are:i'e- -pieated esent them duly attested to the sub; crjber, nd all indebted to,make immediate pay- ment to'V- i M. H. M’ALISTER, Bx*r, j ■ mv '.".r „■ published in one of the G -zeites of this state «t least once a month for twelve months to the time appointed for the payment of said money into Court. A true extract from the minutes. JOHN BAILEY Clerk. Jefferson, 16(5 .March, 1824 •Superior Couri- NOTICE.- P ERSONS indebted 4b the Estate of Allen Denmark, dec. are requested to make im- n. diate payment, and tho.te having demands •“**'** Ii groggy Ht- William T. Williams, vs. Thomas R, Broom, the petition bf vJ r *Hfif -Chatham Count). Mat TbuM, 1323. Rule Akt. Iru ■Willi illiam T. Williams stat ng that Thomas R, Brbom, by hia -certuii ■ 1 ' ‘ “ “ '*■■ writing-obhuaiory, bearing date on the sixth day of June 1822, ncknowledgea himself to beheld | and firmly bound and obliged in him ih the pent! sum of eight hundred dollars, conditioned for th< payment of the sum of four hundred dollars o-, ..vww „„ J or before ihe first day of Jqne 1823, stld,that for . ,, “ * 7 ’- I ibe better securing to him the payment of thv > t Ceinlem(.n w -aid sum of lnoney,_tbb said Thomas R. Broom adm’or. MARY DKNMAK, ndm’rx. . Bulloch Cty.- " 'Wanted Immediately, „ ' .... W>. *L of. about twenty-five Soholai-s, in a heal- iiln'f . . . ;V,.;-i, a .,u I by his certain dsed of mortgage .bearing even thy situation m Biyan County His d y te with the said bond, had mortgaged to hin torn hundred and fifty dollars a yeaf, and board, M ^ |ot or cel of lalld in C1 count 'Sl»"g an;l kwlging. En l'ur" o B'C Rev. A ..- 8t lc afo , e9ai j, known in the plan of the sail. ?» W or toe subscriber, ' ; n county as!Garden, lot mimter eighty,,,(80) east, Biy.un County. JNQ, J. '1AXW ELL. I containing^ eleven and one half acres more or march y , Ap5t> I less, bounded on the north by the' Thunderboli demands against J, ,ibH and lands of James Bilbo, on'the south by are requested to J hmib of John Screven, and on the . west by « t LL, persona having any i y\. George Herb, deceased,',i I■.... .1 a I. .liil.* i*t i /aid . I cani I road leading to lands of col. Jcqsca Johnson am others—and further stating that there is now due and unpaid on the said bond and mortgage thi principal sum of four hundred dollars with in terest-from the sixth day of June, eighteen hun [ .. --a?— --■* hand them in duly attested, and those indebted io his estate ave now required to make paymen V j FREDERICK HERB, MOSES CLELaNI), •?' Executors. ; iah SO fi.23 ——■ XT „ rrT/ -, ; - I sure of ahe equity ot. redemption ot the sai Ny 1 iLlj. ’ J Thomas ii Broom, in and to the said mortgaged -r^lNE months after date, application will hr I premises On motion of 'Habersham, at rney •aivs made to the honorable the Justices of the I tor the petitioner, it is ordered, that, the princi- Inferior Coqrt of Cbatlmin county, when sitting | paUnd interest due on the said mortgaged pre- for ordinaiy.purposes, forkeave to sell all that tract 1 miaes, together with the costs of this application of Land-containing twb hundred and fifty acre>•, I oe paid into this court,' within twelve months ... l 1 .... moIaI M« 1C Rrinnr, six I this rlotc* nr'iillu-ruiaf- tllflMhp FGhitv-nf TPK "nd all those indebted to the said estat. I . h )aw and a l| persons indebted to. more or less, known »s lot No 15 fifteen, in the j I'ro.n 'his date, or otherw ise that the equity ot res mplesse make payment 'hereof to George W. 3 are reauestedto make immediate pa -econd district of Early county, Georgia, being deniptionpf the said Thomas R Broohi in the r'CMIistei-„f w H». 1 sfua " ,v - .imjo unDiiimM the real estate of Robert Al. Dttrkie, ciec^and to I said mortgaged premises be from thenceforth ^ A 1 ' lstei 'of Bryan county, or Richard W. Ha- Huth atn * allorne y at law, Savannah, Who are duly wined to receive Ihe same | me-nt to march 4 52 JAMES MORRISON, !. j j n ir < -Qtliil.ladmr, ts«V 29 ELIZA AKIN, Adm’rx. GEO. H. McALLlSTBU, Adm’r. 28 ' . indebted to the estate of Janie Me t bright, late of Liberty county, deceased, those l ! Ue8tKd t0 make immediate payment; and deiminds against said estate, will scribes by La* e| ' a *! y utte **® d within the time pre- JOS. L4W, Sen’r. qualified ex’r. !«n 22 The Subscriber “ v I-VAKES this opportunity of informing the re- j presentatives of the estate of John Beck, .h-ceased, as well as all other persons claiming property in the county of Effingham and re SK Srt of the state, who have,not returnee their property to the receiver of tax returns to' he vear 1823, to come forward and make tliei eturn on or before the first day of ApVil next- o-Uerwise they will be double taxed. ■ * WM. SPEAR, ht n u c 'de* 4 *§251 - h . li.esold.for the benefit ofihe heirs and creditor.- of the said deceased. AUGUSTUS F. DURKIE, Adm’or. of R. M. Durkio, dec. 27 ,2 (.«!,'<■ ^ Wants a Situation, foreclosed, and that such further and other pro c>. .-dings thereon take place as may be in pursu ance ol the statute in such case made and pro vided. And it is further ordered, that this rule be published in one or more of the Gazettes oi the city <;f Savannah, once a month for twelve iribnUis previous to the time appointed for the John, levied on as thepropercy of .Ino Womack,, to satisfy an execution in favor of Henry M'Alpin ’ against Jno. Womack and Wm. M. Craig. ISAAC D’LYON, s.c.c. april 3 78 *■■ --^'♦a^^rlj^eriff ’s' Sale. On ihe first Tuesday in Miy nxt, W ILL be sold before the court liuusc, in BhT#^ loch county, between the usual hours of- sale. - Two hundred acres of'land, lying on Black- Creek, levied > n by virtue of an attachment, as the- pr 'pepy of Dempsey Standland, at the suit of - Thomas Waters, and returned to me by s consta. hit. Also, 550 acres of land and improvements, levi-. ■d on as the property of Sarah Hallman, to satis# ■y executions in fa-or of Archibald Lewis. ALo, a trac: of land and improvements, lying. •>p Mijl'Creek, levied on as the proper y of Re becca Mikel, to satisfy executions issued a ainst ioseph Hagm, in favor of the state and county. SAMUEL SLj.1 LK. sbc. W april 2 77 , . Executors bales. , On the first Tuesday in May next. , W ILL be sold befor, the Court House in Rice- boio,^ Liberty County, bet.wen, the lawful Hours of Fale, the following Negro slave's, vi z; Adam, Linda and Jack tier* child,'Luk>-, duly,! , Mutilda, dally, Sue, Fiai.k, Jinney, and Hannah STB Rose her two children, 1‘qm and Anson Sold by order of the Justice ofihe Inferior Court!'- of Liberty, County , for the benefi of the beiiB .md creditors of the estate of Jno. E Fraser deed.’ ROBERT Mc'lNTOSH, march 4 52 Executor. Tobacco and hay. . ff'Hhds prime 'Lipf Tobacco i. t/ WO bundles Hay GEO. 100 bundles Hay' Fur sale hy *-b 26 h 46 - - l > > N. ployment is his chief object end, termLwill be v iy. low. A line left at the post office dirr^tc^tfi V. Mi will meet with prompt wfy . jan 9 'f- Extract frifm the! minutes,J-. , . i. JOB T .BOLLF.S, clerk » -m W m, Notice. , R. CLIFTON, having petitioned -he. Hon. the Court of Ordinary ol Brysr Coun ty, tp direct the. Executors ot Godbilt Smith, dec. to make hilli title to a certain Tract of Laud lying in Effingham County, a,nd he having produced a bond given by the said Godbilt Smith, to :; title'for. said'land. ,. , All persons interested, are therefore request ej |to take notice, that the said Kxecu’ors, •wii! fio directed, to make titles! if no objections are hie.'; within the time limited by law.. JOSkUA 8Mri'rt>‘ ,| feb 14 * »